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[Melee] WC3: Orcs & Humans v1.1.6j

This is WC1 in the style of WC3. The balance is less symmetric and the tech tree has been streamlined a bit, including some new upgrades. There are three heroes per race, but players are limited to one hero per game.

Remember to set the music to Warcraft 1 in your Sound options!

Special thanks to Artork312 for his awesome icons!

Tech Tree

Town Hall/Great Hall


Altar of Light/Altar of Blood


Lumber Mill




Arcane Tower/Doom Tower









Cleaving Strike
The hero strikes with such force that he damages multiple enemies.
Concussive Strike
The hero strikes with such force that he stuns the target.
Deals damage to and slows the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units.
War Stomp
Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units.
Devotion Aura
Gives additional armor to nearby friendly units.
Endurance Aura
Increases the movement speed and attack rate of nearby friendly units.
Battle Roar
Requires Level 6
Gives nearby friendly units bonus attack damage.
War Cry
Requires Level 6
Reduces attack damage of nearby enemy units.

Wounds the target, which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time.
Deadly Poison
Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.
Increases the movement speed of all nearby allied units to the maximum movement speed for a short duration.
Teleports the hero behind a target enemy unit and briefly increases movement speed.
Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun the target.
Gives a percent chance to avoid attacks.
Requires Level 6
Removes negative buffs and increases movement and attack speed for a short duration.
Requires Level 6
Stabs a target enemy unit, causing damage. Damage is increased when the hero is behind the target.

Hurls a fiery ball that damages and stuns a target enemy unit.
A blaze of fire that ripples outward, causing damage to land units in a line.
Turns a target enemy unit into a sheep. The targeted unit retains its hit points and armor, but cannot attack.
Life Drain
Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by taking hit points per second from it and giving them to the hero.
Brilliance Aura
Gives additional mana regeneration to nearby friendly units.
Unholy Aura
Increases nearby friendly units' movement speed and life regeneration rate.
Requires Level 6
Calls down freezing ice shard waves; each wave deals damage to units in an area.
Requires Level 6
Converts a target enemy unit to the hero's team for a short duration.








Requires Lumber Mill

Requires Lumber Mill


Requires Blacksmith, Stables

Requires Blacksmith, Kennel


Requires Lumber Mill, Blacksmith

Requires Lumber Mill, Blacksmith


Lumber/Gold Harvesting


Improved Lumber Harvesting
Increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry.
Improved Gold Harvesting
Increases the amount of gold that Peons can carry.
Advanced Lumber Harvesting

Requires Blacksmith
Further increases the amount of lumber that Peasants can carry.
Advanced Gold Harvesting
Requires Blacksmith
Further increases the amount of gold that Peons can carry.

Improved Masonry
Increases the armor and hit points of Human buildings.
Improved Repairs
Decreases repair cost and time.
Advanced Masonry
Requires Blacksmith
Further increases the armor and hit points of Human buildings.
Advanced Repairs
Requires Blacksmith
Further decreases repair cost and time.


Requires Lumber Mill

Requires Lumber Mill

Melee Weapons


Ranged Weapons

Iron Melee Weapons
Increases the attack damage of Footmen and Knights.
Iron Melee Weapons
Increases the attack damage of Grunts and Raiders.
Steel Melee Weapons
Further increases the attack damage of Footmen and Knights.
Steel Melee Weapons
Further increases the attack damage of Grunts and Raiders.

Iron Plating
Increases the armor of Footmen, Crossbowmen and Knights.
Iron Armor
Increases the armor of Grunts, Spearmen and Raiders.
Steel Plating
Further increases the armor of Footmen, Crossbowmen and Knights.
Steel Armor
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Spearmen and Raiders.

Iron Bolts
Requires Lumber Mill
Increases the ranged attack damage of Crossbowmen.
Iron Spears
Requires Lumber Mill
Increases the ranged attack damage of Spearmen.
Steel Bolts
Requires Lumber Mill
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Crossbowmen.
Steel Spears
Requires Lumber Mill
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Spearmen.


Requires Lumber Mill

Requires Lumber Mill

Horse Breeding/Wolf Breeding

Improved Horse Breeding
Increases the movement speed of Knights.
Improved Wolf Breeding
Increases the movement speed of Raiders.
Advanced Horse Breeding
Requires Blacksmith
Further increases the movement speed of Knights.
Advanced Wolf Breeding
Requires Blacksmith
Further increases the movement speed of Raiders.


Requires Lumber Mill

Requires Lumber Mill



Cleric Training/Necrolyte Training

Conjurer Training/Warlock Training

Heals a target friendly non-mechanical wounded unit.
Raise Dead
Raises a skeleton from a corpse.
Far Sight
Requires Cleric Adept Training
Reveals the area of the map that it is cast upon. Also reveals invisible units.
Dark Vision
Requires Necrolyte Adept Training
Reveals the area of the map that it is cast upon. Also reveals invisible units.
Requires Cleric Master Training
Makes a unit invisible. If the unit attacks, uses an ability or casts a spell, it will become visible.
Unholy Armor
Requires Necrolyte Master Training
Makes a target unit invulnerable, at the cost of half the unit's hit points.
Holy Lance
The pure essence of the caster's heart, mind, and soul strikes out to defend him from threat, and enters into the soul of the target.
Shadow Spear
This weapon of darkness causes excruciating pain to those it strikes.


Requires Arcane Tower

Requires Doom Tower
Summon Scorpion
Summons a poisonous scorpion.
Summon Spider
Summons a poisonous spider.
Rain of Fire
Requires Conjurer Adept Training
Calls down waves of fire that damage units in an area.
Poison Cloud
Requires Warlock Adept Training
Creates a moving poisonous cloud,dealing damage to units and buildings.
Summon Water Elemental
Requires Conjurer Master Training
Summons a water elemental.
Summon Doom Guard
Requires Warlock Master Training
Marks a target unit for the manifestation of a Demon. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take damage until it dies. Upon its death, a great Demon will spawn from its corpse. Cannot be dispelled or cancelled.
Elemental Blast
A sphere of charged energy that issues forth from the hands, enabling the caster to strike an enemy from a great distance.
Channels flames through the caster's body, allowing the wielder to direct it as a missile at anyone he chooses.

Cleric Adept Training
Increases Clerics' mana capacity, mana regenerationrate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Far Sight.
Necrolyte Adept Training

Increases Necrolytes' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Dark Vision.
Cleric Master Training
Requires Blacksmith
Increases Clerics' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Invisibility.
Necrolyte Master Training

Requires Blacksmith
Increases Necrolytes' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Unholy Armor.

Conjurer Adept Training
Requires Arcane Tower
Increases Conjurers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Rain of Fire.
Warlock Adept Training

Requires Doom Tower
Increases Warlocks' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Poison Cloud.
Conjurer Master Training
Requires Blacksmith, Arcane Tower
Increases Conjurers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Summon Water Elemental.
Warlock Master Training

Requires Blacksmith, Doom Tower
Increases Warlocks' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and gives them the ability to cast Summon Doom Guard.


Requires Blacksmith
Replenishes mana and life.

Requires Blacksmith
Creates corpses.

Slowing Poison

Arcane Fervor/Demonic Fervor

Holy Sight/Unholy Sight

Clerical Faith/Skeletal Longevity

Slowing Poison
Causes Scorpions' Poison Sting to slow enemy movement.
Slowing Poison
Causes Spiders' Poison Sting to slow enemy attack rate.

Arcane Fervor
Increases the attack rate of Footmen, Crossbowmen and Knights.
Demonic Fervor
Increases the health regeneration of Grunts, Spearmen and Raiders.

Holy Sight
Requires Church
Gives Humans the ability to see further.
Unholy Sight
Requires Temple
Gives Orcs the ability to see as far at night as they do during the day.

Clerical Faith
Requires Church
Increases Clerics' mana capacity and mana regeneration rate.
Skeletal Longevity
Requires Temple
Increases the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors.

Video by The Nightmare Book (v1.1.2b)



My resources

AndrewOverload519Human CatapultHuman Catapult
BaiyuGalan, kangyun, Ujimasa HojoCommanderGavinrad the Dire merged into General (Gilneas, Horse Mount)
bakrBattle Roar spell effect
Battle Roar buff effect
CallahanRend buff effectBleed effect
DREADMANSlime Minion
Slime Monstrosity
SwampSlime ALT
HerrDaveCharge buff effectAttack Buff
JetFangInfernoPoison CloudCloudOfFog
Anduin Lothar (edited)
Orgrim Doomhammer (edited)

AndrewOverload519Human CatapultBTNHumanCatapult
APprojectHoly SightBTNArcaneEye
Holy Lance
Necrolyte Adept Training
Necrolyte Master Training
Poison Cloud
Shadow Spear
Skeleton Warrior/Raise Dead
Unholy Armor
Warlock Adept/Master Training
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Cleric
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Conjurer
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Fireball
Warcraft O&H Remastered - Grunt
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Holy Lance
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Necrolyte
Necrolyte Adept Training
Necrolyte Master Training
Warcraft O&H Remastered - Peon
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Cloud of Poison
Warcraft O&H Remastered - Raider
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Shadow Spear
Warcraft O&H Remastered - The Dead
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Slime
Warcraft O&H Remastered - Spearman
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Unholy Armor
Warcraft: O&H Remastered - Warlock
Warcraft O&H Remastered - Warlock Training
BaiyuGalanCommanderGavinrad The Dire
bu3nyFar SightHuman Far Sight
CRAZYRUSSIANImproved Gold HarvestingBTNCR_H_O_Gold_Coins
DarkePacific, loktarCleric Adept/Master Training
Conjurer Adept/Master Training
Cleric Training (WC1)
Conjurer Training (WC1)
Destination9747Unholy SightBTNSightBreak
komarovbaImproved/Advanced RepairsRepair
stonneashWar CryOrcishSteroid
Sun gateArcane FervorMagic Fist
The PandaAdvanced Gold Harvesting
War Stomp
TheHuntressImproved/Advanced Horse BreedingHorse Upgrade
8512590215848Clerical FaithBTNPray
Warcraft I: RemasteredIron Armor
Iron Bolts
Iron Melee Weapons
Iron Plating
Iron Spears
Steel Armor
Steel Bolts
Steel Melee Weapons
Steel Plating
Steel Spears
Warcraft I icons (wiki)
World of WarcraftApprentice
Concussive Strike
Deadly Poison
Demonic Fervor
Improved/Advanced Wolf Breeding
Rain of Fire
Backstab (WoW)
Hammer of Wrath
Mind Mastery / Conversion (WoW)
Deadly Poison
Demonic Fortitude
Rain of Fire
Scorpion / Scorpid

1.1.6b - j
  • j: fixed corrupted imports, fixed Commander overhead height, added Commander ability sounds
  • i: Reset Commander's scale to 1.0
  • h: Updated Cleric Master Training Icon (again xD)
  • g: Updated/replaced Cleric/Conjurer Adept/Master Training icons (again)
  • f: Updated Conjurer & Cleric Adept/Master Training icons
  • e: New Conjurer & Cleric Adept/Master Training icons
  • d: New Commander model (again)
  • c: Small edit to Commander model
  • b: New Commander model/icon
  • Renamed Iron/Steel Forged Swords back to Iron/Steel Melee Weapons (knights don't have swords)
  • New Battle Roar spell & buff effects
  • Removed Gavinrad The Dire from Champion proper names
  • New icons from WC1 remastered for weapon/armor upgrades
  • Renamed human Iron/Steel Melee Weapons to Iron/Steel Forged Swords
  • Set human Farm scale back to 1.0 after patch 2.0
  • Fixed some portraits for patch 2.0
  • Removed custom music in favor of 2.0's built-in WC1 music
v1.1.3b - d
  • d: Fixed AI script Commander hero selection
  • c: Fixed a bug with random hero selection
  • b: Reduced music volume to 70%
  • Fixed Commander not counting towards Hero limit
  • Fixed Commander cost and build time
  • Minor script optimizations
  • Fixed a bug with the Stables model
  • Updated Preload scripts
  • Fixed AI Assassin not using Backstab
  • New heroes: Sorcerer & Commander
  • Replaced Assassin's Sprint ability with Backstab
  • Reset Food limit & Upkeep to WC3 defaults
  • Better use of animations for some spells
  • Fixed a few Extended Tooltips
  • New hero proper names (some from lore, most from name generator)

  • Removed stray units at red base from The Two Rivers

  • Renamed Conjuring Tower to Arcane Tower
  • Added Holy Lance, Shadow Spear, Elemental Blast and Fireball abilities for the Cleric, Necrolyte, Conjurer and Warlock

  • Added WC1 music
  • Updated Peasant, Orc Blacksmith and Warlock models
  • New Warlock Adept/Master Training icons
  • New Peon and Raider icons

  • War Cry hotkey changed to W
  • Cleaving Attack renamed to Cleaving Strike
  • Bash renamed to Concussive Strike, hotkey changed to C
  • Summon Doom Guard can no longer be cast on self
  • Decreased Poison Cloud movement speed
  • New Warlock Adept/Master Training icons
  • New Concussive Strike icon
  • New Ogre Warrior and Ogre Lord models
  • Updated a few icons
  • Improved/fixed AI
  • Fixed another bug with the Human Blacksmith model

  • New Stables/Kennel models/icons
  • New Apprentice model/icon
  • New Spearman and Necrolyte Adept/Master Training icons
  • Upgraded Poison Sting now has Slow Poison buff
  • Increased Skeletal Longevity cost
  • Changed Tower upgrade button positions
  • Added custom preload scripts
  • Fixed Advanced Masonry requiring the Keep
  • Fixed Orc Farm button position
  • Fixed Conjuring Tower's Replenish turn off button position.
  • Fixed Human Blacksmith extents
  • Fixed bug with Human Blacksmith model
  • Fixed various tooltips

  • New Blacksmith models/icons
  • Demonic Sight renamed to Unholy Sight
  • New Arcane Fervor/Demonic Fervor upgrade at the Towers
  • Bash hotkey is now B
  • Fixed learn ability positions for Champion/Chieftain
  • Fixed missing Church from Peasant buildings(?)

  • Clerical Faith/Skeletal Longevity now require Church/Temple
  • New Holy Sight/Demonic Sight upgrades at the Tower
  • Fixed Improved Gold Harvesting tooltip
  • Fixed Warlock and Necrolyte projectile launch position/timing
  • Fixed Creep camps not showing on minimap
  • Fixed Gold Mines showing twice on minimap when there are AI Night Elf players
  • Changed Warlock sound set
  • Scaled down Doomguard
  • Switched first two abilities of Champion/Chieftain
  • Using Skeletal Grunt model for Skeleton Warrior
  • New icon for Skeleton Warrior and Raise Dead

  • New Warlock model
  • Replaced Pillage with Gold Harvesting upgrade
  • New Masonry/Repairs upgrades at the Lumber Mill
  • New Clerical Faith/Skeletal Longevity upgrades at the Towers
  • New Slowing Poison upgrades at the Towers
  • Fixed Conjuring Tower only regenerating mana at night
  • Fixed some of the extended tooltips

  • Added Church/Temple, spellcasters now trained/upgraded here
  • Added Create Corpse/Replenish to Doom Tower/Conjuring Tower
  • New Taunt and active Cleaving Attack abilities for Champion
  • New active Bash ability for Chieftain
  • New moving Poison Cloud ability for the Warlock
  • Replaced Orc Lumber Harvesting upgrades with Pillage (1 level)
  • Tweaked Knight/Raider move speed & upgrade
  • Tweaked Catapults scales
  • Various small UI fixes/tweaks

  • Human Lumber Mill scaled down to 75%
  • Orc Lumber Mill scaled up to 110%
  • Changed pathing map of some buildings
  • Fixed Blacksmith upgrade icon positions
  • Fixed Footman portrait animation bug
  • Added Poison Sting tooltip
  • Revised Hero abilities a bit
  • Reduced Breeding move speed bonus

  • Added Improved Lumber Harvesting to Lumber Mills
  • Stables/Kennel no longer requires Blacksmith
  • New Grunt icon
  • New model/icon for Stables
  • Replaced Murlocs with Slimes
  • Switched Orc Blacksmith model/icon to War Mill
  • Removed tooltip highlights

WC3: Orcs & Humans (Turtle Rock) (Map)

WC3: Orcs & Humans (The Two Rivers) (Map)

Alrighty, so we don't have (to construct) roads to build near them. Maybe instead make building not possible too far from the base/other buildings? Just a thought. I see, since there's no main building tier upgrades, we only get to reach 80 food. IMO...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Don't really intend to delete, just not sure what the reaction will be to this in its unfinished state :p Might be better off as a thread in the map dev forum, but not sure.
Depends how unfinished we're talking. There's no need to rush an upload though. It can stay in Awaiting Update if it's that not ready.
Depends how unfinished we're talking. There's no need to rush an upload though. It can stay in Awaiting Update if it's that not ready.
The gameplay is about as finished as I can get it without feedback about balance/bugs/etc, but there are a few missing resources I'm not sure I'll ever make. I want to, but I'm not sure I can get back into modeling after 3 years xD


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The gameplay is about as finished as I can get it without feedback about balance/bugs/etc, but there are a few missing resources I'm not sure I'll ever make. I want to, but I'm not sure I can get back into modeling after 3 years xD
Sure you can. It's just always the start that's hardest.
If those units aren't invisible and they look different from each other or fitting enough to their role, it's OK but definitely, having them as what they were intended would be best in the long run.
Sure you can. It's just always the start that's hardest.
If those units aren't invisible and they look different from each other or fitting enough to their role, it's OK but definitely, having them as what they were intended would be best in the long run.
Thanks for the encouragement :) I've added a model for the Stables and some other changes. The model looks different than in WC1, but close enough for now ^^


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Alrighty, so we don't have (to construct) roads to build near them. Maybe instead make building not possible too far from the base/other buildings? Just a thought.
  2. I see, since there's no main building tier upgrades, we only get to reach 80 food.
  3. IMO you're taking some flavour of the game by not including all buildings like say the Church. The Cleric is now in the tower, sure, grouped like the others in the Barracks but you still need the Stables for the Knight so... Same with the orcish temple. Ah, also, you might not want to have too much of a fast game since you don't have main building tier upgrades anyway, so those excluded buildings IMO might be necessary for a better steady paced experience.
  4. The Scorpion has an ability Poison Sting without a proper description.
  5. I know it's least micro-intensive to use the autocast Heal but maybe a Holy Light based one instead for fidelity? Then again, Raise Dead is also autocast so who knows?
  6. Not sure how useful Taunt as a hero ability is. IMO, it's more than easy to counter it by just ordering your affected units to attack or move again. It also costs a lot of mana but yeah, it's the only active ability until you reach the ultimate, so IDK. Compare to the utility and effect of "Orgrimm's" War Stomp for instance.
  7. Knights already have red very fast movement speed. Not sure how much the research would actually add. Maybe leave them to start with Fast instead?
  8. Some of the researches in the Blacksmith need a stable icon position. The Crossbow moves where the Melee upgrade is when you research the latter. Same with Iron Plating and Crossbow. Same with the orc upgrades.
  9. Rain of Fire from what I remember wasn't channeled, it was cast and the Conjurer could go about his business? Also, it had a wider AoE?
  10. Would be cool to add Tavern heroes: Garona, Medivh, Griselda, IDK, whatever you feel, maybe if. Ah, I see Garona is already with the orcs which makes it two melee for them. I guess you could also think of three heroes per faction, an agility, an intelligence and a strength based one.
  11. Usually, the passive ability is positioned right before the ultimate. Brilliance Aura being first is weird IMO. Same with Evasion. You might want to add QWERTY type hotkeys for abilities. Definitely having P for Polymorph is not something to pursue when P is for Patrol.
  12. When I saw the Grunt wasn't a simple mirror of the Footman (i.e. requires 3 food instead of 2) I expected a different research in the mill but it was still Improved Lumber Harvesting.
  13. The human mill is definitely big but I could say the orc blacksmith is also big while their mill is small. So, maybe, compensation xD? Their catapult seems smaller though.
  14. Oh, OK, the wolf riders take 3 food and have Siege Attack. Hmm... The Very Fast Movement Speed appears after the upgrade on these ones. These units could be dangerous in hit and run tactics on enemy buildings. And there's another level for that upgrade which I'm not sure is helpful since you've already got Very Fast on the first one. Note that the game's max speed limitation is 522.
  15. Love it that you made the way the Demon is summoned different and quite demonic, a strategical option to either choose an enemy or one of your own units (could definitely do it on a red HP one who lost the FX of Unholy Amour).
  16. Poison Cloud which originally was named Cloud of Poison is just Death and Decay (like Rain of Fire it's channeled). You could definitely base it on some other ability which spawns a wandering Immolation cloud (sic Tornado) which can damage buildings as well. Units might be fleeing of course (but maybe you'd not want them to stupidly stay and die) but that can be changed by editing the unit can flee field of each unit in the object editor.
  17. I never liked Dark Vision doing exactly what Vision or whatever the human one is named. I get the balance need but maybe some different flavour for both or one of them would spice up the game. Just an idea.
  18. Also, forgot to mention some orcs look like Terminators xD
There's potential in this one although right now it kind of feels incomplete. You could, if you want, experiment with further mixes of the Warcraft RTS games, like adding walls to build and/or towers of Warcraft II-III.


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Last edited:
@deepstrasz Thank you so much for the detailed review! I am going to really think about it all and make a lot of changes probably.

1. I feel it's too much a departure from WC3 gameplay for what I'm going for with this. But I might make a "purist" edition with roads and walls once I feel satisfied that this is finished.
2. Personally I kind of like this. You need to be more strategic with your choice of units and it encourages small guerilla-like battles. But I might look into increasing the food cap, or maybe decrease food cost of some units/heroes.
3. I struggled with this choice. I definitely want to have both spellcasters and upgrades in the same building, but that makes it a bit awkward to keep both buildings. Maybe I can add them and make them a requirement. Maybe move construction to Temple/Church instead. I'll think about it.
4. Oops, I'll fix that!
5. I'm hoping Artork will make some icons based on holy light etc that I can use for the upgrades and the unit infocards!
6. I've always felt my heroes were a bit boring, especially Champion. I'm not good at hero design. Maybe Taunt can decrease enemy armor or attack damage or somethign?
7. Or maybe start them out slower? Or nerf the upgrades?
8. Oh damn, I forgot to change icon positions when I moved ranged upgrades from the Lumber Mill.
9. Oh, I'm definitely gonna change that!
10. That's a good idea. As I said i'm not good at hero design though I can maybe look at some other maps/campaigns for inspiration.
11. I will definitely rethink the hero abilities/icon position. Problem with hardcoding hotkeys to QWER is that I use AZERTY xD But it's probably better for most people.
12. Hmm yeah, I just wanted SOMETHING in the lumber mill. I'm not sure what I else I could do for orcs. The default WC3 ones aren't fitting for WC1 IMO, but maybe I can come up with something original.
13. I've already downscaled the human lumber mill Maybe I'll upscale the orc one. I've also adjusted some of the pathing maps, some were too small, some too big. I'm gonna give it another check to make sure it "feels" right, including the catapult.
14. same as 7. But maybe raiders need a bit of a nerf since humans have no other siege unit beside catapult? Take away siege attack?
15. Thanks! IIRC it's basically just the default existing ability though
16. Great idea!
17. Hmmm, I'll think about doing something original with it. Maybe take away vision from the enemy or something? Definitely one of my goals is to make it less symmetric than original WC1 so there's room for some change here.
18. Haha, hopefully no Skynet Horde

Again, thanks so much for the detailed review!
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
2. Personally I kind of like this. You need to be more strategic with your choice of units and it encourages small guerilla-like battles. But I might look into increasing the food cap, or maybe decrease food cost of some units/heroes.
Ah sure, cluttering troops especially with the horrendous WcIII pathing isn't a good idea. It was more of a mentioned thought, not a point to consider changing or anything.
4. Oops, I'll fix that!
Ah, forgot to mention there's no real difference between the Spider and Scorpion from this perspective. Both have the same ability. A sloppy idea could be for one to have attack+movement speed reduction poison while the other one DPS poison or both DPS and one of the attack or movement speed reductions.
6. I've always felt my heroes were a bit boring, especially Champion. I'm not good at hero design. Maybe Taunt can decrease enemy armor or attack damage or somethign?
Yes, if no other hero has Howl of Terror yet, attack could be an option but I think armour could also be a nice choice. Some balance testing would be in order though.
7. Or maybe start them out slower? Or nerf the upgrades?
The upgrades have to make sense both in regards to what they give and their cost. Maybe, since the wolves have siege attack, they could start with Average movement speed. Not sure how that will play out though, then move to Fast and Very Fast, the last however being super creepy as I already mentioned, against buildings. I don't remember what type of armour they have though. I guess making it Low/Light so that Crossbowmen and Catapults can do something proper against them would be fine if they will have the Very Fast bonus, if not, at least Medium so Knights and Footmen can break them but definitely not Heavy because then only abilities/spells and the magic users can hit them harder albeit with a low damage value usual Attack.
Ah, by the way, I didn't notice, can the gold mine be destroyed like in the original xD?
12. Hmm yeah, I just wanted SOMETHING in the lumber mill. I'm not sure what I else I could do for orcs. The default WC3 ones aren't fitting for WC1 IMO, but maybe I can come up with something original.
Hmm, if we are to keep it resource based, increasing gold mining amount would be dangerous. However, a small value Pillage ability instead, at least for some orc troops (not sure if the riders should have it since they're too demolishing savvy) or enable bounty, like when an enemy unit is destroyed you get some resources?
15. Thanks! IIRC it's basically just the default existing ability though :p
Sure but its usefulness in this map/mod is definitely spicier.
17. Hmmm, I'll think about doing something original with it. Maybe take away vision from the enemy or something? Definitely one of my goals is to make it less symmetric than original WC1 so there's room for some change here.
Now that's quite great actually. Like the reverse, yeah but it has to also black mask/fog of war for the user. It would be most useful to actually hide your base from enemy eyes ha-ha. So, if fog of war works like in WcIII (i.e. not always discovered after charting those places), Dark Version as a reversed Vision(?) wouldn't be much use unless it creates black mask zones (total darkness patches). But yeah, I guess if you could pull it so that only the enemy sees the darkness until discovered again, that would be quite something.
I made some small updates (see changelog). Should be slightly more polished now. For now I'm not gonna do any major changes (although there are some good ideas above) because I'm quite out of practice with map making. But I'll think about which idea I like best and focus on implementing that first, one at a time.

BTW, I had the move speed bonus at 500% while I thought it was 5% lol. It should now be 10%, maybe that's still too much, but at the Very Fast doesn't go into the red anymore. Knights and Raiders should have the same move speed. But I think the Siege is made up by the fact raiders have Medium armor, and knights have Large armor.

Edit: and I'm not gonna update the map anymore until I actually have some major updates lol.
Edit2: lmao apparently I changed the Hero ability icon positions in the tech tree here but forgot to actually change it in the map.
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Haven't tested myself just yet (definitely will soon), but just reading through the convo thread on here so far I had some ideas regarding specific points made between you and Deepstrasz.

Heroes: In addition to Orgrim and the Blackrocks, Kilrogg and Cho'gall were also involved in the First War. Perhaps Kilrogg could be inspiration for a Blademaster-esque Agility hero and Cho'gall could be used for an Ogre Magi Int hero? Alternatively, Gul'dan could be used for a Grand Warlock Int hero for the Horde. The introduction of the alternative Agi Orc hero could free Garona up to be used as a Neutral hero recruitable from a tavern, as Deepstrasz suggested. Other neutral heroes could include Griselda and Medivh, as previously suggested, as well as Turok the Ogre perhaps? Coming up with an Agility hero for the Alliance is a bit harder. Perhaps King Llane, if you wanted to style him as a sort of Fury Warrior similar to Varian as opposed to the tankier warrior style of Lothar? A few dwarves are known to have aided Stormwind in the First War as well, so you could go for a Dwarven Rifleman or something similar if you wanted a non-human option as a parallel to Cho'gall, if you do include him. As an aside, if you ever want any help conceptualizing hero abilities and stats, feel free to hit me up!

Orc Mill: A possible alternative to Improved Lumber Harvesting for Orcs could be Improved Gold Mining, as a direct counterpart to the Humans' resource upgrade. Or perhaps Improved Construction, which could reduce lumber costs and/or build times for Orc structures and catapults. Another option would be to add Goblin Shredders as a hirable mercenary unit with a long restock timer, indirectly improving their lumber harvesting without being a direct copy of the human upgrade.

Additional Buildings: If you did want to try and re-introduce some of the other Warcraft I buildings, one route would be to design more units to work like the Raider/Knights with the Kennels/Stables. For example, perhaps the Conjuring Tower is where you train Clerics/Conjurers, but the Church is where you research their magic training. The Church could also potentially have a Fountain of Health like effect where it heals nearby units, and/or has upgrades for other units, like improving hp for Footmen or giving Crossbowmen Blessed Munitions that deal bonus damage to summoned creatures like Skeletons.

All of these are just ideas that came to the top of my head. Take or leave whatever you will!
As an aside, if you ever want any help conceptualizing hero abilities and stats, feel free to hit me up!
Those are some really awesome ideas! Coming up with abilities and stats are a big challenge for me so any help with that would definitely be appreciated!

Orc Mill: A possible alternative to Improved Lumber Harvesting for Orcs could be Improved Gold Mining, as a direct counterpart to the Humans' resource upgrade. Or perhaps Improved Construction, which could reduce lumber costs and/or build times for Orc structures and catapults.
Again, great ideas! Especially the second one I like, though I'm not sure how difficult that would be to implement. Definitely better than just using Pillage as I have done.

Additional Buildings: If you did want to try and re-introduce some of the other Warcraft I buildings, one route would be to design more units to work like the Raider/Knights with the Kennels/Stables. For example, perhaps the Conjuring Tower is where you train Clerics/Conjurers, but the Church is where you research their magic training. The Church could also potentially have a Fountain of Health like effect where it heals nearby units
I've actually already added the Church and Temple, and that last part is exactly what I did! Spellcasters are trained and upgraded at Church/Temple, Conjurer/Warlock requires the Towers. Conjuring Tower has Replenish Mana and Life, and Doom Tower spawns corpses like the Undead Graveyard.
At first I had the spellcasters still trained/upgraded at the Towers and Cleric/Necrolyte requiring Church/Temple, but that didn't make much sense to me in the end as the Conjurer/Warlock are supposed to be the higher "tier" units, since in the original game the Towers require the Blacksmith. I also want to keep the upgrades together with the units here, to be more like WC3. For the regular units it makes more sense (to me at least lol) to put the upgrades elsewhere.

and/or has upgrades for other units, like improving hp for Footmen or giving Crossbowmen Blessed Munitions that deal bonus damage to summoned creatures like Skeletons.
I like this idea. Some upgrades for the regular units themed around the conjuring/doom tower concepts. Maybe orc melee units can get a Demonic Fervor aura that slows enemy mana regeneration? This could be a great way to break the symmetry some more.

Thanks for all the great ideas!
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Again, great ideas! Especially the second one I like, though I'm not sure how difficult that would be to implement. Definitely better than just using Pillage as I have done.
Or Spiked Barricades? xD
In the long run faster building can mean more troops earlier than your enemy so it has to be properly balanced with Improved Lumber Harvesting.
If you ever mean to add more stuff to the mod, maybe Improved Masonry (vs the Wolf Raider's attacks) and as an Orc mirror, Fortifications (but on which buildings?). What I'm trying to say is you can play with the Warcraft III researches in a way they would make the map's experience neater and tweak them to not necessarily be the same as the original. As I specified similarly somewhere above in regards to Doom, as a unit ability it gives a lot of flavour to the mod when you could theoretically counter it temporarily with Unholy Armour xD (Orc vs Orc).
I've actually already added the Church and Temple, and that last part is exactly what I did! Spellcasters are trained and upgraded at Church/Temple, Conjurer/Warlock requires the Towers. Conjuring Tower has Replenish Mana and Life, and Doom Tower spawns corpses like the Undead Graveyard.
IMO, the Orcs use it mostly for defense and well, possibly for expanding nearby whilst the Humans definitely can heal their units and move them all over the map, so defense and attack.
I like this idea. Some upgrades for the regular units themed around the conjuring/doom tower concepts. Maybe orc melee units can get a Demonic Fervor aura that slows enemy mana regeneration? This could be a great way to break the symmetry some more.
That sounds dangerous IMO. Imagine Raiders with Unholy Armour draining Human/enemy casters by simply moving around them. Mayhap, a very low range for the aura? Feedback, however, could be used on a orc unit instead. Would be cool for the casters to actually have 4 abilities. The first being their usual attack in the original game. For instance, the Necrolyte's Shadow Spear could function similar to Mana Burn.

Glad this project is getting attention and brainstorming. Thanks for dropping by @The_Warchief! Please do aid @loktar with custom hero concepts.
In the long run faster building can mean more troops earlier than your enemy so it has to be properly balanced with Improved Lumber Harvesting.
If you ever mean to add more stuff to the mod, maybe Improved Masonry (vs the Wolf Raider's attacks) and as an Orc mirror, Fortifications (but on which buildings?). What I'm trying to say is you can play with the Warcraft III researches in a way they would make the map's experience neater and tweak them to not necessarily be the same as the original.
I was considering adding these, but the problem is that the Orc Fortified Defenses upgrade changes the defense type, and all the buildings are already Fortified (the highest). Maybe I could downgrade the defense type of some buildings, like burrows, lumber mill, blacksmith? And then make sure Improved Masonry isn't too powerful.

IMO, the Orcs use it mostly for defense and well, possibly for expanding nearby whilst the Humans definitely can heal their units and move them all over the map, so defense and attack.
Maybe this is a good way to counter Raiders/Catapults? If you can heal/mana while defending then you can fight them off more easily. Or maybe make it mana only. I was also thinking about moving replenish health to the Church (keep mana at the Tower), and then also add it to the Temple.

That sounds dangerous IMO. Imagine Raiders with Unholy Armour draining Human/enemy casters by simply moving around them. Mayhap, a very low range for the aura? Feedback, however, could be used on a orc unit instead. Would be cool for the casters to actually have 4 abilities. The first being their usual attack in the original game. For instance, the Necrolyte's Shadow Spear could function similar to Mana Burn.
Hmm you're probably right. Maybe an aura that gives increased attack rate or regeneration rate? In any case it shouldn't be too powerful.
Maybe the attacks from the original game can be added as passive, available by default?

Glad this project is getting attention and brainstorming.
Me too! I'm gonna work on it some more tonight :grin:
Level 26
Dec 6, 2022
A very interesting map in the battle genre :)
It's a pity that I can't try it, because the game requires a reforged version:(
By the way, thanks for adding my slugs to your new project, it's very nice for me that my models can be useful for people;)
If you changed the textures of the earth and trees as in Warcraft 1 or 2, then there would be a feeling of nostalgia :)
A very interesting map in the battle genre :)
It's a pity that I can't try it, because the game requires a reforged version:(
By the way, thanks for adding my slugs to your new project, it's very nice for me that my models can be useful for people;)
If you changed the textures of the earth and trees as in Warcraft 1 or 2, then there would be a feeling of nostalgia :)
Thanks! And they're very cool models, so thanks for making them :D

Edit: btw, once it's 100% finished I might make add maps for older versions. What version do you use?
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It is advisable to create a map from version 1.26, but many people use this version :)
I myself use several versions from 1.20 to 1.29.2
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind. I will have to see if my script works though, and I'll probably support two versions at most.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Nice update.
  1. I'd rename Lothar (champion's) Cleaving Attack to something like Cleaving Strike or other not to create confusion with the passive ability. Same with Bash.
  2. Ha-ha, churches train conjurers now xD I think it might be best to have them in their own buildings. That way, you don't need to build another Church in case you want to train a Cleric while training a Conjurer. Barracks units are generally those which are spammed. Oh, there's a load of abilities there. I see.
  3. Maybe you could think of branching upgrades. There's Clerical Faith. Maybe have one for the Conjurer as well to choose from these two?
  4. Last building upgrades are not all different between factions.
  5. Not sure if Doom should be cast on self while Unholy Armour cannot.
  6. Poison Cloud is crazy. Kind of too random and too fast moving IMO compared to Rain of Fire. Not sure about the damage comparison.
Nice update.
1. That's a good point. I'll try to come up with better names. Cleaving Strike sounds good.
2. Hmm, yeah maybe it's better to just have them in their own buildings. I was also thinking of ditching the altars and having the heroes trained at Church/Temple, and moving spellcasters back to Towers. In WC2 the Church counterpart is Altar of Storms so it kinda makes sense, maybe. But don't think that's a good idea lol.
3. I'm not sure what you mean by branching upgrades? Like pick one, another becomes unavailable?
4. Don't know what you mean here either :p
5. Ah, hadn't noticed that. Yeah better not be able to cast it on self.
6. Hmm, yeah, on the one hand I kinda like the chaos xD On the other hand it makes it maybe less useful. Maybe if I make it neutral hostile instead of passive it will move towards units, might have to take away the wander ability. I can reduce the move speed for sure.

Thanks for the feedback! I think I will update maximum 1 time a week from now on, to avoid too many small updates. But I'll make some changes based on your feedback and do some testing in the meantime.
The last update is cool.

Yessir xD
The Conjurer's Tower and its counterpart have many same abilities rather than different.
Also, I see Dark Vision is still Far Sight as the Cleric's?
Hmm, I think I wanna keep it default WC3 with just regular upgrades :p
And well, they're slightly different (e.g. increase health regeneration vs increase attack rate) but maybe not different enough. I'll think about some upgrades that are more different.
Yeah Dark Vision and Far Sight are still the same. I wasn't really sure how to do it. I'll experiment a bit with that idea to take away visibility with dark vision.

But at the moment WC3 won't start properly, I get stuck at the "lion screen" :/ Reinstalling bnet now, hope that works..
Level 2
Jun 11, 2021
I love your Job, excelent this ¡¡ is most enjoined:mwahaha:!!

Soon there will be a remake of the game by the lorecraft design team, contact them your game mode has potential.


  • Units.png
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Level 13
Mar 4, 2014
Decent map, I never played War 1 and 2 myself but I am familiar with the games, this map is pretty much the basic version of war3 without the fancy things like shops, multiple heroes, etc. which I guess is what the old games were.

Here are some ideas to improve the gameplay:

- Increase the food limit, as of now is 80, the higher the limit the more fun the game is.

- Add more heroes to the altars and be able to make more than 1 hero.

- The heroes themselves have basic war3 spells, not sure how the war 1 and 2 heroes are but I would love to see them have some different kinds of spells, for example, the Assassin hero has shadow strike, the blink spell, evasion, and the ultimate which just increases her move speed for a few sec, that was pretty lame, this hero compared to the human paladin hero is super mega weak.

I did dig the sludge model tho, that was cool
Thank you for the rating!

- Increase the food limit, as of now is 80, the higher the limit the more fun the game is.

- Add more heroes to the altars and be able to make more than 1 hero.
Personally I like these limits, it makes for fast-paced games and makes every choice important. Although maybe 80 is too low, I will look into raising it. IIRC the tier 1 food limit in regular WC3 is 80, I think that's why I picked that number. As for heroes, I'm unfortunately not good at designing them. Someone suggested adding a tavern, which is a good idea, but then I'd have to design a bunch of WC1-themed heroes.

- The heroes themselves have basic war3 spells, not sure how the war 1 and 2 heroes are but I would love to see them have some different kinds of spells, for example, the Assassin hero has shadow strike, the blink spell, evasion, and the ultimate which just increases her move speed for a few sec, that was pretty lame, this hero compared to the human paladin hero is super mega weak.
As above, this is definitely my weakest spot. The idea is to have normal WC3 gameplay, so I don't want to have abilities that are too "different", but I can definitely see how the current ones might be a bit boring. I will look into improving these in the future. Garona's spells are based on her abilities in WoW, maybe I can do something else for the ult. (edit: Eviscerate sounds like a cool ult, but I don't know what it does exactly in WoW lol)

Thanks for the feedback, if I can I will do some updates based on it!
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Level 28
Jun 11, 2017
Hey, @loktar! I played your map recently for a showcase on my humble YouTube channel:
  • I liked race gameplay. Although random granted me and AI enemy both humans, Humanity plays very smoothly, without any overdesigning issues. It genuinely feels like Warcraft 1 without frustrating road-building.
  • I disagree with other reviewers about heroes for the Warcraft 1 race - the current hero implementation is close to the classic melee balance design and enhances the gameplay loop further, although I would like to nerf the human knight hero for a bit.
  • Of course - if you manage to secure your expansion mine quickly enough, you will eventually defeat your enemy.
Overall, I liked this map. Thank you for sharing it here.
Hey, @loktar! I played your map recently for a showcase on my humble YouTube channel:
Thank you! Do you mind if I put the video in the map description? I saw that you were able to make 2 heroes, this is a bug, you're only supposed to be able to make one. Do you think it's better you can make multiple heroes?

  • I liked race gameplay. Although random granted me and AI enemy both humans, Humanity plays very smoothly, without any overdesigning issues. It genuinely feels like Warcraft 1 without frustrating road-building.
  • I disagree with other reviewers about heroes for the Warcraft 1 race - the current hero implementation is close to the classic melee balance design and enhances the gameplay loop further, although I would like to nerf the human knight hero for a bit.
  • Of course - if you manage to secure your expansion mine quickly enough, you will eventually defeat your enemy.

Thank you for the review and kind words! What about the human Commander (knight) hero is too strong do you think? Some of the abilities?

Overall, I liked this map. Thank you for sharing it here.
Thank you for playing :grin:
Level 28
Jun 11, 2017
Thank you! Do you mind if I put the video in the map description? I saw that you were able to make 2 heroes, this is a bug, you're only supposed to be able to make one. Do you think it's better you can make multiple heroes?
You are welcome!
Thank you for the review and kind words! What about the human Commander (knight) hero is too strong do you think? Some of the abilities?
I think that either I was lucky enough with "Bash"-es, or he has a heavily increased chance to bash.
Love this. Have you considered expanding this into a WC1 remake (with a more WC3-like narrative, borrowing retcons from WC3/WoW)?
Thanks! Yeah, I've considered it, but I don't have the skills to make a full-blown campaign unfortunately. Terraining, level design and writing are things I'd need help with.
Level 31
Sep 28, 2004
Thanks! Yeah, I've considered it, but I don't have the skills to make a full-blown campaign unfortunately. Terraining, level design and writing are things I'd need help with.
I've been thinking about it, and I would do it step by step:
1. Copy original WC1 campaign maps including layout, intro texts and objectives
2. Modify layout so it makes more sense for WC3 (trees and gold mines closer to base), add some elevation
3. Add heroes (I assume Orgrim and Blackhand for orcs. Turalyon and Lothar for humans), some creeps here and there and items

I understand that Warcraft : Humans exists, but he does a 1on1 copy, including the negative aspects of WC1 like distance mining and WC1 balance.

Later the campaign could be modified to have WC3-like linear story-telling.
I could try this for you. Not promising anything complete. I just like to play around with it.
Level 31
Sep 28, 2004
Don't think this one makes sense as only Stormwind was involved in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans? There were no paladins prior to Warcraft II.

View attachment 500755
Ah thanks. I think it could be Gavinrad the Dire then.

@loktar I went ahead and imported all your stuff into a campaign file without your permission. Please don't hit me :D

edit: I have created a very crude map of the first mission. All objectives are working (but reduced to 3 farms instead of 6).

I have not written any dialogue yet. I think I will combine the first and second human missions into one, so there is a bit more story and gameplay involved.
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