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Xnd Hero Siege 1.47

Authors: Sogat, Ricola3D, Marchombre
- [email protected] / PM
- [email protected] / PM

The "Xnd Hero Siege" project
Welcome to the Xnd Hero Siege project's page. This is a project initialized in 2019 by Ricola3D, an addicted player of Sogat's X Hero Siege who was terribly desapointed by Sogat retirement and the fact that X Hero Siege had been not evolving for years. The project is based on the X Hero Siege 3.33 map, the latest stable version released by Sogat. I started it alone, but want it to be a collaborative projet : I am looking for contributors, so if you have ideas or development skills, feel free to join !

The spirit is to keep the essence of version 3.33, but fix the bugs, improve the balance and improve specific points. I also want to add some fun, but with always keeping the original spirit. A regular player of X Hero Siege 3.33 should be able to master this map quickly and without effort ! Therefore this is not a copy of Sogat's work. Aside annoying bugs fixed, there are major improvements, mainly to enhance the balance, teamplay or fun ! For v1.0, there are 2 new heroes, auras have more range and apply on wards, caster and summoners remain efficient in late game, etc...


How-to play ?

Evolution from Hero Siege 3.33

Complete features list




Map Description

ObjectiveSelect your hero, defend the castle and kill all dark forces.

1-8 (no IA)

Game duration
~ 45-90 minutes


Compatible versions
Warcraft 1.31.x and newer


One Player 1 (red) has chosen difficulty and pick mode, pick your hero(s) or use -random command. You can use the -repick command once if you are unsatisfied.

Defend the Castle
Creeps spawn from 8 lanes to attack the Castle. Choose a lane, go defend it with your hero(s). Killing creeps will give you gold and exp. Periodically ennemy waves appear at west, north, east then south of Castle. Defeat them with your teamates.

Special quests
The game includes 4 special quests, each one with a different reward. When you are ready, go in the circle and the bottom-right of Castle and pick the quest you wish:


Hero image
Kill a stronger version of your hero.Hard+100 all stats.

All hero image
Kill 8 stronger heroes.CrazyNecklace of spell immunity.

Spirit Beast
Kill a giant spirit beast.ImpossibleShield of Immortality.

Hero image
Kill a frost infernal.ImpossibleKey of Moon.

1st special event
You get teleported in a tiny room with your allies. A dward boss, Muradin, is chassing you there. You cannot kill him, just survive 3min and you will win 50000 gold.

2nd special event
You get teleported in a tiny room without your allies. You have 3min to kill a maximum of ennemies to earn as much gold as possible !

1st survival
When you are done defending the Castle and stronger enough, you can kill the dark Necropolis. Then 2 new lanes open, and mega creeps will come once you enter within. Survive them.

Final wave
When you are done farming on the mega creeps, you can kill the ice thrones. A final wave will appear near the Castle, it is up to you to defend it.

1st boss
After surviving the final wave, you can go in the circles behing the remains of the ice thrones. This will teleport you to the first boss of this map: Magtheridon. Kill it 3 times to win. On dying, he will split into,many baby bosses.

2nd survival
The 4 captains
3nd survival
2nd boss
Last boss



Comparison to X Hero Siege 3.33 (by Sogat)

The list of changes below might not be comprehensive, as the map keep being developed.

Life changing features

Majors changes

Bug fixes

Other changes

Life Changing features
you don't find in X Hero Siege 3.33
:carr: 2 new pick modes, dual+same, dual+random
:carr: Host can be changed or leave without concern.
:carr: 3 new heroes: Runemaster, Stone Giant and Myrmidon.
:carr: 12new items
:carr: -bt command is always enabled. New -bl command to buy levels, New -bd command to buy attack damage, New -gg & gl command to give gold/lumber to selected ally, New -gtl & -ltg command to convert gold into lumber and lumber into gold.
:carr: No more exp lost when switching heroes in Dual mode !
:carr: Finally all auras range x3.
:carr: In late game, spells do massive damages, and minions are powerful and tanky.
:carr: (All) Hero Images cannot cast boring spells that ruin it: anti-magic shield, heals, entrave, banish, archimonde's form...
:carr: Many spells balanced or replaced.
:carr: Lifesteal works with any attack.
:carr: Bosses now have dangerous spells to dodge and play around.

The following improvements have been made:
  • New select modes: Dual Random & Dual Same.
  • New heroes: Runemaster, Stone Giant & Myrmidon.
  • Buy tomes: -bt command always enabled.
  • Buy levels: new -bl command.
  • Host: Can be transfered with -host <name/color/number> command. Automatically given to top score player on leave.
  • New items: 12 new items (3 merchants).
  • Super items: Can be bought for a high price.
  • Charged items: you can stack and split them.
  • Balance: All stats (allies & ennemies) balanced. Minions boosted in late game.
  • (All) hero image: boring spells removed (shakle, anti-magic field, ...). Clones stats do not take into account items & skills attribute bonus.
  • Dual heroes: Inventory are fully shared (even cooldowns). Events reset CDs of both heroes.
  • Cleave: Fixed, do not ignore armor anymore, and really do 100% damages (you will see the difference early game).
  • Buying level tomes: new command -bl.
  • Leavers: their hero is pickable again. Their gold is shared between remaining players.
  • Close way/open way works for ways 2 to 8, and iceway 2.
  • Shared control: allies hero portraits are visibles, switch is possible.
  • Bosses:
    • spell immunity ability changed to resistant skin.
    • Rear attacks do +20% damages, and 10% chances of rear strike with x3 damages. Flank attacks do +10% damages, and 5% chances of flank strike with x3 damages. Works with spells too.
    • bosses use spells than will force players to play around
  • Farm event: creeps take +500% damages from spells.
  • Attack types: all attack types do 100% damages to hero armor (piercing, siege, spell, magic).
  • Life steal abilities: work with any attack type (orb, ranged, ...).
  • Damage return abilities: now returns a fixed amount + a percentage of damages taken before armor reduction. Works vs melee & ranged attacks.
  • Summons: most summons gain a mini-cleave or mini-splash at level 3.
  • Shops: removed items start & replenish cooldowns. Castle now sells same items than Goblin Merchants. Merchants sell more items classed in 5 categories. Added possibility to convert goold into lumber and vice-versa. Potions of Greater Healing automatically used to save the hero while he's shopping.
  • Farm Event: spawn rate limited to 1 wave per second.
  • Survivals: bounty from ghouls, orc skeletons, death revenants & magnataurs is proportional to player count.
  • Rebuy: when your hero dies, you can rebuy at the cost of 5000 gold with -rebuy command.

  • Dryad: multishot now works properly in late game.
  • Random: not available before settings selection anymore (caused bugs).
  • Leavers: check for stuck items or events.
  • Dual hero: no more exp lost by switching heroes. 2nd hero may be picked later.
  • Banehallow cinematic: no more 2nd hero misspositioning.
  • Blizzard bugs: workaround to fix orb of slow and similar abilities.
  • Earth/Fire/Storm Brewmaster: could not attack air units.
  • Banish: damages from fan or rockets and similar spells were nulified.
  • Some heroes missed the glow effect.
  • After special events, unselected heroes are not unpaused.
  • Boss: invulnerable before you fight them, to avoid glitches & cheats.
  • Tomes & other power-up items: do not memory leak anymore.
  • Plasma rifle: do AOE damage vs air units & buildings.
  • Dual hero: switch keeps item cooldowns.
  • Targeting: Fixed abilities that cannot target non-organic ennemies, air ennemies, non-organic allies, ward allies.
  • Game was stuck at captains stage when playing Easy mode in solo.
  • Using close way command to close the last opened way stuck the games.
  • Silent assassins, Lighhtning Attacks, Dragons Attacks could sometimes happen during cinematics (paused phases).
  • Some heroes had wrong start mana or mana regeneration.

  • Kick command is now possible with name (case sensitive), color or player number.
  • Extrem ennemy heroes give a gold bounty equal to their stats.
  • Cooldowns: various cooldowns reduced.
  • Mirror images & Clones: get damage, defense and attack speed bonus. Get autocasts.
  • Minions can use the 2 teleport circles behind the ice pillars to reach the boss zone.
  • Muradin event: cannot place wards or phoenixes in water anymore.
  • Farm event: rock golems are not magic immune anymore.
  • Farm event: improved sheeps/corpses/tree spawn.
  • Cinematics: shortened final wave cinematic.
  • Boss phase: hero revive timer is reduced from 120s to 45s during this phase. Stats improved to compensate for armor damage reduction nerf.
  • Code reliability and performances improved.
  • Shops: Tome of Power max stop changed to 3. Amulet of the Wild cooldowns divided by 2.
  • Corpses: removed after 8s instead of 5 (for spells that need them).
  • Special events teleportation circle: your minions are teleported along.
  • Claws of Attack: damage bonus increased.
  • Added some text indications & mini-map pings for beginners.
  • Heroes: initial health points increased by 400 to compensate for armor damage reduction nerf.
  • Gold bounty from extrem heroes is now equal to the sum of their stats.
  • Dragons packs & assassins pack size capped to 20.
  • Damage return works vs ranged & spell attacks.
  • Waves 9 to 12 (after farm event): bounty x2.
  • All heroes stats have been uniformized (life, mana, defense, stats...).
  • Move speed bonuses stack.
  • In Extrem 4, added a reminder 30s before level 2 for "-extreme" command.
  • At the end of the following events units & items are cleaned: Ring of Superiority, Lightning Sword, Farm.
  • Necropolis, Spirit Towers, Ice Towers & Death Towers are invulnerable if way is closed, and destroyed at next stages.
  • Ice ways: right one does not open in single player mode.
  • Added a reminder message to open last unused ways before next stage.
  • Removed useless "-random <number>" command.
  • 4 Generals: reward increased to 300 000 gold + 300 lumber.
  • Added heroes name in pick area.
  • Ankh of reincarnation: delay reduced to 5s, and a armor/hp regen buff of 3s apply after ressurecting.
  • Shops acquisition range increased to 800.
  • Skills:
    • Aerial shackles (Bloodmage): 500 damage per second. CD reduced to 30s.
    • Anti-magic Shield (Archmage): replaced by Frigid Protection.
    • Anub'Arak's Claw (Crypt Lord): attack speed increase 75%, cooldown 60s.
    • Attribute Bonus (Warden): +50 bonus per hero level.
    • Banish: is now a short duration spell (4s).
    • Blizzard (Archmage): boosted.
    • Bomb Trap (Shadow Hunter): damage doubled at level 4.
    • Breath of Fire: stats uniformized between Blood Mage, Pandaren & Fire.
    • Burning oil (Bloodmage): range/damage +25%.
    • Carrion Beetles (Cryptlord): attack speed increased.
    • Carrion Swarm (Dreadlord): damage boosted, cooldown reduced.
    • Chaos (Dreadlord): damage boosted, cooldown reduced.
    • Clone (Marine): can target wards and invulnerable. Come with you in farm event.
    • Cripple (Warlock): debuff boosted. Mana cost reduced to 100.
    • Critical Arrows (Dryad): replaced by Piercing Arrows.
    • Death Coil (Dreadlord): cooldown reduced from 20 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt,...).
    • Death Coil (Ghost): cooldown increased from 10 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt, ...). Now damages ennemies or heal allies (independant of if they're undead or not).
    • Debilitation aura (Archmage): effect changed, increases damage taken from all sources of a given %.
    • Esnare (Pandaren Brewmaster): added 300 damage per second.
    • Fan of Knives/Light/Rockets: damage, AOE and cooldown uniformized.
    • Feedback (Shadow Hunter): replaced by "Wards Mastery".
    • Finger of Death (Pit Lord): cooldown increased from 10 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt, ...).
    • Frost Armor (Lich): manacost reduced.
    • Frost Arrows (Lich): damage x2, speed decrease +20%
    • Frost Beast (Lich): attacks faster.
    • Frost Paralysis (Archmage): debuff boosted.
    • Heal (Ranger): increased to 20000hp.
    • Healing Ward (Shadow Hunter): now heals 100hp + 1%, manacost reduced to 100.
    • Holy Light (Knight): range increased, CD reduced to 12s, manacost reduced.
    • Howl Scout (Druid of the Claw): abilities and autocast boosted.
    • Hurl Bomb (Marine, Rifleman): cooldown reduced from 20 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt,...)
    • Immolation (Demon Hunter): ranged increased to 250.
    • Implale (Cryptlord): area of effect increased.
    • Incineration (Blood Mage): added damages on attack.
    • Infernal (Dreadlord): attacks faster.
    • Inner Fire (Ranger): damage bonus x3.
    • Laser Trap (Shadow Hunter): damage type changed to pierce (for trueshot aura).
    • Life Regen Aura (Marine, Sorceress, Storm): effect changed to 100hp/200hp/1%/2%.
    • Light Frenzy (Paladin): can target invulnerable units.
    • Lightning Attack (Sorceress): +10000 damage replaced by an orb with +4000 damage & splash.
    • Lightning Shock (Sorceress): cooldown reduced to 30s.
    • Mana Shield (Archmage): now absorbs 50% of damages and repercutes 20% of them on mana.
    • Moonson (Sorceress/Storm): range x1,5. Damage interval slightly reduced.
    • Owl Scout: spell list modified (for better).
    • Permanenent Immolation (Ghost, Pandaren/Fire Brewmaster): ranged increased to 250.
    • Permanent Lightning: range increased to 250.
    • Phase Shift (Sorceress): attack speed greatly increased.
    • Plasma Rifle (Rifleman): can target air units.
    • Poison Sting (Crypt Lord): replaced by Plague Sting, with AOE effect.
    • Pure Light (Paladin): damage type changed to pierce (for trueshot aura).
    • Rain of Eis (Archmage): range/damage x1,5.
    • Rain of Fire (Bloodmage): range/damage x1,5.
    • Reincarnation: replaced by Beast Strike.
    • Rejuvenation (Moon Priestress): increased to 20000hp, manacost reduced to 100.
    • Resistant Skin (Demon Hunter): also removes Metamorphosis cooldown.
    • Roar (Demon Hunter): damage bonus increased to 100%.
    • Rocket Launch (Rifleman): replaced by Hurl Bomb (same skill as Marine).
    • Samuro (Blademaster): stats and attack speed equal yours in late game.
    • Silence (Warden): replaced by Scream.
    • Sleep (Dreadlord): replaced by Cursed Claws.
    • Spicked Carapace (Cryptlord): damage return boosted.
    • Summon Spirit Bear: bears' attack speed increased.
    • Summon Spirit Hawk (Beastmaster): faster attask speed, 200hp/s regen.
    • Summon Spirit Pig (Beastmaster): pig is now ranged, has mini-splash, and grows with your level.
    • Summon Spirit Wolf: wolves' attack speed increased.
    • Taunt (Paladin): replaced by Knight's Challenge (taunt+howl of terror).
    • Terror Wolf (Beastmaster): stats and attack speed equal yours in late game. Removed position offset on cast.
    • Thorn aura (Bestmaster): boosted.
    • Thunder Spirit (Mountain King): replaced by Artifacts Collector.
    • Tornado (Pandaren/Storm Brewmaster): damage x1,5, AOE visible, spin-in-the-air effect removed.
    • True Tank (Paladin): new ability
    • Unholy aura (Pitlord): life regen boosted to 5/10/1%/2%.
    • Voodoo Eye (Shadow Hunter): replaced by Critical Strike Aura
    • War Stomp (Pit Lord): damage & range slightly increased.
    • Water shield (Archmage): has autocast. Cooldown greatly reduced.
    • Wind Walk (Blademaster): replaced by Whirwind.

Complete features list

Heroes list

Game Options

Items list

Event list




Hero nameStatsSkills
MyrmidonMelee- Cleaving Attack
- Summon Venus
- Shock
- Bash
- Realm of Souls
- Avatar
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PaladinMelee- Knight's Challenge
- Healing Wave
- Fan of Light
- True Tank
- Devotion Aura
- Pure Light
- Light Frenzy
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BlademasterMelee- Berserk
- Whirlwind
- Miror Images
- Critical Strike
- War Drums Aura
- Bladestorm
- Partition
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Shadow HunterRanged- Healing Ward
- Bomb Trap
- Serpent Ward
- Wards Mastery
- Critical Strike Aura
- Lasertrap
- Hex
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Tauren ChieftainMelee- Battle Roar
- Shockwave
- Stomp
- Pulverize
- Endurance Aura
- Lightning Strike
- Beast Strike & Upgrades
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Priestress of the MoonRanged- Rejuvenation
- Chain Lightning
- Watery Minion
- Forked Lightning
- Trueshot Aura
- Moonsoon
- Lightning Chaos
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Chaos Attack
- Cleaving Attack
- Holy Light
- Divine Shield
- Frostmourne
- Endurance Aura
- Light Roar
- Knight's Armor
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BeastmasterMelee- Summon Spirit Pig
- Feral Spirit Wolves
- Summon Bear
- Summon Hawk
- Thorns Aura
- Stampede
- Terror Wolf
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DreadlordMelee- Cursed Claws
- Carrion Swarm
- Chaos
- Death Coil
- Aura of Blight
- Inferno
- Infernal Fall
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LichRanged- Frost Frenzy
- Frost Nova
- Breath of Frost
- Frost Armor
- Frost Arrows
- Summon Frost Beast
- Frost Chaos
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Crypt LordMelee- Anub'arak's Claw
- Impale
- Carrion Beetles
- Plague Sting
- Spiked Carapace
- Locust Swarm
- Burrow Impale
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Pit LordMelee- Howl of Terror
- Rain of Fire
- War Stomp
- Cleaving Attack
- Unholy Aura
- Doom
- Finger of Death
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Chaos Attack
- Command Aura
- Death Coil
- Permanent Immolation
- Critical Strike
- Endurance Aura
- Phantom fleet
- Rain of Chaos
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Pandaren BrewmasterMelee- Ensnare
- Drunken Haze
- Breath of Fire
- Drunken Brawler
- Permanent Immolation
- Earthquake
- Tornado
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WarlockMelee- Cripple
- Spirit Beast
- Dark Portal
- Warlock Archimonde
- Evasion & Critical Strike
- Gargoyle Swarm
- Infernal Fall
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Archmage (F)Ranged- Mana Shield
- Crushing Wave
- Summon Sea Elemental
- Drain Life & Mana
- Frost Paralysis
- Elemental Wave
- Rain of Eis
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Archmage (H)Ranged- Frigid Protection
- Blizzard
- Summon Water Elemental
- Frostbolt
- Debilitation Aura
- Starfall
- Water Shield
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MarineRanged- Banish
- Hurl Bomb
- Fan of Rockets
- Metal Armor
- Life Regeneration Aura
- Clone
- Cluster Rockets
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Druid of the ClawMelee- Strength of the Wild
- Entangling Roots
- Rejuvenation
- Mark of the Claw
- Hardened Skin
- Bear Form
- Owl Scout
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RunemasterMelee- Runic Weapon
- Exorcism
- Runic Crystal
- Magic Defense
- Critrical Strike Aura
- Spiritual Presence
- Rune Clock
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Blood MageRanged- Aerial Shackles
- Burning Oil
- Breath of Fire
- Firebolt
- Incinerate
- Phoenix
- Rain of Fire
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RangerRanged- Heal
- Inner Fire
- Searing Arrows
- Critical Arrows
- Endurance Auras
- Exploding Arrows
- Rocket Hail
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WardenMelee- Blink
- Fan of Knives
- Shadow Strike
- Scream
- Attribute Bonus
- Vengeance
- Morph & Permanent Invisibility
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Demon HunterMelee- Roar
- Negative Energy
- Immolation
- Evasion
- Vampiric Aura
- Metamorphosis
- Resistant Skin
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HuntressRanged- Moon Glaive
- Owl Lightning
- Forked Lightning
- Elune's Grace
- Command Aura
- Moon Explosion
- Neutralisation
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DryadRanged- Envenomed Weapons
- Evasion
- Multiple Arrows
- Critical Arrows
- Endurance Aura
- Trueshot Aura
- Spell Immunity
SorceressRanged- Resistant Skin
- Phase Shift
- Moonsoon
- Permanent Lightning
- Life Regeneration Aura
- Lightning Shock
- Lightning Attack
Mountain KingMelee- Artifact Collector
- Storm Bolt
- Thunder Clap
- Bash
- Muradin's Hammer
- Avatar
- Lightning Shield
RiflemanRanged- Bloodlust
- Hurl Bomb
- Plasma Rifle
- Shield
- Trueshot Aura
- Laser
Stone GiantMelee- War Drums Aura
- Toss
- Avalanche
- Tiny Tiny
- Craggy Exterior
- Grow!
- Grab Tree
Storm BrewmasterRanged- Resistant Skin
- Phase Shift
- Moonsoon
- Permanent Lightning
- Life Regeneration Aura
- Lightning Shock
- Tornado
Earth BrewmasterMelee- Battle Roar
- Shockwave
- War Stomp
- Pulverize
- Endurance Aura
- Earthquake
- Beast Strike & Upgrades
Fire BrewmasterMelee- Aerial Shackles
- Drunken Haze
- Breath of Fire
- Firebold
- Permanent Immolation
- Phoenix
- Rain of Fire

  • Easy: Discovery mode. Starts with 100 000 golds. Bosses don't have 500 armor bonus.
  • Normal: Basic difficulty. Starts with 1000 golds. Good to learn heroes abilities and early game economic management.
  • Extreme: Greater challenge for experienced players. Starts with 1000 golds. Menu offers options from extreme 1 to extreme 4. When extreme 4 is picked, host can up the difficulty up to 999. Also, these are added:
    • On wave arrival, lightning bounce between players units dealing high damage
    • Dragons will regularly attack from South-East and South-West corners
    • Silent assassins will come and ambush heroes, surrounding them, and trying their best to complete their job: kill heroes.
    • On extreme 4 or higher:
      • Hydra will attack from North-East and North-West corners. Be careful, these creatures split up when killed.
      • Murlocs will invade you from North-East and North-West corners. Murlocs slaves will keep spawning as long as their masters are alive.
Pick mode
Available modes are
  • Normal: select one hero to fight. two players can't have the same hero.
  • Random: a random hero will be given to you, starting gold is increased to 5 000 golds (125 000 golds in easy mode)
  • Same: normal mode, except that a hero can be picked by several players.
  • Dual: select two heroes. you'll be able to switch between heroes during the game. Experience, items and stats will be replicated on the 2nd hero.
  • Dual random: dual mode, but both heroes are given randomly.
  • Dual same: dual, but heroes can be picked several times.
In addition, players can use these commands:
  • -random: when player use this command, his hero (or both in dual mode) are randomly picked.
  • -repick: can only be used once per player. Allow the player to pick new heroes.





Potions & Misc


Item nameCostEffect
Lightning sword500 000 golds & 500 lumber+10 000 Attack damage
Life steal
Maximum attack speed
Wand of Desillusion125 000 golds+150 Attack damage
Illusion (charged ability): hero can create copy of him self to fight along side him. hero is weakened during the effect.
Assassin's blade75 000 golds+1250 attack damage
Claws of Attack75 000 golds+950 Attack damage
+25% Attack speed
+75 Agility
+20 Movement speed
Enchanted Blade75 000 golds+950 Attack damage
True strike (passive): attacks cannot miss.
Heavy Basher75 000 golds+950 Attack damage
Bash (passive): attacks have a chance of stunning the target.
Scepter of Mastery75 000 golds+100 armor
Banish (active ability): banish the target. A banished unit cannot attack or take physical damage, but take more damage from magic and spells.
Training Spear10 000 golds+150 Attack damage

Item nameCostEffect
Shield of invincibility500 000 golds & 500 lumber+50 000 HP
+500 armor
Invincible (passive): Reduce damage taken by 20%
Immortal (passive): when hero dies, they will revive after a short duration (has a CD).
Retribution (passive): whenever the holder is attacked, they will deal 600 +1% of attack damage to the attacker.
Bracer of Protection75 000 golds+7 500 HP
+100 armor
+20 Hp regen
Gloves of Spell Mastery75 000 goldsSpell Mastery (passive): All cooldown are reduced by 20%. Whenever a spell with a cd shoorter than 15 secs is casted, it has 33% chances of its cd being reset.
Mask of Death15 000 golds+33% life steal
Survivor's shield10 000 golds+1 000 HP
+10 armor
Boots of speed5 000 goldsVelocity (passive): gain maximum movement speed
Blink (active ability): teleport on a short distance
Cloak of Flames5 000 goldsPermanent immolation (passive): Deals 300 damage to nearby ennemies.
Gauntlet of Strengthening5 000 golds+33% damage against normal ennemies
Stout shield1 250 golds+8 armor
Interception (passive): has a 33% chance of blocking up to 100 damage whenever holder is attacked.

Item nameCostEffect
Ring of Superiority500 000 golds & 500 lumberHolder gains 4 auras:
  • Endurance aura: Attack speed and movement speed
  • Command aura: Attack damage
  • Devotion aura: Armor
  • Unholy aura: HP regen and movement speed
Key of the Three Moons350 000 golds & 350 lumber+2 500 strength
+2 500 agility
+2 500 intelligence
Necklace of Spell Immunity100 000 golds & 100 lumberSpell Immunity (passive): wearer becomes immune to magic and spells, except boss signature spells.
Portable Demon Gate125 000 goldsHell fire (passive): Hurls hell fire every second on a nearby ennemy, dealing good damage.
Summon Greater Demon (charged active ability): Summon a greater demon that deals great AoE damage.
Diadem of the Sage75 000 golds+250 strength
+250 agility
+250 intelligence
Talisman of Evasion20 000 goldsEvasion (passive): 15% chance of evading incoming attacks.
Spell Shield (passive): block a unfriendly spell every 40 seconds.
Medaillon of Greed5 000 goldsGold Maker (active ability): turn a creep into gold, killing it instantly and increasing its bounty. Can't be used against hero or high level creeps.
Amulet of the Wild5 000 goldsSummon Furbold Warrior (charged active ability): Summon a furbold warrior to help in combat.

Item nameCostEffect
Tome of Level25 000 goldsYour hero gain a level
Tome of Knowledge (+10)5 000 goldsGain +10 to all stats
Tome of Knowledge (+100)50 000 goldsGain +100 to all stats
Combat Theory25 000 goldsGain +150 attack damage
Scroll of Town Portal200 goldsTeleport to castle (charged active ability): Your hero becomes invulenarbale and channel to teleport himself an nearby units to the castle.

Item nameCostEffect
Potion of Greater Healing200 goldsHeals 3 000 HPs to your hero.
Potion of Greater Mana200 goldsRegen 3 000 Mana to your hero.
Potion of Full Restoration20 000 goldsRestores 100% HPs and Mana to your hero.
Anti-magic Potion5 000 goldsYour hero becomes immune to magical spells for a short duration.
Potion of Invulnerability 10 000 goldsYour become invulnerable for a short duration
Ankh of Reincarnation5 000 goldsReincarnation (charged passive): when hero dies, they will revive after a short duration.

Item nameCostEffect
Upgrade castle 10 000 goldsCastle gain HP and armor. Affect towers with 50% efficiency and statues with 25% efficiency.
Can be used up to 50 times.
Stone Statues3 500 goldsBuild a stone statue for grey player, which can take aggro and tank for your.
Benefit castle upgrade at 25% efficiency.


Bosses are challenging ennemies you have to defeat after the final wave.


Magtheridon has the following items equipped:

Ankh of Reincarnation3 charges. Upon dying, Magtheridon can revive after a delay.

Magtheridon can use the following spells:

SpawnsUpong dying, Magtheridon split into lesser versions of himself, that will in turn split in lesser versions of themselves.
Howl of terrorReduce damage and armor of nearby enemy units.
Command aura
Rain of Fire
War Stomp
Unholy Aura



Number of heroes, skills, items
Number of bosses to defeat

Version 1.47 (2024-05-11)
Major changes:
  • Quality Of Life: Shop items are now using QWERTY keybinding. Heroes spells are in progress (~30%). See the [Complete Features List > Heroes List] to know which heroes have QWERTY supported.
    • First row: QWERTY. (This is the main row, meaning bottom row for spells, and top row for shops)
    • Second row: DFGH. (A being used for attack, and S for Stop, the keys are shifted)
    • Third row: ZXCV
  • Improved terraining

Bug Fixes changes:
  • Fixed some music that didn't launch at proper moment.
  • Fixed dreadlord's passive (level 3) tooltip.
  • Fixed priestess of the moon's monsoon tooltip.
  • Command -random should now equip starting items.
  • Manually buying combat theory in dual hero mode will now correctly give the bonus damage to the secondary hero.

Minor changes:
  • Added new musics
  • Reduced gold from hydra hatchlings from 750 to 500
  • -rebuy command renamed -revive for more clarity
  • Adjust scaling of % HP on bosses spells (curve isn't linear anymore).
  • Towers damage can now be upgraded for 5 000 golds (up to 10 times). Can be found at workshop in castle, or by command -ut ( or -upgrade tower).
  • Gold earned by grey player (castle and towers) will now be regularly distributed among connected players.
  • Quality of Life: heroes vision range at night has been increased from 800 to 1400.

  • Some models are not visible for SD graphics users. This doesn't impact playing other than visual (units still have hitbox, can be targeted etc.) I believe the only solution would be stop using those models, or reimport them. Currently, those models have been reported:
    • Ghost hero
    • Hydra hatchling => Replaced by hydra model, with different scaling.
    Currently scouting viable replacements.
    Please report any models that wouldn't load on SD graphics.
  • Boss Banehallow can sometimes get an infinite regen buff whenever he has minions close to him. Removed minions while investigating further this issue.
    Please report if the bug still occur without the minions.

  • Banehallow boss spell
  • QWERTY keybind (So much abilities to go through, it will take some times)
  • Adding customs spells to player's heroes
  • Making sure every spell is coherent with hero theme. Looking at you, crypt lord. "Shaking the ground" shouldn't make meteor fall from the sky
  • Improve hero selection (knowing hero type, abilities etc.)

Version 1.46 (2024/04/29)
Major changes:
  • Started improving terrain.
    • Trying to keep the overall aesthetic, while making it less monotonous.
    • Focused on bosses areas for now, as they have more space to play with.
    • Suggestions and feedback are welcome, it's kinda hard to change terrain without messing up lanes/arenas balance or revamping all the map.
  • New attacks (like dragon and assassins) are now coming from North-East and North-West. Adding more gold generation for extreme 4 and higher.

Bug Fixes changes:
  • Lategame defeat condition was triggering on first player death. Now should work as intended (when all players are dead simultaneously)
  • Necropolis no longer display "10 wave kills"
  • Final wave's taurens will now get their bloodlust buff.

Minor changes:
  • Invulnerability adjustement for Arthas and Admiral. Ability can be casted more often, but duration is greatly nerfed. Less down time overall, feel less annoying.
  • Mountain king passive buff: now grants scaling armor too. This ability had an intersting mechanic (scaling cleave from 0 to 100% with artifacts), but felt a bit weak compared to other cleaving passive (Having 100% flat).
  • DemonHunter Captain adjustement. Boss spell now cast more often, but is more predictible. Base damage lowered (especially at higher difficulty).
  • Added icons on minimap for bosses & teleport zones.
  • Added special effects on wave arrival.
  • Added corpses spawn next to bosses (Crypt lord summon will finally be available).
  • Castle upgrade slight nerf: castle gain 4 armor per upgrade instead of 6, towers get 2 instead of 3.
  • Added new item: Stone statue. Starter item that build a statue for grey player (castle and towers). Perfect for stalling a bit early game without putting all of your golds into a furbolg that might be overkill. Benefit from 25% of castle upgrade bonuses (125HPs & 1 armor per upgrade)
  • Castle upgrade moved into new shop category: workshop, with stone statue.

  • Banehallow boss spell
  • Improve Terraining for early game zones
  • QWERTY keybind (So much abilities to go through, it will take some times)
  • Adding customs spells to heroes
  • Making sure every spell is coherent with hero theme. Looking at you, crypt lord. "Shaking the ground" shouldn't make meteor fall from the sky
  • Improve hero selection (knowing hero type, abilities etc.)

Feel free to point anything that should be added on the todo list

Version 1.45 (2024/04/22)
  • Major changes
    • Added spells to late game bosses. Beware, they can be deadly and go through spell immunity.
    • Added a defeat condition after final wave. At least one hero must survive.
    • Castle and towers can be upgraded up to 50 times to gain HP & armor. Might save your life one day. Buy at castle, or using command -uc
  • Bug fixes
    • Damage return doesn't one-shot bosses anymore and should be more balanced overall.
    • Fix Sorceress spell's tooltip: now show all lines.
    • Arthas now wait for the proper moment to die in his cinematic.
  • Minor changes
    • New items added:
      • Survivor's shield: early game defensive item
      • Training spear: early game damage item
      • Diadem of the Sage: mid game stats bonus
      • Portable Demon gate: mid-to-late game summoning, great at helping farming event
      • Combat Theory: Attack damage tome. Less efficient than attack damage items, but not taking inventory slots.
    • Wand of desillusion is now a permanent item with charged ability (can buy again to gain more charges). Also, cannot stack illusion anymore, as it dispel previous ones.
    • Farming event stun abilities cannot affect heroes anymore. Finally, you can channel in peace.
    • Quality of Life:
      • commands -gg & -gl are now available to give gold/lumber to selected unit's owner.
      • commands -gtl & -ltg are now available to convert gold into lumber and lumber into gold
    • Command -rebuy now cost 50 lumber after the final wave. Dying on bosses shouldn't be taken lightly.

Version 1.43 (2023/09/11)
  • Major changes
    • Ank of Reincarnation: delay reduced from 15s to 5s. Added a short armor/hp regen buff after reincarnating.
    • Increased shops acquisition range from 450 to 800.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed desyncs because of a weird Blizzard bug with weapon upgrades.
    • Fixed 3 dummy unit leaks with Avalanche skill (May reduce desyncs).
    • Fixed a bug with -ow for the 2nd ice way when single player (the door remained closed).
    • Fixed a camera bug: after killing the 4 captains the camera didn't pan properly to the closing door.
    • Fixed a bug with pause/unpause all units resulting in remaining whirwlinds (blade master).
    • Fixed a bug where dummy casters with 0 sight radius could not find their target.
    • Fixed the glow effect of some heroes being too small since Reforged.
    • Temporary disabled autodrink potions while shopping (source of bugs).
  • Minor changes
    • Added heroes names to make picking easier despite Classic/Reforged graphical diferences.
    • Changed Ghost hero model to "Death Revenant".
    • Updated versions of "GUI Unit Event" & "Damage Engine" systems.
    • Cleaned 2 unused assets (readme.html & trebuchet model), 1 unused upgrade.
    • Spawns damages slightly increased (~10-15).
    • Items stack&split: instead of exluding POWERUP artifacts, excludes artifacts with 1 charge & use on acquire.

Version 1.42 (2022/01/15)
  • Bug fixes
    • Doom (Pit Lord): fixed a bug on skill position.
    • Cinematics: minor fixes on camera control, duration slightly shortened.
    • 4 Generals: reward increased to 300 000 gold + 300 lumber.
    • Skeletal Orcs (Survivals): immunity to level 6+ abilities removed.
    • Desync: solve potential causes (Item Stack&Split sounds for local player).
    • Debugging: added a max of logs during replay to try to pin point the desync issues...

Version 1.41 (2020/09/27)
  • Bug fixes
    • Tome of +1 level: infinite-use exploit fixed*.
* Sorry I didn't have enough free time to do more (desync debugging, balancing...)

Version 1.40 (2020/09/11)
  • Bug fixes
    • Tome of +10 stats: infinite-use exploit fixed.
    • Events & dual hero change: added safety checks to ensure that hero switch is not interpreted as a give-up (to fix a random bug with Ramero).
  • Minor changes
    • Damage Engine System: updated to latest version.

Version 1.39 (2020/07/22)
  • Bug fixes
    • Extrem mode: ennemies hero do not disapear right away after death (regression).
  • Minor changes
    • Damages return: percentages modifed, does not ignore attacker's armor anymore.

Version 1.38 (2020/07/21)
  • Major changes
    • While shopping, Potions of Greater Healing are used automatically.
    • When your hero die, you can rebuy it immediatly with -rebuy command at the cost of 5000gold. Ask to your allies if you don't have them.
    • Dryad: replaced Critical Arrows by Piercing Arrows. Fixed Multiple Arrows tooltip.
    • Paladin: replaced Taunt by Knight's Challenge (taunt+howl of terror). New ability True Tank at level 8.
    • Mountain King: replaced Thunder Spirit by Artifact Collector.
    • Shadow Hunter: Feedback replaced by Wards Mastery.
    • Blademaster: Wind Walk replaced by Whirlwind.
    • Ghost: Death Coil do not use undead/alive as discrimination anymore. It heals allies and damage ennemies.
  • Bug fixes
    • Gloves of Spell Mastery: not clickable anymore.
    • Tower destruction message: missing space before "earlier".
    • Arthas cinematic: made sure Arthas doesn't die too quick.
    • Tiny Stone Giant: fixed "Hardened Skin"'s icon.
    • Dual hero inventories: fixed potential desync cause.
    • Leaderboard: fixed potential desync cause.
    • Dual hero change: aggro is lost, units won't run away after the paused hero anymore.
    • Attack priority: heroes now attack the nearest ennemy, no more priority to flying units.
    • Triggered Cast Abilities: removed useless executions.
    • Better handling of selection/deselection: should avoid some desync.
    • Item Stack&Split: bug fix, performances optimization, refactoring.
  • Minor changes
    • Updated Damage Engine to its latest version.
    • Removed useless command "-random <number>"
    • Huntress: Neutralization cooldown reduced by 10s.
    • Blood Mage: Incineration now also adds damages to each attack.
    • Pandaren Brewmaster/Storm: Tornado now affects air and non-organics units.
    • Command/War Drums auras: removed useless code.

Version 1.37 (2020/07/11)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed desync due to Frigid Protection (Archmage) by updating to latest Bone Armor system version.
    • Frigid Protection : rotating segments now teleport on hero switch & blink.
    • Deactivated neutral hero auras to avoid exploit in early game (for ex +200% damages from unpicked Ghost).
  • Minor changes
    • Dicrease cooldown & duration of Frigid Protection (Archmage) by half.
    • Shops: removed stock replenish cooldown.

Version 1.36 (2020/07/08)
  • Bug fixes
    • Selection issues with shops making it unavailable untill the next press on ESC key.
    • Food count sometimes wrong in early games.
  • Minor changes
    • Circles in hero selection zone made 80% transparent for the visibility of heroes with Reforged graphics.
    • Colored map name in lobby.

Version 1.35 (2020/07/02)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed desyncs due to shopping & regression in Warcraft III patch 1.32.
    • Fixed minor bug when using "Esc" key in shop.

Version 1.34 (2020/06/29)
  • Minor changes
    • Updated Damage Engine System to its latest version.
    • Added Game Status system from TriggerHappy to help debbuging desync & crashs.
  • Bug fixes
    • Moon Priestress had Doom spell at level 0.

Version 1.33 (2020/04/08)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed memory leak & strange issue with Item List sub-system.
    • Fixed keyboard shortcuts for shops.

Version 1.32 (2020/03/28)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed shops for Warcraft III 1.32 (Reforged).
    • Gloves of spell mastery: removed "Refresh Cooldowns" ability because from Warcraft III patch 1.32, it also reset items cooldowns and result in infinite loops..
    • Mask of Death was missing from shops.

Version 1.31 (2020/01/18)
  • Bug fixes
    • Misscalculation of summons & morph bonus armor.
    • Item with charge or timed abilities bugged with dual hero switch.

Version 1.30 (2020/01/18)
  • Minor changes
    • There is now one single shop with multiple pages.
  • Bug fixes
    • Cleave really does 100% damages, and do not ignore armor anymore.
    • Doom (Pit Lord): level 2 bugged on many creeps with an error message.
  • Minor changes
    • Bracer of Protection has been nerfed.
    • Pathing blocks added around special arenas.

Version 1.29b (2019/11/17)
  • Bug fixes
    • Desync caused by triggered cast abilities (Exorcism, Plague Sting, Cursed Claw) ?
    • Potential memory leak from Runic Weapon ability.
  • Minor changes
    • Dark hero spawns have their stats reduced by 25%.
    • Internal log system settings modified.

Version 1.29 (2019/10/28)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed random bug with item abilities and Dual Hero.
  • Minor changes
    • Farm event max spawn rate increased from 1wave/sec to 3wave/sec.
    • Increased armor, decreased HP of farm event creeps.

Version 1.28c (2019/10/07)
  • Bug fixes
    • Solved a major bug with -ow command & lanes 5 and 8.
  • Minor changes
    • Health points of bosses +70 000.

Version 1.28b (2019/10/04)
  • Bug fixes
    • Bounty of 2nd ice way was not multiplied by player count.
    • Message for way upgrade (on Spirit Tower death) was too long and contained a "|n".
  • Minor changes
    • Health points of bosses +70 000.

Version 1.28 (2019/10/04)
  • Major changes
    • In dual hero mode, inventory is fully shared between your 2 heroes (even cooldowns).
    • Host rights can be transfered to another player with "-host <name/color/number>" command.
    • Host rights are automatically transfered to top score player if previous host leaves.
    • Open Way & Close Way commands: work for the right ice way. Ways 2 to 4 can be closed.
    • Survivals: ghouls & orc skeletons gold bounty is proportional to player count.
    • Dark Bosses stats rebalanced (particularly in high extrem level).
    • Dragon packs max size reduced from 40 to 20.
  • Bug fixes
    • Moved merchants of a inch so you can pass between them and Castle.
    • If a player teleported out of Muradin event, then summoned, the summoned unit was missplaced.
    • Endgame stuck if you play Easy in solo-player.
    • Using -cw to close the last way did not start the boss stage.
    • Silent assassins, Lighhtning Attacks, Dragons Attacks are delayed during cinematics (paused phases).
    • Some heroes had wrong start mana or mana regeneration.
    • Stout shield tooltip 3300%.
    • Rifleman: bug with inventory/stats/hero order/primary attribute when reaching level20.
    • Item pick: undue "Inventory is full." message sometimes.
    • Tiny tiny (Stone Giant): error in tooltip.
  • Minor changes
    • Reduced heroes start defense by 5, start mana by 5, mana regen by 3.
    • Realm of Souls (Myrmidon): reduced life regeneration, range & attack frequency.
    • Kick command is now possible with name (case sensitive), color or player number.
    • Ice ways: right one does not open in single player mode.
    • Necropolis, Spirit Towers, Ice Towers & Death Towers are invulnerable if way is closed, and destroyed at next stages.
    • Healing ward(Shadow Hunter): manacost reduced to 100.
    • Rejuvenation (POTM): manacost reduced to 100.
    • Cripple (Warlock); manacost reduced to 100.
    • Death Coil (Dreadlord), Hurl Bomb (Marine, Rifleman): CD reduced from 20 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt,...)
    • Death Coil (Ghost), Finger of Death (Pit Lord): CD increased from 10 to 15s (like Firebolt, Frostbolt, ...)
    • Holy Light (Knight) manacost reduced.
    • Breath of Fire: stats uniformized between Blood Mage, Pandaren & Fire.
    • Spirit Pig (Beastmaster): reduced damage and attack speed bonus per hero level.
    • Terror Wolf (Beastmaster): removed position offset on cast.
    • Myrmidon sound set modified to Naga Myrmidon.
    • Added reminder message to open last unused ways before next stage.

Version 1.27 (2019/09/22)
  • Major changes
    • Farm event: spawn rate limited to 1 wave per second.
    • Remove spell damage & heal boost from Team Upgrades.
    • Damage reduction per armor point restored to default.
    • Ennemy attributes totally balanced (hp, armor, life, stats).
    • Life per strength point decreased from 25 to 15.
    • Hero attributes uniformized and modified (life, mana, armor, start stats, stats per level).
    • Possibility to convert gold to lumber and lumber to gold at merchant.
    • Exorcism (Runemaster): behavior modified from chain lightning to splash.
  • Bug fixes
    • Ways creep level was not increased properly.
    • Hit point regeneration rate of some heroes was wrong.
    • Way 2 could be opened even if its necropolis was already destroyed.
    • Runic Weapon (Runemaster): reference leak fixed.
    • Logs are written in local file only when a player is disconnected (to limit lags).
  • Minor changes
    • Cleaning units & items after the following events: Ring of Superiority, Lightning Sword, Farm.
    • In Extrem 4, added a reminder 30s before level 2 for "-extreme" command.
    • Merchants and towers slightly moved to free passages.
    • Summons boost slightly nerfed.
    • Move speed bonuses stack now.
    • Removed life steal for spells (with 10% of efficiency).
    • Main attribute modified for Blademaster, Priestress of the Moon, Shadow Hunter, Rifleman & Sorceress.
    • Ennemy have vision of players' units (to avoid focus bugs).
    • Fan of Rocket/Light/Knives: damage, cooldown and AOE uniformized.
    • Earthquake (Earth Brewmaster): damages reduced by 33%.
    • Scream (Warden): range and damages increased.
    • Holy Light (Knight) range increased to 700, CD reduced to 12s.
    • Frigid Protection (Archmage): fragments restored, they don't seem to cause desync.
    • Medaillon of Greed: pillage efficiency reduced.
    • Frost Armor (Lich): manacost reduced.
    • Magic Defense (Runemastr): movespeed reduction increased.

Version 1.26e (2019/09/21)
  • Bug fixes
    • Refactored the fix for triggered cast abilities (Cursed Claw, Exorcism, Plague Sting) in order to reduce desync issues.

Version 1.26d (2019/09/17)
  • Bug fixes
    • Doom (Pit Lord) : level 1 can target ground units again.
    • Dual Hero: when picking 2nd hero later, his stats are automatically set to same as first hero.
    • Blink (Warden): hotkey fixed.
    • Shadow Strike (Warden): after level 20, echo Shadow Strike does not one shot anymore.
    • Silent Assassins: do not spawn during or after final wave anymore.
    • Logs: reduced lags due to log to debug desync issue on Linux.
  • Minor changes
    • Beast Attack (Tauren Chieftain, Earth): knockback distance divided by 3.
    • Updated size, shadow and collision size of various summons.
    • Lifesteal works with spells (at 10% of its original power).
    • Healing Ward (Shadow Hunter): now regenerates 100hp + 1%.
    • Message when a lane upgrades because of spirit tower destruction: moved on 2 lines.

Version 1.26c (2019/09/14)
  • Bug fixes
    • More logs to detect disconnection/desync causes.
    • Added a text at beginning to ask players to send their XndHeroSiegeLogs.txt file to me if they experience a desync.
    • Fixed a tipo in loading screen text.
  • Minor changes
    • Castle now sells the same items as goblin merchants (potions, tomes, ...)

Version 1.26b (2019/09/14)
  • Bug fixes
    • Forced to remove some debug log that made Archimage level0 spell lagg/crash.
    • Frigid Armor (Archmage) removed segments because they use too many asynchronous functions.

Version 1.26 (2019/09/13)
  • Bug fixes
    • Items damage bonus was wrong (apart Assassin Blade).
    • Inner Fire (Ranger): damage bonus was inconsistent.
    • Dual Hero Switch: restored a short delay between activations to avoid desyncs because of selection inconsistency between clients.
    • The following abilities can now hit non-organic ennemies:
      • Chain Lightning, Forked Lightning, Moonsoon (POTM)
      • War Stomp, Doom, Finger of Death (Pitlord)
      • Drain Life&Mana (Archmage)
      • Drunken Haze (Pandaren)
      • Entangling Roots (Druid of the Claw)
      • Shadow Strike, Fan of Knives, Polymorph (Warden)
      • Incinerate, Fire Bolt (Bloodmage)
      • Moonsoon, Lightning Shock (Sorceress)
      • Storm Bolt, Thunderclap, Lightning Shield (Moutain King)
      • War Stomp, Lightning Stroke, Beast Attack (Tauren Chieftain)
      • Avalanche, Craggy Exterior, Toss (Stone Giant)
      • Deathcoil (Ghost)
      • Fan of Lights (Paladin)
      • Fan of Rockets, Hurl Bomb (Marine)
      • Owl Lightning, Forket Lightning, Neutralization (Huntress)
      • Frost Bolt (Archmage)
      • Negative Energy (Demon Hunter)
      • Poison Sting (Cryptlord)
      • Shock (Myrmidon)
      • Hex (Shadow Hunter)
    • The following abilities can now hit air ennemies:
      • Earthquake (Pandaren/Earth Brewmaster)
      • Cleaving Attack (Pitlord)
      • Mark of the Claw, Entangling Roots (Druid of the Claw)
      • Pulverize (Tauren Chieftain)
      • Burrow Impale (Cryptlord)
      • Tornado (Pandaren, Storm)
      • Spiritual Presence (Runemaster)
      • Immolation (Cloak of Immolation), Permanent Immolation (Ghost, Pandaren, Fire)
    • The following abilities can be cast on allied wards:
      • Mana Shield (Archmage)
    • The following abilities can be cast on non-organic allies:
      • Frost Frenzy (Lich)
  • Major changes
    • Added item Stout Shield.
  • Minor changes
    • Waves 9 to 12 (after farm event): stats & bounty x2.
    • Owl Scout (Druid of the Claw): spells modified.
    • Claws of Attack, Enchanted Blade, Heavy Basher: bonus damage increased to 950.
    • Realm of Souls (Myrmidon) area of effect reduced.
    • Added a text to make the following hidden feature visible: each spirit tower destroyed upgrades the creeps of the lane earlier (1 tower before level 2, 2 towers before level 3, 3 towers before level 4).

Version 1.25b (2019/09/09)
  • Bug fixes
    • Error in Wand of Desillusion tooltip.
    • Attack speed of morphing forms (Terror Wolf and Samuro).
    • Missing space character after name in Team Upgrade debloqued text.

Version 1.25 (2019/09/09)
  • Bug fixes
    • Wand of Desillusion clones don't disapear on hero switch.
    • Cannot use transmute on dragons.
    • Ring of Superiority unholy aura is now 1% instead of 4hp.
    • Damage return is no more boosted like other spelles in late game.
    • Merchants do not create an ugly warfog patch anymore.
    • Terror Wolf's thorns aura doesn't stack with Beastmaster's one.
    • Game crash for last player leaving (division by 0).
    • Leavers items are sold properly and gold is shared between remaining players.
  • Major changes
    • All boss have 33% magic resistance.
    • Dual hero: each hero has his own cooldowns.
  • Minor changes
    • Wand of desillusion clones nerfed a bit.
    • Delay of 2s before dragon attacks restaured.
    • Merchants' position & pathing map modified not to block then way.
    • Life Regeneration Auras nerfed.
    • Carrion Beetles (Cryptlord): attack speed increased.
    • Dryad: attack speed slightly reduced.
    • Impale (Cryptlord): area of effect increased.
    • Beast Attack (Tauren Shieftain): cooldown changed to 30s.
    • Aerial Shackles (Bloodmage, Fire): CD reduced to 30s.
    • Shock (Myrmidon) Initial cooldown increased, but decreases with levels. Stun duration reduced to 2s.
    • Added an advice text when extrem 2+ mode.
    • War Stomp (Pit Lord) Damages and range slightly increased.
    • Increased hp of all bosses.

Version 1.24 (2019/09/04)
  • Bug fixes
    • I delivered a corrupted copy of the map in 1.23. Error fixed.

Version 1.23 (bugged) (2019/09/01)
  • Bug fixes
    • Some heroes missed glow effect.
    • Lags during farm event due to spawn rate not capped.
    • Possibility to open lane 2 even after its necropolis was destroyed.
    • Could not buy new stacks of stackable items with full inventory.
    • Life regeneration aura icons were not passive & consistent.
    • Unpicked heroes were unpaused after special events.
    • Various glitches & cheats were possible because boss were not invulnerable before the time you fight them.
    • Tomes & power-ups resulted in memory leak.
    • Plasma rifle (Rifleman) & Lightning Attack (sorceress) did not do AOE damages vs air units & buildings.
    • Creeps of type Spell Breaker are no more magic immune.
  • Major changes
    • Damage reduction per armor point divided by 2.
    • Damage returns ability are more efficient, they return a fixed amount + a percentage of damages taken before armor reduction.
    • Banish (Marine, Staff of Mastery) is now a short duration spell (4s).
    • Spells boost damage per level changed from 30% to 50% against bosses, but boss have 33% magic resistance.
    • Shops: items start cooldown removed.
    • Rifleman: Rocker Launch replaced by Hurl Bomb (same as Marine).
  • Minor changes
    • At the end of farm event, illusions are returned along with you.
    • Renamed "Random Heroes" & "Dual Heroes" buttons.
    • Claws of Attack damage bonus increased.
    • Added some text indications & minimap pings for beginners.
    • Boss stats & heroes start health point balanced.

Version 1.22 (2019/08/22)
  • Bug fixes
    • Most memory leaks and random bugs are fixed.
    • Buy level "-bl" command did not stop at level 30.
    • A hero reviving during a special event was not paused.
    • A hero reviving and dying during a special event interrupted the special event.
    • In late game, no more aura artefacts at west/north/east/south of castle.
    • In high extrem level, all dragons from Dragon Attacks didn't attack at the same time.
  • Major changes
    • Team Upgrades: spell boost reduced 25%/50% to 15%/30% per level.
    • Myrmidon: Venus' life and armor nerfed. Shock ability AOE reduced.
    • Extrem ennemy heroes now give a gold bounty equal to their stats.
  • Minor changes
    • Many minions have their armor balanced (wolves, elementals, ...)
    • Blue dragons & Sapphirons are no more magic immune.
    • When switching of hero in Dual Hero mode, items position in inventory is always preserved.
    • Demon Hunter: roar damage bonus increased to 100%.

Version 1.21 (2019/07/27)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed most of the desync issues.

Version 1.20 (2019/07/26)
  • Major changes
    • Switched to Warcraft 1.31.1 version.
    • You can stack and split charged items (see tooltip for more information).
    • Mirror images and Clones get damage, defense and attack speed bonuses. They also are targets for autocast.
    • New command -bl to buy Tomes of Power (+1 level) for 25000 gold each.
    • (All) hero image: clones stats do not take into account items anymore.
    • Archmage: Defense Matrix changed to Frigid Protection (very similar)
    • Amulet of the Wild: start delay and replenish interval divided by 2.
    • Debilitation aura: effect changed to +XX% damages from all sources.
  • Bug fixes
    • Lag issues (due to memory leaks and buggy code pieces.
    • Desync issues when switching of hero in dual mode.
    • Random bugs do to code inconsistencies.
    • Level 20 spell echos of Mountain King and Warden fixed.
    • Illusions of boosted minions don't disapear anymore.
    • Mirror images and clones didn't have some passive abilities of the original.
    • Errors in Hardened Skin ability tooltip.
    • Missplaced Bear Form icon.
    • Errors in Myrmidon hero tooltips.
    • Druid of the Claws' Scout Owl can now cast Bloodlust on magic immune allies.
    • Runemaster's regeneration rune is also boosted by the team upgrade.
    • Magnataur Destroyers spell immunity removed.
    • Banish: damages from fan of rockets and similar abilites are not nulified anymore.
  • Minor changes
    • Special events teleportation circles: your minions are teleported along.
    • Water Shield: cooldown greatly reduced.
    • Tomes of Power: max stock increased to 3 in shops.
    • Corpses removal delay increased from 5s to 8s.
    • Added safety check for Ring and Sword events in case 2 players reached the conditions at the same time.
    • Runemaster was slightly nerfed: number of targets of Exorcism, damages and attack rate of Spiritual Presence.
    • All damage returns reverted to their previous value for the moment (or Arthas was dead meat...).

Version 1.11c (2019/07/22)
  • Bug fixes
    • Regression fixed: dual random mode does not work.
  • Minor changes
    • Removed trebuchets from final wave.

Version 1.11b (2019/07/20)
  • Bug fixes
    • Regressions fixed:
      • Lightning sword + illusions.
      • Lightning sword life steal was applied twice.
      • Lightning sword teleport to castle when owner leaves.
  • Minor changes
    • Bonus to damage, attack speed, defense apply to illusions too.

Version 1.11 (2019/07/15)
  • Bug fixes
    • Regressions: removed invisible items created at paused heroes position each 0.1s.
    • Mask of Death and Lightning Sword work on illusions again.
    • Some tooltips fixed.

Version 1.10 (2019/07/15)
  • Major changes
    • Boosts do not appear periodically, but when the leader reachs level 21-30.
    • Magic damage boost halfed against boss.
  • Bug fixes
    • Life steal abilities: works with orbs, stack (sum displayed in the buff tooltip), do not change missile art.
    • Removed Magtheridon mega wave (too laggy).
    • Coded a work-around to fix Warcraft III bug on "Orb of slow" ability.
    • Earth and Fire Brewmaster couldn't attack air units.
    • Muradin's Hammer effect range corrected to 900.
  • Minor changes
    • Pandaren brewmaster: ensnare does 300 damage per second.
    • Immolation/permanent immolation/permanent lightning > all have a 250 area of effect now.
    • Bloodmage: aerial shackles dps x10, burning oil range/damage +25%.
    • Dreadlord: carrion swarm & chaos damages increased, cooldown decreased. Sleep replaced by Cursed Claws.
    • Reincarnation replaced by Beast Strike.
    • Demon hunter: level 20 also removes metamorphis timer.
    • Warden: attribute bonus also gives +50 bonus per hero level, silence replaced by scream.
    • Sorceress: lightning shock cooldown reduced to 30s. Level 20 spell changed to +4000 damages with splash.
    • Unholy aura boosted to 5/10/1%/2%.
    • Crypt lord: anub'arak's claw attack speed increased to 75%, cooldown increased to 60s.
    • Vampiric Aura & Muradin's Hammer no more limited to melee units.
    • Beastmaster Spirit Pig changed to ranged & is upgraded at each level.
    • Warlock: Cripple boosted.
    • Crypt lord: poison sting damages x2, slow increased.
    • Archmage: water shield now has autocast, fixed debilitation aura tooltip. replaced anti-magic shield by defensive matrix, improved range/damages/duration of blizzard.
    • Beastmaster: increase wolf and bear attack speed.
    • Archmage mana shield now absorbs 50% damages and repercutes 20% of them on mana. Frost paralysis slow increased.
    • Lich: frost arrows slow increased by 20%, damage increased.
    • Shadow Hunter: Voodoo Eye replaced by Critical Strike Aura, Feedback damage factor x5, Bomb trap level 4 damages doubled. Laser trap attack type changed to pierce.
    • Rain of fire, Rain of Eis: range x1,5 and damage x1.5.
    • Phase Shift attack speed greatly boosted.
    • Monsoon (sorceress/storm) area of effect x1,5, damage interval slightly decreases with level.
    • Tornado: speed maxed, damages x1,5, AOE made visible spinning-in-the-air effect removed.
    • Dire wolf, giant bear, spirit beast, carrion beetle: gain a mini-cleave at level 3.
    • Infernal gain mini-cleave.
    • Avatar of vengeance, laser trap, pure light gain a mini-splash. 25/75/150, 0.5/0.25.
    • Serpent ward, water elemental, watery minion, dark portal, sea elemental, spirit hawk gain a mini-splash at level 3.
    • Marine: can clone invulnerable & wards.

Version 1.09 (2019/07/01)
  • Major changes
    • Tools: end of use of the deprecated "Widgetizer" tool to protect the map from hackers.
    • Bosses: spell immunity ability changed to resistant skin. Rear attacks do +20% damages, and 10% chances of rear strike with x3 damages. Flank attacks do +10% damages, and 5% chances of flank strike with x3 damages. Works with spells too.
    • Magtheridon: cast a 1-shot wide-range mega-attack when reaches 60% and 35% life.
    • Farm event: creeps take +500% damages from spells.
    • Attack types: all attack types do 100% damages to hero armor (piercing, siege, spell, magic).
  • Bug fixes
    • Farm event start: corpses/sheeps/trees are created instantly.
    • Extrem power-up: didn't apply properly.
    • Minions power-up: do not heal summons to 100% on activate anymore.
    • Trebuchets damage set to 1500.
    • Runemaster's critical strike didn't work fine against heroes.
  • Minor changes
    • Boss phase: hero revive timer is reduced from 120s to 45s during this phase.
    • Farm event: rock golems are not magic immune anymore.
    • Pure light attack type changed to piercing (for trueshot aura).
    • Minions & spell upgrade: occurs every 120s from level 3 (before it was 200s). Minions damages boost max changed from 1250 to 1750.
    • Stone Giant toss ability: area damages nerfed of 25%.
    • Runemaster runic weapon ability: rate reduced to 5%, but also works for your minions.
    • Minions can use the 2 teleport circles behind the ice pillars to reach the boss zone.

Version 1.08 (2019/06/29)
  • Major changes
    • Removed -updates command content because it was too long.
    • Increased spell boost. Nerfed minions armor and life boost.
  • Bug fixes
    • Some buffs were lost when switching of hero (dual heroes mode).
    • Runic Weapon ability was leaking a location.
    • Rune crystal ability tooltip updated.
    • Disabled controls during ghost cinematic.
  • Minor changes
    • Muradin: cannot place wards or phoenixes in water anymore.
    • Nerfed Frost chaos, Lightning chaos and Rune clock abilities (max 6% damages).
    • Nerfed Avalanche ability damages by 25%.
    • Final wave: added 2 trebuchets.
    • Ranger: inner fire bonus damage x3.
    • Beast Master: hawks regen 200hp/sec.
    • Druid of the Claw: howl scout improved.
    • Runemaster: Exorcism ability changed from active to passive. Magic defense speed reduction increased. Rune clock displays a visual effect and the "spell channeling" animation.
    • Dark illidan: spells boost is still working after morph.

Version 1.07 (2019/06/19)
  • Bug fixes
    • With Warcraft 1.31.x, Samuro and Terror Wolf damages were not boosted in late game.
    • Archmage aura was 100% too strong.
    • Muradin's storm bolt is back.

Version 1.06 (2019/06/19)
  • Bug fixes
    • In extrem 3+, mega-creeps after Magtheridon didn't have the devotion aura.
    • Storm hidden hero had the wrong skills.
    • Food cap (=max wave kills count) was not updated properly.
    • Some "low upkeep"/"high upkeep" messages were visible.

Version 1.05 (2019/06/18)
  • Bug fixes
    • Critical strike aura & morph work fine together.
    • Range of the auras of dark boss has been reduced back to 200.
    • End game timer was hidden after 8s.
  • Minor changes
    • Removed the items in the inventory of the four captains.
    • Critical strike aura visual effect has been changed.

Version 1.04 (2019/06/17)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed desynd issues with dual hero change.
    • Dark force's minions don't get boosted anymore (ex: Balnazzar's infernals).
    • Fixed phoenix loosing boost & life leech after death&rebirth.
  • Minor changes
    • Slightly nerfed Runemaster (Rune Crystal, Spiritual Presence, Rune Clock).

Version 1.03 (2019/06/16)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed graphical bugs due to map optimizer removing unused SLK.
    • Fixed player leave actions.
    • Fixed all hero image stuck if interrupted by final wave.
    • Fixed "Frost Infernal" text when event is already done.
    • The last part of the "-updates" command is no more displayed to all players
    • Fixed tipo "Ssummons" in loading screen.
    • Fixed doom guards not being boosted in late game like other summons.
  • Minor changes
    • Necklace of Spell Immunity item on the floor looks like other special artifacts.
    • Frost Chaos and Lightning Chaos damages nerfed to 3%.
    • When a player shares unit control with you, you see his hero(s) potrait(s).
    • Runic crystal mana cost increased.

Version 1.02 (2019/06/16)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed Warcraft 1.31 Patch specific bug (summon damages not boosted).
  • Minor changes
    • Reduce late game upgrades period from 300s to 200s.

Version 1.01 (2019/06/15)
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed dual random bug.

Version 1.0 (2019/06/13)
  • Bug fixes
    • Dryad/multishot: number of targets in late game fixed.
    • -Random: was already available before pick mode selection.
    • Special events/items: were sometimes stuck when a player left.
    • Dual hero: no more experience lost when switching heroes. 2nd hero can be picked later in game.
    • Banehallow: no more 2nd hero misspositionning
  • Major changes
    • 2 new heroes: Rune Master & Stone Giant (inspired from Dota)
    • 2 new pick modes : dual random & dual same
    • Spells: after level 3, ennemies spell resistance decrease -25% every 300s, down to -250%
    • Summons/wards: after level 3, their stats increase every 300s. Up to +1250 damage, +150 armor and +50 000 hp. Gain life steal after 7th upgrade.
    • All auras: range increased to 900 (same range as Ring of Superiority)
    • Heals: boosted by the owner's intelligence. -info for details
    • Special farm event: -bt enabled
    • Balises: now benefit from auras, heals and regens
    • Hero image / All hero image: clones cannot cast boring spells anymore (anti-magic shield, heals, entrave, banish, archimonde's form...)
    • When a player leaves, its items are sold and his gold is shared between the remaining players.
    • Dual heroes: CDs of second hero are reset too when events start.
    • Farm event: corpses/sheeps/trees appear also for your 2nd hero. Sheeps hold position.
    • Shared control: you can switch of heroe for others.
  • Minor changes
    • Blademaster/Beast Master: avatars' stats are based on yours.
    • Archmage: debilitation aura effect changed to percentages
    • Marine: existing clones escort you in special farm event.
    • Sorceress/Storm/Marine: life regeneration aura effect changed to percentages at level 3 and 4.
    • Blademaster: Rage cooldown reduced from 30s to 15s
    • Beast Master: Summon's size reduced for visibility. Hawks attack faster. Thorns aura effect x5.
    • Crypt Lord: spiked carapace effect x5.
    • Pit Lord: unholy aura effect x2.
    • Dreadlord: infernal attack faster, and cooldown reduced to 100s. Aura of blight nerfed.
    • Huntress: neutralization cooldown reduced from 60s to 30s
    • Knight: light roar cooldown reduced from 60 to 45s, and range increased to 900
    • Lich: frost beasts attack speed increased, and cooldown reduced from 120s to 100s
    • Moon Priestress: heal increased from 5000 to 20000
    • Rifleman: Plasma rifle can target air units. Bloodlust cooldown reduced from 60s to 30s
    • Paladin: Light frenzy can be cast on Pure Light
    • Pandaren/Earth Brewmaster: earthshake damages doubled
    • Ranger: heal increased from 5000 to 20000
    • Tauren Chieften: battle roar cooldown reduced from 60 to 45s
    • Messages: message added to warn when the 2 first doors open.
    • Cinematics: shortened final wave cinematic.

Soon to come !

Credits are given to:

Xnd Hero Siege 1.42 (Map)

Xnd Hero Siege 1.43 (Map)

Xnd Hero Siege 1.45 (Map)

Xnd Hero Siege 1.46 (Map)

Xnd Hero Siege 1.47 (Map)

Please remove the Tower Defense/Maul tag. You could replace it with Offense. So while this is supposed to be an improvement of the classic, it still needs some work especially on the visual aspect. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should...
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
It's always been a favorite map of mine. So glad to see it get an very much necessary update. My hats off to you.


1. Please remove rock golems from the gold enemy wave section (stuns,spell immunity is a pain) also it punishes heroes that don't have a great auto attack wave clear.

2. Please buff Panderan Brewmaster, seriously ensnare and tornado are really crappy abilities, one barely does any damage and ensnare is only useful during the muradin section. Hell, drunken haze doesn't do any damage at all. Tornado being the worst level 20 ability I ever seen, basically lose control of your hero just to see some enemy units fly around instead of getting kills.
Last edited:
It's always been a favorite map of mine. So glad to see it get an very much necessary update. My hats off to you.


1. Please remove rock golems from the gold enemy wave section (stuns,spell immunity is a pain) also it punishes heroes that don't have a great auto attack wave clear.

2. Please buff Panderan Brewmaster, seriously ensnare and tornado are really crappy abilities, one barely does any damage and ensnare is only useful during the muradin section. Hell, drunken haze doesn't do any damage at all. Tornado being the worst level 20 ability I ever seen, basically lose control of your hero just to see some enemy units fly around instead of getting kills.

1. Good idea, I will at least remove their spell immune ability !
2. Mhh you are right, I think I should change the following abilities : ensnare, tornado, reincarnation. And maybe boost some others

Thanks for your ideas !
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013

Glad to help, glad to see you implemented some of my suggestions. Although since the golems still keep stun, it seems only fair if the attack wave characters get nerfed so they don't hog the late game. Since they often get the most kills in the cash/bonus round while maintaining their DPS rate, while spellcasters and summoners usually get stunned when the golems spawned if they try to do a channel spell and thus don't get as many kills. Which in turn makes the basic attack wave characters (Dryad, Naisha, etc) having the highest stats in the player party regardless of their skill level.

Doesn't help that most of the late game bosses are immune to magic which is salt in the wound for spellcaster builds. I appreciate the upgrade system but I feel strongly that more could be done.

Interesting. I see your point. So if we summarize the issues to address, and maybe some suggestions:

Issues :

1) Farm event needs to be balanced, multi-attack heroes and summons with splash are too advantaged
2) In late game, most bosses are immunes to 80% of the spells

Here a a few ideas, do you have others ? What's your opinion ?

--> Idea A: drasticaly lower farmed creeps magic resistance
--> Idea B: temporary reduce the cooldown of offensive spells
--> Idea C: something more complicated. For example players can choose between 3 different types of farm event at the beginning: (1) kill as many creeps as possible, (2) hit an unkillable tower, each hit gives money (good for summoners), (3) the area is filled with 1hp physical immune units or doodads, destroy as many as possible with your spells, each destruction gives gold (good for spell casters) ?
--> Idea I: remove spell immunity from bosses. (Maybe find a way to make up for it against disables/stuns ?
--> Idea J: boss have different phases (depend of their HP, or random) : sometimes physical immune, sometimes magical immune, sometimes returning 100% damages, sometimes healing, etc...
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Interesting. I see your point. So if we summarize the issues to address, and maybe some suggestions:

Issues :

1) Farm event needs to be balanced, multi-attack heroes and summons with splash are too advantaged
2) In late game, most bosses are immunes to 80% of the spells

Here a a few ideas, do you have others ? What's your opinion ?

--> Idea A: drasticaly lower farmed creeps magic resistance
--> Idea B: temporary reduce the cooldown of offensive spells
--> Idea C: something more complicated. For example players can choose between 3 different types of farm event at the beginning: (1) kill as many creeps as possible, (2) hit an unkillable tower, each hit gives money (good for summoners), (3) the area is filled with 1hp physical immune units or doodads, destroy as many as possible with your spells, each destruction gives gold (good for spell casters) ?
--> Idea I: remove spell immunity from bosses. (Maybe find a way to make up for it against disables/stuns ?
--> Idea J: boss have different phases (depend of their HP, or random) : sometimes physical immune, sometimes magical immune, sometimes returning 100% damages, sometimes healing, etc...

Idea A: I am very much in favor of it

Idea B: I am also in favor of it but it's usefulness largely depends on how you approach cooldown reduction, some spellcaster heroes have a large variety of offensive spells, some only have 2 AOE ultimate abilities and thus if you reduced its cooldown by say a small percentage it might not mean much. I would have to double check the roster.

Idea C: I like all three ideas but it sounds really complicated from a balanced perspective, you would have to create a formula on number of killed creeps in relation to unkillable tower hits, and doodad destruction. Maybe it's the best one but it doesn't sound so great on paper.

Overall I would vote for a combination of Idea's A and B, it sounds like the simpliest to implement anyway. I would suggest testing non attack wave characters that don't have a lot of AOE/summon abilities, just to be safe. It absolutely feels like an idea way of putting spellcasters/summoners on an even playing field to multi-attack heroes.

Idea I: I really like the idea

Idea J: Too complicated for a standard playthrough, it would be a cool idea for a heroic mode/extreme level 10+ though, I would recommend looking into it in the future.

My rationale would be implement Idea I, and to make up for disables and stuns, the bosses have higher stats. Doesn't have to be anything fancy.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Thanks mate ! As a first step, in 1.09 I add the following changes:
- Farm event: creeps take +500% damages from spells.
- Boss (included Frost Infernal): magic immune replaced by resistant skin. Only ghost has necklace of spell immunity in Extrem 4 or more.

I was glad to try out the new changes, it's a start but I can absolutely confirm that spell cooldowns does play a large factor in the inefficiencies of many spellcaster heroes when it comes to the farm event, or summoners that unfortunately did not have access to summons that have splash attacks. The weaker creeps is very much appreciated.

Need to think about ideas. But we must take care not to ruin the fun, and balancing for both spellscasters & summoners.. Here are my first ideas, what are yours ? We need to think about very smart solutions :D

1) During farm event
--> Idea B: reduce some cooldowns -> only balances for spellcasters, and a bit for summoners (doesn't work for wolfs, hawks, scarabs, phoenix, doom guard, frost beasts...)
--> Idea C: many farm mods than balance in both single & dual heroes modes for casters, summoners and multi-attackers -> really complex to define and balance
--> Idea D: reduce each wave to 1 creep each -> it would ruin the fun, don't you agree ?
--> Idea E: link units together (they share all damages taken) -> would help for summoners and single-attackers, but make multi-attackers totally cheated
2) In late game
--> Idea K: also boost minions attack speed by a given %age or to a given value (superior to the attack speed of pure light & doom guards).
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
I just realized, maybe we could make a tier list on heroes farm event viability. I feel like identifying the biggest outliers in being weak in terms of ability output would be a great start to fixing the issues. We also have yet to identify which heroes need to have their kits fixed A/K/A removing their crappy gimmick abilities (Brewmaster's ensnare ability for example) which in turn might lead to them gaining abilities that will allow them to be viable in the farm event.

Half of the battle will be fixing hero kits, the other half is fixing the farm event itself.

Idea B: I am in favor of this idea but like you said, but there might be some summoner heroes that are still too underpowerded when it comes to farming. Maybe a new item to the shop that reduces cooldowns, but applies to all heroes, that way summoners can gain the ability to have reduced cooldowns to make up for their weaknesses though it could still be OP in the base game itself, just a though, but the player would still have to earn the item through grinding gold. Idea B I am in favor of because of how straight forward it is, even it might not be the best solution.

Idea C: I think my tier list idea can be a decent substitution to this one.

Idea D: Yeah it would be pretty boring.

Idea E: Yeah not a good idea, sorry.

Idea K: Seems fair

Overall I think the most important step going forward is identifying which heroes are most/least effective during the farming event, and then fix their kits so they are both viable in the base game and the farm event itself. If they are still too weak in the farming event but their base kit is decent, then we look at event/item means of increasing their farming viablility.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Good idea of approach.

Do you prefer we continue discussing here, or maybe on a chat ?
For example Discord (my tag is Ricola3D#0200)

Edit: I am starting the list of heroes/skills in the "Game Features" tab as a start.

Probably easier to discuss it through here.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Enjoy the new update, looks pretty good so far. If I only had 4 complaints it would be, and note these are mostly nitpicks.

1. The Marine's banish ability is still pretty lackluster, since it's a single target ability that isn't that good until the late game. Secondly, the spell damage boost that applies to a banished enemy doesn't work with fan of rockets damage, which I feel is a huge missed opportunity. Maybe lower the cooldown of the ability or approach it in a different way.

2. Furbolg items are pretty much essential in the early game, especially on higher difficulties since players are in a race to do the hero image so they can survive, would be possible to lower the stock replenish intervals so players don't have to fight over furbolgs as much. Yes I know cloak of immolation is a viable way of beating the hero image, two things, one it's optimized more for melee characters, secondly it doesn't have the utility that furbolgs have in terms of not being applicable when attacking enemies all across the map for those juicy kills.

3. Increase the healing potion slot in the shop since 1 player will often buy 3 of them at once and the stock will be on cooldown, when you need it the most, which I emphasize since the early game on higher difficulties you really really need to stock up on healing potions to prevent insta-death.

4. Speaking of insta-death, Keeper of the Grove's map-wide 1000 damage finger of death ability. Really damn annoying, not so much a difficult challenge to overcome, as much as a pain in the ass in the early game that punishes players just for playing on extreme for the sake of it being extreme. In general not good game design, 100 dragon attack wave, that's fine, a possible insta kill spell from out of nowhere, not so much. Please remove.

These are nitpicks but I felt the need to bring it up. If you disagree with any of these feel free to let me know, and we can discuss in greater detail.

Just for info:
Due to memory leaks (my bad^^) and a limitation of possibilites with Warcraft 1.30.4 (ex: life steal & illusions), I am making a version 1.12 where I switch to Warcraft 1.31 and remove most leaks. With 1.31 I will be able to use new Frameworks (Unit Indexer, Damage Engine, ...).

About your remarks:
- Ethereal has the double advantage : prevent from attacking + increase spell damages received of 66%. It is pretty strong in late game yep. It's only utility in early game is for hero image or all hero image.
- An area-of-effect ethereal ability would be too cheated and boring (because it prevents from attacking). What are your ideas ? :)
- Ethereal VS Fan of Rockets/Fan of Knives/Fan of Light/Lightning Stroke: Damage Engine detects the event, so I can fix the bug I think (by changing its damage type).

- No problem, I will reduce the furbolgs item reload duration.
- I could also have summons follow you when you leave hero image/all hero image throough the circle (for convenience)

- I will set-up a framework/system to stack&split the following items in inventory (spliting furbolgs would be a great help^^):
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Greater Mana
- Full Restoration
- Ankh of Reincarnation
- Scroll of Town Portal
- Healing Wards
- Anti-magic Potion
- Potion of Invulnerability
- Amulet of the Wild​
- I thought about changing Amulet of the Wild to 1 charge and 1666 cost (if you can stack them), but maybe it would make the game too easy ??

- I removed Magtheridon's one shot wave attack for the moment (I will make another later with a clearly visible channel effect before it casts)
- You are right. I have heard many (beginners) persons crying, complaining or rage quit because of the Extrem-only Lightning Strikes at wave spawn. But difficulty is the best part of extrem mode, so instead of removing, I'd love we find a replacement :)
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Just for info:
Due to memory leaks (my bad^^) and a limitation of possibilites with Warcraft 1.30.4 (ex: life steal & illusions), I am making a version 1.12 where I switch to Warcraft 1.31 and remove most leaks. With 1.31 I will be able to use new Frameworks (Unit Indexer, Damage Engine, ...).

About your remarks:
- Ethereal has the double advantage : prevent from attacking + increase spell damages received of 66%. It is pretty strong in late game yep. It's only utility in early game is for hero image or all hero image.
- An area-of-effect ethereal ability would be too cheated and boring (because it prevents from attacking). What are your ideas ? :)
- Ethereal VS Fan of Rockets/Fan of Knives/Fan of Light/Lightning Stroke: Damage Engine detects the event, so I can fix the bug I think (by changing its damage type).

- No problem, I will reduce the furbolgs item reload duration.
- I could also have summons follow you when you leave hero image/all hero image throough the circle (for convenience)

- I will set-up a framework/system to stack&split the following items in inventory (spliting furbolgs would be a great help^^):
- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Greater Mana
- Full Restoration
- Ankh of Reincarnation
- Scroll of Town Portal
- Healing Wards
- Anti-magic Potion
- Potion of Invulnerability
- Amulet of the Wild​
- I thought about changing Amulet of the Wild to 1 charge and 1666 cost (if you can stack them), but maybe it would make the game too easy ??

- I removed Magtheridon's one shot wave attack for the moment (I will make another later with a clearly visible channel effect before it casts)
- You are right. I have heard many (beginners) persons crying, complaining or rage quit because of the Extrem-only Lightning Strikes at wave spawn. But difficulty is the best part of extrem mode, so instead of removing, I'd love we find a replacement :)

1. Fixing the bug should be good enough for now.

2. That would be great

3. Not sure about changing amulet of the wild charges amount.

4. If you really want to replace it, I suggest just adding a mapwide debuff instead like a map-wide attack or armor reduction, at least it gives players a chance to react as compared to insta-kill lightning which you almost have no defense against in the early game.

My problem with the lightning isn't for difficulty reasons, it's just really damn annoying. Good difficulty involves providing a challenge to the player they can react to, you can't react to insta-kill lightning unless you burn 2000 gold on a talisman on evasion, and you usually need that many for a bracer of protection so you don't get insta-killed to things like that in the FIRST PLACE!
Level 1
Jul 18, 2019
Well im playing with some guys and i was Blademaster, got the Baristol and Ramero event, and after complete it(getting the ligthing blade) was insanely bug, because use mirror image starting to spam 1 Lighting blade for each ilusion each seccond getting an insane spawn rate of that blades, and of course after many spawn got Crash, i tested it in solo play and happend the same so, basically Blademaster broken the map(The mirror skill broke it)
Well im playing with some guys and i was Blademaster, got the Baristol and Ramero event, and after complete it(getting the ligthing blade) was insanely bug, because use mirror image starting to spam 1 Lighting blade for each ilusion each seccond getting an insane spawn rate of that blades, and of course after many spawn got Crash, i tested it in solo play and happend the same so, basically Blademaster broken the map(The mirror skill broke it)

Very sorry, I am posting right now a 1.11b that fix regressions/bugs with lightning sword :S
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
Hi, Ricola3D.
We've played some games before. There is still the major bug of people getting desynced randomly.
And the bug introduced in 1.11 and 1.11b where "dual random" option doesn't work. The heroes don't spawn and -random does nothing nor selecting them manually. So i had to restart and choose dual hero and then type -random. And to be honest there should be a clear warning that the final wave comes with trebuchets at the 2 doors.
Hi, Ricola3D.
We've played some games before. There is still the major bug of people getting desynced randomly.
And the bug introduced in 1.11 and 1.11b where "dual random" option doesn't work. The heroes don't spawn and -random does nothing nor selecting them manually. So i had to restart and choose dual hero and then type -random. And to be honest there should be a clear warning that the final wave comes with trebuchets at the 2 doors.

Thanks lajr.
- About the dual random regression: I'll make a sanity check to see if other modes don't work either. I'll fix it ASAP (1-3 days)
- About the trebuchets. Well it is kind of a "gadget", I can remove them since they are not really usefull. It is not like if I added a "trebuchet" wave ^^
- About desync. It is very hard to analyse. I'm trying to remove as many as possible of the code pieces that may provoke desync (=functions GetLocalPlayer(), comparisons "Player slot", effects "Terrain deformation) but it is quite hard to analyse then test random cases.. if you can find more information about desync scenario (which heroes the player had, which part of the game was running, ...) please let me know. Anyway, I will release it in 1.12, so it will take more than 1-3 days sorry..
Level 2
Jun 16, 2019
Nice to see that someone takes the Time/Effort to update this Custom Game.

However the Naga-Myrmidon should be nerfed, he is way to OP and when the Stone-Giant (Mountain Giant) casts his Bombard-Spell, didn't tested the others yet, everyone in the Game gets kicked out.
The Map is also extremely laggy. It first begins with some minor Lags but usually before the second Special Event and after that it really starts to lag extrem, goes back to normal for some Time and then starts lagging again. Played now 1.11 and 1.11c several Times mainly with four people on E2-E4 and it always happens for everyone (The lags).
Maybe you could also make the Claws of Agility from the Castle stronger since they are kind of the worst Item from the three available (Only good thing about them is Attack Speed Bonus but isn't the ATK Speed gonna be capped anyway very early in the Game?) and buffing the Orbs would also be nice since there is not a single Reason to actually buy them right now and in all the Games i played this now i only saw like two people buying them once.

Also what do the Upgrades do? Whenever someone reaches Level 20+ and above it says that they unlocked some Upgrade for the Team but what do they do? Couldn't find anything related to Upgrades in the Castle or Shops and it doesn't seem to make the Abilities stronger either (And Gamechange only mentions Wards getting better with 7th Upgrade)

What would also be nice is making the Human Flags from the Necropolis-Spawner increase the Castle-Regeneration when you place them next to it. I heard that they are supposed to do that but whenever I place all 8 around the Castle it only seems to increase a little bit, kind of not even noteworthy when the Creeps who spawn at the Time where you start to close the Lane can basically down the Castles Health in like 1-2 Seconds when you don't pay attention.

And also please (pleeeassee) remove the Divine Shield from the Arthas-Bossfight. Maybe give him some more Stats, higher DPS or some new fancy AoE Ability but the Divine Shield is just annoying.

Removing the Bash from the Rock-Golems during the second Special Event would also be very appreciated. I once started to cast my Ultimate with the Kil'Jaeden Hero and instantly got stunned by them and remained stunned for more than four/five seconds. Didn't only wasted my Ultimate but also fell enormously behind with the Kills 'cause of kinda being Perma-stunned by them.

Another cool Item to have would be maybe something like Boots of Speed to increase Movement Speed.
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I am testing 1.12 seriously, and hope to release it before my hollidays (July 29th - August 12th) !

It will bring the following updates:
FIXED hundreds of memory leaks from Sogat's legacy, and dozens from my work.
FIXED desync issues when switching of hero in dual mode.
FIXED random bugs due to code inconsistencies
FIXED Illusions of boosted units don't disapear on boost level change.
FIXED Illusions didn't have some passive abilities of the original.
FIXED hardened skin tooltip fixed.
FIXED bear form's learn icon missplaced.
FIXED Myrmidon's tooltips.
FIXED owl scout's bloodlust can be cast on magic immune.
FIXED Magnataur Destroyers are no more magic immune.
DONE Added safetory for ring & sword event, in case 2 persons reach the conditions at same time.
DONE (All) hero image: clones stats do not take into account your item & skills bonus.
DONE Shield of Immortality: damage return x2.
DONE Knigh's armor (Knight): damage return x2.
DONE Water shield cooldown reduced.
DONE Tomes of power: max stock changed to 3.
DONE corpses removal delay increased from 5s to 8s.
DONE When leaving a special event, your minions/illusions follow you.
DONE Amulet of the wild: start delay and replenish interval divided by 2.
DONE Because of a bug, debilitation aura effect changed to +XX% damages from all sources.
DONE Charged items stack, and can be splitted.
DONE illusions get damage, defense and attack speed bonuses. They also get autocast spells, and bestow auras.
DONE fixed not working level 20 upgrades (Warden, Mountain King)
DONE Warden: level 20 also makes Shadow Strike and Fan on Kniwe effect doubled.
DONE Archmage: Defense Matrix changed to Frigid Protection (very similar). Blizzard: changed appearance.
DONE Banish - spells with damage type NORMAL or ENHANCED now do damages to banished targets (Fan of Rockets, ...)
TODO remove unnecessary waits - replace buggy getters

Amazing feedbacks, thanks !! So:

Naga-Myrmidon should be nerfed: okay. I already nerfed the version I copied from XHS 4.80. What do you find too OP now please ? The range of Shock ? Venus ? The damages of Realm of Souls ? Too short cooldowns ? The fact is has Cleave+Avatar ? .. ? :)

Stone-Giant's Toss causes desync: I'll test if I reproduce it in 1.12, and fix it if so.

Lags: yes this is my fault, I think this is a regression I added in 1.11 versions. Part of it is due to errors in my code, and the other part is due to instable code from Sogat that broke when I added mine. 1.12 should solve this issue.

Make Claws of Attack stronger: I agree.
For your information:
1 - increased attack speed (IAS) can go up to +400% and down to -80%. For comparison: Lightning Sword = +400%, endurance aura = +-50-200%.
2 - Agility also increases a little bit the attack speed
3 - The final attack speed is also limited by the attack animation speed of the heros (each hero have a different one^^)
So what best should we do ? Increase the IAS bonus ? Increase the agility bonus ? Increase the Damage bonus ?

Improve orb objects: I agree too, but I'd prefer replacing them with other objects. Do you have any cool objets ideas ? (Boosts ot teleportation, ...)

Level 21 to 30 & team upgrade: sorry I will make the text better. Each upgrade level has the following effect:
- Ennemy heroes take +25% damage from spells (doesn't work for the spells with 5% damages)
- Ennemy creeps take +50% damage from spells (doesn't work for the spells with 5% damages)
- Healing spells heal +5000hp
- Your summons gain: 175 damages, 10 armor, 2500hp, 5% IAS

Flags healing Castle: good idea, indeed the legend was wrong, but it could be fun to make it real, + make castles not pawnable (=impossible to sell). I add it in my TODO list !

Arthas's divine shield removal: wouldn't it spoil the fun ? Also he already has so high stats. I think it would be better to add a method to "destroy" the shield. For example: 5 crystal around arthas, destroy them = the shield breaks. No ?

Farm event and stuns: Rock Golems have "Hurl Boulder" that stuns 1 target for 2s, and Centaurs have War Stomp that stuns the area for 2s. Both of them are boring ? Or only the boulders because they can cast many in a row ?
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
God I am spending hours to try to find all the desync issues, and I think I still have some.
It is so difficult to reproduce them alone with 1-3 warcraft games and local network...
Bon courage! The elimination of that bug would be very nice.
Level 2
Jun 16, 2019
The Naga from 4.80 is just totally broken.

I think the Realm of Souls Damage should be nerfed and the Avatar as well. Maybe make his Stuff get stronger through Upgrades later on as well but as it is now you can get the +10.000 additional Damage from Avatar very fast and he can easily hold several Lanes on his own in Extreme and solo the Waves with his Stomp AoE. Many people i played with viewed him as a Cheat-Hero and then leaved, calling it 'rigged', after i 'shrekt' this Soldier-Boss on E4 with just 400-500 Stats 'cuz of 10k Dmg from Avatar and Realm of Souls doing a lot of DMG as well as keeping me always nearly full Health. Didn't even had to put any effort in that fight.

When it comes to the Orbs maybe you could replace the Orbs with some Items which increases the Health Regeneration of nearby Allies by xy percent, reduces nearby Enemies Damage by xy Percent (Kinda like passive Howl of Terror), an Item which gives Cleaving Attack, Critical Strike Item or some fancy Orb which gives you AoE Chaos Damage.

Blink Items kinda have a twist tho since you can teleport around the Map with them. I think it was this 10.0 Vers which has Boots of TP and i once managed to blink to the Spirit Beast someone was fighting, and losing to, and then helped him winning the fight.
You could maybe also add an Potion of Invulnerability to the Goblin Shops which give like 5 Sec Divine Shield or something like that.

And for Arthas Divine Shield, nah i never thought that this Ability was fun, its often just annoying 'cause it has a pretty long duration. Perhaps giving him some Ability like Holy Light (Not to heal himself but to Damage the Players Heroes with some large nuke DMG)
After 3 tests on Bnet and dozens in local network, it seems that 1.21 fixes most of the desync issues pfiou !

Next steps are probably:
- Nerfing Myrmidon a little bit
- Fixing items shuffle & stack on dual hero switch
- Maybe decrease a bit the spell damage boost of 500%
- Flags will heal Castle
- Check for lag issues
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Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
After 3 tests on Bnet and dozens in local network, it seems that 1.21 fixes most of the desync issues pfiou !

Next steps are probably:
- Nerfing Myrmidon a little bit
- Fixing items shuffle & stack on dual hero switch
- Maybe decrease a bit the spell damage boost of 500%
- Flags will heal Castle
- Check for lag issues
There should be some way however costly to increase Castles armour so that it doesn't die so easily. A bit of carelessness and all the time you've played is wasted.
Level 2
Jun 16, 2019
Played it once now and had no lags anymore . However the Spawn of the Creeps got a bit out of order apparently. Some Creeps spawned right out of the Place where usually the Dragon during Dragon Attack come from. As well as one Wave spawned directly next to the Castle, had luck some other Guy/Girl was standing right there.
Also when i did the 2.000 Kills Special Event, the Soldier Boss just despawned/disappeared after someone died while i was doing the Event. He died earlier but got revived through Ankh and somehow managed to die again and then ye the Boss despawned and i had to TP out. Counted it like i would have lost the fight (Prolly thought i was the one dying and not the other Hero)
Played it once now and had no lags anymore.
Nice to get it confirmed.

The Spawn of the Creeps got a bit out of order apparently. Some Creeps spawned right out of the Place where usually the Dragon during Dragon Attack come from. As well as one Wave spawned directly next to the Castle, had luck some other Guy/Girl was standing right there.
Whhaaat the fuck ?! I am trying to analyze this one, but for the moment I don't see any reason in the source code for this behavior...

Also when i did the 2.000 Kills Special Event, the Soldier Boss just despawned/disappeared after someone died while i was doing the Event.
Thanks for discovering it. After some analysis, this is an old bug from X Hero Siege 3.33. I will solve it in Xnd Hero Siege 1.22 :)
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
I've got a suggestion that would benefit those of us who play extreme 100 or more.

Just reduce the price of rings . The 75000 price tag makes so even opening all the slots, at most 4 players can play it without paladin or lich frozen armour so that they get enough gold after killing the level 2 red dragons so that they are ready for the black dragons. And increase the ring stock, in extreme 100+ players sometimes have the money but other player bought and while they wait they get killed.
A 20000 or 25000 would be ideal. That way even 8 players can succeed at extreme 100+ without paladin.
Similarly to the potions, it would be great if multiple rings stack on one position. the same for the swords.
Level 2
Jun 16, 2019
Reducing the cost of the Ring would make the Game to easy on the other Side for lower Difficulties like around E1-E10. At least 20.000-25.000 Gold is way to cheap. 50.000 could work with a lower CD.
Or make it possible to change the Difficulty after Level 2.
Level 5
Sep 7, 2013
Hey Ricola it's been a while, I love the new changes to potions, but I do have some requests for changes.

1. Get rid of trolly finger of death. It's really annoying to deal with especially in the early game.

2.Enemy heroes drop more gold, this is mostly referring the the enemy heroes that spawn with the attack waves on extreme difficulty mode. Especially as someone who believes that the reward should scale with the difficulty in games, I believe in strongly that the enemy heroes should drop more gold upon death, especially since they grow stronger based on the difficulty. Somewhere in the range of 150 to 300, with the gold bounty scaling with the difficulty, say 50-100 per level.

3. The Druid of the Claw hero is kinda a joke in this map, he almost never sees play even with the spell changes. Now in fairness, he's a really good tank, but the big issue is his spell damage abilities are kinda lackluster or nonexistent. Making him more of a wall rather than a true fighter. I often have to ask for help from the other players to clear enemy waves, which is really a feel bad moment for me. Note, I am not saying he should be a blood mage or lich levels of spell power, just enough aoe damage to make his viable. Yes I am aware he has a passive that lets him deal aoe damage on basic attack but that heavily relies on RNG, which is way too situational.

Here are some suggestions

1. Give the Druid hero a dedicated AOE damage spell, I am sure there's a lot of nature themed spells you could use, maybe a bear roar shockwave ability, up to you.

2. Have entangling roots target air, I bring this up especially since Dragons are among the most important kills in the game, since they have some of the best gold drops upon death, don't get me wrong, entangling roots is good against bosses, but it's really lackluster in the early to mid game, which is the most important phase on the game when you play the map on higher difficulties.

3. Change the name, I don't get why he was named Malfurion in the first place, since Malfurion wasn't a true Druid of the claw. If you need a suggestion for a new name, I suggest Broll Bearmantle. He's a popular druid of the claw character from WoW and would fit the hero really nicely.

Anyway those are my thoughts, if I have any more notes or feedback i'll let you know.
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Level 1
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Rucola,
made an account just to say this. Love what you did with the map. Great to know someone is still putting the work in.
I'm having a Problem with the 1.21 version, though. When the game starts i stay next to the castle and buy the first furbolgs as soon as they are available. I then spawn one Furbolg to hold my lane and instantly go to start the Heroimage event. But before the event can start i get kicked and just see the scorescreen. I tried to reproduce the bug when i was alone in a game but it didnt work. Seems as though multiple people are needed to trigger it. Also: i was hosting all the games where this happened and all of them were either in extreme 2 or 4. Dont know if it matters, just want to give you all the information. Hope you can sort this out and keep up the great work!!

Also the 2nd: i just reached 2000 kills at the same time as the 2nd Special Event started and the Dragonattack afterwards could move freely despite me being in the arena. They ended up killing our base
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Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
Reducing the cost of the Ring would make the Game to easy on the other Side for lower Difficulties like around E1-E10. At least 20.000-25.000 Gold is way to cheap. 50.000 could work with a lower CD.
Or make it possible to change the Difficulty after Level 2.
You are exactly right i forgot about lower difficulties, so I think that the choice should be that each enemy hero killed on extreme 1, 2 + drops lot of gold, the greater the level the greater the gold.
That'd be an incentive for high level early game difficulty, say: extreme 15 so that by level 2 everybody has enough gold to buy ring and then increase difficulty to extreme 100+.
At very high levels the ordinary enemy heroes are more difficult to kill than the special events captain heroes.
At extreme 100+ the creeps to farm just before the final wave are weak and drop too little gold, why not make them more challenging depending on the extreme level and also more rewarding, more gold, so that it makes sense to farm.

After final wave Illidan remains impossible to kill at ex100+ without Lich, priestess or return damage aura.
The Panda brewmaster that has as ulti the earthwake and special and level 21 is the most useless hero late game. its ultimate doesn't damage air units that is dragons at level 2, which makes sense since is an earthquake, so useless. And the Storm 21 level special skill immobilizes the hero, much better some sort of avatar with vampiric aura or critical.
Does Maiev avatar of wrath minions have splash damage? it would be very usefull for level 2 event.
Please increase the range of the 2000 kills event ring's auras otherwise there is too much difference at the special event 2.

P.S. The desyncing issues remain, it's not so bad like before but there they are.
btw, change title Xnd Hero Siege 1.11c to 1.21. I've seen some people still playing the old version.
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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Please remove the Tower Defense/Maul tag. You could replace it with Offense.

  1. Weird Warcraft III hero names on models that have nothing to do with the original hero models to match those names.
  2. Destromath has Chaos Attack Type. How is that balanced? Same: Arthas.
  3. How do you know what spells each hero has? What about sharing control so you could see or some text on the screen when one is selected?
  4. Many heroes don't have glow. You could simply add it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
  5. Warcraft III spells. Why not some custom ones? Spells | HIVE
  6. Terrain is very bare, monotonous and flat. See some guides below to improve it.
  7. Why not QWERTY spell hotkeys?
  8. Spirit Towers have Wave Kills instead of Food?
  9. Jacky's Clone doesn't cost any mana.
  10. Life Regeneration Aura has an active ability icon. You can make it look passive with this: Button Manager v1.8.2
  11. After finishing the 3 minute survival arena the camera went to Magtheridon instead of the castle where the hero previously was. Illusions/Clones were not also teleported back.
  12. I feel like there should be more items, some boots of speed, something more than just two shops.
  13. What after the final wave? Muradin disappeared and nothing else happened. After 1-2 minutes the hero was teleported to Magtheridon.
  14. Why is there also an enemy Arthas hero?
  15. What's upgrade level [number]?
  16. Magtheridon is weaker than the final wave.
  17. Afterwards, what? No text about anything or a countdown timer, just like after the final wave. The door to Arthas isn't opened but only the one to the shops and fountains. Same thing, wait for some minutes and then suddenly something happens.
  18. Then, after killing the Ghouls and Revenants, nothing.
  19. Created a clone behind the door to Arthas and brought the boss down to the gate, then started shooting.
  20. Killed the boss, nothing.

So while this is supposed to be an improvement of the classic, it still needs some work especially on the visual aspect.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
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Daffa the Mage
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
ricola3d you should update the page title to 1.21, some people still play the old version 1.11c. I think they believe you haven't updated it.

Thanks for your review ! Interesting feedbacks, about them:
1) POSTPONED The names are mostly unchanged from XHS 3.33, not to confuse old players.
2) TO TEST I'll check, normally Destromath should have a hero attack type. Arthas, in the opposite, already has a chaos attack type in XHS 3.33. Also, game constants are modified so this attack type is not too cheated.
3) TO DO Very good feedback, I'll think about something, added to my TODO list !
4) POSTPONED o_O I never notified. However this is a legacy from XHS 3.33, it may perturb players to change it.
5) TO DO Right. I only added 3 heroes and a few custom spells so far (bone armor, critical strike aura, ...), but I plan to do more :)
6) POSTPONED I am noob in terrain editing, I'll wait to be more skilled to to that^^
7) TO DO How do you do that ? What are the "good" hotkeys to use together in QWERTY ?
8) TO DO Never notified neither, I should remove this displayed stat !
9) TO DO Good eyes, I will fix it too
10) TO DO nice, I already I know how to use Button Manager, I'll do it :)
11) TO DO Camera bug is fixed in 1.22+. About clones coming back, it's not a priority but I can do it.
12) TO DO Totally agreed, I'll remove the 3 useless orbs, and find a way to add a new shop for more items.
13) Actually, you have to walk to one of the circles behind the Ice Obelisks, to go to the boss zone. I can add an explaination text.
14) It is a legacy from XHS 3.33, the before last boss is a Arthas. I can imagine changing its skin.
15) FIXED Indeed it is not clear, I added a text to explain it in version 1.21+
16) TO DO It is right, if you don't play extrem, Magtheridon is pretty weak. Legacy from XHS 3.33, I should change it.
17) TO DO I could add some explaination texts, it is legacy from XHS 3.33
18) I fixed a bug, the timer was invisible. After 2min when you can chat, say goodbye to others, the game ends.
19-20) TO DO Arf annoying bug/cheat, I'll try to fix it^^


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
4) POSTPONED o_O I never notified. However this is a legacy from XHS 3.33, it may perturb players to change it.
How will this perturb anything? It's a visual improvement.
7) TO DO How do you do that ? What are the "good" hotkeys to use together in QWERTY ?
Instead of C for Chain Lighting you can make it have Q if it's the first spell (on the left) and for ultimate ones, which are the last on the right (like Earthquake) you can put the R hotkey.
Level 2
Apr 17, 2012
Just started with an hero with death coil which can't target myself or my NON-UNDEAD allies neither first wave of creeps that happened to be undeads. Also my duomate faced Archer with Inner Fire and Priest's autocast heal. <Removed shitty feedback - Ralle>
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Just started with an hero with death coil which can't target myself or my NON-UNDEAD allies neither first wave of creeps that happened to be undeads.

Thanks for your feedback. Actually this is Sogat's work, in X Hero Siege 3.33. I didn't change that.

Also my duomate faced Archer with Inner Fire and Priest's autocast heal.

If you are dealing with Windrunner, then again it is Sogat's work. And I don't see the issue with an Archer hero having both Inner Fire & Heal ?
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
Version 1.23 is useless. Mode selections is gone. Automatically goes to normal dual same heroes and after you pick heroes the creeps never spawn. only the waves. and the commands -extreme +level don't work

btw, there should be the option to change extreme level before level 2 more than once, lets say after hero image. Right now , version 1.22, the only chance to pass extreme 100 is with only 4 heroes, with more there is not enough gold to go around for rings even after killing some dragons. the heroes should drop more gold: at ex100 only 1300 or so. When at level 25 they are already far harder to kill than dragons that drop 5000 gold. With more gold dropped by heroes at extreme levels and the possibility to change it at least twice, it should be possible to do an 8-player extreme 100 or more.

And last, I arrived, v 1.22, with 2 partners at the final dead arthas skull and it was litterally impossible to kill, we didn't have priestess or lich and thorn aura didn't do much. I have bested this game at that ex100 level in previous versions but this time its regeneration was impossible. So for extreme 100, much more powerful items would be necessary. Such as more expensive and more powerful swords or that the farming phase before magtheridon should be as hard as the ex100 heroes but also far more gold rich so that it makes sense to farm.
Version 1.23 is useless. Mode selections is gone. Automatically goes to normal dual same heroes and after you pick heroes the creeps never spawn. only the waves. and the commands -extreme +level don't work

Shit sorry I failed and delivered a corrupted file.. I uploaded the good file, and named it version 1.24 for tracability. Really sorry.

About damage return (thorns/spiked carapace/knight's armor/shield of invicibility), I changed it drasticaly in 1.23:
- Before, like in every war3 game, it returned a percentage of damages taken after armor reduction (totaly useless when attacked by normal creeps, or when you have a high armor).
- Now, it returns ability level x (100 + 1% of damages taken before armor reduction). Against normal creeps, it returns a fixed amount. Against bosses with high damages, it returns a decent amount of damages even if your hero have a high armor.
The percentage seems low, but I can assure you that it is more efficient for bosses than a Dryad with 80 000 damages ^^

About extrem levels & gold. Here are the facts, the current behavior:
- You can only change extrem level once.
- You cannot change extrem level after Level 2.
- Gold bounty is not proportional to game difficulty nor player count. Same goes for: normal creeps, dragons, assassins, farm event creeps, survival ghouls & skeletons.
- Dragons per dragon attack is capped at 22 (=extrem 12 or more).
- Assassins per assassin attack is equal to 5 x difficulty, capped at 60 (=extrem 12 or more)
- Gold bounty of ennemy heroes equal to their stat amount (new in Xnd Hero Siege).
- Bosses stats are increased by difficulty level & players count. No maximum limit.
- Bosses gain abilities when extrem level is superior or equal to 4.

I am not sure what we should try modifying first to make ext 100 possible, fun and not to easy ^^
Level 2
Jul 21, 2019
I am not sure what we should try modifying first to make ext 100 possible, fun and not to easy ^^
Well, with 4 or less player extreme 100+ is doable. the main limitation with more players is that there is not enough gold to go around and each or at least most to get a ring- So nobody gets a ring on time for level 2 or at least by the time the armour aura effect goes off: result everybody dies. Even after closing lanes 5-6. So if you could create a way to earn more gold per hero, it would be great for 8 players ex100+. With ex200 i was getting only 5000 gold more or less. It would be nice to be able to change difficulty at least twice if not more before level 2. That way after all getting hero image very fast if you somehow give more gold the higher the extreme level goes, there is an incentive to play the highest extreme possible without getting pummeled at the earliest so that you get the most gold possible and just before level 2 get the true difficulty level you want.

In the picture attached, with pitlord demons and marine cloning the demons, 27000 kills in the second special event is possible though there is a very obvious lag when there are 6 or more demons attacking myself, my card is Intel® HD Graphics 610 (Kaby Lake GT1), that was with extreme 200 playing alone.
PS the last part doesn't matter . I've just seen your 1.23 changelog


  • Bildschirmfoto von 2019-09-03 18-12-23.png
    Bildschirmfoto von 2019-09-03 18-12-23.png
    3.7 MB · Views: 1,114
- The new item "Medaillon of Greed" may help a little bit.
- Normal creeps give a bounty of 45 to 400 gold (depending of the creep level). You are right, in comparison, hero bounties are too low. I will increase them.
- I could also increase the dragon per dragon-attack cap (22 currently) ? Since you have 1 dragon attack before level 2, it would increase both gold earned & difficulty at once.
- About using "-extrem XX" command more than once: do you think simply enabling it will make it too easy to reach high levels ? Should I add, when you re-use the command, something like a handicap ? A deadly spawn ?

sad to report the de-syncing still happens often enough.
You are making me cry :(
Any idea if this is linked to Stone Giant's skills ?
In dual hero mode I guess ?
Does it always happen in the first 10 minutes of the game ?
Gosh these desync issues are so hard to fix, I'll investigate more...
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