Well, I have finished the walkthrough of this campaign, and what can I say
@Yevhen Snizhko..
- Due to the campaign's specific nature, you need to the sheer amount of LUCK to complete it without issues on Hard difficulty. Hell, I had problems mostly on mission 2 - cause that strange blade master boss battle, and final mission - I still don't understand why and how Mal'Ganis kept resurrecting all of his mindless minions.
- That was a hilarious adventure indeed - I could not never thought what I will see next and your challenges are a funny addition to this little chaos.
- I hope that in the next campaign about Undeads, we will have fully randomized buildings and everything else. Or just more random, maybe with lore addition won't hurt.
Keep cooking, cool stuff indeed!
Thanks for high praise!
Luck on hard required:
I agree that on hard game seems unfair. When I started this series, I only intended to make a bit of relaxing fun, and never expected to have players asking for a mode that is harder to implement, and thus is harder to complete. After all, I wrote in description that I don't recommend randomizing enemies.
I'll be honest here - in this campaign enemies were only supposed to be randomized on level 3 for lore reasons, and it is done manually there. But many players requested that feature, and it seemed to be an interesting challenge for me. Just today I had to reload four times on mission 5 on easy because I didn't handle Royal Guards well enough at start.
While I see that this setting could be twinkled a bit, I regard it as Nightmare difficulty from classic DooM - an afterthought for hardcore players, which gives more challenge, is not even remotely fair, and even the developer has trouble completing the game on it.
(Trust me, previous versions of it had enemies just stay at base after some point, and it was just 100 supply army run-through with no microing. Now player is incentivized to use abilities at least a bit).
Bosses use triggered mechanics. Here is their description step by step:
Boss Blademaster has bladestorm and 1 point in every ability per difficulty level. He creates mirror images (1 on easy, 2 on med, 3 on hard, with the core ability). With each mirror image an extra blademaster is created, and each has:
- Bladestorm
- Same level and stats as Main BM
- No items
- 1 less levels in every other ability (so 0 on easy, 1 on medium, 2 on hard)
- ((Current life and mana of Main BM)/(4 on easy, 3 on med, 2 on hard)) life and mana
- Timed life (15 sec on easy, 30 on med, 60 on hard)
These extra BMs don't create more extra BMs, but they deal full damage, which is compensated by them having less health and mana. I added random tint and transparency for eagle-eyed players to see whom they shouldn't really prioritize.
Malganis has 3 Ankhs. When he is resummoned from altar, he gets them back.
When he resurrects through Ankh (not altar), every dead unit still in the map is recreated for enemy with
- ((25 on easy, 50 on med, 100 on hard)/(number of such units))% health
- Full mana
This affects even buildings, as they technically have a decay timer. So basically anything that died in last 60 seconds will be recreated as almost dead. Even towers in your base if you bypass the attack wave. Trolling? Yes. Playable? Still yes.
Also, while I haven't completed the campaign on hard properly, I can confirm that it is possible to complete the boss fights on hard in one 75+ wave with somewhat proper ability management and completed sidequests.
Randomized everything:
Buildings: I have a table of buildings corresponding to each other, but I'm still not sold on this idea, since requirements are harder to parallelize than upgrades just from how they work in the engine. I'm sure I could do it in SC2, but haven't figured out a way for WC3 yet. Naga are pretty much the only ones who can do anything at any time. If I'll get too much trouble, I'll just limit this feature to farms and towers. (IN-PROGRESS EDIT: just found a way to implement it, so now it seems totally possible. I'll have trouble with upgrades being researched simultaneously, but that is a problem for even-more-future-me).
Workers - I am still thinking what I should do about Acolytes and Wisps using a different gathering system. Ghouls and Shredders are already implemented, and AI uses that quite nicely - Huntresses gathering wood look fun. The draenei workers will not be added in main worker roster, as they were never meant to be usable by player, and their tech tree pretty much does not exist with only 3 neutral units trainable. Thus, if player gets their buildings with Building randomization on, they will not be randomized (except maybe towers).
Inventory items randomization on mission start seems possible and may even get implemented for next campaign. Can't promise that I'll take number of stacks into account though.
Bosses and enemy heroes will not be randomized, because lore. And setting ability levels for all 134 heroes (and possibly more) is annoying. But I will try to make the mechanics more forgiving in the future. I'm not sure if I'll add more chance-based mechanics, as they tend to be not working (first version of BM fight only spawned 1 extra BM on hard during a solo hero vs hero fight with 0 items for player, which was underwhelming).
I'm also thinking about making upgrade parallelization optional just for that extra bit of hardcore (it will be shared by enemy, so they won't be that much harder).
I have no idea what else can be randomized. Mission order? Archipelago mode is a whole different thing. Specific trainable units/buildings? Perpetual randomizer is also a separate project on which someone already called dibs somewhere. Randomized costs? Not in WC3 (to anyone reading this: consider that a challenge). But I will gladly listen to any suggestions and will aggressively criticize them
Lore - Undead campaign is a huge lore dump for players, so it will be a good place to add some
Just don't expect anything too original, it will all be set within current WC lore (with appropriate modifications), maybe with a bit of SC and Diablo sprinkled on top.