Dark Destiny

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Update 4 Fixed mostl of the bugs stated as well as the grammer mistakes. Only thing left is Mission 9

Alright I've fixed neary everything that Deathreaven pointed out exept for a few things. I realy appreciate the advice, it has helped alot so far. I hope Ican finish the last two Chapters soon.

*Sorry the one I updated yesterday was an older version. This is the one I was talking about

Things I couldnt Fix
1.Frost Wyrms seem not to heal Rock wall as I planned they would, dont no whats rong with my triggering

Things that dont need fixing In my opinion
5.Cultists are ghosts so they fly, maybe cultists wasnt greates name choice

Deleted points that were fixed

Update 2: dont know how to make changelogs that hide info till clikced

1. Map 9 is the only map not near completion
2. map 10 the final map is complete, though testing has been light, especialy on AI.
3. Final Cinema Finished

Forsaken, campaign, Warcraft, 4,

Dark Destiny (Campaign)

14:31, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Wait, isn't this the same as rekindling of life? Or are the minimaps just the same.....did you re-upload to avoid the unapproved rating? I know this is suppossed to be the same due to it also having used the old name of rekindling of life.
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Then you really should have updated the other one, or have deleted it and used this one. Right now you're breaking rules, and you're getting a fresh slate free of the bad grade it got. I hope this is fixed up a lot or there'll be a few repeat comments.

edit: I'll retest it tommorrow. It's really late here.
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Okay, I'll point out a few things, but my review of the other chapters will not be this long, or I'd spend a day writing.

Intro.-No description or background history of Lucious really.
-spelling was only bad with the word thier.

Chapter 1-"consderabley"? It's considerably
-Priest model was really stupid looking, it should have remained it's basic form.
-Abbot Mclanland?
-The Human building could at least be burning after you destroy their town.
-Scarlet Crusaders use gnolls?
-Paliden "I understand your kind" Really? You don't mind that I'm the murderer of thousands? Thanks!
-Why do the cultists float above ground..
-"Dam"? Just use the real spelling, everyone understands you point so don't try to hide it.
-General Little Timmy. He Just can't live his life peacefully can he. First captured by gnolls, then turned into a ghoul (Secret in RoC) and then selling ice reavents. Now he's a general.
-Gold mine has basic amount, could use a bit of adjuctment.
- I can build the dark forge anywhere, even on trees or other buildings. Get a collision for it and build restrictions.

I'll judge the other maps later, I need to play the game right? I'd approve the map if I could, it's working compltetely fine. As long as the other missions are this good, it'll be approved. But really, this shouldn't have been re-uploaded.

Edit: Chapter 2:-abomintations and an added ghoul still attacking sylvanis.
-Horrible recreation of Quel'Thalas. Do you need help with that?

Chapter 3- MAJOR problem. If the frost wyrms hit the rock wall the game instantly shuts off. How are you supposed to kill them anyway? You get no real anti-air units. Give me a few gargoyals or something.

-The bats also don't always destroy the rocks, which caused the above.

Chapter 4- Wrongs instead of rongs. Only spelling error on the map.
-Jonny could use a bit more health. dieing in 1 hit isn't cutting it during ambushes.
-Anub-arak didn't kill the archer guy, causing the level to just sit there.

Chapter 5-Little Timmy's enrage spell say 0% for 0 seconds. It's a useless spell.
-Forsaken traitors have a horrible AI. They never build or make units.
-Thier is used again.

Chapter 6-Very laggy cutscene.
-dettention? It should be attention.
-quikly is the wrong spelling too.
-Why do deathmages have a raven form? It's really out of place.

Interlude-Wtf is Keal? Sylvanis called Kael keal.
-Rexxar is sorta outof place. He claimed to have left to wander after the durotar campaign.
-rong instead of wrong again.

Chapter 7.-Beleive? It's believe.
-The optional quest is impossible. The boat can't reach the island due to a land mass blocking it. Iceriders don't complete the quest either.

Chapter 8-Forgetting of certain letters in words.
-Major:Why the heck am I allowed to take the Guard base in the north? It's really strange. I'm also allowed to make infinite heros from it.
-The Bloodhounds are floating?
-An enemy gave me an Orb of unholy might level 7. This brought me to 2 of them total. The Captain model is simply retarded.

Chapter 9-10 Unfinished but not looking too good from what's already there.

Chapter test. Did you really need to add this to the campaign?

I'll give this campaign a 3/5. It's changed a lot from the first attempt, and now I think it's a map that is worthy of approval. It used to be a piece of crap.

Anyway, that's my review. Do you need help with terraining? I could put some ideas here for you. Some screenshots maybe. Like I could design a terrain area to give you ideas.
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Level 5
Oct 29, 2008
Thx for critism

Most of those are mistakes i didnt notice. I've never gotten such complete constructive critism.
- going to fix most
- Little Timmy I'm keeping as is, dont realy know why you got prob with it
- Pally "understands" the way Jaina understood that horde killed many, even after bloodlust was gone. Common enemy situation
- cultist are ghosts
- Crusaders are using a kindof mafia protection kinda mentality. Help us we protect you. Not with s ur against us
- could use some help making Quel' thalas. thugh only the last bit in the end was supposed to be Quel thalas
- Frost Wyrms are supposed to heal rock by freezing it, not sure y it crashes
- Rexxar said he would "always be part of the Horde" if needed
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Problem? I think Timmy is really funny. He's so unlucky. Okay about pally? But a little odd still. Mafia idea is cool. But don't they hate all other races apparently? I might upload a quick custom map screenshot of a version of Quel'Thalas. Freezing it crashes it. Maybe just give them a healing spell.....or a better Idea! Have an undead barge go and drop off a repair team or something. Also, I caused to rocks to collaspe with 2 bats......Rexxar part is okay. If you really need a terrain I guess I could show a screen shot to give ideas, just don't expect perfection....Try the terraining section for that. I still think that the Forsaken AI is terrible at it.....

ps: Make sure to add change logs :p
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Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Anyway, I still don't see what was updated. I didn't retest the whole map yet, I told you what was wrong and that should be enough to fix most of it. Can you believe that while playing the whole campaign I sat there with a clipboard and was writing all of that over 4 pages? Tell me when maps 9 and 10 are done and I'll test them.

ps: I'm really glad you didn't junk this project after the first sections utter failure. You really did good in making this all better.

Edit, I have an idea for the Frost Wyrm thing. Instead of scripting the event, why not give the Wyrms a spell that has the same cooldown as it's attack, but heals destructables. That way the game won't crash. I think it's crashing because you're trying to damage and heal with the same thing, which causes an error with the life bars. I'll test the last chapter. And about the changelog thing. I meant on this site. And to put it in a map. Just make a quest in opttionals called changelog, and write the info as the quest parameters.

Chapter 10: -Way too hard. I got overun by hundreds of units withing a minute.
Finale-Annoying. Had to wait 2 minutes at blood elve fight sceen.
-Mispelling. :Darlar :finaly

Interlude after finale?-This is just wrong. Completely unnecissary. Make it final 2.
-misspellings :mpuntain? thier.

ps...err.....s do you need ideas for chapter 9? I'd be willing to help you along with it.
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Level 17
Jul 16, 2007
Chapter four:
huge bug, Gregory dude at end said 'is everyone safe?' and then BANG some spikes kill him, and i get the DEFEAT message.. im supposing this is a bug? LOL!... i mean, i finished the map, and then i got defeated wtf?.. it was in the cinematic. in the end
Level 9
May 23, 2009
Chapter four:
huge bug, Gregory dude at end said 'is everyone safe?' and then BANG some spikes kill him, and i get the DEFEAT message.. im supposing this is a bug? LOL!... i mean, i finished the map, and then i got defeated wtf?.. it was in the cinematic. in the end

The message of this is:"Never say never.":xxd:

And:"Never let your guard down,or if you do some random spike will kill you." :mwahaha:

NOTE:And i will make an campaign that will start from the ending of this campaign.
Wish me luck :D
Level 4
Nov 20, 2008
There must be something wrong. The campaign is quite good up to the fourth chapter, but after it the missions are unfinished. The fifth doesn't work, the rest are either unfinished or impossible. Seriously, in the last mission how the hell are you supposed to fend off 5, I say 5 enemy attacks starting from scrap in 4 minutes?
The first four chapters were nicely done though, I'd say it's a very promising campaing, but you need to finish it.
3/5, keep working on it, it could become one kick-ass work.
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
The Fifth works fine. Exept the end. And Kiamati, you obviously never saw the originol version. The originol had lag, spelling like a 3 year old, terrible balanceing, no finished missions besides 1 and 2, very little play value, no custom units really, workers that couldn't be selected :/ The creator spent a summer totally redoing almost everything to make it right. He's worked hard to fix this, and you can't expect it to be easy to turn it into a great thing with all those problems. I played every mission to find the problems still and I posted everything wrong with it. He know what to fix. I wonder where the creator is though -_- There should've been an update a few days ago.

I'm such a dedicated tester:smile:
Level 4
Nov 20, 2008
I did see the first version of the campaing, and I can surely expect this work to become one the best campaings ever posted. Since I played almost all of them, I know what I mean. I also left a comment about the tenth mission, since the creator said it's not been much tested so far.
Additionally, I also wanted to encourage the creator and his staff for the great job done in the early missions.
I'd suggest to add more items, side quests seem to be finely realized. There are other minor issues, but let's wait for the next release first.
A commenced player
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Actually, mission 10 was heavily tested by me, it just was too hard to test anything without cheating :/ Maybe if the northern city entrance were blocked It'd be fine. Or even if there were only 1 entrance. That would make defending the entrance a lot easier with focused defence. I also question why the forces other bases arn't usable. I checked them out and they look fully functional. Only having 2 bases, one which is undeveloped to fight of 5 armies that produce units way to fast from 3 entrances is not possible. The micro management would require a world champ of W3 to be playing, and he still might not win. This might become a great campeign, but the problems are way to evident to be anywhere near the lines of something like Day of the Dragon or Dwarven Campeign. The Terrain is also incredibly lacking for a lot of it.

Ps: Did you read my huge testing review further up. It adresses all the problems from the early version, which is all the creator should need to effectivly fix this. I listed every darn spelling mistake :/ It better turn out to be good with my 10 hours of testing......
Level 4
Nov 20, 2008
I agree on the last mission, but there would be different nice ways to fix it. Maybe making one base an independent ally that supports other bases when attacked would be one possible choice. Decreasing the number of enemy bases, starting with a full-tech established base or allies are other possibilities.
As for the terrain, when he gets the programming done, we could try to look for a terrain developer. We shall see.
Anyway. the fact that the author of the Dwarven Campaing decided to give up after the first episode is a TOTAL shame. See you next update
Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
Well, yeah the Dwarven was apparently so good it's accepted as general warcraft lore, but the creator's a retard for quiting. He quit after making a cliff hanger, and had no reason to stop after the first was so good. I finished the 4th chapter and was like "Wait, it's over. wtf? It's not even half finished" It was like one of those books that makes you decide the ending :/
Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
Okay, I've played through what was completed in the campaign so far, so here is my review:

The Good:
-I really like the idea of a Forsaken campaign. It is interesting to play that faction of the undead.
-The models and skins on the heroes as well as certain units were very good.
-I like some of the artifact items in the campaign, they were creative.
-Very good storyline, I like the idea of redemption for the Forsaken heroes.
-I like some of the units/buildings of the Forsaken forces; the grave was a neat idea, though I might suggest even putting an upgrade somewhere in one of the buildings that increases the duration that the zombies are summoned like maybe 15-20 seconds or something.

How you can Improve:
-Terrain needs a lot of work. For the most part it's good, but in some of the maps, there is just a lot of blank space. You probably should fill that with something; if not, you might want to make the maps smaller.
-I cannot stress this enough, make cinematics skippable. Your cinematics are very long and if you have to restart the mission, it is such a pain to go through them again.
-You need to redo the timing on certain cinematics. Some of the dialogue just switches too quick to the next person before you have a chance to even read it all.
-I'm sure you are already aware that there are many spelling/grammar mistakes throughout the whole campaign. These should be fixed as it is kind of distracting to constantly see them.
-I'd recommend making a different ultimate skill for Daralir, I don't see much use in the one he has. It gives a regeneration aura, but .5hp? It's really a drop in the bucket for an ultimate and the path of creep, I don't see much use in that unless you assault the enemy bases with towers or graves. If you do that though, you can more than likely just use their creep to build it on. I like his other skills, but the knock-back one caused a unit that dropped an item in mission 7 to be pushed beyond some rocks that were unreachable. You might want to somehow fix that or take the knock-back out of the ability and make it damage plus stun. Just throwing that idea out there.
-The item created after getting the dreadlords skulls in the fifth mission does not work. it says it allows the wearer to cast conversion, but there is no option to do that. You click it and nothing even happens.
-Chaos towers aren't very helpful as a defense even when you upgrade. My suggestions are maybe increase their damage and/or attack speed, Keep damage and speed the same but give them a special ability or even make them multi-shot towers, like maybe 2 or 3 units at once after upgrade, or something like that.
-You have variable difficulty in your campaign, but the thing is, it's not matching up or seems like it is not. Easy difficulty is very difficult. I'm guessing hard, if in fact there is any variation from easy is almost impossible.
-The Sasquatches in mission 5 do not drop anything, even the leader. He should drop even a tome or something. It's pretty much useless to even fight them because the useful ones can't be posessed/charmed because their level is too high.
-When I tried to save/load in mission 6 the game crashed, that will need fixed.
-In mission 8 the jail-break mission, are you supposed to lose the base? Because all your given to defend it is zombies from the graves and there's no way to build enough in time to stop the assault. You might want to change that, unless of course losing the base is inevitable.
-The last mission, and the other reviewers have said basically the same thing, is simply not possible to do. You aren't even given any units in your own base to start with besides the heroes, even workers; change that. You are assaulted at the beginning maybe 4 minutes in by all the undead forces at once. There is no way with what you are given in the beginning to stop this attack. Also, it is too much to concentrate on controlling your base and an ally base with attacks like that. I recommend making it a non-controllable AI ally. There is no shared vision of the other allies, which should be changed. I like the suggestion above of even having a main ally base that goes to defend all the other allied bases when attacked. You might want to narrow the city down to one entrance if you are intent on having all of these assaults from these different enemy forces. Even then though, it still might not be doable.

Off the top of my head that is all that I can think of for improvements. In total if I were to rate this, I would probably give it a 3.5/5 It definitely has a lot of potential once the improvements are made to be an excellent campaign. Hope this helps you with ideas to make any changes.:thumbs_up:
Level 5
Apr 12, 2008
Not to be an ass or something. You really need to improve your terraining skills this is like one of those builder maps with just grass this terrain is on the limit even to work on an hero war, and go loose on this because Campaigns can take exactly how much memory in the world the most important is that it's good I would sugest playing the last guardian campaign there you got a well made terrain and please please, give us something new. well now you probably see me as an ass but please try to fix the terrain it's makes the difference!
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Level 6
Dec 23, 2008
By the way Forsaken Ranger, if you think this is bad, you should've seen the originol version a year ago. There'd be maybe 40 spelling mistakes a sentence and imporper english. As well as terrible missions and errors everywhere. As well as no terrain. The only mission before that was ready to play was somehow mission 4. It's almost unchanged still. Dude, Cien, do a freaking update.
Level 1
Sep 22, 2009
Nice campaign with a few problems.

Spelling and grammar mistakes are peppered throughout, to get you started:

The word their is not spelt "thier", happened is not spelt "happaned" and monastery is not spelt "monostary".

The unmoving, invincible gnolls guarding the health fountain at the beginning are truly wierd.

The captured dreadlord can be killed with forced attack in map one.

Undead frigates can be purchased by an empty transport headed upriver, skipping the base attack to destroy the human transports. Was that intentional?

Also please, please give the cutscenes (especially at the beginning of a new map) the option to be skipped. Watching a lengthy cinematic just after you've restarted a map is infuriating.

This campaign could do with some tweaks, but it is certainly the start of something great.

I would also suggest changing your tileset and adding some more doodads in the first 2 levels.

Keep it up, I'm really enjoying your campaign!