Reverse Hearthglen

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Human05 in the campaign of RoC but you play as the Scourge. Removed infinite gold/lumber from Scourge, and now Jaina and friends stays behind to make it a bit harder. Also the Undead Caravan is nerfed. And your units are limited to the ones available to Scourge in this mission, naturally. I've made this mission using the normal graphics but I don't see any reason why it wouldn't function just the same with reforged graphics.

Also the Scourge AI on this map is made with infinite resources in mind, and does not function well when it has to mine its own resources, so I have given the control over both Scourge bases to the player.

I really liked the idea of the reverse campaign in SC2 and I didn't find anyone else doing it for wc3 so I made this mission.


Reverse Hearthglen (Map)

The cinematic mode starts some time after the map loads and you can see a message that you've been given control of a player. Lorewise Jaina left to get Uther to bring the knights though. If you attack them from the northeast, they don't seem to...
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Randomly decided to play this.
Some points I found while playing:
Purple's AI has not been disabled. I has to keep fighting control over his units even 2-3 minutes or so, and all he wanted to do was send the units back to his base and not fight anyone.
Cannot use corpse collection on purple's meat wagons.
The undead team is severely overpowered in this, even with purple resisting the player's commands.
Also, in the beginning cinematic, you make it sound like Malganis actually wanted to slaughter Arthas before Uther arrived. I always thought that while his goals were different from the Lich King's, Malganis was also interested in toying with Arthas and not just killing him outright.
Level 3
Jun 3, 2022
Randomly decided to play this.
Some points I found while playing:
Purple's AI has not been disabled. I has to keep fighting control over his units even 2-3 minutes or so, and all he wanted to do was send the units back to his base and not fight anyone.
Cannot use corpse collection on purple's meat wagons.
The undead team is severely overpowered in this, even with purple resisting the player's commands.
Also, in the beginning cinematic, you make it sound like Malganis actually wanted to slaughter Arthas before Uther arrived. I always thought that while his goals were different from the Lich King's, Malganis was also interested in toying with Arthas and not just killing him outright.
Thank you for rewieving!
1. Yes purple AI is not disabled but has no orders to do anything. The basic campaign AI of this map relies on infinite resources, and would keep sending "waves" of 1-2 necromancers to attack every once and a while when I disabled infinite resources, as having that would make the map far too easy. Also I want to keep this RoC compatible so I don't know if unit sharing like in Frozen Throne Naga Mission will work, but I will test it out.
2. I have no idea how to fix that
3. Yes. Now I suppose I'm bad at the game but I finish the game with only a few minutes remaining each time. Can you tell me what part exactly needs buffing/nerfing? Maybe lore fitting "hard mode" where Uthers Knights come early?
4. i'm not really sure about the lore part, but I wanted to show Mal'Ganis turning the undead and giving a general mission of what to do in the map
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Please add #Reforged tag, thank you!
The reforged tag is for maps that exclusively require reforged for the graphics. Maps that are just made on the latest version don't need a reforged tag since Reforged is not a separate game, it's just a graphics setting.

You made a similar comment about this here too:
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
The reforged tag is for maps that exclusively require reforged for the graphics. Maps that are just made on the latest version don't need a reforged tag since Reforged is not a separate game, it's just a graphics setting.

You made a similar comment about this here too:
I think Reforged hashtag is not just by graphics, but sometime the map or campaign are required to have the Reforged version of the game. There are a bunch of maps which use SD in graphics, but you need actually the REFORGED game to play it. No matter the graphical settings. (Like SevenBloods Revamp, Mustering Lore Mire, etc.).
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
The reforged tag is for maps that exclusively require reforged for the graphics. Maps that are just made on the latest version don't need a reforged tag since Reforged is not a separate game, it's just a graphics setting.

You made a similar comment about this here too:
I forgot to mention, if you edit a map with the latest editor, you cannot play that map with previous version of the game. No matter the graphical settings of the map, the game, or anything else. If you edit a map in 1.33 Reforged, and save it, you cannot play it in 1.32 reforged.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

I forgot to mention, if you edit a map with the latest editor, you cannot play that map with previous version of the game. No matter the graphical settings of the map, the game, or anything else. If you edit a map in 1.33 Reforged, and save it, you cannot play it in 1.32 reforged.
Just put "latest patch required" or the required version. Reforged tag is only for the graphic settings, although it could also hint that it requires the latest patch.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The cinematic mode starts some time after the map loads and you can see a message that you've been given control of a player.
Lorewise Jaina left to get Uther to bring the knights though.
If you attack them from the northeast, they don't seem to properly defend. Their heroes don't come to aid their troops.
You can buy the Gem of True Seeing. Not sure what it helps here with. Do the Sorceresses send invisible troops?
Every farm has to be destroyed to win. No ending cinematic scene, oh well.
Generally, the idea is nice but the techtree is the same and you get two heroes with the same spells. Even if they might be useful/powerful the gameplay experience could be funner with some diversity.
Waiting for more if not the whole human campaign done this way. You could also consider including multiplayer in the mix.


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