Lizardman Warrior

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
A sword lizard guy that came first

Please use, you don't even have to notify me, I'll find you anyway

[Update 2] Added a helmet and a cuirass + tweaked some stuff. If you still want their original appearence, go here: C:\fakepath\Liz | HIVE

[Update 3] Removed the cuirass and made a new helmet, also added more detail I guess. New attack animations (should look more responsive I guess?)

23/06/2018 updated the texture and changed some stuff

25/01/2019 general upgrade, edited anims, edited texture, new icon, separate portrait

03/02/2019 minor blood splat edit and a couple small fixes

24/11/2023 Added a new alternate version, designed to look less specific and more generic and flexible. Minor fixes for the old model. Both models scaled up

lizard, lizardman, humanoid, dinosaur, reptile, sword, warrior, shield

lizardman warrior icon (Icon)

Lizardman Warrior (Model)

Lizardman Warrior Portrait (Model)

Lizardman Warrior Tribal (Model)

Lizardman Warrior Tribal Icon (Icon)

Lizarman Warrior Tribal Portrait (Model)

15:40, 9th Dec 2014 MiniMage: Work on lowering the filesize. 23:25, 19th Dec 2014 MiniMage: Boom, magic happens. The filesize still looks hefty at first glance, but this is a two in one package deal. With the lowering of filesize to this level...




15:40, 9th Dec 2014
MiniMage: Work on lowering the filesize.

23:25, 19th Dec 2014
MiniMage: Boom, magic happens. The filesize still looks hefty at first glance, but this is a two in one package deal. With the lowering of filesize to this level, it's approvable.
Level 39
Oct 26, 2014
Thank you all wery much guys, I didn't expect such a good reception.

Hayate, what exactly do you mean by shield wrapping? If you're talking about it clipping through arm and shoulder, I think I'm gonna fix it. What about the walk defend animation, I'm not really into ability making, but can't they just use it with it's provided name with triggers? I'd create a duplicate of that sequence called stand channel, but I don't know how to copy multiple keyframes in Mdlvis (if it's even possible), so I'll have to manually copy all of them, which is D:
Level 6
Jul 9, 2014
Originality: There are not many lizardmen models on the hive that are not naga-looking ish. This one is quite original. 6/10
Quality: It looks good, matches w3 style and animations are good as well. The problem is the filesize, it has 326 KB (quite a lot, I think), but I repeat, it looks good. 9/10
Usefulness: This model is very useful as a basic melee combat unit. 8/10
Anyway, keep improving!
Last edited:
very cool. the animation work at this is great.

I just ask myself, though, the custom texture you're using is pretty close to the dragonspawn itself, I know it would be a pain in the ass now, but you could've used the in-game texture, couldnt you? :v

oh, and you could 'clean it up' removing unused animations ('deathninada'), that would help a bit with filesize too.

overall, great job, willing to see the others :)
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
This is pretty dang good for a first-timer, man. I'm not a huge fan of Lizardmen, but this is definitely a good representation of the race. Nice & cohesive, good joints, simple construction... The only thing missing is in-game textures. Le sigh. Can't win 'em all, I guess?

So, what do you have planned after the Lizardmen set? Any... Trolls...? :D
Level 13
Aug 19, 2014
Very nice dude I liked this lizards texture a lot. I don't know about the sword I don't like it but its just me,make more lizards dude.
Level 39
Oct 26, 2014
If I use only ingame textures, quality will significantly drop. Is 220 kb still too much? The model itself is 160kb, so in order to drop 100 kb more I'll have to remove a lot of stuff (satyr.mdx, which those are based on, is 130 kb). I can make another skin that uses dragonspawn standard texture, but it will look crappy as hell. I've seen models of similar size here, after all.
Level 39
Oct 26, 2014
Oh, thank you for understanding.

Btw, how much does the file size affect download time? It was rather fast even for my friend who constantly complains about his slow internet connection. I guess it's about complex maps where 100 extra kb here and there turns to be like a couple extra mb or something. Optimization is a darn tough thing.




Love it, exactly what I needed from a lizard dragon tank. 5/5