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Grunt and Derivatives

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Grunt and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo

Grunt (Optimized, Morph) Info:

  • Portrait merged with the model.
  • Fixed some texture wrapping issues.
  • Can morph into the Fel Orc version.

  • Uploaded.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

Axethrower (Orc, Morph) Info:
  • Created an Axethrower version. Meant to be the unmounted version of the Kodo Beast rider.
  • Uses the Forest/Ice Troll animations.
  • Has a Fel Orc version.

  • Uploaded.

Footman (Orc) Info:
  • Created an Orcish Footman.
  • Has the Defend animations.

  • These Orcs has the ferocity of the Horde's Grunts but with the martial discipline of the Alliance's Footmen just as Blackmoore intended.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

  • Added the Defend animations.

Grunt (Blackrock) Info:
  • Created a Blackrock version of the Grunt.

  • Uploaded.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

Grunt (Ebon Blade) Info:
  • Created a Death Knight version of the Grunt.

  • Uploaded.

Grunt (Frostwolf) Info:
  • Created a Frostwolf version of the Grunt.

  • In order to survive their harsh cold environment, the Frostwolves of Alterac Valley wear the furs of the animals they hunted.

  • Fixed up the texture wrapping.

  • Changed the axe's texture wrapping.

Grunt (Mok'nathal) Info:
  • Created a Mok'nathal version of the Grunt.

  • The Mok'nathal are more than eager to fight side by side with their Orcish brethren.

  • Uploaded.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

Grunt (Stromgarde) Info:

  • Unlike the Footmen of Lordaeron, the warriors of Stromgarde focus on offense. After all, there is no need for shields against your enemies' corpse.

  • Changed the name.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

Grunt (Stromgarde, Undead) Info:
  • Created an Undead version of the Stromgardian Grunt.
  • Uses CloudWolf's texture for his Galen Trollbane model.

  • When the Forsaken conquered Stromgarde, its fallen warriors were raised. Unfortunately for the Dark Lady, its Fallen Prince would keep them for himself.

  • Uploaded.

  • Resaved using Retera's model editor to avoid a bug.

Arathi, Clan, Horde

Author's Notes and Trivia:
  • If you want to use Mag'har units alongside the regular Orc and Fel Orc units in-game, just download FrIkY's Mag'har textures and follow the instructions here.
  • Optimized models have built-in portrait animations, fixed bugs (if there were any), additional animation (if applicable). These can be used to serve as a template for alternative skins if you want to keep the original skin and model.
  • Check out Ujimasa Hojo's Maps and Resources Discussions, and Tutorials. Please reply in these threads instead.
  • Check out the map and the model previews at my Youtube, BitChute, DailyMotion, and Rumble Channels as well and hopefully subscribe. Follow me on Twitter.
  • While I do these stuff as a hobby, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to accept donations from our more fortunate Hivers I suppose :p.
    • My PayPal is here.
    • My Patreon is here.
    • My SubscribeStar is here.

Axethrower (Orc, Morph) (Model)

Footman (Orc) (Model)

Grunt (Blackrock) (Model)

Grunt (Ebon Blade) (Model)

Grunt (Frostwolf) (Model)

Grunt (Mok'nathal) (Model)

Grunt (Optimized) (Model)

Grunt (Stromgarde) (Model)

Grunt (Stromgarde, Undead) (Model)

Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
Well, Ujimasa. I successfully applied the Grunt Model of a Mag'har.

When I try for a Raider, Shaman, and Far Seer. They always turn brown. Yes, I double checked for every single ultimatum. Do tell me if you will ever design Mag'har. Their model variations are low on the Hive.

I can't PM you or write on your wall. So I chose to do it here.

Thank you and as always, awesome work and will always leave feedback.
Level 8
Mar 10, 2014
Nice models, and thank you for making an exact looking version of the orc grunt, because for some reason the mag'har orc grunt skin wont wrap around the original one, but it will affect all of these orc models. So yeah now I have a mag'har grunt for the blackrock clan, frostwolf clan and general mag'har orcs. I suppose im just waiting for more orcs to change. So thank you