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Lost Reign of Chaos Models

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I was dissapointed that I couldn't access some original RoC models since the Reforged update, the Steam Tank and Catapult have been used in many of my maps so I wanted to try and access them again!

I have exported the original Ballista, Catapult, Gyrocopter, Steam Tank, and Chaos Space Orc models. (Icons also included)

If these are actually accessible since Reforged please let me know!

I am not a modeller and take no credit for these models/icons but thought I would share to anyone else who might want to use them again.

EDIT - Added Furion (on foot) model and Space Orc icons

Chaos Space Orc (Model)

Chaos Space Orc Icons (Icon)

Furion (On Foot) (Model)

Furion Portrait (on Foot) (Model)

RoC Ballista (Model)

RoC Ballista Icon (Icon)

RoC Ballista Portrait (Model)

RoC Catapult (Model)

RoC Catapult Icon (Icon)

RoC GyroCopter (Model)

RoC GyroCopter Portrait (Model)

RoC Warwagon (Steam Tank) (Model)

RoC Warwagon (Steam Tank) Icons (Icon)

General Frank
Not really original, but useful.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
The paths I know are:


But honestly, I think there might have been instances in some versions where some of these models (at least the Ballista one) glitched the entire game out, so to get it working you actually /had/ to import it and use your own custom path. I think there were other instances where it just didn't exist even as a path, so these uploads are likely to be useful to at least some people.

Not to mention I cannot for the life of me get the Gyrocopter path to work. The ChaosSpaceOrc path for some reason leads to the Terran Marine model, which people have mentioned above with regards to the original Space Orc model just outright being deleted.

Speaking of which, do you have the icon for the Chaos Space Orc?
Level 9
Jul 9, 2017
You forgot about Malfurion on foot. I mean "Furion" (black dressed one) is in game but Frozen Throne version of this dude "Malfurion" foot version is missing.

Speaking of which, do you have the icon for the Chaos Space Orc?
The icon is in game, as well as all the icons you have put in your bundle. I suggest you to delete them from the bundle.
Level 26
Dec 3, 2018
You forgot about Malfurion on foot. I mean "Furion" (black dressed one) is in game but Frozen Throne version of this dude "Malfurion" foot version is missing.

The icon is in game, as well as all the icons you have put in your bundle. I suggest you to delete them from the bundle.
Then what's the path for the ballista
If you want furion ujomasa hojo has a pack with his optimised version
Level 9
Jul 9, 2017
Then what's the path for the ballista
If you want furion ujomasa hojo has a pack with his optimised version
Icon: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNballista.blp
Model: units\nightelf\Ballista\Ballistaold.mdl
Projectile: before Reforged it was Abilities\Weapons\BallistaMissile\BallistaMissile.mdl but when you put this path now it automatically redirects to Glaive Thrower, so perhaps ballista missile is missing too.

I will have a look for the Furion on foot and the space orc icons tonight. If these models are still in the game I'll happily just make a tutorial or something for it!
Space orc's icon is ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNChaosSpaceOrc.btn
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Level 13
Oct 16, 2010
I have just added Furion and the Space Orc Icons, I will give these paths a go to see if they are actually in Reforged. I was under the impression these weren't accessible hence I made the post, if they are in then a new tutorial may be made!



Level 2
Apr 24, 2014
I think the RoC Lich's texture also got lost (even prior to the Reforged update) - I remember playing RoC a while back and noticing that the Lich used the TFT texture instead (the chin-strap looked weird on the portrait).
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Does anybody else find it really, really weird that this bundle includes the Reign of Chaos BETA Steam Tank icon, with a Wrecking Ball, and not the Reign of Chaos Steam Tank icon that was included on the CD version of the game that was publicly played for years (which has a cannon and not a Wrecking Ball/ Chain)?

Edit: And I mean that's actually a really cool find to have the Wrecking Ball icon, obviously, because if you download the original source material for these from their original sources the Steam Tank that was included in the Reign of Chaos (whose icon is missing here) has an icon in a format that Reforged would instantly support. You could just use the file from Blizzard, since it is a BLP.

The Reign of Chaos Wrecking Ball steam tank icon -- in the original form provided by Blizzard -- was in a different special version never used with the release version of the game. So I assume the one here is a fan-based format conversion to make it uploadable/viewable by Hive.
Will this bundle also include the Reign of Chaos BETA model of the tank and the chain whip sound for its attack animation?
It's really different in several ways from the Reign of Chaos Steam Tank that so many of us grew to know and love over many years. I modded the old game that included the cannon tank version for maybe 15 years before finding and converting the asset of the wrecking ball tank in my own personal files.

Edit 2: Apparently I was mis remembering, and there is not an icon for the Reign of Chaos tank model. That is crazy! Someone should make one.
So the mistake is Blizzard 2002's mistake and not yours!

But for what it's worth, there is a model that goes better with the icon you have uploaded...


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Level 13
Oct 16, 2010
Does anybody else find it really, really weird that this bundle includes the Reign of Chaos BETA Steam Tank icon, with a Wrecking Ball, and not the Reign of Chaos Steam Tank icon that was included on the CD version of the game that was publicly played for years (which has a cannon and not a Wrecking Ball/ Chain)?

Edit: And I mean that's actually a really cool find to have the Wrecking Ball icon, obviously, because if you download the original source material for these from their original sources the Steam Tank that was included in the Reign of Chaos (whose icon is missing here) has an icon in a format that Reforged would instantly support. You could just use the file from Blizzard, since it is a BLP.

The Reign of Chaos Wrecking Ball steam tank icon -- in the original form provided by Blizzard -- was in a different special version never used with the release version of the game. So I assume the one here is a fan-based format conversion to make it uploadable/viewable by Hive.
Will this bundle also include the Reign of Chaos BETA model of the tank and the chain whip sound for its attack animation?
It's really different in several ways from the Reign of Chaos Steam Tank that so many of us grew to know and love over many years. I modded the old game that included the cannon tank version for maybe 15 years before finding and converting the asset of the wrecking ball tank in my own personal files.

Edit 2: Apparently I was mis remembering, and there is not an icon for the Reign of Chaos tank model. That is crazy! Someone should make one.
So the mistake is Blizzard 2002's mistake and not yours!

But for what it's worth, there is a model that goes better with the icon you have uploaded...

I honestly didn't even notice that the icon was different when I exported it. But that background trivia was actually really interesting! Is that model available to download anywhere?

Unfortunately if it was in the original game files I don't have access to them anymore