(38 ratings)
Footman16 Presents![]()
The First Campaign in the Tales of the Alliance
Major Update: Two versions are included, one for patch 1.31 and one for the latest Reforged patch. The reforged version is updated with improved AI, maps and overall experience.
The Setting
Set between the events of The Wrath of The Lich King and the Cataclysm, Azeroth has changed much since the Third War. Stormwind are now the primary Human Nation with all the other Seven Kingdoms either destroyed, lost or a shell of their former selves. Lordaeron is split between many factions from the ever expanding Forsaken to the noble Argent Crusade to the Scourge Remnants still clinging to their last holdings.
The Characters
Lord Candor was once a prominent Lordaeron Noble who ruled his lands sternly but fairly with an unyielding loyalty to his people and the Kingdom of Lordaeron itself. He has been biding his time and power in the Court of Stormwind waiting to launch a bid to retake his ravaged homeland.
Vanndar Stormpike is the beleagured yet dedicated Commander of the Stormpike Clan leading the offensive in the Northern Eastern Kingdoms against the Horde, They have met stiff resistance and he is running out of options.
Sylvanas Windrunner is the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken her reach is long, her power is growing and her ruthlessness is legendary. She will spare nothing from the living.
The Campaign's Features
The Campaign has 5 playable missions and 2 interludes. It isn't the longest campaign but I have tried to make it as Blizzard quality as possible. There is a working Game Cache. Lord Candor features a new skillset and the Human tech-tree has been slightly changed. There's also some custom enemy tech-trees and enemy heroes have some custom abilities to fight against.
YetAnotherYoutuber, a youtuber (surprise surprise) was kind enough to play and record my campaign fully. His commentary is humourous and insightful and shows a lot of what the campaign has to offer. The version he played is an old one so bugs will have been updated since then. I highly recommend people give his channel a watch.
Since I last updated this campaign, two more youtubers have been kind enough to give this campaign a playthrough. JayborinoPlays (Jayborino) who spurned on the most recent update has some entertaining commentary and is great fun to watch.
And also ImMike Gaming who I didn't know had played through the campaign until recently, but I'm glad I found it as his playthrough was also entertaining to watch and has given me an insight into where there could be some improvements.
I've also found a couple more youtubers who have been very kind in playing and uploading videos of their playthroughs of this campaign: Silent Viper and Palnai who are both smaller youtubers but who make Warcraft 3 content and are both well worth a watch!
Another YouTuber called WanSaweR has done a story review/breakdown of Lordaeron's Legacy for those who wish to find out the story without necessarily playing it.
A Spanish Youtuber called Nekurrot25 has release a Spanish commentary playthrough of the campaign which is linked below for those from the spanish speaking community.
The first video in each of the youtubers' series is linked in the hidden tag below:
Mr. Goblin
Uljimasa Hojo
- If I have missed anyone please inform me and I will rectify it asap!
Reforged Version
- All Cinematics now skippable
- New Forsaken tech-tree closer to Lordaeron's Destiny
- New spells for Lord Candor
- New spells for enemy Heroes
- Mission 2 and the Interlude re-terrained
- New AI for most enemies
- Revamp of Mission 3's defence, including a new Ogre base
- Bug fixes and improved cinematics
- New music during missions
Ah that's the game cache screwing up I had trouble with it but I'll see about fixing it. Was Lord Candor saved between each mission though?
Either way thanks for the review.
I have some faith in your storytelling but I do not have faith in the terrain ;P
That's what I'd work on, to draw people in if nothing else.
Better variety in screenshots probably
Also a unique campaign image makes it POP to people browsing moreso.
If i wasnt aware you made conquest of an island. I wouldnt of even downloaded this honestly
What's wrong with it? Is it just the terrain in the SCs or the terrain in general? I can add more SCs of the terrain if you'd like but I only wanted to show that one mission to not spoil anything.
I wanted the Human/Lordaeron symbol to keep it Blizzard like.
Also thanks that's good to hear about the Game Cache I'll fix the Vanndar one soon as.
Its not a very blizz like though since its not lore campaign really.
Not from what i saw
Its id quickly compare it to something like tale of the warsong at first glance. Terrain could be improved. Story and diologue could be fleshed out.
The end i felt was ridiculous story wise.
Personally I think the terrain and dialogue is better than Tales of the Warsong's (this is just my opinion).
I see what you're saying, however I disagree. Thanks for the feedback though I appreciate it.
Ill play it eventually but not anytime soon but ill be very descriptive with the review. Its just comparing this to past present and future its not quite saga of azeroth / Wanderers of sorceria ,tomoraider/ turno / outsiderex quality but in a catagory just below those for the moment. Granted those are all highly updated and polished in v2 V3 V4s.
Between this and conquest of isle i want to see more work because you know what yours doing for the most part.
Not trying to sound condescending or pretentious if i do
Despite the comments above, I find your campaign very interesting and especially the lore, it could be compare to that of tomoraider, turnro,etc. Since Blizzard can pull a race lore out of the blue(pandaren), your lore is very story-wise(in my opinion) and show a possible outcome for Lordaeron other than being the heaven of Undead. Please continue your good work and polish it even more and you have my appreciation for doing it.
Ps: May I assume that more human campaigns will come cause it is my favorite race?
If you don't mind, I can offer some help with the ideas since I had been a fan of Warcraft lore for a while and for instant, you can make the Horde send reinforcement to Lordaeron to tighten their grip on the fallen kingdom which include Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves(If you have the patience to do them all), a clash with the Scarlet Crusade and maybe the Lich King himself(after his retreat on the Light Hope Chapel),etc. What do you think?Thank you, I tried to make sure the story didn't conflict with the main lore too much, I mean it does contradict somethings for example the Forsaken still hold Durnholde and the events of this campaign never happened. However that part of Azeroth was kind of neglected in WoW and I thought I'd do something with it.
I'm not sure what to do next for a campaign, the best idea I have in my head is doing one which shows what happened in Stormwind during the Third War and just after with Stormwind sending troops to secure Southern Lordaeron and the fall of Stromgarde or something like that. It's just I don't want to make a campaign with a single enemy like the Undead; I'd like to be able to have people face of against at least a couple of factions so the gameplay doesn't get stale.
If you don't mind, I can offer some help with the ideas since I had been a fan of Warcraft lore for a while and for instant, you can make the Horde send reinforcement to Lordaeron to tighten their grip on the fallen kingdom which include Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves(If you have the patience to do them all), a clash with the Scarlet Crusade and maybe the Lich King himself(after his retreat on the Light Hope Chapel),etc. What do you think?
Ps: May you use the following models for Lordaeron army since I think they look...lore-wise?(I do not say your models are not good, no offense!!!). They belong to paladinjst so if you like, you can ask give him the credit.
Actually had time to start it. First off I LOVE the Cata touches of the storylines. Twilights / Dragonmaw/ Ogres. GOOD!
Ok terrain is good. Pretty damn GOOD
secondly story actually seemed decent now that I did more then browse the final level and epilogue hehe.
I still believe the epilogue is cheesey without giving spoilers I'm sure you can guess why.
At first I was thinking the finale level would of been better in Andorhol and not Durn I can see why since it's pretty much a fortress once restored
the 4/5 is deserved though
~~~ Complaints:
His ultimate is REALLY REALLY REALLY boring and useless being Ankh. I mean... In all the years I've played single player campaigns I rarely if ever have let my heroes die. So It's 100% useless and for many others they might feel the same. I can't speak for everyone.
Now then Candor has an interesting Ability where he takes less damage. His ultimate for instance could be an AoE Taunt with a 20 second CD or some such like Mountain Giant.
but he DOES need something he only has one ability to use mana. BAD!
~~~ The Future
I hope to see hopefully his Ultimate changed to something to help dump Mana and be more fun. I still think a Low CD taunt would be good because of his passive DR synergy.
I would like to see another campaign dealing with the Scarlets pissed at you and the Argent Dawn cleaning up Andorhal / Scholomance if you are going to keep the Cataclysm story somewhat going forward. Then you could have the big Forsaken VS Candor Battle for Andorhol mimicing Cata. A Great finale to second campaign would be Stratholme.
Anyways a Sequel to this has potential and some REALLY good Cata plotpoints to explore that took place in the EPL and WPL in the heart of Lordaeron. I hope you choose to do more! This could easily turn into a multi campaign series taking place in various Warcraft Areas and you use inspiration for what happened there in Cata to fill out the Map while injecting Candor and his motives into the story that took place there.
~ Just read that next one might not be about Candor? Argent Crusade Campaign with Maxwell / Tirion / fictional person you use to explore the EPL / WPL events in Cataclysm.
Andorhal / Scholo/ WPL Darrowshire / Tyrs Hand/ Fighting SC and Balnazzar / Scourge in Stratholme. Anyway now I'm rambling. Just hopeful thinking!
no change log?
Don't use the Calia in future. That is one of the biggest annoying lore wankfests in this games fanfiction lore. Even WoW finally introduced her and she had no plans to return.
Also I don't know about replacing his Aura. TBH then you are taking the best skill that lets your armies be more effetive without addressing the issue that 19/20 times. Myself and many others never have their hero die in Single Player.
ANkh is good for multiplayer not SP imo.
Looking forward to it greatly if you do!Yeah, I can tie it into actual WoW lore too which is a big appeal to me.
Looking forward to it greatly if you do!
I've already started work on the next campaign, this one will probably be much longer but it'll start in the barrens. Title is 'Lordaeron's Destiny'![]()
How can i use those blp when i don't even have an mdx for that?If you don't mind, I can offer some help with the ideas since I had been a fan of Warcraft lore for a while and for instant, you can make the Horde send reinforcement to Lordaeron to tighten their grip on the fallen kingdom which include Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves(If you have the patience to do them all), a clash with the Scarlet Crusade and maybe the Lich King himself(after his retreat on the Light Hope Chapel),etc. What do you think?
Ps: May you use the following models for Lordaeron army since I think they look...lore-wise?(I do not say your models are not good, no offense!!!). They belong to paladinjst so if you like, you can ask give him the credit.
The canpaign is go
How can i use those blp when i don't even have an mdx for that?
If you don't mind, I can offer some help with the ideas since I had been a fan of Warcraft lore for a while and for instant, you can make the Horde send reinforcement to Lordaeron to tighten their grip on the fallen kingdom which include Orcs, Trolls, Blood Elves(If you have the patience to do them all), a clash with the Scarlet Crusade and maybe the Lich King himself(after his retreat on the Light Hope Chapel),etc. What do you think?
Ps: May you use the following models for Lordaeron army since I think they look...lore-wise?(I do not say your models are not good, no offense!!!). They belong to paladinjst so if you like, you can ask give him the credit.
The canpaign is go
How can i use those blp when i don't even have an mdx for that?
Update 24/2/17Lord Candor's Determination ability has been changed from a simple reincarnation to a taunt ability which when cast also grants him 20 bonus armour.
Hey. I got a problem man. I am stuck in chapter 4 optional quest from the shadow
i've got 7 from 8. it is error or not
pls tell me all the position ASSASINS. if this error fix it
I am perfectionist. i will stop playing if the optional quest can't be solved
I like it.
If you need help for voices, I'm here as always. ( ... )
Thanks for the offer, Voice acting won't be added soon and there aren't many that I wouldn't be able to find myself. Just out of curiosity, what voices would be best suited for you?
How many Assasins in durneholde. i got 1 from itThere are definitely 8, use flare on the morts to find them alland remember Durnholde.
Thanks for the offer, Voice acting won't be added soon and there aren't many that I wouldn't be able to find myself. Just out of curiosity, what voices would be best suited for you?
Hey man the campaign is amazing i loved Lord Candor custom skill set i think Vandor should have some custom skill aswell the ravenholdt assassin were a pain in the ass to find you should put a gem of true sight in the goblin merchant to help us find them more easily i only took out 6 of them the terrains is nothing out of the ordinary the tech tree of humans have nothing changed it could used more ideas in the future but for now this is a good campaign i've enjoy it as much as any blizzard campaign the plot were some what clear i basically sees Lord Candor as Arthas who didn't pick up Frostmourne not much character build up for him to see him as a character who demonstrate bravery and wisdom very well his arrogance is somewhat like Arthas aswell but his determination to win back his land what exactly a paladin should be
DarkRangerAlice said:I can make any voice with any effect.
farih anashih said:How many Assasins in durneholde. i got 1 from it
I search to the whole area and place tower in all map
could this be there is hidden Assasins who stuck in trees?
well sorry to bother, THANK YOU
your game is great even it simple
WOW Thank you manThanks for the feedback, the Ravenholdt Assassins are intentionally quite difficult they were a pain for me too to fight lol, I'll think about adding the gem of truesight. I could give Vanndar a custom skillset but I think the MK's skills are pretty key to not making the campaign too difficult.
You're spot on with the terrain and tech-tree, I wanted to keep them as Blizzard like as possible. I'm considering changing the Tech-tree in my next campaign Lordaeron's Destiny but I'm not sure.
As for Lord Candor's personality, I've tried to portray him as a bluntly spoken, dour yet intense and determined man, if the dialogue doesn't portray that then I'll see about changing it.
I'll bare that in mind if I ever get round to adding voice acting. Thanks again for the offer.
Ok, I'll give you all the locations but there are definitely 8
One is just south of your base near the tree line
One is next to the ruined inn near the gnolls
One is just north of the Farm and villagers near the treeline
One is right outside Eastpoint Tower
One is at the very edge of the map to east if you follow the road you'll find him
One is at the edge of the map at the top if you follow the road north past Durnholde and up the hill
One is in Durnholde past the Forsaken base
One is near the Undead base in Dun Garok
And that should be all 8
I have just finished the campaign and I liked it
even though it was short an a bit fast-paced but the story is extraordinary
The only thing I didn't like was the terrain
I think its very normal and nothing special just like a normal Warcraft campaign
Now about the tech-tree, there was nothing special about it just a minor change you did
I really hoped that you make for Lord Candor his own tech-tree seeing he is the last noble of Lordaeron, he should have his own style of buildings and units,etc..
Music is the same and seeing how the story went, custom music isn't a good idea in my humble opinion.
I don't know if anybody faced this issue but on chapter five, Vanndar doesn't have his items that I collected from chapter four and he's back to level 2 for some reason.
one more thing, in chapter 5, the attacks are big and sometimes happen at the same time. I trained a lot of units and build a lot of towers but the gold mines aren't enough to hold the line properly. I suggest increasing the amount of gold and maybe raise the food limit.
4.5\5 on overall
Good Job!
And if you are planning for a sequel, I'll be waiting for it and encouraging you![]()
Very nice campaign. Especialy like 3 and 5 mission, however I suggest increase a bit gold amount in mines in 4 and 5 missions. In 5 mission i think 12k/20k should be enough (12k means last 10 minutes on one mine). Also second frost guard as a reward in last mission is a bit meh. I suggest just somethink different on the same power level (maybe a nerfed a bit shield of honor). And one last thing that bother me is Candor aura. Nearly for entire campaign only unit benefit from it are footmen. I think making another 2tier melee unit or just making spell breaker melee should make a trick. You can also make it affected all units, but then it power should be nerfed a bit. Overall 4,5/5 from me.
the last one next in the farm local population at the southwest of the map. hahahaHaha, no problem, what one was it you were missing?