WarCraft III: High Death [War and Time Trilogy]

- Current Version: 2.0.1 - War and Time Trilogy Remaster (In Development)
. Download the file and place it in the following path: "C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Campaigns"
. Required game version: 1.31.1
. This campaign should be playable on versions 1.35+ but we haven't tested it and we can't ensure it works correctly


This campaign, like the others we've created, tells its own story and can be played without having played any other. But before playing this campaign, consider playing "The Legend of Mikokoro" Both stories are connected and continue in "Sobere's Adventures: The Campaign"

Two months have passed since the tragic death of Arthas Menethil. While riots and problems multiply in the kingdom, the king remains isolated without attending to anything or anyone. The shadow of a new threat has reached the ears of the archmage, Antonidas, who has traveled to the capital city to meet with Uther. But while grief darkens the destiny of humanity, a new power grows within the kingdom. The Legion has been forced to delay their plans, but Ner'Zhul and the Cult of the Damned will not be wasting this opportunity to outmaneuver their jailers.

. A new story that mixes canonical characters with original characters
. 15 playable maps
. 11 cinematics maps
. Combination of different game types [RTS, RPG, etc.]
. 3 main heroes
. 4 bosses
. Custom items and skills
. Legendary item upgrade system
. New undead race customization
. New leveling system for heroes and skill upgrades

. In chapter two (tSoK), when we load game, sometimes the lighting on the map fails. It's solved by moving the camera to the ally base.
. Feb 3, 2023 - v2.0.1
_ Added new hint in the chapter six [tEP] to make it more intuitive
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Feb 1, 2023 - v2.0
_ Chapter six of the second part released
_ Apotheosis released
_ The "Undead Bolt" skill can now be used to heal the hero himself
_ Fixed a bug regarding the "Bravery" option, it was not raising the 50 extra hit points
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Jan 25, 2023 - v1.8.5
_ Chapter five of the second part released
_ New interlude released
_ Removed spell immunity from sorcerers
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Dec 29, 2022 - v1.7
_ Chapter four of the second part released
_ Secret chapter released
_ New interlude released
_ New playable hero added
_ New experience limiter on RTS maps of the second part
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Oct 30, 2022 - v1.5
_ Chapter three of the second part released
_ New interlude released
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Oct 9, 2022 - v1.4
_ Chapter two of the second part released
_ New interlude released
_ Zarah'Shar movement speed increased
_ Minor grammatical corrections made

. Sep 17, 2022 - v1.3
_ Chapter one of the second part released

. Sep 14, 2022 - v1.2
_ Small internal changes (optimization of some triggers in different chapters)
_ New loading screen (chapters) and new avatar (campaign)

. Jan 27, 2022 - v1.1.1
_ New custom campaign screen (by frostwhisper) added
_ Extra groups of enemies that attack the player directly (chapter 5)
_ Tyrande's attack speed and hit points increased by 15% (chapter 8)

. Jan 26, 2022 - v1.0.5
_ General grammar corrections
_ Skeletal Mages ability "Raise Dead" disabled in chapters 1 and 3

. Jan 21, 2022 - v1.0

WarCraft III: High Death (Campaign)

The orange runes from the Hidden Message quest should disappear after being take to avoid confusion. Could use a different overhead FX for quest completion instead of the ! sign used for quest giving. There's a bug with the levers in chapter 2. They...
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I will start giving my review of this campaign

"... is unfazed..." --> "are unfazed"

Chapter One
-The Raise Dead ability for the Skeletal Elite Mage shouldn't appear since we don't have access to it.
--Undead Scourge: Faction aiming to turn the entirety of Azeroth into a giant graveyard ruled by the Lich King
--Also Undead Scourge: Follow the laws of trade and gather money to buy an artifact rather than taking it by force
-Oh no. Undead Scourge and Skaven working together. No world is ready for this! :xxd: :xxd:

-So the Baroness and Zarah'Shar are sisters. Interesting

Chapter Two
-"... forgot to mention that you are a demon..." --> "...forgot to mention that you were a demon..."
-Sad thing is that Zarah'Shar isn't entirely wrong in saying that the Scourge is fairer than the living. The Lich King hates all the living equally and wants to turn all of Azeroth into his undead slaves, so why would he be bigoted?
-I love the idea of spiders falling from what appears to be a cave. It is a creative mechanic!
-We can get the Volumes III, IV and V of Rat Arts. Where can we get Volumes I and II?
-"Lord Cowhead will show you what real pain!" --> "Lord Cowhead will show you what real pain is!"
-I can only hope that this campaign doesn't take into account the lore that appears in Warlords of Draenor and Legion. For if it does, the Scourge is screwed.
-"...tree of the world..." ..> "... World Tree..."
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Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Congrats on the ad!
Thank you, I wanted to collaborate in some way with the forum, and this seemed like a good way. You and all the staff do a fantastic job here.

we must complete all optional quests to finish this chapter?
No, you only need to complete two optional missions, as requested at the beginning. The levers are part of one of those optional missions, activating them in the correct order causes the rat base towers to start working. Talk to the rats with the exclamation mark on the base to find out more and get the rewards.

I will start giving my review of this campaign

"... is unfazed..." --> "are unfazed"

Chapter One
-The Raise Dead ability for the Skeletal Elite Mage shouldn't appear since we don't have access to it.
--Undead Scourge: Faction aiming to turn the entirety of Azeroth into a giant graveyard ruled by the Lich King
--Also Undead Scourge: Follow the laws of trade and gather money to buy an artifact rather than taking it by force
-Oh no. Undead Scourge and Skaven working together. No world is ready for this! :xxd: :xxd:

-So the Baroness and Zarah'Shar are sisters. Interesting

Chapter Two
-"... forgot to mention that you are a demon..." --> "...forgot to mention that you were a demon..."
-Sad thing is that Zarah'Shar isn't entirely wrong in saying that the Scourge is fairer than the living. The Lich King hates all the living equally and wants to turn all of Azeroth into his undead slaves, so why would he be bigoted?
-I love the idea of spiders falling from what appears to be a cave. It is a creative mechanic!
-We can get the Volumes III, IV and V of Rat Arts. Where can we get Volumes I and II?
-"Lord Cowhead will show you what real pain!" --> "Lord Cowhead will show you what real pain is!"
-I can only hope that this campaign doesn't take into account the lore that appears in Warlords of Draenor and Legion. For if it does, the Scourge is screwed.
-"...tree of the world..." ..> "... World Tree..."
Thank you very much for the corrections, as always, English grammar is one of my weak points and in the midst of so much dialogue we ended up making many mistakes.

Regarding the details of the story, I don't want to comment on anything yet. I prefer that they discover it, but I'll tell you in advance that no, the "current" events of WoW are not taken into account.

Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Chapter Three:
-I like the mechanic where Sentinels occasionally appear from behind us
-It is a good thing I focused on leveling Mike's Tempest Aura on the previous mission. That proved invaluable in this misson, since we had to kill the messengers and have a time limit.
-The fact that a small force of undead and rats managed to land that close to Malfurion's den and eventually reach it speaks volumes of the Night Elves' surveilance. But not in a good way
-Wow. Malfurion had an anti-climatic death. The hero of the War of the Ancients, one that survived facing Archimonde and Sylvanas, and he got killed in his sleep at the hands of a cultist and a rat. He didn't even had the honor of having a boss fight.

-Not much to say concerning this interlude

Chapter Four
-Unlimited Hunger and Raise Dead upgrades should have the F hotkey rather than the V due to their position
-Like always, the nigh-unstoppable guy only shows up with it is far too late already
"... ships! we will..." --> "... ships! We wil..."

"Ner'zhul betrayal" --> "Ner'zhul's betrayal"
"scourge" --> "Scourge"
-The demons sure are butthurt that the undead managed to kill Malfurion.
-So they are not going to mention that the undead killed Cowhead and his minions?
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Chapter Three:
-I like the mechanic where Sentinels occasionally appear from behind us
-It is a good thing I focused on leveling Mike's Tempest Aura on the previous mission. That proved invaluable in this misson, since we had to kill the messengers and have a time limit.
-The fact that a small force of undead and rats managed to land that close to Malfurion's den and eventually reach it speaks volumes of the Night Elves' surveilance. But not in a good way
-Wow. Malfurion had an anti-climatic death. The hero of the War of the Ancients, one that survived facing Archimonde and Sylvanas, and he got killed in his sleep at the hands of a cultist and a rat. He didn't even had the honor of having a boss fight.

-Not much to say concerning this interlude

Chapter Four
-Unlimited Hunger and Raise Dead upgrades should have the F hotkey rather than the V due to their position
-Like always, the nigh-unstoppable guy only shows up with it is far too late already
"... ships! we will..." --> "... ships! We wil..."

"Ner'zhul betrayal" --> "Ner'zhul's betrayal"
"scourge" --> "Scourge"
-The demons sure are butthurt that the undead managed to kill Malfurion.
-So they are not going to mention that the undead killed Cowhead and his minions?
Malfurion has a bad habit of sleeping a lot and of course, that ends up taking its toll :ogre_hurrhurr: On the other hand, Cenarius was always a pretty shy guy, from what I remember from the original campaign in WarCraft III, he didn't even finish killing the orcs by himself. I think after the initial beating he said something like "come on, finish it up I'm going to rest in the woods" And that gave Grom time to find the source and well, the rest is history.

With Cowhead, we intended to give the character more depth and make him more relevant, but we felt like it was going outside of the main story and we ended up leaving it at that. Maybe it was a mistake
Level 3
Nov 1, 2021
Wow great job working on this campaign I can tell that you've taken your time working out everything. Jimmy the zombie is really worth the time. Amazing work on balancing out each next level map because I expected thanks throughout completing all side quest and collecting every possible tome I would be unstoppable and that auto attack everything would be enough but that was not the case. You need to spam your spells a lot which is nice. The last level was amazingly challenging but not impossible my only issue is that I found the mountain giant boss a lot harder than Tyrande herself mainly because from time to time dryads come and dispel my shields and that mountain giant has really strong spells whilst Tyrande just leaves you with 0 mana but that isn't really a problem. I just expected Tyrande to be a harder boss that's all. Now story wise you could have added a bit more background story to Baroness and Zara'shar. Zara'shar's drive is quite boring she's like ''ohh some mages talked bad about me and there is political corruption everywhere and humans etc don't care about the common folk so let's just kill everyone'' :D . This was kind of a fucked up campaign to play for me because night elf lore is my favorite race and killing Mal'furion while sleeping is really scummy but I understand the reasoning. I was pleasantly surprised Tyrande turned into the night warrior that was amazing and her model is quite good. Overall 9/10 great work are you going to do a continuation to the story?
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Wow great job working on this campaign I can tell that you've taken your time working out everything. Jimmy the zombie is really worth the time. Amazing work on balancing out each next level map because I expected thanks throughout completing all side quest and collecting every possible tome I would be unstoppable and that auto attack everything would be enough but that was not the case. You need to spam your spells a lot which is nice. The last level was amazingly challenging but not impossible my only issue is that I found the mountain giant boss a lot harder than Tyrande herself mainly because from time to time dryads come and dispel my shields and that mountain giant has really strong spells whilst Tyrande just leaves you with 0 mana but that isn't really a problem. I just expected Tyrande to be a harder boss that's all. Now story wise you could have added a bit more background story to Baroness and Zara'shar. Zara'shar's drive is quite boring she's like ''ohh some mages talked bad about me and there is political corruption everywhere and humans etc don't care about the common folk so let's just kill everyone'' :D . This was kind of a fucked up campaign to play for me because night elf lore is my favorite race and killing Mal'furion while sleeping is really scummy but I understand the reasoning. I was pleasantly surprised Tyrande turned into the night warrior that was amazing and her model is quite good. Overall 9/10 great work are you going to do a continuation to the story?
Thank you very much for commenting and rating, I'm glad you enjoyed the campaign.

Regarding the difficulty of the bosses on the last map, I have to admit that it was a tremendous challenge for us to get it to be just decent. We had never done something like this and it cost us a lot of work, I understand what you're saying and I know that it isn't quite well polished, we'll try to adjust it in a future update so that each combat is more difficult than the previous one.

When it comes to the backstory of Zarah'Shar and the Baroness, we had like two hours of dialogue :ogre_hurrhurr: But in the end it's an eight mission campaign and if we had put everything we wanted to make the story with the depth we wanted, the cinematics would have been ten minutes long. That's why we tried to simplify it a bit. We also have the problem of language, I'm Spanish and my english is very bad, so it's very difficult for me to write a story in that language. Anyway, this ties in with your question.

Will we do a sequel? Well, that's the idea, the end isn't closed and we have the continuation of this story in mind. And it would be throughout this possible continuation that we would continue to delve little by little into the history of the main characters. It's like the story of any canonical character, to give the example of the one for the best character, Arthas, the story of this character was forged over two complete campaigns in RoC and one more in TFT (more WoW). Be careful, I'm not trying to compare my characters with Arthas :ogre_hurrhurr: But it's the idea that to develop a character and a story well, it takes more than an eight-mission campaign. At least for us.

Regards and thanks one more time :peasant-thumbs-up-cheers:

PS: We also cut the first version of the story, which told how Zarah'Shar was raped after becoming a "pariah" after failing as a Kirin Tor mage (this to show that the motivation isn't just because she was rejected or they treated her badly, really society was cruel to those who did not fit in). But we thought it was a bit of a hard story, and we weren't sure that introducing such serious topics was a good idea. Maybe if we make the continuation, we will intensify the story as we had originally planned, but first I would like to know if people here really want to play a story of this type, the last thing we want is to trivialize topics like that.

Can I transform this campaign into reforged?
Sorry, but we don't work with reforged. If Microsoft's acquisition of Blizzard results in an upgrade to Warcraft 3 Reforged, we'll consider starting to create content with that version, but as long as it's in its current state, we won't change versions. But you can play in reforged with the quenching mod. Although I cannot assure you that the campaign works correctly.
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Chapter Four: I replayed it
-It is a shame that Kel'Thuzad isn't a hero. By the way, should he be considered as undead?
-The Night Elf base doesn't rebuild their buildings

Chapter Five:
-Thank the Lich King that you added a Tome of Retraining in this mission! Because on previous missions I focused on leveling other abilities
-Compared to the other missions, this mission is a bit boring. It would be a good mechanic if the Harpies occasionaly sent some groups against the trespassers (us).

-"Repel" is a bit of too boastful, Tyrande. The undead were planning to leave from the very start.

Chapter Six
-Mal'ganis calls the Baroness weak when he had to summon three Infernals to kill her.
-Nagred was the MVP of this mission.
-Too bad Nagred couldn't have merged those three gemstones into one single item.
"This gets interesting" --» "This is getting interesting"
-Zarah'Shar's title changes to "Heir to Knowledge" after she gives some items to Nagred
-It has become more apparent in this mission that Kel'Thuzad is more of a hindrance than useful. He spends most of his time suffering Stun from the Warlocks, Cyclone from the Druids of the Talon and he is useless against the Dryads.
-Aside from the initial cinematic, they don't mention the Baroness ever again.
-After killing Mal'ganis and destroying the Altar, the Fel Orcs become neutral and retreat. I don't think the High Death would even consider letting any of them escape.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Chapter Four: I replayed it
-It is a shame that Kel'Thuzad isn't a hero. By the way, should he be considered as undead?
-The Night Elf base doesn't rebuild their buildings

Chapter Five:
-Thank the Lich King that you added a Tome of Retraining in this mission! Because on previous missions I focused on leveling other abilities
-Compared to the other missions, this mission is a bit boring. It would be a good mechanic if the Harpies occasionaly sent some groups against the trespassers (us).

-"Repel" is a bit of too boastful, Tyrande. The undead were planning to leave from the very start.

Chapter Six
-Mal'ganis calls the Baroness weak when he had to summon three Infernals to kill her.
-Nagred was the MVP of this mission.
-Too bad Nagred couldn't have merged those three gemstones into one single item.
"This gets interesting" --» "This is getting interesting"
-Zarah'Shar's title changes to "Heir to Knowledge" after she gives some items to Nagred
-It has become more apparent in this mission that Kel'Thuzad is more of a hindrance than useful. He spends most of his time suffering Stun from the Warlocks, Cyclone from the Druids of the Talon and he is useless against the Dryads.
-Aside from the initial cinematic, they don't mention the Baroness ever again.
-After killing Mal'ganis and destroying the Altar, the Fel Orcs become neutral and retreat. I don't think the High Death would even consider letting any of them escape.
About the elves not building was done on purpose, we tried it with AI so they could build but the optional mission to destroy the base became a real ordeal.

Well, I liked the idea about chapter five, I agree that it was a bit simple and I like making the harpies attack you directly. We'll change it in the update.

Kel'Thuzad's "uselessness" and the death of the Baroness will have a little more history in the chapter 7. Hope you like what we did.

Once again, thanks for the review. Hopefully you can enjoy the end of the campaign.

PS: The hero's title changes when wearing all three gems. The lich king knew that book was going to be needed in chapter 5 :peasant-grin:
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Level 1
Jan 24, 2022
can anyone help provide a solution? I've copied this campign file and pasted it in the campaign folder, but the campaign doesn't appear in the game, I'm using version 1.30.1, please help me dont bully me, im newbie :")
Level 2
Jan 23, 2022
Thank you very much for commenting and rating, I'm glad you enjoyed the campaign.

Regarding the difficulty of the bosses on the last map, I have to admit that it was a tremendous challenge for us to get it to be just decent. We had never done something like this and it cost us a lot of work, I understand what you're saying and I know that it isn't quite well polished, we'll try to adjust it in a future update so that each combat is more difficult than the previous one.

When it comes to the backstory of Zarah'Shar and the Baroness, we had like two hours of dialogue :ogre_hurrhurr: But in the end it's an eight mission campaign and if we had put everything we wanted to make the story with the depth we wanted, the cinematics would have been ten minutes long. That's why we tried to simplify it a bit. We also have the problem of language, I'm Spanish and my english is very bad, so it's very difficult for me to write a story in that language. Anyway, this ties in with your question.

Will we do a sequel? Well, that's the idea, the end isn't closed and we have the continuation of this story in mind. And it would be throughout this possible continuation that we would continue to delve little by little into the history of the main characters. It's like the story of any canonical character, to give the example of the one for the best character, Arthas, the story of this character was forged over two complete campaigns in RoC and one more in TFT (more WoW). Be careful, I'm not trying to compare my characters with Arthas :ogre_hurrhurr: But it's the idea that to develop a character and a story well, it takes more than an eight-mission campaign. At least for us.

Regards and thanks one more time :peasant-thumbs-up-cheers:

PS: We also cut the first version of the story, which told how Zarah'Shar was raped after becoming a "pariah" after failing as a Kirin Tor mage (this to show that the motivation isn't just because she was rejected or they treated her badly, really society was cruel to those who did not fit in). But we thought it was a bit of a hard story, and we weren't sure that introducing such serious topics was a good idea. Maybe if we make the continuation, we will intensify the story as we had originally planned, but first I would like to know if people here really want to play a story of this type, the last thing we want is to trivialize topics like that.

Sorry, but we don't work with reforged. If Microsoft's acquisition of Blizzard results in an upgrade to Warcraft 3 Reforged, we'll consider starting to create content with that version, but as long as it's in its current state, we won't change versions. But you can play in reforged with the quenching mod. Although I cannot assure you that the campaign works correctly.
I played it with quenching mod for the first chapter and it works. I will try other chapter later. Thank you for reply.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Chapter Seven
"Cenarius's power..." --> "Cenarius' power..."
-It is weird that the Night Elves' faction are called "Demigod"
-The hardest thing in this mission is once we cut the trees. Because we head straight to a Night Elven base that has been recruiting units apparently from the moment the mission began
-- Undead: Decide to weaken the Demigod Cenarius by striking at the source of his power
-- Orcs: In order to defeat Cenarius, they decide to drink demon blood, even though they knew full well what happened last time
-Zarah'Shar killing Kel'Thuzad seemed to have come out of nowhere. Did she kill him because he allowed her sister to die? Or because Kel'Thuzad, as a loyal servant of the Lich King, would obviously stand in her way since she wanted to consume the power of the World Tree?

Chapter Eight
-Mike seems ok with the fact that Zarah'Shar has killed Kel'Thuzad. Wasn't he afraid that she could kill him once he too lost his usefulness? Just a reminder that Mike didn't trust her at first for having demonic powers and for her not telling the full extent of her plans?
-This is the final battle and we don't have access to units? Were our armies busy elsewhere?
-So the Legion's only effort to stop the undead was by sending Mal'ganis and an army of fel orcs? After that, they just allowed the undead to reach the World Tree and consume its power?
-The true reason why we won. We killed most, if not all, the wisps around XD
-The boss fights were hard and entertaining, though the way to defeat them was pretty much the same.

-Sure, the High Death killed Malfurion and Cenarius, has consumed the World Tree and unleashed an unstoppable plague upon Kalimdor, but Illidan will certainly turn the tide.
-Want to bet that Tyrande murdered the Watchers, Maiev included?
"... for hours, what happens?" --> "...for hours, what happened?"
-What did Ner'zhul expect? He should have noticed something was off the very moment Zarah'Shar killed Kel'Thuzad! Ner'zhul has managed to outsmart Kil'jaeden and the dreadlords, and yet apparently Zarah'Shar managed to keep her true agenda in secret even after a month has passed after she has consumed the World Tree!
-Zarah'Shar should have gone to Northrend, consume Ner'zhul's powers and take that badass-looking armor for herself.

My review
-Good things:
-- The characters, Zarah'Shar and Mike. They didn't come off as one-dimensional, at least for me. Some might say that Zarah'Shar's motivation was shallow and a bit of exageration, but let's check: she was ostracized by her peers for being deemed as weak, she most certainly saw horrible things occur in Lordaeron such as corruption and hypocrisy, she got demonic powers that are well-known for being corruptive in nature, joined the Cult of the Damned and lost her sister. It is any wonder that her mind got so messed up that she decided to unleash death upon the world?
-- The Rat units. You may not know, but the Skaven are one of my favorite races in Warhammer, so having the chance to use them alongside the undead, anoher of my favorite races was like a Christmas gift for me! I enjoyed recruting a bunch of Rat Snipers and using them to kill enemies from a safe distance
-- The mechanics and triggers used in the missions
--The whole Nagred thing. I loved his ability to upgrade items and that he is a very good unit
-- Having the chance to force Tyrande to flee for her life.
-- The fact that the bad guys win in the end. Screw the power of hope, justice and friendship. XD
-Bad things:
-- Unit variety. To be more exact, the undead units that we can recruit. All we can recruit are skeleton units.
-- There is little exploration to the rats' lore and culture.
-- The Baroness not having enough screentime and unique abilities to make her more interesting. Her being Zarah'Shar's sister is not even explored.
-- Kel'Thuzad, the right hand of the Lich King, founder and leader of the Cult of the Damned, former member of the Council of Six... and his abilities aren't that impressive, he is not even a Hero and he dies in such a anti-climatic way.

I am already waiting for the sequel! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Chapter Seven
"Cenarius's power..." --> "Cenarius' power..."
-It is weird that the Night Elves' faction are called "Demigod"
-The hardest thing in this mission is once we cut the trees. Because we head straight to a Night Elven base that has been recruiting units apparently from the moment the mission began
-- Undead: Decide to weaken the Demigod Cenarius by striking at the source of his power
-- Orcs: In order to defeat Cenarius, they decide to drink demon blood, even though they knew full well what happened last time
-Zarah'Shar killing Kel'Thuzad seemed to have come out of nowhere. Did she kill him because he allowed her sister to die? Or because Kel'Thuzad, as a loyal servant of the Lich King, would obviously stand in her way since she wanted to consume the power of the World Tree?

Chapter Eight
-Mike seems ok with the fact that Zarah'Shar has killed Kel'Thuzad. Wasn't he afraid that she could kill him once he too lost his usefulness? Just a reminder that Mike didn't trust her at first for having demonic powers and for her not telling the full extent of her plans?
-This is the final battle and we don't have access to units? Were our armies busy elsewhere?
-So the Legion's only effort to stop the undead was by sending Mal'ganis and an army of fel orcs? After that, they just allowed the undead to reach the World Tree and consume its power?
-The true reason why we won. We killed most, if not all, the wisps around XD
-The boss fights were hard and entertaining, though the way to defeat them was pretty much the same.

-Sure, the High Death killed Malfurion and Cenarius, has consumed the World Tree and unleashed an unstoppable plague upon Kalimdor, but Illidan will certainly turn the tide.
-Want to bet that Tyrande murdered the Watchers, Maiev included?
"... for hours, what happens?" --> "...for hours, what happened?"
-What did Ner'zhul expect? He should have noticed something was off the very moment Zarah'Shar killed Kel'Thuzad! Ner'zhul has managed to outsmart Kil'jaeden and the dreadlords, and yet apparently Zarah'Shar managed to keep her true agenda in secret even after a month has passed after she has consumed the World Tree!
-Zarah'Shar should have gone to Northrend, consume Ner'zhul's powers and take that badass-looking armor for herself.

My review
-Good things:
-- The characters, Zarah'Shar and Mike. They didn't come off as one-dimensional, at least for me. Some might say that Zarah'Shar's motivation was shallow and a bit of exageration, but let's check: she was ostracized by her peers for being deemed as weak, she most certainly saw horrible things occur in Lordaeron such as corruption and hypocrisy, she got demonic powers that are well-known for being corruptive in nature, joined the Cult of the Damned and lost her sister. It is any wonder that her mind got so messed up that she decided to unleash death upon the world?
-- The Rat units. You may not know, but the Skaven are one of my favorite races in Warhammer, so having the chance to use them alongside the undead, anoher of my favorite races was like a Christmas gift for me! I enjoyed recruting a bunch of Rat Snipers and using them to kill enemies from a safe distance
-- The mechanics and triggers used in the missions
--The whole Nagred thing. I loved his ability to upgrade items and that he is a very good unit
-- Having the chance to force Tyrande to flee for her life.
-- The fact that the bad guys win in the end. Screw the power of hope, justice and friendship. XD
-Bad things:
-- Unit variety. To be more exact, the undead units that we can recruit. All we can recruit are skeleton units.
-- There is little exploration to the rats' lore and culture.
-- The Baroness not having enough screentime and unique abilities to make her more interesting. Her being Zarah'Shar's sister is not even explored.
-- Kel'Thuzad, the right hand of the Lich King, founder and leader of the Cult of the Damned, former member of the Council of Six... and his abilities aren't that impressive, he is not even a Hero and he dies in such a anti-climatic way.

I am already waiting for the sequel! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Thank you for playing the full campaign and for all the details in your review, they will be very useful for us to improve the campaign in a future update.

When it comes to story details, I know there are a lot of things that need more depth and explanation, but like I said before, we couldn't find a way to fit it all into the campaign without the cutscenes being huge. If we end up doing a sequel, we'll delve a little deeper into the history of these characters (included rats)

When it comes to the Baroness's abilities, initially she wasn't going to be playable and so her abilities took a backseat. In a development error.

And with Kel'Thuzad we always had the same problem, at the beginning we did him as a strong hero, but in the original campaigns, he was little more than a common necromancer. Hence, in the end we left it at an intermediate point.

Regards and many thanks for all the time you've spent playing and commenting on this campaign.

PS: In this version of the story, although it was not specified, even Maiev realized that they needed all the reinforcements possible so Tyrande did not have to kill anyone. Many night elves have already died.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
- CHANGELOGS Jan 27, 2022

. New custom campaign screen (by frostwhisper) added
. Extra groups of enemies that attack the player directly (chapter 5)
. Tyrande's attack speed and hit points increased by 15% (chapter 8)

. General grammar corrections
. Skeletal Mages ability "Raise Dead" disabled in chapters 1 and 3
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Level 2
Aug 6, 2020
I downloaded the map and it brings up the world editor and what looks like the campaign. Can someone tell me where to save it to??

and for the people that dont often use this site it would be awesome if the creators put a "how to" on how to properly install their content

Edit: well i got it saved under C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download and its showing up. but when i go to create custom game, clcik the campaign and press start is just kicks me out after the count down
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I downloaded the map and it brings up the world editor and what looks like the campaign. Can someone tell me where to save it to??

and for the people that dont often use this site it would be awesome if the creators put a "how to" on how to properly install their content

Edit: well i got it saved under C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download and its showing up. but when i go to create custom game, clcik the campaign and press start is just kicks me out after the count down
Why did you put the campaign on the Maps folder instead of the Campaigns folder?
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
I downloaded the map and it brings up the world editor and what looks like the campaign. Can someone tell me where to save it to??

and for the people that dont often use this site it would be awesome if the creators put a "how to" on how to properly install their content

Edit: well i got it saved under C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download and its showing up. but when i go to create custom game, clcik the campaign and press start is just kicks me out after the count down
"C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Campaigns" You place the file there and you will be able to see it in Custom Campaigns within the game.
Level 20
Mar 16, 2008
I downloaded the map and it brings up the world editor and what looks like the campaign. Can someone tell me where to save it to??

and for the people that dont often use this site it would be awesome if the creators put a "how to" on how to properly install their content

Edit: well i got it saved under C:\Users\USER_NAME\Documents\Warcraft III\Maps\Download and its showing up. but when i go to create custom game, clcik the campaign and press start is just kicks me out after the count down
I think Reforged 1.32... might not have custom campaign button???

Rack another one up to Bobby's Blizzard :grin::thumbs_up:
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
this is fucked getting it to work fucking horse shit
The campaign is created for version 1.31.1, if someone wants to play it in another version of the game, like Reforged, you can do it with the quenching mod, although even so, we can't guarantee that it works correctly, since we don't work with Reforged.


PS: If you want to save yourself problems and complications, download version 1.31.1 and you won't need anything more than placing the file in the campaign folder.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Zarah's healthbar floats above her model.

So what did Arthas die of?


Several run-on sentences.

First level:

Zarah's a demon now? Or is that what Kel'Thuzad meant by not needing to hide?
Skeletal Elite -> Elite Skeletal
If she has Seduce at the start, maybe have some lower-level enemies to use it on.
power books -> Maybe magic tomes or something.
Blademaster: We'll reclaim again [...]!-> We'll reclaim [...] once more!
Warlocks have all spells at Initiate level and cost food.


unfold-> be unleashed
latent -> present
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Zarah's healthbar floats above her model.

So what did Arthas die of?


Several run-on sentences.

First level:

Zarah's a demon now? Or is that what Kel'Thuzad meant by not needing to hide?
Skeletal Elite -> Elite Skeletal
If she has Seduce at the start, maybe have some lower-level enemies to use it on.
power books -> Maybe magic tomes or something.
Blademaster: We'll reclaim again [...]!-> We'll reclaim [...] once more!
Warlocks have all spells at Initiate level and cost food.


unfold-> be unleashed
latent -> present
The story is understood and explained as the campaign progresses, it's an alternative line and everything cannot be explained in a couple of cinematics. And regarding the death of Arthas, the cause isn't specified, since it isn't relevant for this first part.

Thanks for the corrections and the comment, regards.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Standard abilities (e.g. Skeletal Mage's Death Coil, Ogre Mage's Bloodlust) should not have custom hotkeys.

Second level:

Loading screen:
  • for first -> for the first
  • settlement of rats -> rat settlement

  • you're -> you are
  • justice, kings, -> justice. Kings,

Menu buttons are shifted over for some reason (possibly whatever bug is causing the darkness-when-loading thing).

Some of the quest directions are wrong, spiders are east and cat eaters northeast, not west/northwest.

Needs a source of healing for non-undead troops since it takes a while to grab priests or buy wards.

Troll Blood Book:
* Using Kill prevents using Blood Pact until the cooldown is up.

Tower quest:
  • This one doesn't really make sense as-is. Why would the levers to turn on the towers be so far away from the camp? If it was something like "activate the rangefinders", maybe.
  • The lever with two flares activates them one after the other, unlike the three- and four-flare levers. Is that on purpose?

Gates quest:
* the demons won't stare -> the demons won't just sit and stare

  • The spiders spawning on death would look better if they didn't drop from the sky and weren't almost a big as the spiders they spawned from.
  • Montrous spiders deal less damage than Greens, is that supposed to be the case?

Ice Revenant:
* The current lines are understandable, but you could go with "I was made by those who are dead, the way is shut.", "The way is shut, and the dead keep it." for the LOTR ref.

  • I don't know what kind of abilities the Mo'args have, but they frequently three-shot Mike, and usually kill quite a few units in the process (yeah, yeah, anti-Magic Shell. But still, the cooldown is far too short).
  • Mo'args should be magic-resistant, not immune, otherwise they can easily slaughter most of the army before dying.

Doom Lord:
  • all'll burn -> all will burn
  • The stun from his stomp lasts longer than its cooldown and the range is quite high.
  • AND immune to magic too?

Rat Arts:
  • All: because of that -> and so
  • III: and increase damage -> and damage
  • IV: how increases -> how to increase
  • V: how increase -> how to increase
  • I only got books 3-5, are you supposed to get the other two on this level?

Maybe have a Way Gate that activates once you reach the lower level of the boss area, because the path to get back is so complicated unit pathfinding can get messed up.

  • nothing will grow after my step-> Nothing will grow [in my wake/where I walk].
  • He doesn't even drop anything?
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Standard abilities (e.g. Skeletal Mage's Death Coil, Ogre Mage's Bloodlust) should not have custom hotkeys.

Second level:

Loading screen:
  • for first -> for the first
  • settlement of rats -> rat settlement

  • you're -> you are
  • justice, kings, -> justice. Kings,

Menu buttons are shifted over for some reason (possibly whatever bug is causing the darkness-when-loading thing).

Some of the quest directions are wrong, spiders are east and cat eaters northeast, not west/northwest.

Needs a source of healing for non-undead troops since it takes a while to grab priests or buy wards.

Troll Blood Book:
* Using Kill prevents using Blood Pact until the cooldown is up.

Tower quest:
  • This one doesn't really make sense as-is. Why would the levers to turn on the towers be so far away from the camp? If it was something like "activate the rangefinders", maybe.
  • The lever with two flares activates them one after the other, unlike the three- and four-flare levers. Is that on purpose?

Gates quest:
* the demons won't stare -> the demons won't just sit and stare

  • The spiders spawning on death would look better if they didn't drop from the sky and weren't almost a big as the spiders they spawned from.
  • Montrous spiders deal less damage than Greens, is that supposed to be the case?

Ice Revenant:
* The current lines are understandable, but you could go with "I was made by those who are dead, the way is shut.", "The way is shut, and the dead keep it." for the LOTR ref.

  • I don't know what kind of abilities the Mo'args have, but they frequently three-shot Mike, and usually kill quite a few units in the process (yeah, yeah, anti-Magic Shell. But still, the cooldown is far too short).
  • Mo'args should be magic-resistant, not immune, otherwise they can easily slaughter most of the army before dying.

Doom Lord:
  • all'll burn -> all will burn
  • The stun from his stomp lasts longer than its cooldown and the range is quite high.
  • AND immune to magic too?

Rat Arts:
  • All: because of that -> and so
  • III: and increase damage -> and damage
  • IV: how increases -> how to increase
  • V: how increase -> how to increase
  • I only got books 3-5, are you supposed to get the other two on this level?

Maybe have a Way Gate that activates once you reach the lower level of the boss area, because the path to get back is so complicated unit pathfinding can get messed up.

  • nothing will grow after my step-> Nothing will grow [in my wake/where I walk].
  • He doesn't even drop anything?
- We have put the custom hotkeys in all the skills, since it seems to us the most coherent.
- You can buy items to heal yourself if you do one of the optional quests, however, after testing it, we didn't feel it necessary to add more ways to heal, since with a bit of micro, the quest is pretty easy.
- Spell books work like this, otherwise it would be like having another hero at your disposal and it wouldn't be logical.
- The levers are outside because if they were inside there would be no mission to complete, simple as that.
- If Mo'args weren't immune to magic they would fall as level 1 murlocs. Same with other units that have this immunity.
- In the Rat Box there is an item to teleport to the base and not have to go back all the way.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
- The levers are outside because if they were inside there would be no mission to complete, simple as that.

My point exactly, putting quests for the sake of having quests ruins immersion. What I'm saying is that the quest doesn't make sense as currently written (activate towers by pulling levers that are miles away), but finding a logical justification for those levers would help the story.

Third level: For some reason, Mike starts the level with lowered stats (he went from 15 to 9 strength and can't even cast his first ability because he has less than 200 mana) and no items. I haven't even gotten past the hippogryph riders in the north base because he keeps dying to just about everything (325 HP at level 7?).
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
Third level: For some reason, Mike starts the level with lowered stats (he went from 15 to 9 strength and can't even cast his first ability because he has less than 200 mana) and no items. I haven't even gotten past the hippogryph riders in the north base because he keeps dying to just about everything (325 HP at level 7?).
Can you put a screenshot?, because obviously that shouldn't be the case. No one has reported a bug like this, so I don't know what happened :peasant-thinking:

PS: Unless in the second level he has died many times, realize that for each time he dies he loses 2 points of each stat, it is the only thing that could have happened. It is something that is warned at the beginning of the second mission, being an rpg type, it has that handicap when dying.

PS 2: I agree that the mission to activate the towers is not one of the most thought out or worked on, it is simply an optional mission without further ado, we did not reflect much on that in particular.
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Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
That would explain it yeah.

In which case there should be a mechanic for getting those stats back, because even without lowered stats Mike dies far too easily.
The mechanic to retrieve stats is the many books throughout the campaign. And Mike is a hero with a very high damage per second, it is normal that he does not have much resistance. And it's not that he dies in one hit or that he has no resources, he has an aoe ability that stuns and another that practically kills. What else do you want?

In fact, the biggest balance mistake of the campaign is Mike, because he came out too strong. We will probably make it a bit weaker for version 2.0

PS: And in the second mission, when you die and you didn't lose the game, what did you think? That there was no losing condition or any kind of penalty for dying? I do not understand...
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The orange runes from the Hidden Message quest should disappear after being take to avoid confusion.
  2. Could use a different overhead FX for quest completion instead of the ! sign used for quest giving.
  3. There's a bug with the levers in chapter 2. They remain down but nothing happens. And I think I did 2, 1, 3 and 4. Other combinations failed. I haven't managed to try 1, 2, 3 and 4 yet since the previous mentioned combination left them all inactive.
  4. Why the sudden colour change in chapter 3? This map is pretty hardcore since you also get attacked by coming units while being pressed by time and having to get through bases.
  5. Murloc Lord has glow but is not a hero.
  6. It's a little sad you can't get back to take tomes during the last map because of the barriers.
  7. Overall, Mike is very weak to hits especially during boss fights. Might be an idea to share the effect of tomes to all heroes.

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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
  1. The orange runes from the Hidden Message quest should disappear after being take to avoid confusion.
  2. Could use a different overhead FX for quest completion instead of the ! sign used for quest giving.
  3. There's a bug with the levers in chapter 2. They remain down but nothing happens. And I think I did 2, 1, 3 and 4. Other combinations failed. I haven't managed to try 1, 2, 3 and 4 yet since the previous mentioned combination left them all inactive.
  4. Why the sudden colour change in chapter 3? This map is pretty hardcore since you also get attacked by coming units while being pressed by time and having to get through bases.
  5. Murloc Lord has glow but is not a hero.
  6. It's a little sad you can't get back to take tomes during the last map because of the barriers.
  7. Overall, Mike is very weak to hits especially during boss fights. Might be an idea to share the effect of tomes to all heroes.
Thanks for the review and for approving the campaign, regards.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
When approaching a group of elves, draw the group's attention with your army and then go ahead with Mike and use his skill to kill the courier in one hit. If you have the "tempest" aura it's easier, if not it's a bit more difficult. Other than that, make sure to destroy the obelisks so you don't have to go back. Also, before attacking a group, watch for more elves coming from behind, you can take them out quickly and then attack to be not joined by two groups.

I hope it helps you, regards.
Level 6
Jan 12, 2020
When approaching a group of elves, draw the group's attention with your army and then go ahead with Mike and use his skill to kill the courier in one hit. If you have the "tempest" aura it's easier, if not it's a bit more difficult. Other than that, make sure to destroy the obelisks so you don't have to go back. Also, before attacking a group, watch for more elves coming from behind, you can take them out quickly and then attack to be not joined by two groups.

I hope it helps you, regards.
That's what I've been doing to be honest, but I still get overwhelmed at the bottom part of the map. The keeper of the grove is no joke. Plus I always try to go with Mike in taking out the messengers, while my attack group distracts the defense party, but when it's the part where the keeper of the grove is. Mike gets stuck due to the huntresses in the vicinity, Mike gets focused fire. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong lol. Also I think it would have been great if the units that you get to support you in this mission would be all undead, so that they can be healed by that one undead unit that has death coil. The rat army is quite tricky in that mission because you can't really heal them since they're not categorized as the living dead.

Nonetheless, this campaign was a good one. And I'm looking forward on playing update 2.0, and more of your future campaigns someday.
Level 25
Dec 24, 2019
That's what I've been doing to be honest, but I still get overwhelmed at the bottom part of the map. The keeper of the grove is no joke. Plus I always try to go with Mike in taking out the messengers, while my attack group distracts the defense party, but when it's the part where the keeper of the grove is. Mike gets stuck due to the huntresses in the vicinity, Mike gets focused fire. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong lol. Also I think it would have been great if the units that you get to support you in this mission would be all undead, so that they can be healed by that one undead unit that has death coil. The rat army is quite tricky in that mission because you can't really heal them since they're not categorized as the living dead.

Nonetheless, this campaign was a good one. And I'm looking forward on playing update 2.0, and more of your future campaigns someday.
I'm so glad you liked the campaign. Every day it's more difficult find time to dedicate to the World Editor but we'll do our best to keep bringing new content, even if it's once a year. We hope to find some good moment throughout this year to be able to advance in the development of v2.0 because for now it's stopped.

Level 4
Oct 14, 2020
I am probably stupid but with the hidden message. Once I've obtained it. I've followed instructions but I seem to not understand what I am meant to be doing?