
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
At johnwar's request, I made recolors for his Grunts pack. Also includes Ujimasa's Grunts and Derivatives(Except Stromgarde Grun atm)

Blackrock variant includes both Ujimasa's and johnwar's version. The Fel Blackrock Grunt can just use the original Chaos Grunt icon, and yes Moknathal Grunt looks like Batman I know

Update: Burning Blade and Frostwolf variant reshaded

BTNBlackrockGrunt (Icon)

BTNBlackrockGrunt(Uji) (Icon)

BTNBurningBladeGrunt (Icon)

BTNBurningBladeGruntAlt (Icon)

BTNChaosGruntB (Icon)

BTNEbonBladeGrunt (Icon)

BTNFrostwolfGrunt (Icon)

BTNFrostwolfGruntAlt (Icon)

BTNMoknathalGrunt (Icon)

BTNOrcFootman (Icon)

BTNWarsongGrunt (Icon)

The Panda
[~] Set to useful, recolor / small edits to existing Warcraft 3 icons and / or Blizzard material.
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
I wonder what's the base icon for these icon series? The in-game classic grunt icon is so much different, so probably you made the entire icon from scratch? Thank you very much in advance for the answer. I search for the base icon, and if it's a Blizzard made icon, I would like to edit it a bit.

EDIT: I found. It's Warcraft III Chaos Grunt.
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