• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Joining the Texturing Contests - A decade too late!

Level 25
Dec 30, 2007


After taking a trip down memory lane, I began looking through all previous texturing contests held here on the Hive. Predominantly, because I needed something to do and I thought to myself; why not “join” these contests now? Of course, we are a decade to late, but for my own entertainment, this could be real fun!

Below is a table containing all previous contests, with links to the contest threads, polls and etc. There’s also a table within each contest for “belated entries”, where finalized content will be posted. Personally, I’ll try to do the contests in the right order, from Footman and forward. I’ll try to stick to the rules proposed for each contest, but if need be, I’ll diverge or maybe even skip specific contests if they do not inspire me.

And please, if you feel like tagging along, just start posting your WIPs and when finalized, I'll add them to the belated entries! Or simply take a trip down memory lane and look through more than ten years of Warcraft 3 related modding!
- Arowanna, March 10, 2017.


Texturing Contest #01

Texturing Contest #02

Texturing Contest #03

Texturing Contest #04

Texturing Contest #05

Texturing Contest #06

Texturing Contest #07

Texturing Contest #08

Texturing Contest #09

Texturing Contest #10

Texturing Contest #11

Texturing Contest #12

Texturing Contest #13

Texturing Contest #14

Texturing Contest #15

Texturing Contest #16

Texturing Contest #17

Texturing Contest #18

Texturing Contest #19

Texturing Contest #20

Texturing Contest #21

Texturing Contest #22

Texturing Contest #23

Texturing Contest #24

Texturing Contest #25

Texturing Contest #26

Texturing Contest #27

Texturing Contest #28

Texturing Contest #29

Texturing Contest #30

Texturing Contest #31

Texturing Contest #32

Texturing Contest #1 Footman
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"For this contest you will have to re-skin the Footman model. There is no specific theme."

The contest started January 26, 2007 and ended February 25, 2007.

Dragon Warrior by Kimbo (a.k.a. Werewolf)

Belated entries






WIP | Final

Working on it.

Texturing Contest #2 Racial Conversion
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"For this competition, you are required to modify the texture of an existing model within Warcraft 3 of either the Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead race. You must then reskin the choosen model into another concept from any of the 3 other races. (For example, if you choose an Orc unit. Then you must reskin it into one of the 3 other races)"

The contest started March 21, 2007 and ended April 21, 2007.

Night Elf Priestess by camel's_hump
Night Elf Stag Crusader by Kimbo (a.k.a. Werewolf)

Belated entries







WIP | Final

Working on it!
WIP | Final

Working on it!

Texturing Contest #3 Demonic Units
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"For this competition, you are required to modify the texture of an existing model within Warcraft 3 (model selection is optional). You must then reskin the model of your choice into a demonic being."

The contest started May 22, 2007 and ended June 22, 2007.

Dennedar the Lasher by Denu
Moloch by Dionesiist

Belated entries




WIP | Final

WIP | Final

Working on it!

Texturing Contest #4 Chaos Warrior
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Each contestant must create a skin for Whitehorn's (Horn today) Chaos Warrior model. The model and skin are attached to this post."

The contest started August 6, 2007 and ended September 1, 2007.

Gladiator by antihero
Wookie by Dionesiist
Ominous Purple-ish Blue Blob by SuPa-

Belated entries





WIP | Final

WIP | Final


Texturing Contest #5 Halloween
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"Each contestant must create a Halloween themed skin. Be it a vampire, the Frankenstein monster, etc."

The contest started October 23, 2007 and ended November 21, 2007.

Pumpkin Lich by NiRVaNa_87

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #6 Northrend/Icecrown
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Each contestant must create a Northrend/Icecrown themed skin. Can be a Death Knight, Undead creature, or some sort of creep that would be found in Northrend/in Icecrown."

The contest started January 11, 2008 and ended February 12, 2008.

Ice Demon by TDR

Belated entries


Texturing Contest #7 Holy/Angelic
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"Each contestant must create a Holy/Angelic themed skin. Can be a angel, Paladin, or some sort of holy creature."

The contest started March 11, 2008 and ended April 11, 2008.

The Judge by Darkholme
Archon by Dionesiist
Holy Warden by ike_ike

Belated entries



Texturing Contest #8 Fiery Demonic/Fire
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Each contestant must create a Demonic/Fire texture, this can be a molten dragon, a scary demon or a Fire Mage. The texture must fit the themes of either Fiery Demonic or simply Fire. Dark Undead demons not acceptable."

The contest started June 27, 2008 and ended July 18, 2008.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #9, but in actuality, it was the 8th contest.

Azmodan, Lord of Sin by Denu
Maulock the Fallen Angel by Dionesiist

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #9 Arcane
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"Each contestant must create a Arcane themed skin. Can be a arcane construct, a sort of sorcerer, etc."

The contest started September 01, 2008 and ended October 01, 2008.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #10, but in actuality, it was the 9th contest.

Elf by Dionesiist
High Elf Sorcerer by A.R (a.k.a. AnemicRoyalty)
Revenant of Purpleness by ike_ike

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #10 Opposite
Contest Thread | Poll (N/A) | Results (N/A)

"Contestants are to make two opposite textures. You may use the same model for each texture or one for each, whichever pleases you most."

The contest started November 2, 2008 and ended December 2, 2008.

Note: This contest never had a poll due to the fact that Dio was the only one to finish the contest. Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #11, but in actuality, it was the 10th contest.

Doomguard & Sea Giant by Dionesiist

Belated entries


Texturing Contest #11 Archimonde
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Each contestant must create a skin using the Archimonde model. Can be anything really."

The contest started January 24, 2009 and ended February 24, 2009.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #12, but in actuality, it was the 11th contest.

Archdeeeeeemon? by ike_ike
Glazeroth, Demon of Ice by FrIkY
Protoss/Zerg Hybrid by A.R

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #12 Naga
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"Each contestant must create a Naga themed skin."

The contest started April 6, 2009 and ended May 6, 2009.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #13, but in actuality, it was the 12th contest.

Naga Predator by 67chrome
Naga Batrider by Dionesiist

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #13 Dionesiist's Model
Contest Thread | Poll | Results (N/A)

"Each contestant must make a custom skin for this model."

The contest started June 23, 2009 and ended July 20, 2009.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #14, but in actuality, it was the 13th contest.

Fel Warden by 67chrome
Zeratul by Just_Spectating

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #14 Futuristic
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"This contest will focus on creating units that look futuristic. They can be purely mechanical, look like time travelers, be organic weapons, essentially anything you can convince the contestants and judges is futuristic."

The contest started September 20, 2009 and ended October 20, 2009.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #15, but in actuality, it was the 14th contest.

Renegade Cyborg Mutant by Kwaliti (a.k.a. l0w_kwaliti)
Wasteland Mutant by Pyramidhe@d
Fuchikoma by A.R

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #15 Nature
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Welcome to the texturing competition #16! Your goal in this competition is to choose a wc3 model and skin into something naturey! Be creative! Good Luck!"

The contest started January 2, 2010 and ended February 3, 2010.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #16, but in actuality, it was the 15th contest.

Cursed Trespasser by Red (a.k.a. RedShift)
Corrupted Druid by Mr.Goblin

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #16 Buildings
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Buildings is the theme for this contest, with the purpose being to increase the resources available for buildings. So with that in mind, if ancients are skinned they should still work well as a building, or anything else that is relatively building-ish you can't stop yourself from skinning. I'd say structural doodads are fair game for this contest as well, as long as they bare some resemblance to a building (aka no arches)."

The contest started January 2, 2010 and ended February 3, 2010.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #17, but in actuality, it was the 16th contest.

Baradin Bay Slums by Red (a.k.a. RedShift; resource has been deleted, refer to the Results thread)
Church of the Holy Light by Kwaliti (a.k.a. l0w_kwaliti)
Throne of the Beasts by Just_Spectating

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #17 User Interface
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create a User Interface skin. Contestants may use any race as a base."

The contest started October 12, 2010 and ended December 6, 2010.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #18, but in actuality, it was the 17th contest.

Undead UI by Kwaliti (a.k.a. l0w_kwaliti)
Construction Machine UI by Pyramidhe@d
Cave UI by 67chrome

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #18 Golem
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"An artificially created being brought to life by supernatural means, or a mechanism that can move automatically. Further details in the rules."

The contest started January 24, 2011 and ended February 28, 2011.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #19, but in actuality, it was the 18th contest.

Mountain Legend by shiiK
Renocraft by -Grendel (a.k.a. Ampharos_222)
Rock Elder by Ganondorf

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #19 Melee Heroes
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to completely re-design a melee hero in the game, a list of these units can be found in the rules. The outcome still has to belong to the same faction, and suit the role of the original hero. You may alter the race of the unit as long as it belongs to the same faction."

The contest started June 8, 2011 and ended ended July 10, 2011.

Note: Links will lead you to Texturing Contest #18, but in actuality, it was the 19th contest.

Troll Farseer by Stanakin

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #20 Custom Models
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Make a custom texture for a custom model (suggestions) available in our database. Do whatever you want with it as long as it complies with the rules specified below."

The contest started August 25, 2011 and ended September 25, 2011.

Nobleman of Westermar by M0rbid
Demoness by shiiK
Portal Pot by ike_ike

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #21 Creep Warlord
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Upgrade a creep unit to a top tier instance of itself. Further details on what models you can work on and what you can do with them in the rules."

The contest started October 30, 2011 and ended November 30, 2011.

Faceless One Predator by M0rbid
Razormane Charger by Mr.Goblin
Bandit Lord by 67chrome

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #22 Troll
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Make a custom texture for a troll model. Transform it into another kind of troll (Jungle, Forest, Ice, Dark, Sand or Zandalar) or do whatever you want as long as it stay being a troll. You may also base your troll on any other in-game model!"

The contest started January 21, 2014 and ended March 3, 2014.

Mummified Troll by Red
Dwarfed Troll Geek by UgoUgo
Pirate Troll Lord by Just_Spectating

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #23 Dark Entities/Revenants
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create a creature of darkness, be it a void walker, shadow elemental, skeleton, risen dead, revenant or a necromancer, as long as it is obviously shadowy and dark."

The contest started September 26, 2015 and ended November 23, 2015.

Blood Mage by -Grendel
Revenant by morbent
Dark Sinister by ~Nightmare

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #24 Diablo
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create any creature, being or character from the Diablo franchise. Anything from Deckard Cain to Adria is a go."

The contest started January 31, 2016 and ended March 21, 2016.

Girswold by Just_Spectating
Diablo II Sorceress by Apheraz Lucent
Diablo III Monk by ~Nightmare

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #25 Drow
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create a skin representing a dark elf(drow as they are otherwise known) person/being or any construct related to it using the vanilla models or the custom ones found on the site."

The contest started June 28, 2016 and ended August 15, 2016.

Drow of the Talon by Traggey
Dark Elf Outrider by A.R
Dark Elf Messenger by ~Nightmare

Belated entries

Blood Raven


WIP | Final

Working on it!
WIP | Final

Working on it!

Texturing Contest #26 Gothic
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create a skin representing the gothic clothing, gothic fiction, architectureor related to it using the vanilla models or the custom ones found on the site."

The contest started March 2, 2017 and ended April 20, 2017.

Gothic Warlord by A.R
Gothic Warrior Poe by Just_Spectating
Darksteel Warden by ~Nightmare

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

WIP | Final

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #27 Mechanize/Curse of Flesh
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create an inorganic unit, and make it as organic as possible, or vice-versa. Examples of this concept being the vanilla Flesh Golem model. Other takes on this theme can include the Iron Vrykul or Titanic Keeper being turned into the fleshy one seen these days. Vanilla and custom models found on the site can be textured to achieve the desired concept."

The contest started November 8, 2017 and ended December 29, 2017.

Cyber Naga by ~Nightmare
Ancient Rootling by Arowanna
Droid by Mr.Goblin

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #28 - Swamp Dwellers
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants are to create a skin representing a swamp dweller, basically a creature that lives in a an area of muddy or flooded grounds (a morass, bog or marsh) using the in-game Warcraft 3 unit models or a custom-made model found on the site."

The contest started April 23, 2018 and ended June 10, 2018.

Swamp Hound by Arowanna
Mucklebone Bastard by Ungoliath
Druid of the Swamp by Chen

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #29 - Old Gods
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Create something that resembles the Old Gods of Warcraft universe - C'Thun, N'Zoth, ... and/or their minions."

The contest started July 20, 2018 and ended Septermber 15, 2018.

Archbishop Benedictus by PrinceYaser
Silithid Ambusher by Arowanna
Qiraji Guard by Wildfire

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #30 - Mythological Characters
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Texture an ingame/custom model that resembles a character from any Mythology (Norse, Greek etc)."

The contest started March 24, 2019 and ended May 14, 2019.

Bastard Spawn of Hakkar by Arowanna
Lilith, Mother of Demons by PrinceYaser
Artemis by nightelfbuilder

Belated entries

Placeholder Slot

Nothing yet.

Texturing Contest #31 - Repurposing (Custom-Made Model)
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"It's time to dig through Hive's model database and dust off some oldie but goldie models! Contestants must retexture a completely custom made model (including the texture) found in Hive's Classic Model Database. There is no restrictive theme otherwise. Let your imagination set the limits."

The contest started May 1, 2023 and ended May 30, 2023.

K'Nawa by ~Nightmare
Footman Warrior by Footman16
Blitzworgen by Vinz

Belated entries


Texturing Contest #32 - Final Form
Contest Thread | Poll | Results

"Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into its elite counterpart."

The contest started July 6, 2023 and ended September 11, 2023.

Primalist by TheZodiarch
Terror by Moy
The Warbreaker by PrinceYaser

Belated entries


WIP | Final

• If you find broken links or links leading you to the wrong page, please send it my way and I will fix it.
• If you find pages I couldn’t find – such as result pages for earlier contests – just send them my way and I will add them to the table.
• If you want me remove links to your content or profile page, contact me and I will remove it.
• If you have the time and willpower, collecting all judges for each contest would be an interesting addition. I will try to add this in due time either way, but it will have to wait for now.
• Belated entries are sorted by date of completion.
• Currently, the WIP links refer to the first WIP posted in this thread.
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Texturing Contest #1 Footman





Revenant Minion


I'm losing my patience with this, I'll call this "final" for now. @Heinvers, I did try the rust idea, but I couldn't get it right. This will have to do for now and I gimped out on the shield, it was driving me insane. I'll also increase the orange intensity of the rims, to give it a more golden color at a later date.

There's still a couple of more things I want to change and fix, but I need a break from this one.
Revenant Minion


Details and slightly duller colors! Removed the skull from the shoulder pad, couldn't get it to look good. Anyway, clean up remains, but this will have to be enough for today.

I'm open for suggestions regarding the damned shield and sword!
Revenant Minion


Quick update. This wrap though...
Revenant Minion


Quick blockout, just trying to get an idea of how the awful footman wrap works. Best part, without question, is the fact that the hand is a part of the face. I understand that back in 2000, this must have been some of the first 3D work some of the guys at Blizzard did and errors are to be expected. But some of this stuff is unbelievably bad and the footman wrap really stinks.

I stole the sword design from Chaos. Might change it later, but I really dig it.


  • Footman_WIP_001.png
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    415.1 KB · Views: 3,882
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Well made so far :]

Haven't seen someone try their version for each contest that we had. It may be too late to join those but the exercise is never in vain. I'd go for a more golden looking trimming if I were you.
I'd even go for a more rusty look for the shield(could even be TC'ed) and the helmet parts.

Intending to upload them when you think they're finished?
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Well made so far :]

Haven't seen someone try their version for each contest that we had. It may be too lat to join those but the exercise is never in vain. I'd go for a more golden looking trimming if I were you.
I'd even go for a more rusty look for the shield(could even be TC'ed) and the helmet parts.

Intending to upload them when you think they're finished?
I agree, they look more like bronze than gold ATM, I'll adjust that!

The helmet for this wrap is amongst the worst crap I've seen, I've no idea why you'd unwrap something this simple in such a way! End of whine, back to topic; my brain melted at rusty TC, I've no idea how to accomplish that! But I'll give it a try, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow, going away today. I did however fiddle around some more yesterday evening - read midnight - with the shield, but it's so tiny and even that simple unwrap is stretched! How do you manage to stretch something so simple?! I tried turning the entire shield into a skull and some other stuff, not content with any of the outcomes however!


It looks stupid, so I won't be using this. But might as well share it, as it looks so damn "silly-happy" and gave me a laugh!
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Texturing Contest #2 Racial Conversion




Ancient of Mumu


Finally, an update for this sucker! Moved over to 3D Coat and the headache of shitty unwraps quickly dissipated. Not really, the UV still sucks. Anyway, revamped most of it, part from the weapon which remains more or less the same. And I changed the eye color, to fit with the other ancients. By the way, it's rendered in 3D Coat for this WIP, so quality might be slightly bumped because of that. It looks okay in 512 but a tad to grainy in 256, I'll see what I can do about it later.
Ancient of Mumu


What a nice change of pace! This was apparently so much fun that I forgot to properly WIP it. I even went against my own tip and made tiny leaves in the process, something I'll fix later. Especially for the back, this will look cluttered in game. Longer, larger, better or something along those lines. And due to ADD, I'll start doodling for Contest #3 as well...
Ancient of Mumu


As the Footman is near completion - the shield is still driving me insane - I decided to doodle out ideas for the Racial Conversion contest. Just blocking out and trying to find the worst parts of the UV map. As per usual, the wrap is crazy bonkers and out right horrible at times! And just look at all that dead space, at least 30-50% of the texture map is unmapped, damn it. And they still manage to fuck things up here. The grey thing underneath the palette are the "soles" and they overlap in a weird fucking way, instead of just being mapped directly over each other. The same goes for the top-right thing, that's the top and bottom of the totem, skewed and rotated for no reason at all.

This is also throw back to something I made back in 2007-ish by the way; but I won't redirect you to it. My general stupidity and juvenile attitude at the time makes me cringe so freaking bad that if you're interesting in finding it, you'll have to do so yourself!


  • Tauren_WIP_001.png
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  • Tauren_WIP_002.png
    534.4 KB · Views: 3,605
  • Tauren_WIP_003.png
    606.4 KB · Views: 2,804
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I'm not dead! Not yet anyway!
Noice. It reminds me of shiik's mountain legend skin.

The bark could use some cracks around and the whole skin could use highlights 'round the edges.
Don't forget where the light comes from in wc3. Above :]
I'll get to it, hopefully this weekend! Reality has gotten in the way, but I'll get back to work soon!

This looks like a fun idea. I wanna join you!
Please do, the more the merrier!


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Wonderful idea! I have stickied the thread. Keep up the good work people! Keeping my eye on this! I love the fact that you guys start from our first Texturing Contest and so on :D

Also, as with all entries to Texturing Contests in generel, the final entry should be submitted to the Skin Section ;) And please include a link to this lovely thread.
Hell, we can even add a tag to the resource section that includes this event: Timeless Texturing! Only textures made for this event will be given the tag.

@~Nightmare Very nice! Looking great so far. Good to see you're using the WC3 Unit Wrap Compilation Project


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Indeed. I will get right to that :)

Also, how do you plan on working with the tip of the shield?

Like what @Arowanna did? Loving that shield btw Arowanna! And also, very creative sword there :)


It looks stupid, so I won't be using this. But might as well share it, as it looks so damn "silly-happy" and gave me a laugh!
No it really doesn't! You should use that shield design! It's horrifying, evil laughter. While the face of the footman itself is expressionless, the shield makes up for that! So exaggeration of the expression is perfect! And I'm sure it looks awesome from the ingame camera view.
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Level 49
Jan 25, 2011
I didn't quite understand which tip of the shield tho.

Also I agree. It looks creepy as hell, it just needs some refining. Making it more bony will be great I think. What I'm really bothered of is that horn thing on the shield, which I'm facing right now. It uses the some part of the armor as the wrap.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Hooray, participation! Reality got in the way again, I'll be back next weekend or something.

And regarding the spike/point of the Footmans shield, the brilliant people at Blizzard unwrapped it right in the breastplate - the front - for some unknown reason; the texture map has lots of dead space, so there's no reason for it. If one were to alpha it, there will be a gaping hole in the armor. I still have no idea how one is supposed to "work around" it. So @~Nightmare, I'd really advise you to work with the spike as you're progressing, before you settle down on a shield design anyway.

Damn, I really want a remaster of Warcraft 3 so we can have some decent UV maps to work with!

Noice. It reminds me of shiik's mountain legend skin.
shiiK, *grin*! God, I miss having those lads around..!

No it really doesn't! You should use that shield design! It's horrifying, evil laughter. While the face of the footman itself is expressionless, the shield makes up for that! So exaggeration of the expression is perfect! And I'm sure it looks awesome from the ingame camera view.
Hmm... I might go back to it if people prefer it, or just make two variants.

Hmm... intereshting, i might join but not now cuz i got exam
Take care of your studies first! And it's not like there's a time limit here, so take your time! ;)
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Level 49
Jan 25, 2011
Not yet though. I might remove some part of the armor since it will not be noticeable or just edit the part of the armor to make it look more like a tusk/horn. I will firstly, finish the look of the skin before jumping to think ways to fix the problem. And oh, the helmet wrap is so so and cannot be removed by alpha. :( Colors are still experimental and team color is unapplied (yet). I'll continue tomorrow and possibly post more wips or finish it.

Oh and @Arowanna. I am not @Wisdom :D
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Level 49
Jan 25, 2011


Shame on blizzard. How did the hell the right gauntlet uses the same wrap as face. :/
Also figured out which part of the wrap the horn is using. So, I'm planning to change the body armor and the color of the shield. Just a little bit of highlights and I am done. Will finish this tomorrow.

Finished it. Dragon Slayer
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I might join up with some Forsaken stuff for the first one. Hold tight to your ropes!
One of us! One of us! One of us!

On a more serious note, please do join Heinvers. As I said before, the more the merrier!

@~Nightmare, added Old Kaelthas to the table. And again, real nice stuff! As Heinvers said though, I'd also like to see the blue cape folds straightened out. I know, the UVs are stretched and it's a pain to fix... But it would look a lot better if fixed!

As for me, I'll try to get some work done today as I'm finally back home again! The Tauren texture shouldn't take to much time to clean up. Looking at it right now though, it does feel "flat"... And the Footman texture, I'll do some final clean up and call it "Final", I'm starting to resent the Footman UV map!

And as for the third contest, I think I'll grab the Harpy texture, despite the fact that the UVs for her is even worse than the Footman at places!
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Whoa, Misha's in da HOUSE! Check your SHIT PEOPLE! :-D

*mic drop*
Stop dropping mics and bask us with Forsaken's glory! D':

well i'm still unsure how it'll end up :xxd: what the hell was blizzard smoking when they made footman's wrap
Added to the table.

What didn't they smoke, would be my question. If you do manage to merge the gauntlet and face wrap, kudos! I really have no idea how you're supposed to do it. Remember, not only the shield-hand has the problem, small parts of the sword hand also has some parts attached to the face-wrap x'D

Keep us posted, Misha!
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
@aeman, would you mind sharing the unwrap with us? So we can get a full picture of what you're doing, that's all! :)

Regarding the team colored areas (shield, shoulder pads and boots), are you keeping the original layout or do you plan to customize it? You can customize it using the alpha channel. If you need any help, just ask, I think most of us are happy to help!

@Misha, this looks so interesting! Keep us posted, Misha!

I'll updated my stuff soon, but as per usual, actually finalizing is the hard part for me. The textures look flat and I still compare my stuff to erwtenpeller, antihero, AnemicRoyalty and company..!
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
This is a fantastic idea & a wonderful thread. Already you guys have produced some sick stuff. I love the idea of 'going back in time' to compete in Contests you never had a chance to.

In fact, it almost makes me want to do exactly that for old Hero/Techtree Contests, lol. More importantly, I wonder who would be most interested in doing something similar for Modeling Contests... What I wouldn't give...

Keep it up!
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