Sin'dorei300: Model approv'd, icon approv'd.
Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Watch Tower and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo
Watch Tower (Optimized) Info:
- Fixed up some of the meshes especially the woods on the roof.
- Deleted some of the redundant meshes during Birth animation.
- Uploaded.
- Fixed the texture wrappings of the base and the spearheads.
Watch Tower (Darkspear) Info:
- Made a Bamboo version of the Watch Tower.
- Adjusted some of the texture wrappings.
- Fixed up the house mesh.
- Fixed the texture wrappings of the base and the spearheads.
Watch Tower (Dark Troll) Info:
- Created a version of the Watch Tower with Night Elf textures.
- Uploaded
Watch Tower (Fel Orc) Info:
- Made a Fel Orc version of the Watch Tower.
- Adjusted some of the texture wrappings.
- Fixed the texture wrappings of the base and the spearheads.
Watch Tower (Frostwolf) Info:
- Made a snowy version of the Watch Tower.
- Fixed up some of the meshes especially the woods on the roof.
- Fixed the texture wrappings of the base and the spearheads.
Watch Tower (Gurubashi) Info:
- Made a Sunken Ruins version of the Watch Tower.
- Adjusted some of the texture wrappings.
- Fixed up the house mesh.
- Fixed the texture wrappings of the base and the spearheads.
Watch Tower (Human) Info:
- Made a Human version of the Watch Tower.
- Has upgrades analogous to the Human Tower.
- Turned the Birth animation to the Human's.
- Reworked the base.
- Added upgrades analogous to the Human Tower.
Watch Tower (Iron Horde) Info:
- Made a Watch Tower for the Iron Horde.
- Uploaded.
- Adjusted some of the texture wrappings.
Watch Tower (Lost One Draenei) Info:
- Made a Watch Tower for the Lost One Draenei.
- Added a ladder.
- Adjusted some of the texture wrappings.
Watch Tower (Undead) Info:
- Created an Undead version of the Watch Tower.
- Uploaded