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Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

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Reactions: deepstrasz
This tool is made for map makers specifically the Melee Map Makers. I hope this will serve good use to anyone who will submit maps to hive.

To those who will download this, your computer must have a Java Runtime Environment. If you don't have one please download JRE here.

This also runs in windows 7 with JRE.

version 1.1.0
1. You can now select few colors for each heading.
2. There is already a feature that enable and disable background.
3. Added one more option for the Map Description.
See Sample Here

version 1.2
1. Removed the background image.
2. Added save and open options under File Menu.
version 1.3
1. Field with no text at all will now be ignored. Neutral Buildings with zero value will not be included in the process of generating the description.

Thanks to Bru for his suggestion.
melee, map, description, generator, eubz

Melee Map Description Generator v1.3 (Binary)

00:48, 3rd Apr 2014 TriggerHappy: Works properly.
Level 23
Oct 20, 2012
Well, it's simple but really effective. ^^

A couple of questions though, can the user add more than a couple of images or can it only support two? If it can't then it would be a good feature to add. There are map makers that like a lot of images in their descriptions.

Second question, can the user customize the colors of the texts through the UI? or would they have to edit the BBcode itself?

Would be a good feature to let the user customize the color. ^^

I really should have dowwnloaded it first though.



I am a title

Author: I am the author




Map Description

this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description. this is the map description.

Map Features

Green Creep Encampment = 1
Orange Creep Encampment = 2
Red Creep Encampment = 3
Goblin Merchant = 4
Goblin Laboratory = 5
Fountain of Health = 6
Fountain of Mana = 7
WayGates = 8
Black Dragon Roost = 9
Blue Dragon Roost = 10
Green Dragon Roost = 11
Nether Dragon Roost = 12
Red Dragon Roost = 13
Mercenary Camp = 14
Tavern = 15
Goblin Shipyard = 16

Map Preview:


For now, this can only support up to 2 images: one preview for the whole map and one in-game screenshots or so. Also, it has a pre-defined color. Maybe on the next versions, I'll be adding some more supports on user-customized color and more than 2 images for the screen shots.

As for the present version, you can edit the colors using the notepad by editing BBCode for text colors.

Actually, you can add as many screenshots as you can in both text fields; just add these codes in between urls: "[/img]" REMEMBER: [color=lime][b]in between URLs[/b][/color] If you are not sure, just add one for each slot.

Thanks to Bru for his [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2488523-post11.html]suggestion[/url].
As far as I know, creating nice description for your melee map is very much related to Warcraft 3 as far as the first rule of the [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/rules-information-710/tool-submission-rules-230363/]Tool Submission Rule[/url] is applied. And as far as this tool is concerned, I made this tool entirely from scratch. And as far as the [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/]Map Submission Rules[/url] is concerned, it's first rule is to have good description for hive and any uploaded maps violating any rules stated is subject for rejection. Now, isn't this tool related to warcraft 3?
Last edited:
Level 29
May 21, 2013
May I ask:


Marketplace option? the marketplace sells random items, goblin merchant defined melee items. It would be nice to have the marketplace option too, but it can be added manually in the codes so not big deal, very powerfull tool.