
My latest model, Garona Halforcen.

This is not my best work to be honest, but it did turn out better than I'd feared it would. I wouldn't bother complaining about anything other than serious bugs as I got a little sick of this one in the end.

I've included a version of the model without the scarf, so please note that the file size looks about 100kb larger than it really is.

Anyway, hope you guys can find a use for it.

UPDATE: Fixed a geoset animation bug for the Death animation.

garona, halforcen, half-orc, half-draenei, horde, assassin, shadow council, orc

GaronaHalforcen (Model)

GaronaHalforcen (Model)

12:48, 6th Aug 2015 Misha: Very good! them both behave greatly ingame, the attacks are neat to look at, as well as the meshwork and texture. GJ on this one :)




12:48, 6th Aug 2015
Misha: Very good! them both behave greatly ingame, the attacks are neat to look at, as well as the meshwork and texture. GJ on this one :)
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
You should add the blue tattoos she's always depicted with.

Other than that it's a 5/5 !

EDIT: Hoping you can make a Blackhand model just because he's so badass.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
UPDATE: Fixed a geoset animation bug for the Death animation.

You should add the blue tattoos she's always depicted with.

Other than that it's a 5/5 !

EDIT: Hoping you can make a Blackhand model just because he's so badass.

Unfortunately adding the blue tattoo is not really possible. Her face is mirrored so adding a tattoo would add it on both sides of her face. This would look stupid imo.

To be honest, I'm really not a fan of the Blackhand from WoD. He looks like a walking furnace which doesn't fit his character at all.

I think she is rather smexy.
The only thing I would point out is that I would have hoped all of her attack animations were as powerful as the "Attack - 4". The others are a bit weak.
The 4th also flows better.

Other than that it looks great!

Yeah, the attack animations were a nightmare to make for this one. I will however encourage you to test it ingame instead of the site viewer, since the site viewer plays them way too slowly for some reason. It should look better ingame.

EDIT: Actually it plays correctly in the viewer now. Weird. But yeah, the attack animations are probably my least favorite part of this model. Mostly attack 2 that looks weak though. I considered getting rid of it but decided to leave it. I thought it wouldn't hurt with an extra attack animation. I upped the rarity on it though.
Level 9
Oct 20, 2010
I agree with adding the tattoo, but I see no way of doing that. I love this model and everything else you release, and this is a great first female model.
Although the hips seem wide, she is in fact half draenei, you really drew from her orc blood there. You also have a much better face this time around :)
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Unfortunately adding the blue tattoo is not really possible. Her face is mirrored so adding a tattoo would add it on both sides of her face. This would look stupid imo.

How about just her arms like in WoW?

To be honest, I'm really not a fan of the Blackhand from WoD. He looks like a walking furnace which doesn't fit his character at all.

How about Kilrogg or Kargath?
Level 30
Mar 9, 2012
According to the screenshot:
Why there are two shoulderpads stacked atop another at one of her shoulders,
why is her portrait ambidextrous, the earring is at wrong side,
why not give her another blade instead that object,
tatoos are entirely possible, just say "im lazy",
if its to pass as an agile assassin, the attack animations of this unit need to be a lot faster,
those pants are dysfunctional for sure, you can do better texturing.
and additionaly must state that you need to learn how to draw realistic boobs.

Concept is nice and all but not that much of an use currently.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Is it me or the portrait animations don't show up in game? It play only one 'portrait' animation, but not the others, talk one, two...

It should work fine. Maybe you're using the scarf version so you can't see her mouth move? Try using the No scarf version.

How about Kilrogg or Kargath?

Paladinjst is making a Kargath. I might make a Kilrogg later, but it'd be based on old concept art instead of WoD I'm afraid.

According to the screenshot:
Why there are two shoulderpads stacked atop another at one of her shoulders,
why is her portrait ambidextrous, the earring is at wrong side,
why not give her another blade instead that object,
tatoos are entirely possible, just say "im lazy",
if its to pass as an agile assassin, the attack animations of this unit need to be a lot faster,
those pants are dysfunctional for sure, you can do better texturing.
and additionaly must state that you need to learn how to draw realistic boobs.

Concept is nice and all but not that much of an use currently.

How about you shut up and make your own models if this is not good enough for you?

First of all, when you start your review with "according to the screenshot" you just know that this will be a bs review. You should always test the model ingame before judging. I thought this was obvious but apparently not.

Wtf you mean portrait is ambidextrous?? She has an earring in each ear..

That "object" is based on her weapon from the concept art I followed when making the model:


Oh, I'm really sorry that my laziness has kept you from getting the model you wanted. Don't mind that it's 100% custom mesh, texture and animations but it's not to your liking so I'm lazy. As I friggin' said, her head texture is mirrored so adding the tattoo on one side would mean that it also appears on the other side. This would look stupid and too symmetrical. Making the texture unmirrored would decrease texture space and therefore quality. It's a fucking design choice.

Please, do tell me how the pants are "dysfunctional" and how I can do better. Please share your deep texturing knowledge with me.

Finally I don't have to state anything. I know the boobs are not perfect and I know my model is not perfect. I'm not a professional. I'm just doing this in my spare time. I'm still learning and this is the first female model I've ever made. And your comment is neither constructive nor useful.

If you are going to criticize my work at least make the criticism constructive instead of the waste of space you just posted.
Tauer, relax and let us mods ponder about those who don't appreciate what they're basically getting for free :xxd: the model's quality speaks enough by itself, for those who know what they're lookin' at :)

although, I'm not sure if that's model wrap or texture, but there's something kinda odd to me around that bra-breast/ribcage area, like something is either stretched, or somewhat off oO could be just me tho..

as for the tattoos.. the model looks pretty enough without them
Level 12
May 11, 2014
Nice model , also i suggest changing the background because it overlap with the bandages of her arms , just saying .
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
She's hot, keep this up Tauer! What's going to be your next Orc model? Orcnet? lol just kidding. :wink:

Thanks! Hehe dunno. I think I'm gonna finish Zul'jin next as I know some people are waiting for him. My next Orc? Not sure. Maybe Gul'Dan or Ner'zhul.

Tauer, relax and let us mods ponder about those who don't appreciate what they're basically getting for free :xxd: the model's quality speaks enough by itself, for those who know what they're lookin' at :)

although, I'm not sure if that's model wrap or texture, but there's something kinda odd to me around that bra-breast/ribcage area, like something is either stretched, or somewhat off oO could be just me tho..

as for the tattoos.. the model looks pretty enough without them

I know I know... It just pisses me off that a user who hasn't uploaded a single resource (what some sites would call a leecher) has the audacity to call me lazy. And just the overall entitled attitude of that post was super annoying after spending so much time making this model.

Anyway, about the bra area. Not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean under the boobs? Because it does stretch a little bit there because of the animated breasts.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
You're right this is not one of your best work. Seriously, she looks nothing like the real Garona.

You're saying that like there is a "real" Garona...

I wasn't basing the design on that image, so of course she's not gonna look like that. I don't wanna post the concept art yet again, but she is based on Samwise's Orc Assassin concept art. Which was originally gonna be Garona I think.
The image you're referring to was to be used in WC3 before she was cut I believe. It's not any more canon than Samwise's artwork. If you wanna look at the most canon Garona I guess you'd have to look at the comics, and my model looks closer to those than the image you posted.

So saying she looks nothing like the "real" Garona is ridiculous since there are so many sources to base her appearance on.

She also looks overweight, her bone and face proportions do not match Garona's. Nevertheless, this is good as a standard female orc.

Overweight?? Just what kind of standards do you hold women to? o_O
You're saying that like there is a "real" Garona...

I wasn't basing the design on that image, so of course she's not gonna look like that. I don't wanna post the concept art yet again, but she is based on Samwise's Orc Assassin concept art. Which was originally gonna be Garona I think.
The image you're referring to was to be used in WC3 before she was cut I believe. It's not any more canon than Samwise's artwork. If you wanna look at the most canon Garona I guess you'd have to look at the comics, and my model looks closer to those than the image you posted.

So saying she looks nothing like the "real" Garona is ridiculous since there are so many sources to base her appearance on.

Overweight?? Just what kind of standards do you hold women to? o_O

Personally* she is a trained assassin, she should have some muscles as all Orcs are mostly fit for fighting and training.

Secondly she has almost no clothes in the torso, that reveals her build-up body fat.

Thirdly look at the comic book or any other "real" Garona and decide whether or not she looks fit or fat? I'm guessing you already know how she looks.

No offense this is a good model, but it does not represent Garona to me personally. Her ears are not proper for example, she looks more like an elf with those pointy ears. Or is this half-draenei one?

My standards are that the characters have to be true to how they were created to be, as I recall Garona is as fit as Paula Patton.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Personally she is a trained assassin, she should have some muscles as all Orcs are mostly fit for fighting and training.

True, although I deliberately avoided making her too muscular in order to make her look more feminine and also because she is a half-orc, not full-blood.

Secondly she has almost no clothes in the torso, that reveals her build-up body fat.

Thirdly look at the comic book or any other "real" Garona and decide whether or not she looks fit or fat? I'm guessing you already know how she looks.

My standards are that the characters have to be true to how they were created to be, as I recall Garona is as fit as Paula Patton.

I don't think you understand. What I'm saying is that if you think my Garona looks overweight, I think you have some standard issues when it comes to women.

No offense this is a good model, but it does not represent Garona to me personally. Her ears are not proper for example, she looks more like an elf with those pointy ears. Or is this half-draenei one?

Fair enough. It doesn't have to be called Garona, it can be used as any kind of female Orc hero I guess.

I'm just gonna post the concept art again:


^This concept is what represents Garona to me. It's quite obvious that the canonical comic Garona was based on this artwork when they made her. As you can see she has pointy ears.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
I did it once already, but I will do it again, considering how many people around here do not appreciate the hard work and quality of the resources you deliver:
Thank you for your work, Tauer. Your recent models are one of the best custom made resources for Warcraft III I've ever seen! You stay true to the concepts you base your models on, which is a very hard thing to do IMO. I find it sad that people criticise your models based on their own expectations and desires - that's anything but constructive. I hope these comments will not bring you down or discourage you from continuing to deliver such brilliant work!
I did it once already, but I will do it again, considering how many people around here do not appreciate the hard work and quality of the resources you deliver:
Thank you for your work, Tauer. Your recent models are one of the best custom made resources for Warcraft III I've ever seen! You stay true to the concepts you base your models on, which is a very hard thing to do IMO. I find it sad that people criticise your models based on their own expectations and desires - that's anything but constructive. I hope these comments will not bring you down or discourage you from continuing to deliver such brilliant work!

Referring to me? Eh.

I hope you realize what you're saying, I understand you want to appeal the author by giving him praise for his wonderful work (which I agree). But know that without good criticism or critics there wouldn't be any good expectations towards his work.

I already said that this is a very good model as a female Orc, but it doesn't represent Garona or how she looks. If you misinterpreted that I am unappreciative you're wrong. Tauer's models are very high quality and honestly - rare to find in Hiveworkshop.
Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
By warcraft 3 standards, Tauer's models are probably in the re-mastered/HD/HQ quality models. Including this one, which I personally believe looks pretty hot, he made her boobs bounce what else can I say?.
Honestly there's a major difference between constructive criticism and brainstorming.
'Nuff said.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I kinda li..noo love this model.
Tauer took his time and actually made something great like his new Durotan and Grommash Hellscream models.
Yes it would be nice if Garona had tattoos, but someone could easily take the time and edit them in, but seriously guys/girls Tauer is letting us use his models for his hours of works and I appreciate that a lot.
Some people can't believe on how much time and effort goes into something.
Still I hope to see what you have to offer next Tauer and I love your work a lot.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
Referring to me? Eh.
Not only.
I understand you want to appeal the author by giving him praise for his wonderful work.
Not trying to appeal him. Trying to thank him, because I've always wanted to see a high quality models of WoW characters. He does it and he does it well, therefore I am thankful.
but it doesn't represent Garona or how she looks
How she looks according to who? You? Or the image you've shown? Cause Tauer made it perfectly clear (for those who bother to read) that he is basing the model on this artwork:

It's an official artwork under the Blizzard banner (you can see it copyrighted) and not some unknown shot of a cinematic that never got released.
If you misinterpreted that I am unappreciative you're wrong.
I was rather calling another poster in this thread unappreciative. You fall under another category:
I find it sad that people criticise your models based on their own expectations and desires - that's anything but constructive.

I won't comment anymore in here tho. I've had "fights" in my own threads and I never liked it, so I'll stop right here. You can't say a model looks nothing like the original, since the original has multiple different versions. There are so many cannon Garona artworks all over the place. Tauer simply chose one of them but it just isn't the one you like or consider "true".
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Paladinjst is making a Kargath. I might make a Kilrogg later, but it'd be based on old concept art instead of WoD I'm afraid.

Ah I'm excited to see what he comes up with. :smile:

Don't you already have an old Kilrogg model based off the old artworks? The WoD one is in essence the same only they went with dreads for the top knot hair (IMO a nice choice to symbolize the savage look of the Bleeding Hollow), and a staff/mace made of bone. Would love to see how you'd end up making one if you could. You have the skills for it. :ogre_hurrhurr:

He also has a fel version that's new... :wink:

If you are going to criticize my work at least make the criticism constructive instead of the waste of space you just posted.

Idk about him but I think the model is amazing. :grin: But yeah, she can live without the blue "scar" eye tattoo she's always depicted with, but as I suggested earlier, it would work if she just had arm/torso tattoos since those are mirrored. :thumbs_up:

EDIT: We also can't forget the reason for the blue eyes and blue tattoos is to signify she's half Draenei.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Don't you already have an old Kilrogg model based off the old artworks? The WoD one is in essence the same only they went with dreads for the top knot hair (IMO a nice choice to symbolize the savage look of the Bleeding Hollow), and a staff/mace made of bone. Would love to see how you'd end up making one if you could. You have the skills for it. :ogre_hurrhurr:

Dunno, I think the WoD Kilrogg suffers from the opposite of Blackhand; while WoD Blackhand is way too over the top, Kilrogg is too simple. He looks like a generic shirtless orc with a dead eye.
If I'm making Kilrogg I might take some inspirations from the WoD model, like the dreadlocks you mentioned, but mostly it'll be based on this concept art:

I know my previous Kilrogg was also based on this, but my skills back then were practically non-existant and that concept is just so damn cool.

Damn, the animations look fantastic! I love the ribbon emitter for the slash effect.

One thing though: I don't know if this is a bug with the hive model viewer, but it seems like her blade disappears temporarily in the death animation?
Can someone confirm this in Magos?

Thanks! I'm not extremely satisfied with the attack animations myself, but I'm glad you like them.

The death animation plays correctly in both Magos and ingame. No idea why the visibility is offset on the site viewer though.
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Amazing model Tauer!! i'm a fan of Samwise's artworks, and you really transport that into a model here, great model! and like they said a few post back, thanks for this, hope you keep making more orcs, that killrog version you choose will be amazing, can't wait! maybe recreate some of the old lost concepts of early wc3? *o*
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Dunno, I think the WoD Kilrogg suffers from the opposite of Blackhand; while WoD Blackhand is way too over the top, Kilrogg is too simple. He looks like a generic shirtless orc with a dead eye.
If I'm making Kilrogg I might take some inspirations from the WoD model, like the dreadlocks you mentioned, but mostly it'll be based on this concept art:

I know my previous Kilrogg was also based on this, but my skills back then were practically non-existant and that concept is just so damn cool.

That concept is ridiculously awesome jesus; I love the shoulderpads with the Bleeding Hollow mark. I also love how they've always depicted Kilrogg with huge ears haha. Yeah for sure that would the dreads and his now-iconic weapon (since the concept lacks a weapon in general) would look so badass. I can't wait to see that; hopefully it will be in the works soon.:grin:
Level 7
Jul 9, 2013
"This is not my best work to be honest, but it did turn out better than I'd feared it would."

Don't worry, you make good models and this no exception. She looks pretty, similar to the original, and have good animations. I think you make perfect model.