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Warcraft III - Patch 1.30.1

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013

Patch 1.30.1 LIVE

The product of the recent PTR patches is now live on Battle.net. Included are bug fixes to numerous aspects of the game, including ones for custom maps. There are many more bug fixes (and balance changes) than what is shown to the left, in which you can read the full list of changes here.

As always, please post your feedback should you notice anything amiss! Thank you.
Level 2
Apr 6, 2017
They finally changed the format of screenshots from .tga to .png. This isn't listed in the changelog as well.

Issues so far:

1. Opening several custom games in the World Editor produces an error message, then the editor crashes:


I' don't know if this is the expected behavior. Tested the crash with Arena Nexus 1_12d.w3m or DotA Allstars 6.88k.w3x for example.

[Edit] Uploaded the crash reports

2. Crashes related to the World Editor are saved in '%InstallDir%\Errors' and not under 'Documents\Warcraft III\Errors' like were crashes for the main game are stored (this could be an issue for people with limited write access to installation dir)

3. German World Editor is still lacking the strings for the new mouse buttons:



  • War3Errors.zip
    311.9 KB · Views: 347
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Level 7
Dec 9, 2014
The new patch is causing desync issues

If you play on one custom map and then play on another directly after, you will desync. This used to be an issue specific to a couple of custom maps, but this new patch has extended the issue to a great number of maps. Seeing at least one player desync almost every game.

Civilization Wars 2.36

Civilization Wars 2.36
Map Introduction: Fight for domination over three lanes in this spawner line war map styled similarly to maps like Tech Wars and Castle Fight. Build...

Survival Chaos 2.99p - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com

Jurassic Park Survival EE v6.4 - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com

These 3 maps cause the issue, and definitely a lot more too, but these were the ones I tested
Level 6
Jun 29, 2011
- Changing the resolution to the correct one in -nativefullscr takes the HELL of time. It even shows a white box in between the process.
- Alt+tabbing back to game is also extremely slow.

Edit: I was playing RoC 1vs1 ladder and after losing I had a crash. ID: 6D892E2D-DE54-4A2F-B15D-7EFC853DF881

Edit2: No browser link is working from the game (not even profile). It minimizes but it doesn't do anything.
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For those who are unable to launch the game, I discovered something rather... perplexing. I was having isues downloading the update (it was stuck on 65%) so I thought maybe something was blocking the connection, so I turned on my VPN and the download was able to finish. When my game wouldn't launch (gave me Error 0 when I tried to run it again) I figured I'd try the same thing, and what do you know - the game launched.

I tried to launch it without internet and it launched without any issue.

Is this DRM? Was there always DRM and I didn't know about it? Blizzard collecting performance data or what have you? What's going on here?
Level 3
Feb 25, 2018
Okay so I wrote about 12 bugs for the PTR patch
Link: Patch PTR Update

We understand that the development for patch PTR has ceased but a lot of the same initially reported bugs are still there.
Quite a few of those bugs are still not corrected.
Do I just copy and paste the exact same thing in this thread since they still exist in this "LIVE" 1.30.1 patch?
Can a moderator reply to this?

Additionally, it seems confusing that there is another thread called "[Feedback] Compiled List of Bugs & Issues for 1.30.1+".
Link: [Feedback] Compiled List of Bugs & Issues for 1.30.1+

From now on do we point out the bugs in the most recent patch thread or in the thread "[Feedback] Compiled List of Bugs & Issues for 1.30.1+" ?

I feel there is no need for 2 threads since it divides bug reporting and information seems spread out everywhere.
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Level 6
Jun 29, 2011
Yeah, if they're gonna create a thread for each patch, bugs can be placed in those threads (since patches lately only bring bugs), not in specific bugs ones.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Thankfully i have a backup folder.Can't launch the game or world editor after this patch.tried restarting,tried disconnecting from internet,nothing works
Level 7
Dec 9, 2014
In my map I have two abilities based on channel, one used for exchanging wood for gold via trigger, and one for exchanging gold for wood via trigger. Each trigger refers to the ability separately, but for some reason as of this patch if you cast sell materials it will run the other trigger instead of the unit has both abilities (even though the sell materials ability is not referenced at all in this trigger, only the buy materials.) If the unit only has one ability then it will work correctly.

Here is my map stripped out except for the relevant triggers + worker to build a trade market which demonstrates the bug.


  • bugmap.w3x
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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
@Kam It is great to see this stability fix, finally I can play custom maps again! Of course there are still some issues and some people are still crashing but personally my own experience with this patch has been very positive, I play on a new lap top with windows 10 and game seems very stable for me, there were no desyncs or crashes in my games of Lordaeron the Foremath, which was previously a very unstable map.

I'm not saying everything is fixed, but it is a huge improvement and hope the blizz team continue with the focus on stability and fixing bugs, especially within the custom map area as it's what makes WC3 so great.

Here are some of the things I noticed which could be bugs:

- The firelord death sound is bugged when playing on Lordaeron the formath, it plays as a global sound on full volume which means you can hear it almost constantly even if your camera is nowhere near it when it dies. Its actually a custom model which plays the sound so do not know if it effects the firelord model itself. However this was not a bug before 1.30 so must have been causedb y faulty sound system.

Affected custom model can be found here:
Naked Lightning Elemental

- Battle net still boots you and locks you out of battlenet for 5 minutes if you attempt to join a game and put lots of spaces in front of the game name when your trying to join it. This has persisted for years but is really annoying, alot of people copy and past game names from hosting websites and if you accidentality paste the spaces in it boots you. must be very simple to fix this i hope.

- Please make it so wc3 auto cleanses all game data when you exit a game as joining another game can cause you to crash to desync if you didn't restart your warcraft 3 client. I know should restart their clients after every game but people forget and causes so many desyncs!

Anyway thx for all your hard work fixing the bugs!
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Battle net still boots you and locks you out of battlenet for 5 minutes if you attempt to join a game and put lots of spaces in front of the game name when your trying to join it. This has persisted for years but is really annoying, alot of people copy and past game names from hosting websites and if you accidentality paste the spaces in it boots you. must be very simple to fix this i hope.

This! Should be also relatively easy to fix.

And yes, desyncing is a major problem right now. Sounds still don't play like they used to.

But at least most crits are gone now I suppose. \o/

The update screwed my entire wc3 installation (even deleting the launcher exe itself) because I still had world editor open when running it. Some check/alert about this couldn't hurt.

Also, I just read some of the discussion in previous PTR threads. Proper bug reporting was one major concern, and I really don't think hive threads are the way to go for that. Even companies like valve have been having pulic github repos for the purpose of issue management and documentation for a long time now. Would be nice to have some official mechanism with voting.
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Also, I just read some of the discussion in previous PTR threads. Proper bug reporting was one major concern, and I really don't think hive threads are the way to go for that. Even companies like valve have been having pulic github repos for the purpose of issue management and documentation for a long time now. Would be nice to have some official mechanism with voting.

I agree. There are too many places that bugs are being reported right now (various THW threads, reddit, discord, blizz forums ect..). Blizzard has an internal issue tracker, so I don't know if they would be willing to use a public one like Github, but it sure would be useful for the community.
Level 7
Dec 19, 2014
I noticed this as well. Seems like some sounds don't play now, for whatever reason.

An example of this is in Survival Chaos, when you train a hero, a global sound is supposed to play, notifying all the other players, but it doesn't seem to do that anymore (or, at least, not always)
Some sounds don't play anymore?? Why don't some sounds play anymore? Which sounds exactly?
Level 11
Mar 6, 2008
How can I file custom maps to the WarCraft III team so that they can inspect those custom maps as well during patching?

Edit: @deepstrasz told me to just ask for it in this thread - so I will do just that - thanks!

Attached are two of my games that might be of interest in quality assurance for Wc3 patching:

- Guilds of Hyppos RPG: it is a pretty big custom map that should cover lots and lots of cases and pitfalls that could go wrong due to patching.
- LTW - Evolution: its mechanics and overall gameplay features require going to the limits of the Wc3 engine's performance sometimes resulting in crashes, desyncs and especially memory leaks even though the map code was scanned several times for exactly those bugs by different people, yet nobody found anything really suspicious.


  • GoH RPG v1.35c opt.w3x
    5.7 MB · Views: 122
  • Ltw-Evolution v2.39 opt.w3x
    339.9 KB · Views: 108
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Level 19
May 14, 2014
For those who are unable to launch the game, I discovered something rather... perplexing. I was having isues downloading the update (it was stuck on 65%) so I thought maybe something was blocking the connection, so I turned on my VPN and the download was able to finish. When my game wouldn't launch (gave me Error 0 when I tried to run it again) I figured I'd try the same thing, and what do you know - the game launched.

I tried to launch it without internet and it launched without any issue.

Is this DRM? Was there always DRM and I didn't know about it? Blizzard collecting performance data or what have you? What's going on here?

sigh, i uninstall this game and reinstall it and nothing happen
Level 2
Aug 15, 2017
I can't start the game after updating, it says "Warcraft 3 unable to initialize. Error 3." Not Error 0 like most people seem to have had. Any help please? Running as administrator.

Also, if I go to the WC3 Launcher app it takes me to the update and the update is stuck at 99%. After a while it says update failed?

Edit: Error 0 now so I can look into fixing that. Seems to have changed from Error 3 to 0 by itself after attempting to update again.
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Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
To people having problems with installation stuck at 65% or error 0 try this (not guaranteed, but helped me):

"To start off we will want to delete the Warcraft III installation directory. Along with this, please delete the following folders:
- Press windows key + R
- Type %programdata%
- Click OK
- Delete the Battle.net and Blizzard Entertainment folders

- Press windows ke y + R
- Type %appdata%
- Click OK
- Delete the Battle.net folder

- Press windows key + R
- Type %localappdata%
- Click OK
- Delete the battle.net and Blizzard Entertainment folders

- Press windows key + R
- Type %temp%
- Click OK
- Select everything in the folder and delete as much as you can"

Restart PC and download WC3 installer from www.battle.net. Try installing the game.
Is there an ETA on when we can have the updated Editor with unlimited doodads and TESH highlighting? Because right now, there is no way for me to continue working on my map now that WEX is no longer supported and my map by far exceeds the doodad limit.
Also, with no syntax highlighting, it's pretty much impossible to code anything without a headache.

Don't get me wrong; I absolutely appreciate the idea to get an official editor that is capable of everything that WEX could do; but I feel this update should have been delayed until the primary features of the new editor are fully functional.

I am forced to downgrade to 1.29 every time I want to work on my map, then update back to 1.30.1 whenever I want to do a testing game on bnet.
Level 5
May 10, 2018
The ability 'AIsb' (Orb of Slow? I don't know exact name for it in English), is an item ability. It has changed from passive(1.27) to active(1.30). Is that intended?
Level 19
May 14, 2014
Fuck this error, cant even play
Even the slightest update would nearly kill my pc
If you got PTR i would say goodluck uninstall PTR cuz mine is colliding with the live version and trying to find a solution other than completely purged my pc
I am forced to downgrade to 1.29 every time I want to work on my map, then update back to 1.30.1 whenever I want to do a testing game on bnet.

You can have two separate installations. It's as simple as copying and pasting your wc3 folder.

Fuck this error, cant even play
Even the slightest update would nearly kill my pc
If you got PTR i would say goodluck uninstall PTR cuz mine is colliding with the live version and trying to find a solution other than completely purged my pc

The PTR shouldn't interfere with the original game unless you installed it to the same folder. Delete the folders, and reinstall. If there's an issue specifically state what the issue is.
Also getting stuck at 65%, none of the suggested solutions have worked so far. I really, REALLY, feel like Blizzard aren't properly testing these updates, and most of all not assessing their consequences for WC3 players. It's one thing to break all community tools without offering a replacement, but to make the game nonfunctional for a significant amount of players, or make them unable to play two custom maps in a row without a crash... ugh.
Level 5
Jul 27, 2009
So you mean sounds played by a 'play sound' trigger?

I got the same issue. Like half the sound variables are not being played.
Also I notice that some floating texts are not being displayed but for others they are (it's some local display issue I guess)

Edit: I just did a little test in a small test map. I play a 3D sound attached to an unit by a chat message, I wait until the sound is done playing, then I do it again, suddenly the sound is like at only 10% volume. Gosh...
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Level 29
May 21, 2013
I read that one of the objetives is to: "bug fixes to numerous aspects of the game, including ones for custom maps. There are many more bug fixes and balance changes than what is shown to the left, in which you can read the full list of changes..."

two weeks a go (video uploaded the 5 of september)

In this video the youtube user Orange talks about the new maps (he did many competitive melee videos and also he reviewed all the maps of the first melee contest). I didn´t see the whole video but I saw the complete review of the new Blizzard map Swamped Temple

In the video, he explained some bugs like:

AOW creeping for merc camp was unbalanced (walking distances were not equal, called as spawn bug).
Platforms wood was with no simetry (north platform with wisp scout posibility, south platform with no wisp scout posibility).
Turtle level 10 eated his only bear, he chased it with a quimera and the bear was released in some island, he explained that he hated the map (in a funny way of course) because of that bug.

My point is that if in this thread the topic is to talk about balance the custom maps.

I sugest to watch his video (maybe he is not that serius but he do explain well many points of competitive melee play and balance)

hope this may help.
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