17:00, 11th Jun 2013
Deolrin:Sweet stuff; I really like this model. ^^
However, you should change the metal bit on one of the "sphere-holders" to a more naga\highborne-like texture. The arcane sanctum's rusty metal is unfitting. You could also add additional teamcolor by changing the green plates on the main building into teamcolored plates(from the Altar of Depths). Finally, you should change the Stand Work animation to use more fitting particles(blue\teal\cyan), and perhaps add a radiating cyan glow to each of the billboarded spheres during "Stand Work" as well.
17:32, 12th Jun 2013
Deolrin:The changes are great, good job.
However, new problem... The glow seems to conflict with the spheres. Maybe move it away a bit so it's not exactly on the same spot as the spheres?
20:07, 15th Jun 2013
Deolrin:The orb glows still flicker in-game, for some reason. I don't know how to fix this, honestly, asides from moving them even farther away, or perhaps getting rid of them altogether. Which would be a shame because they look nice.
The birth effect you gave it is really nice. It works great with the Arcane Sanctum base. Good job.
13:15, 16th Jun 2013
Deolrin: Changes made, resource approved. Great model, fits for both Naga and Highborne. Good job!
However, you should change the metal bit on one of the "sphere-holders" to a more naga\highborne-like texture. The arcane sanctum's rusty metal is unfitting. You could also add additional teamcolor by changing the green plates on the main building into teamcolored plates(from the Altar of Depths). Finally, you should change the Stand Work animation to use more fitting particles(blue\teal\cyan), and perhaps add a radiating cyan glow to each of the billboarded spheres during "Stand Work" as well.
17:32, 12th Jun 2013
However, new problem... The glow seems to conflict with the spheres. Maybe move it away a bit so it's not exactly on the same spot as the spheres?
20:07, 15th Jun 2013
The birth effect you gave it is really nice. It works great with the Arcane Sanctum base. Good job.
13:15, 16th Jun 2013
Deolrin: Changes made, resource approved. Great model, fits for both Naga and Highborne. Good job!
Reasons specified in the PM