Destiny of Lordaeron

Heron Presents

A Human Campaign

Hi friends, I updated my human campaign, at a level that is quite different from the previous campaign in terms of maps, characters, and abilities.
It is important for me to emphasize that my campaigns are an alternative to the original game, there will be similar things but I will take it in my own directions, maybe it will not be clear at first, but I intend to continue creating more campaigns in which all kinds of connections to the previous campaigns will appear and thus create a new plot of my own.
In the future I will add the extended plot about the game here, which will explain the plot with some more information that is not included in the game itself.


Many years have passed since the war against the orcs, the peace in Azeroth has been maintained for a long time but rumors about the reappearance of the orcs are beginning to gain momentum and King Terenas did not remain indifferent to the situation and decided to recruit his warriors and friends from the other kingdoms to eradicate the phenomenon of the orcs once and for all.
Dalaran aided in the battle with magic, while Admiral Proudmoore of Kul'Tiras sent part of his fleet to destroy the orcs settling in the west.
In addition, the king sent Uther - an old Paladin who returned to fight against the orcs, and was sent with other soldiers towards Quel'Thalas to help the elves against the orcs who also invaded their land as a sign of revenge for helping the humans.
Following the destruction that the orcs carried out in the villages, most of the bandits hiding in the forest took advantage of the situation and looted the people.
To that end, the king sent his son - Prince Arthas and his men to deal with the bandit problem.
Arthas took with him his good friend - Captain Falric, and together with his soldiers they went towards the town from which they received a report about the bandits.

Change Log

As I mentioned above, the campaign will look quite different from the previous one with certain changes such as:

- The level of the heroes will reach 10 and not 15 as it was. (In the future, when I do a second campaign for the same race, I will raise the level to 15)

- I added another chapter to the game. (This will add more interest and explanation to the plot)

- I removed Gryphon Knight and added two new units - Gryphon Raider and Pegasus Knight.

- I added a prologue and an epilogue.

- In the campaign, it will not be possible to control other races such as the elves and dwarves, but there will be a possibility to hire certain warriors.

Of course there are more changes but this is just a small example. In the future, if there are things I need to update, I will also upload the plot here, maybe it will help to understand the campaign better.









Many thanks to @LISBOAH , who reviewed the campaign and corrected the grammar problems in the campaign.
And of course thanks also to Blizzard Entertainment, who brought us this amazing game!!!
And to all the people who spent hours on their creations, whether it's creating campaigns that inspired me to make my own campaign or creating characters and icons that helped me improve the campaign, thank you all so much!!!

SuPa, Ujimasa Hojo, bakr, johnwar, Himperion, Tauer, Em!, Kuhneghetz, Infrisios, Mike, Sliph-M, Lord_T, -=Emergenzy=-, Direfury, Tranquil, PROXY, AndrewOverload519, GreyArchon, General Frank, IamMclovin, Norinrad, Elenai, armel , MatiS, Mc!, JetFangInferno, ,MassiveMaster, Ket, perfjert, 67chrome, Tauer, FrIkY, kangyun, loktar, Stefan.K, PeeKay, Mr.Goblin, SinisterX, Sellenisko, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Frankster, Dark_Dragon, Darkfang, NaserKingArthas, Sclammerz, Edge45, The Panda, UgoUgo, paladinjst, NFWar, Eagle XI, Windrunner29, Sin'dorei300, eubz, Heinvers, Shar Dundred, Turnro, tomoraider, Warseeker.

If I missed someone, please PM me and I'll add you.

Important Information

- Can't skip cinematics. I'm still trying to learn how to do this, but I'm having trouble with the trigger. (I would appreciate help with this).

- There are characters that will have certain problems with them such as lack of portrait or lack of attachment points.

- There is a problem with the special effect - Darksummoning, even though I put a command in the trigger, it doesn't go away. (chapter 7).

- In this campaign the prologue and chapter 1 will be open, the prologue briefly recounts the events that happened before the plot of the game. But since you can't skip, you can start straight from chapter 1.

- There might be a problem with the skin I added. For example in chapter 3 - I created Jennalla with the High Elves skin but when LISBOAH tested the campaign, the skin didn't work and it showed him the model as Night Elf.

It is important for me to note that I intend to continue with the creation of the campaigns, I really like the possibility of letting people experience my creation. So if you've liked my campaigns so far, feel free to support me by donating here.


Feel free to report any bugs, tips or suggestions!

Destiny of Lordaeron (Campaign)

If i could rate the gameplay i would have given it 4/5 stars but the horrible balance,plot holes and horrible grammar killed it.From gameplay,terrain and technical side it's a very good campaign and i must say that story got some potential for a...
Firstly, you need to improve your thread's description, add screenshots and explain the differences from the original campaign. I understand that you are not good at English so I won't address that problem but you can always find people good at it...
Previous version (before 11/09/2017) comments: This is more like a remake of RoC than an actual parallel universe story. I think there might be authors missing from the credits list. Check your resources with this: Resources...
Level 1
Jul 25, 2017
The prologue is playable
awsome campaign :)


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Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Terrain is good,gameplay is good,the grammar can be improved,you can ask a friend with a better understanding of english to help you.Try again to add screenshots and improve your description a little bit,it's kind of uninspiring.Other than that the campaign is great!
5/5 from me +rep:)
Level 4
Feb 18, 2017
Its a very good campaign with interesting storyline ,but i have noticed some unfinished things.
For example:
1: from the chapter that i have to assist the elven towns uthers spellbook has no spells inside.
2: in the same chapter when i reached the second town the orcs didn't atack and remaned neutral , so i killed them myself and still the game didnt said something like < the second town has been saved> or something like that.
3:For some reason the ability that changes the footman into crossbowman is named crow form.Same goes for grypthons where their ground form is named < human form>.

I would also suggest making templars and justicars trainable ( not in their spirit form) since some missions are quite difficult to beat, like the mission where we have to find the elven traitor because of the numerous undead bases and their constant attacks.Same goes for the mission where we have to defend dalaran.You should add some more space around the human castle as well because they where only able to build farms and until they cut the trees around i had already beaten the mission.Also adding screenshots is indeed esential if you want to attract more players.

This is my review despite the few mistakes it was a great expirience and a quite enjoyable campaign so i will rate 5/5.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Its a very good campaign with interesting storyline ,but i have noticed some unfinished things.
For example:
1: from the chapter that i have to assist the elven towns uthers spellbook has no spells inside.
2: in the same chapter when i reached the second town the orcs didn't atack and remaned neutral , so i killed them myself and still the game didnt said something like < the second town has been saved> or something like that.
3:For some reason the ability that changes the footman into crossbowman is named crow form.Same goes for grypthons where their ground form is named < human form>.

I would also suggest making templars and justicars trainable ( not in their spirit form) since some missions are quite difficult to beat, like the mission where we have to find the elven traitor because of the numerous undead bases and their constant attacks.Same goes for the mission where we have to defend dalaran.You should add some more space around the human castle as well because they where only able to build farms and until they cut the trees around i had already beaten the mission.Also adding screenshots is indeed esential if you want to attract more players.

This is my review despite the few mistakes it was a great expirience and a quite enjoyable campaign so i will rate 5/5.

Thank you about your opinion, I will try to fix it
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Map tested. 100% functional in terms of "able to finish main quests". Thoughts:

Man, you gave the terrain a lot of love. There is a lot of space, dead ends etc... Why not give it some more love with little easter eggs? Like small lake hidden in the forest with elven girls bathing, add a good dialogue there and it will be worth playing 10 times over.

That grammar man, its killing.

Some difficulty balancing will have to come too. Have you yourself played it? Try it, see how you fare. Good kickstart on changes and improvements.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Map tested. 100% functional in terms of "able to finish main quests". Thoughts:

Man, you gave the terrain a lot of love. There is a lot of space, dead ends etc... Why not give it some more love with little easter eggs? Like small lake hidden in the forest with elven girls bathing, add a good dialogue there and it will be worth playing 10 times over.

That grammar man, its killing.

Some difficulty balancing will have to come too. Have you yourself played it? Try it, see how you fare. Good kickstart on changes and improvements.

Hmm I will translate, what you wrote here and try to fix my campaign, about the grammar, I'm sorry but my english isn't good.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed.
Level 2
Apr 8, 2017
Another horrible Arthas campaign, I bet people who rate this 5 stars are locked up in author's basement. Dont deserve to be on front page and should be improved a lot before get approved.

Deleted member 237964


Deleted member 237964

Another horrible Arthas campaign, I bet people who rate this 5 stars are locked up in author's basement. Dont deserve to be on front page and should be improved a lot before get approved.

"Constructive Critique".
Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
Nice campaign, great work. Uther and Falric's models is awesome. The same for Uther's custom skills. Here some suggestion.
1/Give us a more details description about your map and please, more screenshots.
2/Some of Uther's items that I gathers in prologue chapter is lost :'(
3/Give Arthas a special skills-set too. Although his Aura is good, but it's not enough. You can also change his 'divine shield' into a trait skill. Meaning, 'Divine Shield' can't level up and use don't need a skills point to learn it.
4/And add some skills for Falric. Make him more special and unique when compare to others troops.
5/In chapter one, there's a graveyard, but it do nothing. Why don't add something like some skeleton rising, surising Arthas and his men.
6/Chapter 2 is a a little to plain, add some more critters, creeps' camp. Change the lv6 Black Drake back to Searinox, make him stronger with some ability and make him drop something when killed. Give the barrack ability to recruit crossbowman after finish the 'Prisoners' quest.
7/In Chapter 3, give Elven troops the ability to dodge enemy attacks and increase there attack speed and attack damage but lower there armor and hitpoints, that suit there trait more.
8/Change Sylvanas 'Lightning Arrows' skills, since it not sync with her multishot passive, how about another spell like "healing chain" or trueshot aura.
9/In chapter 4, Uther's Spell book didn't work and he lost almost every item in prologue chapter :'(
10/In chapter 5, there is but a minor lore facts, Arthas was Muradin old student. They have a close relation ship
11/In chapter 6, try to delete those 'Mooncrystal' and 'Key of the three moon'. Those item cost too much item slot for nothing.
Instead of Lorthemar's death as an defeat condition, how about something like his base fallen, that will make thing easier
I haven't finished your map yet, so that will be all for now.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
Nice campaign. The campaign is basically the modified version of original blizzard campaign.

When this campaign was compared to other campaigns in human campaign style, I can only gives this 2.5/5 .

The campaign itself was not really lacking. Most of works I saw were still from Blizzard's work. It was still manageable to progress to the end and terrains were not blank paper so I could not rate it 2/5

The campaign itself was not really acceptable either. There were many codes, many triggers, many hole in story, unreasonable terrain (imagine if you are going to create a road. the road in campaign did not look well-place) and there were many many things that were not in their places. So 3/5 rating is not suitable.

However, I could not give 2.5/5 so I pushed it up to 3/5.

I think you need to learn many new things to fill up the holes. There are too many things to point out at this moment.
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Nice campaign, great work. Uther and Falric's models is awesome. The same for Uther's custom skills. Here some suggestion.
1/Give us a more details description about your map and please, more screenshots.
2/Some of Uther's items that I gathers in prologue chapter is lost :'(
3/Give Arthas a special skills-set too. Although his Aura is good, but it's not enough. You can also change his 'divine shield' into a trait skill. Meaning, 'Divine Shield' can't level up and use don't need a skills point to learn it.
4/And add some skills for Falric. Make him more special and unique when compare to others troops.
5/In chapter one, there's a graveyard, but it do nothing. Why don't add something like some skeleton rising, surising Arthas and his men.
6/Chapter 2 is a a little to plain, add some more critters, creeps' camp. Change the lv6 Black Drake back to Searinox, make him stronger with some ability and make him drop something when killed. Give the barrack ability to recruit crossbowman after finish the 'Prisoners' quest.
7/In Chapter 3, give Elven troops the ability to dodge enemy attacks and increase there attack speed and attack damage but lower there armor and hitpoints, that suit there trait more.
8/Change Sylvanas 'Lightning Arrows' skills, since it not sync with her multishot passive, how about another spell like "healing chain" or trueshot aura.
9/In chapter 4, Uther's Spell book didn't work and he lost almost every item in prologue chapter :'(
10/In chapter 5, there is but a minor lore facts, Arthas was Muradin old student. They have a close relation ship
11/In chapter 6, try to delete those 'Mooncrystal' and 'Key of the three moon'. Those item cost too much item slot for nothing.
Instead of Lorthemar's death as an defeat condition, how about something like his base fallen, that will make thing easier
I haven't finished your map yet, so that will be all for now.

Thank you for your opinion, I will try to fix it, and hope you enjoyed :)

Deleted member 237964


Deleted member 237964

If i could rate the gameplay i would have given it 4/5 stars but the horrible balance,plot holes and horrible grammar killed it.From gameplay,terrain and technical side it's a very good campaign and i must say that story got some potential for a sequel but the mentioned plot holes are killing it.It's going to be 3/5 for now but i hope to change this rating in the future.

I'm not very good at reviews but i will try to point out some good and bad points of this campaign.

+ Custom races with their own units and techtrees.
+ Custom skins,models and spells.
+ A really good terrain.
+ Kul Tiras Crusader in defense of Dalran mission. (A big plus from Proudmoore himself )
+ Dar'khan (Not many people know about this character and his role in the lore,he was totally skiped in Warcraft 3)
+ Some Potential for a sequel for this,even despite some plot holes.
+ I've encounter no bugs and everything worked perfectly. (Other thanA frigate
+Alternative story,it's a bit of deja vu but i wasn't feeling bored at all.
+ Artifacts.

- Horrible grammar and typos like 'Retorn' or "Becose".I don't judge you for it but perhaps there is someone that could help you with the dialogues? Someone trusted? You can always ask people on forum,there is a lot of people who would be more than willing to help you.I'm sorry to say this and don't take it personally but phrases likes "Now you will taste the taste of death" made me cry in laugh or the overuse of word "Great" like Word "Good' don't exist at all.
-Plot holes and characters having Amnesia or acting different than their originl personality. (Examples: Uther protecting Orcs? Arthas going after Orc to Northrend but once he reach the shore they mysteriously dissapear?,Sylvanas not knowing who the Uther is or Muradin acting like he never saw Arthas before,Elves asking Uther what the hell is he doing In Quel'thalas after him telling Arthas that Elves needs their help?
- Elven Guard by name of Max? Or...Mr.Whitebeard? I know they are only supporting characters but they deserve better names and more fiting to fantasy.
-Uther book containing no spells at all.
-Horrible balance.Some may find it chalanging and will see it as a + but in my opinion the defense of Dalaran mission is to hard and mission with Lor'themar where wave after wave (30-40 seconds) of Gargoyles with 80-100 attack is just too much.Also Necromancers spamming cripple is way too much.At least for me.Not only i have to defend Lor'themar base but also myself and the friendly Ai does nothing at all,no support from their.Misison with escape from Nerubian lair should have at least 25 minutes timing instead of 20 min,there are just way too many nerubians,i also encountered a bug where one human frigate survived the undead onslaught.
-In Dalaran defense mission you added Marketplace with artifacts but you forgot to add gold bounty for slaining enemy minions.
-In first and second mission quests marks does not dissapear once you complete quests from npcs,also..i suggets you add a little signals like where to look for stuff that Arthas sister asked for,where to look for crushed ships and other like this.I admit..i had to use 'iseedeadpeople' cheat to know where to go.


-In first mission you should add more life to the ciy,it's capitol after all! Why not add some life to it? Like random guards conversations,laughing children sound,some peasants complaing and other like this?
-Terrain is really well made but you sometimes leave a lot of open space,add some easter eggs or some more side quests! That would surely improve your campaign and make it much more enjoyable.
-Fix the dialogues if that's possible for you or at least fix some of the grammar mistakes and plot holes.
-Captain Falric custom model does not have defend animation and Elven defense towers lacks build animation.Perhaps you could consider using this models for them instead? (Just don't forget to give authors a credit)

Royal Captain

-Make a sequel! I believe it deserves a one,just with better dialogues and no plot holes in it!
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
If i could rate the gameplay i would have given it 4/5 stars but the horrible balance,plot holes and horrible grammar killed it.From gameplay,terrain and technical side it's a very good campaign and i must say that story got some potential for a sequel but the mentioned plot holes are killing it.It's going to be 3/5 for now but i hope to change this rating in the future.

I'm not very good at reviews but i will try to point out some good and bad points of this campaign.

+ Custom races with their own units and techtrees.
+ Custom skins,models and spells.
+ A really good terrain.
+ Kul Tiras Crusader in defense of Dalran mission. (A big plus from Proudmoore himself )
+ Dar'khan (Not many people know about this character and his role in the lore,he was totally skiped in Warcraft 3)
+ Some Potential for a sequel for this,even despite some plot holes.
+ I've encounter no bugs and everything worked perfectly. (Other thanA frigate
+Alternative story,it's a bit of deja vu but i wasn't feeling bored at all.
+ Artifacts.

- Horrible grammar and typos like 'Retorn' or "Becose".I don't judge you for it but perhaps there is someone that could help you with the dialogues? Someone trusted? You can always ask people on forum,there is a lot of people who would be more than willing to help you.I'm sorry to say this and don't take it personally but phrases likes "Now you will taste the taste of death" made me cry in laugh or the overuse of word "Great" like Word "Good' don't exist at all.
-Plot holes and characters having Amnesia or acting different than their originl personality. (Examples: Uther protecting Orcs? Arthas going after Orc to Northrend but once he reach the shore they mysteriously dissapear?,Sylvanas not knowing who the Uther is or Muradin acting like he never saw Arthas before,Elves asking Uther what the hell is he doing In Quel'thalas after him telling Arthas that Elves needs their help?
- Elven Guard by name of Max? Or...Mr.Whitebeard? I know they are only supporting characters but they deserve better names and more fiting to fantasy.
-Uther book containing no spells at all.
-Horrible balance.Some may find it chalanging and will see it as a + but in my opinion the defense of Dalaran mission is to hard and mission with Lor'themar where wave after wave (30-40 seconds) of Gargoyles with 80-100 attack is just too much.Also Necromancers spamming cripple is way too much.At least for me.Not only i have to defend Lor'themar base but also myself and the friendly Ai does nothing at all,no support from their.Misison with escape from Nerubian lair should have at least 25 minutes timing instead of 20 min,there are just way too many nerubians,i also encountered a bug where one human frigate survived the undead onslaught.
-In Dalaran defense mission you added Marketplace with artifacts but you forgot to add gold bounty for slaining enemy minions.
-In first and second mission quests marks does not dissapear once you complete quests from npcs,also..i suggets you add a little signals like where to look for stuff that Arthas sister asked for,where to look for crushed ships and other like this.I admit..i had to use 'iseedeadpeople' cheat to know where to go.


-In first mission you should add more life to the ciy,it's capitol after all! Why not add some life to it? Like random guards conversations,laughing children sound,some peasants complaing and other like this?
-Terrain is really well made but you sometimes leave a lot of open space,add some easter eggs or some more side quests! That would surely improve your campaign and make it much more enjoyable.
-Fix the dialogues if that's possible for you or at least fix some of the grammar mistakes and plot holes.
-Captain Falric custom model does not have defend animation and Elven defense towers lacks build animation.Perhaps you could consider using this models for them instead? (Just don't forget to give authors a credit)

Royal Captain

-Make a sequel! I believe it deserves a one,just with better dialogues and no plot holes in it!

Thank you for your opinion, I will try to fix my campaign, my english isn't good and my can't help me in this.
This my first campaign, after all... so I do my best

Thank you and hope you enjoyed :)

Deleted member 237964


Deleted member 237964

Thank you for your opinion, I will try to fix my campaign, my english isn't good and my can't help me in this.
This my first campaign, after all... so I do my best

Thank you and hope you enjoyed :)

My pleasure,i hope that you will find my review to be useful.Good luck and i hope to see sequel one day!
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
Firstly, you need to improve your thread's description, add screenshots and explain the differences from the original campaign.
I understand that you are not good at English so I won't address that problem but you can always find people good at it ready to help you here.
Secondly, the campaign...
I'll tell you what I loved first.
The terrain changes nice work on that one I give it 5\5
The custom races with their techs another 5\5
The heroes models especially Lorthemar
The gryphon models
Now what I didn't like
The Prologue: The Quests' objectives are very far and will take some time to finish a prologue mission, in my opinion, there is no need for the prologue to be a mission you can replace it with an intro cinematic.
I will address the chapters in general and tell you what I found
1- Crossbowmen are not trainable after you rescue them or they are in the following chapters
2- The black drake in chapter 3 needs to be replaced with Searinox
3- Uther's spellbook does not have any spells, just empty slots.
4- Cannon towers can't be built even after you build their prerequisite 'Workshop'.
5- THE LORE: no character development, major plot holes and many lore mistakes
6- In the sixth chapter The Traitor, the Undead base that builds the gargoyles has Purple gargoyles which I thought was stronger than the original ones but turns out they are weaker with more health.
7- Key of the Three Moons stays in Sylvanas' inventory in the next chapters and is not droppable, oh and I picked one part of it with Uther and I still won the chapter even though a warning message appeared at the beginning telling me only Sylvanas can pick it up. Now I'm stuck with them.
8- Goldmines in some chapters don't have enough gold and there are no expansions.
9- Units stay selection is visible during cutscenes
10- Chapter Six's end conversation between Sylvanas and Lorthemar "Sha La Na" What does that even mean? You can search on wowpedia for Thalassian language.
11- the phrase " May the gods be with us" I read several times, the humans don't worship any god they worship the Light.
12- Chapter Seven: The objectives sats Defend for 20 minutes but the timer is set to 25 minutes.
13- footmen armor is heavy, it should be normal.
14- Enemies lack hero units.
15- Marwyn has no defend animation.
16- Jaina's third ability description - forgot its name- states that the area and duration increase with each level but in fact nothing changes and static bomb ability affects allies as well.
17- Chapter 7 has a marketplace but no gold to purchase items with
18- Chapter 8: The gryphons were never on Northrend as far as I know in lore they were friends of the Wildhammer dwarves and also the Bronzebeard clan.

That's my opinion and there are also some things that my fellow hivers already mentioned
The campaign has potential but needs much improvement.
my rating 2\5.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Firstly, you need to improve your thread's description, add screenshots and explain the differences from the original campaign.
I understand that you are not good at English so I won't address that problem but you can always find people good at it ready to help you here.
Secondly, the campaign...
I'll tell you what I loved first.
The terrain changes nice work on that one I give it 5\5
The custom races with their techs another 5\5
The heroes models especially Lorthemar
The gryphon models
Now what I didn't like
The Prologue: The Quests' objectives are very far and will take some time to finish a prologue mission, in my opinion, there is no need for the prologue to be a mission you can replace it with an intro cinematic.
I will address the chapters in general and tell you what I found
1- Crossbowmen are not trainable after you rescue them or they are in the following chapters
2- The black drake in chapter 3 needs to be replaced with Searinox
3- Uther's spellbook does not have any spells, just empty slots.
4- Cannon towers can't be built even after you build their prerequisite 'Workshop'.
5- THE LORE: no character development, major plot holes and many lore mistakes
6- In the sixth chapter The Traitor, the Undead base that builds the gargoyles has Purple gargoyles which I thought was stronger than the original ones but turns out they are weaker with more health.
7- Key of the Three Moons stays in Sylvanas' inventory in the next chapters and is not droppable, oh and I picked one part of it with Uther and I still won the chapter even though a warning message appeared at the beginning telling me only Sylvanas can pick it up. Now I'm stuck with them.
8- Goldmines in some chapters don't have enough gold and there are no expansions.
9- Units stay selection is visible during cutscenes
10- Chapter Six's end conversation between Sylvanas and Lorthemar "Sha La Na" What does that even mean? You can search on wowpedia for Thalassian language.
11- the phrase " May the gods be with us" I read several times, the humans don't worship any god they worship the Light.
12- Chapter Seven: The objectives sats Defend for 20 minutes but the timer is set to 25 minutes.
13- footmen armor is heavy, it should be normal.
14- Enemies lack hero units.
15- Marwyn has no defend animation.
16- Jaina's third ability description - forgot its name- states that the area and duration increase with each level but in fact nothing changes and static bomb ability affects allies as well.
17- Chapter 7 has a marketplace but no gold to purchase items with
18- Chapter 8: The gryphons were never on Northrend as far as I know in lore they were friends of the Wildhammer dwarves and also the Bronzebeard clan.

That's my opinion and there are also some things that my fellow hivers already mentioned
The campaign has potential but needs much improvement.
my rating 2\5.

I changed the story intention, but I will try to fix it
Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
in Chapter 6 and chapter 7, there are tons of ally troops stand idle. What the hell are they doing, do they even know they are at war with the undead? Also in chapter 7, when Admiral Proudmoore show up, we receive a quest to destroy the undead base. Then again, what the hell is Dalaran troops doing? Standing idle, chit chat -_- . Fix this man
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
in Chapter 6 and chapter 7, there are tons of ally troops stand idle. What the hell are they doing, do they even know they are at war with the undead? Also in chapter 7, when Admiral Proudmoore show up, we receive a quest to destroy the undead base. Then again, what the hell is Dalaran troops doing? Standing idle, chit chat -_- . Fix this man

I'm not working for you man, I busy now and this hard for me because this my first campaign and my English isn't good.
But I will try to fix it.
Good day.
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Level 3
Jan 17, 2017
I'm not working for you man.
Sorry for my behavior, just I was having a bad day. But you should really fix that. In chapter 6, Lorthemar is not that hard to kill since only a couples of troops guarding him, and sometime he just charging on, standing on the front line. Maybe you can pull him back to the city.
In chapter 7, nerf those Kul'Tiras knights since they are to op. Dalaran's troops also need to participate in the fight to :v
Level 1
Sep 8, 2017
To be honest, I didn't try this campaign yet, still am excited to try it.
If you're looking for someone to help you in English description issue, I am not that great but I would be happy to help.
Don't listen to those who try to give you negative opinions, it's your first campaign .
At least you're trying to keep warcraft 3 alive !! and I praised you for that.
Thank you for all your hard work , I will keep checking for your updates so please don't stop and do more and more of these !
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
To be honest, I didn't try this campaign yet, still am excited to try it.
If you're looking for someone to help you in English description issue, I am not that great but I would be happy to help.
Don't listen to those who try to give you negative opinions, it's your first campaign .
At least you're trying to keep warcraft 3 alive !! and I praised you for that.
Thank you for all your hard work , I will keep checking for your updates so please don't stop and do more and more of these !

WOW thank you man!!


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Previous version (before 11/09/2017) comments:

1. It's somewhat interesting how you related Uther's ultimate with the sun, the magic source of the High Elves. It wasn't clearly explained what the Light was in any of the games. In WoW, they tried something interesting. However, in the first Warcraft game, the Light was the or one of the source(s) of God's power. It makes sense if you connect it to WoW's naaru. Now, keeping WoW aside, the Sun is a strong and longevous source of Light, nevertheless.
2. Would be nice for people (at least the first guards) to greet you (oh, they do but when you reach the castle). Also would be nice to have an explanation why some guards block the way (they could tell you what's the reason for it).
3. You could make some Peasants "cut trees" (animation) in some places near doodads or something to make the place look more lively. Patrolling units on the walls, in the castles (there is one Knight outside). They don't need to move nonstop but could take a break too.
4. Units selected during cinematic mode.
5. Well, Uther is an important person. Wasn't he called by the king? Why would he not see him then? Resorting to chores is probably not even for Captain Falric, not to mention a High Paladin.
6. "If you're going now to the orc camp, we will join you." Well, I had no idea about no orc camp. I guess, they should join you only when you do that or just join you without mentioning the orc camp if you don't know about it yet?
7. Might as well make the west side of the fortress (in the west) not be passable as it looks like a flat one tile (grassy) path. Actually, it's the only way to the orc camp. You could at least make it look nicer.
8. The Brood Mother is too close to the bridge and will start circumventing to get to the player's units because it detects them near.
9. The Peons just stand still when you find them. They don't even chop a tree.
10. Might Light is called Holy Light after you learn it. Also, you can get level 3 when Uther has level 4 which isn't right. Third level abilities are gotten when a hero reaches the fifth level.
11. Uther's model doesn't quite, fit him when he has lightning eyes.
12. Some ramps, like those in the orc camp (southeast), have some visual glitches. It's annoying placing them correctly, I know.
13. Footmen can get through the gate where the orcs are detained between magic barriers. Doors should open for you. It's weird that you have to break down gates in friendly places if they're not supposed to be locked. What do those two levers do anyway?
14. It's also weird for "mini" towers to be between castle walls which also have real type sized towers, but that's how games are :D
15. Footmen also get through fences. Pathing Blockers use is in order.
16. I don't think you should use the Blacksmith as a general Shop.
17. I suggest making the shops visible on the minimap with their special icon. There's an option in the Object Editor to make that minimap icon appear.
18. Why is there a portal in the castle :D?
19. Footmen can get through the trees on the left and right of the entrance to the castle. To the west they can reach the part where the spiders if they can get past the Golems near the fountain that is :D
20. It would be nice to get hints/info when blockades are opened (like when the Footmen blocking the way to the Fountain of Health disappeared). Also, it looks weird for none of them to be there to stay on guard.
21. Well, collect herbs and whatnot but what about a hint where to start searching. The whole map?
22. Looks like Uther is friend with a lot of people he might have really had much contact with lorewise.
23. The bridge to the southeast isn't properly placed.
24. Visually, the immersion level is high. Did you make the map?
25. Oh, no no. Make items like flowers and useless stuff be runes. Use an integer or some boleans to count the taken items. Never use items like these and make them undroppable. Or at least give the Footmen an inventory or make it so that you can have a Pack Horse to carry your items. Or make a backpack (dummy hero unit) with a smaller inventory which can only carry some items (triggers). Meh, you can't give any of them if you don't have all of them with you... Got to start searching for the items where I've left them...
26. Maybe a Bandit Lord where the ships are for a challenge?
27. Is that a Uther's statue in the castle :D?
28. You cannot buy an Orb of Fire because the Castle requirement is not met. Not sure if intended or not. If intended, remove the items from the shop, if not, delete the requirement.
29. Jubei is weak. He does not cast any spells aside the passive Critical Strike.
30. Lord Zan gives you a Potion of Greater Healing? Are you kidding? The hero has a healing spell plus there's a Fountain not very far, also, Calia's potion.
31. By the way, did Calia go through a learning process or what that she just gave Uther the potion? She's also damn fast at making them.
32. I don't think it's a good idea to move all units after a cinematic scene.
33. The orcs had no fleet after the Second War.
34. Well, Arthas was sent first in your version but in RoC Arthas came after Uther since he met him there.

1. No more Defend :(?
2. Badly placed bridge, again.
3. What do you get for completing the Crazy Men quest?
4. Is this an edit of the original first human RoC map? At least it's not the same like others use in their campaigns for some maps.
5. Is there an Easter egg with the Meat or it's just there for "fun"?
6. The exclamation mark ("!") should disappear from the heads of units after quest completion.
7. Footmen can get through some trees and houses in the village.
8. You could add an extra ability to Falric to make him special.
9. I suggest Cleaving Attack for Gar'thok.
10. Oh, so this is an altered version of RoC human events. I thought it was a side story.
11. Divine Shield is not necessary for this mission. Why not let the player choose the spells at the start?

1. Uther has 2 items missing: those that were on the last two inventory slots (down). Actually the first two slots were changed too... I don't think he uses any spells, not even healing.
2. Uther's blocking the way if you build more towers. The Knights might return near the fire and stay there.
3. The Crossbowmen to the northwest aren't really protected.
4. Try finding another icon for the Crossbowmen as it's the same with the Footman's
5. Are you sure you want to keep those upgrades for the Crossbowmen too? They're ranged units.
6. The big black dragon was easier than all the other little ones combined.
7. Did Arthas really believe a mere orc would summon an army of demons? He had no knowledge of the War of the Ancients, I'm sure.
8. "My lords, I have a massage for you!" :D

1. What? They came so Uther can go back for help?
2. Also, their borders were in danger. Why leave, both of them?
3. You could mention that they actually had to chop the way free of trees after they found the main path was blocked by the orcs.
4. Wow, they actually built a base there with elves still in their houses.
5. Bridges badly placed.
6. One of the green Engineers near the Lumber Mill stands still.
7. The Zeppelin that comes and leaves a Wolf Rider just remains there invulnerable.
8. An elf named John :D
9. I'm not sure what the orcs are doing in Quel'thalas anyway.
10. Uther seemed to come empty handed.
11. Play music using the other trigger as now it plays as sound.

1. Attribute bonus could look the same. It's not a different ability so why have a different icon for each hero?
2. Gods, you do not use a cache? Uther's spells are not like I chose them in the prologue and the items are gone!
3. Uther's Spell Book is empty...
4. The workers were paused during cinematic mode and did not continue harvesting afterwards.
5. Towers are weak compared to their Wolf Rider attacks.
6. Bridges should be placed accordingly.
7. I suggest increasing the time with 25%.
8. I also suggest the Amulet of Recall not to be consumable. No. Actually 25% or 20% or to be harder 15% increased time for the gate is OK. You can get with your two heroes fast enough to kill those two grunts.
9. You could use different models for the Blacksmith and Lumber Mill. Search the site.
10. You lose if your heroes die albeit having an Altar. I guess it's only for the techtree and because of the "invisible" timer. You could mention they must stay alive in the Quest Log.
11. Swordsman and Priest have the same soundset.
12. Some high cliffs or trees would look nice as the way blockers to the gate.

1. Good part is Arthas is like he was in the previous level I've played with him spells and all. I guess, you forgot to save Uther in the cache or something.
2. You should write explicit descriptions. For instance Blind affects an area not a single target as you'd think while reading the ability's text. Also, 10 seconds is too much for AoE.
3. I don't think trolls should be sleeping in the middle of the "road".
4. The Skeletal Grunts have their animation speed to 0. You need to play Stand animation after Birth animation. Time them correctly, look at how many seconds animations last by selecting a unit placed on the map and looking at its animations on the left under the minimap.
5. Looks like Falric never heard of Orc necromancy which was present even in the First War.
6. As in the first elven level, you can see units standing still before starting to battle each other. I suggest letting them battle each other from the start but without taking any damage until you get to them.
7. A hammer that can break stones but can't break a wolves?
8. OK, so Arthas and Muradin don't know each other.
9. Why was that Mr. Bearwhite so surprised to see Muradin alive?
10. Workers stand idle after the scene.
11. Why is the Miner on the second position in the Keep instead of the first?
12. Warrior is named Footman when training him.
13. I think there should be more gold in the first mine.
14. Ah, Canon Towers can't be built even with Workshop constructed. Check the requirements.
15. Wow, those trees are tough, lots of HP.
16. Healing Wave shouldn't have Level 1 in the title because it's not a hero spell on the dwarven unit.
17. The Riflemen you train are not the same with those already in the base. The double click on one of them won't include the trained ones in the group. Same with Mortar Team.
18. Attacks are quite fast which leaves little time to counter-attack.
19. Also would be a good idea to increase resource drops.
20. OK, so now Gryphons are native or at least are in Northrend.
21. So, Muradin lied that the undead attacked Khaz Modan? If they did, how did they get past so many places on the map?
22. Well, if the undead are "natives" to Northrend, what makes them so optimistic that the sword isn't already in their hands?

1. Sylvanas is yellow now. Also, I don't see anything either funny or fun in having an enemy that you'd have to defeat. So, why is she so excited for war?
2. Footmen have an ability called Crow Form; yeah it turns them into a Crossbowman and back.
3. They are attacking too soon. You can barely build towers and or retrain fallen warriors and workers. Because of this, you can't get to Lor'Themar in time and if he dies you fail. Why not make him revive at the altar and only lose the mission if his altar is destroyed or something? Not to mention it takes a lot to get to him and the retard doesn't even retreat to regenerate. He doesn't use most of his units for defense. This level is highly imbalanced. On top of that you have two bases to control.
4. The purple Gargoyles are called Gargoyle. What about another name and model/skin? They also don't seem to be that different. A new spell or something?
5. I suggest Dragonhawks to move Fast not Average.
6. For some reason the Altar of Kings is floating.
7. Units selected during cinematic mode. Again, play skeleton stand animation after birth.
8. Undead come back? When did they come in Warcraft aside from with orcs and demons?

1. Jaina's portrait in the transmission is blue not pink.
2. The game started lagging/running in frames after the first wave. Check triggers for leaks.
3. The Holy Light hotkey "T" on Spirit Justiciar does not work.
4. Purple don't seem to refill their units at the gates.
5. What are ships doing in those narrow canals? How did they get there?
6. Too bad there aren't any items for Jaina (or at all) in this level.
7. I suggest increasing life span of Justiciars as there isn't enough time to even consume mana casting Holy Light one after another.
8. Jaina's Teleport is useless on this level.
9. Oh by the way, I think that Butcher never came.
10. Well, the second main quest doesn't require you to protect the generator but if it dies, you lose.
11. Such a small force Daelin brought but a strong one nevertheless.
12. Just found out I could train Crusaders (Bandit Lords :D)! And this after leaving a few enemy buildings standing. You might want to notify the player of this. Also increase their food cost to at least 3. You could change their colour to green after they get out of the Barracks.
13. Antonidas can sense people from miles away just like that, huh?
14. Try making the boats go each on its path so they don't get one in front of the other and stagger.
15. The first part of the level is repetitive, not really much to do but the same thing over and over.

1. The Griffins could have a net on them or something.
2. After both Spirit Towers fall, the Griffins become yours. I guess, that should've happened after destroying the generators.
3. Griffins have their health bars somewhere up instead of just above their heads like normal units.

1. The mage units don't start with full mana. you need a trigger to set it to 100% because through their properties on the map it won't work due to their two mastery upgrades.
2. I think the timer shouldn't run during the troll saving scene.
3. The optional quest is not exactly an optional quest. The cells are in the way.
4. It takes that long to get to quest completed after getting out or do you have to kill all purple units/buildings?

1. The men could have just left Arthas if they didn't want to go, especially the dwarves.
2. Jaina even lifts air units with that spell :D
3. Sylvanas is a ranger which senses things about Frostmourne that Jaina the mage does not.
4. Why not put all spells on Arthas already if he's 15 now?
5. Arthas' auras do not work...
6. Again the Canon-Workshop problem.
7. There's an upgrade in the Blacksmith that I think belongs to the elves.
8. The good part about this level is that they don't attack your base if your troops are out because they go for your troops and heroes, which means I had to build 0 towers.
9. The Mercenary Camp is useless. Those units are too weak.
10. Lightning Arrows are just Frost/Cold Arrows. You could make an orb effect that instead casts Purge on the unit by increasing chance. If you could set Purge to also slow attack speed down, if not you could use triggers.
11. I don't think Gryphon Knight should be able to attack ground units while in air. Also, this unit's purpose has not been explored, exploited at all. It's a shame there wasn't any level where strategies switching between air and ground mode would have either been necessary or at least useful.
12. Arthas suddenly becomes evil and even so powerful to trap and turn Sylvanas into undead. Doesn't make sense really since there was no need to destroy the undead bases for all of that to happen.

1. Well, the Knight that told them about the undead attacking and other units like working Peasants remained there.
2. How did Arthas get to Terenas? (At least) Uther and (maybe) Jaina were still around weren't they? Did they die? Were they not there at the time? We will never know.

This is more like a remake of RoC than an actual parallel universe story.

I think there might be authors missing from the credits list. Check your resources with this: Resources in Use by Destiny of Lordaeron | HIVE



Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Previous version (before 11/09/2017) comments:

1. It's somewhat interesting how you related Uther's ultimate with the sun, the magic source of the High Elves. It wasn't clearly explained what the Light was in any of the games. In WoW, they tried something interesting. However, in the first Warcraft game, the Light was the or one of the source(s) of God's power. It makes sense if you connect it to WoW's naaru. Now, keeping WoW aside, the Sun is a strong and longevous source of Light, nevertheless.
2. Would be nice for people (at least the first guards) to greet you (oh, they do but when you reach the castle). Also would be nice to have an explanation why some guards block the way (they could tell you what's the reason for it).
3. You could make some Peasants "cut trees" (animation) in some places near doodads or something to make the place look more lively. Patrolling units on the walls, in the castles (there is one Knight outside). They don't need to move nonstop but could take a break too.
4. Units selected during cinematic mode.
5. Well, Uther is an important person. Wasn't he called by the king? Why would he not see him then? Resorting to chores is probably not even for Captain Falric, not to mention a High Paladin.
6. "If you're going now to the orc camp, we will join you." Well, I had no idea about no orc camp. I guess, they should join you only when you do that or just join you without mentioning the orc camp if you don't know about it yet?
7. Might as well make the west side of the fortress (in the west) not be passable as it looks like a flat one tile (grassy) path. Actually, it's the only way to the orc camp. You could at least make it look nicer.
8. The Brood Mother is too close to the bridge and will start circumventing to get to the player's units because it detects them near.
9. The Peons just stand still when you find them. They don't even chop a tree.
10. Might Light is called Holy Light after you learn it. Also, you can get level 3 when Uther has level 4 which isn't right. Third level abilities are gotten when a hero reaches the fifth level.
11. Uther's model doesn't quite, fit him when he has lightning eyes.
12. Some ramps, like those in the orc camp (southeast), have some visual glitches. It's annoying placing them correctly, I know.
13. Footmen can get through the gate where the orcs are detained between magic barriers. Doors should open for you. It's weird that you have to break down gates in friendly places if they're not supposed to be locked. What do those two levers do anyway?
14. It's also weird for "mini" towers to be between castle walls which also have real type sized towers, but that's how games are :D
15. Footmen also get through fences. Pathing Blockers use is in order.
16. I don't think you should use the Blacksmith as a general Shop.
17. I suggest making the shops visible on the minimap with their special icon. There's an option in the Object Editor to make that minimap icon appear.
18. Why is there a portal in the castle :D?
19. Footmen can get through the trees on the left and right of the entrance to the castle. To the west they can reach the part where the spiders if they can get past the Golems near the fountain that is :D
20. It would be nice to get hints/info when blockades are opened (like when the Footmen blocking the way to the Fountain of Health disappeared). Also, it looks weird for none of them to be there to stay on guard.
21. Well, collect herbs and whatnot but what about a hint where to start searching. The whole map?
22. Looks like Uther is friend with a lot of people he might have really had much contact with lorewise.
23. The bridge to the southeast isn't properly placed.
24. Visually, the immersion level is high. Did you make the map?
25. Oh, no no. Make items like flowers and useless stuff be runes. Use an integer or some boleans to count the taken items. Never use items like these and make them undroppable. Or at least give the Footmen an inventory or make it so that you can have a Pack Horse to carry your items. Or make a backpack (dummy hero unit) with a smaller inventory which can only carry some items (triggers). Meh, you can't give any of them if you don't have all of them with you... Got to start searching for the items where I've left them...
26. Maybe a Bandit Lord where the ships are for a challenge?
27. Is that a Uther's statue in the castle :D?
28. You cannot buy an Orb of Fire because the Castle requirement is not met. Not sure if intended or not. If intended, remove the items from the shop, if not, delete the requirement.
29. Jubei is weak. He does not cast any spells aside the passive Critical Strike.
30. Lord Zan gives you a Potion of Greater Healing? Are you kidding? The hero has a healing spell plus there's a Fountain not very far, also, Calia's potion.
31. By the way, did Calia go through a learning process or what that she just gave Uther the potion? She's also damn fast at making them.
32. I don't think it's a good idea to move all units after a cinematic scene.
33. The orcs had no fleet after the Second War.
34. Well, Arthas was sent first in your version but in RoC Arthas came after Uther since he met him there.

1. No more Defend :(?
2. Badly placed bridge, again.
3. What do you get for completing the Crazy Men quest?
4. Is this an edit of the original first human RoC map? At least it's not the same like others use in their campaigns for some maps.
5. Is there an Easter egg with the Meat or it's just there for "fun"?
6. The exclamation mark ("!") should disappear from the heads of units after quest completion.
7. Footmen can get through some trees and houses in the village.
8. You could add an extra ability to Falric to make him special.
9. I suggest Cleaving Attack for Gar'thok.
10. Oh, so this is an altered version of RoC human events. I thought it was a side story.
11. Divine Shield is not necessary for this mission. Why not let the player choose the spells at the start?

1. Uther has 2 items missing: those that were on the last two inventory slots (down). Actually the first two slots were changed too... I don't think he uses any spells, not even healing.
2. Uther's blocking the way if you build more towers. The Knights might return near the fire and stay there.
3. The Crossbowmen to the northwest aren't really protected.
4. Try finding another icon for the Crossbowmen as it's the same with the Footman's
5. Are you sure you want to keep those upgrades for the Crossbowmen too? They're ranged units.
6. The big black dragon was easier than all the other little ones combined.
7. Did Arthas really believe a mere orc would summon an army of demons? He had no knowledge of the War of the Ancients, I'm sure.
8. "My lords, I have a massage for you!" :D

1. What? They came so Uther can go back for help?
2. Also, their borders were in danger. Why leave, both of them?
3. You could mention that they actually had to chop the way free of trees after they found the main path was blocked by the orcs.
4. Wow, they actually built a base there with elves still in their houses.
5. Bridges badly placed.
6. One of the green Engineers near the Lumber Mill stands still.
7. The Zeppelin that comes and leaves a Wolf Rider just remains there invulnerable.
8. An elf named John :D
9. I'm not sure what the orcs are doing in Quel'thalas anyway.
10. Uther seemed to come empty handed.
11. Play music using the other trigger as now it plays as sound.

1. Attribute bonus could look the same. It's not a different ability so why have a different icon for each hero?
2. Gods, you do not use a cache? Uther's spells are not like I chose them in the prologue and the items are gone!
3. Uther's Spell Book is empty...
4. The workers were paused during cinematic mode and did not continue harvesting afterwards.
5. Towers are weak compared to their Wolf Rider attacks.
6. Bridges should be placed accordingly.
7. I suggest increasing the time with 25%.
8. I also suggest the Amulet of Recall not to be consumable. No. Actually 25% or 20% or to be harder 15% increased time for the gate is OK. You can get with your two heroes fast enough to kill those two grunts.
9. You could use different models for the Blacksmith and Lumber Mill. Search the site.
10. You lose if your heroes die albeit having an Altar. I guess it's only for the techtree and because of the "invisible" timer. You could mention they must stay alive in the Quest Log.
11. Swordsman and Priest have the same soundset.
12. Some high cliffs or trees would look nice as the way blockers to the gate.

1. Good part is Arthas is like he was in the previous level I've played with him spells and all. I guess, you forgot to save Uther in the cache or something.
2. You should write explicit descriptions. For instance Blind affects an area not a single target as you'd think while reading the ability's text. Also, 10 seconds is too much for AoE.
3. I don't think trolls should be sleeping in the middle of the "road".
4. The Skeletal Grunts have their animation speed to 0. You need to play Stand animation after Birth animation. Time them correctly, look at how many seconds animations last by selecting a unit placed on the map and looking at its animations on the left under the minimap.
5. Looks like Falric never heard of Orc necromancy which was present even in the First War.
6. As in the first elven level, you can see units standing still before starting to battle each other. I suggest letting them battle each other from the start but without taking any damage until you get to them.
7. A hammer that can break stones but can't break a wolves?
8. OK, so Arthas and Muradin don't know each other.
9. Why was that Mr. Bearwhite so surprised to see Muradin alive?
10. Workers stand idle after the scene.
11. Why is the Miner on the second position in the Keep instead of the first?
12. Warrior is named Footman when training him.
13. I think there should be more gold in the first mine.
14. Ah, Canon Towers can't be built even with Workshop constructed. Check the requirements.
15. Wow, those trees are tough, lots of HP.
16. Healing Wave shouldn't have Level 1 in the title because it's not a hero spell on the dwarven unit.
17. The Riflemen you train are not the same with those already in the base. The double click on one of them won't include the trained ones in the group. Same with Mortar Team.
18. Attacks are quite fast which leaves little time to counter-attack.
19. Also would be a good idea to increase resource drops.
20. OK, so now Gryphons are native or at least are in Northrend.
21. So, Muradin lied that the undead attacked Khaz Modan? If they did, how did they get past so many places on the map?
22. Well, if the undead are "natives" to Northrend, what makes them so optimistic that the sword isn't already in their hands?

1. Sylvanas is yellow now. Also, I don't see anything either funny or fun in having an enemy that you'd have to defeat. So, why is she so excited for war?
2. Footmen have an ability called Crow Form; yeah it turns them into a Crossbowman and back.
3. They are attacking too soon. You can barely build towers and or retrain fallen warriors and workers. Because of this, you can't get to Lor'Themar in time and if he dies you fail. Why not make him revive at the altar and only lose the mission if his altar is destroyed or something? Not to mention it takes a lot to get to him and the retard doesn't even retreat to regenerate. He doesn't use most of his units for defense. This level is highly imbalanced. On top of that you have two bases to control.
4. The purple Gargoyles are called Gargoyle. What about another name and model/skin? They also don't seem to be that different. A new spell or something?
5. I suggest Dragonhawks to move Fast not Average.
6. For some reason the Altar of Kings is floating.
7. Units selected during cinematic mode. Again, play skeleton stand animation after birth.
8. Undead come back? When did they come in Warcraft aside from with orcs and demons?

1. Jaina's portrait in the transmission is blue not pink.
2. The game started lagging/running in frames after the first wave. Check triggers for leaks.
3. The Holy Light hotkey "T" on Spirit Justiciar does not work.
4. Purple don't seem to refill their units at the gates.
5. What are ships doing in those narrow canals? How did they get there?
6. Too bad there aren't any items for Jaina (or at all) in this level.
7. I suggest increasing life span of Justiciars as there isn't enough time to even consume mana casting Holy Light one after another.
8. Jaina's Teleport is useless on this level.
9. Oh by the way, I think that Butcher never came.
10. Well, the second main quest doesn't require you to protect the generator but if it dies, you lose.
11. Such a small force Daelin brought but a strong one nevertheless.
12. Just found out I could train Crusaders (Bandit Lords :D)! And this after leaving a few enemy buildings standing. You might want to notify the player of this. Also increase their food cost to at least 3. You could change their colour to green after they get out of the Barracks.
13. Antonidas can sense people from miles away just like that, huh?
14. Try making the boats go each on its path so they don't get one in front of the other and stagger.
15. The first part of the level is repetitive, not really much to do but the same thing over and over.

1. The Griffins could have a net on them or something.
2. After both Spirit Towers fall, the Griffins become yours. I guess, that should've happened after destroying the generators.
3. Griffins have their health bars somewhere up instead of just above their heads like normal units.

1. The mage units don't start with full mana. you need a trigger to set it to 100% because through their properties on the map it won't work due to their two mastery upgrades.
2. I think the timer shouldn't run during the troll saving scene.
3. The optional quest is not exactly an optional quest. The cells are in the way.
4. It takes that long to get to quest completed after getting out or do you have to kill all purple units/buildings?

1. The men could have just left Arthas if they didn't want to go, especially the dwarves.
2. Jaina even lifts air units with that spell :D
3. Sylvanas is a ranger which senses things about Frostmourne that Jaina the mage does not.
4. Why not put all spells on Arthas already if he's 15 now?
5. Arthas' auras do not work...
6. Again the Canon-Workshop problem.
7. There's an upgrade in the Blacksmith that I think belongs to the elves.
8. The good part about this level is that they don't attack your base if your troops are out because they go for your troops and heroes, which means I had to build 0 towers.
9. The Mercenary Camp is useless. Those units are too weak.
10. Lightning Arrows are just Frost/Cold Arrows. You could make an orb effect that instead casts Purge on the unit by increasing chance. If you could set Purge to also slow attack speed down, if not you could use triggers.
11. I don't think Gryphon Knight should be able to attack ground units while in air. Also, this unit's purpose has not been explored, exploited at all. It's a shame there wasn't any level where strategies switching between air and ground mode would have either been necessary or at least useful.
12. Arthas suddenly becomes evil and even so powerful to trap and turn Sylvanas into undead. Doesn't make sense really since there was no need to destroy the undead bases for all of that to happen.

1. Well, the Knight that told them about the undead attacking and other units like working Peasants remained there.
2. How did Arthas get to Terenas? (At least) Uther and (maybe) Jaina were still around weren't they? Did they die? Were they not there at the time? We will never know.

This is more like a remake of RoC than an actual parallel universe story.

I think there might be authors missing from the credits list. Check your resources with this: Resources in Use by Destiny of Lordaeron | HIVE



Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!

Thank you for approving my campaign. I will fix everything you mentioned in a later version.:)
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
What if i use cheat codes?
that's it count i ruining my gaming experience? Nope

for someone count ruining their gaming experience by using cheat codes? yes
Level 6
May 3, 2014
Why are the trees in the map indestructible i have 20 peasants trying to cut down trees and none of them fall down it's a great map but you hide items behind unkillable trees which is ridiculous
Also there should a way to revived Falric if you decide to make him a mini hero also his name is Falric not Falcon but that's kind of funny if you want the name captain falcon for him you should give him a skill call captain punch that stuns enemies for a short duration or a bash to fit his name lol
Also it's unbelievable how Muradin have no idea who's Arthas because he's the one the trained Arthas into a warrior and Uther is the one that trained him into a paladin but that's also explains why the humans only have chaplain and crossbowmans
also the undead invaded Azeroth once already and now they came back to do it again who's the one leading them ?
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Level 6
Sep 7, 2017
Why are the trees in the map indestructible i have 20 peasants trying to cut down trees and none of them fall down it's a great map but you hide items behind unkillable trees which is ridiculous
Also there should a way to revived Falric if you decide to make him a mini hero also his name is Falric not Falcon but that's kind of funny if you want the name captain falcon for him you should give him a skill call captain punch that stuns enemies for a short duration or a bash to fit his name lol
The trees don't have death anims bruh. :)