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A simple attachable hero glow, just attach it to the units origin and you got a unit with glow.

Team colored and have alternative size for normal and large

Give me credit if you fell for it, because I can't stop you form using it if you don't

I'm terrible sorry but in later Wc3 versions this model won't work as I planned, apparently team-colored attachments won't change color anymore so this model is more or less fucked, I'm planning on making a full series of glows for each color but I'm not sure if it would be approved here so don't get your hopes up.

glow, hero, heroglow

HeroGlow (Model)

18:42, 29th May 2009 Pyritie: Could be useful. I should also mention that you should use an ability like the healing fountain's AoE heal as a dummy ability. That one changes the attachment's team color when the unit has that ability. Of course set...




18:42, 29th May 2009
Pyritie: Could be useful. I should also mention that you should use an ability like the healing fountain's AoE heal as a dummy ability. That one changes the attachment's team color when the unit has that ability. Of course set the values to 0 and stuff. ;P
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
nice! thank you

edit: hm it's always red for every player... why that?

Pyritie said:
Could be useful. I should also mention that you should use an ability like the healing fountain's AoE heal as a dummy ability. That one changes the attachment's team color when the unit has that ability. Of course set the values to 0 and stuff. ;P


Nice one, but simple. I could swear i've seen something similar here on the hive though.
Level 3
Apr 17, 2008
I dunno, 'tis nice and useful but Its just as simple to use the model editor, extract the glow texture and add it to a unit. Unless of course you are excedingly lazy. Which pretty well describes me so I do believe I will end up using this
I really love the idea. In fact, I loved the idea six months ago, when I downloaded it here:
Not saying there's any thievery afoot or anything. Just thought you ought to know that one already exists.
Useful if not entirely original.
:infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up: :witch_doc_sad: (4/5)

Usefullness is more inportant then making something original. and the rason I upploaded something this simple is that is needed by people that cant model them self
Level 4
Jul 29, 2009
Well this is all nice but... How do we change the color of the glow effect?
For exemple when i use the glowing Effect on a Purple Player's unit the effect keep red :con::con: .
Well this is all nice but... How do we change the color of the glow effect?
For exemple when i use the glowing Effect on a Purple Player's unit the effect keep red :con::con: .

Im terrible sorry but in later wc3 version this model wont work as I planned, apperently teamcolored attatchments wont change color anymore so this model is more or less fucked, im planning on makeing a full series of glows for eatch color but im not sure that i would get approwed here so don't hope to much, once again im sorry.
Level 4
Jul 29, 2009
Oh the teamcolor worked fine for me !This effect can't be better than this now :p thanks to Pyritie,Terradont and Dan van Ohllus for mentionning that we can use the Life Regeneration Aura ability so the Teamcolor works for each Player's unit.And thanks to assasin_lord for making the effect,don't be sorry because the effect works fine even in later versions,we need just to use it as an attachment,origin in the Life Regeneration Aura ability.Good job 5/5 i like the share of informations thanks again guys :thumbs_up::thumbs_up:
Level 7
Apr 27, 2008
I find it works best if you stick this model on the Slow Aura ability in the Neutral Passive category. This doesn't show up in the command card, so it doesn't take up a button slot, and also changes color based on the player.
Level 1
Jun 12, 2009
This is clearly the best idea I have ever seen on hive! You are, just like me, a REAL visionary! Please keep up the good work! And I know many people who would fall to their knees if you fix the new update bug! (with only red/green color) I am definantly one of them! :D
Level 7
Jul 9, 2008
This is clearly the best idea I have ever seen on hive! You are, just like me, a REAL visionary! Please keep up the good work! And I know many people who would fall to their knees if you fix the new update bug! (with only red/green color) I am definantly one of them! :D

Zomfg. A exact model like this one is already on hive... So stop ur "the best idea" because this one is only a copy of a great idea.
Level 1
Jun 14, 2010
To thejimmyboy:
Eeey nice, but how do i add it to my Unit?

1) Make an ability based of Life Regeneration Aura (Neutral)
2) Import the glow
3) Change the attatchment points as follows:
Target attachment point 1-origin
Target attachment point 2-
4) Change the Art-Target to the glow using the Imported: option
5) Equip this new ability to the wannabe Hero.
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