Okay, I've played through what was completed in the campaign so far, so here is my review:
The Good:
-I really like the idea of a Forsaken campaign. It is interesting to play that faction of the undead.
-The models and skins on the heroes as well as certain units were very good.
-I like some of the artifact items in the campaign, they were creative.
-Very good storyline, I like the idea of redemption for the Forsaken heroes.
-I like some of the units/buildings of the Forsaken forces; the grave was a neat idea, though I might suggest even putting an upgrade somewhere in one of the buildings that increases the duration that the zombies are summoned like maybe 15-20 seconds or something.
How you can Improve:
-Terrain needs a lot of work. For the most part it's good, but in some of the maps, there is just a lot of blank space. You probably should fill that with something; if not, you might want to make the maps smaller.
-I cannot stress this enough,
make cinematics skippable. Your cinematics are very long and if you have to restart the mission, it is such a pain to go through them again.
-You need to redo the timing on certain cinematics. Some of the dialogue just switches too quick to the next person before you have a chance to even read it all.
-I'm sure you are already aware that there are
many spelling/grammar mistakes throughout the whole campaign. These should be fixed as it is kind of distracting to constantly see them.
-I'd recommend making a different ultimate skill for Daralir, I don't see much use in the one he has. It gives a regeneration aura, but .5hp? It's really a drop in the bucket for an ultimate and the path of creep, I don't see much use in that unless you assault the enemy bases with towers or graves. If you do that though, you can more than likely just use their creep to build it on. I like his other skills, but the knock-back one caused a unit that dropped an item in mission 7 to be pushed beyond some rocks that were unreachable. You might want to somehow fix that or take the knock-back out of the ability and make it damage plus stun. Just throwing that idea out there.
-The item created after getting the dreadlords skulls in the fifth mission does not work. it says it allows the wearer to cast conversion, but there is no option to do that. You click it and nothing even happens.
-Chaos towers aren't very helpful as a defense even when you upgrade. My suggestions are maybe increase their damage and/or attack speed, Keep damage and speed the same but give them a special ability or even make them multi-shot towers, like maybe 2 or 3 units at once after upgrade, or something like that.
-You have variable difficulty in your campaign, but the thing is, it's not matching up or seems like it is not. Easy difficulty is very difficult. I'm guessing hard, if in fact there is any variation from easy is almost impossible.
-The Sasquatches in mission 5 do not drop anything, even the leader. He should drop even a tome or something. It's pretty much useless to even fight them because the useful ones can't be posessed/charmed because their level is too high.
-When I tried to save/load in mission 6 the game crashed, that will need fixed.
-In mission 8 the jail-break mission, are you supposed to lose the base? Because all your given to defend it is zombies from the graves and there's no way to build enough in time to stop the assault. You might want to change that, unless of course losing the base is inevitable.
-The last mission, and the other reviewers have said basically the same thing, is simply not possible to do. You aren't even given any units in your own base to start with besides the heroes, even workers; change that. You are assaulted at the beginning maybe 4 minutes in by all the undead forces at once. There is no way with what you are given in the beginning to stop this attack. Also, it is too much to concentrate on controlling your base and an ally base with attacks like that. I recommend making it a non-controllable AI ally. There is no shared vision of the other allies, which should be changed. I like the suggestion above of even having a main ally base that goes to defend all the other allied bases when attacked. You might want to narrow the city down to one entrance if you are intent on having all of these assaults from these different enemy forces. Even then though, it still might not be doable.
Off the top of my head that is all that I can think of for improvements. In total if I were to rate this, I would probably give it a 3.5/5 It definitely has a lot of potential once the improvements are made to be an excellent campaign. Hope this helps you with ideas to make any changes.