• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Joining the Texturing Contests - A decade too late!

ello? Ouo anyobody in there?
I finally got to somewhat finishing that darn druid of the boar, and i pasted in/recolored/tweaked the shaman skin.. i don't have a clue how it turned out.. left arm looks odd to me..
Druid of the boar.jpg

and of course, green is the TC :]
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I would tone down the white highlights just a tad bit. The white of the skin, that is. Just grab the layer you copied from the original shaman and press Ctrl + L (I presume you're using Photoshop here) and pull the whiteness down, just a tad bit.

I'd say the same for the very strong highlight around the cloven hoof team color. I'm not quite sure what the material of the glove(?) is suppose to be (bone?), but the strong highlight makes it look slightly plastic. If it is bone, tone it down. Of course, bones can be polished and shine quite a bit and if that's what you're after, go for it.
I would tone down the white highlights just a tad bit. The white of the skin, that is. Just grab the layer you copied from the original shaman and press Ctrl + L (I presume you're using Photoshop here) and pull the whiteness down, just a tad bit.

I'd say the same for the very strong highlight around the cloven hoof team color. I'm not quite sure what the material of the glove(?) is suppose to be (bone?), but the strong highlight makes it look slightly plastic. If it is bone, tone it down. Of course, bones can be polished and shine quite a bit and if that's what you're after, go for it.
actually the material of the gauntlet and the chest ornament was supposed to be wood or bark.. oO but accented with something else on the gauntlet (its TC)

but i'm more concerned about the darn left arm.. makes me feel i messed up the original texture, because i tried to make it look like skin and muscle..

i actually did, as i painted directly on the flats, by mistake <w<
Level 6
Jan 11, 2008
i guess we should take #5 for next month Halloween returns yearly as well

Damn, I really want a remaster of Warcraft 3 so we can have some decent UV maps to work with!

Would you consider it feasible to redo the UV's ourselves and have blizzard implement them, if we're sure not to change any of the original models end looks without more than like maybe 20 additional poly's?
i guess we should take #5 for next month Halloween returns yearly as well

Would you consider it feasible to redo the UV's ourselves and have blizzard implement them, if we're sure not to change any of the original models end looks without more than like maybe 20 additional poly's?

i feel that the war3 models being as they are, is a challenge, but also, not for everyone.. so.. i'm not for or against this idea Ouo
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
Forgot to write, added it to the list a couple of days ago :)

Would you consider it feasible to redo the UV's ourselves and have blizzard implement them, if we're sure not to change any of the original models end looks without more than like maybe 20 additional poly's?
Possible, yes. Feasible, yes and no.

While it's quite simple to remake the UVs for each model and simply project the old texture onto the new model from the old one using programs such as xNormals, it's time consuming and in many cases pointless. Plus, it would fuck up custom textures made for WC3 as well.

If a remaster was in the works however, I would be all for it, but I wouldn't do all that work without pay. It's boring, takes time and does very little to enhance the end user experience. The only one it would help would be people like me, who whine about UV maps from the late 90's and early 00's :p

@Misha, just noticed that you updated the texture, fixing the preview picture in a minute.
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Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
@Arowanna But i love finding reasons to say Blizzard asset-makers are high all the time xP like the retarded wrap
I honestly believe that WC3 was the first 3D project for most people involved.

The 2D textures, in my opinion, are still flawless. The craftsmanship behind them are great and the people involved really knew what they were doing in that regard. However, when it came to UV mapping, someone either had no idea of what they were doing or they simply couldn't be bothered to maximize each UV maps potential (some UVs have up to 60% dead space, a complete waste of resources).

Things did get a tad bit better in The Frozen Throne, but just barely. At least some of the UVs there try to utilze 80-90% of the map.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
@Arowanna I know, but that's not the point xD i just love people's reactions to weird wrap, when they aren't mad, that is
Hurr durr!

Seriously? WTF is wrong with this wrap and how come that the original looks so good despite this trash UV map? I really felt like the Lobstrokk could be a good mish-mash of Faceless Ones + Silithid a la this. But I don't think I have the patience for this kind of mess.

Whilst the yellow, green, purple and teal parts are perfectly fine, the red and blue parts are a mess that I just don't have the willpower to struggle with. Not to mention that at least 50% of the UV space is unused...[/USER]
Level 6
Jan 11, 2008
You guys already know about AnemicRoyalty (A.R. here)'s attempts at fixing the UVW wraps of standard models, right? I believe it was hosted on Wc3C.net, and it sounds very similar to what you guys are talking about...

no i wasn't aware of this, well if blizz is gonna do a remaster they could allow priority uv's on the old ones so all pre-remaster custom textures still work but by tagging your texture with some form of prefix in the name it would take the uv from the new options. That way it allows new artist to work with an better uv without suffering from the old ones. It should be that much of coding.

I honestly believe that WC3 was the first 3D project for most people involved.

The 2D textures, in my opinion, are still flawless. The craftsmanship behind them are great and the people involved really knew what they were doing in that regard. However, when it came to UV mapping, someone either had no idea of what they were doing or they simply couldn't be bothered to maximize each UV maps potential (some UVs have up to 60% dead space, a complete waste of resources).

Things did get a tad bit better in The Frozen Throne, but just barely. At least some of the UVs there try to utilze 80-90% of the map.

I do believe some of the really big amounts of deadspace maybe due to cut models from the campaign and melee modes and such. Some still made it in like the orc spear thrower, marine and the chinese panda model. And i wouldn't be surprised if they did some auto-uvmapping when some people used the first paint on models programs who didn't really get bothered that much by bad uv's.
Hey guys. Are you still partaking in this event? It would be a shame to leave it into the memory lanes.
I thought about creating a Lordaeron retexture for the Spell Breaker for the second contest, Racial Conversion; but I'm not sure about one thing!

@Arowanna Could this be included in the theme of that contest (turning an Elf into a Human), while not being part of the main races? Or perhaps a subset. If not, I'd just generally make it as a none-TimelessTexturing resource.
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
I thought about creating a Lordaeron retexture for the Spell Breaker for the second contest, Racial Conversion; but I'm not sure about one thing!

@Arowanna Could this be included in the theme of that contest (turning an Elf into a Human), while not being part of the main races? Or perhaps a subset. If not, I'd just generally make it as a none-TimelessTexturing resource.
By the strict sense of the rules of the contest:
"For this competition, you are required to modify the texture of an existing model within Warcraft 3 of either the Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead race. You must then reskin the choosen model into another concept from any of the 3 other races. (For example, if you choose an Orc unit. Then you must reskin it into one of the 3 other races)"

The judges of the time would most likely not allow it, most likely based around of the idea that you are suppose convert it from one faction to another faction, not strictly based on race*. The title of the contest is quite misleading that way, it should state faction as well, as it seems to be what they aimed for back then anyway.

I however, don't mind and I don't think people mind it much either. So go ahead! :)

*I.e. if you picked the Night Elf Archer, you could convert it into a High Elf, Blood Elf or Human; or any other race featured in the faction. That's my understanding of it anyway.
By the strict sense of the rules of the contest:
"For this competition, you are required to modify the texture of an existing model within Warcraft 3 of either the Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead race. You must then reskin the choosen model into another concept from any of the 3 other races. (For example, if you choose an Orc unit. Then you must reskin it into one of the 3 other races)"

The judges of the time would most likely not allow it, most likely based around of the idea that you are suppose convert it from one faction to another faction, not strictly based on race*. The title of the contest is quite misleading that way, it should state faction as well, as it seems to be what they aimed for back then anyway.

I however, don't mind and I don't think people mind it much either. So go ahead! :)

*I.e. if you picked the Night Elf Archer, you could convert it into a High Elf, Blood Elf or Human; or any other race featured in the faction. That's my understanding of it anyway.
Thanks! :>

Alright, some WIPs:

Level 14
Nov 13, 2017
hm.. 'ello guys, i'm wondering if this is getting anywhere near the 'demon' category of the third texture contest :xxd: I've tried to go along with the 'squid demon' idea, but currently it doesn't seem to be much.. the lines there will be probably removed once i'm done

View attachment 314930
also, the hell did the gifmaker do to my gif..? >.>
Speculating a fleshy reddy, pale and nervy girl with demonic creepy face. :) Looking forward to this...
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007
hm.. 'ello guys, i'm wondering if this is getting anywhere near the 'demon' category of the third texture contest :xxd: I've tried to go along with the 'squid demon' idea, but currently it doesn't seem to be much.. the lines there will be probably removed once i'm done

View attachment 314930
also, the hell did the gifmaker do to my gif..? >.>
"Demon" is a broad and vague word in my own honest opinion. I'd go for it, really digging the idea. Keep at it!

I'll add it to the list!
Level 30
Mar 14, 2014
i sure could use face suggestions.. its too human right now Ouo

Well a "demon" can be literally anything: From a Human looking being with maybe different colored eyes and what not to a grotesque creature thown out of hell.

It really depends on what you believe a demon "should" look like.

A suggestion i could give is something like this or this. Both are scary, if you're easily scared that is.
Well a "demon" can be literally anything: From a Human looking being with maybe different colored eyes and what not to a grotesque creature thown out of hell.

It really depends on what you believe a demon "should" look like.

A suggestion i could give is something like this or this. Both are scary, if you're easily scared that is.
no, not really squid-based xD or scary
Level 25
Dec 30, 2007

So, I've not picked up a pen, pencil or anything else in... Four years? Somewhere in that area anyway, give or take a year. Got bored last weekend and managed to find my keys and what not for most of the nonsense needed. So here we go, let's try to finish at least one more headache of shitty UVs and outright bewilderment! Not joining in on the fun of WC3R models however, haven't touched 3D in even longer, so it will be like relearning everything again.

Decided to continue on this one, but progress is so slow that it kinda makes me irritated. But that's to be expected after so many years of not doing anything artistic at all. Not sure if my brain will tolerate this long enough to actually finish anything again, but it's fun to doodle :)

Texturing Contest #7 Holy/Angelic




Priestess of Elune


Tiny update and I'm so tired of TC already. I don't think it'll get much better than this.
Priestess of Elune



I think this might be done. My brain still hasn't reconnected with how to do proper TC, it just looks... Off, no matter what I do to it. And it might need some more for clarity in-game. I guess I've to fix the inside of the mouth.
Priestess of Elune



1. I still have no fucking clue what is going on with the "hilt" or whatever it's called. Not sure if the stolen shield design will work or not.
2. Just stole the Hippogryph design outright from WC3, couldn't come up with something interesting myself. It looks very derpy however.
3. Stolen shield design, from WOW.

And I'm not sure why I started this with silver and purple instead of gold and purple. Probably because of the WC3 archer of something. And I don't feel like switching it, and why not honor the beer drenched brain of the past! And I'll probably change her hair color later on as well, the texture needs a whole lot more contrast.
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