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Ratkin Kingdom

Introducing my very first custom melee map

Featuring a lizard new race, the Saurix Tribe. To play the custom race, just play as Orcs and you'll get the custom units, building and techtree.

The map that took place is a re-terrained version of
Emerald Garden, but it's now an Underground theme, fitting for the map's new creeps, The Ratkins, the mortal enemy of the Saurix.

(Note: If you finished the map like defeated all enemies, you need to just leave the game as it won't display the victory screen which I don't know how to fix that yet...)

Special Thanks to: @Gluma for most of the lizard and rat models. I really like them!

:piru::piru::piru:Hope you all enjoy it:piru::piru::piru:

Mur'gul frenzy by protivogaznik, Blizzard Entertainment
Beastiary and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Farm (Pig) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lizardman Militia by Gluma
Barracks (Orc) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lizard Raptor Rider by Gluma, Hantoo
Ketzual by Callahan
Lizardman Archer by Gluma
Spirit Lodge and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
OrcTent by Dark Hunter1357
Either or all of the following:
Great Hall and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lizardman Worker by Gluma
BTNarmorportrait by Gluma
Snipe Target Green by Tranquil
Either or all of the following:
BTNarchportrait2 by Gluma
Ratling Gunner by Gluma
Wind Viper by Explobomb
Stormvermin by Gluma
Lizardman Assasin by Gluma
Glacial Breath / Frost / Cold by Darkfang
Stone Shield by JesusHipster
Burrow (Orc) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNSmoke by Tazo
Watch Tower and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Dragon Fly Stinger by Gluma
Ketzual by MangakaDark
BTNCleaverStrike by Freaky DevA
Lizard Shaman Master Icon by PMC Revenant
Lizardman Warrior by Gluma
BTNArcane by SkriK
Hero Lizard Witch by Gluma
Jungle Troll - Altar of Blood by Deolrin
Lizardman royal guard by Gluma
Lizardman Shaman by Gluma
Mist Aura by Pyritie
Rock Impale by 00110000
BTNFireShield by Darkfang
Lizardman Juggernaut by Gluma
Skaven Clanrat by Gluma
Voodoo Lounge and Derivatives by Blizzard Entertainment, Ujimasa Hojo
Warplock Jezzail by Gluma
ArcaneRocket_Projectile by sPy
Orc Doodad Pack (Lotr) by HerrDave
Gnaraya by Callahan
BTNPhantomSpear by Darkfang
BTNNatureArmor by Mc !
Pit Lord and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Lizard Pyromancer by Gluma
Either or all of the following:
Forge (BETA) and Derivatives by Blizzard Entertainment, Ujimasa Hojo
GreySmoke by Ergius
Lizard Shaman Adapt Icon by PMC Revenant
BTNAltarOfBlood by Deolrin
BTNMultiRockToss by The Panda
Rat Ogre by Cavman
BTN_Raptor_Mouth by ReadyAimFire
Altar of Storms and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNSwordSwing by X.e.r.e.X
Arcane Wave by Pyritie
Shadow orb by SovietElf


Ratkin Kingdom (Map)

The dart choosing is nice. Not sure how balanced it is. For instance we don't know the bonus damage each gives and some like the cold or slowing ones seem better than the fire one (does it have some AoE/splash damage?) but the latter takes more mana...
Level 28
Jun 11, 2017
wow, I'm the first to comment!

  • And I thought at first that there would be 2 custom races: saurix and ratkin...
  • The gameplay is close enough for the original Horde gameplay. But I can say that the Saurix footman unit is quite strong, and the hero that can create nearly free 2 units from 1 corpse - Raise Dead - which is mostly an item spell rather than a hero spell - is very strong.
  • Why do Saurix healers heal non-automatic, like, for example, priests from Alliance?
  • Somehow my enemies got stuck at one of their ally's expansion bases, but I think that is the Blizzard AI bug.
  • Overall race is really strong. But I think that for starters its quite nice and niche gameplay. I think that reducing damage output and adding some sort of passive heal would be nice for such a race.
Looking forward to seeing more.
Level 9
Apr 10, 2022
wow, I'm the first to comment!

  • And I thought at first that there would be 2 custom races: saurix and ratkin...
  • The gameplay is close enough for the original Horde gameplay. But I can say that the Saurix footman unit is quite strong, and the hero that can create nearly free 2 units from 1 corpse - Raise Dead - which is mostly an item spell rather than a hero spell - is very strong.
  • Why do Saurix healers heal non-automatic, like, for example, priests from Alliance?
  • Somehow my enemies got stuck at one of their ally's expansion bases, but I think that is the Blizzard AI bug.
  • Overall race is really strong. But I think that for starters its quite nice and niche gameplay. I think that reducing damage output and adding some sort of passive heal would be nice for such a race.
Looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks for the feedback, my friend!

  • The Saurix was the first custom race I fully made for melee map. Maybe I'll do a ratkin race soon but for now, they're just creeps in this map.
  • Because I made the Saurix race to have high damage output as their unique strait like all other races.
  • I initially thought it would make it fair for their high damage output, but I guess I was wrong. I'll fix that.
  • I noticed that issue as well, however, I currently do not know how to fix that one.
  • Will looked at and balance around it.
Thanks for playing!
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
A charming first attempt at a custom faction, it is both simple and enjoyable to see.

At a glance, it's worth noting that a lot of the stats of units are unedited from the ingame units they were based on, but the changes in abilities and upgrades do offer a level of variety. Following a more aggressive playstyle, I think it's important to keep to that original vision (there is really no harm in having that as the playstyle) - of course, it's possible that the execution for a more balanced experience would need to be refined, but for a project like this I think I would not worry too much about the balance since that could remove from its identity.

To look at each unit individually, we have:

Toiler - The worker for the faction, it is functionally the same as the Peasant with a "Call to Arms" ability, with the added bonus of the "Tauren" tag (now renamed "Lizard"). This tag is used for all ground "Lizard" units would be valuable in the instance of a unit having the "Ancestral Spirit" ability (this is a bit of Foreshadowing - more on this when I talk about the heroes!).

Slicer - This unit is the ingame Footman, with Critical Strike (12%) instead of Defend, and access to Brute Strength. This makes it a formidable combatant once these researches are accrued, which already makes for a unit that scales better towards the mid-to-late game than the ingame Footman. However, this does still have Unit Inventory (Human), and so it can never benefit from the Backpack upgrade - good thing people tend not to bother with those!

Sagittarius - The ingame Archer unit replaces Elune's Grace with a custom Vampiric Potion ability, providing a bonus +2 damage for 10 seconds. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the ingame Archer, who for one of their upgrades can get +3 damage permanently, and in another upgrade get additional attack range - all without having tier 1.5 tech requirements.

Juggernaut - A slower Knight (thank god, imagine if it ran that fast!), except it has... Pulverise? That's a really cute combination of Tauren and Knight, and it retains the Animal War Training upgrade (renamed "Champion's Might"). Very nice :)

Legionnaire - The ingame Tauren, except it benefits from Animal War Training and can unlock the Slam ability, effectively replacing Pulverise with an active cast ability that stuns and deals more damage. It also gets Drunken Brawler, with a 5% chance to dodge and a.... 500% chance to deal double damage. Holy crap.

Raptor Rider - Ingame Raider with Frenzy, retains Pillage.

Wind Viper - Wind Rider, but it has mana to cast Abolish Magic. It has a reskinned Envenomed Weapons ability, so it's purely a buff to the original design (which, balance wise, has probably been lackluster for a good while now, so the buff is welcome).

Dragonfly Cavalier - Batrider, but with Shadow Strike.

Siege Lizard - Dragon Turtle (Naga) but with Chain Lightning instead of Spiked Shell and Hardened Skin. Also can't swim. Nice simple design, although I'm beginning to notice more and more damage spells on units.

Enchanter - Witch Doctor but with Healing Salve (still dispels when attacked, making it a poor man's Rejuvenation) and Inner Fire. Retains Stasis Trap. For some reason edited to share stats with the Priest, instead of the unit being based off of the Priest.

Witch - Witch Doctor (for real, this time!) but with Breath of Frost (oh boy...), Feral Spirit (summons 1 Fel Beast) and... Curse. Genuinely sounds like a mentally powerful caster.

Alchemyest - Spirit Walker but with Soul Burn (for real?), Firebolt (yep, the one that stuns), Lightning Shield and Rain of Fire. Holy crap this is insanely strong. You almost never actually see direct damage spells on casters in Warcraft 3, and here's one with three of them alongside one of the more acceptable ingame instances of it. All with Spirit Walker stats.

So, looking at the units overall, there is a huge emphasis on damage spells which, for the most part, does little to offer strategic variety. Having a lot of these in a gameplay style which uses almost none can be problematic, and using spells like Soul Burn as a unit ability is really formidable for the fact they have secondary effects which are primarily restricted to heroes (Soul Burn, for example, causes a "Silence" effect on the target, meaning if you chain this, you can stop heroes from being able to cast completely [this lasts 6 seconds on heroes per cast, btw]).

Balance wise, I wouldn't really bother so much with that, but design wise the overuse of damage spells does seem to provide a disservice, and in some instances the utility spells are lackluster (Mending being purely a non-combat healing could be okay I guess, but there's just better stuff available in the game, but at the same time it really depends on the gameplay style you want to accomplish for the race).

To briefly gloss over some key points about the Heroes, I want to mention:

- Having a hero with a spell based off of Raise Dead can provide some issues in some rare occasions, purely because Raise Dead has an inbuilt restriction on how many units can be summoned by it overall (the cap, I believe, is 15). It might be better to base this ability off of Carrion Beetle, which can accomplish the same by applying a duration and I believe setting the max unit count to 0 might make it infinite (if not, just set it to an impossibly high target). If anybody thinks this is overpowered, they're objectively wrong (the spell requires a corpse, Carrion Beetle as a hero ability exists, Feral Spirit, Summon Water Elemental, Lava Spawn, the Beastmaster's entire spell roster, there's a whole host of available summons, and raising Skeletons often serves primarily to feed enemy experience as game's progress).

- Ancestral Spirit makes its way here as a hero ability, meaning early on you can revive your fallen units. That's kind of cool.

- Smoke Bomb requires the hero to be channeling it, which is a bit of a shame since I think it could benefit from using what you seemed to have originally designed with a dummy caster placing it for you, like you throw down the Smoke Bomb. One thing I could even suggest (which might be bonkers OP) is that it could combine ideas of Wind Walk and Smoke Bomb together - you cast it, your hero becomes invisible and moves faster (no wind walk bonus damage when attacking, however!) and it creates a Smoke Bomb around where it was.

- Loyal Assassin design is nice in some areas, repeats Shadow Strike (which is available as a unit ability), Heavy Strike seems thematically mismatched and has a 300% chance to deal 3x damage as well as 100 bonus damage. That's bonkers powerful, but at least it's an ultimate.

I won't go into too much more detail here, but some primary ideas I would sort of put forward for future faction designs would be to look at how rare it is to see damage spells on units (these primarily go to heroes, each hero usually having at least one option, with few exceptions), and partly to think about the theme you're going for a bit more. Other than that, a wonderful start :)
Level 9
Apr 10, 2022
A charming first attempt at a custom faction, it is both simple and enjoyable to see.

At a glance, it's worth noting that a lot of the stats of units are unedited from the ingame units they were based on, but the changes in abilities and upgrades do offer a level of variety. Following a more aggressive playstyle, I think it's important to keep to that original vision (there is really no harm in having that as the playstyle) - of course, it's possible that the execution for a more balanced experience would need to be refined, but for a project like this I think I would not worry too much about the balance since that could remove from its identity.

To look at each unit individually, we have:

Toiler - The worker for the faction, it is functionally the same as the Peasant with a "Call to Arms" ability, with the added bonus of the "Tauren" tag (now renamed "Lizard"). This tag is used for all ground "Lizard" units would be valuable in the instance of a unit having the "Ancestral Spirit" ability (this is a bit of Foreshadowing - more on this when I talk about the heroes!).

Slicer - This unit is the ingame Footman, with Critical Strike (12%) instead of Defend, and access to Brute Strength. This makes it a formidable combatant once these researches are accrued, which already makes for a unit that scales better towards the mid-to-late game than the ingame Footman. However, this does still have Unit Inventory (Human), and so it can never benefit from the Backpack upgrade - good thing people tend not to bother with those!

Sagittarius - The ingame Archer unit replaces Elune's Grace with a custom Vampiric Potion ability, providing a bonus +2 damage for 10 seconds. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the ingame Archer, who for one of their upgrades can get +3 damage permanently, and in another upgrade get additional attack range - all without having tier 1.5 tech requirements.

Juggernaut - A slower Knight (thank god, imagine if it ran that fast!), except it has... Pulverise? That's a really cute combination of Tauren and Knight, and it retains the Animal War Training upgrade (renamed "Champion's Might"). Very nice :)

Legionnaire - The ingame Tauren, except it benefits from Animal War Training and can unlock the Slam ability, effectively replacing Pulverise with an active cast ability that stuns and deals more damage. It also gets Drunken Brawler, with a 5% chance to dodge and a.... 500% chance to deal double damage. Holy crap.

Raptor Rider - Ingame Raider with Frenzy, retains Pillage.

Wind Viper - Wind Rider, but it has mana to cast Abolish Magic. It has a reskinned Envenomed Weapons ability, so it's purely a buff to the original design (which, balance wise, has probably been lackluster for a good while now, so the buff is welcome).

Dragonfly Cavalier - Batrider, but with Shadow Strike.

Siege Lizard - Dragon Turtle (Naga) but with Chain Lightning instead of Spiked Shell and Hardened Skin. Also can't swim. Nice simple design, although I'm beginning to notice more and more damage spells on units.

Enchanter - Witch Doctor but with Healing Salve (still dispels when attacked, making it a poor man's Rejuvenation) and Inner Fire. Retains Stasis Trap. For some reason edited to share stats with the Priest, instead of the unit being based off of the Priest.

Witch - Witch Doctor (for real, this time!) but with Breath of Frost (oh boy...), Feral Spirit (summons 1 Fel Beast) and... Curse. Genuinely sounds like a mentally powerful caster.

Alchemyest - Spirit Walker but with Soul Burn (for real?), Firebolt (yep, the one that stuns), Lightning Shield and Rain of Fire. Holy crap this is insanely strong. You almost never actually see direct damage spells on casters in Warcraft 3, and here's one with three of them alongside one of the more acceptable ingame instances of it. All with Spirit Walker stats.

So, looking at the units overall, there is a huge emphasis on damage spells which, for the most part, does little to offer strategic variety. Having a lot of these in a gameplay style which uses almost none can be problematic, and using spells like Soul Burn as a unit ability is really formidable for the fact they have secondary effects which are primarily restricted to heroes (Soul Burn, for example, causes a "Silence" effect on the target, meaning if you chain this, you can stop heroes from being able to cast completely [this lasts 6 seconds on heroes per cast, btw]).

Balance wise, I wouldn't really bother so much with that, but design wise the overuse of damage spells does seem to provide a disservice, and in some instances the utility spells are lackluster (Mending being purely a non-combat healing could be okay I guess, but there's just better stuff available in the game, but at the same time it really depends on the gameplay style you want to accomplish for the race).

To briefly gloss over some key points about the Heroes, I want to mention:

- Having a hero with a spell based off of Raise Dead can provide some issues in some rare occasions, purely because Raise Dead has an inbuilt restriction on how many units can be summoned by it overall (the cap, I believe, is 15). It might be better to base this ability off of Carrion Beetle, which can accomplish the same by applying a duration and I believe setting the max unit count to 0 might make it infinite (if not, just set it to an impossibly high target). If anybody thinks this is overpowered, they're objectively wrong (the spell requires a corpse, Carrion Beetle as a hero ability exists, Feral Spirit, Summon Water Elemental, Lava Spawn, the Beastmaster's entire spell roster, there's a whole host of available summons, and raising Skeletons often serves primarily to feed enemy experience as game's progress).

- Ancestral Spirit makes its way here as a hero ability, meaning early on you can revive your fallen units. That's kind of cool.

- Smoke Bomb requires the hero to be channeling it, which is a bit of a shame since I think it could benefit from using what you seemed to have originally designed with a dummy caster placing it for you, like you throw down the Smoke Bomb. One thing I could even suggest (which might be bonkers OP) is that it could combine ideas of Wind Walk and Smoke Bomb together - you cast it, your hero becomes invisible and moves faster (no wind walk bonus damage when attacking, however!) and it creates a Smoke Bomb around where it was.

- Loyal Assassin design is nice in some areas, repeats Shadow Strike (which is available as a unit ability), Heavy Strike seems thematically mismatched and has a 300% chance to deal 3x damage as well as 100 bonus damage. That's bonkers powerful, but at least it's an ultimate.

I won't go into too much more detail here, but some primary ideas I would sort of put forward for future faction designs would be to look at how rare it is to see damage spells on units (these primarily go to heroes, each hero usually having at least one option, with few exceptions), and partly to think about the theme you're going for a bit more. Other than that, a wonderful start :)
Thank you for the feedback! I'll take a look at these issues to make the experience better.

Just one thing; why are you referring the units in their unedited states?
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Thank you for the feedback! I'll take a look at these issues to make the experience better.

Just one thing; why are you referring the units in their unedited states?
No problem, I wish you luck with your future editing :)

Mostly I refer to them like that because my brain automatically associates it like that, especially with many of the stats being unedited and so I default to thinking of them and sometimes forget the new names 😅


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The dart choosing is nice. Not sure how balanced it is. For instance we don't know the bonus damage each gives and some like the cold or slowing ones seem better than the fire one (does it have some AoE/splash damage?) but the latter takes more mana.
  2. After a Battalion becomes a Toiler again it can't build anymore. The building order simply cancels when the Toiler reaches the building spot.

While it's nice to see all these models together in a sort of comprehensive faction/race, the implementation is rather thin, much being an orc edited faction, with not too much custom scripted stuff.


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Level 9
Apr 10, 2022
A charming first attempt at a custom faction, it is both simple and enjoyable to see.

At a glance, it's worth noting that a lot of the stats of units are unedited from the ingame units they were based on, but the changes in abilities and upgrades do offer a level of variety. Following a more aggressive playstyle, I think it's important to keep to that original vision (there is really no harm in having that as the playstyle) - of course, it's possible that the execution for a more balanced experience would need to be refined, but for a project like this I think I would not worry too much about the balance since that could remove from its identity.

To look at each unit individually, we have:

Toiler - The worker for the faction, it is functionally the same as the Peasant with a "Call to Arms" ability, with the added bonus of the "Tauren" tag (now renamed "Lizard"). This tag is used for all ground "Lizard" units would be valuable in the instance of a unit having the "Ancestral Spirit" ability (this is a bit of Foreshadowing - more on this when I talk about the heroes!).

Slicer - This unit is the ingame Footman, with Critical Strike (12%) instead of Defend, and access to Brute Strength. This makes it a formidable combatant once these researches are accrued, which already makes for a unit that scales better towards the mid-to-late game than the ingame Footman. However, this does still have Unit Inventory (Human), and so it can never benefit from the Backpack upgrade - good thing people tend not to bother with those!

Sagittarius - The ingame Archer unit replaces Elune's Grace with a custom Vampiric Potion ability, providing a bonus +2 damage for 10 seconds. This is actually a bit of a downgrade from the ingame Archer, who for one of their upgrades can get +3 damage permanently, and in another upgrade get additional attack range - all without having tier 1.5 tech requirements.

Juggernaut - A slower Knight (thank god, imagine if it ran that fast!), except it has... Pulverise? That's a really cute combination of Tauren and Knight, and it retains the Animal War Training upgrade (renamed "Champion's Might"). Very nice :)

Legionnaire - The ingame Tauren, except it benefits from Animal War Training and can unlock the Slam ability, effectively replacing Pulverise with an active cast ability that stuns and deals more damage. It also gets Drunken Brawler, with a 5% chance to dodge and a.... 500% chance to deal double damage. Holy crap.

Raptor Rider - Ingame Raider with Frenzy, retains Pillage.

Wind Viper - Wind Rider, but it has mana to cast Abolish Magic. It has a reskinned Envenomed Weapons ability, so it's purely a buff to the original design (which, balance wise, has probably been lackluster for a good while now, so the buff is welcome).

Dragonfly Cavalier - Batrider, but with Shadow Strike.

Siege Lizard - Dragon Turtle (Naga) but with Chain Lightning instead of Spiked Shell and Hardened Skin. Also can't swim. Nice simple design, although I'm beginning to notice more and more damage spells on units.

Enchanter - Witch Doctor but with Healing Salve (still dispels when attacked, making it a poor man's Rejuvenation) and Inner Fire. Retains Stasis Trap. For some reason edited to share stats with the Priest, instead of the unit being based off of the Priest.

Witch - Witch Doctor (for real, this time!) but with Breath of Frost (oh boy...), Feral Spirit (summons 1 Fel Beast) and... Curse. Genuinely sounds like a mentally powerful caster.

Alchemyest - Spirit Walker but with Soul Burn (for real?), Firebolt (yep, the one that stuns), Lightning Shield and Rain of Fire. Holy crap this is insanely strong. You almost never actually see direct damage spells on casters in Warcraft 3, and here's one with three of them alongside one of the more acceptable ingame instances of it. All with Spirit Walker stats.

So, looking at the units overall, there is a huge emphasis on damage spells which, for the most part, does little to offer strategic variety. Having a lot of these in a gameplay style which uses almost none can be problematic, and using spells like Soul Burn as a unit ability is really formidable for the fact they have secondary effects which are primarily restricted to heroes (Soul Burn, for example, causes a "Silence" effect on the target, meaning if you chain this, you can stop heroes from being able to cast completely [this lasts 6 seconds on heroes per cast, btw]).

Balance wise, I wouldn't really bother so much with that, but design wise the overuse of damage spells does seem to provide a disservice, and in some instances the utility spells are lackluster (Mending being purely a non-combat healing could be okay I guess, but there's just better stuff available in the game, but at the same time it really depends on the gameplay style you want to accomplish for the race).

To briefly gloss over some key points about the Heroes, I want to mention:

- Having a hero with a spell based off of Raise Dead can provide some issues in some rare occasions, purely because Raise Dead has an inbuilt restriction on how many units can be summoned by it overall (the cap, I believe, is 15). It might be better to base this ability off of Carrion Beetle, which can accomplish the same by applying a duration and I believe setting the max unit count to 0 might make it infinite (if not, just set it to an impossibly high target). If anybody thinks this is overpowered, they're objectively wrong (the spell requires a corpse, Carrion Beetle as a hero ability exists, Feral Spirit, Summon Water Elemental, Lava Spawn, the Beastmaster's entire spell roster, there's a whole host of available summons, and raising Skeletons often serves primarily to feed enemy experience as game's progress).

- Ancestral Spirit makes its way here as a hero ability, meaning early on you can revive your fallen units. That's kind of cool.

- Smoke Bomb requires the hero to be channeling it, which is a bit of a shame since I think it could benefit from using what you seemed to have originally designed with a dummy caster placing it for you, like you throw down the Smoke Bomb. One thing I could even suggest (which might be bonkers OP) is that it could combine ideas of Wind Walk and Smoke Bomb together - you cast it, your hero becomes invisible and moves faster (no wind walk bonus damage when attacking, however!) and it creates a Smoke Bomb around where it was.

- Loyal Assassin design is nice in some areas, repeats Shadow Strike (which is available as a unit ability), Heavy Strike seems thematically mismatched and has a 300% chance to deal 3x damage as well as 100 bonus damage. That's bonkers powerful, but at least it's an ultimate.

I won't go into too much more detail here, but some primary ideas I would sort of put forward for future faction designs would be to look at how rare it is to see damage spells on units (these primarily go to heroes, each hero usually having at least one option, with few exceptions), and partly to think about the theme you're going for a bit more. Other than that, a wonderful start :)
Also, about the Smoke Bomb ability, I did try to make it casted by a dummy unit. Alas, there's no issue target for cloud at the triggers.

So, no hope for that.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Also, about the Smoke Bomb ability, I did try to make it casted by a dummy unit. Alas, there's no issue target for cloud at the triggers.

So, no hope for that.
Not sure why you'd be looking to make it target a unit since the new ability is based off of Cloud, instead you'd make a dummy spell that uses an AoE indicator and have a dummy unit cast Cloud at the target point, not unit.

But even if you wanted it to target a unit, you get the location of that unit and issue the order to target the location. Use variables for points, though, and clear them afterwards using custom script to avoid memory leaks.
Level 9
Apr 10, 2022
Not sure why you'd be looking to make it target a unit since the new ability is based off of Cloud, instead you'd make a dummy spell that uses an AoE indicator and have a dummy unit cast Cloud at the target point, not unit.

But even if you wanted it to target a unit, you get the location of that unit and issue the order to target the location. Use variables for points, though, and clear them afterwards using custom script to avoid memory leaks.
Here's the thing: The first paragraph you spoke was my initial intend for the ability. But the problem is that in the Issue Order Targetting a Unit doesn't have the Dragonhawk-Cloud...

Unless I can find a sampled trigger for that. Smoke Bomb will stay that way until I find a solution.