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RF Online Real RPG Hard Mode v9.91 + AI --- (Reforged Supported)

RF Online Real RPG Hard Mode v9.91 + AI
REFORGED and Old Warcraft version Worked, Recommended playing at 1.30.4)

"The Final"


Preface and Background
Based on RF Online game. This is long long project map. Now we want to upload here, hiveworkshop, as one of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne map Legacy.
So FULL AI Customized with RPG, Hero Arena, Pit bossing, Gambling mechanism (upgrading equipment, opening box), and then save/load code, autoloot, autosell, autoskill hunting macro, and so on.

Not much description, but if you are familiar with RF Online, i think you will find this one the most suitable and realistic replica of the real map.

Similiar to this map, if you need more description, you can visit this link
RF Orpg AI

This is Accretia - Special Unit - Striker - as you see HD Model.

This is bellato union - special unit - Catapult Massive Armor Unit.

This is the last one, from cora race - special unit - Grazier with Isis

Game Feature
1.So this game is based on War of 3 race, Accretia (ROBOT), Bellato (Human) and Cora (Elf).
2.Each race has 3 slot player, and 2 Additional AI (you can use it or not), so max 5 player each race, 15 player Total, all playable (AI Ready).
3.Max lvl is 100
4.Hero has 12 slot inventory, you can use 1 weapon, 1 armor, 2 accessories, 1 booster, and etc
5. You can buy your own courir, for helping looting item, and as storage also, courir has 6 slot item.
6. There are 3 kind of courir in game, tauren, kongor and special courir. Item from kongor courir will be saved as code, and loadable for next game.
7. You can save your hero and get the load code, then you can reload it in any new game, and you can also readjust the game, select different difficulties, or enabling gladiator arena (one of the game feature)
8. Every certain time of game time, chip war will begin, each race try to destroy other chip, the reward for the winner is gold and victory buff that increase attack, ect.
9.Some Hero required lvl 30 to use their speciality like tower, Siege kit, MAU and Animus.
10.Your skill damage depend on the amount of your primary attributes, your equipment, offense driver (buff itm), archon aura, support aura, Victorious Vigor (winner chip war aura), chip breaker aura and many other parameters.
11.Game command can be found in game : here are some most used
"-status" display your hero status
"-equip" display your current hero equip
"-regroup" as a race leader (archon) you can call ally your allies to your nearby, using this command
-save" save your hero
-load" load your hero
-autoloot <on> <off> <reset> select spesific unit to make him autolooting nearby item
-as <inventory slot> <on> <off> autosell, sell automatically when you loot any item to spesific number of your inventory
-autoskill <on> <off> <reset>, register some of your skill, and it will be used automatically
-ul (upgrade level)
-ps, potion system, potion in this game is automatically used, so check your current pot and the amount left by this command.
-ql, quest list, at lvl 50 and 90/95,
you must finish certain quest otherwise you cant lvl up
-gameinfo, cek current game info
-help, show the hunting spot for certain Hero lvl.
-ad, -aa, -ab, -ac,
order ai to either deff their own chip, or attack accretia, or attack bell or core, you must archon to use this command.
and many other command you can read in game F9 (game info)

Most recommended to playing using RF Warkey so that you can use those commands very easily and effectively only by hotkey.

The fun part of this game is, This is PVP, RPG, PVM, Hero Arena, everything in one game. And also there is AI to make this game more realistic and enjoyable.

1.why the AI so noob,
because we have dynamic system for the AI, so if the player itself noob, then the AI difficulty will be adjusted somehow so that you may not feel so much pressured.

2.why the game is feel unbeatable, or the AI is so much strong,
answer: because everything in this game is adjusted with my skill, so if while i am trying the map i think it is too easy then i make it more difficult, that is happened for 10 years, still i found this map too easy, i can beat the game for only 24 hour game time, 1 day. but i am sure for new commers, it takes atleast 1 weak to end this game, atleast to finish the quest i ask about..haha


This is appearance of ultimate level of hero in this game - you unlock certain aura and wings.

End Game weapon for any hero.

Path to elven land, dont forget to bring the key

Sette Black Market, buy various good item here
You can buy offense charger potion for boost your damage

So my hero (striker) in this screenshot has reach max at all type of these upgrades, thats why we got special aura and wings.

Accretia Race Leader (archon aura)

Archon buff + Upgrade level max aura and wings

Cora Archon (Grazier)
Bellato Archon (Wizard)

Cora Grazier raiding to accretia teritory.
Striker (Accretia) Vs Adventurer (Cora)
1 Man Army
2 vs 1

Boss sette - golden pig
Boss Outcast - kukra commander - with AI 3 hero bossing
Metal Elf Assassin - Elven boss - with AI 3 people bossing - you can recall them using archon armor or using command -regroup
AI dies, but no problem
Another boss fight
Antharon boss fight with AI
3 man fight
Antharon down
One of strongest boss in game down

You can upgrade either using box or talic - read in F9 for more info
This is best upgrader (if using talic)
Now i give example upgrading archon armor lvl 100

First drop the item you want to upgrade after preparing the favor and upgrader in your inventory then pick it up again
After pickup the item, the upgrading system will be triggered, and it turn to +1 armor
Again upgrading, because we use the best upgrader, it is safe until +4
Still go up
+4 Archon armor
Go to +5 either succes, fail or destroyed. If you use the best upgrader it can't be destroyed until +6 to +7
And here it is +5
This is example +7, max upgrade for item is +7 try it by yourself.

This is the apperance of save files, there are 2 codes there to be loaded.
This is offense charger potion, to increase your attack, as you see there is also destruct in this map (if you familiar with real RF you know what i mean)
Game info, use this command to see the gameinfo, this screen shot taken in hardcore difficulty
Vote Race Leader, Archon Vote
Vote your self, see the board, 1,2,3 respectively, i am number 3, so -vote 3
Premium Courir
This is Maximum upgrade level, you can see in the left side, this screen shot taken while Battle Dungeon event at lvl 100


So when you reach lvl 100, and you enable gladiator arena, you will fight the 4 boss strongest from gladiator. Xvareon one of them
Still dps, you can see the health bar, all AI will participate, all will allied during this boss, so 9 player Vs 1 boss
80% left - this is hardcore difficulty.
And then dies, 30 sec left, the second boss spawn

This is the second boss, same difficult as before
Running out of time and i show you siege kit lvl 100
This is the item drop from that boss
After you pick those items with courir, here there are

This is our Control Chip, 2 minute before chip war
There is chance 20%, when chip war, a Event is started, You will be rewarded, certain amount of Gold if you success as chip breaker.
Bellato DPS Accretia Chip
We Are go to Cora control chip, 3 striker Strategy
Cora Dps Bellato chip
What can i do, i need to come to take screen shot, 1 man army.
This is Holystone keeper, after winning the war, you need to deffend this big guy for 5 minute, if you succes,
then you get the winner race buff and you can minning there for extra gold


Game info:
- Easy mode
- No gladistor arena
- High rate Exp
- Additional AI on
- War 30 minute

Part 1 lvl 1 - 35

Part 2 lvl 35 - 80

Part 3 lvl 80 - 100

How to make Chimera Weapon and others useful guide
Part 1 - Wizard Bellato

Part 2 - Wizard Bellato

Part 3 - Wizard Bellato

Part 4 - Wizard Bellato

Part 5 - Wizard Bellato

Part 6 - Wizard Bellato - Play 2 player - local game

Part 7 - Wizard Bellato - 2 Player - Hardcore

Part 8 - Wizard Bellato - 2 Player - Normal

Part 9 - Wizard Bellato - Play 2 player - local game
Striker vs all boss and arena - Hardcore
MAU vs all boss Hardcore
Battle leader lvl 1-100 hardcore speed run
Here i give you two video about the game feature
1. About the warcraft version, this is tested by myself
2. About warkey, app for assign hotkey, helpful for the game
3. About in game commands/system, potion system, autoloot, autosell, autoskill

And for the second video about upgrading system in game.

Warcraft 1.30.4
Download link above, and then insert your warcraft cd key, if you dont have, you can search in YouTube there is the free one.
This will help your game so much.
read and download here


So what else to said, please try and enjoy the game.

As this is very old map, but the quality is not old. I challange to any hiveworkshop members,
please try this map, and beat the game, and unlock this achievement :
1. Reach lvl 100 with any hero
2. There is upgrade level system in game, reach max lvl 99 for each upgrade type.
3. Kill Xvareon and Hydra in hard core difficulty.

If you can do so, and email me, [email protected], or comment here, i will give you nice reward regarding the game.
Hare Krsna

1. Supreme Personality of Godhead - Krsna
2.Ufhix - the first author of this map - 2009
and then for those Hive user who shows beyond the limit, how awesome warcraft map could be
1.T.K.O.K - The kingdom of Kaliron - Crimson Creations Team&TGM Team
2. Gaia Retaliation - Zwiebelchen
3. The Chosen one - Aeroblyctos
4. Iceborn - APproject
5.Dota Allstar - Ice frog and Dracolich - d1stats.ru
And of course
5. RF Online - CCR - rf.ccrplay.com
6. Warcraft 3 - Blizzard - https://playwarcraft3.com/en-us/
1.Arch Angel - Elenai - General Frank
2. Arthas/Nerzhul merge - Lich king Arthas - General Frank
3.Bloodelf Archer - General Frank
4. Bloodelf Mage - General Frank
5. Bloodelf Paladin - General Frank
6. Bloodelf Phoenix Guard - General Frank
7. Blue Laser Ray - Champara Bros
8. CarnifexByBurning_Dragoon - Burning_Dragoon5
9. Ceiling Rays - Tranquil
10. Chimera Shot - Champara Bros
11. Dalaran Aura - Sin'dorei300
12. Dark dragon - The.Gold.Digger
13.DarkironKnight - HappyTauren
14. Dirt Explosion - WILL THE ALMIGHTY
15. DragonRoar - Callahan
16. Dwarven Adventurer - General Frank
17. Dwarven Paladin - General Frank
18. Earth Nova - Champara Bros
19. Fire Dragon Fire Phalanx - General Frank
20. Flameshot Aura - Pyritie
21. FrostRevenant - WhiteDeath
22. Hellspawn Annihilator - -Grendel
23. High Elf Chronomancer - Deolrin
24. HighSpeedProjectile_ByEpsilon - epsilon
25. Human Assassine - General Frank
26. Ice Wings - Suselishe
27. Iron Marine by Epsilon - epsilon
28. Juggernaut - HappyTauren
29. Lightning Bolt - Champara Bros
30. LightningBladeByShadow1500 - shadow1500
31. LightningStrikeLarge by Callahan - Callahan
32. Marauder - Fingolfin
33. NuclearExplosion - WILL THE ALMIGHTY
34. Nuke Aura of Pwn - General Frank
35. OrcAssassine - Linaze
36. Pirate Sword - paradise.engineeri
37. Selfbuff FX - Glen Elendra
38. Sentrygun - Domokun
39. Shadow Golem - WILL THE ALMIGHTY
40. The Lich King - Kwaliti
41. Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker - Deolrin
42. Upgradeable Missile Launcher - Illidan(Evil)X
43. VoodooAura - Darky29
44. Vulcan - Kofi_Banan
45. XV-105 "Super stingray" - ikillforeyou
46. Striker model - convert from real game - CCR - edit by Muhammad Chairuli Nugraha
47. MAU model - texture from CCR - edit by Muhammad Chairuli Nugraha
48. ISIS model - model from annonymus - edit by Muhammad Chairuli Nugraha
49. Some models from The chosen one Campaign
50. Some models from Iceborn campaign.
51. Archon Accretia, belato and cora = Muhammad Chairuli
52. Melee MAU - Muhammad Chairuli
53. Fradz, Galeoth Phodom model - Aeroblyctos and Kitabatake
54. Antheron, Urathol, Fire Spider, Thunder Dragon and Thunder king - APproject
55.Siege kit mode - Muhammad Chairuli Nugraha
56.All new Model in version 8.4++ (Punisher, Assaulter, Mercenary, Goliath, Control Chip, Aura Archon) - by Master Vlados
Radha Krsna - from Hare Krsna TV - International Society of Krsna Consciousness - ISKCON
UI Some of old Hive members give me, i dont really remember. Editing from
Undead Ui - Blizzard - Frozen Throne
  • CCR : RF Online's Sounds
  • Lee Soo Jung : ONE
  • Harvest moon Back to nature Psx - Natsume - Konami - Title Song
  • Accretia, bellato and cora hero die sound - CCR - RF online
  • Killing sound from Heroes of Newearth - HON
1.Damage Engine - Bribe
2.Boss status bar - Aeroblyctos
3.Unit indexer - Bribe
4.Heal event - Bribe, Nestharus, grim001
5.memory leak helper - MapperMalte
6.Alliance system - BlueBerryWizard
1.Jassnewgen pack 5d - Bryan Steinbach aka PipeDream and Vexorian , and others
2. Warkey - http://yulv.net/archives/635
3. Mdlvis - Alexey from xgm.ru.
4. Paint.NET - plugin by Victor Vaz
5.War 3 model editor - Magos
6. Map optimizer - Vexorian

Recent Version - or similiar map - same author but different map name

RF Indonesia - RF Indonesia - Epicwar
RF Equilibrium - RF Equilibrium
RF Online all by me - RF Online - yudhistira

1.added 3 new item
- BOss killing Bonus
- Chip breaker bonus
- Tower and trap permit
2.Balance damage between tower, isis, MAU and siege.
3.added all hero_portrait.
4.Fix several minor bug
5.Now all special aura and wings work perfectly.
6.now Neutral unit, monster, have evasion, equal to its own level.
7.now upgarade feature (that one which until lvl 99) effect all unit
you control, like MAU, tower, animus.
8.now you can repair your MAU while gladiator arena event started.
9.with Tower & Trap permit, now you can repair your MAU from anywhere.
10.But still tower based job, will have higher tower damage
11.Now Bladebane effect is displayed in -status
After chip war there are some events, if upgrading event start,
it will be shown in -status also
If there is chip breaker event, the reward amount will be shown
in -status, so you may check it time to time.
12. FIx bug sometimes AI striker doesnt siege properly while
DPS on chip.
13.refreshing and make sure thiscommands work
-board (display boss board)
-archon (display archon election)
-chip (display chip percentage)
-removeboard (remove bossboard)
14.save code from previous version still work here.


There is a variation of hero build in this map, this one of them, tank build, blocker, of course this is the strongest tank possible build in this map and using 100k potion also.

That tank build is nice combine with new feature Tower permit. You may tank the boss and let your allies and tower hit the boss.

This is Xvareon which i ask you to kill..i make it a bit easier in v4.0..haha

Another photo shot, i fail this time to kill this boss, but there is still a way
1.Now playable on warcraft until version 1.30.4, tested by myself.
2.Now siege/striker normal hit is area.
3.Fix some bug, regarding enemy (monster) evasion not really working in previous version.
4.Adjust trap damage.
5.Balance again damage between Striker,siege, tower and animus.
6.Some bosses now have splash damage also.
7.Goliath (MAU) now have splash damage also.
8.Remove any critical damage red floating number. The effect still there.
9.Fix boss board hp (not yet)
10.Tested beating Xvareon in hardcore mode.
Changelog 4.3

1.Added NPC near starting base, so if you are not familiar
with real RF, now you will easily understand what
you need to do/buy in your early game buy seeing those cheap, buyable
early item. Like saint weapon, upgrader for saint weapon, armor, and
booster. You may go to 213/solus/ haram to buy another stuff.

2.Fix bug, When attacking monster, instead of dealing damage
we heal the monster.

3. Drop rate from monster lvl 1 - 25 now is the same, high chance,
drop rate, easily for you to farm in early game.

4. Added warkey for the game.


you may read more and download from here
download warkey

5.Readjust Low level AI movement so that they not ashamed me
by dying too much.

6. fix bug sometimes when we hit monster, instead of dealing damage it becomes healing the monster.

7. Booster now instead you need to buy it in sette desert,
now it is avalaible in your armor shop npc.
Note : Buy booster asap, because its help you to survive in early game of
this map.

8.New projectile model for Siege Kit.

9.Your hero skill damage depend on your primary attribute.
Strength - Close PT - has icon Man Eater
Agility - Range PT - has icon Valkyrie
Intelligence - Force/Launcher PT - has icon judecker

10.Ticket to Ether price increase to 100 Gold
11.Stone for Volcano price increase to 200 gold
12.Monster below lvl 25 has no evasion.
13.Your hero can get evasion from Accessory and Gloves for early game,
you can buy them in your base, or in 213/haram/solus.
14.Fix boss bar, fix AI low level movement.
15. increase all portal scroll price.
16. Hopefull no more significant bug or problem for the game now.
I have tested just now play from beginning and everything just fine..
Changelog 4.4

1.Fix Cloak invisibility reduce damage taken 50%. now work properly.
2.Now T4 uprader cost increase from 100 to 200 gold
3.Reduce monster evasion, miss calculated before..now
little decrease, should be okey for you to bossing
with Accuration accuration, glove+7 and advanced booster to hit without miss
4.Fix doom blast damage still go on, eventhough the first hit
still miss.
5.Adjust chip war difficulty when players reach lvl arround 50, more easier.
6.Update warkey sometimes, the hotkey not working properly
7.Change the entrance ticket to Elf price to 5k gold.
8.Reduce the price for seed, from 100k gold to 10k gold, 10 charges.
9.just information, your hero experience is not saved,
so make sure you level up before save..
10.Fix several other issues, tested 5 hours game no fatal error, nothing
11. Now EXP system work correctly.
12. Update warkey - Read and download here.
1.Reduce seed, potion exp x2 price to 10k gold and 100k pvp point
2.adjust the easy difficulty, to make sure everything somewhat easy
3.fix some bug
4.added hero glow.
5.Note : RF warkey version 4.0 is added another 3 inventory slot key,
for slot 3,2,1 you can now press alt+x/c/v, you may try in game.
6.added new command -fix bug, there is known bug in game where your hero hp keep decreasing, use this command to fix it, but you need to go to your base and stand in your revival hero point (the circle where you revived when dying).
Changelog 4.6
1.Fix several bug issue
2.Fix some error Hydra quest lvl 90
So take care.
3.Now added win condition, win war 3x, that race will win
4.Now you can save up to 9.999.999 gold/lumber.
5.Recomended lvl 1 - 80 play in easy difficulty
lvl 80 - 100 in normal difficulty
lvl 100 with 50++ Upgrade level go to Hardcore.
6.Update RF Warkey to v5.0, fix minor bug.
now there is two type of warkey
the one is using hotkey alt + 1 until alt + 9
while the another one using shift + 1 until shift + 9.
Warcraft III v1.30++ Warkey
Changelog :
1.Daily Maintenance, just balancing and fixing minor bug.
game is already okey from this version and next on.
Changelog :
1.Daily Maintenance, just balancing and fixing minor bug.
game is already okey from this version and next on.
2.Fix -as (autosell command)
Changelog :
1.Daily Maintenance, just balancing and fixing minor bug.
game is already okey from this version and next on.
2.Fix -as, sometimes reset unecessarily (autosell command)
3.Adjust the game play if you start with hard core mode.
Changelog :
1.Daily Maintenance, just balancing and fixing minor bug.
game is already okey from this version and next on.
2.Adjust the game play if you start with hard core mode.
Changelog :
1.Balancing the game. And fix some bugs
2. New featurem as you know your hero can bring 12 item, 6x2 inventory system,
now between those two sets of inventory connectly more properly, like the damage, attribute bonus, health point and
also armor, now it shares properly.
3. High level MAU now can hit area within 150 aoe.
4.Reduce AI EXP in hardcore difficulty, and also in global difficulty.
1.Fix bug boss not spawn in gladiator arena
2.change the siege kit mode for striker,
now you use the skill instead the siege kit item
to activate the siege mode. Siege kit item still there
give bonus status and effect, but to trigger siege kit mode
now using skill.
3.Now you can put your glove +7 for accuration in any bag and
still you get the effect, the same thing with shield.
But for siege kit, siege kit must be carried in active inventory.
4.Now all status from item both from main and secondary inventory
will give effect. In previous version
it just main inventory which give effect.
So this will give much benefit for player not for AI,
because AI will just using 6 slot of item.
5.Re-calculate the life steal for several item,
now it should be work perfectly and to be noted, you
can't stack life steal, you can only use 1 item which
give life steal bonus. The effect doesnt accumulating.
6.remove stun effect from crimson ring.
7.Increase all offense driver and defense charger price.
8.Fix bug lumber (CP/Dalant/Disena) seems gone, when converting gold to lumber
9.Add new command -item, for accretia, for anticipation if after siege your item is somewhat gone,
you can use this command, cooldown 1 minute.
Changelog RF Hardmode 5.6

1.Modify difficulty system for AI, now depend on game difficulty,
Easy has 80% handicap, normal 100% and hardcore 130%.

2.Add some new RF online music for the game.

3.Reduce all monster below lvl 25 attack damage to hero.
So, it should be easier for now hunting for early game.

4.Fix some major minor bug.

5.Add battle start image

6.Crimson equipment, Cloak of invisibility and bladebane armor
price is increased

7.Reduce t6 upgrader price.

8.Old save code still usable in this version.
Changelog RF Hardmode 5.8
1.Fix bug and boost game performance
2.Balancing game
3.Now item from Kongor courir when dies send to your base.
Changelog RF Hardmode 5.9
1.Fix bug Armor Rider MAU area hit, damage allies also.
Changelog RF Hardmode 6.0

1.Added new item Advanced attack booster lvl 100,
you can get it in store

2.(Fix bug) Now Local game save code can be use in single player game

3.(Fix bug) Now Autoloot and autosell command work for all user

4.Fix several minor bug

5.New command -camd, set camera distance between 500 - 3000,

6.write -res to reset the camera distance

7.There is two kinds of wings,
attack wings and deffense wings,

attack wings required attack booster and lvl 20 , 60 and 80, Weapon level upgrade
deffense aura/wings required Invisible booster and lvl 20, 60 and 80, armor level upgrade

8.Now easy mode, computer damage reduce to half.

9. Increase upgrading armor and weapon success rate
Changelog RF Hardmode 6.3

1.Fix bug, autoloot sometimes doesnt work for all player
2.Fix bug inventory system for Striker, now striker inventory
work like old version, old 6 active inventory gives effect,
the other 6 still gives effect, but not for the bonus status effect,
damage bonus from booster, life steal bonus from accessories, and
atk/def bonus from accesories stil works even if those item in
secondary bag. As additional striker gain % damage and % deffense for
particular hero level.
3.Now evasion calculation and hero accuration calculation, properly set.
4.Hopely striker now smoothly playable, no bug or fatal error possible anymore.
5.Fix accuration bonus from siege 55 doesnt work.
6.Added win condition, win chip war 3 times.
7. Fix bug trapper job cant put trap. Now phantom shadow (A), Infiltrator (B), Assassin (Cora).
8. New game speed run video with Accretia Striker
Part 1, level 1 - 35

Part 2, level 35 - 80

Part 3, level 80 - 100
1.New save code, old code doesnt work anymore
2.This map only playable in local area network, you cant load/save in single player game.
3.Ignorant talic in npc now has 3 limit stock and 5 minute replenish stock time
4.Fix bug AI Attack hsk sometimes doesnt work properly
5.improve effect of Superior Brother Tears
6.Fix bug, destruct doesnt give life steal effect
7.Change price and effect of Hell bringer +7 and dragon armor.
8. Change effect of Metal elven dual blade +7
9.New Equipment, Chimera set, level required 100
Chimera Launcher
Chimera Staff
Chimera Sword
Chimera Bow,

All this weapon upgradeable, until +7, cannot destroyed using T6 upgrader.

How to get this item

Combine :
1.Black SIgn weapon (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +7
2.Crimson (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +7
3.Infinity (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +7
4.Extreme (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +7
5.Superior (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +7
6.Hand of Krsna
Put all items in your courir,
and you get the Chimera (Staff/Launcher/Sword/Gun) +0.
You can do special upgrade with weapon using Ignorant box, to get
random +1 to +3 weapon,
and do manual upgrade by using 100k gold and 99 igno and t6 upgrader
for get 10x times success chance upgrade, or you can do manual upgrade
with no chance item destroyed.

10.Normal armor drop rate reduce half.
11.Fix some minor bug
12. Now everytime you win war, as chip breaker, in hardcore difficulty,
when highest level of player in game greater than 30,
you gain random upgrade level of (weapon,armor, boots, shield, accuration or block penetration)
randomly from 1 - 10.
13. Improvement for Additional AI lvl 20
14.Fix bug hand in secondary bug for striker, doesnt give Block penetration bonus.
15.Fix bug item boss kill, evasion bonus not working.
16.Some resetup for damage calculation
17.Now every gladiator arena lvl 100 player, summon 4 big boss properly.
Before sometimes only 2 boss spawn.
18. New info about wings and aura in F9, Journal ingame.
Note : make sure you upgrade your weapon/upgrade level (this requirement for wings)
while Upgrading event start, because at that time, your upgrade level wont go down.
19.First wing skin (Based on weapon upgrade)

You must used (either Advanced Golden booster, or
Accretia Attack booster lvl 100)

Weapon Upgrade lvl 20

Second Wing skin

Weapon upgrade lvl 60 - 80

Third wing skin

Weapon Upgrade lvl 80++

Aura on hero

Weapon lvl 80+
Armor lvl 80+
Accuration lvl 80+ or Block penet lvl 80+

Now For Deffense wing skin
You must used cloak of invisibility

First wing (Based on armor upgrade)
Armor Upgrade lvl 99

Aura skin

Weapon lvl 80+
Armor lvl 80+
Accuration lvl 80+ or Block penet lvl 80+
RF Online Hard mode v7.7
1.New command -nd (no deff) AI wont deff their chip, until you write -ad (AI deffend)
2.New command -bi <1/2> (display all boss Alive/Dead status)
3.New command -nowin / -win, enable/disable win condition
4.Now there is protection for some expensive items & +7 Equipment from autosell feature.
5. Fix some bug issue
6. Change effect for Boss killing and chip killing effect, check on game.
7. Change the effect of Wilderness Amulet to 40 A/D + Life steal 50%
8. Now chimera tested nicely for upgrading and you can get hand of Krsna from Antharon, Urathol, 4 Gladiator Arena boss, Hydra from easy, normal and Hardcore difficulty and the chance higher Ar higher difficulty. And you also can get it from infinity weapon gambling box in middle sette.

RF Online Hard mode v7.8
1.Fix some bug
2. There are drops item from chip varies according to highest level player in game
3. Now chip war winner item charge increase every time you win war

RF Online Hard move v7.9.3
<New> Now Offense driver (Atk/Def) effect MAU, tower and animus
<New> New upgrading equipment sound effect
<New> New loading screen
<New> MAU protection from 1 hit damage and destroyed.
<New> Lvl 100 Catapult MAU price increase to 200k gold
<New> Now repairing MAU cost = 20% from buying price for 100% damage,
so i.e if your MAU price is 100k, and almost destroyed, you required 20k gold to repair
and if your hero is 1/2 damage, you required 10k gold to repair. Something like that.
<New> Fix some issue in Reforged version, MAU fatal error when repairing.
<New> Fix lag occur when striker using skill
<New> Now Urathol in cora base already killable, you move from Antharon side, most left of the map.
<New> Increase Base/Haram/CM Cora tower range from 400 to 700
<New> Fix bug and game adjustment.
1. Now there are chance for getting PVP capsule 500k and donate point from gambling box in sette
2. Now Chip war when destroyed drop some items
3. Reduce change job price to 10k donate point.
4. Fix some bug
5. Now AI can bring Chimera in AI Boost mode,
AI boost mode will be start, when you play in hard mode and you already upgrade your weapon level at least 80 and armor level at least 50 in Elven or elan. Then thism mode will be avalaible when you load your Hero.
6. Game achievement killing Hydra and Xvareon is avalaible now in AI boost Hardcore mode.
RF Online Hardmode v8.9.2
1.Fix bug charge item and exp b
2. Fix bug chip killing charge doesnt increase, now charge increase random between 1 - 9 (if in hardcor
3.Boss nuclear skill, kill unit HP below 3
4."-hq" can't be used during gladiator aren
5. Now you can put your gloves/hand/siege kit/bladebane inside premium courir and still get the % bonus effect (not attribute
6. Re-adjusted tower price.
7. Fix tower protection system

RF Online Hardmode v8.7
1.Redesign All council and archon aura
RF Online Hardmode v8.6
Changelog :
1.Now -regroup, only useable even if you use special commands, if your race archon is bot (computer)
2.New launcher model for Crimson launcher black sign launcher and Chimera launcher.
3.New model for Assaulter, Punisher, Mercenary, Goliath MAU.
4.New Tornado Skill for Punisher
5.New Archon Aura
6.Fix some of bug of Holychandra skill
7.Add ensnare to Holychandra spell book
8. Damage resitance increase for goliath 300% defense from monster and 400% defense from player
9. New control chip Model
10. Fix bug with block chance.
11.Now Golden Booster and Attack booster lvl 100 has model attached, and also cloak of invisibility.
All new Model in version 8.4++ (Punisher, Assaulter, Mercenary, Goliath, Control Chip, Aura Archon) - by Master Vlados

RF Online Hardmode v8.3
(New) Almost all icon now has HD quality
1.New command -hq, teleport to HQ
2.Now you can save all item from your premium courir (-load3)
3.Towerist hero adjusted to play in hardcore from lvl 1 - 100 - (Mental Smith (Bellato), Artist (Cora), Scientist (Acc), Battle leader[Acc])
4.After save your hero, you cant trade any item to other player. So when play multiplayer, only item drop from Boss is tradeable, and after you save, all item in your hero, in kongor and in special courir, all untradeable. But if you put item on ground or in the tauren, the item still can be trade to others player. (DISABLE DUPLICATE ITEM - DUPE)
5. Now in you save.txt file, there is additional info of your Item Charge and Upgrade level (-ul)
6. Fix several bug
7. Kongor protection, when kongor attacked and almost dead, immediately send to Hero circle at HQ.
8. Reduce damage isis lvl 95 to Monster unit.
9. New item Chimera Shield from Chimera box in sette.
10.Fix bug sometimes reward box from Hydra is not obtained.
11.Reduce damage tower (30%) to Hydra, and all Gladiator Boss
12.Reduce damage tower and MAU to chip war (Reduce 50%)
13.Chip deffence increase as the game time increase in EXtreme-Hardcore difficulty.
(Somehow set up so that Chip war wont end below 2-3 minute)
14.Increase Very rare item drop chance from gladiator boss to 50% chance.
15.Increase Very rare item drop chance from Hydra to 80% chance.
16.Urathol damage x3 in extreme hardcore difficulty and can drop very rare quipment aswell.
17.Now all Event Boss Kukra, Metal elf, Antharon, Urathol, Holystone keeper (lvl 100)
can drop very rare weapon with very low chance.
18.Reduce High tier boss accuration little - max 240
19. Fix bug certain unupgradeable item somehow can be upgraded
20. New Item Chimera Shield High +7 (All job can use, Evasion not decreased)
you can gatcha it from Chimera equipment box in sette.
21. Fix bug damage reduction from Hare Krsna not effect MAU and tower
22. Fix AI doom blast not working properly
23. Hero fix and balance - Grazier.
24. Fix boss hp board
25. Increase selling price of Donate capsule and PVP capsule, so if you need Gold, you can sell them.
26. Now you can buy very rare equip from gatcha npc in sette.

RF Online Hardmode v8.9.4
1. New item Revival Potion, Instant revive item, buy at Hero npc in your HQ
Item must be placed in main hero inventory and not saveable.
2. Fix Display EXP on mau
3. Increase -ul bonus when you last hit chip breaker
4. Increase charge bonus gain everytime your race win war for item Chip killer bonus
5. Fix minor bug
RF Online Hardmode v8.9.3
1. Now every council can using Nuclear
2. War time increase in Hardcore extreme mode
3. Abudance jade now can be carried in courir and still get effect
4. Fix bug some equipment is gone somehow absorbed to hero.
5. Now you can earn EXP while using MAU.
6. Now when using command -yudis, you can fully control your allies hero.
7. Fix bug sometimes, AI damage to chip too high and Chip war ended within few minutes,
now their damage more reasonable.
8. Fix EXP system, now more realistic.
9. Old save code still usable from previous v8.xx version
10. This map is not fully tested, so if there is serious problem, you may use old map (v8.9.2)
or report me the bug.
RF Online Hardmode v9.9
1. AI now can using nuclear and AI regroup will chip war
2. Destruct and defense rune is usable from premium courir.
3. Fix some bugs and balance the game

RF Online Hardmode v9.7
<New> Add accuration on warrior Wild Rage skill, Strike team aura and offense driver 40% now add accuration as well.
<New> Boost ranger hero (Hidden soldier - bellato, Adventurer - Cora)
<New> Boots item, increase evasion, can be used except for warrior hero.
<New> If you can kill HSK then you can minning with full ore amount
<New> You can check all your active equipment from -status
<New> Reduce AI tower resistance toward player
<New> Fix notification when protection upgrade of T6 is used, read it carefully, destroy another item, then the protection bonus of T6 is reset.
<New> Now it is possible for you to play Attack/Evasion build from early game (Lvl 50 onward), before its impossible.
1. Fix several bugs.
2. Now you can buy elven weapon even without carrying returnee weapon (to anticipate if you sell it)
3. Now there is 8 beginner quest, to help you know about the necessary early game item and game feature (-ql to check the quest, avalaible start from lvl 2 to lvl 20),
if you load your character above lvl 20, the quest automatically gone, so make sure when you play from beginning, finish all the seven beginner quest to get whole reward.
4. Adjust damage hero to chip.
5. You can set your Melee hero AI to pick Tank hero by selecting low exp option in the beginning.
6. Auto enable killing sound in hardcore difficulty, write -ks to disable/enable it.
8. Now carrying Chimera weapon will trigger Super Hardcore mode.
7. Read in Loading screen for more information.

RF Online Hardmode v9.3
1. Put back Low, Normal and High exp rate
2. Fix bug scientist can cast net on MAU
3. Fix bug premium courir dies when it should be protected (under certain condition).

RF Online Hardmode v9.2
Whats new? Version 9.2
<9.2> Now AI scientist / battle leader can put tower
<9.2> EXP from lvl 1- 30 faster
<9.2> Increase Key mau Price
<New> Fix bellato (regroup command), upgrade gold cost (fix bug), More Script protection for MAU
<New> New hero color in Multiboard
<New> Fix little other bug
1. Old code doesnt work - start new game sir
2. Now Global EXP rate is set to low rate.
Its no different between low/high/normal rate.
3. Special code (-*ud***) still usable, you can control your AI allies
and remove save delay, and you can also using archon command.
4. Now every game, there will be grazier AI in Cora and Armor rider AI in Bellato.
5. MAU upgrade cost increase.
6. Now you can use dummy for upgrading, every time you destroy your item,
next upgrade will have random higher chance, and for T6, it has 1 times
safe upgrade (fail), ater that 2nd fail maybe destroyed.
7. You can convert igno and favor to PVP/Donate capsule.
8. Now you can guarantee get Rare equip from Infinity box gatcha after 10 times.
9. Revival Potion, put it in your main inventory - automatic revive.
10. You can put siege kit mode, glove, bladebane in premium courir and still you get the effect.
11. abudance jade you can put in any courir and see the notification it will work
12. New command "-fix bug", to recreate your hero when you get bug exp always decrease
13. Now bonus last hip chip in hardcore after lvl 40++,
14. increase and Chip killing bonus gain every you win war
15. You can get Relic weapon from quest lvl 30 (ether), superior weapon from Rake foot draco,
and chip kill bonus from Lack joe quest.
16. You can get EXP inside MAU
17. Armor Rider get Bone Prison lvl 90

This will help your game so much.
read and download here
Guide video for upgrading chimera and others info.
Part 1, level 1 - 35

Part 2, level 35 - 80

Part 3, level 80 - 100

All Warcraft version works perfectly.

RF Online RPG AI v9.91 (Map)

Bundle reactivated per author request.
While I appreciate the syncretism of Buddhism and Brahmanism that is Hinduism, the loading screen isn't relevant. There are some heroes who look alike: GodFather with Aldo Kalaiga; BoyzOnAccretia with BorneoSquad. Abilities don't have proper...
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
just approve admin,

this is long project map, has been pending for few years..
10 years project or more.

this map is full rpg game, so much feature inside, of course because hiveworkshop is such large and well known warcraft map source. i think it would be great if this map archieved here as well. So anyone who ever play recent version of this map can play this map..

this map fully configured with AI and also all guide and every single feature of the game well explain inside game info (F9)

Thanks for your appreciation.. i really only make little description, because those 3 pictures i add is more than enough to explain the map for those who are familiar with RF Online RPG game..

thanks for your understanding..Hare Krsna
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Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Hello! Please do not double or triple post. Use edit instead. About your bundle, is this a map or? It seems blank based on the minimap.

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

can i upload 300mb maps here?
yes thats only blank map, there i put the real map download link, i upload it on my Google Drive because i don't know it is uploadable or not here?
@Ralle Do we have any solution for this?

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

This is not a map, is only a blank one with a link in it.

Rejected. Please upload the actual map. If you intend to, I will change the status of this bundle.
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
please try this map first,

i am quite busy in real life,

if you are interested in editing map, then i can make you the next editor of this map,

or you can develop it on reforged

but atleast try to beat this game first..haha

please do the quest i write above

and about the model, the mau model our old team make it, while the siege we convert from real RF, and isis we edit other similiar model..

this map also credit so much to give user because using some model from The most awesome Champaign, director cut rating in Hiveworkshop, such as
The chosen one and Iceborn,

but in those Champaign you cant get save/load code, you cant expand your power to the level of infinity, you cant have any insane PVP wwith other player, and so on..

but all these features avalaible in this map..

thats why one of the strongest boss is Xvareon, Antharon also there,

Phodom, Galeoth, Fradz is also there..

every fanatic follower of give, should try this and try to beat this game, otherwise you still not categoried as skillfull player..haha

one suggestion from me read everything in game info (F9) in game, if you have still any other question you can ask here..

make sure you understand about the autoloot, autosell, autoskill, and potion system,
otherwise you cant feel the special sensation, special feature of this game.
you may read in F9, any necessary information i have put it there, the rest you need to find out yourself or ask here.

thanks in advance

about testing your map of course i really interested,

but i don't have reforged, and valid cd key, and i also busy in real life..

thats why if you really interested in improving your map,

then you can look this map as refference.

this map even have defense the holy stone keeper after chip war,
and mining also, so many feature, i don't make nice description here..
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in use by RF Online Real RPG Hard Mode v3.0

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
why my map shown
Recommended version 1.19 - 1.21b?


its already playable in version 1.30.4 ,, hahaha my map defeating Hiveworkshop warcraft version detection system.. impressive

Be the first player who finish the game

1.play any Hero and reach lv 100.
2.reach max lv 99 to any upgrade level.
3. kill Xvareon and Hydra in Hardcore difficulty

If you can do this, then you have passed hardest quest in Warcraft 3 history..

because until now no one has finish the game

The Chosen One
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Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
Not yet tested, i mean i am not test it for 2 hours or 3 hours game..
its work already, but i dont know for such a long game.

i made it, custom warkey, to macro save your text,

so by pressing shift + 1 you can display any text
you can saved up to 9
Shift +1 until Shift +9

you can use for this map, for any warcraft version i think..

*for next update
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
why my map shown
Recommended version 1.19 - 1.21b?
Did you save it with the 1.30.4 editor (might need to put latest melee patch in map options)? Or did you use a non-official editor like WEX or whatever they're called?
Also, did you protect the map with Vexorian's Optimizer or some program? That might cause it, maybe.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
then i can't do anything right?
to atleast even artificially shows that my map work on
version range 1.26-130.4 atleast it is tested by me
The site reading program might not be exact and not understand the version you saved the map on. That doesn't matter in the end. Most maps are compatible on higher patches.
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
This is the warkey for warcraft, i especially made for this map.
RF Warkey image.png

Feature :
1.Pre-setup 9 custom text (in-game command) for playing lastest version of this map.
These are the commands, you can activate it by pressing SHIFT + 1, SHIFT + 2, until SHIFT + 9
SHIFT +1 = -status (display your hero status)
SHIFT + 2 = -regroup (call your teammate to you, 1 minute duration, only archon can use this command)
SHIFT +3 = -save (save your code, export it to text file, for reforged, or warcraft 1.30++ you can find your text file in document\Warcraft\CustomMapData\RFOnline\V4\YourHero.txt
SHIFT +4 = -autoloot on, turn on autoloot
SHIFT + 5 = -as on, autosell item in slot 6, you can specify which unit.
SHIFT + 6 = -autoskill on, enable autoskill feature, after assign the skill, use this command again
SHIFT + 7 = -autoloot off
SHIFT + 8 = -as off
SHIFT + 9 = -autoskill off

This is very helpful for the game. Because this is RPG map, so yes it very useful.
And also from this tools, you can assign your custom text,
for each hotykey from SHIFT - 1 to 9, 9 text.

And then the inventory hotkey in game
Inventory number.png

For slot 5 , you can press alt +q
for Slot 6 , you can press alt +w
for slot 3 , you can press alt+e
slot 4 press alt + x
slot 2 press alt + c
slot 1 press alt + v

And then

After you activated the hotkey, you can press SHIFT + F1 to see
What is the text for each macro, from SHIFT + 1 to 9.
and for quit the application you can press SHIFT + ALT + ESC.

Thats all the feature..i have tried in game warcraft version 1.30.4
for 1 hour, seems everything allright.

This Warkey is compatible for RF Online Hard Mode v4.3, not work perfectly in previous version

14/06/2022 - update RF Warkey 4.0
16/6/2022 Update v5,
fix minor bug.
now there is two type of warkey
the one is using hotkey alt + 1 until alt + 9
while the another one using shift + 1 until shift + 9

Virus total


  • RF Warkey v5.0.rar
    1.2 MB · Views: 73
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
While I appreciate the syncretism of Buddhism and Brahmanism that is Hinduism, the loading screen isn't relevant.

  1. There are some heroes who look alike: GodFather with Aldo Kalaiga; BoyzOnAccretia with BorneoSquad.
  2. Abilities don't have proper descriptions. Most of them don't mention values, not just per level but even after you learn them.
  3. Tooltip Tutorial
  4. From what I read in the gold and lumber description, lumber is now gold and gold is something else but under, it says gold is mined from gold mines.
  5. A lot of item icons are the same.
  6. Many icons (items, abilities) look passive when they are active. You could make them look properly with: Button Manager v1.8.2
  7. The general look and placement of things is chaotic, doesn't look too logical. Arms and weapons dealers should be in one fitting place, potions and scrolls in another, something like that. Now, it's all over the place.
  8. Heroes who don't have glow, should. You can simply add it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
  9. The terrain could use a lot of work.
For a map of 2022, it's really sloppy work but I can see effort was put into it and some might like this sort of farming adventure.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
I just keep updating the map,
you can use your current save/load code..

changelog you can see above,

so make sure you download the lastest map,
because of course that is the best map avalaible..

so far, i have check for each difficulty,
easy, normal and hardcore..
i think this is should be 90% playable for now..

IF you are good warcraft player,
if you like a challange,
if you feel your self good at dota, or
competitive warcraft map
then try to beat this game..
Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
for you who find difficulties,
this is gameplay replay

using lastest map and map directory as follow

Warcraft III\Maps\FrozenThrone\Community\RFORPG

this replay for RF Hard mode v5.5,
so you may download the map here if you want to learn about the game from the replay,
anyway the lastest version not as hard not previous version.


  • Guide BK Hardcore 1.45 hour gameplay.w3g
    1.6 MB · Views: 40
  • RF Online AI v5.5.w3x
    31.8 MB · Views: 31
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Level 2
Dec 22, 2022
Thanks a lot for the map. I'm very impressed with some of the mechanics in the map that I haven't seen in other RPGs yet. Playing it really feels the nostalgia of the old game.
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Level 8
Jul 15, 2012
my map is almost reach the limit of warcraft, not much you can edit, not worth for you to buy as well.

Chek email i give you another suggestion.

if you have any kind of dream about RF warcraft map,

you can try play this map

the author also Indonesian,
you can work together with him, etc, nice person also.

His map has a lot potential to surpass this map.

and you can watch this YouTube channel for guide-video for my map,

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Level 1
May 6, 2023
#FYI I have try this map at old mapand reforge, but command "-save, -load" not work. or at reforge is not show notif if i have saved? then where is location my save file.
and i have issue with job striker AI in my team, not +2. in oldwarcraft, striker skin have glitch and make lagging and in reforge only lag. lag is happening if my screen on that AI striker and stop lag if my screen not show that AI. and it's only with striker not other. sorry i dont have screenshot/video for this report. thanks always update and make better map.
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