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Description Guide - Maps

Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Melee map description guide

Map Description Philosophy

The Map Submission Rules states that you need to have a "good detailed description on the Hive".
This thread will help you do just that.

First of all there are a few things you need to understand about making a description:
-No one wanna see a wall of text when checking out a map. Keep your description short, structurized and to the point.
-Everybody likes to see what they are downloading. Screenshots is a must.
-Making a good description is good for you. This encourages more people to try your map.​

Your description should be divided in three main parts: Presentation, In-depth and Extra Information.

Here you write down the most important things about your map in a short and accurate text.
Describe the general gameplay and main-features in as few words as possible.
You should also include a hidden box with screenshots here.

Here you write more information about your map, a little bit more detailed this time.
Describe what the map is about, what the objective is, discuss tactics etc..

Extra Information
Here you include stuff like a Change Log, Credits and Authors notes.

Change Log:
Here, in a hidden tag, you should include all the changes you have made since the latest update in a nice structurized manner.

In this hidden tag you include all the authors of the materials used in your map.
Blizzard material does not need to be listed.

Authors Notes:
Can be about anything really. Here you put all excess information that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Here are a few examples on what could be in the authors notes:
-How you got the idea
-How long it took you to create
-Giving permissions to use the map
-That you'd happily recieve feedback​

Here is an example description on how the description can turn out. You can also check it out in the maps section here.

-Azeroth Grand Prix-
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.
Time to race!

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.
Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win!

AGP 0.png
AGP 1.png
WC3ScrnShot_082816_144509_01 kopiera.png
WC3ScrnShot_082816_144639_02 kopiera.png
WC3ScrnShot_082816_144743_03 kopiera.png
WC3ScrnShot_082816_144800_04 kopiera.png
WC3ScrnShot_082816_144815_05 kopiera.png

AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.

Good luck!

[2016-08-27]-Something else.
[2016-08-28]-Something else again.

(Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)

Special thanks to (someone) for their support!

This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done!

[Center][stable][CENTER][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=6][B]-Azeroth Grand Prix-[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.
[B]Time to race![/B]

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.
Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/CENTER]

[Hidden="Screenshots"][ATTACH=full]246733[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246734[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246728[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246729[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246730[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246731[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]246732[/ATTACH] [/Hidden]
[table][/Table][/Center][/B][Center][table]AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.

Good luck!

[Hidden="Change Log"][2016-08-26]-Uploaded.
[2016-08-27]-Something else.
[2016-08-28]-Something else again.[/Hidden][C]

[Hidden="Credits"](Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)
(Author) - (Credited Object)

Special thanks to (someone) for their support![/Hidden][C]

[Hidden="Authors Notes"]Hi!
This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done![/Hidden][/sTable][/Center][/stable][/Center]

-Azeroth Grand Prix-
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

Time to race!

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win!





Authors Notes

[2016-09-14] CHANGES
[2016-09-15] CHANGES
[2016-09-16] CHANGES

[table][Center][SIZE=5][COLOR=#ffffff][B]-Azeroth Grand Prix-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

[COLOR=#ffffff][I]Time to race![/I][/COLOR]

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/Center]

[Tabs][Tab=Information]---INFORMATION HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Screenshots]---SCREENSHOTS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Changelog][2016-09-14] CHANGES
[2016-09-15] CHANGES
[2016-09-16] CHANGES[/Tab]

[Tab=Credits]---CREDITS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Authors Notes]---AUTHORS NOTES HERE---[/Tab][/Tabs][/Table]

If you want to create your own description similiar to the ones above, check out the BB code list.
Last edited:
Level 5
Dec 31, 2015
Here's some more templates.

Azeroth Grand Prix
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

Time to race!

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win!

Map Description

AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.​


Image here



    • Map Uploaded.

    • Bug fixed.
    • Balance Gameplay.

    • A lot of changes.


    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX

Author's Notes

This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done!​
[table][CENTER][B][size=7]Azeroth Grand Prix[/size][/B]
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

[B][size=5]Time to race![/size][/B]

[I]Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/I][/CENTER]

[R][INDENT][B][size=5]Map Description[/size][/B]

AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.[/INDENT]


[hidden=Screenshot #1][I]Image here[/I][/hidden][/INDENT]


[hidden=Version 1][I][2016-05-16]
[LIST][*] Map Uploaded.[/LIST]

[LIST][*] Bug fixed.
[*] Balance Gameplay.[/LIST]

[LIST][*] A lot of changes.[/LIST]


[LIST][*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX[/LIST]

[R][INDENT][B][size=5]Author's Notes[/size][/B]

This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done![/INDENT][/table]

Azeroth Grand Prix
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

Time to race!

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win!

Map Description




Author's Notes

Map Description

AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.​


Image here



    • Map Uploaded.

    • Bug fixed.
    • Balance Gameplay.

    • A lot of changes.


    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX
    • XxXxX XxXxX

Author's Notes

This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done!​
[table][CENTER]Azeroth Grand Prix
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

Time to race!

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/CENTER]

[tabs][tab=Map Description][INDENT][B][size=5]Map Description[/size][/B]

AGP (Azeroth Grand Prix) uses a custom movement system that is rarely seen
in wc3. instead of the usual point and click movement and combat system, you now use your arrow
keys to move around.

You also have a special mini-gun that you can use to damage opponents. To use it correctly, you have
to line up behind an enemy and fire it.

Different carts offers different advatages, so pick wisely and find the one that fits you best.

There are many power-ups that you can pick up by running over the "presents" that are placed at
different places of the map. You can for example pick up a "Blaze" avility that realeases a trail of fire,
damaging all those who follows in it.

Be careful not to go too fast at all places, since you can easily hit an edge and stop your momentum
completely. Try to also be aware of your surroundings as at certain places there might be dangers such
as minecart wagons, volcanic eruptions, sheep and more.

If you take too much damage from enemies or other events you can always check in with the repair
station just before the start line and get fixed up.[/INDENT]


[hidden=Screenshot #1][I]Image here[/I][/hidden][/INDENT]


[hidden=Version 1][I][2016-05-16]
[LIST][*] Map Uploaded.[/LIST]

[LIST][*] Bug fixed.
[*] Balance Gameplay.[/LIST]

[LIST][*] A lot of changes.[/LIST]


[LIST][*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX
[*] XxXxX XxXxX[/LIST]

[/tab][tab=Author's Notes][INDENT][B][size=5]Author's Notes[/size][/B]

This is my first map uploaded to the hive. Hope you like it and don't forget to tell me what you think.
This map took me several years to create, but I'm finally done![/INDENT][/tab][/tabs][/table]
Last edited:
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Those are two solid templates! Good job!
The only things I would suggest that you change is that changelog shouldn't be in different hidden tabs. This just makes the description uneccesary big, at least the first template you made.
In the second template, it works, but I think it would be better to change here too.
I would say the same about the screenshots. It is time saving not having to open one tab for each screenie, especially when there are a big number of them.
@Rufus , what about changing the thread title "Description - Map Template" -> "Description Template - Maps"
Maybe it was just me, but from "Map Template" I was little confused at first. Or maybe "Description Guide - Maps" ?

The first part of the tutorial is fine, and you also show it nicely with an example then. The next template examples is okay, too, but
I guess we should not focus much on providing just more and more bb code examples. If they read the first important part, understood it, and see the example, it's fine I guess.
Not saying the 2nd example should be removed, but we maybe don't need any more examples now, with only few changes in style, using other bb code. Maybe just a link to bb code was useful then.

Maybe also a little note that you also offer a specialized tutorial for melee maps would be useful on top. (and vise versa)
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Thread name changed.
Link to bb code added.
Link to melee map tutorial added, and vice versa.

Yeah, there are enough templates already. I might add more (or replace) if someone wants to contribute, and it turns out to be really good. :)

Thanks for pointing those things out!
Nice. In my opinion this is more useful than always blidnly providing BB code templates.

Description Guide - Maps

21 November 2016


A fine guide which explains the user what to care about when working on a map's description.
It also can be used as useful reference when reviewing maps. Approved.
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
The template is right there in the first post.

Here one of them is again, in case you missed it:

[table][Center][SIZE=5][COLOR=#ffffff][B]-Azeroth Grand Prix-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

[COLOR=#ffffff][I]Time to race![/I][/COLOR]

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/Center]

[Tabs][Tab=Information]---INFORMATION HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Screenshots]---SCREENSHOTS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Changelog][2016-09-14] CHANGES
[2016-09-15] CHANGES
[2016-09-16] CHANGES[/Tab]

[Tab=Credits]---CREDITS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Authors Notes]---AUTHORS NOTES HERE---[/Tab][/Tabs][/Table]
Level 14
Jan 7, 2017
The template is right there in the first post.

Here one of them is again, in case you missed it:

[table][Center][SIZE=5][COLOR=#ffffff][B]-Azeroth Grand Prix-[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
The great horns of the ancient rally track has sounded.
All races has gathered in peace to see the racers bring glory to their ancestors.

[COLOR=#ffffff][I]Time to race![/I][/COLOR]

Azeroth Grand Prix is a racing game with unique controls where you can choose from four unique vehicles and race your friends to the finish line.

Pick up power-ups to make your enemies struggle or boost yourself to complete a set number of laps in order to win![/Center]

[Tabs][Tab=Information]---INFORMATION HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Screenshots]---SCREENSHOTS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Changelog][2016-09-14] CHANGES
[2016-09-15] CHANGES
[2016-09-16] CHANGES[/Tab]

[Tab=Credits]---CREDITS HERE---[/Tab]

[Tab=Authors Notes]---AUTHORS NOTES HERE---[/Tab][/Tabs][/Table]
Level 7
Mar 9, 2016
Why are these not on the linked template thread? I find these a lot better than those bumped out in the link when -about to publish a map-.
The ones with left-right buttons seem to be easiest to navigate, they are so simple and easy for players to use.

@Rufus do you plan on making more templates? Advanced ones maybe? Or have you made them already...? :D
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
Well, I Always customize my descriptions to my specific needs, so I have no perfect template to use.
Those guidelines include everything I think of when creating one, and the tab description that you mentioned is a good example of using those. :)

What's the linked template thread?