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Mathias Chronicles II - Reckoning



This is the long awaited sequel to Mathias Chronicles - The Pursuit, now updated to 1.05!
Based on Savage Potato's Mathias Part II released way back in 2007, this is a complete
remake by me, Med. MapGuy and now includes voice acting!

This campaign features fully redone terrain, cutscenes, models and music, and reworked story
elements to fully immerse YOU into the world of Mathias, the true king of Lordaeron!


This latest version was made using using Warcraft III: Reforged version 2.0.
The original campaign made using 1.27b version is no longer available.







- Sequel to the bloody original.
- Around 8 playable chapters.
- Expanded story, with a planned secret level.
- New models, music and so much more!
- Epic, large-scale battles!
- Fully voice acted!















April 23, 2021 Update
  • Posted the first version. For full credits, see the resources tab or view the in-game credits.
  • Due to lack of playtesting, this campaign may feature some gameplay balancing or other in-game issues.

May 2, 2021 Update (Version 1.01)
  • Changed effects of Precious Talisman.
  • Unchecked "Actively Used" item that was accidentally added for Gem of Greater Strength.
  • Talisman of Inner Strength can be dropped.
  • Corrected Eridu quest name to "Uncomfortable Truths".
  • Fixed effects of Blackthorne's Spurs.
  • Fixed missing DISBTN icon for Club Cleaving Attack.
  • Updated Fel Hound model, although I've yet to replace Doom Guard and other bugged models.
  • Fixed Neutral Hostile Fel Beasts attacking refugee camp in "In Harm's Way".
  • Still have an issue with the AI attack waves in Chapter Eleven.
  • Corrected the enemy alignment of the Doom Guard in the west in Chapter Eleven.
  • Changed Malakai's color to blue in Chapter Eleven.
  • In the interlude, the paladin (Lord Duncan) is now teal.
  • Changed attributes of Ring of Kel'Zarach.
  • Cameron Greyforge now has a hero glow. Also fixed his selection circle. I still need to look at his Endurance Aura.
  • Lerethas now has a hero glow.
  • Fixed Knight's Charge's buff icon.
  • Rain of Fel's hotkey is now Q.
  • Added a lengthier description for Staff of Kel'Zarach.
  • CorrectedBattle Cry spell description to now be until Level 3 only.
  • Fixed Heart Amulet effect.
  • Made Yvros' Skull have a unique description.
  • Fixed Gem of Mana effects.
  • Fixed cache triggers so Kyreen's stats carry over correctly.
  • "Death by a Thousand Cuts" is now correctly Chapter Sixteen.
  • The Doom Guards in the west are now with the correct enemy affiliation.
  • Deleted Kel'Zarach's clone.
  • Vokoranskon still doesn't have hero glow as its bugged.

May 8, 2021 Update
  • Changed Neutral Hostile Ogres to their proper faction in Chapter 13.
  • Added a Timer in Chapter 11 after defeating the Human base to make next phase of destroying demon portals clearer.

May 13, 2021 Update
  • Re-enabled Ogre Maulers to be purchased in Chapter 11.
  • Slaying Ushgar now completes the optional objective.
  • Fixed an issue in the opening of Chapter Fifteen where the models bug out and act all weird.

September 25, 2021 Update (Version 1.04)
  • Added new "hints" on early levels, such as telling the player he can enter a cave, to not let Granthar enter the Ogre camp early, etc.
  • Fixed all the chapter title numbers to align with the first Mathias Chronicles.
  • Improved visibility in the early levels. Units can see their environments better.
  • Added a handful of units to be rescued in "A Matter of Faith" and "Fall from Grace".
  • Removed two dreadlords in the level "In Harm's Way".
  • Special thanks to Jayborino for pointing these out in his playthrough.
  • Minor update this October 1, added more failsafe to prevent failure in end cutscene of "Flotsam and Jetsam".

December 17, 2024 Update (Version 1.05)
  • Special thanks to Lazarator and Sumadin
  • Added custom voice acting to all levels and cinematics
  • Resolved issue where Warcraft III: Reforged’s latest update screwed up custom unit portraits
  • Fixed issue in “A Matter of Faith” where after rescuing Ogre Mauler and Ogre Magi, the Ogre Mauler doesn’t join the player and still has a spider web attached onto him
  • Warlock's default spell level is now set to "Master", given the fact this unit has all three spells researched
  • Fixed issue where Kel’thuzad boss now summons minions correctly and can’t be killed immediately if cheats are enabled
  • The Warlock’s attack type is now correctly set to “Magic” from "Piercing". Its armor has also changed from "Unarmored" from “Heavy”
  • The Doom Lord that Kel’Zarach summons now correctly appears in-game
  • Corrected the Warlocks’ spell description which originally said they can cast “Unholy Frenzy” instead of "Battle Frenzy"
  • Removed ability for player to buy units at the Goblin Laboratory in “A Matter of Faith”
  • Removed “Pillage” upgrade from Yvros Blackhand
  • Removed Kobolds standing beside the destructible rocks on the road in the level “Fall from Grace”
  • Grathnar's Gem no longer designated as a "unique" item
  • Reorganized the main quest structure of “Fall from Grace”, which now makes seeing the Elder Warlock Eridu mandatory before going to Nezatch’s base
  • Renamed the optional Banshee ghost boss to “Sephira Hatebringer”
  • Fixed Sephira’s attack particle to be that of a Banshee’s attack
  • Added an in-game message to inform the player that Yvros’ stats increased after completing his optional quest
  • Fixed the notice message which mispelled Granthar’s name from "Grathnar"
  • Grathnar is now invulnerable after he’s brought back to his camp
  • Removed Delz and Rodders who were just chilling in the ogre camp after the player meets Nezatch
  • Fixed an issue where Grathnar remains controllable by the player even after he’s been returned to his camp
  • Removed all player handicaps for all difficulty settings
  • Renamed the “Spirit Lodge” to "Troll Lodge" in the Peon’s build list description
  • Also modified the description of the "Troll Lodge" so that it says it allows you to upgrade Warlocks
  • Removed “Pillage” uprade from Dire Wolf units
  • Changed the Barrack’s description to say it trains “Troll Axethrowers” instead of “Headhunters”
  • Fixed level breaking bug for “Fall from Grace” where the player can’t finish the level after destroying the undead’s critical base structure
  • Fixed Enraged Bear's unit portrait which didn’t have a proper camera
  • Amulet of Healing item is no longer clickable by the player
  • Fixed the quest description for the main quest in “Flotsam and Jetsam”, there is a mission "Destroy the Human's Keep", instead of "Destroy the Human Keep";
  • Removed the word “Doctor” for the Shadow Priest's adept training
  • Removed the “Berserker” upgrade for the Troll Axethrower
  • Corrected the Demolisher’s icon which now occupies the correct “space” in the build list
  • Removed the Troll Regeneration upgrade from the Barracks
  • Removed Footman upgrades from the Skeleton Footman units
  • Rescaled the Demolisher's unit model which appeared to big in-game
  • Corrected the item description of Necklace of Vitality
  • Corrected the item description of Flamepunch Gauntlets
  • All in-game messages that started with "ACHTUNG" now say “WARNING” instead
  • Fixed issue when the "Refugees" was not correctly labeled as complete in “In Harm’s Way”
  • Kyreen's Poison Arrows now costs mana when cast
  • Corrected the description of Divine Shield which originally mentioned it being for a Palandin instead of Dwarven Lord for Malcolm
  • Corrected the description of Malcolm's Avatar ability which had originally been taken from Lord Garithos
  • Corrected an issue when the player would receive the quest fail message with the description "The Human base has been overrun!"
  • The Gold Mine in the western human (player) base is now invulnerable
  • Corrected the description of Dire Troll Gauntlets
  • Reverted the Ring of Kel'Zarach to its basic stats
  • Dwarven Footman now benefit from melee or armor upgrade from the Blacksmith
  • Cameron Greyforge now has Hero damage instead of Piercing
  • Corrected the Sorcerer unit’s description which actually had Cripple and Summon Fire Elemental instead of Slow and Polymorph
  • Inside a Blacksmith, there is the Evasion ability upgrade whose description now indicates it provides a chance to avoid attacks for Riffleman
  • Nerfed Lerethas stats and abilities to no longer be the same as Archimonde’s
  • The Archer's Searing Arrows is now set to auto-cast once a new unit is trained
  • Fixed the the Knight's icon which became green when the player goes to the menu
  • Corrected the unit description of the “Troll Axethrower”
  • In the very first opening cinematic of “A Shrine on Stony Ground”, a random Raider that said: "Mush!" and is now properly named “Raider” instead of “Malakai”
  • Fixed the description of Mathias's Battle Cry spell in the Hero Ability section which had an extra unused line
  • The description of Kel'Zarach's Animate now correctly refers to its caster as Necromancer Lord in the description
  • Added more pathing blockers in the first phase of a “A Shrine on Stony Ground” to prevent the player from venturing too far
  • Correct Claws of Greater Strength description which actually boosts strength by 6, not the attack damage
  • The quest to "Destroy the Purple Fortress" for the level “A Shrine on Stony Ground” is now only available after Mathias reaches Kel’Zarach’s base
  • Changed description of units to now be “hired” instead of “trained” at the Dwarven Hall, Camp of the Damned and Graveyard
  • The description of Necromancer of the Damned now correctly reflects the spell it actually casts
  • Mathias's Soul Blast can no longer be cast on debris
  • During the cinematic with Kel'Zarach, the pit lord is now properly called Lord Delcarius instead of Gogonash
  • One of the random dreadlords of the purple AI is no longer called Balnazzar
  • Ushgar's Hurl Axe can no longer target debris
  • After completing all quests, the chapter now correctly ends
  • Resolved an issue where the Skull of Yvros item does not properly appear in “Death by a Thousand Cuts”
  • Ushgar's and Nezatch's are finally level 10 instead of 1 in “Death by a Thousand Cuts”
  • Removed the “Supply Depot” building in the blue orc base
  • Kel'Zarach’s “Rein of Fel” unit description and buffs and effects have been corrected
  • Changed Nevaralis and Vokoranskov armor type from Divine to Hero
  • Fixed typo in “Rutgar's Choice” when Malakai says to Mathias "Lets" instead of "Let's"
  • Yvros is now invulnerable during the opening cinematic of “Rutgar's Choice” preventing him from being attacked by the Grey AI
  • After Yvros had resurrected, the Dire Troll now says "powerful red dragon" instead of "greater red dragon"
  • The Great Hall building can no longer be upgraded to Stronghold in “Rutgar's Choice”
  • Dire Troll Pyromaniac now has a proper spell to cast
  • After reviving all heroes, Rutgar is now vulnerable after the player regains control of him
  • Goblin Laboratory in the end of “Rutgar's Choice” no longer has units you can purchase


Savage Potato (Original Creator)
Med. MapGuy (Creator)

Sound and Music:
Blizzard Entertainment (WoW)
Monolith Productions (F.E.A.R.)
Bethesda Software (Fallout Tactics)
Creative Assembly (Total War Series)

Special Thanks:
Warcraft Underground
General Frank
Hellish Hybrid
Soul Theft
Champara Bros
Elissabeth Hasar
Dark Hunter1357
Ujimasa Hojo
Blood Raven
The Panda
The Panda
Marcos DAB

Voicework and SFX:
Heroes of the Storm
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
Fallout Tactics
Rome: Total War



Mathias Chronicles II - Reckoning (Campaign)

It's a lovely enhancement. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE MAPS Description...
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
so only played the first 2 chapters tonight and notice a few things. And I am on 1.29

In chapter 8 there is a group of rock elementals that is neutral as well as some skeleton spawn around the first encounter of gnolls.

Chapter 9 I found these two items caused some issue.


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Level 7
Jul 17, 2020
is it finaly compelete yesssssssssssssssssssssss i download this as soon as possible yeah man i'm proud
you need to work for blizzard or something yeeehhhhhh
and yeh vote for approval
Level 7
Jul 17, 2020
so only played the first 2 chapters tonight and notice a few things. And I am on 1.29

In chapter 8 there is a group of rock elementals that is neutral as well as some skeleton spawn around the first encounter of gnolls.

Chapter 9 I found these two items caused some issue.

View attachment 377798
View attachment 377799
i remember having the same problem with this talisman
it said it will give str,agi,int but it gave nothing it was worthless
Level 25
May 14, 2004
Hey everyone, thanks so much for giving the campaign a shot. I appreciate all the support. It gives me motivation to keep working on this stuff!

Thanks to those taking note of the bugs. It'll help me in the event I make an update! I'm not certain I can get rid of all the possible item / AI attack wave issues due to version issues, etc, but I'll try my best to sort them out if enough issues are reported.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
The orcs in the beginning of chapter 8 have lower HP if you don't skip the intro.
Kel'thuzad is also red like the orcs (player colour; gate scene). Kel'zarach too.
Some spaces need pathing blocking not to let smaller units pass. anima.png It happens in other places as well.

Chapter 9: Precious Talisman says it increases attributes but doesn't say how much and in fact it does nothing.
Tough Exterior Aura's buff is Devotion Aura.
Gem of Greater Strength +4 has "Left-Click to Use" but nothing happens.
The Eridu quest is differently name in the log and on screen it's a main quest.
Karmic Aura's buff is Thorns Aura's.
Blackthorne's Spurs says it gives 3 strength but it gives agility.
Talisman of Inner Strength can't be dropped and has the Left Click to Use option with no function.
Ring of Haste has the same icon as Ring of Support.
Sephira is actually named Sylvanas.
Club Cleaving Attack has no DISBTN. The icon is green on F10. You can make one with: Button Manager v1.8.2
Slashwave=Shockwave and the spells are differently named and have different icons.

Chapter 11: Fel Stalker death animation is a constant death animation. A lot of the WoW models don't have decay animations and the bodies are impeding vision.
The dreadlords have 0 mana out of 500 and it doesn't regenerate.
The quest says hold the village against the demons but some of the demons are stationary and you have to get to them. Also, they do not do anything, they just stand there not even retaliating.
The Doom Guard in the west was neutral and had no other units around it.
The undead appear out of nowhere near not through the portals.
Two Resurrection spells with different icons (Paladin and Malakai).
Malakai is red in the end scene.

In the interlude, the paladin is red opposed to teal as in the previous chapter.

Chapter 12: Ring of Kel'Zarach doesn't say how much it gives to attributes.
Cameron Greyforge doesn't have hero glow. It can simply be added: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
Cameron's Endurance Aura doesn't work. Also, the normal Endurance Aura also exists on an orc hero.
Cameron's selection circle should be up like that of a flying unit not down on the ground.
Lerethas doesn't have hero glow.
Knight's Charge has a different icon for the buff than that of the spell.
The Liches don't have hero glow.

Chapter 13: Rain of Fel's hotkey is F not Q.
Staff of Kel'Zarach could have a better description with some lore or something than just two words.
Lisara doesn't have glow.
Battle Cry has 4 levels, so the description says.
Heart Amulet says it gives 10 intelligence but actually 3.
Yvros' Skull should be an unique item (text/description).
You win the mission if you finish the summoning which is part of an optional quest. Similarly, you only need to finish the orc bases related main quests to win.
Gem of Mana doesn't say how much it gives.
Kyreen didn't have her abilities saved and they had to be added again. Actually level, items and all. Cache broken, I guess.

Chapter 14: Larissa doesn't have her items anymore.

Chapter 15: There's a visual bug due to some broken model(s). It disappeared when the camera changed to Kel'Zarach.
The problem with this chapter is that you can put all your items down in the previous chapter with the other heroes that become enemies here.

Death by a Thousand cuts is called chapter 15 too.
The Doom Guards in the west where the gargoyles are, belong to the neutral passive player.
You can meet your clone.anima2.png
Vokoranskon doesn't have hero glow.

It's a lovely enhancement.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
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Level 9
Oct 22, 2004
its possible i got unlucky with a bug worth squishing. in the chapter i believe "floatsam and jetsam" with and with out cheats tested, second main quest, i held back the enemy, [and did the optional quest unlocking another mission i believe], but the mission was not complete in both scenarios for me. had to move to the next chapter via the chapter selection. other then that, had a great time with this campaign. kudos! may the muse never dull.
version i used is latest one 1.3 or so i think [none reforged]
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Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
Just finished it, I have to say it was very nicely done, few bugs here and there with items especially. The l secret mission was a bit boring and too short in my humble opinion, but the rest have been great as far as I can tell can't wait to see the next part:D
Level 25
May 14, 2004
Thanks for the approval, deepstrasz. I've made an initial update to the campaign thanks to everyone's feedback, although some of the more major issues will still have to be addressed if I ever get around to it. Muaddib, I'll have to look into that. I hope it's a rare bug since I know the main objective was to take out the demon portals?

Thanks for playing, Rlciu! The secret level is actually based on a side mission from "Mathias Chronicles - Aftermath", which I tried my best to expand and make more interesting, but yeah, it was a bit short and didn't offer much in terms of side quests, etc.
Level 9
Oct 22, 2004
hey med. map guy thank you for the reply. i.. do not recall that i saw any demonic portals during and after the scene sequence. ill try again!
[that may have been said rare bug, or im confused between the chapters] i shall double check asap, either way.
Level 7
Jul 17, 2020
hey man i almost finished it,I wanted to give a an awesome review but it seems you updated it,doesn't matter though i re-download it and i gonna replay it.
AWESOME WORK(will come back with a good review). :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Level 9
Oct 22, 2004
pardon the repeat on my testing. it is indeed the demon invasion still buggy on my side, as well as others mentioned, when using other versions too. i saw the demonic waves, but alas, no portals to destroy.. just buggy demon waves. i tried wiping them, and tested if they invade my bases. both cases didnt yield results i hoped. [if demons decimate, its game over and i get the obvious options of various restart options or quit, etc]. wiping the demons didnt work either. no big deal, but its 1 stubborn bug to squish! other then that, as stated, great crafting and custom heroes you love to hate heh
Level 25
May 14, 2004
Hello! I've made a minor update to the campaign. I've made a small change to Chapter 11 where a timer will show up after you destroy the Human base. When the timer ends, the cutscene showing the objective of destroying the demon portals should appear... This should make it clearer to the player when it will happen.

I've also fixed those hostile ogres that destroy the Purple Orc's base. Hope this small change helps! Thanks again everyone for the feedback.
Level 4
Jun 15, 2011
Hey Med MapGuy, just replayed through the first Mathias and I'm heading into this one now. I can't wait for III cause that's my favorite. How Kel'Zarach's story intertwines with Warcraft I and II and all that.
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Level 25
May 14, 2004
Alright, thank you! I've uploaded 1.03, you should be able to purchase Ogres now (I had them mistakenly disabled) and slaying Ushgar should now count (he was in the wrong faction, which is why his death wasn't detected). I also spotted and fixed a visual bug after installing the widescreen fix (the models bugging out in Chapter Fifteen) since I didn't spot it since I've been using the non-widescreen version 1.27b.
Level 4
Jun 15, 2011
Alright, thank you! I've uploaded 1.03, you should be able to purchase Ogres now (I had them mistakenly disabled) and slaying Ushgar should now count (he was in the wrong faction, which is why his death wasn't detected). I also spotted and fixed a visual bug after installing the widescreen fix (the models bugging out in Chapter Fifteen) since I didn't spot it since I've been using the non-widescreen version 1.27b.
Awesome man!

Hey question, so I take it 1) the new lady demon your created is meant to replace the Tichondrius looking one that Potato used? and 2) So how are you gonna do the rest of Aftermath? Just a small update? Separate Campaign? Cause since III is all flashbacks I don't know how you'd fit it there.
Level 25
May 14, 2004
Will I do the rest of Aftermath? It's hard to say at this point. The story seems nice from what I've seen - trying to recover Malakai's soul. As nice as it is to work on later installments, I have other stuff in the works and I feel Mathias story is complete for now. I have no idea about what happens after Aftermath (I think Kel'Zarach's Tale is a prequel/origin story?) but if there is a character that I may have replaced here, I'm sure there's some contrivance I could think of that could just reinsert them in some fashion.
Level 4
Jun 15, 2011
Will I do the rest of Aftermath? It's hard to say at this point. The story seems nice from what I've seen - trying to recover Malakai's soul. As nice as it is to work on later installments, I have other stuff in the works and I feel Mathias story is complete for now. I have no idea about what happens after Aftermath (I think Kel'Zarach's Tale is a prequel/origin story?) but if there is a character that I may have replaced here, I'm sure there's some contrivance I could think of that could just reinsert them in some fashion.
AH you have a point. Well first of all I like your character so much better. The other guy was a generic manipulator who is pulling all the strings to, in the end, wipe out all of the burning legion AND have a kill order removed from his head...but I don't blame you if you don't go beyond III.

IV was Retcon City! Savage Potato did NOT like how The Frozen Throne played out so he had it be the entire campaign was a story being told by a Peon, and the demon in question reveals the "Truth" of what happened. The Eye of Kiljadden was NOT where it was supposed to be, so Illidan stayed on the island and ambushed Maiev, cutting off the elves story at the heels. Of course retconned the evenst of Mathias into the events of Post Warcraft III (Since lets be honest the events were NOT compatible with how Mathias II ended) and then goes on from there to tell some more adventures of more betrayal and then things lead into V where it moves to a conclusion that...is VERY Contrived!

It sets up Mathias and Malakai to work together to stop Kel'thuzad and cut off most of the Lich Kings Forces...ALSO it was revealed that Arthas was beyond petty and was obsessed with mathias to get him off the throne. The two sides win and Malakai says "We wait for the spirits to give a sign for us to stop, otherwise ti's back to fighting"

and that sign, it's IMPLIED to be...the demon's final stroke...and he uses the GOBLINS of all things to win! After all this dramatic and well handled storytelling...it ends on a JOKE! The goblins sell "A lot of bogus powerful items" And then they surround the Eye of Kiljadden with a whole lot of explosives, knowing then explosionsm when they hit the portals, would cause an even bigger devestation that would wipe out Northerand! And so the demon...PEDDLES the Goblins zepplin and then the peddle breaks JUST outside the blast zone! They jump out of the zepplin as the big explosion happens and...fade to black...and that's the end...I am NOT kidding!

Savage was clearly running out of steam and just wanted to tie up loose ends by that point
Level 3
Jun 3, 2008
personally i loved the part 3 prequel, kelzarach's tale i thought was fantastic, and its definitely worth giving it your golden remake touch. as for aftermath i would use it as an intro into a completely rewritten finale. the last campaign was pretty... messy. so my advice is just go nuts and rewrite that whole mess to what ever ya want. give the whole thing a conclusion worthy of its grand scale. but if you really really dont feel like it ever, please at least remake part 3, again, kelzarach's tale was probably my favorite part of the whole series. with your reworks it could be perfect, or as close as it could be.
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
Story: The first campaign made me interested in Mathias' story. I like his story and I appreciate to experience the sequel. However, I don't understand Mathias' character anymore. He wants to prove himself, but then he becomes another Arthas. If you compare the brothers, Arthas' reasons are justified, whereas Mathias is just an asshole. What better reason to prove himself as the rightful prince than destroy the legion with the help of the other races, and making alliances, achieving peace? I wanted Mathias to be a unique character, and he was starting to be one, until the first campaign went downhill with Mathias' unreasonable and unjustified actions. His hatred for the Orcs doesn't make any sense. He is just a comic villain who wants to destroy everything. At the end of the day, Mathias is just a failed imitation of Arthas.

Gameplay: The gameplay is overall okay and fun. I like the final chapters when they turn to a total war of huge armies. Lots of fun. However, my issue with the gameplay in this campaign, is exactly the same from the prequel. So many good items that give me a headache to choose from. And then, you lose them if the hero dies or becomes an enemy. All of the items should drop in the next chapter so that heroes can choose from. Also, I'm not a fan of playing with both sides to reach the decisive moment overall. Character are only used to drive the plot home that way.

If I try to describe Chapter 15: "Death by a Thousand Cuts" with one word, that'll be: Annoying.
The map is too small to contain such a large number of armies. Troops move 1 step, then suddenly stop for a few seconds. Then move another step, then stop for a few seconds. And the player just watches the glitching in frustration. I hope this gets fixed for players who didn't play yet.

Overall: 4/5, for now.
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Level 25
May 14, 2004
AH you have a point. Well first of all I like your character so much better. The other guy was a generic manipulator who is pulling all the strings to, in the end, wipe out all of the burning legion AND have a kill order removed from his head...but I don't blame you if you don't go beyond III.

IV was Retcon City! Savage Potato did NOT like how The Frozen Throne played out so he had it be the entire campaign was a story being told by a Peon, and the demon in question reveals the "Truth" of what happened. The Eye of Kiljadden was NOT where it was supposed to be, so Illidan stayed on the island and ambushed Maiev, cutting off the elves story at the heels. Of course retconned the evenst of Mathias into the events of Post Warcraft III (Since lets be honest the events were NOT compatible with how Mathias II ended) and then goes on from there to tell some more adventures of more betrayal and then things lead into V where it moves to a conclusion that...is VERY Contrived!

It sets up Mathias and Malakai to work together to stop Kel'thuzad and cut off most of the Lich Kings Forces...ALSO it was revealed that Arthas was beyond petty and was obsessed with mathias to get him off the throne. The two sides win and Malakai says "We wait for the spirits to give a sign for us to stop, otherwise ti's back to fighting"

and that sign, it's IMPLIED to be...the demon's final stroke...and he uses the GOBLINS of all things to win! After all this dramatic and well handled storytelling...it ends on a JOKE! The goblins sell "A lot of bogus powerful items" And then they surround the Eye of Kiljadden with a whole lot of explosives, knowing then explosionsm when they hit the portals, would cause an even bigger devestation that would wipe out Northerand! And so the demon...PEDDLES the Goblins zepplin and then the peddle breaks JUST outside the blast zone! They jump out of the zepplin as the big explosion happens and...fade to black...and that's the end...I am NOT kidding!

Savage was clearly running out of steam and just wanted to tie up loose ends by that point
I never knew so much ret-conned stuff happens beyond IV and V. Since I never played IV and V yet, it seems like the finale of II where Mathias threatens to go after Jaina and her elven pals goes nowhere? I suppose it was also inevitable that Mal and Mathias team up... but against ol' Kel? And Delz & Rodders are the key to all this? This is all a little bit strange. I wonder if I ever get around to it, I might as well just end it at Part III.
personally i loved the part 3 prequel, kelzarach's tale i thought was fantastic, and its definitely worth giving it your golden remake touch. as for aftermath i would use it as an intro into a completely rewritten finale. the last campaign was pretty... messy. so my advice is just go nuts and rewrite that whole mess to what ever ya want. give the whole thing a conclusion worthy of its grand scale. but if you really really dont feel like it ever, please at least remake part 3, again, kelzarach's tale was probably my favorite part of the whole series. with your reworks it could be perfect, or as close as it could be.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Yvros should come out on top? Haha. I'm a little conflicted in getting into Part III at the moment, mostly regarding the state of Warcraft III at the moment - what with the lack of custom campaigns, etc. I'm busying myself with other stuff though.

Story: The first campaign made me interested in Mathias' story. I like his story and I appreciate to experience the sequel. However, I don't understand Mathias' character anymore. He wants to prove himself, but then he becomes another Arthas. If you compare the brothers, Arthas' reasons are justified, whereas Mathias is just an asshole. What better reason to prove himself as the rightful prince than destroy the legion.....
As someone that didn't play Part II when developing the first part's remake, I was a little disappointed with Mathias arc, and it seems like the original author was more interested in developing Kel'Zarach's arc and using Mathias as merely a tool. I didn't think of modifying Mathias arc too much since it could potentially not work with future installments too.

I am aware of the "twist" of the heroes towards the end, but it seems like a Mathias Chronicles tradition at this point. Maybe they should drop their items... Noted on the bug in the last level. I never got to deeply playtest that level so well see. I'm glad you enjoyed it at least!
Level 3
Jul 6, 2021
This is my review.

1. History: At first it seemed somewhat more interesting but sadly it ended up being the same old betrayal tale. Boring enough.

2. Maps: The design of most of them is quite good, visually speaking they are very nice, although most of them look too similar.

3. Gameplay: A standard style for most of the campaign until towards the end it becomes almost unbearable. It is not difficult, it is frustrating and very boring.

4. Personalization: Obviously there is a lot of customization work in the entire campaign, at least with regard to models, items, etc...

In general, the campaign is good.
Level 25
May 14, 2004
Hey Med MapGuy, here I am again. I want to ask you if this excellent campaign will be updated in the short term. If not, can I make it Chinese? :)
Sure, go on right ahead!

This is my review.

1. History: At first it seemed somewhat more interesting but sadly it ended up being the same old betrayal tale. Boring enough.

2. Maps: The design of most of them is quite good, visually speaking they are very nice, although most of them look too similar.

3. Gameplay: A standard style for most of the campaign until towards the end it becomes almost unbearable. It is not difficult, it is frustrating and very boring.

4. Personalization: Obviously there is a lot of customization work in the entire campaign, at least with regard to models, items, etc...

In general, the campaign is good.

Thanks for giving my campaign a shot.
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Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
It seems to me an excellent job, a story worked with original characters, an incredible graphic design... Yes, it is not perfect in gameplay and there are some points where I would have done things differently, but honestly, this type of jobs deserve 5/5 always. Very few content creators put that many hours and effort into creating something original. So just thank you. These days I have been playing a lot of content on the forum that I had pending and this campaign is the one that I liked the most.

Level 7
Jul 17, 2020
Hold on a sec man,i saw my name on Special thanks,WOW NICE MAN LOVE IT(didnt notice on first time finishing)


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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Checking in on this - the first mission on the menu is Map 9, yet the first campaign ended on 7. Is this an issue with hidden menu buttons?
Level 10
Oct 23, 2016
playing it now found the chapter 8 hero micro part surprisingly hard on normal difficulty it may have just been a long time since ive done a real micro mission though

In misson 10 the goblin hero healing spell dosent seem to be doing any healing.
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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Alright, I played through the whole thing and found some things to share. Firstly, you do a great job with taking an already neat story from the original and bringing it to life through improved cutscenes and the like implemented as part of the remake. I do think Mathias basically has just become Arthas who is barely as important as all the other characters at this point. As such, this may as well be Kel'Zarach Campaign, but that is a SavagePotato issue, not a remake issue. I found myself really getting into the story about halfway through, great work!

There are some gameplay issues I'll list here:
Map 10 - The Ogre camp needs walled off if it's not intended to be gone to before finding Nerzatch. Based on the dialogue, it seems like it's expected you still have him before entering the second phase of the map. No matter when you take the Ogre hero back to his camp, that optional quest does not get marked complete in the Quests tab. I played the ending section twice and the secondary bosses dropped items the first time, then didn't the second time. Not sure if that's intended or what could have gone wrong. The enemy keeps going during cinematics (when I approached the warlock side quest), yet my own buildings were frozen during it. Subjectively, this map is too long and the second section difficulty feels needlessly overbearing after a tedious and meticulous micro opener.

Map 11 - The map threw a defeat during the end cinematic, same issue as previous map where things don't pause during cinematics. This is another one that feels too long because the map is simply too big. There is a lot of space to cover for relatively small rewards. You can kill the demons that spawn in to the left of the map before they're triggered to attack the base and they won't defend themselves.

Map 12 - The first part happens much too quick for the player to understand what is even happening. Once that is completed, the second section happens much too quick for the player to understand what is happening. The attacks begin immediately before I was able to even survey what tools were available to me: 4 practically new heroes and two separate factions. Further, I was attacked by 4 Dreadlords at once and it overall seemed really overboard in the face of already not knowing what the heck was even going on. Duncan said he was coming back with troops, but nothing happened when the timer hit zero.

Map 13 - I destroyed Purple's town hall and the map ended before I destroyed Blue. The optional quest timer feels too drawn out. Smaller attacks with less time between them for overall less waiting would be preferable, but that's subjective of me.

Maps 14, 15, and 16 - Basically all the same thing, but this is probably because that is how the originals were if I had to guess.

The Healing Spray ability that the Goblins and Nerzatch have doesn't have any effect/is broken. The flasks get thrown, but there is no healing.

I think if these fairly noticeable things are cleaned up then this campaign is definitely among the best available. Exploration feels rewarding and the story/narrative choices keep the player engaged with what is happening throughout. I'm a big fan of player choice with regards to if/how they complete optional quests. It's unclear if you've handled exception cases for if the player doesn't complete some, like rescuing the Ogre at all in the first place, or if they don't kill Yvros. I didn't test these, but can imagine how the narrative could get twisted if these 'optional' things aren't completed such that they may as well be main quests.

Great work overall and thank you for bringing an oldie like this back to the surface with a fresh coat of paint!
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Level 25
May 14, 2004
Hi Jayborino, I really appreciate the feedback! I saw your recent playthrough and I was pretty mortified with the bugs you encountered... Not good. This is what I get for not having this rigorously playtested - something I'm hoping to rectify with my latest works.

Regarding some of the questionable game design - many are holdovers from the original Mathias campaign by Savage Potato, and at some point in development, I felt that reworking them would just be too much work. Sorry if it gave players a bunch of headaches. This is what I get for relying on twenty year old design. Still, glad you powered through it, sir. I'm glad you liked elements of it. Some of the decisions yielded optional dialogue at best. I was going to have more far-reaching consequences, but again, it was far too much work already at the time. I still hope you're open to trying out my newer stuff, I'll make sure the experience isn't as rough as this one!

**Just posted a new small update, many things based on Jayborino's playthrough. Hope this helps improve the early level experience somewhat.
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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
To be clear, I would not have given 4 stars to a headache-inducing campaign. By and large, the sum of all the parts of this campaign came together to make me quite enjoy it even with some noticeable game-y type issues. That type of stuff is findable and fixable and I'm glad my showcase can help.
Level 7
Mar 7, 2018
Hi, Just finished both parts of the campaign and I have to say that I really like it. From 1 to 10 I would give it a 9.5, I love the story and how the warcraft 3 story was respected, good plot, I was a bit sad to see Ivos brother get killed when Mathias scape (I personally avoided completing the sid quest to kill Ivos and his brother got quite attached by that crazy warlock :)) , Also I was happy that Mathias did not simply kill Malakay at the end. Another thing I love is how you fit in the other warcraft 3 characters like Kel'Thuzad and Arthas. What I was not very happy were the bugs in items, please allow me to explain, I do not understand why but some items do not do what they say they do. For example, There was an item that was supposed to give 10 int but it gave +3 instead, or some items won't give any stats at all, or for example, the helm that usually gives +4 agi and str+ berserker it give +1 ll stats but it also cost 2.1k gold to sell it as vendor price(not sure if intended), I also loved the choices you have to make like the one when u can decide in killing Garithos or not (I personally killed him not sure what happen if you don't:D)
Level 3
Sep 29, 2021
Hello, first of all I want to say that I like this series very much and I have been following it continuously, but I want to make a suggestion: Can we cancel the regular generation of AI enemy units and change it to ordinary barracks generation units, which can also reduce the occurrence of BUG Probability, but also has the feel of a classic strategy game.