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Tavern and Derivatives

Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Tavern and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo

Tavern (Optimized) Info:

  • Added Birth animation.
  • Added base so that it can work well with slopes.
  • Smoke comes out of the chimney during Stand Work animation.
  • Customized the death animation.
  • Added attachments that cause it to burn when hit points is low.
  • Added Rally Point Location.

  • Fixed the front boiler during Death.

  • Fixed the front mesh of the house.
  • Fixed the texture wrapping a bit.

Tavern (Gilneas) Info:
  • Created an Gilneas version of the Tavern.

  • Uploaded.

Tavern (Ironforge) Info:
  • Created an Ironforge version of the Tavern.

  • Uploaded.

Tavern (Wintergarde) Info:
  • Created a snowy version of the Tavern.

  • Uploaded.

Altar, Defias, Hero, Mercenary, Syndicate

Author's Notes and Trivia:
  • Optimized models have built-in portrait animations, fixed bugs (if there were any), additional animation (if applicable). These can be used to serve as a template for alternative skins if you want to keep the original skin and model.
  • Check out Ujimasa Hojo's Maps and Resources Discussions, and Tutorials. Please reply in these threads instead.
  • Check out the map and the model previews at my Youtube, BitChute, DailyMotion, and Rumble Channels as well and hopefully subscribe. Follow me on Twitter.
  • While I do these stuff as a hobby, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to accept donations from our more fortunate Hivers I suppose :p.
    • My PayPal is here.
    • My Patreon is here.
    • My SubscribeStar is here.

Tavern (Gilneas) (Model)

Tavern (Ironforge) (Model)

Tavern (Optimized) (Model)

Tavern (Optimized) Button (Icon)

Tavern (Wintergarde) (Model)

14:05, 25th Aug 2012 HappyTauren: This actually nice and useful. Approvable in this state, though I suggest you to add some smoke during the stand work animation, that'd suit it even more nicely.




14:05, 25th Aug 2012
HappyTauren: This actually nice and useful. Approvable in this state, though I suggest you to add some smoke during the stand work animation, that'd suit it even more nicely.
Level 7
Aug 11, 2010
Incredibly simple... And yet, very useful. I'd highly recommend for anyone who wants a construction animation on a Tavern (Most likely for a strategy map?) overall, well done. My only complaint would be the file-size. Now; i'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to modeling, so perhaps this isn't a proper complaint.
But, shouldn't the file-size be smaller considering it's only using blizzard assets? Please correct me if i'm wrong.

Regardless, bravo; i'll be stashing this mod away for use at a later date. Overall, taking into consideration the file-size, which while it isn't HUGE; is still a noticeable dent -- i'd give the mod 4/5
Level 2
Apr 1, 2018
I really wish there was a version of this with the original base... It's very good otherwise, but that wooden texture is an eyesore.