Forge (BETA) and Derivatives

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Forge (BETA) and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo

Forge (BETA, Optimized) Info:

  • Deleted redundant meshes. Fixed the normals of some meshes.
  • Fixed up the texture wrapping a little bit in some areas.

  • Uploaded.

Forge (Dark Troll) Info:
  • Created a version of the Forge which uses Night Elf textures.

  • Uploaded.

Forge (Frostwolf) Info:
  • Created a snowy version of the Forge (Orc, Beta).

  • Removed some redundant meshes. Fixed the normals of some meshes.
  • Fixed the texture wrappings a bit.

  • Rescaled some portions back to the original.

Forge (Gurubashi) Info:
  • Created a version of the Forge (Orc, Beta) which uses the texture for Sunken Ruins doodads.

  • Uploaded.

  • Fixed up some of the normals and texture wrapping.

Forge (Human) Info:
  • Created a Human version of the Forge.

  • Uploaded.

Forge (Iron Horde) Info:
  • Created a version of the Forge (Orc, Beta) for the Iron Horde.

  • Uploaded.

  • Fixed up some of the normals and texture wrapping.

Forge (Undead) Info:
  • Created an Undead version of the Forge.

  • Uploaded.

Clan, Horde

Author's Notes and Trivia:
  • The Forge was the BETA Orcish equivalent of the Human Blacksmith. The current in-game War Mill is bascially the Forge upscaled with the saw blade from the BETA Orc War Mill added to it.
  • Optimized models have built-in portrait animations, fixed bugs (if there were any), additional animation (if applicable). These can be used to serve as a template for alternative skins if you want to keep the original skin and model.
  • Check out Ujimasa Hojo's Maps and Resources Discussions, and Tutorials. Please reply in these threads instead.
  • Check out the map and the model previews at my Youtube, BitChute, DailyMotion, and Rumble Channels as well and hopefully subscribe. Follow me on Twitter.
  • While I do these stuff as a hobby, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to accept donations from our more fortunate Hivers I suppose :p.
    • My PayPal is here.
    • My Patreon is here.
    • My SubscribeStar is here.

Forge (BETA, Optimized) (Model)

Forge (Dark Troll) (Model)

Forge (Frostwolf) (Model)

Forge (Frostwolf) Button (Icon)

Forge (Gurubashi) (Model)

Forge (Gurubashi) Button (Icon)

Forge (Human) (Model)

Forge (Iron Horde) (Model)

Forge (Iron Horde) Button (Icon)

Forge (Undead) (Model)

18:44, 28th Aug 2012 HappyTauren: Useful for a strategy-based building model.




18:44, 28th Aug 2012
HappyTauren: Useful for a strategy-based building model.