Some Used Abillities from anothers map:
Version: 1.3 Language: GUI MUI: Yes Documented: Yes User Friendly: Yes Works With Latest Patch: Yes Current Number of Spells: 22 Current Number of Systems: 3 Author: -BerzekeR- Scream Unleashes a sound that damages and silences nearby enemy units. Level 1 - AOE 200, 80...
Screenshot does not show all the spells. Please test the map itself to look the spells :) Summons an Orb of Water which absorbs water from the surroundings. If the Orb is in water, it gathers water more quickly. When the orb timer is up or when an enemy touches the Orb, the magical energies...
I was busy with icon making and shud release this Spell Pack, but I had no ideas what to make creative with explosions and this spell doesnt look wierd. Spell Pack being just two spells: Jumping and Sticky bomb. I hope you like second spell more than first. Jumping Bomb_____________________...
v1.1 -Dummy ability for Fireball changed from Shockwave to Breath of Fire Shockwave us dummy was causing lag at map. v1.2 -Effect leaks on dummys removed v1.3 -Added new spell: Shield Bash -Added system: Knockback v1.4 -Modifications of Fireball Spell This is my first spell pack...
This spell is completely GUI/MUI. This is the first time I made a spell for our friendly hive community. If there are lack of things, please do tell me. Although its the first time I'm making a spell for the community, please don't go light on me, I want to see how you guys will grade it when...
Target=AoE version of my first Heroic Leap I simply heard that such is current version in WoW Cataclysm beta. Enjoy and Give me credits if you use it. Heroic Leap Cast Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal...
Elemental Spell Pack Melee Initialization Events Map initialization Conditions Actions Hashtable - Create a hashtable Set Hashtable_Light = (Last created hashtable) -------- ------------------------------ -------- Set Damage_Light =...
Goblin Tower
Abomination Mutator Model
Abomination and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Abomination (Optimized) Info: Added the Explosion animation to the Abomination model. The added animation goes well with the "Kaboom" and "Unstable Concoction" abilities. There is a hidden model of the Abomination Explosion. During early...
Initiator BTN Icon
Why does weekend end so fast :( Icons set made for Ujimasa's Acolyte and Derivatives. Uses the Proudmoore icon as the base facial Oh and yeah provide credits when used blah blah blah Edit: 13/10/2021 Mistaken and forgot that there's another Night Elf Acolyte. Added
Initiator Model
Acolyte and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Acolyte (Optimized) Info: Portrait has been incorporated. Animations have been linearized. Add lumber animations. Uploaded. Acolyte (Blood Elf) Info: Created a Blood Elven version of the Acolyte. Uploaded. Acolyte...
Dust Elemental Model
Dust Rune
Wind element Rune. To see particles you shall open the NewGen or World Editor.. The Wind surrounds the rune, Fixed, Animated, Working on propertly Keywords: Wind, Glowing, RUne, Magic, Air, windy
Jubei'Thos Altar
v1 v2 v1 v2 v2b - Edited: Altar of Storms (Optimized) by Ujimasa Hojo
Sylvanas Altar
An altar building for High Elves. I tested it in game and it works correctly. EDIT1: decay animation is now non-looping Keywords: Altar, Elf, High, Quelthalas, Silvermoon, Hero, Temple, Well, Shrine, Water, Animated, Crystal, Energy, Arcane, Magic, Spell, Highborne, Blood, Night,
Landazar Altar
Altar of Kings and Derivarives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Altar of Kings (Optimized) Info: Fixed the texture wrapping a lot. Animated the waters. Uploaded. Altar of Elders (Elf) Info: Created an Elven version of the Altar of Kings. Uploaded. Fixed some of the texture wrapping...
Blood Altar Icon
The adventurers were ready for their adventure, and on their way, they encountered various creatures, plants, races, and buildings, but something that piqued their curiosity was the altar they visited before returning from their mission. Icons of Altar of Some Sort Supertoinkz's If there is...
Throk'Feroth Altar
The model is intentionally to be used for my project, but my laptop got formatted, and I forgot to make a backup....soo...... :C And this is the only one who survived. (Because It's attached on one of my threads) Update 1: Updated so it's in the first page of the model section
Resistance Base Models Building
Description: Building Pack for the remnants of the fallen kingdom of Alterac. There is not much resources to serve as basis for the art style for this pack so feel free to give your comments and suggestions. (I pray that my other packs will be reviewed and approved soon.) Update/s: I...
Anduin Lothar Model
Sir Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth. Took a bit longer than expected, but here he is. This is probably my best work so far, especially texture and animation wise, and I'm quite pleased with the overall result. The filesize is a tad bigger than usual, but this guy also has more animations...
Servant of The Anc icon
Just another warcraft 3 icon. I'm just playing around. Enjoying my free-time. Work work work work work!
Arcane Explosion
This is my Arcane Explosion model.If you use it in your map give me credits. EDIT:I made it fade now Special Thanks for Shamanyouranus for helping me with this mode Keywords: arcane explosion,arcane,magic,explosion.
Arcane Bolt
Arcane Missiles (from WoW, of course) look cool. I'm surprised nobody's posted one before. I pieced this one together from modified bits of the Lava Spawn missile, Orb of Corruption missile, and Healing Spray missile. There weren't really any sounds in WC3 that matched the sound of Arcane...
Arcane Observatory
Arcane Observatory and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Arcane Castle Info: Created a 3-Tiered version, which functions as a Town Hall Minor Rotation tweak. Fixed the texture wrapping, specially the roofs. Moved the central dome towards the center during the first two tiers...
Dalaran Mage Buildings
Arcane Sanctum and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Arcane Sanctum (Optimized) Info: Improved the texture wrapping on some parts, especially the Birth meshes. Uploaded. Arcane Sanctum (Dalaran) Info: Created an Arcane Sanctum for Dalaran. Reworked to resemble the original...
Some of Book Models
Keywords: arcane, tome, book,
Undead Archers Models
Archer, Dark Ranger, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Archer (Night Elf, Optimized) Info: Portrait has been incorporated. Animations have been linearized. Uploaded. Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a rigging bug. Archer (High Elf...
Some Archamages Models
Based on: Archmagi and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Skin for Scarlet Crusade are Scarlet Knight, Scarlet High Commander, Scarlet Oracle and Scarlet Huntsman by Heinvers Thanks for optimalizations to RexusMax52 More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya...
Some Archmage Models
Archmagi and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Models: Archmage (Optimized) Info: Portrait has been incorporated. Animations have been linearized. Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a rigging problem. Adjusted the camera. Bandit Mage (Optimized) Info: Portrait has...
Armor Penetration
Commissioned for Frostcraft. CHANGELOG 26/11/20 - Uploaded 27/11/20 - Added Armor Stimulus Set NOTES Feel free to modify. Give credit. FREQUENT ISSUES Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an error regarding a ribbon emitter upon opening, or b.) the models go blank in-game after...
I was bored one day, so i creaed something like armored dire wolf. It might be also beast of gevuodan. Or Worgen mount or worgen pet or what ever. Use it well. Enjoy and see you soon. Credit to me And here it is. New version. Re-edited. Enjoy. Updated - Totally new version made by request...
Arrow n' Quiver
This is actually a pack with a quiver and an arrow item. Might be useful for RPG's Keywords: arrow, quiver, rpg, nightelf, elf, night, eubz
Artillery Strike
An artillery strike. Use in masses with abilities like Rain of Fire. Keywords: Explosion, Artillery, Modern, Warfare, SFX, Effect, Particle Porn
Assassin (Night Elf) and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Assassin (Night Elf, Optimized) Info: Combined the Portrait with the model. Fixed some wrapping of the texture. Added animations from the Warden. Uploaded. Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug. Assassin...
Ballador Farm Models
Description: Edited versions of classic Models added team color and build and work animations. Just some old models that I made in the past... I hope you will find them useful. Notes: Please do not edit without permission Give proper credits when using any model/s or icon/s from this pack Do...
Ballista Bolt
Model by Snirou (Leonard Wright). Based on Blizzard ballista arrow model. Feel free to edit or make any changes. Keywords: arcane, mana, mystic, ballista, arrow
Lovar Model
Bandit models inspired by @BurnedSmackdown , @InsaneMonster , @Mr Ogre man . Cult of the Damned Bandits Re-Reforged Also, optimized models of the legendary @Ujimasa Hojo were used as a base. I added undead elements to the armor and gear to convey their imitation of the Scourge. I tried to keep...
Bandit from Last Chapter Scoungrel Btn Icon
Icon made for johnwar's Bandit Enforcer(Re-Classic) Icon was partially trace from the Reforged version, and drawn by myself
Bandit from Last Chapter
Bandit Enforcer Base Model Credits Bandit, Spear Thrower, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Unit Type Creep Unit/Melee Unit Author's Notes This model is my contribution for the project of Kaigar. :smile: Visit Johnwar's Models Discussion for updates and links for my models. :smile:
Lordaeron Spearthrower
Bandit, Spear Thrower, and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Bandit (Optimized) Info: Combined the Portrait with the model. Fixed some wrapping of the texture. Uploaded. Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug. Spear Thrower (Bandit, Dual Spear Morph) Info...
So much bandits models used in Campaign
-Author Description: Pack of models for the theme of "Bandits" in a classic and simple style. This set was partially inspired by this resource: "Bandit-Assassin" In this set, I edited the texture of the "Footman16" user to give the bandits a more classic look. -Notes: Authors'...
Dalaran Barracks Model
Barracks (Human) and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Barracks (Human, Optimized) Info: Polished some texture wrapping around meshes especially among the Birth ones. Uploaded. Barracks (Dalaran) Info: Created a Barracks which meshes well with the Arcane Observatory. Cleaned...
Undead Barrier
Some holy defense in form of a rotating barrier. Updated Height. Keywords: Holy, Barrier, Rotate
Darkwing Model
FOR THE HORDE!!!:angry::angry::angry: My re-imagine Battle for Azeroth version of Sylvanas in classic warcraft III look... "Well The banshee Form is just simple edit from original Banshee... XDDD" give credit when use... and always have fun... updated Name changing:oops: dissipate smoke remove...
Dragonhawk Model
Blood Elf and High Elf Dragonhawk Riders Background Story: Swift flying unit mounted by an Elven warrior. The fierce warriors of the Dragonhawk battalions are often the first into combat, picking apart the enemy ranks and surrounding enemy towers with dense fog so that...
Illusion Devourer Icon
Made for : BE and HE Spell Breakers (Re-Classic) Model Author : johnwar Update 1 : Updated icons to look more clean and improved eyebrow's visibility. Update 2 : Added BE/HE variations for both icons.
Illusion Devourer
Blood Elf and High Elf Spell Breaker Base Model Credits Spell Breaker and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Unit Type Anti-spellcaster Unit Author's Notes Visit Johnwar's Models Discussion for updates and links for my models. :smile:
Ogre Tavern Model
A beast pit. Credit if you use it in your map. Keywords: goblin, laboratory, ammo dump,
Orc Beastiary Model
Based on: Beastiary and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric If you yourself want use these models for own work or projects, you are absolutly free to do it. Barracks Blackrock Bleeding Hollow Bonechewer...
High Elf ICon
My entry for 2D Art Mini-Contests: A Cursor's ®obe, Blood Elven cursor. Changes: V1.1: -Get rid of the black lines Give me credits if u use it and don't edit without permission! Enjoy! :) Keywords: BE, Blood Elf, Emblem. Phoenix, Fire, Bird, Wing, Flying, Fly, 2D Art Mini-Contests: A...
Troll Models
Berserker, Priest (Troll), and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Berserker (Forest Troll, Optimized) Info: Portrait has been incorporated. Animations have been linearized. Spear-wielding version incorporated as alternate set of animations. Uploaded. Berserker (Ice Troll...
Goblin Altar ICon
Just some screenshot icons recently made for multiple Bilgewater models found here at The Hive and a couple other sources. I don't believe the original models came with icons, or at least they were not present in the map I'm working on.
Black Heal
Just recolored and changed from additive to blend. EDIT: fixed the tail emitter using the wrong texture also added a black version of the emitter the priest has on his hand also a version of the priest with a black emitter I guess
Dark Mage iCons
Icons made for johnwar's Black Legion Mages pack credits credits credits UPDATE: - 3 June 2022 - Included Enchantress
Assasin Icon
Icons made for johnwar's Black Legion Ranger, also contains the one that uses a custom skin(Can be found under the comments section) Give credits
Throk'Feroth Model
Based on:Beastmaster and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo I know that is the simple changes, but I think that it can be useful. If ya like it, give follow. More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric If you yourself want use these models for own work...
Raveger Icon
This is the corresponding Icon for the Blackrock-Wolfrider. I had made this with Snippng Tool from Windows and Idon't know if it's allowed. Sorry for that. The Model:
Fellfalen Orc Light Model Unit
Alright, here it is. I think its good and useful also. Enjoy and give credits. - Your SvH Problem fixed, now it should be clear. Even fixed tha small detail on the texture of the spiky tail. Now its better matching. Update: Reduced filesize rapidly. Honesly I have no idea how could...
Blacksmith Model Dalaran
Blacksmith and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Blacksmith (Optimized) Info: Added "missing" meshes. Deleted some of the redundant meshes. Fixed some of the texture wrapping. Uploaded. Blacksmith (Elf) Info: Created an Elven version of the Blacksmith. Uploaded. Fixed up...
Haomarush Model
Based on:Blademaster and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Thanks for optimalizations to RexusMax52 I know that is the simple changes, but I think that it can be useful. If ya like it, give follow. More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric If you...
Sand Storm
Keywords: sand tornado dust dirt
Heal Sylvanas Model And Icy Winds from Mutator
Keywords: blade, storm, ice, whirlwind, cyclone, tornado, tw
Advisor Teredia
Decided to release some of my models. Sadly I cannot fix any of them anymore since my modeling tools don´t work no more. Can´t seem to get 3dsmax5 to work in this computer :(. Keywords: Blade Dancer, Elf Warrior, Sword Dancer
Sage Hammer Icon
Hammer blessed by Holy Light External Assets Used
Research Icon
There will never be enough book icons. Here's another. dw about credits but if u do give credit it is appreciated :)
High Elf Sorcerer Model
Blood Elf and High Elf Sorceress Background Story: These female Magi, sent by the Magocrats of Dalaran to watch over the volatile Battle Magi, use their arcane powers to aid the Alliance forces whenever Humanity is imperiled. Although their powers are not often used directly in...
Anasterian Guard Model
Blood Elf and High Elf Swordsman Base Model Credits Worker (Elf) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Unit Type Melee Unit Special Thanks Stefan.K for fixing the attack animations. :smile: Author's Notes Visit Johnwar's Models Discussion for updates and links for my models. :smile:
Silvermoon Guard Model
"These arcane constructs of Blood Elf design were originally intended to be used as sentries that would supplement the guards of Silvermoon City in it's defense. However, as their size allows them to strike more than one opponent, the Blood Elves have also recently began using them in more...
Captain of High Elf Model
Based on Ujimasa Hojo's optimized Captain. Just like the base model, wraps are optimized, portrait is incorporated, animations are linearized. Credits to @Ujimasa Hojo for the base model. If you use or edit this, I kindly ask that you credit Ujimasa Hojo. The bundle contains: 1. A blood elf...
Arthas Act 2 Model
A basic model used for unit or unit death skills. This is my first model and although it is simple I hope that someone serves.
Some Bloodlust Models
Some recolorations of the Blood Lust model. They are free to use but credit me if you use them. Credit me for BTNBlueBloodLust, BTNFelBloodLust and BTNTwilightRage. Credit Blizzard for BTNRighteousFury (from WoW). Enjoy :infl_thumbs_up:
What it says on the label. Custom textures version is somewhat shinier since I made hue-adjusted versions of red star and red glow textures instead of using the ingame blue versions which have less color. Feel free to use those for anything else you like, as well.
Blood Arthas Model
This is my Blood Presence model,all wow players should be familiar with it.Please give comments,advices and sugestions. EDIT:Did what moderator asked + added better glow,changed color of the skull EDIT II:Added Birth and dead animation. Keywords: death knight,Blood Presence,blood
Alliance and Dalaran UI(recolor by me)
Long story short. I did this Userinterface originally for Flickering Light, before I changed the branding of the game. Lucky for me, it became usefull for a different project called Bloodmoon. My first and newly released custom game! Enjoy!
BLue Fire
I edited FireBallMissile.mdx to create BlueFireBallMissile.mdx. This model doesn't need imported textures. These model and icon are free but credit me if you use them. Enjoy and tell me if you want other models ! ;)
Blue Incincrate
I edited IncinerateBuff.mdx and IncinerateSpecial.mdx to create BlueIncinerateBuff.mdx and BlueIncinerateSpecial.mdx. This model doesn't need imported textures. Models & icons are free but credit me if you use them. Enjoy !
Blue Liquid
It is based on the liquid fire model of the bat riders of the trolls. It could be used for similar abilities in aquatic units.
Ogre Mystic 3 Spell
Another blue ogre requested icon, two headed version
Battle Mage Transform Icon
Another blue ogre ability icon requested. Enrage/Overpower/Avatar/Etc
Ogre Lava Splash
Another blue ogre icon requested
Khanzo Passive Icon
Another requested icon, Blue ogre belly size buttons
Ogre Battle Mage Mana Restore Icon
First of icons requested by Goblintrain
Ogre Research Hp ICon
Another request icon of blue ogre ability, Reviving spell
ThrokFeroth Research Attack
Iconpack downloaded from
Anasterian Bondage Model
Support me or shop for UI and more! Commissioned for Frostcraft. SD Preview uses Blood Drinker by Deolrin Keywords: Chain, Chains, Bonds CHANGELOG 17.04.21 - Uploaded NOTES Feel free to modify. Give credit. FREQUENT ISSUES Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an...
Mage Research Icon
Mage Research Icon
Anasterian Cinematic Spell
Breath of Fire, it was intended for line damage spell (Carrion Swarm, Shockwave, Breath of Fire etc) Since it only has birth animation, therefore the range of this effect can reach is very limited. Suggested Settings Distance: 200-700 AOE: 100-200 Final Area: 200-300 I have provided a...
Sage Breath Model
Keywords: holy, breath, sfx, effects, missile
a global attack upgrade icon(s)
Brutallus Model
Story Brutallus is the second boss of the Sunwell Plateau raid. He is a giant pit lord who has lost his wings and has blades for hands like Kargath Bladefist. Brutallus can be seen on the far north in the Dead Scar outside on the Isle of Quel'Danas, being taunted by the blue dragon Madrigosa...
Mage Strategy Orb
Iconpack downloaded from
Stormbringer Spell Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Ray of Destruction
Iconpack downloaded from
First Icon ever.
Shaman Elemental Research
A Fireball sorrounded with FIRE... -.-
Goblin Armor Research 1
Goblin Armor Research 2
shield green
Goblin Armor Research 2
shield red
Goblin Zeppelin Research
Throk Feroth Some Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Brutallus Weapon Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Master Spell Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
ThrokFeroth Icon Rage
Iconpack downloaded from
Protecter Shield Wall
Iconpack downloaded from
Protecter Cleave Icon
Cleave icon made by blizzard -exported -added boarder -made disabled version with W3IR Credits to Blizzard Keywords: cleave, wow, cool, cleaving, strike
Sage Guard Icon Research
Iconpack downloaded from
Dust Elemental Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Landazar Altar Icon
Icon made for the model Altar of Elders (Elf) made by Ujimasa Hojo
Sylvanas Altar Icon
An icon made for the model: Altar of Eternity created by MatiS. Special thanks to MatiS Update1: Less Pixeled Keywords: Altar, Elf, High, Quelthalas, Silvermoon, Hero, Temple, Well, Shrine, Water, Animated, Crystal, Energy, Arcane, Magic, Spell, Highborne, Blood
Chapter 5 Amulet from Optional Quest Icon
Made this icon out of boredom :) Updated: -added stronger shadings/highlights -changed background Keywords: amulet, neck, jewel, ruby, diamond, wire, jewelery, artifact
Ogre Drunkard Icon
I dunno why but I just feeled like making this. I also don't know why I like it that much. HF. Please comment & rate.
Double Icon
HEhe I LOVE lightnings.. Here we go my first staff ever.. A bit sucky but I like it somehow. Comment & rate :) Keywords: Staff, Lightning, Holy, Electricity,
Dalaran Mage Staff Icon 1
--------------------------------------------- AncientStaff
Landazar Icon
Following the Uther icon I made I felt like Archmages could also use some alternative icon(s), so I thought I'd make Antonidas
Arcane Spell Landazar Icon
Arcane Arrow!!!! This abiity stuns the target for 1 second, deals 75/150/225 damage and burns 35/35/70 damage from the target. Each levels adds 75 attack range. credits to blizzard. Keywords: Arcane, arrow, blood, elf, elven, spell
Elite Research Dalaran
Iconpack downloaded from
Arcane Eye
Another attempt to make an icon, this one is more of magic-like, I tried to represent something familiar to arcane. Entirely free hand. Updated: Old one beneath. Keywords: Spell, arcane, eye, magic, white, blue, purple, pink.
Dalaran Mage Staff Icon 2
This item icon is mi First icon and I am proud of this.
Landazar Staff Icon
Just an icon for my model. Represents a wooden stick which involves an arcane energy. ==== Version 0.2============================== *reworked background =========================================== Keywords: Arcane, Staff, Wand, Stick, Magic, Blast, Purple, Wooden, Enchanted...
War Golem Spell
This is an arm of lightning I made.. Electricity
Armored Wolf Icon
Icon for Sellenisko's armored wolf model(2nd version): Keywords: Worgen, Cataclysm, Gevuodan, Beast, Dire, Wolf, Dire Wolf, Monster, Darkness, Pet, Hunter, Vrykul, Hound, Northrend, Nordic, Gamr, Fenrir, Armored, Da
Martyr Spell Icon
Artificial Eye... Enjoy! :) Keywords: Artificial, Eye, Dragon, Metal, Metallic, Item, Icon, Aura, Cold, Frozen, Icy, Frost, PrinceYaser, Undead, Warcraft, Warcraft III, WC3, WCIII, WoW
Regenerate Metal
Iconpack downloaded from
Slayer Spell Icon
Model made after the classic claws of attack. Simple recolor. I really needed the icon for my map and im sure other people will find it useful too.
Lordaeron Spearthrower Icon
An icon for Bandit/Dwarven Warrior Keywords: Dwarf, Bandit, Human, Hero, Warrior
SOme Barrack Icon
Icon made after Ujimasa Hojo's Barracks (Orc, ALPHA) model.
Wildkin Research/Spell Icon
This icon is use for 'Feral Spirit' Keywords: Claw
Murloc Hermit Spell Icon
Represents a Murloc enchanted/enraged. do not edit my icons without my permission Keywords: Fury, Wrath, Rage, Enchant, Embued, Satanic, Empowered, Vitality.
Werewolf Icon Items
Another part of the set, expect more to come :) ~berz Keywords: berserk, gloves, protection, arms, hands, metal
Magic Potential
An skin for BE races, simple and useful. Skin Here: Keywords: tower, elven, blood, elf, darkfang, dark, fang
Research Mage
Research Mage
Vindrogast Item
Iconpack downloaded from
Blackrock Grunt Icon
Made from the model screenshot as a request for JokeMaster. Goes with Keywords: Elfsilver Lord, Elfsilver, Lord, Grunt, Tauer, Blackrock
JubeiThos Spell
Blade Storm Blade Master ultimate Ability.. didnt see a lot of new Blade Storm... Version 0.1 Added alot to the tornado Version 0.2 added a spin effect and fixed the top of the tornado Version 0.3 i made lots of minor changes Version 0.4 more black on the tornado Version 0.5...
JubeiThos Countreattack
some icon i made during my out of internet time last week. Keywords: blade, storm, slash, cut, orc, blood, whirl,
Blackrock Grunt Spell ICon
_______________________________________________________________ Blast Hammer 1.0
Tichondrius Horn
Icon of Blight Horn. Give credits if you will decide to use it.
Destroyer Icon
This is the set of fitting icons for my Undead Blood Hound Rider model. Check out the model for a detailed discription! Feel free to use this icons in any way you want! Have fun with them! :wink: Please, if you have any idea about how this icons can be improved/change to the...
Boiling Blood Icon
Keywords: Bloodlust, Blood, Lust, Rage
Tornado Crystall Icon
For my crystal/gem pack. Second one Blue Crystal Enojy ;) (soon more) Keywords: Blue, Crystal, Gem
Sylvanas Spell Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Research Mage
Credit me, when use this icon in your map. Edition permission: you can add/change borders, recolor icon, but always save credit. Keywords: Book, Magic, Power, Knowledge
Research MAge
I really bad speak English. I beg your pardon!
High Elf Elite Research
A bottle filled with Illusion Rune. Use to create 2 illusions that receives more damage than you. Keywords: illusion, bottle, bote, empty, orange
Well.... Bread....
3rd Icon I made.... The Bread......... Keywords: Bread,food,eat
Sage SPell Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
BlackThorn Research Armor
Iconpack downloaded from
Blackrock Merc Research Bandit
This resource has been made for the map: Survive the Forest, in progress by KaiserG. Of course this model has been made by me using the Warcraft III Advanced Spirit Walker Training upgrade has base. Keywords: axe, weapon, two hand.
Goblin Justice Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Guard Skill 1
Icon of Burning Mana. Give credits if you will decide to use it.
Guard SKill2
call for rage, inspiration, war, morale, clarion Keywords: rage, inspiration, war, morale, clarion
Catapult Research some
Icon for Mike's other Catapult: Keywords: Catapult, Rockthrower, Boulderthrower, Mangonel, Siege Machine, Siege Engine, Machine, Machinery
Shaman Res 1
This icon is a recolor. Thanks for noticing. Original: Keywords: demon, shaman, claws, fire, D:
Shaman Res2
This icon is also a recolor. Thanks for noticing. Original: Keywords: demon, shaman, claws, fire, D:
Jubeithos another spell icon
Charge, or enhanced smash. Name it as u wish, so, enjoy. Keywords: Sword, Smash, Slash, Charge, Attack, Rush
FOrbidden Res
Clockwerk Res
Clockwerk Goblin! Have fun creating wc3 maps! Give me a credits if you use it! %) Updated 1: Changed the background for the more suitable, little changes with clockwerk Updated 2: More lighten background, added some detail, bonus icon Updated 3: Keywords: Clockwerk, Goblin...
Blackthorn Spell icon
Commanding Shout icon from World of Warcraft.
Slave Tornment
Powerful hit with gauntlet'd fist. Smashing skulls, yeah. Keywords: Fist, Attack, Punch, Crush,
Caster Icon
This icon fits to Direfury's Dwarven Court Mage, but can also serve as for a human mage i guess, i made this as a request for a friend who suggest me to upload it, hope you like it! Anyone have my permission to edit this icon. Link to the model: Court Mage Keywords: Dwarven, Court...
Grenade icon
Chappelan icon
High Elf Lumber Res Icon
Cutting down the forest, and anyone else who'll get under the blade for that matter. Keywords: saw, cut
Snow Golem
Yo Hivers, this is an old icon I made back in the days when I had my old computer (R.I.P.
Sylvanas Bow
Forged in the crystal mines, this bow has immense powers. Chilling enemies that come in contact with it. Can be used for multiple reasons.
Mage Research
A magic staff icon suitable for items and spells. Keywords: Staff, Scepter, wood, stick, purple, magic, magical, dark, weapon
ThrokFeroth Armor Research
A wooden shield suitable for items and abilities. Keywords: Shield, Wooden, Brown, Wood, Defense, Defend
Dalaran range research
I made this for my Bow Pack, im making. By, Army-of-pandas Comment and Rate, Thanks. Keywords: Dark, Bow, Army, Panda
Mad Elemental Spell 1
Iconpack downloaded from
Mad Elemental Spell 2
Iconpack downloaded from
Alchiemist Spell
Iconpack downloaded from
Murloc Hermit Icon
Represents a Murloc hand holding something. do not edit my icons without my permission Keywords: Hold, Energy, Synergy, Power, Essence, Seed, Watery, Vitality, Regeneration, Life, Magic.
Dalaran Elite Research
A sword that is black in the light and shines in the dark. Keywords: Dark, Steel, Sword, Blade, Weapon, Item.
Mad Troll Research
[Update] * Reduced contrast and made his head longer. Quick icon for my Texturing Contest #21 entry, Dark Troll Warlord. Feedback highly appreciated! Keywords: dark, troll, warlord, high, tier, angry, purple, creep, shiiK
Gift From THe Gods icon
A modified version of the grace of elune icon. I made it for my game and decided to share it with you.
Demolish Res
The improved version of demolish.... This will be updated everyday..... Please give credits if used..... Update#1: Tower re-sized and enhanced background... Next Update: Tomorrow Update#2: Tower colour and brick texture added... Update#3: Tower Brick Texture Changed Keywords...
Guard Mana Spell
an icon for the phoenix trial #6. uploaded to get those png pics ^^ Keywords: glaive, illidan, demon, hunter, night, elf,
ThrokFeroth Res
Demon Rage... Enjoy! ................. .................
High Elf Lumber REs
despair, water, exhaustion, balance, tranquility Keywords: despair, water, exhaustion, balance, tranquility
Sargeras Gaze Icon
Das ist ein test textfile Gruss Christoph
Dragonhawk aviary
Icon made for the model Dragonhawk Aviary, made by MatiS
Destroyer Spell
Two-Handed Sword for dragon fighting. Have fun with toxic colors Keywords: Sword, Two-Handed, TH, Dragon, Slayer, Weapon
Mage Research
The dragon staff> flamed, dangerous and poweruful Keywords: dragon, staff, flame
Mage Research
Made this icon for Warlock. My spin off the staff of fireballs. Keywords: Red, Dragon, Staff, Rod, Fire, Drake, Wyrm, Searing, Fireballs, Firepower, Flames, 67chrome
Item Bonus Heal
Iconpack downloaded from
Mage Research
Dread Book... Enjoy!
Azgalor Item
I really like how this turned out :) It was made for a 1h dagger but then i just noticed that is a good design for a dual blade (War Glave) and i made one :D Enjoy. Don't edit without my permission !! Keywords: Dual, Blade, Glave, Sword, Dagger, Static
Goidrik item
Design by my brother, I just painted it. Give me no rep and no credits. Edit it if you want. Here's the big version: Thanks to Vista Sucks who told me to lighten the ring and made an edited version of it. I copy pasted the runes from there (as Vista Sucks recommended me to do)...
Some Spell
well this is the earth element sphere.. please post.. is tyring ge to wait 2 comments only and in MDF's 1000 of post.. Keywords: earth sphere elemental druid shaman
High Elf Quest Icon
Good for Spells Tested it, sould work My third Icon Keywords: Earth, Fire, Burn, Storm
Some Icon
Elemental Sphere... Enjoy! :) Keywords: Sphere, Round, Gem, Spell, Elemental, Ability, Item, Icon, PrinceYaser, THW, Hive, Magical, Magic, Elven, Human, Wizard, Warcraft
Andromath Ultimate
One of the three elemnts of my icons (water, lightning and fire) hope you like it. Keywords: water, fire, lightning, element, elemental, attack, strike, boom.
Dalaran Research Armor
Elven Armor Improved An Improved/Heavy Version of my Elven Armor Icon, it was requested by someone a long time ago, and i only just realised now, I have made 3 Versions, Light, Medium and Heavy /Normal, Upgraded, Improved. Constructive Criticism please. Thanks to Elainiel for helping me...
WarGolem Skill
Represents a chain involved in magic. do not edit my icons without my permission Keywords: Link, Mana, Break, Burn, Lock, Blue, Ebergy, Synergy, Cosmic, Astral, Imprisionement, imprisonment, Duress.
WarGolem SKill
Another icon representing icy / energy bolts for my Iceborn project. Keywords: Ice, icy, frost, cold, bolt, bolts, blue, energy, strike, attack, spell, destruction, soul.
Leaking mana Staff
Well, here's an icon í made for some while ago, my first weapon icon actually, never uploaded it though, don't know why. But here it is, tell me your thoughts :) Credit me if you use it in a map. Don't edit my icons without my permission. Feedback is appreciated. I'm Still in the process of...
Mage Research
Eternity Staff... Enjoy!
Explosive Barrel, made by Blizzard. Can be used for numerous things Maybe some goblins got their hands on it this time 89% Chance to Explode upon Download :3 Keywords: Barrel, Blizzard, Explode
Ogre Eye
An icon I've done in freehand that has various of usefulness (mostly as an item or some kind of a sight spell). GIVE ME CREDITS IF YOU USE MY ICON IN YOUR MAP!!! Feel free to edit this resource for your projects as long as you credit me for the resource you based it from. Keywords...
Mad Elemental Icon
Eye of Darkness[tr]v1.0: First release.v1.1: Re-colored and do more highlights, darkness, fire. Keywords: darkness, fire, undead, demon, eye, demon eye
Landazar Optional Quest Item
An icon for Radagast's FacelessArtillery model. Keywords: Crossbow, Ballista, Catapult, Cannon, Siege, Faceless, One, Brute, Ranged
Warlock 3 Spell
Recolor of the Far seer Earthquake ability. This could be used as a volcanic spell with fel fire and/or earthquake. Inspired by WoW TOC raid the fight against Lord Jaraxxus. Original: Keywords: fel, inferno, WoW, demon, earthquake, volcano, warlock, green, earth
Warlock 2 Spell
i saw that icon and i wanna remake it so i chance colours of it. Keywords: doom,green,demon,demonic,outland
Field Medic
The icon to go with my Female Human Mage model. Keywords: female, mage, spellcaster, sorceress
Dalaran Amplifier Research
Some fiery, smoke producing explosion for all those pyromaniac wizards! If you use this in your map, please link it here! I'll be more than happy to play it :) Keywords: explosion, fire, dust, fiery, red, orange, yellow, smoke, wizard, spell, ability, campfire.
Landazar Fire Wall
Fire - icon to fire spells =) Keywords: Fire , Red
ThroFeroth Ultimate
The Fire version of my axe Comment and rate Bye Update 1: Made more simetric and added some shading, centered axe, made axe more visible and moved fire Keywords: Axe, Weapon, Attack, Medieval, Warrior
Giant Belt Icon
Well, its a fire belt. No CnP. I kinda stole the logo from MTG though. Its the logo for the Morningtide set. Yeah, full pic looks a lot better I think, but oh well.
Goblin Justice Icon
--------------------------------------------------- Fire Rockets
Fire Elemental Spell
Iconpack downloaded from
Mage Research
Fire staff Filling the description with useless words bla bla Keywords: Fire, staff, Rune, Gem, Lava, bla, bla, Shine, On, You, Crazy, Diamond.
Mage Research
i staff with fire in the end of it - ofcause for safty it has metal to protect the wood from the heat. Keywords: staff, fire, flame, wand, HoN, pyromancer, spell, caster, pyro, log, wood, element, recipe, combination, metal, lumber, iron.
Fire Wall orc
Fire Wall made for spell Fire Wall =). Keywords: Fire , Wall
Forbidden Flame
Flames... Ya know, the great CR tutorial. xD Enjoy! :) Mods, each icon of mine that you see not fulfilling the standards for approval, feel free to set it as Substandard, don't wait for my update. Thanks!
Archer Elite Research
Just another wc3 icon ... My first attempt for creating environment art :) Large image : Keywords: Nature, Tree, Forest, Ashenvale, Glade, Vale, Plants, NightElf, Kalimdor, Wilderness, Wild, Woods, Jungle.
Forbidden SHaman 1 Research
Iconpack downloaded from
Frost ELemental
I made this Icon for Mc !'s FrostElemental, because i found no better one. I hope you like it. Keywords: frost, elemental, frost elemental, ice, lich, cold, destroza, mc!
Nathrezim FrostFire Icon Orb
An icon for my Blood Elf map. Its a Orb of Frost fire :) Have fun with it and please dont modify it. Keywords: Frostfire, Frost, fire, orb, magic, item, ice, fiery.
Frostmourne strike. The Lich King's ability of Frostmourne. Enjoy! :) ..................................... .....................................
Furbolg Rage
Just another warcraft 3 icon :D Beware! Furbolgs are lurking in the forest .... Large Image . Keywords: Furbolg, Bear, Animal, Rage, Fierce, Grizzly, Mammals, Forest, Druid, Nature, Survival, Wilderness, Wild.
Iconpack downloaded from
a blade i use alot of time on - i was thinking to zoom in more but i'll leave it at this and see ha you say :D Keywords: katana, weapon, blade, golden, drake
Amplifier Research
This shiny gem empowers the user, granting additional hitpoints and mana. A icon I made for my project, hope you guys enjoy it. Keywords: Gem, Mana, Health
Naaru Gift Item
An icon for the Gift of the Naaru ability from World of Warcraft. That one ability that's in my bars but never got used once. Give credits when used and enjoy!
Slayer Gnoll Icon
Icon for my Gnoll Slicer unit. Keywords: gnoll, slasher, slice, cutter, rogue, bandit, dog, hyena, werewolf
Gnoll Research
Iconpack downloaded from
Contracter Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Mad Scientstist
A simple icon made for Vermillion Edict's Goblin Alchemist model. 2nd update:more shadow on the edge of disabled icon. Keywords: goblin, alch, alchemist...
Hobgoblin Res Skill
Represents a goblin ear catching sound. do not edit my icons without my permission Keywords: Sense, Ability, Agility, Accuracy, Thirst, Perception, Troll, Green, Radar.
High Elf Chapter 4 Optional Quest Icon
A sexy goblin commando icon! !!!! !!!! Keywords: goblin commando
Goblin Zoo Icon
Icon for skymarshall's Goblin Fuel Pump model: Keywords: Goblin, Gobliiinz, Building, Structure, Oil Pump, Fuel Pump, Resource, Production, Derrick, Oil Derrick
Goblin Mage Building Icon
Icon for all tiers of skymarshall's Goblin main-building model, here: skymarshall's permission: Keywords: Headquarters, Outpost, Command Post, Main Building, Structure, Goblin, Gobliiinz, Building
Goblin Optional Quest Icon
Component of Goblin Aviator icon set. Keywords: Goblin, Aviator, Heroic, Airplane, Plane, Machine, Artillery, Shot, Flying, Machine, Honor, Medal, Kaaboom.
Goblin tank Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
Goblin Mortar Team Icon
Alternative version of the goblin mortar team. Give credits if u use it in your map\campaign and don't edit without permission! Keywords: Goblin, Mortar, Cannon, Team, Rocket, Cannoneer, Demolition Squad, Sin'dorei300
Architects of Pain
Iconpack downloaded from
Goblin Zeppelin
Icon requested by MiniMage for his project. Give credits if u use it in your map\campaign and don't edit without permission! Keywords: Zeppelin, Airship, Technology, Flying, Flyer, Goblin, Gnome, Balloon, Boat, Wing, Winged, Sin'dorei300
BlackThorn Armor Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Goblin Armor Res
TheBlooddancer's request. Keywords: Gold, Bar
Runner Skill
Iconpack downloaded from
Blackthorn Axe
Misc ability icon, a golden axe striking. Keywords: Gold, Axe, Blade, Heavy, Rich, Weapon, Blow, Grip, Fatal, Execution, Midas, Yellow.
New Shield Icon
Request from my mate [DUOS]. Enjoy the golden holyshield Keywords: Shield, Golden, Holy, Defense, Protection, Light
Gold Icon Item
---------------------------------------------- Pile of Gold
Abomination Elemental Skill
I always see Golem abilities based only on physical damage. This time I'm trying to do a magical stuff for Golem. Keywords: Missile, Projctile, Hurl, Boulder, Throw, Slam, Giant, Magical, Blue, Rock.
Blackthorn Knight res
Granite hand-punch, a groundbreaking power wich improves the next attack of an unit. Keywords: stone, granite, golem, hand, punch, resistant, tank
Im pretty sure a lot of map makers thought of this before; a stronger sobi mask. Keywords: mask, sobi, mana, regen, helmet, armor, culture, voodoo, grand, fear, overpower
ThrokFeroth Armor Res
Represents a big/great wooden shield, old and slightly frayed. Keywords: Def, Defense, Shield, Stout, Poor, Vanguard, Tarrask, Block, Nature, Forest, Bandit, Champion, Old, Ancient, Basic, Round, Blue, Wood, Spheric, Useful
Witch SPell
Green Red Witch Scream ***************************************************************************************** Keywords: Green, Red, Witch, Scream, Horror, Zombie, Undead
Legion Shield Icon
Heavy green shield... just green shield =) Keywords: shield, green, nature
Gavinrad Necklace
3rd Icon. Story: For all those death's comes a price, evil lurks withen, to keep the evil contained the necklace was forged. It Ultimately works, but if ever some one put it on they will become evil. Give credits if used, Do not distribute to other sites ect... Added Passive Icon...
Master Icon
A berserk/warcry type ability for the Grunt. Keywords: grunt, orc, berserk, berserker, war, cry, warcry, taunt, scream, chaos, demon
Goblin Weapon Icon
An icon tha have 2 guns. One already shot and an other is shooting. Keywords: Gun, Shot, Ranged, Weapon
Dalaran Building Icon
Generic Hammer, anyone else agree disbtn is a bit too dark? Keywords: gravity, hammer, glow, purple, weapon, icon, command, button
War Golem Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Amplifier Icon
Iconpack downloaded from
High Elf Lumber Icon
Hoompapa. It's an icon. Laidiadilalala. Keywords: harpy, scream, silence, warcry, spell, creep, barrens, shout, taunt, piercing, distract, command, witch
Sniper Gaming
An icon that could work for a good amount of spells I guess. Have fun with it! Also, if you use it in a map, I'd be more than happy to see it in action! So please, send me (either link it here or send me pm) the link to it so I can try it. Keywords: armor, pierce, headshot, spell...
OGre Drummer Spell Icon
This is one of the Warcraft 3 beta icons. Feel free to edit them, and you do not have to give me credits. Keywords: warcraft, beta, cool, orc, orcs, drum, drums, ability
I modified my Mana potion due to request by greedforce. I tried to make it look like some kind of nature/Healing potion, i think it turned out quite nice, and i hope it is enough changes from the mana one in order to get it approved. Updates: Changed the glow a bit and some minor stuff...
Icon for my & Uncle Fester's High Elf Priestess model. Give credits if u use it in your map\campaign and don't edit without my permission! Keywords: High, Elf, Sorceress, Priestess, Mage, Archmage, Jaina, Elf Villager, Woman, Wizard, Blonde, Enchanter, Beauty, Lady, Sin'dorei300
MAge Res
Orcs Armor Res
I saw a kite shield today, I had to draw one :P Keywords: shield, kite, armor, armour, body, protection, upgrade
Last Lordaeron Breath
Iconpack downloaded from
Sage Passive
Recolored fire mage icon, as requested by Warlord Ajer'laroir. Changes: -Added more shadows -Increased contrast -Changed eyes -Changed lips Give me credits if you use it in your campaign\map and don't edit without my permission! 'njoy! Keywords: Paladin, Holy, Warrior, Crusader...
Ballador Passive
Icon for Mythic's model "HolyRestorationAura" Keywords: Mythic, HolyRestorationAura, Aura
Holy Weapon
Another Sword Icon.
Raid Icon
Thanks to Blizzard - Command Aura (Human Aura) Keywords: Command, Aura, Human, Blizzard
Resistance Icon
The icon to go with my Human Catapult model. UPDATE 1: Changed to match the updated model. Keywords: Warcraft I, Warcraft 1, WCI, WC1, siege, weapon
High Elf Lumber REs
Keywords: human, face, portrait, anger, rage, frenzy, villager, townsmen, hero, protagonist
Mage res
Big image of Ice staff. I say hayyyyyeyyyyyeyyyyeyy, heyyyyyyeyyyyyeyyyyy. Keywords: Staff, Ice, Weapon
mage res
This book, was forgotten by the ice trolls a long time ago. It posses a threat too all man kind. Keywords: Icey, Book, Ice, Tome
mech wolf res
Manipulated From a stock image in my icon and triggers thread. Made for a tiger that uses Mirror Image Keywords: tiger, lion, mirror image, illusion
dalaran armor res
Iconpack downloaded from
amplifier res
Iconpack downloaded from
mage res
Iconpack downloaded from
mage res
Iconpack downloaded from
undead death res
Iconpack downloaded from
bandit invis
I continue to make icons from Warcraft II. And now I have made icons for abilities. I hope you'll find them useful. Here are 4 icons: active button, disabled button, autocast button, and passive button. This is a collection of humans skills, mage + paladin Invisibility (Mage) Keywords...
dalaran armor res
Iconpack downloaded from
katana ogre
My first drawn sword :D C&C pls. Update: + Added more details + Edit little the BG so details will show. Keywords: Katana,Weapon,Sword,Blade
kobold slave
An icon for Callahan's Kobold Digger model: I made it because I'm using the model for the race building contest. I've got permission from Callahan now: Keywords...
gavinrad stun spell
A moose. Don't give me any credits. Edit it if you want. Keywords: Light, Fire, Inner Fire, Inner, Holy, PAS, Passive, BTN, Ability, Moose, Moose, Moose, Moose, Moose.
Yea, this is a orb icon i edited in This is not 100% my work. Someone called inhuman89 made a Spehre icon. That's what I edited. Thanks to inhuman89. Keywords: Orb, Light, Blue, Magic, Magical, Blood, Elf, Human
stormbringer spell
Lighting Slash 1.0.1 Please Leave A Comment Keywords: Lighting Slash For Wizard , Sorcerer , Elemental , Etc
some dreadlord orb
Yet another icon by Chief-Oblivion. A lightning orb, hope you enjoy. Updates: Added some detail to the orb. Added an inner shadow to make it more spherical. Keywords: Lightning, Orb, Chief-Oblivion
dreadlord orb
A glowing red lightning sphere. Made for Particle Party by quellion. Keywords: Sphere, Electric, Lightning, Orb, Ball, Ring
Tornado Initiator
this is my frist icon and create with photoshop. have fun! :D Keywords: human,nightelf,mage,blood mage,lightning,tornado,blue,teal,alpha,dhguardianes,dhg,dh,spell,magic,damage,ability,power,special
mother storm
Iconpack downloaded from - Diese Website steht zum Verkauf! - Informationen zum Thema strategy games,videogames.
mage research
A tome of forbidden knowledge. Who knows what dark secrets could be locked inside. Credit LifeguardLeroy in you map.
ballador lumber res
In school on lesson of Topographics I did work ahead of school plan and saving time for drawing :) Just an icon of wooden sicks collected together like lumber pile or something. The icon made basicaly in GIMP. Have a good harvesting ^^ Keywords: Harvest, Lumber, Wood, Pile, Lot, Sticks, Gather
high elf lumber res
I updated it now,it seems a bit better. Keywords: axe,lumber,lumber,jack,lumberjack,orc,peon,WoW,human,peasant
bandit weapon res
Well this icon i made while in a web page i saw a picture of sauron and his mace xD I will post upgrades too Rate and Give comments to know how to improve Thanks Bye all is freehanded by the way, only the background i used random photoshop brushes and darkened it. ifyou want i can...
bandit weapon res 2
First upgrade of my mace icon, Same as last icon: comment and rate Keywords: Mace, Weapon, Warrior, Medieval, Upgrade
bandit weapon res 3
Second and last upgrade of my mace icon Rate and comment Bye Keywords: Mace, Weapon, Warrior, Medieval, Upgrade
Blackrock Madness
Original: Keywords: insanity, laugh, how, about, a, magic, trick
High Elf Start Build
An icon I did to show someone a way of perspective :D Give credits and don't modify without my permission! EDIT 1: Hope I fixed upside down problem >< EDIT 2: Fixed. Told you :p The bluriness was my convertation software :p EDIT 3: Fixed? Keywords: Hammer, Maul, Stone, Rock...
Illusion Devourer
Credit me, when use this icon in your map. Edition permission: you can add/change borders, recolor icon, but always save credit. Keywords: Magic, Mirror, Ricochet
Dalaran Armor Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Andromath Staff
Name says it all. Please give credits. Have fun. Update: Added additional "shine" to the gem. Trimmed up the edges and stuff that was bothering me that I had forgotten to take care of. Update: Added a "glow" to it, I think everyone was right. It looks a lot better. Update: Changed the...
Wizard Generator Spell
A mana beam, mostly inpsired from Mana Drain. If you use this in your map, please link it here! I'll be more than happy to play it :) Keywords: mana, drain, manadrain, link ,beam ,blast ,blue
battle mage spell
It's the icon for my spell 'mana flare'. Hope it gets approved, because it's the first time I upload an icon. The icon is 100% freehand. Please tell me if I there are some things, that should be improved. Enjoy it! Update: 1. centered the flow added transparency to the beam...
amplifier res
An icon inspired by mana-related spells. Maybe mana-leak ? EDIT : I tried to update, but the same icons remain, so I'll try to fix this later. If you use this in your map, please link it here! I'll be more than happy to play it :) Keywords: mana, leak, loss, breath, inhale, blue
alchiemist spell
Credit Tiodor Keywords: Potion, Poison, Mana, Arcane, Nether, Void, Throw, Deadly, Bottle, Explosion, Blast, Alchemist, Missle.
wiz gen spell
----------------------------------------------------- Mana Return
meat from chapter 2
The second of my deluge of requested icons. Please do not comment/rate until all four have been uploaded. Give credits and don't modify without my permission! Keywords: Meat, Club, Mace, Caveman, Abdomination, BLood, Gore, Leg
faster catapults res
Fits my Mecha Wheel please give credits if used. :) Keywords: Mecha, Wheel, bisnar, 13, Jasper, Machine, Robot, Gunner, Missile, Kaboom, Robotics, Mechanica,
Scoundrel Res
Import the icons to the following paths: BTNMighty Blade.blp-ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMighty Blade.blp DISBTNMighty Blade.blp-ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\ATCMighty Blade.blp ATCMighty Blade.blp-ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\ATCForsakenDeathguard.blp...
Create illusion
Iconpack downloaded from
MAge res
Iconpack downloaded from
Goblin mortar team res
Icon requested by TwentyThree. This is a Mortar and Pastle (basic alchemic tool for creating potions). Keywords: Alchemy, Mortar, Pastle, Potion
abomination elemental res
The third saw on my ''saw techtree'', enjoy it. -> The_Silent Keywords: chainsaw chain saw motor weapon
murloc hermit
Icon made in the hopes that it will be imported along with the skin it is destined to represent in a map's icon usage. Keywords: Murloc, Mur'gul, Amphibious, Fish, Frog, WoW, RAWL, RAWLRAWL, RAWLRAWLRAWL, 67chrome
mage res
bloodthirst furbolg spell
Just another warcraft 3 icon ... ROAAARRR ... Changes : - Zoom it out a little bit. Large Image ... Keywords: Bear, Rage, Beast, Animal, Monster, Druid, Nature, Forest, Bite, Fang, Morph, Transform, Attack, Elf.
Mage Res
Necromancer Staff... Enjoy! :) Keywords: Staff, Necromancer, Magi, Mage, Archmage, Gem, Weapon, Magic, Purple, Human, Undead, Spell, Item, Icon, PrinceYaser, THW, Hive, Ability, Warcraft
Assasin Spell
Credit Tiodor Keywords: Potion, Poison, Mana, Arcane, Nether, Void, Throw, Deadly, Bottle, Explosion, Blast, Alchemist.
goblin justice spell
Nuclear explosion for bombs and such with the big bangs Keywords: nuclear, explosion, explode, nuke, radioactive
scoundrel armor res
Iconpack downloaded from
ogre res 1
Ogre Armor Upgrades, 1. It's based on a screenshot, I hope that's not a problem. Keywords: ogre, armor, upgrade, techtree, belly, armour, race, protection, defence
ogre res 2
Ogre Armor Upgrades, 2. Ogre icon pack up till now: Keywords: ogre, armor, upgrade, techtree, belly, armour, race, protection, defence
ogre res 3
Ogre Armor Upgrades, 3. Ogre icon pack up till now: Keywords: ogre, armor, upgrade, techtree, belly, armour, race, protection, defence
ogre warrior spell
Ogre Bash... Photoshop 2 Hours + Wacom tablet... UPDATED: Defined orange stripes more, increased sharpness and fixed big image...
ogre weapon res 1
Ogre War Clubs: Ogre Melee weapon upgrades, 1. More coming soon. I'm making an Ogre icon pack similair to my earlier Kobold icon pack. Keywords: upgrade, ogre, club, melee, weapons, weapon, techtree, creep
ogre weapon res 2
Ogre War Clubs: Ogre Melee weapon upgrades, 3. More coming soon. I'm making an Ogre icon pack similair to my earlier Kobold icon pack. Keywords: upgrade, ogre, club, melee, weapons, weapon, techtree, creep
ogre mound
hero ogre altar icon
Ogre Mound Icon to be used with the Model. Credits to: - Paint.NET - Button Manager Keywords: Ogre, Mound, Icon, Building, Orc
ogre warrior 2 spell
An ugly Ogre in rage. May be used as bloodlust for Ogres and such. Keywords: Ogre, Rage, Bloodlust, Fury
ogre weapon res 3
M&M Ogre's Club of Havoc reference: Keywords: Club, Ogre, Ogr, Havoc, Smash, Slam
dreadlord orb
Iconpack downloaded from
dreadlord orb 2
by ~Iyzz_Fryzz~ Keywords: Orb, Fire
illusion dalaran res
A nice orb of illusion granting passive illusions.
ogre blacksmith
Icon made after the OrcBlacksmith model.
orc lumbermill
Iconpack downloaded from
blackrock pigfarm
orc shaman
An icon on Orc Shaman requested by spasorc. The diference between original icon is: -This is edited screenshot by me :P -View on orc is diferent -Added mark on head and glow to eyes. Keywords: Shaman, Orc, Horde, Spell, Bloodlust
ballador hammer
Iconpack downloaded from
This icon is meant to be used for Units\Human\HeroPaladinBoss\HeroPaladinBoss.mdx aka black haired Paladin. This icon was requested a few times, so I made it and decided to upload it here, since people who need it will find it much easier here than in the forums. I know it's just a simple...
Miorni Orb
Regular Palantir. Always loved the look of this item in the movies. Please give credits if used. Don't edit without my permission. Remember that JPG-previews feature lower quality than the actual icon. Keywords: Lord, Rings, Palantir, Stone, Orb, Sight, Evil, Power
Blackrock shaman forbidden spell
i modified the incinerating icon i made and voilla!
Living mage spell
Phoenix Rage... Enjoy!
Chapplain spell 3
Updated: Hey, two hours after the upload of the other icon i got a request. And well, a quick holy bolt. *Updated, added impact lightning, added teal glow. Keywords: Holy, Bolt, Heal, Magic, Paladin, Church, Crusade, Yellow, Impact, Strike,
dreadlord orb
A simple icon I made because I was bored. Inspired by Ayumi's curse : Keywords: Pink, Curse, Xblades, Effect, Bolt
Plague Bonus Item
A green-yellowish explosion/nova, ideal for poison/nature spells. (Completely own-made icon) Keywords: poison, plague, disease, nova, death, putrid, venom, explosion, detonation, nature, acid, toxic
dreadlord orb
Pink portal for my Portal Resource Pack. Enjoy Keywords: disruption, portal, pink, light, mana, spell, enchance, laser, beam
Legion Bonus Item
Iconpack downloaded from
amplifier res
--------------------------------------------------- Powered Slash Attack
This is 100% made from scratch This has been used in my map "Warhammer Fantasy" which I will post when finished. Give credits when using Keywords: holy, blessing, prayer, devotion, pray
Destroyer Skill
made for dondustins request. look here for the description Keywords: ogre, horde, warlord, fury, charge, pig, attack,
This ability ive made as an ultimate for my naga royal guard hero. It purges the target, stunning it for 10 seconds (4 heroes), and destroys 150 mana when targeted on enemies. Kills summoned units, and deals 500 damage when targeted on enemies with spell inmunity, resistant skin or avatar...
Range attack res Dalaran
A simple bow with purple energy. ~Army. Keywords: Bow, Red, Arrow
Guard Elite Res
A Purple Gem. that is made of pure leetness and proatude, yeh 30 characters long! Keywords: gem, purple, mcleet
Dalaran Attack Res
Purple Sword... I hope you guys like it... Its freehand. Keywords: Purple, Pink, Sword, Weapon, LoL, Narandza.
radar spell
Done with GIMP 2.6 (I think). I am using it as a icon for a "Check Range" ability. Use it as you wish. Not necesary to give credits, though it would please me if you would. :wink: Could probobly be used as some kind of true sight or something. Keywords: Radar, submarine, true sight...
blackrock grunt res
Long story = I've been working on the past 2 days on making a logo for my new project ''Lok'Tar Ogar'' leaded by the well known Linaze. The Logo turned out so well, I decided to convert it in many icons. So here's 1 of them. Enjoy and GIVE CREDIT! also.. don't forget to take a look at...
Discipline res
Well, testing my new graphic tablet... Old icon revised. Enjoy!
Rain of Fire
Here's a remade icon for the RAIN OF FIRE spell, for the Pheonix competition #5 :D enjoy! and GIVE CREDIT! Keywords: Rain of Fire, rain, fire, spell, demon, ouch, hot, meteor,
Blackrock Hero Shaman Ultimate
Just made another fire icon. I don't know what to name for it so I just called it Fire Attack. Hope you like it. Keywords: reinforced, fire, attack, bolt, firebolt, bolt, hot, fiery, lava, red
Rifleman Dalaran Res Elite
An icon made exclusively for the Icon Contest #15 - Unit Corresponding Icons My unit is the good old Rifleman Burning Shot The Rifleman charges his cannon to shoot a burning bullet that when hits burns the target for x seconds.
An icon made exclusively for the Icon Contest #15 - Unit Corresponding Icons My unit is the good old Rifleman Toxic Grenade Throws off a poisonous toxic grenade to the targeted ground. (I'm bad at descriptions :xxd:)
Goblin Ultimate
Please, give me credit if you use. xD Keywords: clockwerk, goblin, missile, boom, bomb, Tinker, robot, mechanic
Das ist ein test textfile Gruss Christoph
Abomination Elemental
Yeah, just a random water elemental thingy eye lol. I've considered this icon to be one of my entries in the upcoming Phoenix Trial #5... but I don't know. It doesn't resemble the SummonWaterElemental icon it's suppose to replace... but I don't know. Need opinions on that. What do you think...
Balladors Res
Made by: Dan van Ohllus (aka Kuhneghetz) Along with my BTNItemHeart, this icon (without the border of course) was initially used as a placeholder icon for a stand-alone game project. But now we used a better version for that project, so I think this one will come in use for wc3 mapppers...
Iconpack downloaded from
Mage Res
Holy book, full of runes from the future. Keywords: Book, Holy, Runes
Right Hand Spell
Simple icon for a spell from my map. Up, decrease the size and delete the white lines. Enjoy Keywords: Lion, Rune, Spell, Gold, Magic, Strength, Animal, Roar, Claws
ThroFeroth Spell 1
Credit me, when use this icon in your map. Edition permission: you can add/change borders, recolor icon, but always save credit. Keywords: Rush, Charge
Goblin Attack Res
Keywords: Gold, Sack, Bag
Dust Elemental Spell
Iconpack downloaded from
Pendant Mana
Sapphire amulet for Narandza request. Have fun :> Keywords: Soul, Mana, Magic, Sense, Amulet, Talisman, Gem, Jewel, Sapphire
Witch 1 Spell
Sea Witch Strike... Enjoy! :) .................. ..................
Mage Res
This is the set of fitting icons for my Serpent Wand model. Check out the model for a detailed discription. Feel free to use it in any way you want! Have fun with it! :wink: Keywords: serpent wand, dark wand, snake wand, viper wand, wand, snake, viper, adder, attachment, item, venomous,
Mage REs
Hi there, this icon is a book with fangs and green-eyes, with "OPEN ME !" as a title :D This somekind of trap item, that i also made for fun ^^ Enjoy the handwork and don't forget comments and rating :) UPDATE : Added some shadings and red spikes around for the bg. Also marked some layout...
Dalaran Range Attack Res
_______________________________________________________________ Shadow Bow 1.0
Resistance Armor Res 1
A tower style shield, metal border, wood interior. Credits, 'n whatever.
Bandit From Lordaeron Spell
Iconpack downloaded from
Blackthorn bandit armor res 2
Iconpack downloaded from
Vrykul Bow
Just a simple bow, can be used by any type of archer. Keywords: Bow, Archer, Arrow
Ogre Arena
Icon for takakenji's building: takakenji's permission: Keywords: Building, Structure, Simple, Ogre, Arena
Mazrigos Item(recolor by me)
A necro wand :D My first release in a long time.. Keywords: Necro,Mage,Wand,Mystic
Ravager Bandit Spell
Walking Bomb
Made for my Gunner Drone Model. Keywords: Robot, Drone, Guns, Gun, Gunner, Robot Wars, War, Wheel, Ranged, Electronic, Bot, Small, Unit, Systemfre1
Snake Elemental
Hey Guys! Enjoy my new Icon! I first wanted to make a snake. Then I realised, it would look good as a handle of a sword. Then I added a firy blade and a crystal handle and was surprised how nice it looks. Give me credits if you use it in your map/campaign! Keywords: snake, sword...
Dalaran Attack Melee Res
Iconpack downloaded from
MAge Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Bandit Res LAst Chapter Range
BTNSpear Created by x-omg-x I was praticing making icons, and as i think the result is decent enought to be uploaded, i did upload it. I hope you will like it, and maybe also use it. Thanks to enjoy and kola, they gave me some feedback before i did upload it. I have remade the icon and...
Ogre Range Attack Res 1
The first upgrade for spears...what else? Can be used also as a spell... Advices are welcome, other upgrades are coming soon. by PippoKiller (pippo) Keywords: spear arrow dagger headhunter killer murder assassin launcher shoot
Ogre Range Attack Res 2
The second upgrade for spears... Can be used also as a spell... Advices are welcome, other upgrades are coming soon. by PippoKiller (pippo) Keywords: spear arrow dagger headhunter killer murder assassin launcher shoot
Ogre Range Attack Res 3
The third upgrade for spears... Can be used also as a spell... Advices are welcome, other upgrades are coming soon. by PippoKiller (pippo) Keywords: spear arrow heahunter shoot shot kill murder
Illusion Res
Boots of speed recolored and tha background is blue aura
Speed Up
A car icon i made for my own Survival map. -The_Silent Keywords: car, drive, wheel, spin, speed, increase, sprint,
Iconpack downloaded from
Paladin Ultimate
Iconpack downloaded from
Mazrigos SPell
Iconpack downloaded from
Ballador Holy Nova
Here's the Icon from WoW Holy Nova spell. I just had the active one, so i made the disabled by myself. I didn't create this icon, all credit belongs to Blizzard Entertainment!! Hope u all can use it well! Keywords: Holy, light, nova, divine
Dalaran Armor Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Dreadlord ORb
Darkness, what sweet word, that smells of death and decay. Keywords: Elemental, Ele, Sphere, Orb, Stone
Dreadlord orb
Monks and Paladins, each one keeps some of them in thier pack, near of holy bible. Keywords: Elemental, Ele, Sphere, Orb, Stone
Dreadlord Orb
Sphere of Final Fantasy Have fun *** Keywords: Sphere, Fantasy, Colors, Magic
Dreadlord Orb
Orbed leafs of mother tree keeps inside power of life. Enjoy Keywords: Elemental, Ele, Sphere, Orb, Stone
Dreadlord Orb
Magma piece, rolled in orb, hot lot, rly. Keywords: Elemental, Ele, Sphere, Orb, Stone
Dreadlord Orb
Orb of seas, half ice, half stone, half liquid material, keeps power of water. Keywords: Elemental, Ele, Sphere, Orb, Stone
Bonus Item
I really needed this icon for an ability. It turned out to be really good practice for me. You know me, I suck at making effects. Anyways, I think it's pretty useful and a good substitute for the WoW equivalent icon (which I'm not sure is on this site or not). Constructive criticism is ALWAYS...
Ogre Spider Res
Das ist ein test textfile Gruss Christoph ........................................... Spider, foot, leg, strength, skill, ability.
OGre Spider Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Spiked Armor
Iconpack downloaded from
Some Res
I've uploaded this mostly because I needed it for my map description. All credits to Blizzard Entertainment Keywords: wow, spell, talent, shaman, lightning, overload
Research Lumber Elf
I've uploaded this mostly because I needed it for my map description. All credits to Blizzard Entertainment Keywords: wow, spell, ability, shamanistic, rage, shaman
Mage Staff
REpresents staff with some spell! Keywords: Staff, Mage, Wizard
Assasins Eye
A simple eye icon. Mainly for Magic Spells. That's all.Nothing much to say about it... Keywords: Eye,Stare,Magic,Stone,Staring Eye,
Murloc Abillity
Representa a capacidade de pisar de Murloc. do not edit my icons without my permission Keywords: Stomp, Enchant, Stun, Clash, Shake, Impact, Ground, Shock, Wave, Massive, Giant, Power.
Saboteurs Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Living Mage Res
The icon for some magic defensive option spell, maybe electric counter attack. Have fun in use. Keywords: Shield, Sword, Spell, Defense, Electric, Air, Astral, Etherial
Dust Rune
An old rune icon I made that I never uploaded here. Keywords: storm, lightning, arcane, magic, rune, glyph, spell
Sun Armor
The blood elven armor upgrade. The armor of the queldorei, highborne, blood elves. Sun armor. Advanced, improved and just sun armor xD Keywords: Sun, armor, upgrade, dark, fang, darkfang, deadly, hate, map, melee, recolored, icon
Fire Fragment
A bit of over-saturated themed icon, but I wanted to make a very powerful icon and whats more powerful than a meteor? ;) Keywords: meteor, fireball, fire, sun, fragment, burn, heat
Sun Strike
It's just a little Sun strike .. or Thunder strike :D .. Practice is what i need :D Keywords: Thunder, sun, strike, Rmx, ext...
Resistance Attack Res 1
A simple metal sword ^^.Please comment. fit's all categories. Update >> Keywords: Sword,blade,dagger,weapon,1h
Resistance Attack Res 2
I had some free time so i made a sword with no name xD Give credits if you use it. Update 1.4: *New design Update 2: *New glow *Little darker
Resistance Attack Res 3
A sword icon with some sort of smoky glow down. Keywords: Weapon, Sword
Dalaran Attack Res
----------Skipper Presents---------- Nether Blade V.1 Can be used as spell for Nether Units Give credits when used and do not modify without my permission. To -Kobas- : For creating this Template Keywords: Blade,Nether,
High Elf Lumber Res
Tear of the forest, small drop of it can bring life into soulles object. Be careful, don't drop it on sharp items :) Keywords: Leaf, forest, tear, drop, water, magic, green,
Mad Troll Spell
''Let's us have those axes!!!'' - Troll Berserker ''Lol! It's not for eating. It's for throwing!!" - Troll Witch Doctor Combined 2 icon. Orc Melee Upgrade and Troll Bat Rider's ability. Credits goes to Blizzard. Keywords: Blizzard, Combine, Orc, Melee, Range, Throw, Axes, Troll, Forest...
Landazar Ultimate
Probably an entry to the icon contest...I still don't know... Keywords: thunder, storm, zap, shock, lightning, light
Stormbringer SPell
Remake of my old item BloodElfGauntlet. I did'nt like the old one so here is a new version which would be use in more ways. Credit required! Keywords: thunder, lightning, bolt, grip, hold, hand, blood elf, spellbreaker, spell breaker
Thunder Hammer
I decided to create a hammer, at first i just thought of something magical, but after i was done with it, i tried to create a lightning hammer, this is the lightning version, i personally thought it turned out quite well. Could be used as an item or an alternate version of the thunder upgrade to...
Mazrigos Spell
Iconpack downloaded from
it's my first icon, i hope i can be used :D Keywords: Hammer
MAge Res
These tomes control one power, when picked up that power is now yours to control. Types of Tome's List: - Water. - Flame. - Poison. - Frost. - Darkness. - Devine. Keywords: Darkness, Tome, Tomes, Book
_________________________________ Do not edit without my permission _________________________________ Keywords: Face, Atral, Torment, Pain, Mental, Crush
Made for the Phoenix Trial #5 to replace Transmute from Alchemist. Keywords: transmute, gold, alchemist, alchemy, goblin
Blackthorn Aura
Another alternate troll icon from Icon Contest #9. This is an alternate version of Trueshot Aura. Enjoy. Keywords: troll, true, shot, aura, axes, totem, axe, snow, frost, hero, contest, icon, spell, auto, cast, magic, ice, freeze
Main Quest Chapter 3 Icon
You will be an anonymity when you wear the unknown mask. Everybody can be anonymity! :cgrin: 100% Used tools: Gimp Button Manager Changelogs: Uploaded! Darkening the mask a little bit, add a little shading and show the light source by diverging the source's light...
Voodoo Patronage
Entry for the Icon competition #18 cheers! here's the link! Icon Contest #18 - Make him a Hero
Dark Rebirth
Voodoo Resurrection icon for all voodoo based characters Keywords: voodoo, Resurrection
Made from the model screenshot as a request for JokeMaster. Goes with Keywords: Elfsilver Lord, Elfsilver, Lord, Grunt, Tauer, Warsong
Dreadlord orb
this is the Waterweaver sphere. thax to Traxamillion and his help.. dont forget to rate and post Keywords: element water sphere spell
Blizzard CrashingWave icon is great and I shuld make something else. So I did. Water Storm icon dont exist at Warcraft. It is like tornado but with more water colors, diferent shape and some effects. Keywords: Wave, Water, Sea, Tornado, Storm, Whirpool
Battle Mage Shield
Watery Shield. When attacked the unit with this shield will regain x mana (if it has no mana it will regain life), also deals x damage against attacker and leave em wet. Wet units will recieve damage from purges and will get stunned if they have the slowed (cold) buff on them after they...
Landazar Frost Nova
An icon for your Waves of Frost Bolts :D =P Have fun using this! =P (Please give cretique, credits and comments!) // Anachron Update 1: Made the explosion more clear and redid 2 frost bolts. Keywords: Frost, Waves, Ice, Bolt, Blue, Teal
Mage Strategy
The icon to go with my Warcraft II Mage model. Keywords: Warcraft II, Warcraft 2, WCII, WC2, mage, wizard, spellcaster
Wind Spell Dragonhawk
This is the last icon I'll be uploading from my older works. This icon is inspired by the Shaman Shock spells (Fire Shock, Earth Shock) only with a symbol for wind with gusts in the background. I used this for a "Wind Blast" type of spell and I think it makes a nice alternate to the extremely...
Mage Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Bonus Item
Iconpack downloaded from
Mage Res
Iconpack downloaded from
Sylvanas Spell
Wind Icon... Tools used : Photoshop. Comment,Rate,Suggest, and give credits if used in map. Thanks! Keywords: Wind,Strike,Windstrike,Blue,Gray,Windy,Slow...
Mage Res
Winter Cold Snowy Staff ) have fun Keywords: Winter, Staff, Snow, Crystal, Xmas, Shine, Crazy, Frozen
Witch Silence
When three or more pickled eyes of each elemental witch, storm, earth, and fire, are placed near each other, they will emit strange beams of light that can increase the distance of one's vision during the night. A good use for this item would be highly increased sight radius for the hero...
Wolf in The Night
Second variation to the moonlight icon. Hope you like^^
Wolf Rage
Hi guys, this is my first icon I have made in a long time. This can be used for gnolls, worgens, wolves or the like :) The abilities could be roar, rage, attack, honour, pride, bite...etc Let me know if you have any problems as I don't 100% remember how to do the process of icons. cheers...
Ogre Hero Personal Item
This is the icon that i found on WoWWiki icon list. I just wanna share with you all. Keywords: Wood Mace, Wood Hammer, Tree, Log, Tree Bash
Furbolg Spell
Hi guys, another worgen icon :) I guess this one could be used for warcraft creeps/critters in general (eg, bear/furbolg etc) I didnt really have a particular aim with this icon, besides the pre-emptive stage of devouring meat. Keywords: werewolf, worgen, wolf, were, beast, creep...
Ancient Destroyer Spell
It based on Deathwing model made by Sellenisko and me. Enjoy~ Give credits when use it in your map. Do not edit or upload to another website without my permission. Keywords: Death, wing, deathwing, breath, fire, darkness, catalysm, WoW, zadelim
Bonus Item
Blizz icon, modified, credit me if you like
Burning Rage
Commissioned for Frostcraft. CHANGELOG 15/12/20 - Uploaded NOTES Feel free to modify. Give credit. FREQUENT ISSUES Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an error regarding a ribbon emitter upon opening, or b.) the models go blank in-game after editing them in Magos', use MdlxConv...
Some Burrows
Based on: Burrow (Orc) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric If you yourself want use these models for own work or projects, you are absolutly free to do it. Barracks Beastiary Blackrock Bleeding Hollow...
Bandit Caravan
I was looking for a prison cart model and couldn't find one so I tried to do my own. Made from the ingame catapult, horse and cage models. The model is probably not perfect as I'm not really experienced with animated model but I think it can be useful for some people. Specific attachment ...
Caravan Icon
An icon for the cart model XD Link for the cart model: Cart
Centaur Worker
Worker of centuar race, maybe i use this for my maps Textures ingame Model: Units\Centaur\CentaurWorker\CentaurWorker.mdx Units\Centaur\CentaurWorker\CentaurWorker_Portrait.mdx Keywords: centaur, worker, slave, horse, peasant, peon, runner
SOme Icons
A set of icons inspired by My Enternia mod.
Chain Grenade "Remember when each variation had its own tab? Me neither." Previews Changelog 5/13/19 - Uploaded Frequent Issues Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an error regarding a ribbon emitter upon opening, or b.) the models go blank after editing them...
War Golem Chains
cool chains effect edit it however you want Keywords: Chains, imprison, Prison, Warden, DeathKnight, Debuff, Buff, Spell, Slow, Cripple, Circle
Icon for the Chaos/Fel Orc Peon since the original icon was just a simple screenshot of the model.
A simple edited icon based on Blizzard Entertainment's BTNWyvernRider
A special effect for units which have dash/pursuit/charge skills. These special effect comes with colors designated for each race. It is up to the user on how to use the spell. It also appears great in game, especially when used to a moving caster.
Cinematic Sorc
Alliance units with specific animations for cinematic purposes only. Update: Added sorceress on foot instead of floating with talk animations.
Conflagrate “I threw us into the flames.” Previews Changelog 11/30/19 - Uploaded Notes Feel free to modify for personal use. Give credits. Frequent Issues Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an error regarding a ribbon emitter upon opening, or b.) the models go...
Control Unit
Core Hound
Core hounds are massive two-headed fiends of molten magma and without question one of the most powerful beings the plane of fire has to offer. They are found in the deepest caverns, volcanoes and dungeons and are often accompanied by other denizens of fire pledged to serve Ragnaros, the...
Corrected Workers
I wanted to create icons corresponding to the portrait of the workers. Credit me if used. Enjoy :infl_thumbs_up:
Crab Worker
A worker for the makrura/sea creatures race. I had seen numerous people using crab workers with normal crab models in their sea-based makrura custom races, so I decided to create this crab worker model. These large crabs use their huge pincers for cutting wood, extracting gold, constructing...
Blue Cripple
Keywords: blue, cripple,
Base Model Credits:CrossbowFootman by Wandering Soul.
Dalaran Brilliance
Hello, this is a model i decided to make when i saw Bogrim's Icon, nothing special, it's just what i needed for my map, i'm not a very good modeler that's why i experimented on it somehow, the base model was InnerFireTarget, the texture was made by myself in PhotoImpact 12, and i guess that's...
Some Dalaran Buildings
Credits: Another building pack brought to you by Manastorm who helped making the concept and design of this pack. Description: Building models for the City-state of Dalaran. The idea behind the design of the pack is to have a mage type worker unit that will use magic to construct these...
Damnation “By fire be purged!” Previews Changelog 5/16/19 - Uploaded Frequent Issues Magos' Model Editor If a.) the model/s present an error regarding a ribbon emitter upon opening, or b.) the models go blank after editing them in Magos', use MdlxConv to convert the uncorrupted...
Commisioned icon for DREADMAN
Dark Deal
This is a model of painful death and soul steal. Use it in any way you wish. This is supposed to be finishing ability. I worked hard on this model and all constructive criticism is welcome. The model duration is 5 seconds and has five stages. If you use it, credit me, do not modify or...
Dark Frenzy
It's just unholy frenzy colored black. I also gave it a death animation that's long enough for the effects to disappear properly.
Commisioned icon for DREADMAN
Dark Nova
Beholders Eye
2nd icon, a little variation of my avatar. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------- UPDATE (2) I've focused on the background as suggested and I hope I've succeeded. I tried to add particles to make the spell more vivid in addition to the brightness in different shades...
Some Dark Troll
Original model edits by Ujimasa Hojo. Simple edit... I just change paths to different ingame textures to bring a new look to Ujimasa's models. Combined Portraits.
Dark Essense
Nothing too special. Can be used both as an item or as a buff. Ingame: Give in credits, if you use it. Keywords: Dark, Darkness, Essence, Item, Overhead, Purple, Black, Debaff, Damned, Undead, Glow, Spikes.
Some Research
Wyvern Res
Made an Icon for the Demoness or Succubus Fly Animation. It might not look exactly as the wc3 model, So I search about Wow's Succubus wings and mix it's design. Hopefully this can be useful to Other things too. Update: made a land alternate version(Yes the Demoness/Succubus wear "High-heel...
Fire Devil
Entry for Timeless Texturing event : TC #10 Opposite Twin brother with opposite power.
Cavalry Aura
made a bunch of variants by switching around the textures, angle and animation speeds.
Mech Wolf Res
Entry for Icon Contest #15. The dog stalks you and probably you're in his stomach several minutes later. Give credits if used. Blah blah stuff.
Orc Bestiary
Ogre Drunkard
Intended for Battle Realms fans. He has a fire breath as his main attack but he switch to melee when his enemy gets too close. He is ideal for burning buildings down. Updated: No more disappearing barrel, added Stand Channel with fire breath emitter. Refined the Attack Alternate...
Dragonhawk Aviary
Building where High Elves hold their Dragonhawks and those chicken-like mounts. Changelog: EDIT1: changed lower part of the building, changed wrap on the tower Keywords: tower, high, silvermoon, elf, blood, highborne, wood, aviary, hawk, bird, eggs, stables,
Dragonspawn Worker
A worker for the dragonspawn race. Changes weapons depending on the action performed. Three variations - blue, green and purple. Please give credit if you use this. Edit 1: Added footprints to Walk Gold and Lumber. The corpse no longer disappears during Decay Flesh.
Dreadlord Some Models
Dread Lord and Derivatives Edited by Ujimasa Hojo Dread Lord (Optimized) Info: Fixed some of the texture wrapping. Combined the portrait model with the main model. Uploaded. Dread Knight Info: Created a Death Knight version of the Dread Lord. Uploaded. Paladin...
Dreadlord Pre Alpha
Drealord (Pre-Beta Look-A-Like) Model by: Dan van Ohllus (aka Kuhneghetz) Descriptions: I've got inspired by the Dreadlords from the alpha and pre-beta versions of Warcraft III, so I've made a little remake from it to make this model look similar. Based on the Dreadlord model with a new...
Dreadlords Pack
Based on:Dread Lord and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo Thanks for optimalizations to RexusMax52 More of my work you can find here: Edited and changed work of Ujimasa hojo by Ilya Alaric If you yourself want use these models for own work or projects, you are absolutly free to do it.
OGre Spell Mage
Made the earth element from @Casper the Friend's Crystal Elements Feel free to modify and use as long as you give credits Updated: 10/2/16
Mazrigos SPell
Massive strike by few rocks. ******** Keywords: rock, strike, earth, shock, push