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How to add a hero glow to non-hero units?

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Level 1
Mar 15, 2010
Sup guys,

I have been reading this forum alot and created an account recently.
I'm making a customized map, and want to edit normal units, so that they receive a hero-like glow.
The trick is, if I add the glow (as told by the tutorial),
the unit model will be replaced by the glow, leaving only the glow itself, without the unit 'standing' on top of it.

I used the following tutorial:http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/m...utorial_import

I do everything exactly as told, but when I come to the final step -
I import the aura file, and check the import box - the editor replaces the peasant, instead of adding the aura.

What am I doing wrong? Or is there another way to create heroglow?

Thanks in advance.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Do something like this
  • Unit Buys
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Sells a unit
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Sold unit) using war3mapImported\(Name of the Glow Model).mdx
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
The only way to have the glow the same color as owner of the unit it self is by attaching the hero glow model through a modified "Life Regeneration Aura (Neutral)" (slow aura from the tornado should work too) using the attachment point "origin" otherwise it will be red (to all players) and/or (depending on if you put it on "origin") have the wrong position
Level 10
Jun 1, 2008
well, as said in this model's moderator's comment:
Pyritie said:
Could be useful. I should also mention that you should use an ability like the healing fountain's AoE heal as a dummy ability. That one changes the attachment's team color when the unit has that ability. Of course set the values to 0 and stuff. ;P

or, you can just add that model as special effect with trigger.

argh... too late, someone already post this and this post rendered useless...

Do something like this
  • Unit Buys
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Sells a unit
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of (Sold unit) using war3mapImported\(Name of the Glow Model).mdx
      • Trigger - Turn on (This trigger)
well, cboy, it's just useless to turn off then turn on this trigger after some minor action. A turn on then turn off trigger immediately is used to prevent an infinite loop, for example in trigger with event unit drop an item, you add action that will drop an item. this will create an infinite loop. To prevent it, you first turn off the trigger, drop the item, then turn it on again.
In this case, it isn't needed
Level 1
Mar 15, 2010
thanx in advance guys, imma try this soon!
although i'm not very familiar with triggers.
i'll try to update within the hour, see if it works.

~ Sephyx
Level 1
Mar 15, 2010
God i'm horrible with triggers, don't see how to work with it :(

I'm currently trying Blaxor's way, and this is till now working:
- copied the life regeneration (neutral)
- renamed the ability to heroglow
- added it to a peasant
- removed the bonuses of the original ability
- added the aura art:


I tested this method with peasants, with different colors of teams and it worked!
But the strange thing is, I can't see the aura while editing the map, only while testing.
Also, i did not edited the attachment point Blaxor was suggesting.

(first of all because I do not now which one you mean, and second of all because the color of the aura allready matches the unit's team color). Though if it is necessary, I'd like some extra info on that. Except for that, you guys have helped me greatly! Thanks!

~ Seph
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