Texturing Contest #25 - Results

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Dark Elves/Drow
Contestants are to create a skin representing a dark elf(drow as they are otherwise known) person/being or any construct related to it using the vanilla models or the custom ones found on the site.


  • First Place: 40 reputation points and your entry on the award icon. Also the chance of getting a unique thematic rank icon done specifically regarding preference.
  • Second Place: 25 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points and an award icon


  • Each judge will receive 5 reputation points.

Drow Prophet by aeman

Shading 5/30

This is a really flat/matte texture. It lacks shading and highlights. This texture clearly needs more polishing, there is almost no visual clues for us to understand what's going on. At first glance it looks like the robe was just painted over with a white brush, like a blank piece of paper. It feels very empty, it needs content! There are no folds for instance. It gives a very stiff look. A robe is usually full of folds, which shading helps to illustrate.

Concept: 5/40

The concept is cool, but poorly executed. The model works well for what you were aiming at, a Drow Prophet. However, the texture lacks creativity. If it weren't for the color of the head and the title, I would have no idea what it was supposed to be.

Details: 5/30

The only part of the texture that has some details are the face, and that too needs more work. I would have loved to see some more details on the robes, like a symbol or some other design.

Total: 15/100

Dark Elf Outrider by A.R

Shading: 25/30

Overall, the texture has great shading and highlights. It suits the Warcraft 3 light environment quite well.
The forehead of the helmet could use a few more highlights, it feels a little matte, which is a shame seeing as the head is very noticeable in the in-game portrait.

Concept: 36/40

Original concept. A traditional white haired drow riding a lizard. Love it. Great choice of model and very creative use of it e.g. turning the Nightsabre panther into an armored lizard.

Details: 28/30

Nice attention to details. The armor design is great. The scales of the lizard were made in such a way that they're even noticeable from the standard in-game camera view. Such small details would normally be quite hard to see, but this one turned out great. Great use of alpha channels for the shield design.

Total: 89/100

Drow Siren by Archer01

Shading: 15/30

Decent shading and highlights. However, this is primarily due to the original texture by Blizzard. This texture has a lot of simple recolor. Not a lot of freehand, which is a shame. It would seem that the unwrap was simply recolored and afterwards a few details were added and more outlines were drawn on top of it.

Concept: 15/40

Interesting choice of model, however the texture has not been changed significantly, which makes it look like a darker version of the Naga, not a Drow/Dark Elf, which was the theme of the contest.

Details: 10/30

As previously stated, the majority of this texture is a simple recolor. Not a lot of freehand details. Only a few can be mentioned like the spider-like symbol and the dark line underneath the eye.

Total: 40/100

Drow Hero by Mr.Goblin

Shading: 28/30

Excellent shading and highlights. The texture is rather dark in-game, some contrast would have been nice.

Concept: 32/40

Interesting choice of model. You pulled it off nicely turning an Eredar into a Drow. However, I can't really see what the white part of the head is supposed to be. Is it some sort of head cloth, a helmet, hair etc. I think you would have been better off with a metal like texture or perhaps make it part of the head (same dark-blue color).

Details: 30/30

Excellent details! The unwrap is great by itself. Love the design of the armor. It's a shame that all those small details won't be noticeable from the standard in-game camera view, though. Great use of the alpha channel for the shoulder pads.

Total: 90/100

Dark Elf Messenger by ~Nightmare

Shading: 28/30

Excellent shading and highlights.

Concept: 30/40

Nice composition, the design suits the theme quite well.

Details: 30/30

Splendid work on those details. The face is beautiful. Love the design of the cape and the other body armor. The golden parts of the texture gives it some nice contrast in-game.

Total: 88/100

Drow Archer by Sclammerz

Shading: 20/30

Decent shading and highlights. It texture does appear a bit matte in a few places, the head and neck in particular. This is due to the dark color and the lack of darker shadows.

Concept: 25/40

Nice composition. The design is great.

Details: 23/30

Good job on the armor design. Adds some nice touch to it. The eyes could use a darker makeup, though.

Total: 68/100

Drow Watcher by Sin'dorei300

Shading: 27/30

Great shading and highlights. Although, I feel like the spiderweb-wings(?) could use some more attention. They feel a bit matte.

Concept: 30/40

Decent composition. The wing texture feel out of place.

Details: 28/30

Wonderful details. The face is truly beautiful. Great job on the eyes and mouth. Also, even though it's not noticeable in game, I still like the small bellybutton. Some of the naked skin parts could use some more noticeable details.

Total: 85/100

Drow of the Talon by Traggey

Shading: 30/30

Wonderful shading & highlights. Really smooth texture. Fits the Warcraft 3 lightning environment perfectly which is a big plus.

Concept: 32/40

Great composition! Cool design.

Details: 30/30

Simply wonderful details.

Total: 92/100

Drow Arthas by Wisdom

Shading: 23/30

Decent shading and highlights.

Concept: 27/40

Decent composition. Cool idea. Although, I feel like you should have kept the iconic white hair, instead of giving him a hood considering the ingame camera view.

Details: 24/30

I like the forehead eye, and how you made the hood and shoulderpad fit together. Also, it's cool you gave the blade that eye above the quillon block.

Total: 74/100


Shading 4/30
I appreciate the effort much but the shading does not follow the model's wrapping entirely. It is like a shadeless blob when seen in-game and lacks consistent highlights.
Some scribbling hinting at a shading can be seen but not in comparable amounts to the game's norm. Lacking at best.
You improved since last time but you have a long road ahead of you. Learning more about wc3's shading and highlight would help your cause.

Concept 8/40
Certainly you tried the wrapped robe around the body but not something noticeable. I think that with some hues of color and some folds following the body's symmetry could've helped your texture by miles.
The concept that you started is lacking since the work done for it is not yet visible. At least not in a good amount.

Details 7/30
The materials portrayed on the model's robe are mild and shaken away by the strong milky color you've gone after. I can see some details on the face and the cape but aside from those, not much to be seen.
Barely something detailed on a recognizable level. The effort is appreciated nonetheless. Try learning more.

Total 19/100



Shading 27/30
Well done. I appreciate the amount of work poured into the shading and overall complimentary highlights done for this model.
Aside from the hair and TC'ed shield parts, most of the shading flows quite nicely on the model. In-game view is great as well.

Concept 35/40
The thought of turning the nightsaber into a giant lizard is quite good. I quite dig the racial conversion for the mount.
I am not sure about the tooth though, something seems off about it. The rider looks gorgeous in-game and outputs greatly in action.
'lovely idea of combining the lizard and spider thematic into the drow concept. I just think that the TC shield is a bit lazy and lacks the whole glimmer that the rest of the armor has.
Is is a bit washed away.

Details 25/30
Besides the shield and hair, most of the integrated details are fairly well seen in-game and output correctly.
The helmet could've used some hue variations and little details along the trimming.

Total 87/100



Shading 10/30
What shading is seen on your texture, pretty much comes from the original texture. Much, I cannot add beside the fact that the recoloring done here is not really enough.
Good try either way. The learning curve for texturing will take much but I think with enough dedication, you could turn better at it.

Concept 10/40
You applied to the more bestial nature of the drow race. Albeit in small quantitative work, I can see the work done.
Small bits but not on a grander scale.

Details 9/30
The details seen are, once again due to the vanilla texture. Not much beside the face area, hinting at the shape-shifting nature of the race.
Take your time, learn basic texturing techniques and practice on canvas before delving more into the game.

Total 29/100



Shading 23/30
You seem to have a good base for this criteria but your texture suffers from a dark, slightly contrasted color palette that's not clearly seen in-game.
What the texture lacks here are the more visible highlights that are distinct for vanilla textures. Aside from the cape, everything seems mushed together and in need of stronger contrast for an in-game fitting.

Concept 36/40
Lovely design portrayed in a bit of a futuristic theme tangled with the drow one. I'm very fond of the way you wrapped things around the legs and cape. The concept of the hybrid you've got here is pure delight.
I think that the cape's design could've used a cleverer way of folding and wrapping onto the back. It is bland. Some spidery or bestial prints on it could've brought some life to it.
Overall, the armor style and the whole concept abides to the theme but not in a very wc3-like way.

Details 22/30
The details are marvelous but not contrasted enough. They give out washed look due to the game's outdated light engine.
Some highlights and a bit of contrast are needed for those to stand out more and help them be integrated in-game better.

Total 81/100



Shading 26/30
One bit more of highlight and I would've thought the texture is a vanilla one. The colors are a bit too vibrant for some reason.
Not in a bad way but slightly over the game's one. What I can suggest is to increase the skin's contrast slightly higher and add transitory shadows for the face. Just under the hood.

Concept 31/40
This texture is befitting for a rather terrible model. I think that it is more royal in nature than drow.
I love the vine decorative look for the cloth parts and the engravings for the armor ones. Nice combination that looks and feels warcraft-like.
Nothing out of the ordinary but still a worthy design.

Details 25/30
The whole detail work here is admirable. Feels and looks recognizable and clear in-game.
It may be a bit busy but not too much. Good work.

Total 82/100



Shading 17/30
Your work here is somewhat under tuned and milky in nature. It is also too dark and uncontrasted for it to fit in-game well.
Could use stronger shading and higher highlights plus some contrast for the colors seen here. The skin provides good point for the aforementioned issues.

Concept 25/40
Lovely design. Nice wrapping around the model that displays the drow thematic finely. I just think that the concept is slightly busy.
Good work either way.

Details 20/30
While the details are well made and output fine, the lack that oomph that characterize the vanilla textures. Stronger coloration, highlighting and shading.
Yours are harder to recognize in-game even if they're textured well.

Total 62/100



Shading 22/30
Interesting approach for this one. The shading is too dark and the highlights lack force all over the model. I think that if you would've played with the levels options from PS(or whatever program you use) and make the contrast higher then it would've looked better.
Not bad, not in the slightest but it doesn't fit in-game well enough sadly.

Concept 38/40
The texture suits the chosen model well and displays and interesting way of portraying a drow.
Bestial in nature, shape shifting and themed with drow elements. I especially like the head's crown and the leggings.
Quite fine in textural work. Nice.

Details 22/30
Outstanding work on these mate. What drags them down is the lacking shading and highlights. Try giving those more power and see how radically transformed the details and whole texture would be.

Total 82/100



Shading 27/30
Excellent work. This texture proves how flawless wc3 textures could look like if they were cleaner and clearer. I just think that you could've added better contrast and highlights to the overall texture.
Noticeably the beard and cloth parts.

Concept 36/40
I like the uplift druidic look combined with the drow one. Makes for a sweet sight.
The texture wraps around the model well with no visible seams and creates a lovely design.

Details 28/30
Well made works. In-game the details are recognizable and clear. Albeit, as a mentioned on the shading criteria, could apply here a bit as well.
More on the contrast and highlight part to make the details even more visible.

Total 91/100



Shading 19/30
While the shading here is well done, the highlights and the contrast are lacking a bit in strength.
Viewed in-game, this makes the skin appear darker than the surroundings. More than comfort, at least.

Concept 35/40
Good improvement over the vanilla texture. The whole 'demonic' and the 'dark riders' look here sure makes for a sweet design.
The hood and the cape elements done are great. Lovely uplifting concept that makes for an intriguing approach.
Not a big fan of the horse but it does the job done. Fine armor right there. Maybe some chains over it combined with spidery engravings could've helped even more.

Details 20/30
I like pretty much everything with the exception of the hair and horse texture. Those seem underwhelming and drag down the texture by miles.
Also, contrast and highlights. Playing with levels could help you there to clear spots out and make the details more visible.

Total 74/100

Scoring formula: J1+J2/2*0.75 + P/Ptot*25



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