• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Texturing Competition #5 - Poll

Which skin is your pick?

  • Elenai's Gargoyle

    Votes: 3 6.4%
  • Nirvana's Pumpkin Lich

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • Technomancer's Demon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • thisruoy's Pumpkin Munchkin

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Inf3rno's Ogre

    Votes: 18 38.3%
  • Ice's Headless Horseman

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Mechmap's Villager Skeleton Costume

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Voting for Skinning Contest 5

The Hive Workshop


Texturing Competition #5 Voting

Contest Theme: Halloween

Each contestant must create a Halloween themed skin. Be it a vampire, the Frankenstein monster, etc. Vote for your favorite's now! Poll will be open for 15 days and close on December 11th

Vote for your favorite skin

Elenai's Gargoyle

Nirvana's Pumpkin Lich

Technomancer's Demon

thisruoy's Pumpkin Munchkin

Inf3rno's Ogre

Ice's Headless Horseman

Mechmap's Villager Skeleton Costume
Last edited:


Media Manager
Level 49
May 25, 2007
My vote goes to Inf3rno. Based on the following observations:
Elenai, your skin is interesting and has potential, but I'm afraid the Gargoyle model just can't show the details you've made. A nice skin nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck in the next contests.

Nirvana, wow, that's what I call a nice skin. Original, the colors blend really well and the final result is just eye candy. It's too bad that you didn't manage to fulfill your goals before the deadline, but still, the skin is very good quality.

Technomancer, I liked your idea of turning the spirit walker into a trick-or-treater. Although the idea was nice, I am not so fond with the execution of the skin. Unfortunately, he meat just seems too unrealistic.

Thisruoy, well, its a nice idea, but same as Elenai, the model is small, it's hard to see it well in-game. Anyway, it is a very good entry for a first contest. Good luck in the future.

Inf3rno, like I said above, you got the cake. The skin just radiates originality. It is well executed, its shading is awesome. Although I dislike the feet a bit, your skin still remains my favorite.

Ice, interesting skin. I really like the head, but the rest of it is just too dark... Makes it kinda bad looking in-game. The use of the beard is awesome.

Mechmap, funny little bloke you got there. Although the idea is funny and the Halloween spirit is kept, I'm afraid the skin is just too simple to compete against the more detailed ones. I'm sure it will find many uses, though.

>>In the end, I would like to say Good Job to all the participants<<
I vote for Inf3rno.

Elenai - as frostwhisper said, its this that in game, the details are not seen.
Nirvana - i like the idea, but i dont like the purple...
Technomancer - i woud vote for you, if Ice and Inf3rno did't joind! I realy like the spirit walker, who looks like a skinless demon now.
Thisruoy - as frostwhisper said, its this that in game, the texture is not seen good.
Inf3rno - wow! This orge looks verry good, and the texture is not simple.
Ice - You woud get my vote if Inf3rno did't joind. I like the fire on the horse.
Mechmap - too simple...

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Has to be the lich.

You've come a long way since our first competition Nirvana : P I'm still surprised my skin actually won looking back at it now. Blech.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I vote in accordance with the question of "If I were to make a Halloween based map, which one of these skins would I be most eager to incorporate?"

Something that tips the scales might be "Would this be usable in anything else?", and, of course, "Does it look pretty?"

The answer, for me, lies with the pumpkin lich, of which I was hesitant of voting for because I hate pumpkins with a passion, but found it nonetheless intriguing.

It's just interesting to see under what criteria do people go by.
Level 12
Apr 28, 2005
thisruoy stop spamming about how few votes you have.

Here go the critiques:

Elenai's Gargoyle - It really only looks like you made the gargoyle red and smooth. You should really go in and define shading instead of having it be so general. Also stop using dodge and burn, use the paint brush so you can incorporate more colors to make it less monotone.

Nirvana's Pumpkin Lich I like the idea and the shading, but like most of your skins, it is very monotone. I know you are capable of incorporating some colors in the shading, so do so:p

Technomancer's Demon - What this skin really needs is some sort of direction. It needs overall shading, not just shade each individual muscle, but shadows in places. When you don't actually have shading, like in this case, it makes the skin look flat on the model, which is something you do not want to happen. Also it needs something other than red. Maybe give him some clothes or armor or anything, just don't make the entire thing red.

thisruoy's Pumpkin Munchkin - Okay, I really like your concept, it was very creative and out of the ordinary, but you really need to work on the execution of it. Get rid of all the scratchy, black lines because they look really out of place and unprofessional. Stitches are not black lines, they can be any color, and they do not stand out like that. Next when shading things like the face for example, use bigger brushes for the general shading and then use smaller brushes. Also use harder brushes and higher opacities, this will really help you make it sharper.

Inf3rno's Ogre - Another good concept, but you went way too far with the dodge and burn to try to get the glow effect. It's a lot easier just to use the paintbrush because then you can change the colors so when the glow is less intense you can use a duller color along with making it darker, not just going almost straight to black. Also if it was glowing, then you would see the glow on the other parts of the body. For the head and the legs you should never use such powerful black lines for outlining things. At least use a similar color and build up the outline some.

Ice's Headless Horseman - More pumpkins and another skin that lacks shading. Most of the body and horse are just way too dark, you can not see any detail. Also you need to define darks and lights, not just do one or the other. Next time you skin, try to put in highlights and shadows to make it look more 3d, less flat.

Mechmap's Villager Skeleton Costume - I have nothing much to say about this skin, it has absolutely no shading, making it look like some sort of cartoon.

Well I hoped that helps people, remember if you think any of my words are harsh I'm only trying to help and be straightforward.
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