Ujimasa Hojo's Resources Discussion

Level 64
Jan 20, 2008
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Table of Contents


  • Admiralty of Kul Tiras - Includes Kul Tiran units.
  • Amani Empire - Includes Forest Troll units and buildings.
  • Axis of Awful - Includes Gnoll, Kobold, and Murloc units. Buildings are edited versions of Mephestrial's Gnoll buildings, which are now retextured with in-game textures.
  • Barrens - Includes Barrens Creeps that are not yet given their own thread.
  • Burning Legion - Includes Demonic units
  • Cenarion Circle - Includes the Druidic Night Elven units as well as Druids from other races.
  • Centaur - Includes Centaur units and Buildings.
  • Dalaran - Includes Mage units. Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings and are retextured similar to the Arcane Observatory.
  • Darkspear - Mostly Orc buildings retextured with the texture of the Goblin Merchant Building textures as well as the Horde Jungle Troll units.
  • Draenei - Includes Exodar Draenei units.
  • Drakkari - Includes Ice Troll units. Buildings are snowy versions of the Undead buildings.
  • Ebon Horde - Includes undead versions of traditional Horde races.
  • Emerald Nightmare - Includes Satyr units. Buildings are corrupted versions of the Night Elven buildings.
  • Empire of Nazjatar - Includes Naga units. Buildings include the original ones as well as new ones.
  • Fel Horde - Includes Fel Orc and Feltotem Tauren units. Buildings are edited versions of the Orc buildings, textured with the Demon Portal texture.
  • Forsaken - Includes Forsaken units. Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings, textured with the Undead building textures.
  • Goblin - Includes Goblin units. Buildings are edited versions of the Orc buildings, textured with the Goblin Laboratory texture.
  • Gurubashi - Includes Jungle Troll units and Orc buildings with the Sunken ruins textures.
  • Highborne - Includes Highborne Night Elven units. Buildings are a variety of buildings textured with the Sunken Ruins Doodads textures.
  • Horde (Northrend) - Includes Taunka units. Buildings are edited versions of the Orc buildings, made to be snowy.
  • Horde (Old) - Includes Orc units more in line with the Horde during the Second War.
  • Illidari - Buildings are various edited versions, textured with the Dark Portal texture.
  • Iron Horde - Buildings are edited versions of the Orc buildings, textured with dark metal.
  • Kingdom of Gilneas - Includes Gilneas units. Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings, textured with the Night Elf building textures.
  • Kingdom of Ironforge - Includes Dwarven units.
  • Kingdom of Quel'thalas - Includes Blood Elven units.
  • Kingdom of Stormwind - Includes Human units not derived from the original Human units. Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings , textured with a custom texture.
  • Kingdom of Stromgarde - Includes edited versions of Human units, textured with a custom texture.
  • Knights of the Ebon Blade - Includes Death Knight versions of various units.
  • Lordaeron - Includes the original Human units and buildings in-game, as well as some edited versions of them.
  • Lost Ones - Includes Lost One Draenei units. Buildings are edited versions of the Orc buildings made similar to the in-game Lost One Draenei buildings.
  • Nerubian - Buildings edited versions of the Undead buildings.
  • Ogre - Includes Ogre units.
  • Orc (Blackmoore's Slaves) - Includes Orc units in Human armor. Buildings are humanized versions of the Orc buildings.
  • Order of the Silver Hand - Includes Paladin version of various units.
  • Orgrimmar - Includes the original Orc units and buildings in-game, as well as some edited versions of them.
  • Rotbrain Undead - Includes zombified versions of various units and ruined versions of Human buildings.
  • Sentinels - Includes the original Night Elven units and buildings, as well as edited versions of them.
  • Shadowtooth Clan - Includes Dark Troll units if there were enough differences from the Forest Troll ones. The buildings are basically Orc buildings with Night Elf textures.
  • Silver Covenant - Includes High Elven units. Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings.
  • Tauren - Includes Tauren units.
  • Uncrowned - Includes Bandit units. Buildings are mostly reworked in-game creep buildings.
  • Undead Scourge - Includes the original Undead units and buildings.
  • Westfall - Includes farm buildings and farm versions of other buildings.
  • Wintergarde - Buildings are edited versions of the Human buildings, made to be snowy.
  • Wretched - Includes Wretched units.
  • Others - Includes units or buildings not yet part of any of the above.
Author's Notes and Trivia:
  • After the major site update, I have been slowly reworking my models before uploading them in the model section. This thread serves as some sort of index where the models are cataloged according to their themes. The packs in each thread are not updated with the models in the official model section but they do contain old models not yet featured in the official model section.
  • I'd like to quote this: "THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR REQUESTS". While I'm open to suggestions, I can't guarantee I'm going to do them.
  • People are free to edit the models if they feel they need to. If you are going to upload it, give credit.
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Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
In World of Warcraft, some Forsaken buildings harness lightning through lightning rods on the roofs (in a similar fashion to how Frankenstein's experiments are often depicted - you know, lightning strikes the rod, there's a burst of electricity, and Frankenstein's monster comes alive). Perhaps an interesting addition to the laboratory, maybe for the work animation?
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
Awesome models and Ideas, we'll need some Forsaken airforce though, there are no undead flying units that might fit the Forsaken in the hive I'm afraid :c
Level 7
Aug 13, 2011
IF its forsaken.... the valkyr could be the most powerful unit in their race right...?
so why not make a building that trains valkyrs?... there are valkyr models in the hive.... or maybe they could even train varguls!

im thinking of the building's name as.... "Graveyard of the Damned" or something like.... "the Heroes Cementery". or .. "Vrykul's Mausoleum"?
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
IF its forsaken.... the valkyr could be the most powerful unit in their race right...?
so why not make a building that trains valkyrs?... there are valkyr models in the hive.... or maybe they could even train varguls!

im thinking of the building's name as.... "Graveyard of the Damned" or something like.... "the Heroes Cementery". or .. "Vrykul's Mausoleum"?

No, they should be heroes. Why? There are only few Valkyr left look for the Valkyrs left here = http://www.wowwiki.com/
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
It's a bit too plain on the sides, maybe add some vials like you said or some kind of cage, as Forsaken are known for capturing enemies for experimenting with them.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
Now it's just perfect, now somebody must make some Apothecary or Plague Doctor model.

Edit. On a side note, yo can try adding some spikes based on the fences on the roof of the curved beams buildings, so they can have some more "Forsaken" feeling, you now, every forsaken building seem to have spikes on their rooftop.

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Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
The Graveyard and Gargoyle Spire textures are going to the main textures used for the buildings. At this point in time, deviating from this premise might break the unifying theme for the pack.
I am open to suggestions for the existing models. The problem is that the original may be okay for one user but not for the other so I need to find a way to make a consensus.
I would share the concept for future models so that concerns and suggestions would be taken into account before the model is made.
I could make more than the usual number of buildings for a melee race so that you can just choose which among them you like to use.
0) Would you like me/us to post all our critiques for the other models in this thread, so it's all in one place? I can do that for reference purposes.

Links to Posts
Altar of Queens
Arcane Den
Town Hall

1) While I can totally understand the artistic desire & necessity to pick a few textures from which to build a cohesive theme (& thank you for it, as opposed to just building it from whatever), I have to re-iterate my issues with the recent bout of Forsaken models' decidedly "purple" twist... Taking a look at your Town Hall, it's absolutely amazing!... But then Hall, Altar, Grave, and Boneyard-redux all have these big, purple, curvy (NE?) beams that make up significant portions of the models. Have you tested it with the various TeamColors? I'm sure there must be a better option somewhere that'll still fit your (appropriate) need for cohesion.

2) Don't worry too much about consensus. Besides, this is the Internet; true consensus is entirely impossible. Try to stay true to your vision... However, there's also nothing saying you can't just upload all the "rejects" here on this thread (or elsewhere) for people to comb through as they need. I for one would love to make requests & suggestions, and if people didn't like it, well, I'll just take my copy & be gone. :p

3) I for one really like the idea of a "Work In Progress" thread for your building-series. Really let's people weigh in before it goes through all the rigmarole of being uploaded. Only wish you'd done so for some earlier stuff. :< Count me in.

4) That would be awexome. See #2.

Ujimasa Hojo said:
Forsaken Laboratory:

The main body would be from the Tomb of Relics. The back building would be edited to be some sort of blight storage container. The front structures would be removed and replaced with the body of the Workshop. Pipes would be added to connect the Workshop and hind container.
This is a very good & fitting idea for the Forsaken. A 'Laboratory' and/or 'Apothecarium' is great. So far it's all looking good (and you've avoided all that "deep purple" of the others!), so keep it coming.


Some ideas (man, I wish I had my Forsaken race more fleshed out)...

So far you've got the Town Hall, Farm, Altar, Caster Barracks, Upgrader/Lumber-Receptacle, T2 Barracks... Looks like you still need Tower(s), Racial Shop, T1 Barracks, T3 "Ownage Device" Barracks, maybe a few other Barracks's's's... And then any other special buildings the Forsaken would have (Blight Generators? Warp Gates? Lumber Yards? etc)

First, some name suggestions for a properly macabre pseudo-Undead (not using existing Undead names, like "Crypt" or "Graveyard"):
  • Mausoleum*
  • (Tomb)
  • Sepulchre*
  • Grave (already got this)
  • Reliquary (this would be great as Shop, unless you do an evil Library of sorts... "Pit of Archives"?)
  • Phylactery (more of an Item, technically)
  • Catacombs*
  • Barrow (as in Wights)
  • etc

Then, some ideas:
  • Racial Shop: See above for the Racial Shop (some sort of "tomb of horrors" remake would make sense, but also sort of a "corrupted Arcane Vault" to go along with the "Undead-esque Humans" theme. Also consider a twisted evil Library owned by a mad Apothecary ("Archivist's Grave")
  • Plague (& Others) Towers: Going along with my earlier discussion of how the Forsaken = Undead + Humans, trying to form an interesting combination of their races seems like a good direction to start. Humans & Undead are the only two factions with Upgradeable Towers (and lots at that), so some kind of mix between the Scout Tower & Ziggurat makes sense (like ruined husks of Scout Towers, retro-fitted with Forsaken weaponry). Weaponry like:
    • PLAGUE CAULDRONS! This is a must have, somewhere in any good Forsaken race. Make an awexome, ornate & evil Cauldron, bubbling with thick, noxious brew and overflowing with frumious Plague Clouds... Stick that on the ruined husk of a Scout Tower, and you're in business. :p
    • Evil Prism Towers! Stick some non-Spirit-Tower-like "spectral energy crystals/mirrors" in a tall ornate tower (perhaps stolen from the designs of fallen Dalaran), and create a Red-Alert-2-like "Prism Tower", which shoots lances of powerful spectral energy (& boosts from other nearby towers!)
    • Basic (Evil) Archer Towers! Throw some archer-holes & tent-works on a broken tower, and stick some archers in there.
    • Evil Magic Towers! Take that whole "fallen Dalaran" idea to the max and create a variety of twisted Phantasmagoric Magic Towers.
    • Sunken Colony-remake! Perhaps a potent Forsaken ShadowPriest, ensconced in a tower, forms great spikes of shadow energy at nearby enemy ground units, impaling them at great distances! (see Zerg in Starcraft)
    • The list goes on (just not this one xD).
  • Fallen Dalaran: Ok, this is good enough for it's own idea-slot... I've been thinking about my post-Wc3 pre-WoW Forsaken, and what strikes me is that, as the "new power in Lordaeron", and direct neighbors to the daemon-crushed city of wonders that was Dalaran (as seen in the TFT Human campaign)... Well, there's a whole menagerie of solid architecture, units, abilities, ideas, and concepts right there. Forsaken seems like a "thinkers-race" anyway... Should have a fair supply of dead & disgruntled mages & their homes.
    Anyway, consider the above (energy towers), as well as the above (shops)... But also perhaps a floating set of buildings? Or a second "caster-shop" that is like the Arcane Sanctum? Or perhaps a twisted/evil "Observatory" (see Human campaign in TFT), as a special building providing sight & other bonuses?...
  • T3 "Ownage Device" Barracks: I think the T3 "Ownage Device" for the Forsaken should either be a sort of Ghostly Dragon (ehhhhh...), or, more likely, the elite Forsaken "gods-on-earth"... 'Shadow Ascendants'. That's right. Objects of worship and pinnacles of all ghostliness. Not sure where they would come from, though (super-Crypt? super-Sacrificial Pit to the Nether Realm? super-Spiritual-Dojo? etc)

That's all I can think of for now. Gotta get some work done. However, I'm interested to see your thoughts. Thanks again for giving us all a chance to speak up, and good luck!


If you wouldn't mind, could you just throw the images you attach into a handy-dandy "Hidden" folder? Otherwise, the screen gets stretched & it's hard to read the text.


The link to the critique posts would do. As for the transformed Night Elf buildings, I'll look at how they look if the beams are gotten rid of.
Definitely, I'll get working on that.

*sniff* So no thoughts on all the other stuff I posted?... :p

Ujimasa Hojo said:
Anyways, here's the Laboratory so far:

It's during the Work animation hence the lightning. Still considering if I should add vials. I'll upload it next week unless there are more suggestions.
Hm... Well, I for one am really liking where it's going. It's a recognizable outline (Workshop), but you've sufficiently added stuff & retextured such that, IMO, it looks pretty creative (and would definitely be useful for the Forsaken; I could see Plague-a-pults & other mechs being built there, as well as Apothecaries, Research Scientists & other units being trained there).

I'd love the idea of a spinning "water-wheel/centrifuge" for potions, but I'm secretly holding onto that design for a Goblin ChemLab for MiniMage, so... Yeah, no skin off my teeth if it's not there. :p

That being said, I think something with vials (or really barrels, like plague-barrels) would be very fitting; where are they keeping all that Blight? (i.e. that big tank in the bank, but that could be more of a big mixing facility or something).

Keep it coming.


...now somebody must make some Apothecary or Plague Doctor model.
Umm... Sure, it's not as Heroic as we might want (either change anims or remove hero glow/dissipate), but it's pretty dang good & a personal favorite of mine (should be, since it was my team-mate's model for our entry in the 3rd Hero Contest :p).

Darkloid said:
Edit. On a side note, yo can try adding some spikes based on the fences on the roof of the curved beams buildings, so they can have some more "Forsaken" feeling, you now, every forsaken building seem to have spikes on their rooftop.

(HINT: This site (and vB in general) uses "Hidden" tags, not "spoiler" tags)

I could argue that "that's WoW, this is Wc3", but I tend to agree; that spiky Northrend fence (and potentially some "roof-top spikes") would really help some of these models stand out.

Update again:

Looking even better (though the floating cage is a bit weird :p). Aside from the above (spiky roof and/or spiky fence), as well as the requisite "green bubbling goop" during the Work animation... I think this is pretty good. Nice job. :p

Any replies/thoughts on my comments/ideas/etc?
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Level 64
Jan 20, 2008
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Rumble in Outland


Race Changes:
  • Burning Legion (Undead)
  • Coilfang Naga (Night Elf)
  • Fel Horde (Orc)
  • Sha'tar (Human)

Each race has 5 heroes. There are 2 additional neutral Heroes.

Neutral Units:
  • Ancient Library - Sells tomes to help your Heroes become more powerful
  • Ancient Vaults - Sells various Artifacts and Unique Items
  • Bank - Exchanges gold for lumber and vice versa
  • Fountain of Energy - Regenerates the health and mana of all non-mechanical units nearby and allows you to reveal an area of the map and detect invisible units
  • Merchant - Sells various magic items
  • Tavern - Allows you to hire various Heroes


Fel Horde:


Coilfang Naga:




Burning Legion:


Neutral Units:
Neutral units offer various kinds of services.


Some of the dwellers hold Glyphs. Kill them and take the glyphs before other players do.



  • Blood Elf Buildings - SinisterX
  • Blood Elf Demon Hunter - Mc !
  • Blood Elf Mage - Frankster
  • Death Knight WC2 - Necrokenis
  • DemonSpaceShip - pWn3d
  • Demoness - Mecheon
  • Draenei Battlemaster - Werewulf
  • Draenei Paladin - SinisterX
  • Elekk Knight - Hawkwing
  • Hero Naga Enchantress - armel
  • Ice Crown Overlord X - Frankster
  • Naga rally point - LiOneSS
  • ZergOverlord - killst4r
Other modified models came from Blizzard Entertainment.

  • Blood Elf User Interface - Dentothor
  • Draenei Priest - FrIkY
  • Mecha-Giant - timfarman
  • Naga Cursor - AlienAtSystem
  • Naga User Interface - viiva
  • Club Swing - Stanakin
  • Demon Space Ship - pWn3d
  • Draenei Paladin - SinisterX
  • Draenei Priest - FrIkY
  • Ogre Armor 3 - Stanakin
  • Zerg Overlord - General Frank
Other modified icons came from Blizzard Entertainment.


  • Allerian Stronghold
  • Auchindoun
  • Black Temple
  • Zangarmarsh

Author's notes:

  • Don't expect anything completely new here. I simply shuffled units and abilities. Nonetheless, the original techtrees are relatively intact.
  • The main highlight for this particular map are the Fel Orc/Lost One buildings.
  • This map is optimized and therefore cannot be opened by WE.

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Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
Hmmmm I don't know, somehow I don't like the idea of a retextured Orc Barracks, but guess I'll have to see the final result to judge.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
With the Laboratory nearing completion, I might as well discuss the next planned building. It's basically the Orc barracks with the "Forsaken" textures. It would be the Mausoleum which would serve as the primary troop production building.
Interesting... Guess I'll have to see it to believe it (Orc Barracks seems like an odd choice). Wish I had given more thought to the primary Forsaken troops... However, I think it's safe to say the Orc Barracks could use some adjustments. Maybe a taller central tower, or peaked roofs as the Forsaken seem wont to build... Definitely (if it's a "Mausoleum") some downwards-staircases and such to signify a "crypt"-like building.

Looking forward to it.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
Well, I don't like that much the initial result of the towers, and here I come again with my images:



You can add some lanterns or something like that, and the spiky roofs, also for the cannon tower you can make it look more like mechanic, at least the cannon part.
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Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
I decided to go for the towers first instead. So far, it all rewrapping the textures so I'm going to need suggestions again:

Interesting, and a good start. One thing I'd consider is differentiating from the existing (Human) towers. Part of that is making them look more... broken? Decrepit?

Part of it is considering what the Forsaken would have... I'd submit with no Dwarves, = no Cannon towers, and no Elves/Mages (questionable, see below) = no Arcane Towers. Definitely look into that "Plague Tower" suggestion (mah favorite!), but also consider that, being made up of dead Humans (Lordaeron), Elves (Quel'thalas) and Mages (Dalaran), you could make a set of interesting towers there (see earlier ideas). Something like the Arcane Tower, perhaps, but don't make a carbon, re-textured copy... Maybe something like this the RA2 Prism Tower?



Or even something different! Mix & match some other buildings to make a unique tower!

Also, while the main-part of the tower is looking good, I feel like there's got to be a better texture for the upper-part; it looks too compressed & junked up. Maybe just a grayer-version of the regular Stone? Or something.

Definitely a good start.
Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
Or even something different! Mix & match some other buildings to make a unique tower!

Also, while the main-part of the tower is looking good, I feel like there's got to be a better texture for the upper-part; it looks too compressed & junked up. Maybe just a grayer-version of the regular Stone? Or something.

Definitely a good start.

I can only agree to that.

I would like to see a geomerge of the ziggurat base with the human towers. But you already have a building for food.
So I guess my suggestion is useless :D
Level 5
Jul 11, 2012
Well I got a suggestion... I hope there is to late... To the Arcane type tower you could make a Lightning Spire with the forsaken touch... based on the Tesla Coil from C&C: Red Alert 2... I hope you like the idea! :)
Level 2
Dec 28, 2010
Wasn't there also a dark garden model? :vw_wtf: I cannot find it anywhere... and it looked the best from the whole forsaken series
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
For a next model I would like to suggest some kind of mix between the arcane sanctum without the spheres and high elven barracks, or maybe the previous with the Temple of the Damned, I don't know, something to use as a "Shadow Temple" or something like that.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
I guess somebody should make a good Non heroic apothecary model, and a good Forsaken Flying unit, that would be something original to add to the database.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
I guess somebody should make a good Non heroic apothecary model, and a good Forsaken Flying unit, that would be something original to add to the database.
To be honest, as the co-creator of that particular Dark Apothecary model (more or less; idea guy & critiquer, as AR was my buddy for that particular contest), I can honestly say remove the Team Color & Dissipate anims, and you've got yourself a right-proper Unit. The stature and animations are just more fitting. However, with some "slight" modifications (mostly animations/stature as aforementioned (probably a simple swap with Medivh), and a few model-edits (pauldrons, cowl, weapon re-work, etc), he could really be a proper Hero. Alternatively.

Also, in terms of Flying Forsaken I was pretty stumped, too (other than "flying spirit beasts", or "possessed Creep flyers"...), but I think somewhere on THW there's a really nice skin by Dentothor for the Blood Elf Dragonhawk that turns it into a "Blight Dragonhawk" or something. At least, that's what *I'm* doing. :p Y'know, Sylvanas is an (ex-)Elf, Quel'thalas has been massacred; only makes sense they'd/she'd have recruited some more Undead Elves to her side.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2013
Well, only saying that it would be nice for those who can't do those things like removing glow and dissipation, or that want a proper model instead of an skin, maybe melding that riderless vampire bat model with a forsaken guy throwing plague flasks would make a nice Blight Bomber.
Level 28
Nov 5, 2010
These buildings look great, I especially like the Town Hall and the Laboratory. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to use them in my Forsaken campaign, but I decided to use them after I tried them out.

Anyway, I was wondering if you're also planning to create a Forsaken farm model, something based on the human farm? That one would go perfectly with what I'm planning for my campaign.
Level 64
Jan 20, 2008
Ujimasa Hojo Presents



Author's Notes:
  • The Arcane Well is meant to be used with the Replenish Mana and Life ability of the Moon Wells. Import the "ArcaneWellTarget". Afterwhich, go to the "Art - Effect" under the Replenish Mana and Life ability and replace all of the paths with the imported model.

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Level 28
Nov 5, 2010
People have been asking me for a Farm version but what use would the Forsaken have of a Farm? Still, I'd consider it. A lot of the current ones are still pending though so it might be quite a while.

Well, since Forsaken are mostly the people who used to live in Lordareon in life, I'd assume they would have their farms. I like the idea that my Forsaken race would be the undead version of the human race with some changes, so that's why the farm would go great with it.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Apparently, I've managed to contact Killst4r (or someone claiming to be him). I asked permission from him to edit his Starcraft buildings and he did say it was ok. To make sure it is indeed Killst4r however, I asked him to sign in and make a statement so that moderators can verify it.
That would be super-cool. Even more cool would be if you could get permission to reskin his Pandaren models... Good luck either way.

Also, some links to critiques on your models so far:

Plagueatoriam (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2473185-post6.html)
Mausoleum (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2473182-post5.html)
Aviary (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2480211-post4.html)
Wretched Mage (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2482503-post23.html)
Forsaken Mage Tower (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2482505-post3.html)
Level 5
Jul 11, 2012
Well... I suggest that you could star creating Highbourne Units, we got the buildings already but would be cool to have Highbourne units and Heroes... Just Idea... ;)
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Building Model Ideas: Tauren Buildings

It will be great if you can make tauren buildings, you know, we lack tauren building models. But this is only an idea.

Building Ideas:
Great Hall/Stronghold/Fortess-Can be based on the Great Hall/Stronghold/Fortress of the Orcs.
Altar of the Earth Mother-Can be based from the altar of the Night Elves, with the statue from the Orc's. You can shape the Statue's mouth into a tauren like mouth.
Sanctuary-It can be like the Beastiary. It can train Kodos and Wyverns.
Druid Lodge-Can be based from the Spirit Lodge.

Usable/Fitting Textures:
Orc Buildings
Tauren Hut Doodad
Level 9
Feb 13, 2013
Building Model Ideas: Draenei Models

Model Ideas so far:
Sanctuary, Refuge, Haven:Can be a modified beta necropolis model wherein the liquid that's coming out of the model can be replaced with the chains of the arcane vault to have that Exodar-ish feeling to it. The base itself can be rewrapped with sinisterX's draenei building skin. While the additions that are given to the model per tier can be like sinisterx's blood elf town hall model where each tier will have a longer pillar.
Altar of Exileswherein the main statue could be like from the altar of king's statue but the right hand raised while clutching an orb that glows when it is summoning a hero.