PurifyEvil - Warcraft 3 Reversed


Greetings, everyone! This is Mentilar, and today I want to present to you the Reversed campaign Path of the Damned, where I’ve tried to create an engaging gameplay experience for you by letting you play as the enemies.

What's new?

1. I've taken into account some mistakes from my previous campaigns and tried not to repeat them here.

2. I've added a new difficulty level called 'Mutators,' similar to Starcraft II, where you can test your skills with new challenges. However, I don't recommend enabling them on your first playthrough.

3. I've expanded all the possible races you encounter in the chapters to add replayability to the missions.
Fixed Hero Abillities in bonus chapters
Some bug fixed


Some Used Abillities from anothers map:

Goblin Tower
Abomination Mutator Model
Initiator BTN Icon
Initiator Model
Dust Elemental Model
Dust Rune
Jubei'Thos Altar
Sylvanas Altar
Landazar Altar
Blood Altar Icon
Throk'Feroth Altar
Resistance Base Models Building
Anduin Lothar Model
Servant of The Anc icon
Arcane Explosion
Arcane Bolt
Arcane Observatory
Dalaran Mage Buildings
Some of Book Models
Undead Archers Models
Some Archamages Models
Some Archmage Models
Armor Penetration
Arrow n' Quiver
Artillery Strike
Ballador Farm Models
Ballista Bolt
Lovar Model
Bandit from Last Chapter Scoungrel Btn Icon
Bandit from Last Chapter
Lordaeron Spearthrower
So much bandits models used in Campaign
Dalaran Barracks Model
Undead Barrier
Darkwing Model
Dragonhawk Model
Illusion Devourer Icon
Illusion Devourer
Ogre Tavern Model
Orc Beastiary Model
High Elf ICon
Troll Models
Goblin Altar ICon
Black Heal
Dark Mage iCons
Assasin Icon
Throk'Feroth Model
Raveger Icon
Fellfalen Orc Light Model Unit
Blacksmith Model Dalaran
Haomarush Model
Sand Storm
Heal Sylvanas Model And Icy Winds from Mutator
Advisor Teredia
Sage Hammer Icon
Research Icon
High Elf Sorcerer Model
Anasterian Guard Model
Silvermoon Guard Model
Captain of High Elf Model
Arthas Act 2 Model
Some Bloodlust Models
Blood Arthas Model
Alliance and Dalaran UI(recolor by me)
BLue Fire
Blue Incincrate
Blue Liquid
Ogre Mystic 3 Spell
Battle Mage Transform Icon
Ogre Lava Splash
Khanzo Passive Icon
Ogre Battle Mage Mana Restore Icon
Ogre Research Hp ICon
ThrokFeroth Research Attack
Anasterian Bondage Model
Mage Research Icon
Mage Research Icon
Anasterian Cinematic Spell
Sage Breath Model
Brutallus Model
Mage Strategy Orb
Stormbringer Spell Icon
Ray of Destruction
Shaman Elemental Research
Goblin Armor Research 1
Goblin Armor Research 2
Goblin Armor Research 2
Goblin Zeppelin Research
Throk Feroth Some Icon
Brutallus Weapon Icon
Master Spell Icon
ThrokFeroth Icon Rage
Protecter Shield Wall
Protecter Cleave Icon
Sage Guard Icon Research
Dust Elemental Icon
Landazar Altar Icon
Sylvanas Altar Icon
Chapter 5 Amulet from Optional Quest Icon
Ogre Drunkard Icon
Double Icon
Dalaran Mage Staff Icon 1
Landazar Icon
Arcane Spell Landazar Icon
Elite Research Dalaran
Arcane Eye
Dalaran Mage Staff Icon 2
Landazar Staff Icon
War Golem Spell
Armored Wolf Icon
Martyr Spell Icon
Regenerate Metal
Slayer Spell Icon
Lordaeron Spearthrower Icon
SOme Barrack Icon
Wildkin Research/Spell Icon
Murloc Hermit Spell Icon
Werewolf Icon Items
Magic Potential
Research Mage
Research Mage
Vindrogast Item
Blackrock Grunt Icon
JubeiThos Spell
JubeiThos Countreattack
Blackrock Grunt Spell ICon
Tichondrius Horn
Destroyer Icon
Boiling Blood Icon
Tornado Crystall Icon
Sylvanas Spell Icon
Research Mage
Research MAge
High Elf Elite Research
Well.... Bread....
Sage SPell Icon
BlackThorn Research Armor
Blackrock Merc Research Bandit
Goblin Justice Icon
Guard Skill 1
Guard SKill2
Catapult Research some
Shaman Res 1
Shaman Res2
Jubeithos another spell icon
FOrbidden Res
Clockwerk Res
Blackthorn Spell icon
Slave Tornment
Caster Icon
Grenade icon
Chappelan icon
High Elf Lumber Res Icon
Snow Golem
Sylvanas Bow
Mage Research
ThrokFeroth Armor Research
Dalaran range research
Mad Elemental Spell 1
Mad Elemental Spell 2
Alchiemist Spell
Murloc Hermit Icon
Dalaran Elite Research
Mad Troll Research
Gift From THe Gods icon
Demolish Res
Guard Mana Spell
ThrokFeroth Res
High Elf Lumber REs
Sargeras Gaze Icon
Dragonhawk aviary
Destroyer Spell
Mage Research
Mage Research
Item Bonus Heal
Mage Research
Azgalor Item
Goidrik item
Some Spell
High Elf Quest Icon
Some Icon
Andromath Ultimate
Dalaran Research Armor
WarGolem Skill
WarGolem SKill
Leaking mana Staff
Mage Research
Ogre Eye
Mad Elemental Icon
Landazar Optional Quest Item
Warlock 3 Spell
Warlock 2 Spell
Field Medic
Dalaran Amplifier Research
Landazar Fire Wall
ThroFeroth Ultimate
Giant Belt Icon
Goblin Justice Icon
Fire Elemental Spell
Mage Research
Mage Research
Fire Wall orc
Forbidden Flame
Archer Elite Research
Forbidden SHaman 1 Research
Frost ELemental
Nathrezim FrostFire Icon Orb
Furbolg Rage
Amplifier Research
Naaru Gift Item
Slayer Gnoll Icon
Gnoll Research
Contracter Icon
Mad Scientstist
Hobgoblin Res Skill
High Elf Chapter 4 Optional Quest Icon
Goblin Zoo Icon
Goblin Mage Building Icon
Goblin Optional Quest Icon
Goblin tank Icon
Goblin Mortar Team Icon
Architects of Pain
Goblin Zeppelin
BlackThorn Armor Res
Goblin Armor Res
Runner Skill
Blackthorn Axe
New Shield Icon
Gold Icon Item
Abomination Elemental Skill
Blackthorn Knight res
ThrokFeroth Armor Res
Witch SPell
Legion Shield Icon
Gavinrad Necklace
Master Icon
Goblin Weapon Icon
Dalaran Building Icon
War Golem Res
Amplifier Icon
High Elf Lumber Icon
Sniper Gaming
OGre Drummer Spell Icon
MAge Res
Orcs Armor Res
Last Lordaeron Breath
Sage Passive
Ballador Passive
Holy Weapon
Raid Icon
Resistance Icon
High Elf Lumber REs
Mage res
mage res
mech wolf res
dalaran armor res
amplifier res
mage res
mage res
undead death res
bandit invis
dalaran armor res
katana ogre
kobold slave
gavinrad stun spell
stormbringer spell
some dreadlord orb
dreadlord orb
Tornado Initiator
mother storm
mage research
ballador lumber res
high elf lumber res
bandit weapon res
bandit weapon res 2
bandit weapon res 3
Blackrock Madness
High Elf Start Build
Illusion Devourer
Dalaran Armor Res
Andromath Staff
Wizard Generator Spell
battle mage spell
amplifier res
alchiemist spell
wiz gen spell
meat from chapter 2
faster catapults res
Scoundrel Res
Create illusion
MAge res
Goblin mortar team res
abomination elemental res
murloc hermit
mage res
bloodthirst furbolg spell
Mage Res
Assasin Spell
goblin justice spell
scoundrel armor res
ogre res 1
ogre res 2
ogre res 3
ogre warrior spell
ogre weapon res 1
ogre weapon res 2
ogre mound
hero ogre altar icon
ogre warrior 2 spell
ogre weapon res 3
dreadlord orb
dreadlord orb 2
illusion dalaran res
ogre blacksmith
orc lumbermill
blackrock pigfarm
orc shaman
ballador hammer
Miorni Orb
Blackrock shaman forbidden spell
Living mage spell
Chapplain spell 3
dreadlord orb
Plague Bonus Item
dreadlord orb
Legion Bonus Item
amplifier res
Destroyer Skill
Range attack res Dalaran
Guard Elite Res
Dalaran Attack Res
radar spell
blackrock grunt res
Discipline res
Rain of Fire
Blackrock Hero Shaman Ultimate
Rifleman Dalaran Res Elite
Goblin Ultimate
Abomination Elemental
Balladors Res
Mage Res
Right Hand Spell
ThroFeroth Spell 1
Goblin Attack Res
Dust Elemental Spell
Pendant Mana
Witch 1 Spell
Mage Res
Mage REs
Dalaran Range Attack Res
Resistance Armor Res 1
Bandit From Lordaeron Spell
Blackthorn bandit armor res 2
Vrykul Bow
Ogre Arena
Mazrigos Item(recolor by me)
Ravager Bandit Spell
Walking Bomb
Snake Elemental
Dalaran Attack Melee Res
MAge Res
Bandit Res LAst Chapter Range
Ogre Range Attack Res 1
Ogre Range Attack Res 2
Ogre Range Attack Res 3
Illusion Res
Speed Up
Paladin Ultimate
Mazrigos SPell
Ballador Holy Nova
Dalaran Armor Res
Dreadlord ORb
Dreadlord orb
Dreadlord Orb
Dreadlord Orb
Dreadlord Orb
Dreadlord Orb
Bonus Item
Ogre Spider Res
OGre Spider Res
Spiked Armor
Some Res
Research Lumber Elf
Mage Staff
Assasins Eye
Murloc Abillity
Saboteurs Res
Living Mage Res
Dust Rune
Sun Armor
Fire Fragment
Sun Strike
Resistance Attack Res 1
Resistance Attack Res 2
Resistance Attack Res 3
Dalaran Attack Res
High Elf Lumber Res
Mad Troll Spell
Landazar Ultimate
Stormbringer SPell
Thunder Hammer
Mazrigos Spell
MAge Res
Blackthorn Aura
Main Quest Chapter 3 Icon
Voodoo Patronage
Dark Rebirth
Dreadlord orb
Battle Mage Shield
Landazar Frost Nova
Mage Strategy
Wind Spell Dragonhawk
Mage Res
Bonus Item
Mage Res
Sylvanas Spell
Mage Res
Witch Silence
Wolf in The Night
Wolf Rage
Ogre Hero Personal Item
Furbolg Spell
Ancient Destroyer Spell
Bonus Item
Burning Rage
Some Burrows
Bandit Caravan
Caravan Icon
Centaur Worker
SOme Icons
War Golem Chains
Cinematic Sorc
Control Unit
Core Hound
Corrected Workers
Crab Worker
Blue Cripple
Dalaran Brilliance
Some Dalaran Buildings
Dark Deal
Dark Frenzy
Dark Nova
Beholders Eye
Some Dark Troll
Dark Essense
Some Research
Wyvern Res
Fire Devil
Cavalry Aura
Mech Wolf Res
Orc Bestiary
Ogre Drunkard
Dragonhawk Aviary
Dragonspawn Worker
Dreadlord Some Models
Dreadlord Pre Alpha
Dreadlords Pack
OGre Spell Mage
Mazrigos SPell

PurifyEvil (Campaign)

Indeed, the work surpasses editing. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE MAPS...


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 22
Jul 9, 2010
This is funny, haven't you looked at the map? There is a mark on the map where everything is
Hmm, strange, I reloaded the same save and it appeared this time. Previously the one where you encounter traitor elves wasn't there for some reason. But I can't reproduce it, so probably never mind unless it happens to someone else.
Level 4
Dec 8, 2022
Anyone knows how to re-unlock the missions after the old campaign file is replaced with a newer version?
Really don't wanna go through all missions on each update :)


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 22
Jul 9, 2010
Anyone knows how to re-unlock the missions after the old campaign file is replaced with a newer version?
Really don't wanna go through all missions on each update :)
View attachment 510194
If the campaign's not protected, you can just open it in the campaign editor, go to "loading screen" tab and set the buttons you need as visible.

Anyway, here's some feedback from another bunch of maps:

- assasSins

  • elven farms have no colliders when you place them
  • elven farms we take over can't be upgraded to embassies
  • not sure if it's bug or feature, but the food limit in this and the following (all?) missions is 90 like in RoC, but high unkeep starts at 80 like in TFT

Okay, I enjoyed the campaign so far, but here's a bit of criticism from me. Feel free to ignore it, of course, but I think this part needs some rebalancing.

The runner mechanics was quite frustrating. First I spent quite a lot of time trying to sneak up with the first runner, checked all the paths, but kept being one-hit by everything. At first I kept reloading a save and looking for alternate routes. I also thought to use invisibility spell - it would be a cool hidden way of beating this part, but the runner is magic resistant - I think it's a missed opportunity.

Soon I noticed in the quest description that next runners will be tougher and as there's no penalty for losing a runner, I realized the optimal strategy is actually to send first 2-3 runners to die as quickly as possible and 3. or 4. one's able to run pass the gargoyles.

This part could be far more enjoyable if the runners were tougher from the start and had more opportunity to sneak, dodge enemies etc., but the paths they'd have to take would be more diverse, filled with moving patrols, etc.

Some minor stuff:
  • The map randomly crashed when loading saves, the same save loaded multiple times caused a crash in like ~40% cases, which added to frustration above.
  • When my runner ran into mercenaries, he was chased by gargoyles, so I rushed him to the city, ignoring the dialog. As a result the dialog overlapped with the cutscene with the king. These two could be separated by using a trigger queue.
  • I think Arthas' defences could be stronger or Silvermoon attack waves - smaller. Once the runner reaches Silvermoon, Anasterian needs like 2-3 attacks to destroy Arthas almost on his own, so we may lack time to explore the rest of the map

My favouite map so far. I played as shamans, and this faction is the very icon of overpowered casters. And I loved it.
- Black Dragons did nothing and waited for death, even after I attacked them. Perhaps they could turn hostile in such case?

I just started, seems like a whole lot of activities to do in Dalaran, but I think we should be given a little more time to get them done, expand and familiarize with new techtree before Arthas started swarming allied bases, at least on normal.
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Level 33
May 14, 2021
Anyone knows how to re-unlock the missions after the old campaign file is replaced with a newer version?
Really don't wanna go through all missions on each update :)
View attachment 510194
You can do this safely by using the World Editor (as Macielos said):
1.Open the program (this can be done through Battle.net app with the "Launch Editor" option).
2.When the Editor loads, press F7 to access the Campaign Editor.
3.Navigate to "File" -> "Open Campaign" and choose "PurifyEvil.w3n".
4.Navigate to "Loading Screen" section.
5.Double-click on the mission and make sure that "Visible (first time campaign is loaded)" option is checked. Repeat for the rest of missions.
6.Save changes, then place your edited campaign in "Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns".

Now when you load that campaign, all of the missions (even the interludes) are accessible.

Assuming your campaign isn't protected, it can be editable through Editor.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 22
Jul 9, 2010
  • Overpowered casters for the win once again. I rushed to have adept Fire Mages and spamming Flame Strikes + Landazzar's AoE skills allowed me to keep all allied bases alive
  • Temporary lumbermen mechanics, requiring gold for every N units of lumber, is... odd. I suspect I would have big resource problems on this map if not my artifact that generates free money. Nral had problems with it too. Perhaps instead they could cost Mage Guild's mana and have an autocast option? Regular clicking to summon new harvesters was a bit annoying, especially when I reached food cap and had to kill someone to free space for them
  • I couldn't build towers - is that on purpose? I thought they will be unlocked later, but this time I cleared the whole map and completed all secondary objectives, and nothing. Of course, not that I needed them with my army of spellcasters.
  • when architect finishes a building, he continues working on it doing nothing
  • lumber upgrades in the lumbermill should rather cost gold like the original one

- I totally didn't expect yet another custom factions for this map. I thought it's gonna be a big fast-paced Dalaran counter-offensive like chapter 7 of TFT Night Elven campaign, but this is also interesting.
Level 6
Dec 2, 2024
  • 01 - I started the campaign and I was truly surprised by its quality compared to the others. Without a doubt, it’s my favorite. However, I don’t really like the part where Arthas starts rushing through the map, in addition to the invisible walls that limit movement, which makes this part a bit frustrating. On the other hand, the second part, where you need to advance with the knight, is really fun, and the cinematics are very well done.

  • 02 - I liked the beginning, but I imagined that killing Arthas at the start (as a side mission) would lead to an alternative storyline (at least within that mission). However, the story proceeded normally. I don’t consider this a negative point, I was just a little disappointed by the lack of a different approach. What positively surprised me was the possibility of choosing between two paladins, and their skill trees are really interesting. The mission was excellent, especially the boss battle (Arthas), which was indeed very good.

  • 03 - The map concept and the elf tech tree are good, but a big problem with this map is the AI. The AI doesn’t expand its base and doesn’t provide a challenging difficulty level as it could. However, I liked this campaign and the lumber system, which offers various upgrades, unlike other campaigns that only have three evolution options. I believe that if the AI in this mission were improved, it would become one of the best in the campaign.

  • 04 - The same issues from mission 3 apply here, but personally, I really like this campaign. The way the AI attacks allies in general is also good and provides an interesting challenge, although still with some limitations.

  • 05 - Bonus: This mission was really tough for me, taking several hours to complete. I really liked the initial system of alerting Silvermoon, and indeed, I spent a good part of the time defending my base from the massive purple hordes. Although there’s not much more to say, the experience was quite positive.

  • 06 - Okay, this mission surprised me. In addition to having several team options (I only played with the main one), I believe each of these options has its own tech tree and a unique hero, which is quite impressive. The care put into this map made me consider it one of the best in the campaign. However, as I mentioned earlier, I can’t attack the purple base without my game crashing. I’ve tried all possible solutions, including reinstalling the campaign, but the error persists, so I can’t comment on the rest of the campaign.

I really liked the paladins introduced, as well as Sylvanas, who has well-detailed new attacks. However, my favorite hero is Sage Truthbearer, who stands out for his originality and the unique abilities he brings.

Overall, it’s an excellent campaign. Without a doubt, it’s my favorite among all the others, mainly because I think it was very well-crafted and the heroes presented were great. My only question is: do you consider continuing or finishing the saga?

5/5 - :peasant-i-object:
Level 11
Mar 22, 2023
  • 01 - I started the campaign and I was truly surprised by its quality compared to the others. Without a doubt, it’s my favorite. However, I don’t really like the part where Arthas starts rushing through the map, in addition to the invisible walls that limit movement, which makes this part a bit frustrating. On the other hand, the second part, where you need to advance with the knight, is really fun, and the cinematics are very well done.

  • 02 - I liked the beginning, but I imagined that killing Arthas at the start (as a side mission) would lead to an alternative storyline (at least within that mission). However, the story proceeded normally. I don’t consider this a negative point, I was just a little disappointed by the lack of a different approach. What positively surprised me was the possibility of choosing between two paladins, and their skill trees are really interesting. The mission was excellent, especially the boss battle (Arthas), which was indeed very good.

  • 03 - The map concept and the elf tech tree are good, but a big problem with this map is the AI. The AI doesn’t expand its base and doesn’t provide a challenging difficulty level as it could. However, I liked this campaign and the lumber system, which offers various upgrades, unlike other campaigns that only have three evolution options. I believe that if the AI in this mission were improved, it would become one of the best in the campaign.

  • 04 - The same issues from mission 3 apply here, but personally, I really like this campaign. The way the AI attacks allies in general is also good and provides an interesting challenge, although still with some limitations.

  • 05 - Bonus: This mission was really tough for me, taking several hours to complete. I really liked the initial system of alerting Silvermoon, and indeed, I spent a good part of the time defending my base from the massive purple hordes. Although there’s not much more to say, the experience was quite positive.

  • 06 - Okay, this mission surprised me. In addition to having several team options (I only played with the main one), I believe each of these options has its own tech tree and a unique hero, which is quite impressive. The care put into this map made me consider it one of the best in the campaign. However, as I mentioned earlier, I can’t attack the purple base without my game crashing. I’ve tried all possible solutions, including reinstalling the campaign, but the error persists, so I can’t comment on the rest of the campaign.

I really liked the paladins introduced, as well as Sylvanas, who has well-detailed new attacks. However, my favorite hero is Sage Truthbearer, who stands out for his originality and the unique abilities he brings.

Overall, it’s an excellent campaign. Without a doubt, it’s my favorite among all the others, mainly because I think it was very well-crafted and the heroes presented were great. My only question is: do you consider continuing or finishing the saga?

5/5 - :peasant-i-object:
I'll try to continue, but it will probably take longer than usual
Level 6
Jan 10, 2021
i know i nitpick a lot for the last chapter and i still love your campaign, but was it intended you could mow down Arthas's base before destroying the 2 obelisk? You could do this on hard difficulty as well.
Level 4
Dec 8, 2022
What an awesome campaign with interesting quest designs! Every mission felt unique and rich with content, all reflecting the love and efforts in the development. I genuinely see that the creator has nailed both quality and quantity in this project. I’ll be happy to support and see all the reversed versions for the remaining campaigns.

The AI voice acting is just as great as it can get.

In some missions it’s difficult to complete the side quests before the main objective because of the ally. Some missions like 1 & 5 the ally might go ahead and finish the main quest if you try to awaken the enemy so that you can focus on the side quests.
Maybe adding a command in the town hall to order the ally to halt / resume attacks?

I didn’t get why the lumber upgrade in the elven army is ridiculous and it costs an insane amount of resources and time.

Additional remarks​

Mission 1
In the second phase there’s so many cool things happening on the map that are worth seeing, so maybe the captain should only start bleeding out after you move him? Also, the captain's voice had zero feelings during this phase.

Mission 2
Couldn’t re-train “Right Hand” after death. Not sure if that’s intentional.
Enabled Mutators was cool on this mission.

Mission 3
Enabled Mutators gets very boring after 20 min.

Mission 5
I believe that the player will be forced to play on hard so that the king won’t be able to destroy the undead base on his own. The player will otherwise need to rush it and have the side quests finished asap.

Mission 7
The enemy has map hack. The undead will even spot an air unit that’s located at the bottom corner of the map, and they will send everything at it.
Enabled Mutators on normal or hard seems to make mission 7 impossible.
Landazar absolutely rocks and his abilities are fun to use and actually make a lot of sense for his role as a protector mage.

Mission 8
Andromath is one of the least useful heroes I’ve ever tried in warcraft. I guess his special abilities are more suitable in a single unit mission.
"Normal" difficulty is way easier than it should be, while “hard” is actually more accurate.
The aura around Kel'Thuzad looks bad. I find the used aura in mission 1 around that random dreadlord is 10 better looking.
Last edited:
Level 4
May 21, 2021
I found that the voice acting techniques for the characters in your campaign seem to be more advanced than those in other campaigns, to the extent that I didn't distinguish a few times that some sentences had replaced a few words in the original WC3 text. If it doesn't violate privacy, I would like to ask what software/tool are you using?
Level 11
Mar 22, 2023
I found that the voice acting techniques for the characters in your campaign seem to be more advanced than those in other campaigns, to the extent that I didn't distinguish a few times that some sentences had replaced a few words in the original WC3 text. If it doesn't violate privacy, I would like to ask what software/tool are you using?


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 22
Jul 9, 2010
I didn’t get why the lumber upgrade in the elven army is ridiculous and it costs an insane amount of resources and time.
After researching 2. or 3. level I treated it as trolling the player and ignored it in all the next elven maps. Although maybe the final level grants you +50 capacity for 10 gold, in that case I'm the one who got trolled :p.

AI voice acting is indeed great most of the time, although it sometimes has problems pronouncing and stressing unique names like e.g. daLAran instead of DAlaran.
Level 4
Jul 18, 2016
I adore these campaigns, though the difficulty is a bit hit or miss, either way too easy or too hard (could be my own skill at fault). The amount of flavor, world building, and originality was a blast to experience. I hope (if youre still making more) that your future ones continue to improve as they already have, i want more of these ridiculous side quests
Level 4
Dec 8, 2022
I adore these campaigns, though the difficulty is a bit hit or miss, either way too easy or too hard (could be my own skill at fault). The amount of flavor, world building, and originality was a blast to experience. I hope (if youre still making more) that your future ones continue to improve as they already have, i want more of these ridiculous side quests
Last mission is definitely way easier than it should be. There's no reinforcements from Burning legion . and you can finish the mission on hard with +10min.
I think Dalaran mission was the hardest, specially on hard. You can't even build static defences for some reason. I cannot deal with the undead waves until I retreat to the yellow ally and have everything upgraded. That mission was really awesome btw.
Level 12
Aug 18, 2024
ok i didnt played the campaign myself because i dont have version 2.00 or reforged and i have 1.24a - 1.28c idk wich one

but i watched some gameplay by hushbook and executor nral and this campaign looks GREAT

also if Invasion on Kalimdor will be Released that would be Insane

litteraly first 1-2 chapters will be kinda fun but cry of the warsong omg being able to play as gilneas kul tiras stromguarde lordaeron alliance and warsong clan (if possible) That will be huge fun like the Blackrock & Roll too Also fucking playing as Cenarius omg this would be the best campaign ever
Level 2
Oct 17, 2023
Can someone help me ? I'm stuck with the second mission where i must kill Arthas with Uther but the game doesn't finish when i kill him, it just continue and i'm stuck.
Level 6
Jan 10, 2021
Best start of 2025 in the Warcraft 3 community. i wasn't interested in the orc reverse campaign but after experiencing so much creativity i guess why not let the next one come.
Level 1
Feb 1, 2025
all 3 campaigns were amazing. truly well done I didn't expect if I would love this. Truly can't wait for the next campaign. (I hope you will continue :infl_thumbs_up:)

Once again 10/10 campaign one of the best! :peasant-victory:
Level 2
Feb 2, 2025
i see but is there a way to fix missing models , hidden mouse cursor and misssing terrain textures or you didn't have those probelms and if you did have them how did you fixed them like is there pack in workshop or something i tried lowering my optimzation as much as i can but nothing it's just increase fps but still thrall is just small shadow cercle the terrain seem like giant puddle of brown flat and somehow potraits are missed too
side not it could be because i have low end pc
willl it be okay to list the spec here and you tell me waht should i optimize with
Level 11
Mar 22, 2023
i see but is there a way to fix missing models , hidden mouse cursor and misssing terrain textures or you didn't have those probelms and if you did have them how did you fixed them like is there pack in workshop or something i tried lowering my optimzation as much as i can but nothing it's just increase fps but still thrall is just small shadow cercle the terrain seem like giant puddle of brown flat and somehow potraits are missed too
side not it could be because i have low end pc
willl it be okay to list the spec here and you tell me waht should i optimize with
I played on SD graphics. My computer has low specifications. Could it be due to some graphics settings?
Level 28
Jun 11, 2017
I loved your Reverse campaigns (even I played them on Hard for literally no reason). I already like this one - for myself, "Easy" difficulty gives vibes of Normal difficulty: not so easy (in contrast to how it is named), but fair play at least to play with mutators - however from what I saw some mutators are not so fair, even on easy.
Will update this humble "review" after finishing the whole campaign.
Well, after finishing ALL content of campaign (I think?) - what can I say?

  • Used custom-triggered spells are nice and enhance the flavor gameplay of each race.
  • Using LORE riddles for the Silvermoon level was surprising. More irritation came from riddles about WoW MAGE GAMEPLAY. Author, I don't think that there are a lot of people who played mage in WoW from Wrath of the Lich King at least, even played World of Warcraft at all.
  • Mutators still feel to me more suitable for cooperative gameplay, than solo gameplay. I see that you had inspired yourself with SC2 mutators, but I don't see any encouragement from the game to play with mutators. In SC2, playing random mutators increases the Coop Hero EXP reward, so the risk = reward system works. Here - why should I have a bad experience for nothing?
  • The ending twist was... Was too twisting. But this is what we can have if we follow the original storyline.
  • Custom races are cool - especially for the Blackrock & Roll, Too! mission - each race have different side quests and different rewards. My Favourite is the Shaman side quest reward - literally destroying winds over ALL enemies, unlike dropping nuke as a goblin side quest reward.
Overall waiting for more - especially for the Rexxar Campaign Reversed.