The Path Of Proper Map Making - What to do and what should be avoided

Level 31
May 3, 2008

The Path Of Proper Map Making

A lot of mappers, especially new ones would probably ask this question.

How to create a good map?

There are a lot of ways to do so. To start with, I will begin with scripting/triggering.

The Importance Of Proper Scripting

A lot of people (Especially new users), often adopt the motto of "As long as it works". This resulted in a poor scripted maps that often cause players to disconnect or long loading time.

Let us take a example, shall we?

  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing 0.00 degrees
  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Respawn = (Center of (Playable map area))
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at Respawn facing 0.00 degrees
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Respawn)
From what you see. I assume you would said both of them work the same, and you are right. Both triggers are the same, they spawn 1 footman every 30 seconds for player 1.

Although the concept was the same, but there is something that separates both of them. What is that? One was coded at ineffective way (Results into long loading time, disconnect, lag, file size larger and so on) while the other was coded at optimized way (Results into smooth running map with little or no lag at all).

The first trigger you had seen works just like the second trigger. Unfortunately, it does not destroy a memory leak which could resulted into a total disaster.

That is part of the reason of why a proper scripting is important. To know what is memory leak about, search a tutorial about memory leak. Another tutorial of mine have a brief explaination of what is memory leak about. Click at this link below to read my other tutorial.

The Importance of Efficiency in Coding

What Should Be Avoid And Why?

A lot of mapper doesn't like to receive a negative critism. If your map was well develop, would you receive a negative critism about your map? Definitely you would not receive it.

Surely you can said "I don wanna make uber map", but even if you are trying to make a decent map. There is a guidelines to be follow as well. If you doesn't want to follow it, you would never make a decent map even though you are using World Editor for 5,000 years.

This is the list of thing you must avoid.

1) Make a map out of boredom

This is definitely a NO. When you are making a map out of boredom, it usually turn out to be terrible work as you are making it in such a rush without conducting any test at all.

If you make such a map, never release it to map section forum at respectable site where the map would be evaluate based on the standard such as or as you would likely get a harsh critism and make a fool out of yourself.

In the end, you would probably flame the user and get banned or negative reputation by the staff. Do you want that to happen?

2) Let the user test it

Never ever release your map in hope of the user itself would test it for you. You should test the map by yourself to know what is wrong even if your map was a multiplayer map as you know better since you was the creator.

Given a excuse of "This was a multiplayer map" is not a excuse since you could host it yourself at LAN/Internet to try it out. The excuse you given is not to the other, but to yourself.

If you really need somebody to test it, you should post a request at forum such as Map Development section at or Map Testing section at to get any volunteer to be map tester. Not posting/upload it to map section that are reserve for complete map to get yourself a map tester as it was simply unprofessional.

If you upload bugged/incomplete map at section that are reserve for complete map. You would likely have your map rejected by the staff or probably worst. The user might not download it and play the map ever again after seeing it as a piece of crap.

Infact, if the user seen another player host this map at LAN/Internet. The user would probably warn the other not to host it. Do you need people to discourage other from hosting your map? I do not think so.

3) Never start a mega project

A lot of mapper especially newbie usually failed in map making. Why? Because they start to make a compleks map without even thinking if they have enough time, skill, dedication and effort to do so.

This resulted into project being abandon during half way. Some mapper probably create over 10 map, but none of it finish. Why? I guess I already explain it, did't I?

Waste of time and effort, make your finger and brain sore from all those work for partically nothing. Do you want that?

4) Lack of Description/Detail/Information

Whenever you are making a map, detail are always important. It could range from item, quest log, ability, structure, upgrade and so on.

A indepth description would not only help user, but it would prevent the user from the state of confusion because they do not know what to do. If a user doesn't know what to play and what to do during the gameplay, they would probably quit the game even before they started.

If you upload the resources to a site where it require you to wrote a description such as hiveworkshop or wc3c. Writing a decent description not only spare your map from rejection, but could probably attract user from downloading your resources.

A example of a map thread with fine description can be seen below.

Brotherhood Of Kenji - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
The Chosen Ones 3.1a - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Diablo III Beta v1.11 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

As you can see, a good description not only look attractive. But it could also encourage user to download it and helpful in every aspect.

It might be tendious to wrote those detail, but the work would paid off.

5) Never accept constructive review

A lot of mapper fail to make a good map lies at this part as well. They do not accept constructive critism of what's wrong with their map and often regard it as flamming/trolling.

To make it worst, some mapper have the lack of sportsmanship as well. Just because a much experience mapper or user told them of what's wrong with their map, this type of mapper rant their anger out of them simply by downrating their resources or flamming them. This would eventually resulted into people no longer interest of telling the mapper of what's wrong with their map. By doing this, you not only discourage people from download your map. You also lost a biggest asset of all time.

To be honest, if you are seeking for map tester to find out what is wrong and a user who appear out of nowhere telling you what's wrong with your map. Ain't you get yourself a free volunteer and free review out of it?

Accepting a constructive critism from map tester, but not from user is likely to be contradiction. It not only make yourself look foolish if you did that, it also makes yourself look like a perfect idiot and believe me. Nothing is much more suitable to describe a perfect idiot than this.

To outline a difference of constructive critism or not. Here is a example below.

Bad Critism said:
This map was boring

As for this, it isn't constructive. So, it was acceptable for you to denied his post.

Good Critism said:
Your mapc was well develop. However, there is a few flaw I would like to mention.

Terrain - The terrain was fine, but you could use more tile variation. Never use blizzard cliff, they look ugly and it isn't nice.
Scripting/Trigger - The scripting was alright. But what do you use Action - Do Nothing? This action partically called another action that actually did nothing.
Object Editor - The unit description was alright. But you make several hotkey error. For example, the unit Footman have the same hotkey with Elite Footman. I tried to train Footman and I click hotkey "F" only to wound up training a Elite Footman

As for this quote above, it was a constructive critism. Not flamming the map or the author of the map. So, take note of what it written and hopefully it would help. If there is something you disagree, try to give reason about it.

Learn to have a sportsmanship, never downrated other people resources out of anger or flamming them especially if they give a constructive critism. Thanks them if they give such a review, you would eventually learn how to make a better map faster than a knife cut through a butter.

Positive critism is nice to heard and nice to see. But, do they help you in mapping? That is the question you should ask yourself. And if a map was indeed superb, it would definitely earn a positive critism.

6) Protecting a map

Protecting a map while you know little to nothing about map editing was a stupid thing to do. First of all, open sources map are easy to be review and also enable a much experience map maker to view the scripting/triggering to point out the flaw of your coding.

If you know the flaw of your coding, you would be able to fix it and this would benefict your map in term of efficiency. You might also learn something useful from it.

Protecting a map because you do not want your map idea to be stolen is absolute nonsense because of 3 reasons.

I) Experience map maker could have easily develop such a map with better concept, better coding and terrain compare to you.
II) You lost yourself a free volunteer that help you fix/point the bug of the map coding.
II) It was a idea, anybody could have a similiar idea. For example, just because your map idea was Tower Defense; it doesn't mean other people never though of making a Tower Defense map.

What Should Be Done?

Ok, now this is the list of thing you should do if you wish to make a good map.

1) Planning

Always plan what to make. Planning doesn't generally like "Oh, I have a idea. Let's do it". The planning revolve a lot of aspect ranging from the game concept, terrain, custom import, scripting/triggering, file size and many more.

You need to take concern of it or else your map would never became a good map.

I would take a few example such as file size.

When you are making a map, you want it to have lot's of fancy model/icon/skin to make your map goes WOW. But, you need to take care the file size as well especially when it was a multiplayer map.

What happen when your file size exceed 4mb (The max size permitted for multiplayer map) due to custom import? Your map would eventually unable to be host, resulted into nobody playing your map at all.

Even if your map does not exceed 4mb (Let's said 3.9mb) and your map was a 10 player map. Trying to host it at full house was nearly impossible as the download time could take a hell long time depends on the host and player connection. This resulted into player leaving the room before the game even started.

Surely you can said "You are hosting this map with bunch of impatient kids". Believe it or not, nobody going to waste a hell long time to download a map that they know nothing about it (Especially new map).

What happen if they do download it only to find out it was terrible? I guess I do not need to explain this part, do I?

Planning could take up to a month or probably longer. But once you have a plan, the execution would be quick and smooth.

2) Research

Always make a research (Especially scripting/triggering) as you might found something that are useful.

For example, you only know how to script/trigger in GUI. One day you make a research and found out it could be code at JASS/VJASS and it was far superior.

What happen? Congratulation, you just take another step in developing a much better map.

3) Ask

Do not be shy to post a question at forum when you do not know how to resolve a problem regarding your map. But at the same time, make a research before you ask the question as it might already been answer at tutorial.

Do not expect user to create the solution for you (Especially in scripting/triggering). Try to make it by yourself first and show your work to the other and they would naturally gives you a better solution.

Begging and asking someone else to do it for your would likely get your thread ignore.

4) Testing

Always test your map as you know your map better than anybody else. Before you release it, it was recommend you conduct more test.

5) Avoid minor bug

Minor bug are usually refer to inproper hotkey, missing dis_btn and so on. Even if your map was a beta stage map, always ensure small problem such as inproper hotkey been fix before the map release. Map such as TD or AOS would give a hell lot's of problem to the user if there is a inproper hotkey.

For example, if I want to select hero A at the tavern and the hotkey that shown was A; I press A button only to get a hero B. It not only annoying, but discourage user from playing it.

That's all my tutorial at this moment. Hope it could help mapper in developing a much better map in the future.

bounty hunter2 - Fix grammar mistake.
Aeroblyctos - Mention a error at the example I show due to exhaustion.
Eleandor - Point out a grammar error.
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Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Septimus I started grammar checking:

A lot of mapperS, especially NEW ONES would probably ask this question.


How to create a good map?

There ARE a lot of wayS to do so. To start with, I WILL begin with scripting/triggering.

The Importance Of Proper Scripting

A lot of people (Especially new userS), often adopt the motto of "As long as it workS". This resultS IN poor scriptED mapS that often cause playerS to disconnect or long loading time.

Let us take a example, SHALL we?

From what you SEE, I assume you would said both of them work TH SAME, and you are right. Both triggerS are the same, THEY spawn 1 footman every 30 seconds for player 1.

Although the concept was the same, but there is something that separateS both of THEM. What is that? One was coded at ineffective way (ResultS into long loading time, disconnect, lag, file size larger and so on) while the other was coded at optimizeD way (ResultS into smooth running map with little or no lag at all).

The first trigger you HAD seen workS just like the second trigger. Unfortunately, it does not destroy a memory leak which could result into a total disaster.

That is part of the reason of why proper scripting is important.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I guess the tutorial is pretty good. However, see the problem I addressed below.
  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Respawn = (Center of (Playable map area))
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at Respawn facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Point)
From what you seen. I assume you would said both of them work at the same way it does and you are right. Both trigger are the same, it spawn 1 footman every 30 seconds for player 1.
You have
call  RemoveLocation (udg_Point)
instead of
call  RemoveLocation (udg_Respawn)
You should really just store the location in a variable throughout the whole game. I mean, there isn't much point to set and remove a variable from a constant location repeatedly. Here's an example of what I'm referring to:

  • Events
    • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Respawn = (Center of (Playable map area))
  • Events
    • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at Respawn facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
Level 3
Mar 27, 2006
Problems following the tutorial

ive tried to improve the respawn in a map ive been working on but the tutorial doesnt give enough info. it came up with
Line 539:Expect a name

The trigger is:

can you say what ive done wrong?
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Your using a region as the variable. You should instead use a location holding a random point in your region.

That explain your problem.

This tutorial only explain to you what you should do and why you should do it that way and what not to do in order to make a better map. It doesn't cover the issue on how to solve it.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Every user should read this.Specially new users.If I knew this first time when I wanted to post my map I probably would think twice and improve map before actually uploading it.

EDIT:Wait isn't 4MB limit for multiplayer map?
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Level 3
Mar 27, 2006
worked it out! (well i think its fixed as the trigger works and has the custom script).

Thanks for all the help!

Lack of Description/Detail/Information

ive looked though the tutorials and theres nothing on how to make a proper description, let alone up to the level of skill used in making the discriptions on the examples. could someone do a quick on describing how to do things like the borders and different colours?
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Level 9
Aug 21, 2008
Quite good tutorial:thumbs_up:
BUT i dont agree with all what you said.
Wy shouldnt a projekt made cause of borness a good one? I was bored of all the sick bad TD's so i made up my own one. I also started mappink cause of borness.
Ok that was bit sarcastic.:grin:
But I still dont agree with that.

When you wrote about the noob whch never finished a projekt i remember my self something like a year ago. But Cause of Forums like this i went better. And cause of tutorials like this:cute:
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
Wy shouldnt a projekt made cause of borness a good one? I was bored of all the sick bad TD's so i made up my own one. I also started mappink cause of borness.

I give 3 reason of why.

1) You doesn't ensure yourself if you have enough skill to map what you want, especially when you are new in World Editor. At Scripting/Triggering, that is where a skill require the most.

2) Without a proper planning and research, you can bet that your work are just going to turn out to be another cheap brand of it.

3) When you are bored, you are probably making something out of scratch as quickly as possible without testing it and release it asap it to the public.

4) If your project was a big project, it would consume a lot of time and energy. Maybe you would get bored and quit it before you even get it done. I almost did that when I make my map Harry pottaa and the dining in hell.

I do believe this tutorial already explain the reason of why you should not make a map out of boredom.

I give 4 reason :O

ive looked though the tutorials and theres nothing on how to make a proper description, let alone up to the level of skill used in making the discriptions on the examples. could someone do a quick on describing how to do things like the borders and different colours?

This tutorial is telling you how important it was to have a proper description.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
Nice tutorial, but "as long as it works" included also lags and so on, at least for me, mosts lags from cins are not leaks but spaming of doodads/effects.

And couse I am making only cinematics (ok, one adventure maybe), I know how many triggers will run and ergo how many leaks will be. So its not very neccessary in unplayable maps (ok, i try to avoid memory leaks but when i forget, its not a tragedy)

And i must write this :if someone criticied you, dont hide his post, this is also a good point :)
Level 31
May 3, 2008
(ok, i try to avoid memory leaks but when i forget, its not a tragedy)

It depends on how much leak occur.

if someone criticied you, dont hide his post, this is also a good point :)

If you refer to your post at my map thread or cmarket map thread, then you are obviously wrong about post hiding. User does not have the ability to delete your post, only the staff could delete a post.

And if a user request a staff to delete a post, the post would only be deleted under a good circumstances; which in your case it was needed. Your post was deleted due hostility and troll like intention.

Your review could be constructive, but writing a constructive review should avoid adding a word that could offend the users. Do you remember how much drama you have cause back at cmarket map thread by saying bad camera, bad terrain and so on without making a proper elaboration over the matter?

I request the staff to delete your post from my thread is because I do not need any freaking drama at my thread. Just look at some negative critism at my thread, why I maintain those post but not yours? I guess you know the reason, don't you?

A constructive critism must have a proper explaination. Take a look between a good and bad critism

Bad Critism said:
The terrain was awful. 2/5

Good Critism said:
The terrain was in bad shape. You mainly only use 1 type of tree, they have the same height and size, and you stack them in 1 group, making the forest look unnatural.

Forest doesn't consist of tree only. Try add some bush, weed and rock to it. Add different variation, adjust the height and size of the tree so none look exactly the same, and try adjust the terrain height as the terrain was rather smooth for a forest terrain.

2/5 from me.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
I will be honest, 22MB for this map is too too too much,

Terrain-average, but you dont know working with fog&sky&shading, there is nothing of this

Cameras-the same basic mistake all the time, from cam A to B is is not smooth! Use shorter wait, it was ugly to see, then you should learn some basic camera movements which can give some action and "feel of cinematic", use shorter cameras movements and more camera objects, and dont be afraid to use cameraX for 0 sec, (when camera is changing from one side of scene to another, it dont have to go throught all solid objects)

Story-well, pathetic really, and naive, but thats all with texts, units, efects, make it more dramatically (like, satan will go to my room, and say "i will kill you", and i say "omfg, lol, dont kill me please") Or more epicness.

I am deciding between 1/5 and 2/5. Or find someone to make cins for you, this was horrible

and then someone just whine that I was insulting him. If I wanted to insult him, I would write "you are noob" instead of "your map is noobish"

But kids here never learn.

rule1-I always write only and only about maps. If someone takes is personaly, thats not my problem.

And it is also a suggestion:criticise also only maps like i do, not people making them.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
rule1-I always write only and only about maps. If someone takes is personaly, thats not my problem.

Writing about map must avoid being provocative, which in your case. It isn't, that is why it doesn't suprise me to see you could be -rep for voicing out your opinion back at sohtm/tlp thread. Do not forget, the staff would not delete your post unless they see a reason in it. I request admin to delete it, and if they delete it. It means there is something wrong with it.

So, are you trying to said that everybody at this site was wrong and you are right?

I do not need another drama in my thread, especially at what you have cause back at sohtm/tlp thread ; that is why it had been deleted to avoid unnecessary quarrel between you or any other user considering that it was quite provocative and considering at what had happen back at the other thread.

If I do not accept your opinion, I would not have open a thread regarding asking about it. Are you illiterate enough not to be able to read the thread that I have open soon after you voice out your opinion? Or are you lack of common sense to think about it? (Pardon the expression)

Look back at some post at that thread, you would notice some post have negative opinion that I do not delete it simply because they are not provocative like yours does. Why some post remain while the other did't? Think again.

I do not need another drama at here as well, and do me a favor not to post anything at here in the future trying to defense yourself, make yourself look soo innocent or drop any s***** hint trying to make your point look valid such as "And i must write this :if someone criticied you, dont hide his post, this is also a good point :)" because such a hint was useless and doesn't make any point at all.

Post that are not visible means it was deleted by the staff. The user have nothing to do with deleted post, the only post that could be deleted by user was the post made by the user itself.

If I repeated twice, I would repeated thrice. The staff would only delete a post under a valid reason and only staff could delete other user post, the user itself cannot delete other person post.

In addition, if I do not accept what you have told me. I would had request all your post at everyone of my thread be deleted. Why only that post was deleted? Think hard.

But kids here never learn.

It was you who never learn. Think about it, why some user give a much tough/strict opinion but none of them ever get -rep for voicing out their opinion like you does? I guess that already explain the reason, did it?

I going to request the staff to delete post 21th and 22. Not because you are right or I am right, but because I do not need any further drama at here. Keep your opinion to yourself if you cannot avoid writing a provocative review or give nonsense hint trying to indicate you are right.
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Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I usually don't comment anything to here. But this one made me laugh. :D

Septimus said:
Let us take a example, shall we?

  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
  • Respawn
    • Events
      • Time - Every 30.00 seconds of game time
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Respawn = (Center of (Playable map area))
      • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at Respawn facing (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Respawn)

Usually the first example is the most important. But you fail the first example! :D

You have one leak in your trigger. Also remember to fix that facing point.

Okay, gg, I'm out.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Usually the first example is the most important. But you fail the first example! :D

You have one leak in your trigger. Also remember to fix that facing point.

I know about the leak, is just that I haven't had the time to fix it. I make this tutorial in a rush because it was kinda late (Make this tutorial at 4am). That is why it still have a few more mistake in the example.

Here is a lesson, never do anything when you are feeling sleepy. XD

No offense, but some1's gotta go through this, checking all the grammar errors... you may quote me as Bad Critisism ;)

bounty would do it, he just do not have the time to do it. My post usually have grammar error, not typo error.
I know about the leak, is just that I haven't had the time to fix it. I make this tutorial in a rush because it was kinda late (Make this tutorial at 4am). That is why it still have a few more mistake in the example.
Here is a lesson, never do anything when you are feeling sleepy. XD

i see that you need bounty XD i just made these corrections, for fun...

I know of the leak, it's just that I haven't had the time to fix it. I made this tutorial in a rush because it was kinda [assuming you know it's slang] late ( Made this tutorial at 4am). That's why it still have a few [removed more] mistakes in the example.
Here's a lesson, never do anything when you are feeling sleepy. XD [beep --word not recognized -- beep]
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Even if your map does not exceed 4mb (Let's said 3.9mb) and your map was a 10 player map. Trying to host it at full house was nearly impossible as the loading time could take a hell long time depends on the host and player connection. This resulted into player leaving the room before the game even started.

That's incorrect. Loading time doesn't in any way depend on your internet connection or the host's connection. It depends on your computer hardware, mainly ram & cpu speed.
The actual "download" time is influenced by host's upload speed and your own download speed. But once you have the map, connection has nothing to do with it anymore.
Players leaving the room before the game starts is because they actually leave the game during the countdown timer. They're either bots or annoying kids that like leaving.
If your map is 3.9 Mb it will always load, no exceptions. However, note that you must make sure your map uses 3.9 Mb on your hard drive. A file has both a "size" and a "size on disk". Even though your map seems to be only 3.9 Mb big, it could in fact be exceeding the 4Mb limit in actual size. But any map that doesn't exceed 4Mb actual size will load correctly (granted there are no other unrelated errors)

I make this tutorial in a rush because it was kinda late
Another thing you should add to this "tutorial": don't rush things.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
That's incorrect. Loading time doesn't in any way depend on your internet connection or the host's connection. It depends on your computer hardware, mainly ram & cpu speed.
The actual "download" time is influenced by host's upload speed and your own download speed. But once you have the map, connection has nothing to do with it anymore.
Players leaving the room before the game starts is because they actually leave the game during the countdown timer. They're either bots or annoying kids that like leaving.

Even if your map does not exceed 4mb (Let's said 3.9mb) and your map was a 10 player map. Trying to host it at full house was nearly impossible as the loading time could take a hell long time depends on the host and player connection. This resulted into player leaving the room before the game even started.

Ooops, grammar error; it suppose to be download instead of loading.

Another thing you should add to this "tutorial": don't rush things.

It was already inside the tutorial and was called "Planning". XD
changed (ugd_respawn) to (ugd_RespawnOutpost) and still not working.
RespawnOutpost is the variable used in the trigger.

It's "udg" not "ugd". That's your problem.

Btw, can I rewrite your tutorial for you Septimus, tomorrow? (April-05-2009)
It's loaded with grammar errors and some spelling mistakes... but I think it's a nice tutorial and just needs some fixin'
Ok, I've been working on a version in a word document with stuff that should be removed in red, additions highlighted in green, and editor notes in blue... However, it's taking a long time to do... Could I just do it like this.
Your paragraph
normal, then my rewritten version in blue after each one, followed by any editor notes I may have in YellowGreen?

For Example:

(Your paragraph unedited)
This resulted into project being abandon during half way. Some mapper probably create over 10 map, but none of it finish. Why? I guess I already explain it, did't I?
(Your paragraph edited by me)
This resulted in the project being abandoned half way through its development. Some mappers probably create over 10 maps, but don’t finish any of them.

(My editor note)
I removed the "Why? I guess I already explain it, did't I?" bit because it had no point in being there when you already explained why in the previous statement...

Btw, I myself am guilty of making 10+ maps without finishing most of them. I must say though, doing them helped me get better at mapmaking.
Actually, I planned out about half of them well in advance of starting them. For example, I had a 10 stage plan of development for Fort Wars. The main reasons I didn't finish them where A) I was trying to do too many things at once and B) my skillz weren’t so good then. Of course, the ones I didn't plan out with the exception of one of them that was a minigame never got even close to being completed

Btw, are you Russian? Your tutorial sounds very Russian. Everything you say with conviction and you ask questions which you answer yourself.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Actually, I planned out about half of them well in advance of starting them. For example, I had a 10 stage plan of development for Fort Wars. The main reasons I didn't finish them where A) I was trying to do too many things at once and B) my skillz weren’t so good then. Of course, the ones I didn't plan out with the exception of one of them that was a minigame never got even close to being completed.

If you are quite new to WE, even with good/advance planning won't help (Refer to 3) Never start a mega project.)
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
Overall a very good tutorial. However, the one oddity here id the first thign you say to avoid: Making a map out of boredom. I actually dont think this is anythign to avoid at all. Making maps can be a great way to pass the time, and usually give more experience each time I go back. On top of that, plenty of things made out of boredom turn out quite well, and many things on this site were made out of boredom!

Btw, the efficiency in coding tut is very nice as well