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Dark Entities/Revenants
Contestants are to create a creature of darkness, be it a void walker, shadow elemental, skeleton, risen dead, revenant or a necromancer, as long as it is obviously shadowy and dark.

- First Place: 40 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
- Second Place: 25 reputation points and an award icon
- Third Place: 10 reputation points and an award icon

- Each judge will receive 5 reputation points.
Shading ------------------------ 26/30
Concept ----------------------- 32/40
Details ----------------------- 24/30
Total of: 82/100, which is 82% of maximum possible score earned.
Very sharp and crisp presentation, but overall, the skin looks unfinished. The robe thingy you did absolutely kicks ass, but the most important part of the skin, which is the torso/head area, looks more like it's non-textured preview of something yet to be drawn. I do get the idea of voidwalkers and such, but it doesn't work here, especially when it's blended with such detailed counterpart in drapperies (robe).
The team color job is just amazing, both the gradent fading one (standing ovation for keeping TC away from outlines) and the rune on the back of the headgear.
Very neatly shaded, but the top of the robes could have used a bit more of a contrast in between golden outlines and the robe itself. I'd say it's a great start of a great skin, which needs a bit more work in the field of processing the idea. In theory, this would work, but the Lich model is too solid for this. Theme's been pinpointed tho, good job on that. The theme could easily been expanded by adding a mask on the face, which you could detail and thus get it all together, while keeping the concept pretty much the same. The purple body looks too substantial to actually work well.
Shading ------------------------ 26/30
Concept ----------------------- 36/40
Details ----------------------- 26/30
Total of: 88/100, which is 88% of maximum possible score earned.
Fantastical execution of the idea, and a stunning skin, but you were THIS close from making it too monotone to be fun. The robe is absolutely lovely, and I like the job you did on tricking the UV of the boots to give the texture more depth. But, you seem to have neglected the metal parts of the armor, mainly visible on the shoulder-pads, which seem rather lacking and plain. Also, there seem to be both golden and silver parts of the armor outlining, which I consider not a good thing to do (breaks the tri-color rule).
There's a thing that ain't quite fitting with the rest of the skin: the very bright (for this skin at least) cap. It could have been desaturated to not draw too much attention towards it. The rib-bone cage and the amazing quality of the face itself work wonders tho, I don't recall someone being able to pull out such a transformation on Kael model for a long time.
The eyes and the gem on the forehead could have been a bit more brighter, but they still work nonetheless. The face itself, though, is simply breathtaking. There's really minimal team-color here, and I think it's a shame, it could've used something to break the monothony of the skin a bit, but, really lively execution.
Shading ------------------------ 27/30
Concept ----------------------- 36/40
Details ----------------------- 27/30
Total of: 90/100, which is 90% of maximum possible score earned.
Incredible transformation of the sadly not enough textured model. The details on the chest and robe areas are stunning and surprisingly don't get lost in-game, which is a very rare thing.
The tentacle hand looks superb, great usage of model's base to work the theme by itself.
The face looks a little bit odd tho, and I believe it's mostly due to the forehead, you could've added a crown or something similar to cover up the nasty stretch area the model has. The bellow part of the belly also seems a bit odd.
The texture looks very creepy indeed, and fits the theme flawlessly. I like the way you desaturated the base red parts of the skin, which allows this skin to be matched with any team color and still look good. Also, gradient shaded team color is just lovely. The unit fits within the Warcraft shading style nearly perfectly.
Shading ------------------------ 27/30
Concept ----------------------- 37/40
Details ----------------------- 28/30
Total of: 92/100, which is 92% of maximum possible score earned.
Stunning execution with a bunch of details about - shame that some of them will be completely lost in-game. Color theme is fantastically chosen, and knowing how hard the Revenant texture is to pull out something new, you did a great job. Shading on the chest area is simply breathtaking, but the shield which has a slightly bigger texture area to work with, has these distracting thick outlines that don't look so good - they blob ingame and are completely lost, creating a flat surface on the model, which is also increased due to the fact that the shield is brighter than other parts of the skin.
Alphaing out the robe was probably an extreme pain to do, and I'd like to congratulate you for doing it in such an epic way, it really both looks amazing, and is still visible on small-scale model ingame. There's no teamcolor here at all tho, and I ain't sure how possible is to add it on Revenant model and this execution considering the alphaed robe, but I won't deduct you score for that.
Overall, fantastical execution, wraps very well on the model, but could use a bit of tweaking here and there.
Shading: The shading is strong with this one. Perhaps too strong in some areast, but I know that is your style of shading, but some parts that should be shaded more (like the armpit area and inside of the arms) are not, while others like the neck are complete black. The teamcolor is only on the shoulders, but it is well placed, and looks good with most colors. The skin fits into WC3 perfectly.
Concept: Transforming dudes like the Blood Mage into undead is an overused idea, but it always works well. There are many interesting and creative elements here, like the thingy behind his head, the hoodie, the chestplate and especially the cape. While adding alpha to the cape was a creative idea, it does show some model artifacts around the arms which were not meant to be shown if the cape was whole.
Everything here is very well done.
Details: There are enough details around the entire model to please the eye. From folds in the cape (which unfortunately look a bit repetetive) to his crown and facial features and other finely crafted details. My only complaint is that with that ribcage across his chest, it looks too low resolution, but that is the only low res thing in the entire model, so it's okay. It is a bit weird combination of colors though... Leather brown, silver, grey, Gold, Orange, Blood Red, and his face color, which I find a bit weird. When we include a different teamcolor we really have a diarrhea of colors here...
OVERALL: 82% / 100%
Shading: The shading is allright throuout the entire model, the only exception making the shield. It just seems too bland to fit with the rest of the skin (maybe it fits with the shoulders a bit though). I don't think that one would fit that well with other WC3 units, but it has its own charm, and looks dark as fuck, something the other entries somehow failed to capture that well.
Concept: Revenants are always revenants, however much effort you put to make them something else. This one does look really unique and dark though, maybe because you followed the style of dark souls instead of Warcraft 3 (which is again the reason why this skin wouldn't fit too well with WC3). The really creative parts of this skin for me are the skirt and helmet. Most revenant models don't make transparency on both of the layers, so the revenant fart could be seen so well. And you did it quite creatively at that, with studded leather belts and chainmail, which look surprisingly well with eachother. The helm is simply unique to anything I have seen as revenant helmets before, but I must admit, almost nothing in that skin, including the skirt and helm, looks good in that low resolution.
Details: I can't say your skin is very detailed, maybe the most detailed parts being the torso and mace. And as I said, the low resolution only make everything a LOT worse. I know you worked on 512x, so please for the love of skinning, use and upload only the 512x. The most undetailed area is the shield, which looks as plain as shit. I know it adds to the dark and realistic feeling of the skin, but you could've added little details to it like some rusted nails, or shade and texture that dent in the upper part of the shield instead of pretending it doesn't exist. This goes for the topmost part of the shield too, use that hill homehow.
OVERALL: 57% / 100%
Shading: There doesn't seem to be enough shading on the torso, which stands out too much with all its golden ornaments and stuff. The lower body could use some more shading too, the whole skin looks too bright for a creature of darkness. Even though the torso part is so shiny, the skin fits well with other WC3 models. Dat mouth though.
Concept: The idea of turning an all-loving hippie centaur into such a dark creature is a good one. The whole skin gives the impression of an insane centaur with herpes and stuff. Overall it's a good idea, I especially like how you turned his left hand into what appears to be the alien gun from Half-Life 1. That, and the Teamcolored strips of cloth here are the most creative ideas.
Details: There is a great contrast in the amount of details on the upper part of the model (torso, head) and the horse-part of him. While his lower part doesn't really need to have many details, I do feel like there is too much contrast of details. Maybe adding some leg bracers or ass armor would have helped in that aspect. The torso, as I have already said a couple of times, is swarmed with details, but that is not a bad thing. I like how detailed it looks, but that is ruined by the somewhat low resolution of the torso texture. If you worked on a 512x texture I suggest you use it instead. The only wrapping issues I found were on his hair (The black line in the center) and on his centaur belly, but I believe the latter is a wrap issue. And then there is the mouth... You really need to make his lower jaw smaller.
OVERALL: 66% / 100%
Shading: The shading and highlighting is well done here, except on the purple part. Aside from being ugly, I can't get the feeling the shading and highlights here are correct. Maybe it's just the monotone-ness of the pallette on the purple parts or wrap of the model itself... Overall the shading job fits into WC3 well enough.
Concept: Turning the lich into a skeletone of purple endrith energy isn't the most creative one can do, but then again there aren't many creative things you can do with a lich. The skirt is the most creative part here, I love the idea of that cloth texture and the TC runes on the back. Once again, I cannot say the same about the purple parts. Atleast you alphaed that ugly pillow-horn-thingy that made the lich look like a grandma, which is nice.
Details: Here is where your skin shines. The details are outstandingly well done. The chains are especially well done, as I mentoined, the texture of the skirt seems very creative and detailed to me, and the color scheme of the skirt only helps (I love that gold and desaturated navy). The ends of the skirt are also well integrated with TC, which looks surprisingly well with almost all colors. The gems are also neat... But his body seems a bit lacking of details. That torso looks really weird, maybe it would have been better to turn it into that clothy armor material like the skirt. There are a few unnoticeable wrap issues, but that is the model's fault.
OVERALL: 68% / 100%
Shading: The shading is strong with this one. Perhaps too strong in some areast, but I know that is your style of shading, but some parts that should be shaded more (like the armpit area and inside of the arms) are not, while others like the neck are complete black. The teamcolor is only on the shoulders, but it is well placed, and looks good with most colors. The skin fits into WC3 perfectly.
Concept: Transforming dudes like the Blood Mage into undead is an overused idea, but it always works well. There are many interesting and creative elements here, like the thingy behind his head, the hoodie, the chestplate and especially the cape. While adding alpha to the cape was a creative idea, it does show some model artifacts around the arms which were not meant to be shown if the cape was whole.
Everything here is very well done.
Details: There are enough details around the entire model to please the eye. From folds in the cape (which unfortunately look a bit repetetive) to his crown and facial features and other finely crafted details. My only complaint is that with that ribcage across his chest, it looks too low resolution, but that is the only low res thing in the entire model, so it's okay. It is a bit weird combination of colors though... Leather brown, silver, grey, Gold, Orange, Blood Red, and his face color, which I find a bit weird. When we include a different teamcolor we really have a diarrhea of colors here...
OVERALL: 82% / 100%
Shading: The shading is allright throuout the entire model, the only exception making the shield. It just seems too bland to fit with the rest of the skin (maybe it fits with the shoulders a bit though). I don't think that one would fit that well with other WC3 units, but it has its own charm, and looks dark as fuck, something the other entries somehow failed to capture that well.
Concept: Revenants are always revenants, however much effort you put to make them something else. This one does look really unique and dark though, maybe because you followed the style of dark souls instead of Warcraft 3 (which is again the reason why this skin wouldn't fit too well with WC3). The really creative parts of this skin for me are the skirt and helmet. Most revenant models don't make transparency on both of the layers, so the revenant fart could be seen so well. And you did it quite creatively at that, with studded leather belts and chainmail, which look surprisingly well with eachother. The helm is simply unique to anything I have seen as revenant helmets before, but I must admit, almost nothing in that skin, including the skirt and helm, looks good in that low resolution.
Details: I can't say your skin is very detailed, maybe the most detailed parts being the torso and mace. And as I said, the low resolution only make everything a LOT worse. I know you worked on 512x, so please for the love of skinning, use and upload only the 512x. The most undetailed area is the shield, which looks as plain as shit. I know it adds to the dark and realistic feeling of the skin, but you could've added little details to it like some rusted nails, or shade and texture that dent in the upper part of the shield instead of pretending it doesn't exist. This goes for the topmost part of the shield too, use that hill homehow.
OVERALL: 57% / 100%
Shading: There doesn't seem to be enough shading on the torso, which stands out too much with all its golden ornaments and stuff. The lower body could use some more shading too, the whole skin looks too bright for a creature of darkness. Even though the torso part is so shiny, the skin fits well with other WC3 models. Dat mouth though.
Concept: The idea of turning an all-loving hippie centaur into such a dark creature is a good one. The whole skin gives the impression of an insane centaur with herpes and stuff. Overall it's a good idea, I especially like how you turned his left hand into what appears to be the alien gun from Half-Life 1. That, and the Teamcolored strips of cloth here are the most creative ideas.
Details: There is a great contrast in the amount of details on the upper part of the model (torso, head) and the horse-part of him. While his lower part doesn't really need to have many details, I do feel like there is too much contrast of details. Maybe adding some leg bracers or ass armor would have helped in that aspect. The torso, as I have already said a couple of times, is swarmed with details, but that is not a bad thing. I like how detailed it looks, but that is ruined by the somewhat low resolution of the torso texture. If you worked on a 512x texture I suggest you use it instead. The only wrapping issues I found were on his hair (The black line in the center) and on his centaur belly, but I believe the latter is a wrap issue. And then there is the mouth... You really need to make his lower jaw smaller.
OVERALL: 66% / 100%
Shading: The shading and highlighting is well done here, except on the purple part. Aside from being ugly, I can't get the feeling the shading and highlights here are correct. Maybe it's just the monotone-ness of the pallette on the purple parts or wrap of the model itself... Overall the shading job fits into WC3 well enough.
Concept: Turning the lich into a skeletone of purple endrith energy isn't the most creative one can do, but then again there aren't many creative things you can do with a lich. The skirt is the most creative part here, I love the idea of that cloth texture and the TC runes on the back. Once again, I cannot say the same about the purple parts. Atleast you alphaed that ugly pillow-horn-thingy that made the lich look like a grandma, which is nice.
Details: Here is where your skin shines. The details are outstandingly well done. The chains are especially well done, as I mentoined, the texture of the skirt seems very creative and detailed to me, and the color scheme of the skirt only helps (I love that gold and desaturated navy). The ends of the skirt are also well integrated with TC, which looks surprisingly well with almost all colors. The gems are also neat... But his body seems a bit lacking of details. That torso looks really weird, maybe it would have been better to turn it into that clothy armor material like the skirt. There are a few unnoticeable wrap issues, but that is the model's fault.
OVERALL: 68% / 100%
Scoring formula: J1+J2/2*0.75 + P/Ptot*25
82+68/2*0,75 + 5/52*25 = 56,25 + 2,40 = 58,65
88+82/2*0,75 + 14/52*25 = 63,75 + 6,73 = 70,48
92+57/2*0,75 + 22/52*25 = 55,87 + 10,57 = 66.44
90+66/2*0,75 + 11/52*25 = 58,5 + 5,28 = 63.73

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