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Lordaeron's Destiny

Footman16 Presents

An Alliance Campaign

The Second Campaign in the Tales of the Alliance and sequel to Lordaeron's Legacy (It is not necessary to play Lordaeron's Legacy to follow the story)

Made for Version 1.31
Now Fully Voice-Acted by the power of AI!

The Setting
During the period of time known as the Cataclysm, Azeroth was shaken when Neltharion now known as Deathwing awakened and reshaped the continents. During this time, the Alliance and Horde went to war again due to the aggressions of the Horde's Warchief Garrosh Hellscream and the leader of the Alliance, the King of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn. Shortly before the Cataclysm occurred, an exiled Noble from Lordaeron had retaken Durnholde Keep and its surrounding area. After achieving this he declared himself de facto King of Lordaeron. In this period of great unrest there are many heroes and villains trying to survive, claim power or just do what they believe is right.

The Characters

Lord Candor was once a prominent Lordaeron Noble who ruled his lands sternly but fairly with an unyielding loyalty to his people and the Kingdom of Lordaeron itself. After retaking a slice of the former Kingdom he has now styled himself as King Candor, a move which has proven unpopular with many in the Alliance.

Commander Istan is a decorated officer in Stormwind's Royal Army. The son of a Knight and Mage he has travelled Azeroth extensively and embodies much of the spirit of the Alliance. Whilst some might fight him lacking in seriousness, his flexibility has proven useful in battle.

The Warmages of the Kirin Tor are among some of the most powerful on Azeroth and Pyraelus Buren is no exception. Were it not for his eccentric personality he would be a contender for the Council of Six, nevertheless his penchant for destructive magics make him a force to be reckoned with.
Alongside these three main heroes are many side characters with many based on characters from WoW itself such as Admiral Tarlen Aubrey, Thassarian and Koltira Deathweaver.

The Campaign's Features
The Campaign has 10 playable missions, an intro, an epilogue and 2 interludes. The cinematics are skippable as well as a functional game cache.
In terms of gameplay expect the usual Blizzard style of non-base dungeon crawl missions as well base building segments as well as twists on the objectives and defeat conditions. Hopefully you'll enjoy a wide range of fast-pace stressful missions and slower, more relaxed breather levels. There's also new tech-trees for the Forsaken (Thank you Tomoraider for your permission!), the Alliance and a modified Horde tech-tree.

Every map also features easter eggs, secrets and unique dialogue depending upon your actions, I've tried to account for the various ways people might try to play a mission and to reward these with dialogue or differences to the standard gameplay. For example entering a cutscene using one hero compared to another might change the dialogue or completing quest objectives in a strange order or trying to progress without completing objectives have all been foreseen.

Should anyone wish to play the campaign on Twitch, Youtube etc you have my full permission and let me know so I can enjoy watching it and link it here! If anyone wanted to chat about the process of making the campaign that would be fun too.

The YouTuber John Maximous has been nice enough to play and upload a playthrough of the campaign with the first video being this one here:

Known Issues
There appears to be an issue with 1.31.1 campaigns in relation to chapter progression and button visibility in the menu, thanks to Ravager16829 for sharing this information as outlined in the post and link below:

1.31.1 Campaign Issue

AbominationBodyOperating by Hawkwing
Admiral Proudmoore by Direfury
Airstrike Rocket by Vinz
Altar of Queens by Ujimasa Hojo
Ancient Tomb - Rounded Top by hellblazer-14
Arcane Den by Ujimasa Hojo
Axemaster V1.5 by Tarrasque
Ballista (Scorpion) by Mike
Battle For Azeroth - Sylvanas by kangyun
Calia Menethil by kangyun
Campaign Doodads by -=Emergenzy=-
Coffin by NET-RUN
Dark Harvest by Power
Devotion by JesusHipster
Dire Troll by Cavman
Dwarven Mountaineer by Norinrad
Empathic Bond by Hermit
Fill-Me-Up Treasure Chest
Fountain Defiled by imforfun
Forsaken Catapult by Dr
Forsaken Deathguard by Cavman
Forsaken Grave by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Hall by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken House by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Laboratory by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Mage Tower by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Slaughterhouse by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Tents by Heinvers
Forsaken Towers by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Town Hall, Keep and Castle by Ujimasa Hojo
Forsaken Worker by Ujimasa Hojo
Gondorian Towers by Fingolfin
Grim Reaper by Kuhneghetz
High Elf Buildings by SinisterX
High Elf Kid by epsilon
Holder of Entropy by -Grendel
HolyAwakening by JetFangInferno
HolyRestoration by Vinz
Knight of the Ebon Blade by Hawkwing
Koltira Deathweaver by kangyun
Main Menu Beta by Crystalking52
OrbOfCorruption by UgoUgo
Orc Blacksmith WC2 by RedXIII
Outhouse by stan0033
Piercing Thrust by Vinz
Prismatic Wave v3 by xyzier_24
Roar Caster by DarkEvil
Royal Captain by Tranquil
Sunken City Rogue by PROXY
Tauren Tent by Nasrudin
Varian Wrynn by Stefan.K
Wall Set by Tranquil
War Tent (WotR) by HerrDave
WC2 Church by Ket
WoW Towers and Walls by Peacegetter
Archnecromancer by Arowanna
Argent Captain by Peacegetter
CW_Turalyon by CloudWolf
DarkElfArcher by Juice_F
DarkwingBat by 67chrome
Draenei Battlemaster by 67chrome
Field Marshall by 67chrome
HalfElfCrusader by Daenar7
King Arthas by Hueter
Kirin Tor Warmage by chr2
Kor'Kron by Heinvers
Lieutenant Commander by 67chrome
Lordaeron Circle by Mr.Goblin
Lordaeron Tent by Mr.Goblin
Paladin Villager by Mr.Goblin
Returned by 67chrome
Returned Archer by 67chrome
Returned Captain by 67chrome
Returned Mage by 67chrome
Scarlet Crusade Footman by CloudWolf
Scarlet Knight by Heinvers
Scarlet Crusade Priest by WerBackIII
BTNAbilityWarriorShockwave by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNArcaneBlast by Darkfang
BTNArmorUPG3 by SkriK
BTNAxeMasterby Tarrasque
BTNBallista by Mike
BTNBatby67chrome by 67chrome
BTNCeremonialLocketHuman BlackDoom
BTNChurch by ILH
BTNCWBlueAura by CloudWolf
BTNCWScarletCrusader by CloudWolf
BTNCWTuralyon by CloudWolf
BTNDarkChampionby67chrome by67chrome
BTNDarkElfArcher by Sin'dorei300
BTNDarkSylvanasby67chrome by 67chrome
BTNDarkValkyr by Sin'dorei300
BTNDeathGaurd by Cavman
BTNDireTroll by BLazeKraze
BTNDraeneiBattlemaster by 67chrome
BTNDragonKnight by FrIkY
BTNExplosion by zbc
BTNFieldMarshall by 67chrome
BTNAltarofQueens by Mister_Haudrauf
BTNForsakenArcaneDen by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenCastle by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenGrave by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenHall by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenHouse by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenLaboratory by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenMageTower by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNRogue by ~Nightmare
BTNForsakenSlaughterhouse by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenTower by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNForsakenWorker by Ujimasa Hojo
BTNHolderOfENtropy by -Grendel
BTNLieutenant by 67chrome
BTNLifeEssenceDAB by Marcos DAB
BTNManaLoss2 by D.ee
BTNMasterSpark by Mainy, War_Golum
BTNMight by Coinblin
BTNMountaineer by Norinrad
BTNNoxiousFumes by Lelling
BTNPCosmicBolt by Svenski
BTNPaleValkyr by Sin'dorei300
BTNPlatedGauntlet2 by NFWar
BTNPoison by 8512590215848
BTNPoisonNails by Hemske
BTNSpell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNReanimate66 by Marcos DAB
BTNRetournedCaptain by NFWar
BTNRoyalCaptain by HappyTauren
BTNRunestoneBattlestaff by Blood Raven
BTNScarletCrusader by 67chrome
BTNSkyfireGunship by Eagle XI
BTNSpell_Holy_FlashHeal by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Holy_LesserHeal by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSpell_Shadow_RitualOfSacrifice by Blizzard Entertainment
BTNSteelBoots by NFWar
BTNTaurenV2 by Juice_F
BTNTitanHelmet by Hellx-Magnus
BTNUnguentv2 by 4eNNightmare
Warlock Upgrade Icons by Mr.Goblin
Weaver Icons by 8512590215848
Wildhammer Building Icons by bakr
Undead Staffs by Ceterai
Den Defence - Assassin's Creed Revelations - Lorne Balffe
Main Theme - Fable - Danny Elfman
Winter Contingency - Halo Reach - Marty O'Donnell
I'm So Sorry - Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - John Williams
Warfronts Arathi Alliance Music - WoW: Battle for Azeroth - Glenn Stafford, Jason Hayes and Leo Kaliski
A very very special thanks to Frank for the amount of work he's done fixing and editing models for me!
A very very special thanks to Pyrogasm for helping me fix a couple of the boss fight spells!
A very very special thanks to Bogdan who down versioned this campaign to 1.31 when I saved it in the Reforged editor allowing me to edit it and test it again!
A very very special thanks to Kasrkin for his very in-depth and detailed bug reporting which has vastly improved the quality of this campaign!


Lordaeron's Destiny (Campaign)

A well polished post-Classic campaign especially for WoW fans to enjoy but not necessarily. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C...
Level 4
Jun 16, 2021
hey what item is needed for the circle of power in mission 4


  • image_2023-05-31_161135391.png
    2.8 MB · Views: 46
hey what item is needed for the circle of power in mission 4
There is a lamp that drops from a chest :) to open the chest however you'll need to pay attention to what Candor says when he first enters the chamber.
Great campaign. on araj the summoner mission any one knows where is his URN?
In the South east the Scarlet Commander should drop it. Although I believe there is a bug where if you save and load he might not. I'm seeing about fixing that.



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
Another high quality Blizzard style campaign. Terrain was good in Lordaeron's Legacy, and got even better here. Exquisite even. Was especially cool and atmospheric in chapter 5, with abominations' corpses falling down the pits and zombies rising from the stone coffins.
I definitely had fun playing it.
And a few thoughts about gameplay.

Chapter 2
1) Spellbound's tooltip should mention that it also stops enemies from attacking, not just moving.

Chapter 3
2) Candor's skillset is the same as in Lordaeron's Legacy, so points about his 2 and 4 are the same as I mention in respective comment.
3) Does Candor really have to have slow attack speed?
4) Field Marshall has only 2 armor - that feels too low, she should have 5 at least. Looks especially weird how even common spearman and footman have 8, but a whole marshall only has 2.

Chapter 4
5) Why does blue ally (Alliance) provide no vision?
6) Why do even common zombies have slow poison?

Chapter 5
7) Considering there are priests and Blessed Scepter providing a lot of healing, I'd much rather have enemies drop more dispel runes instead of those healing runes. Because every single necromancer and banshee absolutely go out of their way to cripple and curse my every unit.
8) Lieutenant Commander only has 1 armor? She's barely stronger than footman, in fact, having them 1v1 she wins with only ~60 hp left. Couldn't she have like 3 armor?

Chapter 6
9) After I secured second ship, blue undead stopped sending attack waves both to my base and to ships. Not sure if intended

Chapter 8
10) Got the Outhouse Key, tried to run up to every "building" with it - nothing happened. Either I do something wrong or something isn't working right.

Chapter 9
11) Putridius not only magic non-immune, but apparently he doesn't even have magic resistance, so spellbound allows to take the fight without taking any damage.
12) Looks weird how Thassarian's original base just vanished after completing the first quest. Even more weird how all his units vanished, and he stands all alone (well, excluding peasants) in his base, not even any defences present. That is until he builds some units for some reason, and they all just stand near the goldmine.
13) If that chest at east of the map is openable, then damn its key is hidden.

Chapter 10
14) Istan sells his items...
15) Sucks that Thassarian doesn't keep his items even if you give them to him in chapter 9.
16) Again a chest that I have no clue how to open. Unless... Is it even openable?
17) No field marshall here as a playable unit even though she clearly was there (and escaped with Candor), as is seen in epilogue?
18) At Istan's northern base units at the exit stay too close to each other, making it impossible for the heroes to pass without killing thoise allied units. WC3ScrnShot_062423_182611_01.png
19) Argent Crusade camp is just... There. No special interaction or anything?
20) Side quest requires going off the route to boss, which takes a lot of extra time (unless you're going for destroying enemy bases anyway) and the reward is not really worth it, considering it's the last chapter so no real use for it beyond that, so it's easier to just complete the main quest.

1) Selecting multiple devotees and using Saving Grace results in all selected devotees using it, potentially wasting the cast.
2) Pyraelus can't damage breakable objects. Ironically, his 3 skill can.
So I'm just about to upload the new version with some of the fixes for some of the issues you've outlined. I'm not sure when you downloaded but I think some of the bugs have already been fixed.
Another high quality Blizzard style campaign. Terrain was good in Lordaeron's Legacy, and got even better here. Exquisite even. Was especially cool and atmospheric in chapter 5, with abominations' corpses falling down the pits and zombies rising from the stone coffins.
I definitely had fun playing it.
And a few thoughts about gameplay.

Chapter 2
1) Spellbound's tooltip should mention that it also stops enemies from attacking, not just moving.
Fixed :)
Chapter 3
2) Candor's skillset is the same as in Lordaeron's Legacy, so points about his 2 and 4 are the same as I mention in respective comment.
I've changed up his skillset for Lordaeron's Legacy which I'll port over to Lordaeron's Destiny at some point. You're right his skills are quite boring.
3) Does Candor really have to have slow attack speed?
I'm not sure why this is an issue, lots of heroes start with slow attack speed :)
4) Field Marshall has only 2 armor - that feels too low, she should have 5 at least. Looks especially weird how even common spearman and footman have 8, but a whole marshall only has 2.
I'm not sure this is an issue.
Chapter 4
5) Why does blue ally (Alliance) provide no vision?
Lots of allies do not share vision in campaign missions for various reasons; in this mission you're not really in contact with the Alliance and vision is unnecessary.
6) Why do even common zombies have slow poison?
To make them more interesting.
Chapter 5
7) Considering there are priests and Blessed Scepter providing a lot of healing, I'd much rather have enemies drop more dispel runes instead of those healing runes. Because every single necromancer and banshee absolutely go out of their way to cripple and curse my every unit.
Since the nerfing of Blessed Sceptre this is less of an issue. Also priests have dispel magic :p but yeah maybe more dispel runes might be useful.
8) Lieutenant Commander only has 1 armor? She's barely stronger than footman, in fact, having them 1v1 she wins with only ~60 hp left. Couldn't she have like 3 armor?
They're not meant to be very powerful, think akin to the Captain from the campaign, the same goes for the Field Marshall.
Chapter 6
9) After I secured second ship, blue undead stopped sending attack waves both to my base and to ships. Not sure if intended
Nah, the AI is a little buggy in this mission, I'm not sure if I can make it better. Sometimes it works fine; other times it doesn't.
Chapter 8
10) Got the Outhouse Key, tried to run up to every "building" with it - nothing happened. Either I do something wrong or something isn't working right.
Should be working, I'll update the outhouse model to make it more explicit but it's the building on the far side of the farm.
Chapter 9
11) Putridius not only magic non-immune, but apparently he doesn't even have magic resistance, so spellbound allows to take the fight without taking any
I've given him Magic Resistance
12) Looks weird how Thassarian's original base just vanished after completing the first quest. Even more weird how all his units vanished, and he stands all alone (well, excluding peasants) in his base, not even any defences present. That is until he builds some units for some reason, and they all just stand near the goldmine.
I've changed it slightly now. Tbh I could never get it to work as I intended so this was the compromise.
13) If that chest at east of the map is openable, then damn its key is hidden.
Nope, some chests are just decoration.
Chapter 10
14) Istan sells his items...
I've tried yet more things to prevent this. Hopefully it's finally fixed.
15) Sucks that Thassarian doesn't keep his items even if you give them to him in chapter 9.
16) Again a chest that I have no clue how to open. Unless... Is it even openable?
Not openable.
17) No field marshall here as a playable unit even though she clearly was there (and escaped with Candor), as is seen in epilogue?
Added one just for you :)
18) At Istan's northern base units at the exit stay too close to each other, making it impossible for the heroes to pass without killing thoise allied units. View attachment 437727
I've changed their spacing.
19) Argent Crusade camp is just... There. No special interaction or anything?
Nope, just a wee bit of decoration.
20) Side quest requires going off the route to boss, which takes a lot of extra time (unless you're going for destroying enemy bases anyway) and the reward is not really worth it, considering it's the last chapter so no real use for it beyond that, so it's easier to just complete the main quest.
For sure, still something extra to do if you wish.
1) Selecting multiple devotees and using Saving Grace results in all selected devotees using it, potentially wasting the cast.
2) Pyraelus can't damage breakable objects. Ironically, his 3 skill can.
Yeah I don't think I can fix these.

Thanks for the taking the time and the detailed feedback!



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
I'm not sure why this is an issue, lots of heroes start with slow attack speed :)
Among vanilla heroes only Alchemist has slow attack speed and even that is to balance Chemical Rage. But nevermind my original comment, now that I think about it, Candor is rather old so it actually makes sense.

Regarding Field Marshall - it's just that a rank of field marshall sounds to me like something closer to demi-hero, so I kind of expect her to be stronger than a common footman. But that's entirely subjective and either way is fine.

Regarding unopenable chests - maybe their model could be changed to opened chest? That way it would be obvious there's nothing to get from them.
Level 28
Aug 18, 2022
Should be working, I'll update
It's strange to see, especialy from you, who made campaigns and models: that you are not made a change log for this campaign. I mean, there is no one ever who can prove you made anything with the campaign, but If someone wants to learn what changed with the campaign from release to nowdays, the user must read through the 4 pages of posts under the campaign, to know what's changed.

Change my mind.
Regarding unopenable chests - maybe their model could be changed to opened chest? That way it would be obvious there's nothing to get from them.
Done, a good suggestion :)
It's strange to see, especialy from you, who made campaigns and models: that you are not made a change log for this campaign. I mean, there is no one ever who can prove you made anything with the campaign, but If someone wants to learn what changed with the campaign from release to nowdays, the user must read through the 4 pages of posts under the campaign, to know what's changed.

Change my mind.
Change logs take an effort I am unwilling to put in tbh, you have to keep track of all the changes etc. I think stating them in the thread of the map is enough and better than not documenting them at all :)
Level 4
Jun 16, 2023
Another high quality Blizzard style campaign. Terrain was good in Lordaeron's Legacy, and got even better here. Exquisite even. Was especially cool and atmospheric in chapter 5, with abominations' corpses falling down the pits and zombies rising from the stone coffins.
I definitely had fun playing it.
And a few thoughts about gameplay.

Chapter 2
1) Spellbound's tooltip should mention that it also stops enemies from attacking, not just moving.

Chapter 3
2) Candor's skillset is the same as in Lordaeron's Legacy, so points about his 2 and 4 are the same as I mention in respective comment.
3) Does Candor really have to have slow attack speed?
4) Field Marshall has only 2 armor - that feels too low, she should have 5 at least. Looks especially weird how even common spearman and footman have 8, but a whole marshall only has 2.

Chapter 4
5) Why does blue ally (Alliance) provide no vision?
6) Why do even common zombies have slow poison?

Chapter 5
7) Considering there are priests and Blessed Scepter providing a lot of healing, I'd much rather have enemies drop more dispel runes instead of those healing runes. Because every single necromancer and banshee absolutely go out of their way to cripple and curse my every unit.
8) Lieutenant Commander only has 1 armor? She's barely stronger than footman, in fact, having them 1v1 she wins with only ~60 hp left. Couldn't she have like 3 armor?

Chapter 6
9) After I secured second ship, blue undead stopped sending attack waves both to my base and to ships. Not sure if intended

Chapter 8
10) Got the Outhouse Key, tried to run up to every "building" with it - nothing happened. Either I do something wrong or something isn't working right.

Chapter 9
11) Putridius not only magic non-immune, but apparently he doesn't even have magic resistance, so spellbound allows to take the fight without taking any damage.
12) Looks weird how Thassarian's original base just vanished after completing the first quest. Even more weird how all his units vanished, and he stands all alone (well, excluding peasants) in his base, not even any defences present. That is until he builds some units for some reason, and they all just stand near the goldmine.
13) If that chest at east of the map is openable, then damn its key is hidden.

Chapter 10
14) Istan sells his items...
15) Sucks that Thassarian doesn't keep his items even if you give them to him in chapter 9.
16) Again a chest that I have no clue how to open. Unless... Is it even openable?
17) No field marshall here as a playable unit even though she clearly was there (and escaped with Candor), as is seen in epilogue?
18) At Istan's northern base units at the exit stay too close to each other, making it impossible for the heroes to pass without killing thoise allied units. View attachment 437727
19) Argent Crusade camp is just... There. No special interaction or anything?
20) Side quest requires going off the route to boss, which takes a lot of extra time (unless you're going for destroying enemy bases anyway) and the reward is not really worth it, considering it's the last chapter so no real use for it beyond that, so it's easier to just complete the main quest.

1) Selecting multiple devotees and using Saving Grace results in all selected devotees using it, potentially wasting the cast.
2) Pyraelus can't damage breakable objects. Ironically, his 3 skill can.
-Pyraleus's problem is indeed annoying, plus his 3rd skill splash damage can also damage your own units.

-also, it's true I prefer more dispel runes rather than healing runes

-searching for the shadow assassin took too long because there is no clue except "when your unit suddenly takes damage"

-in the last chapter, Thassarion and Istan do nothing, not even try to help def player's base, especially when the player needs to backup the alliance defense(cause Istan and Thassarion do nothing other than send some units to attack the Forsaken base, the heroes did not even do anything), deal with the Hordes, and hundreds of Valkyries and gargoyles coming to attack from the flank with valkyries magic attack melt my dozens of guard tower because they have heavy armor.

-and in other chapters, does The Forsaken unit train that fast? because they send like 5 dreadguards(with life drain), 5 archers(with poison arrows), 2-3 apothecaries, 1-2 abominations, 2 obsidian statues, and 2 catapults, like every 2 minutes, where i had to counter them with basic units plus dreadguard with magic immunity that i cant polymorph.

-also, problems with mortar teams that I do not know if it is a bug or I just did not know, it took like a dozen shots just to get rid of the trees in an area, whereas when I use canon tower it just took 1-2 shots.

-the voiceover...do you use google voice? because for me it's kinda bad, I rather read it quietly

-do zombies revive three times?

-sidequest is some sidequests are worthless such as brood mother that doesn't even attack you or being an obstacle, defending the farm that provides nothing to you, killing valkyries, defending the ballista(because you can flank them from the side and tower is not even that op that the ballistas become necessary), etc.

-having so many creeps around that just being a bother, the bears, the dragon that gives venom orb(where I hope a rebirth rune), trolls, wolves loitering around the map just to fill up the spaces.

-please be generous about units, Marshall is super weak plus the Google voice sound, the only tank unit is footman(except heroes) before knight is accessible
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
𝐈𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐈 , 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐫!
I have completed this campaign and enjoyed it!
I played on version 1.31 of War3.
And here is my review!


~Starting with the biggest negatives:

The Voice acting... What can I say... I like some good voice acting in the custom campaigns I play, I believe one of the best things that a custom campaign can have is voice acting, but that works only when that said voice acting is at least decent because when it's bad... well... instead of helping the custom campaign and improving the experience it makes it worse instead, and this happened here, some dialogues had decent voice acting but most of them feel so unnatural and forced that they don't work, it ruins the experience of the cinematics hearing those ugly voices most of the times.

I also noticed that not all the characters in the campaign have voice acting. This can create a sense of incompleteness if only some of them are voiced, while others are not. In my opinion, it would be better if all the characters were voiced or none of them were, as having a mix of both can feel awkward and detract from the overall experience.

Picture yourself driving on your usual bumpy road when suddenly... you come across a smooth section (and you start thinking to yourself, oh wow nice, finally good road!)... But after only 5 seconds, the road becomes bumpy again, and this keeps happening... So you start to wonder what did the road workers do to cause this nightmare?! It would have been much better if the road was all bad with bumpy holes from start to end, this way you know what to expect and can maintain a consistent speed! So the only thing that these random smooth sections are doing is just forcing you to constantly adjust your driving, and give you a false sense of tranquility, which is frustrating!

~But Don't you worry my friend! for I have a solution to this dilemma, check this thing out!

Another example, their voice library is neat:

And lastly:

Props to Wa666r for telling me about this site, he used this site for his own Custom Campaign War of the Spider - [Fully Voiced] and it turned out pretty epic, not gonna lie!

2. As many people already pointed out, The Annihilate spell from Pyraelus damages both enemies and allies, therefore, making the spell null, unusable!

It can also damage items on the ground, so for example in my playthrough I lost an epic item when I attacked some units using this spell, because the item was on the ground near those units, It got damaged and destroyed.

Due to this issue, Pyraelus is limited to using only one damage spell, which is Arcane Mark (similar to Frost Nova). As a result, I consistently had a full mana bar with no way to effectively use it to deal more damage to enemies.

I suggest replacing the Annihilate spell with another aoe spell, similar to Fire Breath from Panda or Crushing Wave from Deeplord Revenants (from classic melee), and you can make it use arcane effects instead of fire/water effects and call it Arcane Tide or Esoteric Surge.

3. Chapter 5 features the campaign's only boss fight, which is pretty cool. However, there are three issues with it.

- As many people pointed out already, there is a significant issue with the Devotee unit, their Saving grace spell has a bug, when I select a group of devotees and use this spell, all of them cast it simultaneously when normally only one of them should cast that spell and the others shouldn't, that's how all spells work in war3, because of that the last boss fight in chapter 5 was much harder than it should have been.

This is a problem only in this chapter because this Saving Grace spell has no other uses anywhere else. :sad:

- The fight relies heavily on The Devotees and their Saving Grace and because of that if the player somehow got to the end of this chapter without having any devotees or only having 1 then he is 100% screwed, since the boss sends multiple units to those zombie pits including the hero itself, so not having the Saving grace spell is pretty much a death sentence.

Although I appreciate the boss mechanic, I believe it has a flaw. The only way to escape the zombie pits is by using a saving grace. I suggest adding another, more challenging way to escape these pits, such as lowering the health of the zombies, so if the player manages to eliminate them all, the units from that pit should be teleported back. This solution is mainly for the hero, who should be able to fight off the zombies and escape using his own powers.

Why should there be another way to escape the pits you wonder? other than the saving grace spell? because as I said, the fight relies too heavily on this unit and spell and if the player doesn't have this unit when the boss fight starts or loses this unit during the fight then it's game over, :slp:which is bad, since War3 is a Hero focused game, Candor, in this case, should be able to solve the problem and have a big part in the boss fight, by being able to escape the zombie pits with his aoe Horse stomp spell. :spell_breaker:

- And lastly, there are too many skeletons spawning during the fight constantly, again if the player didn't save most of the units you get during the map, and start the fight with just a few units, then is 100% game over since you get overwhelmed by the skeletons 💀, I think you should lower the rate of which the skeletons spawn by a bit to fix this issue.

4. Not sure what happened here, but I think this picture says it all :xxd:
Basically, the numbers and order of the chapters are wrong. (except the first two)

"The Campaign has 10 playable missions, an intro, an epilogue and 2 interludes."

There are in fact 8 playable missions, not 10, as you can see from the picture.

5. No Q W E R Spells! :ogre_rage:

~Other minor negatives:

- King Candor starts with Slow Attack Speed since Chapter 4 and I just don't know why, he should have at least average attack speed!

Take this for example, Since Lord Candor has the basic Death Knight skin aspect I will compare him to that hero, so, The Death Knight hero from classic melee has, at level 1 average attack speed, while Candor has slow attack speed at level 3...

~Classic Melle DK at lvl 3 has 15 agility with average attack speed.
~Lord Candor at lvl 3 has 19 agility with Slow attack speed. :eekani:

- In chapter 2, I received a sobi mask as a reward at the end, but instead of it going to the hero's inventory, it dropped on the ground. Immediately after, the cutscene started, and... I lost the item >.<

- In Chapter 4 (which should be Chapter 3) that green undead base was a nightmare to destroy, even with the scepter of healing which was a huge help I still couldn't defeat the undead the first time I played this mission, they were just rebuilding their troops at a higher rate than I could kill them... it was insane! :mwahaha: even in the second game I still had a hard time killing them despite having a huge army somehow, I think their capacity to rebuild troops needs to be nerfed a bit.

In this chapter, we don't get custom music, instead we get the classic human music, which is not bad but it can get boring fast since is so old and overused.

- In chapter 7 (which is supposed to be 5) we also don't get custom music but the basic, good ol' human music, which is fantastic, but similar to eating the same 10 out of 10 food dish every day for 20 years straight, you might start to hate it :xxd:

In this Chapter, we get the quest of protecting the Ballistas, but nobody attacks them while they are being built, so... yea... I guess the purple forsaken are supposed to attack the ballistas? but they don't.

Also after they finish and destroy the towers, the ballistas start moving to Candor's base instead of attacking the purple forsaken base, after some time they do attack the base with an attack wave kinda, but the problem is that they are pretty weak so their impact is 0, especially since they target units instead of buildings, I think they should get a slight buff in dmg. (you know since there is this entire side quest involving them and all, they should play a bigger role).

After replaying this mission to do more tests I noticed depending on when you start the ballista quest sometimes the forsaken send an attack wave towards Candor's base that so happens to be where the ballistas are, I don't think there is an actual trigger that starts to send attack waves specifically for the ballistas tho and because of that if you start the quest after the forsaken send an attack wave, then the ballistas won't be interrupted and won't need any kind of protection.

The other 2 side quests don't give any reward after completion which is sad, the scarlet castle drops a +50 hp tome which is meh, that's it.

- Chapter 8 (which is supposed to be 6)

This was an interesting chapter, I liked it a lot but it has a flow, the first time I played it, to be honest, I took it kinda slow and I didn't even notice the zombies escaping until much later into the game when it was too late already...

I think you should make the areas where the zombies are escaping more obvious to the player, this way the player knows he is under a timer that already started, my problem was that I had no idea where the zombies were escaping to, so making that obvious to the player will solve this issue, the most simple way is to put some sentry wards in the 2 places that zombies are escaping to.

Also, what is this?
Just noticed this big boy when I replayed the campaign for some tests lol, you should implement him in some side quest, maybe have him attack some undead base or something after you complete a quest from him?

- In Chapter 9 (which is supposed to be 7) Araj the Summoner should be more powerful I think, he is also on a weird leash where he teleports back if he goes too far away.

- Chapter 10 (which is supposed to be 8)

Out of the bat, the main issue is with the horde reinforcements, they attack too often and their attack waves become too powerful after a while as well.


- Being able to skip cinematics, good.

- The Custom music (in the chapters that had it) was beautiful!

- I really liked the unique item Blessed Scepter but sadly that was the only one in the whole campaign, the other items were not as great.

- The entire Chapter 5 (which is supposed to be 4) was epic, it stands out from the rest of the missions, having such an interesting atmosphere, lots of mini-bosses and boss fights, I was impressed!

- The terrain was gorgeous, You can tell pretty easily that I'm playing a custom campaign made by footman16 cuz of that remarkably realistic terrain and map layout.

- The gameplay was also smooth, same with the design and spells of the units, they weren't anything new or groundbreaking, but they don't need to be, I liked the classic aspect of the gameplay more, so overall gameplay-wise was great!

- Can't say much about the story, I did enjoy it, but I am not the biggest fan of Wow-related stories.

Overall, I must say that I really enjoyed playing this campaign. It was definitely an improvement from the previous one. I'm excited to see where the story and characters go next!

I'll rate this Custom Campaign with an 𝓐 Tier (Great) with 89 points out of 100! :infl_thumbs_up:
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Thanks for taking the time to playthrough the campaign.

I did use elevenlabs for some of the voice acting; I am aware of it. As for the unvoiced characters, their voices are currently in the works as I do wish it to all be fully voice acted.

There are definitely 10 playable missions. What version did you play on? As it would appear you have missed some of the campaign if you only played 8.

There are multiple boss fights however Gandling's is the most involved boss fight.

In terms of difficulty I'm hesitant to adjust it; some have found it still quite easy and others have struggled which to me seems to be a good balance.

The big dwarf is simply an easter egg.

Adding visibility to the Zombie end points is possible and I might consider it.

I would try to avoid using cheats as much as possible when playing through to avoid breaking some of the triggers as well.

Either way I'm glad you enjoyed it and I will try and respond to the full review in time.



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
2. As many people already pointed out, The Annihilate spell from Pyraelus damages both enemies and allies, therefore, making the spell null, unusable!
Completely disagree with this point. It's like saying that Spells like Flame Strike or Blizzard are unusable. If anything, it makes it more interesting to use as you have to be a bit more tactical than simply point-and-use to dish out hundreds of damage, as is the case with some AOE spells like aforementioned Frost Nova. Besides, it's not like friendly fire is a flat out downside without any compromise - it's a fair trade for high damage. And it's not like it's that hard to use it anyway - there's always a backline that Pyraelus can destroy while your other units take down frontline, so you're safe from friendly fire. Also, I don't even remember if I've ever seen before an on-hit AOE with friendly fire spell, so that makes it a pretty unique spell.
So the only real issue with this spell is bug with being able to damage items and objects.
Level 3
Mar 8, 2014
Hello! I just finished the campaign and I must say it's a step up from the last campaign! It has great storytelling,fun maps and interesting designs and despite being quite difficult sometimes, especially towards the end,it was a great ride. However,I would have a few suggestions and questions in the campaign:
What was about the argent crusade camp hidden in the north of Andorhal? Was it like a secret? Or why was it positioned there since it had no reason to be there since there was no interaction.You could have added a small dialogue in which the crusaders said that they don't want to take part in the fights.
-I don't know if anything can be done about that but the mage's auto attack ability can destroy items by accident 😅
-Was there any reward for saving the Palisade Farm in the landing mission? Since I didn't get any dialogue or hint about it. I would suggest adding a bit of something to make it seem a bit more meaningful.
-The last base of the forsaken in the landing mission,the one at top can be a bit cheesed with mortar teams on the low ground, allowing them to destroy easily without issue some of the structures.
-I don't know if it's intended but in the Bulwark mission the scarlet crusade isn't hostile towards the forsaken and the scourge. I don't think that should be the case since it even says in the description"They attack anyone without prejudice".
Other than this,I don't have anything too meaningful to add other than on the last mission I spent a whole lot of time trying to kill the top base and with success 🤣 It's a great campaign and I love how you ended it on a sour note for the Alliance. I am looking forward to the future!
Hello! I just finished the campaign and I must say it's a step up from the last campaign! It has great storytelling,fun maps and interesting designs and despite being quite difficult sometimes, especially towards the end,it was a great ride. However,I would have a few suggestions and questions in the campaign:
Thanks for the playthrough and feedback, I appreciate it!
What was about the argent crusade camp hidden in the north of Andorhal? Was it like a secret? Or why was it positioned there since it had no reason to be there since there was no interaction.You could have added a small dialogue in which the crusaders said that they don't want to take part in the fights.
Meh, they're just decoration for someone who uses flare with the mortar teams or flies flying units over there, to add dialogue would distract from the focus of the mission which is the battle.
-I don't know if anything can be done about that but the mage's auto attack ability can destroy items by accident 😅
Yeah as far as I know that's just how the ability works; changing the target types doesn't seem to work.
-Was there any reward for saving the Palisade Farm in the landing mission? Since I didn't get any dialogue or hint about it. I would suggest adding a bit of something to make it seem a bit more meaningful.
It means the Forsaken base won't attack your base directly, but it was intended for it to give you a bonus in the final mission but I never implemented it. So I guess you do that Side Quest if you think it's the right thing to do :p
-The last base of the forsaken in the landing mission,the one at top can be a bit cheesed with mortar teams on the low ground, allowing them to destroy easily without issue some of the structures.
Interesting, I'm not sure that's something worth changing since you had the foresight to pull off such a thing.
-I don't know if it's intended but in the Bulwark mission the scarlet crusade isn't hostile towards the forsaken and the scourge. I don't think that should be the case since it even says in the description"They attack anyone without prejudice".
This is intended :) if you play the regular campaigns you'll notice people who should be hostile to each other aren't.
Other than this,I don't have anything too meaningful to add other than on the last mission I spent a whole lot of time trying to kill the top base and with success 🤣 It's a great campaign and I love how you ended it on a sour note for the Alliance. I am looking forward to the future!
Yeah you're not meant to be able to destroy them so I'm glad you weren't able to :)
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
This is a great campaign and I like it. First, the story seems to be original and doesn't just rehash Blizzard's vanilla campaigns. However, just like the previous campaign with the Ogre mission being unwinnable and set on "impossible" difficulty, this campaign's chapter 10 is also unwinnable. Being attacked from west, east and north. Surrounded by stupid useless allies that require baby sitting. Endless Horde factions from the West that doesn't have a building that spawn them and invulnerable Undead bases that you're not allowed to destroy. In other words, you're not allowed to win. This is the type of mission that requires "whosyourdaddy" because that's the requirement written in the "main quest". Check it if you don't believe me.
This is a great campaign and I like it. First, the story seems to be original and doesn't just rehash Blizzard's vanilla campaigns. However, just like the previous campaign with the Ogre mission being unwinnable and set on "impossible" difficulty, this campaign's chapter 10 is also unwinnable. Being attacked from west, east and north. Surrounded by stupid useless allies that require baby sitting. Endless Horde factions from the West that doesn't have a building that spawn them and invulnerable Undead bases that you're not allowed to destroy. In other words, you're not allowed to win. This is the type of mission that requires "whosyourdaddy" because that's the requirement written in the "main quest". Check it if you don't believe me.
Chapter ten is definitely do-able. It's a secretly timed mission ;) you need to push through the centre and reach the Valkyr before the attacks become too much and your allies get taken down. Devotees are pretty useful for moving around quickly :)
Level 6
May 3, 2014
Beautiful terrain and a wonderful soundtrack that fits the atmosphere of the campaign
Amazing work as always Footman
I expected nothing but exceptional quality from you
But still, where there is perfection, the opposite also exists

Chapter 1:
  • Took me a while to get used to not being able to use QWER for my hero skills but I managed anyway
  • It took me two quicksaves to notice the items are randomized each time I replayed the map
  • Commander Istan's skill is simple but effective, my only gripe is with his ultimate, summoning 2 Paladins out of thin air with Inner Fire that can only be used once in the duration of their summoning because of their tiny mana pool is not very useful for me at least (It would be better if they have regeneration auras or healing skill that can be use on micro mission to help sustain the troops)

Chapter 2:
  • The same as the first chapter only with the new addition of the best character in the whole campaign "Pyraelus The Warmage"
  • As it's already been said by all the previous testers of the campaign Pyraelus Annihilate is bugged causing him to be unable to destroy crates and also damages his allies (The skill is still actually very useful to destroy swarms of enemies flying units, I just have to build a lot of range units to go along with him since any skirmishes with him in a group along with melee units resulted in a lot of....friendly fire)

Chapter 3:
  • Candor is back but now he is a King, The King here needs a new set of skills tho his skillset is the same as Lodaeron's Legacy (MORE LIKE THE KING OF MEATSHIELDS, AMIRITE?)
  • The same type of micro mission as the previous two chapters and Candor could use a bit more Agility, He's swinging that sword like a 70-year-old man doing his best to raise his cane to chase the neighborhood kids out of his front yard

Chapter 4:
- A sturdy base-building mission and I loved the interaction with the Scarlet Crusade, I also thought that there could be a secret interaction that split the campaign in two if we went to the Scarlet Crusade first and somehow gained their help against the Undead base there instead lol

Chapter 5:
  • This is the highlight of the campaign for me, the spooky atmosphere with the zombies constantly coming back to life and abominations rising from their torture table, along with the coffins opening in that room (You gave the zombies poison for some reason lol, but that addition makes every battle extremely scary and requires very precise micro-managing skill, that's what I thought while playing at least)
  • Gandling is one hell of a boss fight and makes the Devotee's abilities very useful in that battle although I sorta gave up after the 5th time Gandling teleported my units away and the items on Candor made him a massive powerhouse already so just letting him tank most of the boss fight is a must anyway

Chapter 6:
- Oof this one was stressful, the village defending side quest was pretty rough, it's also kind of weird how after 3 waves they sorta just gave up?
(I built like 20 towers for static defense and they just gave up on the village bruh)

Chapter 7:
- Alright so this one has an actual problem, building those ballista is one thing but by the time I'm ready to assault the purple base I would have already destroyed the Scarlet Crusade and the Scourge attacking forces while also building enough troops to level that base without the need to order Candor to build them ballista, I think making the attack force of purple base a bit bigger and the towers there invulnerable would make the need to build those ballista have much more weight to it I guess

I'll finish the campaign and comeback to this later
I have to say i love this campaign, never thought Walter would leave the meth business behind and start his campaign to re-establish Lordaeron!
i was wondering if people would be able to identify the voices as I thought Candor actually sounds similar to Kevin Conroy.
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
Just finished this a few days ago.. And honestly this is good, I like the story and the gameplay. I like the tank hero, and the other one mele, but I hated the mage hero and hi's skills... An ultimate that sucks 500 mana... that's lazy, to say the least... Orb of annihilation skill is ok I guess but it damages your units too... In the second chapter, I missed the quest reward for killing the catapults only because I had an inventory full of consumables , and I was unable to turn back for the item. Another thing I would like to say is that give us some time to enjoy the missions... the gameplay feels like a constant rush.. and it felt pressing for no reason...Also give us enough resources to actually finish the maps... in the map before entering the dungeon with the schoolmance I tried 8 or 9 times before getting so angry I just used who's your daddy and moved on. In the chapter with the schoolmance dungeon. I have never found how to trigger the illusion boss... Try to find something but could not find it anywhere... whatever square thing we needed to find I didn't find, Outside of those things that I didn't like , things where good, I love the terrain and the map design , I can see a lot of work put into it, but I believe more work needs to be done in terms of how the gameplay experience feels overall. Overall good work, I am waiting to see if any update will follow for this. Also.. what's the deal with that scarlet Crusader in the androhall chapter?
Just finished this a few days ago.. And honestly this is good, I like the story and the gameplay. I like the tank hero, and the other one mele, but I hated the mage hero and hi's skills... An ultimate that sucks 500 mana... that's lazy, to say the least... Orb of annihilation skill is ok I guess but it damages your units too...
I have thought about changing Pyraelus ultimate, the problem is I can't think of something good which isn't just AoE damage, of which I feel there's already plenty. If you have any ideas or suggestions for an ability, I'm happy to hear it :)
In the second chapter, I missed the quest reward for killing the catapults only because I had an inventory full of consumables , and I was unable to turn back for the item. Another thing I would like to say is that give us some time to enjoy the missions... the gameplay feels like a constant rush.. and it felt pressing for no reason...
I'm afraid on this point the pressure is there by design, otherwise I feel the missions would be too relaxed, there are a lot of missions tho where there is no time constraint and generally the time constraint is quite generous.
Also give us enough resources to actually finish the maps... in the map before entering the dungeon with the schoolmance I tried 8 or 9 times before getting so angry I just used who's your daddy and moved on.
I could increase the gold amount in this mission, it's something I might do. The other missions I think the gold amounts are fine.
In the chapter with the schoolmance dungeon. I have never found how to trigger the illusion boss... Try to find something but could not find it anywhere... whatever square thing we needed to find I didn't find,
Candor comments on one of the torches in the room of illusions, that's your hint ;)
Outside of those things that I didn't like , things where good, I love the terrain and the map design , I can see a lot of work put into it, but I believe more work needs to be done in terms of how the gameplay experience feels overall. Overall good work, I am waiting to see if any update will follow for this. Also.. what's the deal with that scarlet Crusader in the androhall chapter?
I'm glad you enjoyed it, I feel like if I had included different difficulties this might alleviate some of the gameplay issues however unfortunately I am quite lazy in that regard and haven't taken the time to do that. In terms of updates for this campaign? Outside of bug fixes or tweaks there probably won't be as I am currently working on my next campaign. Once it's finished I might go back and do a big round of updates and bug fixes for this and Lordaeron's Legacy, Lordaeron's Legacy could definitely use some major reworks. Thanks for the rating!

The Scarlet Crusader is just an easter egg to add to the atmosphere, he's just a very sad dude who says different things every time you go up to him.
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
I've been thinking regarding its ultimate. Now if you want to keep the arcane mage vibe, maybe a huge single taget spell , or some big crowd control like a here version of the slow spell from the sorceress, or even an arcane golem or something simiar that can buf him and the party , u could use the summon infernal as a base skill , or a mass polymorph , but not sure if that would work within the current world editor. In terms of secrets, i would try to see what I can find without spoiling my fun:D. About missions feling rushed I mainly meant about not getting the chance to pick the item droped from quest kills, i would solve this by just delaying the trigger for 20-30 seconds after the quest objective is complete. Speaking of difficulty variance , i will say it will be a waste of time , the game is balnced well enough , is just that there are some bits a bit wayharder than needed i think. Also changing the mage ultimate might mess with the balance , but you could consider changing the speck all together, since you have 1 tank and 1 damage suport hero , you may have a lot of room to play with , and in terms of mana regen for mage, u can alway build an item to sort that out , or even a pet or so. Briliance aura always good, u can play with it maybe do an op aura with mana regen and spell resistance , but it may be an issue with making the tank to overpowerd. Usually is way more easy to go for a frost or fire mage, but your idea is good to and unique, there may be ways to play around it, u can also use the spell book item as a base to make some set of spells arsenal for the hero at level 6. Overall i like the tech tree and heroes design , story is good, is just a matter of polishing things. So i think simple solution are the best since this type of work is always so time consuming... As for your next campaign, can't wait to see what's next:D . I may have something to reveal in some time, if i get enough time to work on it.

Nice work man
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
Hi there, Footy!

I just finished playing this campaign. While I do agree with most of the comments here on the section, overall I didn't think it was too hard / impossible to do so. I did have a hard time on last mission, though.

I won't mention much because I feel the most important things were already mentioned by different users.

The last mission took me (without mentioning the 3 times I've restarted it) 1:34 hours to finish it. It was a rollercoaster, but it was a good strong ending map for the campaign. I do want to point out that the reward for killing the 10 valkyrs across the maps feels little rewarding. Since you've survived for so long, killed all those flying criatures, maybe instead of the Crown, giving us the Platmail of the Kings and give us +10 stats and +5 damage? 😜

Don't get me wrong, I love that item but since it's the last mission maybe giving something more strong could feel more fun.

The terrain was lovely. You've created once again beautiful atmospheres arround the whole campaign.

Would love to see if there's gonna be more. Is this campaigns' lore, the real WoW lore? (While I do have the core lore of WoW timeline, I don't have the details since I haven't played WoW).

Oh i forgot to mention that I did had fun playing these missions!
Hi there, Footy!

I just finished playing this campaign. While I do agree with most of the comments here on the section, overall I didn't think it was too hard / impossible to do so. I did have a hard time on last mission, though.

I won't mention much because I feel the most important things were already mentioned by different users.

The last mission took me (without mentioning the 3 times I've restarted it) 1:34 hours to finish it. It was a rollercoaster, but it was a good strong ending map for the campaign. I do want to point out that the reward for killing the 10 valkyrs across the maps feels little rewarding. Since you've survived for so long, killed all those flying criatures, maybe instead of the Crown, giving us the Platmail of the Kings and give us +10 stats and +5 damage? 😜

Don't get me wrong, I love that item but since it's the last mission maybe giving something more strong could feel more fun.

The terrain was lovely. You've created once again beautiful atmospheres arround the whole campaign.

Would love to see if there's gonna be more. Is this campaigns' lore, the real WoW lore? (While I do have the core lore of WoW timeline, I don't have the details since I haven't played WoW).

Oh i forgot to mention that I did had fun playing these missions!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Also it's good to know the final mission is serving as a fitting finale!

In terms of lore, Taurajo village is destroyed by the alliance in lore, Northwatch is attacked, adventurer's go and kill the bosses in scholomance, the Forsaken takeover the Bulwark and the Alliance fights the Forsaken in Andorhal with the forsaken eventually winning despite the loss of a Val'kyr. So those broad strokes are lore friendly, however Istan, Pyraelus, Candor and Morson are all my own creation. That said pretty much every other named character appears in WoW :)

In terms of continuing this story I'm afraid I have no plans to continue Candor's tale (cruel I know because of the cliff-hanger) however I have other stories I wish to tell and the current one is detailed in my Tales of the Alliance thread in map development. My current project is a Third War telling of the events that happened in Stromgarde and is 100% friendly to WoW/W3 lore.
Level 4
May 25, 2024
Having completed the first 6 chapters i think i am ready to give my initial thoughts on this campaign

1 GamePlay - Gameplay was very fun and 5th chapter was just great , everything from environment to fight was amazing and very well done although the two macro mission i played seemed hard at first as they require some map knowledge.


2 MapDesign -
Maps i felt were really well designed especially the ch5 although some maps(like ch4) , had a lot of empty space which IIRC. wasn't used for cinematics


3 Story -
I did not play the prequel but i did watch Jay's playthrough ,so i had a general understanding of the story and still i felt that you did a great job at telling the story , as such those who did not play the original could still understand it.


4 Spells -
Even though most of the spells were vanilla they were creatively used like King Candor's taunt and war stomp and hardened skin spells and i liked the other heroes spell's as well.
My only suggestion is that i felt Istan's ult felt kinda underwhelming , i think you should give the paladins holy light(level 1 or 2) instead of inner fire


Rewards -
I enjoy when exploring actually leads to rewards and this campaign did it pretty well like i am pretty sure i would not have beaten ch4 without those healing wards from murlocs , also the items you get in ch5 was very satisfying.

EDIT- Also one thing i forgot to ask about was there reward for protecting that base forward to us in ch6?


Overall this has been a wonderful campaign both gameplay and storywise.
Thank you for making such an excellent campaign!

Overall Rating: 5/5
Last edited:
Fun enough Campaign, the Scholomance level is pretty good and accurate, but the Tuning hard mode is abit off, like its easy for 99% of the dungeon when you have the healing staff from the previous mission, but the end boss is Brutally overturned you can't lose a single unit too the teleport rooms. The AI voice acting is point of contention for me, some of it is Passable Mage and Candor its ok if not deadpan in a few places, Istvan voice is so bad makes me just skip any cut scene or level with him. Not sure if you used AI for dialogue writing too, but the Way the Candor character makes no sense he spends and entire level getting allies, then says in the next level cutscene he needs no allies. It would make more sense too say 'I have no need for an allies such as you Barov', too Barov than say 'I dont need any allies', Also Candor should just seize the Land from Barov instead for drawn out dialogue with him buying it thanking him, then going bipolar on Barov with a Deadpan delivery. Character Writing where the personality swaps randomly and isn't consistent its common modern stream shows, but not sure if this is a result of AI dialogue or rushed writing. Some longer Cut scenes could be shortened and made skipable some of the unskipable ones, I feel like the use of AI makes it too easy too fill Dead air with it for no reason, its ok too have sharp and snappy cutscenes or cut scenes with Pause and/or silence, like original base game cut scenes have moments of no dialogue like thralls army walking through the dessert or show characters approaching each other. Dialogue such as excess Small talk and things that can be Assumed from scene can be cut right out. Random Item drops might make some hard levels a bit hit or miss in so harder parts, otherwise its well enough balanced.
Fun enough Campaign, the Scholomance level is pretty good and accurate, but the Tuning hard mode is abit off, like its easy for 99% of the dungeon when you have the healing staff from the previous mission, but the end boss is Brutally overturned you can't lose a single unit too the teleport rooms.
The final boss is tough, I think you can lose a few units and still win it since Candor is pretty tough but it kinda defeat the purpose of units if you can beat a dungeon mission without them imo.
The AI voice acting is point of contention for me, some of it is Passable Mage and Candor its ok if not deadpan in a few places, Istvan voice is so bad makes me just skip any cut scene or level with him. Not sure if you used AI for dialogue writing too,
The dialogue is definitely not AI written and I'm a little hurt you think so tbh.
but the Way the Candor character makes no sense he spends and entire level getting allies, then says in the next level cutscene he needs no allies.
Yep, this is pretty deliberate as Candor is being what some people would consider to be a hypocrite. Just because a character says something does not necessarily make it true and a large part of his character development over this campaign is him being called out on this aspect of his character, the fact you said you skipped any cutscene with Istan makes this unsurprising; how can you comment on the story or characterisation when you didn't even watch it?
It would make more sense too say 'I have no need for an allies such as you Barov', too Barov than say 'I dont need any allies', Also Candor should just seize the Land from Barov instead for drawn out dialogue with him buying it thanking him, then going bipolar on Barov with a Deadpan delivery.
Warcraft is a feudal society, seizing land off of people would not go down well especially someone like Barov who is a strong ally of Stormwind and the wider Alliance financially.
Character Writing where the personality swaps randomly and isn't consistent its common modern stream shows, but not sure if this is a result of AI dialogue or rushed writing. Some longer Cut scenes could be shortened and made skipable some of the unskipable ones,
All cinematics should be skippable. I do try to keep the cutscenes as short as possible but still enough to convey character, mission objectives etc so if you have any specific examples of overly long cutscenes I'm all ears to take a look at them.
I feel like the use of AI makes it too easy too fill Dead air with it for no reason, its ok too have sharp and snappy cutscenes or cut scenes with Pause and/or silence, like original base game cut scenes have moments of no dialogue like thralls army walking through the dessert or show characters approaching each other. Dialogue such as excess Small talk and things that can be Assumed from scene can be cut right out. Random Item drops might make some hard levels a bit hit or miss in so harder parts, otherwise its well enough balanced.
I do try and avoid having cutscenes of just conversation with little happening visually as well, so if you have any specific examples I'm happy to look at them since I do agree in keeping the dialogue as short as possible as long as it serves it's purpose. I also believe that the various lines characters have in-game or in encounters adds to the feeling of the world and make it seem alive. Also, just as an extra aside not every voice line is AI and some of the one-off lines are actually taken from WoW.

This is not to say my writing is perfect or doesn't have aspects that can be criticised however without specific examples I can't really act on this.
Level 4
Jan 11, 2020
Finally finished the campaign. I put off finishing the final mission for a few months after reaching all the way there since it was pretty hard. All in all great campaign.

I loved the narrative about a Lordaeronian noble who fled his homeland to the south and then tries his hand at reconquering Lordaeron. It's a huge shame Blizzard never implemented a story/questline like this in WoW. They really should've done something like this, giving a story arc to the Lordaeronian nobles who fled to Stormwind.

The vanilla WoW manual explicitly credits Stormwind as the primary destination of Lordaeron survivors. With most refugees fleeing there instead of going with Jaina's Expedition. So it is canon that Stormwind absorbed most of the Lordaeron refugees post-Third War.

The immigration angle was likely at play even before the Third War. It's the only way to justify Stromwind having any significant population at all. The Horde absolutely massacred them way back in First War.

Some Stromwindins even stayed behind in the Hillsbrad region instead of going back. Which is probably why Stormwind in canon had such an easy time taking over the region post-third war. Pretty much all of the human armies patrolling the region use Stormwind tabards, with only a few retaining their original Lordaeronian ones. Even legacy Lordaeronian characters like Marshall Marcus Redpath uses Stormwinds tabard. Hillsbrad is pretty much a Stormwind colony in WoW.

At any rate I think it's a huge shame the devs never explicitly did anything with the modern-day Stormwind being heavily composed of Lordaeron refugees/immigrants angle. Though oddly enough, I do think said angle is somewhat at play if you consider the amount of manpower and resources Stormwind spends to retake Lordaeron mainland throughout canon. But it's pretty unspoken.

The only criticism I have about the campaigns story is probably the Calia part. One of the great things about this campaign was how much it sticks with the canon worldbuilding. Candor's story can almost seamlessly fit into the post-Wrath world without contradicting too much...up until the Calia section. I don't mind that Candor's presence in the setting somehow leads to Calia's discovery early as a butterfly effect.

But I didn't like the character assassination. Calia in canon really isn't someone interested in restoring Lordaeron or taking up its crown. Like, sure, I can believe that with Candor's reputation, she somehow got pressured in the background into pushing her claim. But I think she would've backed down immediately after Candor showed who had the people's loyalty.

It is possible to execute that whole scene while keeping everyone in character. Calia could've been merely testing out if Candor deserves to be the king of Lordaeron, and he proves his worthiness by showcasing how the people chose him. Calia would back down pretty quickly afterward, much to Candor's suspicion at seeing her flip her position so fast, but in truth, it would be a subtle indication of Calia's disinterest in actually claiming Lordaeron's rulership.

That would've been an easy way to avoid the character assassinating her while getting the same results.
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Level 2
Aug 25, 2021
Great style and plot. I like how is between micro and macro
I'm playing with Reforged and the only issue i found for now (Mission7) is that Pyraelus third ability (N) damages friendly units
+also can damage dropped items too
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Level 1
Jun 27, 2024
The campaign would be an easy 5 star if the Last Mission wasn't hot garbage.
Genuinely you could remove the horde faction from the last mission and it'd be great. Or even reduce it drastically.
Because without the red factions smashing on your left you could actually play the map.

Also if you don't get the "Optional" items your boned because they aren't Optional. They are mandatory.
I made the mistake of swapping items around on my heroes to better suit them. So that healing item... yea its on a hero who just isn't on the final map?

sigh.. I complain because I want to give this 5 stars but It left with such a sour taste in my mouth. That Final impression has ruined the 11 maps before it.
Level 4
May 25, 2024
The campaign would be an easy 5 star if the Last Mission wasn't hot garbage.
Genuinely you could remove the horde faction from the last mission and it'd be great. Or even reduce it drastically.
Because without the red factions smashing on your left you could actually play the map.

Also if you don't get the "Optional" items your boned because they aren't Optional. They are mandatory.
I made the mistake of swapping items around on my heroes to better suit them. So that healing item... yea its on a hero who just isn't on the final map?

sigh.. I complain because I want to give this 5 stars but It left with such a sour taste in my mouth. That Final impression has ruined the 11 maps before it.
i think the issue with the last chapter also is the fact that it takes a few attempts to even know what the goal of the map is
Level 1
Jun 27, 2024
That's quite lousy, taking 2 stars because of one map is definitely emotional thinking. Please reassess.
I have ~ and I stand by it. There are issues with every map but the final map shines a light on all of them.
It brings all the issues from the previous maps and just amplifies them in a single map.
If you haven't played this level...give it an honest try.
I spent more time on the final mission trying to beat it... Than I did on the rest of the entire campaign.
So time investment wise; it took more than 50% of my play.
I got to a point where I felt I had to cheat to beat it.

Its not all about how you start. Its a-lot of how you finish.
"Final thoughts"
"Final Impressions"
Exist for a reason.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I have ~ and I stand by it. There are issues with every map but the final map shines a light on all of them.
It brings all the issues from the previous maps and just amplifies them in a single map.
If you haven't played this level...give it an honest try.
I spent more time on the final mission trying to beat it... Than I did on the rest of the entire campaign.
So time investment wise; it took more than 50% of my play.
I got to a point where I felt I had to cheat to beat it.

Its not all about how you start. Its a-lot of how you finish.
"Final thoughts"
"Final Impressions"
Exist for a reason.
Very opinionated, IMO. Please state all the issues from the other maps, so the author could improve/correct.
Right now, we're still at that one map horse glasses view.