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Add Heroglow

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Level 1
Mar 15, 2010
Sup guys,

I have been reading this forum alot and created an account recently.
I'm making a customized map, and want to edit normal units, so that they receive a hero-like glow.
The trick is, if I add the glow (as told by the tutorial),
the unit model will be replaced by the glow, leaving only the glow itself, without the unit 'standing' on top of it.

I used the following tutorial:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/models.php?id=h84zes&p=tutorial_import

I do everything exactly as told, but when I come to the final step -
I import the aura file, and check the import box - the editor replaces the peasant, instead of adding the aura.

What am I doing wrong? Or is there another way to create heroglow?

Thanks in advance.
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