Sin'dorei300: Model is not approved.
(16 ratings)
Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Gold Mine and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo
Gold Mine (Optimized) Info:
- Fixed some of the texture wrapping.
- Uploaded.
Entangled Gold Mine (Optimized) Info:
- Fixed some of the texture wrapping.
- Uploaded.
Haunted Mine (Optimized) Info:
- Fixed some of the texture wrapping. Changed portions to be team colored.
- Added some of the original mine meshes during the Birth animation.
- Uploaded.
Enchanted Mine (Demon) Info:
- Made a Demonic version of the Haunted Mine.
- Uploaded.
- Changed some of the texture wrapping.
Enchanted Mine (Highborne) Info:
- Made an Enchanted Mine for the Highborne.
- Centered the rotation of the orbs during the Birth animation.
- Changed the Birth animation to match other buildings from the set.
Enchanted Mine (Nerubian) Info:
- Made a Nerubian version of the Haunted Mine.
- Uploaded.
- Replaced the shield with Forgotten One tentacles.
Enchanted Mine (Zul'Drak) Info:
- Made a snowy version of the Haunted Mine.
- Changed some of the texture wrapping.
- Made the actual mine not become transparent during Birth.
Entangled Gold Mine (Fall) Info:
- Created a Fall version of the Entangled Gold Mine.
- Uploaded.
- Added back some of the roots.
Mound (Fel Orc) Info:
- Made a Fel Orc version of the Mound.
- Uploaded.
- Removed the Beastiary portion.
Mound (Lost One Draenei) Info:
- Made a Mound for the Lost One Draenei.
- Uploaded.
Mound (Murloc) Info:
- Made a Bamboo version of the Mound.
- Uploaded.
- Fixed up some of the meshes, especially the base and the spears.
Underground Facility (Defias/Syndicate) Info:
- Made an Underground Facility for the Defias/Syndicate.
- Uploaded.
- Changed some of the texture wrapping.
Reasons specified in the PM
Reasons specified in the PM
Really? Technically the regular "entangled gold mine" does that, but it's really subtle & hard to see (little wisps stuck to the roots on the outside). Does this give a floating ball for each Wisp? Neat.Ultimata can visually depict how many Wisps are harvesting...
Really? Technically the regular "entangled gold mine" does that, but it's really subtle & hard to see (little wisps stuck to the roots on the outside). Does this give a floating ball for each Wisp? Neat.
As a suggestion, you could make these highborne buildings to be used along with the arcane build model, it would be very interesting.
Looks nice. I have not tried yet, but is i possible to have more than 5 workers in the mine?
People can simply overwrite the path of the Night Elf Birth model with that.