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Rise of the Lich King Reanimated 1.2

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

Rise of the Lich King Reanimated

A remake of the Rise of the lich king campaign from ~15 years ago

What is Rise of the lich king ?
(c'n'p from map description)
An alternate story following the Frozen throne campaign. WOW and the Rexxar story never happened and the Lich King is not content to just sit on his cold chair for years. Play as blood elves, nagas, humans and undead.

Patch version : made and tested with 1.27 , it should work on later patches

Overview :​

  • 10 playable maps + 4 cutscenes
  • Difficulty : between Blizzard normal and hard overall
  • Playable races : bloodelves, nagas, undead and humans
  • Gameplay : varied like the Frozen Throne campaigns, with some inspiration from Starcraft 2

Why would you want to play this campaign ?​

  • Gameplay-wise each map has a twist
    → for example : a holdout mission but it's a naval mission or a whole city, or a squad mission with a stealth phase + 3 maps have scripted boss battles

  • Expanded tech-tree for each playable race + the dwarven race as an enemy
    → at least 1 new playable unit on each map, and most new units are introduced on a map where they are particularly useful (like in Starcraft 2 campaign)

  • Maps with different tilesets (and different weather conditions/atmosphere)
    → from the ice of Northrend to the jungles and city of Theramore, but also the ruins of Lordaeron, mountains of Khaz Modan and desert of Barrens

  • Rewarding exploration : side quests, creep camps and items to find + One special hidden Easter egg on each playable map

  • No padding in the cleanup of enemy bases : you can destroy every enemy unit and building if that's what you like, but the objective is usually a particular building or at worst stopping the production capabilities of the enemies (there is one exception but it's not exactly a traditional base)

  • Quality-of-life features : all cutscenes are skippable (duh), all units are paused when the camera shows you something, creeps buildings are either auto-attacked or non attackable, crates that can contain items are a different color than those that are just scenery, rocks chunks all die when you destroy one, etc.

  • All custom music : for cutscenes and gameplay, with different tracks for some maps (holdout missions for example) for better immersion : 36 tracks total

  • Tons of custom resources mostly from this site for units, icons, spells, and doodads for better terraining + a few sounds for atmosphere : almost 500 files total

  • An alternative storyline that gives character arcs or at least some personality to all main heroes – but keep in mind Blizzard didn't do much with some of them like Vashj so your interpretation of them could be different from mine– it IS a fanfiction in campaign form after all

  • Terraining is at least at Blizzard campaigns level

  • Cutscenes are not just people talking : camera work and details like units moving in the background should make even simple conversations feel dynamic + more than a few battles/spells etc.

  • It should be a very polished experience (barring unexpected bugs)



Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider

Now that his master has been defeated and this source of magic lost, the situation of the bloodelves seems more desperate than ever. With the undead coming after him, he will soon have to decide between avenging the fallen and saving the survivors...

Lady Vashj

Still as cold-blooded and power-hungry as ever, the leader of the nagas still hates the nightelves but has found an even stronger hatred for Arthas after he killed Illidan. The Lich King is now her primary target for revenge, but the nagas alone can't hope to defeat the Scourge...


Sylvanas Windrunner

Unaware of the new situation in Northrend, the banshee managed to conquer almost all of Lordaeron. The Forsaken have won each battle against the forces of Kel'Thuzad, and now it's time to slay the favorite servant of the hatred Arthas and become the Queen of his former kingdom.


Still the cowardly and scheming demon we all know and love hate, he is happy to serve Sylvanas until an opportunity to overthrow her presents itself. But he's eager to finish the conquest of Lordaeron because fighting only undead enemies gets old after a while...



The loyal lich which stayed in Lordaeron to hold the kingdom for Arthas is in a tricky situation as Sylvanas is a much better tactician than him. But even as he's about to lose his last stronghold, he's not too worried, as he trusts his master the Lich King will save him or, in the worst case scenario, will raise him again.

The Lich King

After the fusion between the mortal Arthas and the entity that was once called Ner'zhul, the new Lich King has retained most of the death knight's personality. However, with each passing day his perspective is expanding more beyond individual concerns. He now wants to unify all of Azeroth under the undead banner of the Scourge to prepare for the inevitable return of the Legion.


Jaina Proudmoore

After organizing the exodus of the survivors from the human kingdoms with the help of the fleet of her father, the young sorceress has become the leader of the new nation founded on Theramore. The small island colony has become a real city in record time, thanks to the magic of the surviving mages all working together.


Admiral Daelin Proudmoore

Jaina's father is a grizzled soldier from the Second war, but he didn't fight directly in the recent battles against the Scourge and the Legion that much, as he was tasked to protect the civilians and bombard the coastal bases of the enemy from the sea. He trusts the dwarves and elves of the old alliance, but is still wary of the new allies his daughter found, especially the orcs.


Danzil Rainweaver

This old archmage from the Kirin Tor was lucky enough to be outside Dalaran when Archimonde attacked the city. He is now technically the senior archmage and could order Jaina if the old hierarchy still existed, and more importantly, if he cared. But fortunately this good-natured but odd character prefers to leave those responsibilities to “people-persons”.




Known bugs/limitations

2022/23 playthrough by Jayborino (version 1.1) :

[2022-06-26] version 1.0 release
[2022-07-21] version 1.01 release
[2022-08-07] version 1.02 release
[2022-11-28] version 1.1 release
[2023-05-07] version 1.2 release (post-jayborino showcase, thanks again !)
-minor translation fixes
-minor fixes on unit descriptions
-changed a few dialogs in cutscenes
-players can now choose all heroes abilities on the 1st map they appear (1,2,4)
-fixed some cutscenes when the preparation was briefly visible in-game before the cutscene starts
-destructibles that can contain items now appear in a different color
-changed one Easter egg so it's more visible
-added a hero glow on vashj & varimathras
-fixed possessed units still receiving orders from former AI owner
-in the prologue the cutscene won't wait for some undead units to dispel anymore
-in map1 fixed the tuskarr quest in case you complete the objective before meeting them
-in map1 the enemy hero shouldn't pick up items anymore
-in map2 the Scourge won't attack the bandits if they're not already dead anymore
-in map4 fixed the portal stone not dropping from the gnoll
-the basilisk acidic attack ability now has a passive icon
-fixed the ending of map5 if you destroy the undead buildings instead of holding until the counter ends (speedrun)
-Monsoon now has a unique icon
-in map7 fixed the (living) eredar in the fel orc base
-in map7 killing a fel hound now makes its indicator disappear
-rephrased the tip for map8, hopefully it's clearer now
-in map8 the ambushes can't happen anymore if you already destroyed the portal of the undead faction
-in map8 fixed the transition between the 2nd portal destroyed and ending cutscenes
-fixed the bug with fire shield taking all mana of upgraded spellcasters on which it is cast (worldedit works in mysterious ways...)
-in map1 fixed the animation bug on spiderwebs after death
-in map1 prevented dialogs between the heroes to interfere with side quests cutscenes
-reset health&mana to max for squad sections following base sections (map2&4)
-in map4 fixed some places where units could go on lava
-nerfed basilisk a little bit (damage, armor and health reduced, more expensive)
-in map6 put Kelthuzad's portal a bit farther from the enemy base
-in map6 fixed cemetary side quest not existing if you do it without the shade discovering it first
-in map6 fixed some groups of palmtrees looking unnatural
-in map7 removed quilboar prisoners which gave wrong expectations to players
-in map8 made buyable books more expensive and longer to restock
-in map9 the teleport staff doesn't work on allies anymore so you can't use it to go beyond barricades
-in map9 reduced the probability of seeing the allies idle before you approach them
-in map10 fixed hotkeys for jaina and malfurion new abilities
-in map10 you now lose if you let the admiral die while he's recuperating in the base
-in map10 gave hero ghosts a few more levels and health
-changed the loading screen : Arthas now appears as the Lich King
-gutface is now properly dead after his death cutscene even if the player skips the cinematic before he dies on screen
-the admiral should now stay in the base after his injury until he joins you in the last boss fight
-the enemy and allies spawn waves shouldn't interfere during the cutscenes anymore
-changed 3 unit icons for better versions
-fixed and changed some text : dialogues, tooltips etc.
-buffed the eredar's tentacles by giving them the damage & armor upgrades like the skeletons
-the eredar's finger of pain no longer works on your own units
-in map1 the ambush now gives a tome
-in map1 fixed the animation bug on more spiderwebs after death
-in map1 fixed the ending cutscene firing multiple times if you buy multiple ships
-in map2 rock chunks at the base of sylvanas's base are now invulnerable before the scourge destroys it
-in map2 fixed the siege quest not firing after you've eliminated the traitors in the base if you use possession on the last one
-in map3 all "atmosphere" creeps are now invulnerable
-in map3 the cycloned units don't block your way anymore so the hydra part should be easier
-in map4 changed the color of the AoE indicator of the boss so it's hopefully easier to see + changed the voice line
-in map4 removed the enemy sheep in the pass :D
-in map6 the player shouldn't be able to sequence break the kelthuzad part by attacking buildings across the bridge before finishing the 1st part anymore
-in map6 fixed the bug where some player units stayed hidden and were unavailable after the 2nd kelthuzad cutscene
-in map7 fixed the possible exploit with centaurs not moving when the player goes in their village, now they're gonna make you regret it
-in map7 removed some cacti doodads that could be confusing with the message about water
-in map7 changed the fel orc dialogue about mannoroth so it makes more sense
-in map9 made the city center visible to hopefully give a better idea of the layout of the map at the start
-in map9 decreased the blue fog a bit for better readability
-in map10 fixed the druids of the claw still looking elven in bear form
-in map10 the terrorizing howl of Sapphiron should be more effective
-in map10 changed the hotkey to Z for all new hero abilities

First thanks to CosmicBard for the constructive criticism on the ongoing project,
to Warseeker for the campaign loading screen
and to Jayborino for showcasing the campaign on his channel

  • I made the cutscenes for 16/9 (I use the widescreen mode) so the framing may be wonky if you play in 4/3

  • Reloading can change the custom music playlist (in sieges maps for example)

  • some custom models lack buff attachements or have other small bugs

  • in map3 the saving/loading/exiting can lag

  • if you use the mana recharge ability with more than one Lightbearer, they all use it, like it worked in starcraft 1

  • in map 5 the runes of mana/health are randomly dropped when some enemy ships die but the game spawn items only on ground so some might spawn in unreachable islands


Rise of the Lich King Reanimated 1.2 (Campaign)

Overall, a lovely remaster, well, more than a remaster actually, part remaster, part remake. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S...
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
hey I played the original way back. Just curious before I download this, whats the changes between the old and new one. Is it just everything thats listed under the "Why would you want to play this campaign?" or is it other stuff?
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Chapter 2 - the side objective says there is 1 ogre left but after using cheats to reveal the map I could not find any ogres
Chapter 4 - Side Quest "Bypass" could not find the stone to activate the portal. Only thing that drops in the area with the gnolls is a tome from a crate
Chapter 5 - Quest log says "Chapitre 5" there is also a ring of protection on the island with the hyrda creeps that I cant seem to get. Also the main quest complete kept message kept triggering and well you can see what happened.

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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
thanks for the feedback !

chapter 2 : 1 of the ogres is prisoner of the human soldiers. He is in a cage

chapter 4 : I deleted the item by mistake so the gnoll chief couldn't drop it ! My bad :hohum:

chapter 5 :
-any untranslated stuff is good to know :thumbs_up:

-the ring is dropped by one of the hydras, I never had any trouble picking it up with Vashj - Sylvanas can't, obviously
You must be really unlucky if it dropped in a place where it's unpickable

-the trigger spam at the end : I noticed that when I made a speedrun test to check the campaign buttons unlocking - it can only happen if you destroy the undead buildings which I doubt many players can do without cheats - still, I'll fix it
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
thanks for the feedback !

chapter 2 : 1 of the ogres is prisoner of the human soldiers. He is in a cage

chapter 4 : I deleted the item by mistake so the gnoll chief couldn't drop it ! My bad :hohum:

chapter 5 :
-any untranslated stuff is good to know :thumbs_up:

-the ring is dropped by one of the hydras, I never had any trouble picking it up with Vashj - Sylvanas can't, obviously
You must be really unlucky if it dropped in a place where it's unpickable

-the trigger spam at the end : I noticed that when I made a speedrun test to check the campaign buttons unlocking - it can only happen if you destroy the undead buildings which I doubt many players can do without cheats - still, I'll fix it
Normally will play levels twice one legitimate and second time I aim to break it, as in like you said those buildings are nigh impossible to do normally
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Probably need to make the shipyards invulnerable because if the trigger breaks in chapter 5 every cutscene/trigger I encountered in chapter 6/7 broke. One below and also at the start of chapter 6 Verimarthras will not close the portal. Have to replay chapter 4 then 5 etc to fix the triggers.
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
It has nothing to do with the 5th map, each map is independent except for heroes loading. It means the triggers with the villagers can still bug out sometimes. I thought after all I did it would work all the time but... you've just been unlucky and a new load made it work. I almost want to just throw all these sequences in the bin after all this testing/fixing and it still doesn't work :ogre_rage:

You said Vari wouldn't close the portal in the opening cutscene ? And what trigger didn't work in chapter 7 ?
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Chapter 7 - The opening scene after the dialogue they where just standing there. The big enemy was outside the circle so was able to easily win.

The rest of the chapters did not have any issues that I could see. The last mission was fun not overly one sided had its push and retreat moments you would expect. Found the secret to be funny and that reward was very nice
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
Glad you liked the last map and the secrets !

about the bugs :
-in map 6 you didn't answer if the portal was in the cutscene and if yes did you skip it and when ?
-in map 7 I suppose you're talking about the boss at the end ? so same question : cutscene skipped ?/when ?

Please answer, I need details on the bugs to be able to fix.
Level 4
Jan 25, 2022
Rise of the lich king is my first Warcraft 3 custom campaign that i had play in 2014 .
I'm glad to see remake version in 2022 .
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Glad you liked the last map and the secrets !

about the bugs :
-in map 6 you didn't answer if the portal was in the cutscene and if yes did you skip it and when ?
-in map 7 I suppose you're talking about the boss at the end ? so same question : cutscene skipped ?/when ?

Please answer, I need details on the bugs to be able to fix.
Chapter 6 the portal was in the opening cutscene and after the dialogue he just stood there same issue as the chapter 7 opening scene.
Chapter 7 Yes was referring to the boss
Did not skip any cutscenes. Only time I pressed the skip button was when they where just standing there to bypass the issue.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Played on 1.27.

I have played the old version of the game but that was years ago and I loved it. I don't remember much of it, but in general I know what it is about. I'm just starting to play the new version and:

- I prefer to say what I like at the end when I finish the campaign completely :)

- I don't like that ring every time a character says something. During a mission it's useful but when it's cinematic it's redundant

- Chapter 1: Goblins items have to be: Robogoblin, Rusty Pick, Goblin scope and Dubious vial. If I'm not mistaken - this quest cannot be completed under the following condition (no matter which character carries the items and how they are positioned) : first I neutralize the Undead base so that I don't get in the way, and then I complete the side quests and look for the hidden things ; Tuskarr didn't detect me at first that I had completed the task, but when I turned around a bit it detected me :)

  • I found the first Secret: it didn't give me any item. I don't know if finding secrets rewards items
  • playtime is over. That's it for now :infl_thumbs_up: very good job
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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
- Chapter 1: Goblins items have to be: Robogoblin, Rusty Pick, Goblin scope and Dubious vial. If I'm not mistaken - this quest cannot be completed under the following condition (no matter which character carries the items and how they are positioned) : first I neutralize the Undead base so that I don't get in the way, and then I complete the side quests and look for the hidden things ; Tuskarr didn't detect me at first that I had completed the task, but when I turned around a bit it detected me :)

First, thanks for the feedback.
I'm not sure what you're saying but you have to give the items to the goblin, not just have them in your inventory, and for the tuskarr you have to come back to him to complete the quest.

For the Easter eggs, they're just for fun except on the last map if you found all of them
Level 2
Jan 23, 2022
-Thanks !

-Well if you do that all the custom stuff I added will severely clash with reforged versions, except maybe the HD heroes - but by transform do you mean play with Reforged graphics or make you own version of the campaign ?
Using Quenching Mod can transform this campaign into reforged automatically. I want to replace some models by using reforged WE and then use Quenching Mod to transform this campaign.
Level 2
Jan 23, 2022
So basically you want to make a different version with just some models changed ? And release it on this site ?
Yes, i want to make a version matches reforged HD graphic. But i think i won't release it on this site, because it is just some models changed, no need for formal release .
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
Played on 1.27.
You were right about the Goblins Items - an oversight on my part!

Another thing I noticed is that if I have 3 game saves (eg Lkr-1, Lkr-2, Lkr-3) when I try to load one of them it happens:
Annotation 2022-07-02 140114.png With 2 game saves there are no problems. Subsequently, another type of error similar to this one but with a different code (4042 i think - sudden exit from the game) appeared. I didn't manage to take a picture of it because I thought it was the same.
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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
I'm not sure but is looks like a hardware-related limitation. A quick internet search talks about RAM.
Was it on map 3 ? The trigger for moving the detection zones is pretty ressource-intensive because its repeated every 0.0X seconds. Or maybe map 7 for the same reason ?

@CosmicBard told me about the problem but he tested on a more recent patch, and I found
I had the same problem (crash on loading saves, I don't remember if it was the same error message) before increasing the interval.

The current version have 0 problems when it comes to loading and only sometimes a bit of lag (like it takes 2-3 seconds instead of <1) when saving on map3 on my PC. My motherboard/proc is 8 years old (with 16 Go of RAM) and I'm still using windows 7 so I though most people would have better hardware than me. :grin:
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
  • NO Chapter 10 - exists only as a title (very unusual for the first time it happens to me)
  • I could never get used to that 'ring' signal at the beginning of each level: 'ring' Kael says something 'ring' Vashj says something 'ring' Kael says something 'ring' Vashj says something 'ring' Jaina says something 'ring' Vashj says something 'ring' Kael says something 'ring' Vashj says something 'ring' Kael says something 'ring' Vashj says something................
(neutral) - never before had I seen so many unbreakable chests and barrels :)
- A few unpleasant sudden errors that are apparently dependent on the hardware and software installed on it. Quite a rare occurrence in my case, but everything happens sooner or later. As long as the campaign can be completed, then everything is fine.

  • "All custom music : for cutscenes and gameplay, with different tracks for some maps" - music is magic that can turn something ordinary and mediocre into art and vice versa. I personally liked the music you chose very much
  • decent difficulty level
  • not overhelmed with items and beauty
  • Much better terraining than Blizzard
  • and others + listed above in the campaign description

Personally, I expect you to finish this project before you disappear again so I can safely delete the old version of the campaign. It was a pleasure for me. Thanks for sharing your work with us. Played on 1.27.
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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
First, I thought of something for the loading problems : I'm using a patch for older games which permits to use more than 2 Go on 64bits systems.
A quick search for "4 GB patch" gives lots of links, but I've been using the one here : 4gb patch for >5 years so I'm 100% sure it's safe - I think I used it initially for Dragon age origins which lagged with all the mods I use

-I just checked and the 10th map is linked to the button in the downloadable campaign so I don't know what happened for you :huh:
-I timed the dialogs to be read out loud, but if you read normally you have to wait so with the sound you can look elsewhere (the pretty scenery that took me so long to make for example) without worrying to miss something
-sometimes crates and barrels have items but they're mostly scenery so no point letting the player waste time
-glad you liked the music, it's sort of a best of the video game music I listen to
-"not overhelmed with items and beauty" do you mean to say I didn't use too many custom models/skins ?

I don't plan to disappear again and I have other plans for warcraft3 maps but I will take a break before starting that.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2020
First, I thought of something for the loading problems : I'm using a patch for older games which permits to use more than 2 Go on 64bits systems.
A quick search for "4 GB patch" gives lots of links, but I've been using the one here : 4gb patch for >5 years so I'm 100% sure it's safe - I think I used it initially for Dragon age origins which lagged with all the mods I use

-I just checked and the 10th map is linked to the button in the downloadable campaign so I don't know what happened for you :huh:
-I timed the dialogs to be read out loud, but if you read normally you have to wait so with the sound you can look elsewhere (the pretty scenery that took me so long to make for example) without worrying to miss something
-sometimes crates and barrels have items but they're mostly scenery so no point letting the player waste time
-glad you liked the music, it's sort of a best of the video game music I listen to
-"not overhelmed with items and beauty" do you mean to say I didn't use too many custom models/skins ?

I don't plan to disappear again and I have other plans for warcraft3 maps but I will take a break before starting that.
I downloaded this patch and applied it to the .exe file but haven't tried the load issue. Chapter 10 however is still a black screen for about 2 seconds and then back to the mission list. I'm using REBIRTH mod with which I haven't had a problem with other campaigns so far. I do not know.Don't understand these things. I will replay the campaign on 1.30.4. because have noticed some minor glitches in some models with this mod on 1.27 that are usually missing on 1.30 with the same mod (or vice versa). Maybe the white rabbit is hiding here.

Оverhelmed with items and beauty - this is hard for me to explain. Аbout the items - imagine that in just one level from the beginning to the end you manage to find 15-20 or more items with some kind of miraculous properties (without the possibility of combining them in 1 item) + those in the Goblin shop. In your campaign, everything is balanced (according to my feeling). There are not too many trees, rocks, flowers, bushes, etc. beauties in the surrounding landscape.

Crates and barrels :) - so far in the campaigns has played 99% are fragile and often something is hidden in them. An old habit created by benevolent game creators.

===== EDIT =====

Chapter 10 solution 1: I copy the .w3p file from the 1.27 profile to the 1.30 profile and Chapter 10 started on 1.30.

Chapter 10 solution 2: Trying to do something else I patched v.1.27 again. Chapter 10 now starts normally on 1.27.

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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
I used the rebirth mod once to play the vanilla campaign on 1.27, it's really good but there were a few bugged models. Personally, I wouldn't use it with campaigns with lots of custom models, but I'm a bit surprised that only the last map poses problems. I would think a lot of custom models that use vanilla textures would look screwy/not appear at all since a lot of those are replaced with the mod. But it shouldn't stop the map from loading.

The whole "black screen and back to the campaign screen" I've often seen with maps made on later patches, but that's not the case here, so I can't help you, sorry.:sad:

EDIT : glad to know you made it work :smile:
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Because you show Arthas the Lich King before they find Illidan, you spoil the tension.
  2. After Vashj screams "retreat" Arthas is shown standing idly while the reanimated enemies expire. I think you could shorten this scene as it doesn't really help the whole cinematic.
  3. Some models, like Kael's are too high poly to fit in with the rest, regular ones.
  4. Wonder how Kael got the news that Jaina settled on Theramore since his only contact with humans was with Garithos and his troops and then he left with Illidan. Did the night elves tell him ?
  5. In the first chapter, I feel the naga have the front spot on the stage, so the UI should reflect that rather than blood elves.
  6. Vashj has no glow. You could simply add it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
  7. Would be nice to let the players choose the spells they want to start with unless some of them are mandatory for that specific chapter.
  8. Temple of the Tides contains the same Submerge research the Spawning Grounds have but the building's tier upgrades don't have the research anymore.
  9. You can simply attack the spiderwebs so it's not necessary to use Flame Strike.
  10. It's confusing that there are non-destructible trees (that you cannot gather lumber from).
  11. It would have been nice to have some context as to why Kael and Vashj have to relearn their spells. Maybe the battle with Arthas drained/weakened them?
  12. The Tuskarr quest can be updated even though it is still undiscovered. Then, when you meet them, it's a mix of the quest completion transmissions ("thank you") and hello message. Also, a conversation between Vashj and Kael got mixed in there as well since it started right before I met the Tuskarr warriors.
  13. The archmage remained selected during the cinematic scene with Timmy.
  14. Could not find the Spyglass. I wonder if Anub'arak took it since the reward from the Tuskarr disappeared after some time and I didn't take it. You could unmark the option about items for your .ai file. Alright, it was hidden behind some trees but the Tuskarr reward disappearing still needs to be investigated.
  15. The changing terrain/snow under Arthas is buggy as from snow it can change back. Maybe, try using regions to permanently change the terrain to snow when Arthas enters them, instead or use a snow FX without changing terrain.
  16. Hero and unit abilities as well as building hotkeys could be QWERTY (ASDF, ZXCV for builders) based.
  17. Varimatrhas and Arthas have no glow. Is it me or does Arthas have a different model in this map compared to the one in the intro?
  18. Looks like Sylvanas has to relearn most of her abilities as well. Could be nice to leave the player to choose the starting ones.
  19. Sylvanas' undead/Forskaen techtree could be way more different than the Scourge/Ner'zhul's.
  20. Sylvanas is doubled for the cinematic scene about Garithos being killed by her. You can briefly see that in the left part of the screen where hero icons appear.
  21. Weird that some barrels and crates are invulnerable (when playing with Arthas) and others are not (when playing as Sylvanas).
  22. When finding Jay B, the ogre remained selected during cinematic mode.
  23. Some Crypt Fiends appear on the narrow spots of cliffs and can't get down; near where Sylvanas starts.
  24. Could not find one ogre for some reason.
  25. I feel that word of Sylvanas' conversion or at least of many high elves being reanimated would have reached the ears of someone important like Kael. Sure, he might not recognize her in the current form but still.
  26. Why would they want to go through the risks of a stealth mission instead of trying to send word, a letter or something to Theramore?
  27. The ship is selected during the scene where Kael says: "Hmm, I don't like this". It's when they meet the hydra.
  28. The way the hydra breaks the stones doesn't make sense as it follows you. So you have to wait for it to break the stones near you and quickly cast Cyclone before it attacks you. So, it's pretty random, trial and error, moving back and forth casting Cyclone here and there.
  29. Ship is selected when Kael talks about the lighthouse. Also, when you reach the port at the end.
  30. Not sure if intended but you can cast Cyclone on ships.
  31. Theramore troops have the Lordaeron L on them.
  32. The citizens of Theramore are not even curious to look at the three strangers.
  33. Oh, I didn't remember the story of the previous version, so the Rexxar campaign didn't happen. At least, Daelin's character was kept.
  34. Funny, the Lich doesn't have hero glow but the skeletal eredar does Also, demons being raised is weird since demons are in similar nature to undead, necromancy being demonic magic. Could use a custom ability instead of Curse for them since Banshees already have that. Also, Varimathras could have just have the Dreadlord abilities since we didn't get to play a dreadlord in the original campaign.
  35. Sky Barges don't require food. Wouldn't that be a bit overpowered?
  36. Temple of the Damned says it trains Banshees when it does Skeletal Eredar instead.
  37. Found no shiny stone after killing the gnolls.
  38. So, the Blackrock Clan or those that were in Alterac went south to Ironforge?
  39. I guess the battle at Icecrown left everyone having to relearn their spells.
  40. The heroes suddenly disappear right at the start of the end cinematic when the gate opens; they are moved instantly in front of it.
  41. Magni remains selected when meeting him in the cinematic. The heroes remain selected as well after Magni dies.
  42. In the following interlude, the camera should go under the arch rather than through it as it looks bad to see clipping through models.
  43. How does Arthas know of the humans making Theramore their new capital?
  44. The Ice Guards still have Chaos/Fel magic around them though instead of blue undeadish type.
  45. Chapter 5 is written in French on the loading screen.
  46. The scope filter lasts only 1-2 seconds when the captain looks at the undead ships coming.
  47. You could add a dummy icon ability on the Basilisk describing the Acid Burn ability. For instance, Varimathras has one such dummy ability, the mark Arthas put on him.
  48. Sometimes, undead ships stop near the entrance to the port and don't move further. Happens after they cast Cloud.
  49. Weird that only Dreadnoughts are mechanical.
  50. Can't gain experience from neutral hostile units.
  51. Again invulnerable and vulnerable crates and barrels. Confusing, as you can find stuff in some of them.
  52. For some reason, there's something ordering a charmed frigate of mine from time to time.
  53. Moving Varimathras towards the ship from the Town Hall, paused him for a while.
  54. Kel'thuzad is selected in the scene where he talks about sending a scout before crossing the bridge.
  55. Monsoon should use a different icon since Forked Lightning uses it.
  56. -10 HP per second seems too much for the sun/wind thing.
  57. Units remain selected during the scene where they reach the fountain.
  58. The hero and his units are not moved past the last centaur rock barricade. You have to be careful where you stand before collapsing it.
  59. The wizard is selected when meeting the red dragon.
  60. Danzil tells no one to "stay here" in the cave if there's no units around him. Also, you need Invisibility for this part I guess so if your Sorceress dies before this, the walk through the orc base will be harder.
  61. Why do the hounds have a dummy selectable unit over them instead of them just having the ability? You should add the Locust ability to the dummy units to make them unselectable.
  62. Eredar Sorcerer looks like the skeletal eredar.
  63. Danzil is selected in the scene where the orcs talk about the egg.
  64. If you kill a hound, the invisibility detector remains there.
  65. A good thing to not occupy inventory space is to make quest items runes-variables.
  66. He protected the eggs in the nest but not the one that remained on the ground.
  67. Wonder how the dragon fit in the cave and flying too.
  68. A tauren speaks of how the fel orcs were treated with mercy by the warchief, assuming you still have any tauren left.
  69. Danzil is selected when meeting the Horde in the end scene. Also, after defeating the mini-boss.
  70. This chapter is reminiscent of one from Turnro's Jeopardy of the Horde campaign, where you play as a Blademaster (if I recall correctly) and go through the scorching desert to reach a Horde settlement only to find it was taken by the undead in a similar fashion as here. Or was it in your previous campaign version? I have a hard time remembering it properly.
  71. Why is Jaina talking about the Light like a Paladin?
  72. If I remember correctly, the loading screen for chapter 8 said Kael doesn't have Mass Teleport. Did he even have that? Jaina has it.
  73. I don't think it's necessary to write about the human units in the quest log.
  74. Demolishers like for the orcs? Meh.
  75. Enchanters and Elementalists don't have in their description the detail of what units they can attack. Same with: Captain, Pegasus Lancer.
  76. Weird that Sky Barges are invulnerable.
  77. The zombies triggered after Kel'thuzad was defeated and they were neutral.
  78. The undead have not corrupted the fountain in Varimathras' base, it seems.
  79. The ice where Varimathras is locked is shown once more after a quick black fade blink but this time the heroes are not there anymore. Then, the scene proceeds with the naga and blood elves moving.
  80. Why no more Phoenix?
  81. You can see undead and allied units idle from a distance and they engage when you get closer.
  82. Staff of Silence as the reward from Sapphiron is meh considering you can buy it anyway.
  83. While the final chapter is pretty awesome, I feel the ending scene was very unsatisfying. I remember in the old version a conversation between Jaina and Arthas, a psychological one; now, nothing. Also, the battle vs the ghost heroes is too easy/short.
  84. Weird that the night elves (druid of the talons) didn't go to speak to the orcs about the invasion as well. I feel Thrall and the Horde were left out. Could have made more Daelin-Thrall issues. Or was this story intended to be between The Frozen Throne and The Founding of Durotar?
  85. The music credits text overlaps each other. Same with the Easter eggs one.
  86. Black filter, thank you for playing and then you can briefly see the terrain again before it goes black again.

Overall, a lovely remaster, well, more than a remaster actually, part remaster, part remake.


    • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
    • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
    • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
Wow that's a lot of feedback. I'll answer to all even if it's not necessary because I'm OCD ^^ (don't feel you have to answer everything, deepstrasz, but I would appreciate doing it when I asked precisions)

1. I always thought Illidan surviving being mortally wounded by a weapon that can drink your soul was a retcon, so no tension to be had. YMMV of course
2. I don't remember it lasting more than a few seconds before the royal guard gets killed ? I'll rewatch it to check
3. Only the heroes and the captain/footman have HD models for cutscenes purposes, but I understand that still clashes - but having heroes revert to normal model during gameplay like in Age of mythology would be worse IMO
4. I imagine the humans have ships that make trips between continents in search of survivors, that's how some news travel but it's more rumors than reliable military intelligence
5. the 1st map is the only one where you have nagas and bloodleves bases at the same time (except 2nd half of map8) so it could be either UI
6. Does it still work ? I thought I read in one of the topics on hero glow it stopped working on some later patch so I didn't bother trying
7. yes maybe I should let players choose every spell for players that love min-maxing
8. thanks I just forgot
9. sure, it's just convenient to use flamestrike
10. the prettier trees I used as doodads don't have animations so can't be interacted with - the only ones that would worry me are the palm trees since most are destructibles but one model isn't
11. well there isn't any context for why they learned it the 1st time either, they're not exactly noobs fresh from school
12. I never thought of testing that, thanks
13 and all later mentions : I don't deselect units in cutscene (except at the end) since it's a lot of work to keep track of who's selected, deselect then reselect after, just for a minor detail
14. I'll check if Anub' can steal your items, I don't think I've ever seen any AI heroes do that
15. it IS a change of terrain. I know it is a little lot janky but I prefer to keep it
16. I don't use hotkeys so changing ALL hotkeys for 4 races ? Naaah, especially since it wouldn't even be convenient for me (I'm on azerty and not qwerty)
17. the lich king model is the same anywhere he appears (yeah no glow)
18. see 7
19. the Forsaken are just along for the ride, so I didn't develop them - sorry for their fans, you still have tomoraider and soon Sevenblood's campaigns ^^
20. what cutscene is that ? the knight that appear in the village in ruins ? you mean the icon/hero unit appeared before the cinematic mode ?
21. I want to make clear what barrels/crates are just scenery and you don't need to bother checking them, but maybe it's still not clear ?
22. see 13
23. the crypt fiends that appear, are they part of the force that attack the base ? (not that important) or part of the group that follows sylvanas after the base part ? (needs to be addressed)
24. one ogre is in a cage near the humans
25. yeah I guess he could be surprised just of her identity, not of her condition, maybe I'll change the dialog a bit
26. this time I don't have much besides "gameplay reasons, shut up !" :gg:
27. cf 13
28. I can totally understand not liking this bit since it's very different, but what doesn't make sense ? except the fact that you can go back to the hydra after the exit and it doesn't care anymore :gg:
29. cf 13
30. totally intended
31, 32, 33. yes
34. I kept spells close to vanilla most of the time, but Varimathras even in vanilla is not like the typical dreadlord spell-wise
35. they're just transports and have no attack. plus if they cost supply nobody would ever use them
36. thanks another thing I missed
37. someone already reported this one, will be fixed in next patch
38. well after they've been almost wiped by Arthas, I thought it would make sense for them to flee to the south
39. see 7
40. that sounds like working as intended, what's the problem ?
41. cf 13
42. I will check that
43. the Lich King has spies on other continents since the Legion crossed, maybe even before the vanilla campaign started
44. you mean the vanilla model ? It's just a skin so yes
45. someone already reported this one
46. Is it too short ? I thought the duration was fine
47. yes, I thought about changing the ability I base it on, but a dummy just for the icon would be easier
48. if it works as intended the next wave should make any idle ship attack again, but sometimes the enemy AI breaks for no discernible reasons... warcraft AI works in mysterious ways :con:
49. well the normal ships can be targeted by spells, Dreadnoughts have to be attacked head-on since most spells won't work
50. it's vanilla behavior that past a certain level heroes don't gain XP from creeps
51. looks like wanting to make players lose less time destroying empty crates like they're Link in a pottery shop makes them confused :grin:
52. looks like there are still units that take orders they shouldn't after you possess them, I thought I had already fixed that
53. I don't understand what you're saying, you mean the fishing boat in map 6 ?
54. cf 13
55. it's the vanilla icon
56. in fact the HP loss is dependent on total HP, so it's not just the spellcasters that risk dying from the heat damage
57 cf 13
58. yes you're supposed to understand that leaving units behind IS a risk... but you have an item to be able to mitigate that, only once so you're not punished for not knowing
59 cf 13
60. I didn't make a check to see if you got ALL your units killed - there is one to see if you have a tauren left for 2 dialogs OTOH - there are invisibility potions just next to where the cutscene starts, they're needed after you killed the shaman, you did without ?
61. I've tried everything I thought of to make the detection zone units unselectable, to no avail... and yes they have the locust ability (same with the ships in map3)
62. I didn't even see that, thanks
63 cf 13
64. I should have thought of that:hohum:
65. what do you mean rune-variable ?
66. maybe I should hide the one on the ground at that moment
67. Magic ? :grin:
68. yes
69. cf 13
70. I've only seen a let's play of Turnro's campaigns once so... Maybe ? In the old version the loss of HP was too small and the desert was very quickly crossed so the mechanic was kinda useless
71. What dialog are you referring to ? I don't know if Jaina personally believes in the Light, but a lot of humans do, and paladins were a big deal before getting slaughtered
72. Looks like my hint is confusing to people : I just mean that one of your base/hero has mass teleport which is the best there is when it comes to mobility, the other doesn't and so has to use other means
73. well you should have seen most of them already at this point, but having the details of a new techtree IN A PAUSABLE MENU seems necessary to me on a holdout map
74. they're only useful if you want to raze the undead bases in the 2nd part anyway
75. I thought I already added that, must have forgotten on this map
76. I tried making them attackable but it ruins the unloading deep in your lines mechanic and makes the side quest too easy
77. you sniped the portal with invisible or flying units, didn't you ? I'll make the zombies not spawn if you already won against this base
78. well sometimes you just keep it ; it's a nice fountain you know :smile:
79. you mean there is a fade that you shouldn't get before the transition to the ending cutscene after the varimathras scene ?
80. no flying unit on this map, same as no farsight in some Thrall campaign missions
81. I tried to make idle units not visible before you trigger the fights but it's not 100% -line of sight is tricky sometimes
82. I should replace it in the shop then, it's kinda important for the final fight (but not necessary of course)
83. the old version had conversation between the 2 ex-lovers because the POWER OF LOVE(TM) won the day but it was all a bit stupid - now you have conversations between the heroes and each ghost instead. gameplay-wise at this point it's pretty easy because the Lich King is on his last legs and I don't like boss battles that are too long
I'm bummed out you found the ending underwhelming as I thought it was some of my best work (and the lich king boss abilities were a pain to make work) :sad:
84. I added the nightelves already, as they were nowhere to be found on the old version, but another race on the last map(s) was too much and the orcs are already present in map 4 and map 7 - and it's sort of a plot point that the different races should exchange more in the epilogue - same as forsaken fans, sorry orc fans ^^
85. sh*t, it works perfectly on my version : 1.27/8 with the widescreen mod, I guess that's why so many mapmakers use static imported screens for credits
86. I'll check that

Thanks a bunch for all the points you mention. I think it's a more of a remake overall, with only map 6 and 8 that are just "remastered", the others are at least 50% different, and of course 2 new maps made from scratch.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Hey, thanks for answering.
Only the heroes and the captain/footman have HD models for cutscenes purposes, but I understand that still clashes - but having heroes revert to normal model during gameplay like in Age of mythology would be worse IMO
It's bad every time since cutscenes are also having more low poly models.
Does it still work ? I thought I read in one of the topics on hero glow it stopped working on some later patch so I didn't bother trying
Yeah, why not? It's just a model FX you put on your hero like that of orbs.
and all later mentions : I don't deselect units in cutscene (except at the end) since it's a lot of work to keep track of who's selected, deselect then reselect after, just for a minor detail
You can simply deselect all when the scenes start, and reselect all after. It's simple to do it specifically by using a unit group. Pick all units in group units selected by player 1, set variable unit group = selected units. Then when the scene finishes, you just do unit group-pick all units in group "selected units". But again, you can simply just either select only the heroes or all units near the heroes or region where the scene starts.
20. what cutscene is that ? the knight that appear in the village in ruins ? you mean the icon/hero unit appeared before the cinematic mode ?
Yes, that scene. You can see two hero icons. It may happen in other cinematic scenes in the campaign. I guess, you're using dummy heroes for the cutscenes and the cinematic borders/mode doesn't fully appear before the dummies appear.
21. I want to make clear what barrels/crates are just scenery and you don't need to bother checking them, but maybe it's still not clear ?
Actually, in some maps there's stuff in them, like gold for the optional quest when you defend against undead ships.
23. the crypt fiends that appear, are they part of the force that attack the base ? (not that important) or part of the group that follows sylvanas after the base part ? (needs to be addressed)
They are enemies and probably appeared after the Scourge started attacking the base.
40. that sounds like working as intended, what's the problem ?
You can see them disappear which is weird.
46. Is it too short ? I thought the duration was fine
Yeah, breaks immersion; the whole or most of the scene could be seen through the scope.
49. well the normal ships can be targeted by spells, Dreadnoughts have to be attacked head-on since most spells won't work
That makes other ships organic or something. You could just make spells target mechanical stuff instead and add resistant skin or magic immunity to the big ones.
52. looks like there are still units that take orders they shouldn't after you possess them, I thought I had already fixed that
Probably the converted units remain in the enemy group and are ordered by the trigger(s).
53. I don't understand what you're saying, you mean the fishing boat in map 6 ?
Yeah, there's a boat in that village. When Varimathras moved towards it, the hero was paused (like trigger pause unit) for a few seconds.
55. it's the vanilla icon
Not a reason not to improve.
61. I've tried everything I thought of to make the detection zone units unselectable, to no avail... and yes they have the locust ability (same with the ships in map3)
Are the units pre-placed or created via triggers? Also, Locust should not be added via triggers but be put via the unit editor as their default ability.
65. what do you mean rune-variable ?
Like, make a dummy rune item and when you pick it up, make a trigger that makes a bolean called DragonEggFound = true. Then when you get back to the dragon, there's a condition checking if the bolean is true when the hero enters the region or gets within a certain range of the dragon.
71. What dialog are you referring to ? I don't know if Jaina personally believes in the Light, but a lot of humans do, and paladins were a big deal before getting slaughtered
Sure but the Light wasn't something the Kirin Tor believed in or used so it feels out of character.
76. I tried making them attackable but it ruins the unloading deep in your lines mechanic and makes the side quest too easy
Maybe, use portals instead :D
77. you sniped the portal with invisible or flying units, didn't you ? I'll make the zombies not spawn if you already won against this base
Not really, I just somehow maybe circumvented the region or something. I went with my heroes mainly.
79. you mean there is a fade that you shouldn't get before the transition to the ending cutscene after the varimathras scene ?
So, the fade should last longer so you don't see the ice trap again after the fade.
81. I tried to make idle units not visible before you trigger the fights but it's not 100% -line of sight is tricky sometimes
Let them fight from the start and only enable them take damage when you get closer to them.
I'm bummed out you found the ending underwhelming as I thought it was some of my best work (and the lich king boss abilities were a pain to make work)
It's all fine. I just expected Jaina-Arthas interaction, proper one. Sylvanas had more screen time with Arthas which was good but made Jaina a minor character.
84. I added the nightelves already, as they were nowhere to be found on the old version, but another race on the last map(s) was too much and the orcs are already present in map 4 and map 7 - and it's sort of a plot point that the different races should exchange more in the epilogue - same as forsaken fans, sorry orc fans ^^
Actually, the orcs could just come like the elven units did. For instance, instead of the dragons and wildkins/animals. Thrall and/or Cairne could have taken Daelin's place in the end to give him more time to recuperate.
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
-Yeah I didn't change every model appearing in a cutscene ever cause redoing the entire Rebirth mod in a campaign is a bit too much. ^^

-it's not hard to deselect for cutscene, it's just I don't see much point + there's one time when the units selected after a cutscene matter : when you get control of Sylvanas in map2

-normally I made sure to have the fade to black be finished before any change to units and stuff like that, but I may have forgotten some cutscenes in the first maps

-for the barrels and crates do you think maybe I should put in a different color those that are destructible ? so players know the others are just scenery

-the crypt fiends appear on the cliff where sylvanas is during the cutscene/before she arrives at the base ? or is it a different cliff ?

-between making the ships organic and changing all the spells that you, the ally and the scourge could use on the ships... yeah I'll stick with what I did, it won't make sense any way to parasite/possess etc. a mechanical unit

-when one of your unit goes north towards the ship the camera should show you some villagers arm themselves, your units are paused during that but you can miss it if you move the camera yourself - I didn't want to make a cutscene each time it happens as it would kill the pacing

-the detection zone units are preplaced and they have Locust as a default ability - for some reason some units are unselectable as intended (wards or towers I used as scenery for example) but some are selectable by dragging the mouse around

-I made a plot point that portals aren't that easy to use so it wouldn't work... maybe some teleporting, limited device

-make units fight without taking damage before you step in could work for some groups, yeah

-well in this version I'd say the main characters are Kael/Sylvanas then Vashj then the humans and the undead are mainly antagonists so Jaina is not the focus, true - but she still has more interactions with the others than old version

-if I make a Rise of the Lich King ReHorded in 15 years I'll do that - and you'll control 12 heroes in the final map !:xxd:


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Thanks for the clarifications.
-for the barrels and crates do you think maybe I should put in a different color those that are destructible ? so players know the others are just scenery
Or make those that are supposed to be vulnerable have specific models, something like you did with the trees.
-it's not hard to deselect for cutscene, it's just I don't see much point
It breaks immersion of the scenes when you see the circles. You already have the screen filled with aura and whatever else effects, at times too.
-the crypt fiends appear on the cliff where sylvanas is during the cutscene/before she arrives at the base ? or is it a different cliff ?
I saw them on the cliff where you start with her and the banshees I think, near the edge of it to the west. The base is northeast of that part of the highland terrain.
-between making the ships organic and changing all the spells that you, the ally and the scourge could use on the ships... yeah I'll stick with what I did, it won't make sense any way to parasite/possess etc. a mechanical unit
What? Well, that's the point, that if ships don't have the mechanical or some other unit type tag (like ancient for example, on them, abilities like Parasite, Doom, Cripple, Posses etc. would work. So, in this (how it is in the game now) case, only the Dreadnaught would be protected against those.
-when one of your unit goes north towards the ship the camera should show you some villagers arm themselves, your units are paused during that but you can miss it if you move the camera yourself - I didn't want to make a cutscene each time it happens as it would kill the pacing
Oh, maybe that happened but I failed to see the villagers. Well, it's a bit weird that you are totally locked to just watching. You could leave it at the player having the option to kill/delay them before they arm themselves. They did this in the RoC undead campaign.
-the detection zone units are preplaced and they have Locust as a default ability - for some reason some units are unselectable as intended (wards or towers I used as scenery for example) but some are selectable by dragging the mouse around
Then, try making them via triggers. That will work; you won't be able to select them anymore.
-I made a plot point that portals aren't that easy to use so it wouldn't work... maybe some teleporting, limited device
Or just find a neat flying undead transport and make it super resistant as you made the barges in the last chapter, fortified.
-if I make a Rise of the Lich King ReHorded in 15 years I'll do that - and you'll control 12 heroes in the final map !:xxd:
Ha-ha. I loved that in Turnro's Jeopardy of the Horde. It could be really neat although, you'd need a lot of space to move through.
You could always just make some of the heroes friendly AI controlled.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
It feels good to experience this campaign again after many years! Brings so much nostalgia, in fact I believe this was the first campaign I've played in Warcraft 3. I played the french version which was hosted on Arena's Guard... Haven... or something like that (I don't remember the name of that website) Nonetheless, it is great to replay this campaign again and I'm very impressed by the improvements you've made to it. Though, I'm not a very big fan of the Reforged models but that is just not my taste. The AI is sometimes very hard for example in the mission where you have to defend the portal with Kel'thuzad my units died quickly, also in the defense of Theramore where you have to counterattack the undead I had like 10 royal naga guards and they all got wiped out by hundreds of skeletons! Crushing Wave didn't help much. Now I don't consider myself a noob in RTS but the AI seems unreasonable sometimes. Another thing I noticed is that the chapters can't be skipped using the victory cheat, if you use them nothing happens which means in case you get stuck in some mission there is no way to progress further. Finally my biggest issue throughout this campaign is the Memory Leaks, it looks like your campaign is suffering from huge memory leaks which causes lag/crashes and long loading screens. At first, I tried to play this campaign on patch 1.31.1 but then I had to revert to 1.29 because of the crashes. I suggest you fix those memory leaks to optimize your triggers : Things That Leak

Overrall, it is an excellent remake. Well done! 5/5
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
Glad you liked it !
-it was Aerie's guard, I was very active there at the time, we even made a collective french translation of Dwarf campaign
-the HD models are ported from WOW and Heroes of the storm mostly, no reforged at all as I don't like the style
-if you really got hundreds of skeletons in map8 the AI must have bugged out and some attack waves must have stayed in the base instead, resulting in way too many defenders when you attack - I thought I had fixed that bug ages ago but I guess not in 100% of cases
-mission6 can go south pretty fast if you lose your heavy hitters - I made micro maps harder since I'm better at (and prefer) managing a small squad than I am at macroing a base
-if you get stuck just use whosyourdaddy I don't see the problem :huh:
-the memory leaks are caused by the use of moving units to show detection in the stealth sections in map3 and 7, I don't know any other way than to have a periodic 'every 0.0X seconds' event for that



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
Wow, I remember playing it ages ago. In particular, I remember killing bandits as Lich King in Chapter 2 as if it was just yesterday. Was really cool to finaly play the Lich King himself, and he felt really powerful. And then I was quite confused when I didn't get to play him anymore. That campaign title really sets different expectations, haha. And now, a proper well deserved remake for a memorable classic.
Custom music nicely fits the atmosphere and doesn't feel repetitive. Terrain was quite high quality even in the original campaign and now it got even better. In particular, Theramore city now actually looks like a city and not a sunken temple. And damn, does it look good. I wish Chapter 9 wasn't so short, the terrain here is especially beatiful. And I still remember playing the original campaign and being impressed when I first saw that ship with ensnare net placed right nearby, so it looks like a fishing ship using fishing net, in the chapter with Kel'Thuzad and Varimathras securing portals. That's the level of attention to details, that eventually add up to a become a beautiful scenery. Overall, terrain is quite pleasnt to look at and play on. The easter eggs are a nice addition, the Dwarf Campaign one is my personal favourite. The stealth system is nice, always good to have some original gameplay ideas. Overall, it might not be as grandiose as some campaigns (for example, Tomoraider's ones), but that's definitely a 10/10 campaign for me.

Anyway, here's also a few thoughts considering the campaign and a few bugs I encountered. Played on 1.29 and campaign version 1.0.
1) First, I know this is entirely personal preference and very subjective, but I'll list it anyway. I'm not a fan of HD models and think the campaign would be better with classic-style custom models.
IMO Blood Mage has one of the best classic models in the entire game, so replacing his model is the most uncalled for replacement, especially since Kael's HD model is awful. Kael looks like a shabby late-middle aged man and not like an ever young elven prince, and his walking animation looks as if he works at Ministry of Silly Walks. And his attack animation isn't even synchronised - his orb flies off before he does corresponding motion with his hand.
Kel'Thuzad's model doesn't exactly correspond to his selection sphere (or whatever it's called) - sometimes clicking on him fails to actually select him and even selection rectangle fails to do so. That's pretty annoying.
Vashj has wrong alignment of auras beneath her, they're flipped by 45 degrees.
2) No golems for dwarfs?
3) In RPG-like sections with Sylvanas and Varimathras with Kel'Thuzad (the ones that start with choosing units) it would be better if heroes got their mana and health replenished at the start of such sections. And casters should start with full mana too.
4) Basilisks are somewhat overpowered - they have piercing damage (effective against frigates and wyrms with light armor) and medium armor (again effective against frigates and wyrms with piercing damage), passive(!) armor reduction, more health and armor than couatls, and they even cost almost the same as couatls. A single squad of basilisks is enough to effortlessly complete the mission, don't even need to bother with cleansing the curses.
5) In Chapter 6 Kel'Thuzad's portal should be moved left a bit, it's too close to Human base, especially those nasty mana burning towers - feels like a really rough landing.
6) Also in this and other chapters there are a lot of trees placed in straight lines and they even have the same height, which doesn't look good.
7) In Chapter 7, are quilboars supposed to just stay neutral? I expected them to help me since I released them.
8) In Chapter 8, I don't think it's a good idea to allow endlessly buying books from marketplace, especially for such a low price and short restock time. Jaina and a squad of pegasi are able to fend off all undead attacks, while blood elves mine all the gold they want, so there's quite an abundance of gold to spend. And it allows to buy the whole library of books, easly overpowering all heroes. The tip in Chapter 10 (about int-heroes being fragile) looks like a joke when you can have 2k+ hp 10+ armor heroes with virtually endless mana, able to steamroll the whole mission without even AI ally.
9) Second part of this mission (counter-attack to destroy portals) was somewhat too easy - felt like the undead ran out units, which is ironic considering they have the portals for that very reason. Varimathras' base at least put up some fight, although still weaker than I anticipated. But Kel'Thuzad's base felt like the portal was already destroyed and a bunch of zombies was the last effort to do something before inevitable defeat. Kael, Jaina and a squad of pegasi used, not a single one died even.
10) Kael vs Kel'Thuzad looked silly, considering Kael could use banish to slow Kel'Thuzad and then properly land flamestrike.
11) Jaina's Arcane mastery is overpowered - mass dispel with mana and health replenishment AND damage and armor buff for allies for whole 45 seconds? That's just insane.
12) Why does Gutface teleport back to his original position if he walks too far away from it?
13) Gutface was the hardest boss, and not Lich King. That's somewhat disappointing. Lich King really lacks some powerful AOE (and resurrecting all the dead afterwards), the whole fight is basically just a horde of units beating one poor guy. And the ghosts felt no harder than abominations. And I know the point about Lich King has already been mentioned, but "Lich King is on his last legs" doesn't really make sense. He's basically strongest creature on Azeroth at the moment, and even felt confident enough to go on full offensive, so it's kind of lame that he ends like this (although still way better than purging Ner'Zhul with power of love).
Same thing with Sapphiron - he's just weak and lacks powerful AOE, and when he starts flying it's a free time to destroy undead spawner. Also, starfall around him (while he's flying) doesn't deal any noticeable damage.

1) Destroyed spiderwebs leave permanent glittering animation.
2) It's possible to stand on lava here.
3) These ziggurats overlaping looks silly.
4) In Chapter 6, Cemetary side quest can be discovered only when Shade walks close to the cemetary. Otherwise even after completing it, it still shows "Quest not yet discovered".
5) Casting Fire Shield on units with mana (except heroes) causes affected units to lose all mana.
6) In Chapter 7 centaurs around centaur warchief don't react to being attacked (by ranged basic attacks and spells). They only attack when some unit walks up almost to melee range.
7) In Chapter 8 buying stuff from marketplace for Jaina spends money from blood elves instead of Jaina's Forces.
8) In Chapter 9 some paths are blocked by rubble, but it's possible to get behind the rubble by teleporting onto friendly buildings. And so I did - teleported Kael and went to explore, trying to find another secret. And then after stepping behind this torch Kael just disappeared, even his icon in the top-left corner was gone. Yet the mission didn't fail as it would if he died. I can imagine Kael blacked out and the first thing he hears when he finaly comes to his senses is "Hey, you, you're finally awake".
9) Replaying an already completed chapter messes up the secrets counter. I was replaying Chapter 9 and triggered the secret cutscene again, after it ended the message showed "secret found 10\10", even though I haven't even played Chapter 10 yet. Replayed Chapter 9 again - "secret found 11\10".
10) "Aura of disease" text is colored green instead of red, like a debuff.
11) Malfurion's Wrath of the moon ability hotkey [r] is not working.
12) Jaina's Arcane mastery hotkey [m] overlaps with Move command hotkey.
13) Uhh, not sure what even happened here, but I guess duplicate heroes were spawned for the cutscene and then weren't removed?
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Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
First thanks for the kind words and feedback
Just because I'm curious : what makes a campaign "grandiose" ?

1) I agree vanilla Blood Mage has one of the best classic models in the entire game, but having some heroes stay vanilla while most are replaced would be weird. And I think all his spell animations are pretty cool. I didn't find Kel'Thuzad's harder to click than usual ?
"Vashj has wrong alignment of auras beneath her, they're flipped by 45 degrees." I thought there was something strange... :gg:
2) No golems for dwarfs? well have you seen the boss ?
3) mana in squad sections: They have about 75%, but you're right normal units maybe should have 100%
4) Basilisks overpowered - they're supposed to be better than couatls (that I nerfed a bit) or else why bother, but if you say using only them is a good strategy maybe I went a bit overboard
5) Chapter 6 rough landing : the cutscene shows you what you're up against but I could place the portal a bit more to the left
6) trees in straight lines : I'll look into that
7) Chapter 7 quilboars : I think I'll just delete them, you're not supposed to go into the centaur village
8) Chapter 8 books from marketplace : I like to give players options, if they want to get OP heroes and crush any difficulty, I let them. I guess I could increase price and restock time.
9) Second part of this mission : you get 4 heroes and you can train royal guards so it's a victory lap - you can get in trouble only if you're caught in static defenses with 2 enemy attack waves at the same time I think
10) Kael vs Kel'Thuzad : in this cutscene Kael is not exactly thinking straight
11) Jaina's Arcane mastery is overpowered : most of the new hero ablities are more powerful than vanilla, and I felt Jaina didn't feel like an ARCHmage and needed a boost since her ultimate is utility only
12) Gutface teleport : I don't want him to be able to camp on a spawn point or be kited to your base
13) difficulty of bosses : did you play with overpowered heroes/without allies' support ?
  • Gutface I always find him to be pretty easy since he's mostly a debuffer and even if you get caught in his AoE the damage is low
  • Sapphiron can really wreck you in melee, especially if you get frozen - when he start flying it's a bad idea to follow him too closely but you're not in danger of dying otherwise
  • the Lich King : if you don't pay attention he can easily kill a hero with his drain, and the blue flames can take about a third of your health each time
  • the ghosts are vanilla lvl10, I could make them higher lvl but I don't want to give them new abilities

-"Lich King is on his last legs" doesn't really make sense : he created a giant death zone and constantly raises undead from a long dead civilization, I'd say that's pretty powerful but it takes a toll, which is why his total control over Sylvanas slips during the mission. And when he's trying to take her back and the connection is brutally severed, he is quite weakened.

1) Destroyed spiderwebs : model is bugged, I make the models disappear on death but not for all of them
2) lava bug : thanks for the tip
3) These ziggurats overlaping looks silly : maybe ?
4) Cemetary side quest : thanks for the tip
5) Casting Fire Shield on units with mana (except heroes) causes affected units to lose all mana : What ? I'm gonna check that
6) In Chapter 7 centaurs around centaur warchief don't react to being attacked : well you're not supposed to attack them at all, but if you insist to aggravate them by going near them they will all attack and you will probably regret it - it's a compromise so that you don't get screwed if a stray ranged attack aggroes the pack
7) In Chapter 8 buying stuff from marketplace for Jaina spends money from blood elves instead of Jaina's Forces : really ? that's strange since jaina belongs to a different player - I never tested if it's the same in vanilla TFT campaign, like the map with garithos :huh:
8) In Chapter 9 teleport : I didn't know/forgot the teleport item could be used on allies, I'll have to change that or delete this item on this map : you're very much not supposed to go beyond the barricades
-"I can imagine Kael blacked out and the first thing he hears when he finally comes to his senses is "Hey, you, you're finally awake". I don't recognize this reference :hohum:
9) I know about the secret count being exploitable by replaying a completed chapter but most player won't and the reward is not that important
10) "Aura of disease" text is colored green instead of red, like a debuff : I don't know if you can make an aura buff appear in red
11) Malfurion's Wrath of the moon ability hotkey [r] is not working : I'll check that
12) Jaina's Arcane mastery hotkey [m] overlaps with Move command hotkey : I forgot it's M in english :sad:
13) duplicate heroes were spawned for the cutscene and then weren't removed : that sure looks like it, did you skip it/when if yes ? I never saw the cutscene heroes not being removed while testing



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
Just because I'm curious : what makes a campaign "grandiose" ?
I meant the scale of the campaign - huge maps, lots of content, lots of time to play it through, that kind of stuff.
2) No golems for dwarfs? well have you seen the boss ?
Well, there were mithril golems as normal units in the original campaign. I thought it makes sense that dwarfs use all of their best technologies as a last resort, when enemy is at the doorstep.
3) mana in squad sections: They have about 75%, but you're right normal units maybe should have 100%
I was refering to this. Sylvanas got hurt while defending the base, next RPG section started and she retained the amount of health & mana she had before that, even anti-magic shell cast before that is retained. Banshees have ~33% mana. Same thing with Kel'Thuzad and Varimathras - they retain health & mana values they had before RPG section started.
6) trees in straight lines : I'll look into that
Thought I might show a couple of examples what I mean. I know it's a minor thing, that hardly anyone might notice, but to me personally it just looks copypasted and kind of ruins the immersion.
9) Second part of this mission : you get 4 heroes and you can train royal guards so it's a victory lap - you can get in trouble only if you're caught in static defenses with 2 enemy attack waves at the same time I think
Well, I just find it strange that Scourge sends so many units during first part, and then in the second part it feels like they suddenly ran out of army.
13) difficulty of bosses : did you play with overpowered heroes/without allies' support ?
Heroes were indeed overpowered, but it didn't matter much, I was mostly using spells, so only mana mattered. As for allies' support - that's the problem, there were too many of them. By the time I got to Lich King, there were a huge army and my heroes even had trouble getting closer to Lich King due to bodyblocking.
7) In Chapter 8 buying stuff from marketplace for Jaina spends money from blood elves instead of Jaina's Forces : really ? that's strange since jaina belongs to a different player - I never tested if it's the same in vanilla TFT campaign, like the map with garithos :huh:
It probably has to do something with the bugged patron selection. When Kael and Jaina stay like this, you can see red and blue arrows pointing at corresponding heroes, but Kael is always selected as a current customer (on screen, inventory with 4 items is his), and trying to select Jaina (Select User button in the marketplace) doesn't do anything. So to buy anything for Jaina I need only her to be in marketplace's selection range. Also, if Jaina is alone and selected by marketplace, when I move Kael in marketplace's range he automatically gets selected.
I don't recognize this reference :hohum:
Skyrim intro meme.
that sure looks like it, did you skip it/when if yes ?
Didn't skip, was the first time I played this mission. Ironically, everything worked fine when I loaded the save and then skiped the cutscene.
Level 24
Dec 24, 2019
What can I say? You've done a great job, it's really worth the time it takes to play it. It's not perfect and I personally like stories with original characters better, but the gameplay is enjoyable, it's entertaining and the details are very careful. It has been very good for me at all levels, cinematics, maps, mechanics... For my part it is an 8.5/10

Thank you for sharing your work, regards.
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
I posted the 2nd update. the biggest changes are :

-fixing the weird bug that made casting fireshield on upgraded spellcasters reset their mana to 0 (but not unupgraded ones, or heroes who also increase their mana with each levelup :huh: )
-removed the neutral quilboar prisoners in map7 as players thought they could be released
-dialogs and sidequest cutscenes are now in a queue and won't interfere with one another in map1
Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
Hello, I just tried to play the campaign, but this is what I got when I opened up the mission list screen
Is it due to me trying to play it on 1.29.2?


  • Capture.JPG
    64.1 KB · Views: 45
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Hello, I just tried to play the campaign, but this is what I got when I opened up the mission list screen
Is it due to me trying to play it on 1.29.2?
It's not the game version, but the campaign file seems to be corrupted. Re-downloading that file is the only way to solve this problem.
Also, the location of the custom campaigns for 1.29.2 is now in "Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns" folder.
Level 6
Jul 5, 2017
It's not the game version, but the campaign file seems to be corrupted. Re-downloading that file is the only way to solve this problem.
Also, the location of the custom campaigns for 1.29.2 is now in "Documents/Warcraft III/Campaigns" folder.
Must've been corrupted, then. Yeah that's where I always put the campaigns I download