Weed vs Greed 5.13

Weed vs Greed

By some incompetent fool

Do you remember those first custom maps that released on battle.net shortly after Warcraft's release?
The autistic ramblings of some 12 year old covering the loading screen.
The game starting with the characteristic ding of reaching high upkeep.
Trying to figure out what's going on, you scan the map with the horribly limited vision of the standard 1650 camera distance.
Half the people have already left within the first couple of minutes of having started the "Lord of the Rings"-esque custom map.
Arthas as Aragorn, Sylvanas as Legolas, Muradin as Gimli and Antonidas as Gandalf.
After 20 minutes you finally get out of high upkeep, only to be greeted by ridiculous imbalance caused by the creator not having tested the map a single time.
Your last remaining allies leave while you make your final stand, only to be kicked out at the final moment by a fatal error.
This is one of those maps.

The Game

Patch Notes

Screenshots and Videos


The Design Tenets
This is a game about the class struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. It is bound to make you stop for a moment and ponder: "Has criticism of the problematic nature of our capitalist realist society become so normalized, that it only perpetuates the systems of class oppression?" or "If communism has failed because of the failings of the soviet union, has capitalism failed because of the failings of the third world?". The core design tenet behind this custom map: all those who play it must leave this classical piece of Warcraft 3 software as a wiser man.

The Poor Farmers
Just like in real life, odds are you are going to be playing the game of class oppression as an individual of the poor working class. Your objective as a farmer is to hide somewhere deep inside the woods and start work on your masterplan to take down the rich businessmen, who hoard their wealth inside the center-stage factory. This factory must be taken down before they release their toxic waste onto the land.
  • Build a base with an intuitive tech-tree
  • Earn resources through quality farming mechanics
  • Read the worst tool tips you've ever seen. Why don't they explain anything!?
  • Enjoy some of those dank internet references the kids like these days, am I cool yet?
  • I think there might be some references to drugs in there somewhere
Disclaimer: Drugs are bad, mkay!

The Rich Businessmen
Surely you don't need an explanation to play this simple game. You are smart, handsome, and more importantly: RICH! Those degenerate farmers don't have penny! Point at them and laugh! Also, you should probably hire an assassin to kill them.
  • Smart
  • Handsome
  • Rich
  • Get girls
  • Get money
  • Get more money
  • Drink from the river of tears when the farmers start crying imbalance
  • Feel a little bad inside when they start leaving the game

The Stanky Druid
Any analytical piece of philosophy isn't complete with the synthesis to the thesis and anithesis, the Lacanian Chimneysweep, the uncategorical category, the sublime other. So it is with the highest of anticipations that I present to you: the Stanky Druid. What is life but to live in a humble abode in the forest and resist the rampant industrialization by sending letter bombs to university employees?
  • Annoy the bejesus out of the businessmen
  • Help the farmers by tending to their farms
  • Do a little trolling
  • Take inspiration from the unibomber
  • Annoy the bejesus out of the businessmen

5.00 Patches

4.00 Patches

3.00 Patches

Version 5.13

Version 5.12

Version 5.11

Version 5.10

Version 5.09

Version 5.08

Version 5.07

Version 5.06

Version 5.05

Version 5.04

Version 5.03

Version 5.02

Version 5.01

General Changes

Bug Fixes





Castle is repeatedly pinged as it is being constructed
Removed the following systems in order to reduce the chance at desyncs:
-Camera moving to further distance
-Ranked system
-The wind pushing units at the Harpies

Grand Magus no longer can cast Earthsplitter starting at level 1.
Thief Backpack can no longer accidentily dissapear.
Astral Monk ultimate damage at level 1 and 2 match their level.
Fixed a bug where Flying Crane Kick always did Chi damage.
Fuzrok earthquakes no longer spawn across the map after all creeps have died.
Fixed a bug where upon the Obsidian Obelisk could not be teleported.

The Farmer types have been reworked:
-Each farmer type has a unique way to gather one of the resources like gold, lumber and food.
-Each farmer type has a system.
-Each farmer has a unique unit.


Dwarves and Farmer mine 30% more gold.
Dwarves can be upgraded into a dwarven equivalent of the Javelinier and Wizard.
Smiths can produce dwarves.
Warehouse shreds gold into lumber.
Dwarves can make Tiny Shredders instead of the regular Shredders. These shredders can be made right from the start of the game. Trees destroyed by the Tiny Shredder cannot be replenished.
Cannot make workers or barns. Makes the warehouse while skipping the barn.

Most buildings can pack themselves, then move to another location and then unpack themselves there.
Can't research book of quickness.

Units replaced with Dwarven equivalents, which are 20% more tanky but 20% slower.
The equivalent of the Javelinier, Captain and Wizard have 1 different ability each.

100% more mana, -20% health and damage.

Has default limit on Shredders and Javeliniers.
Removed the gold and lumber loss on death.


Critters killed by units from the Skinny Farmer can be hunted for food, and their hides sold for gold.
Critters will periodically replenish across the map.
Small critters reward 1 food. Medium critters 2 food. Large critters 3 food. Critters killed by buildings do not reward food.
Harvesting any grown crop only rewards 1 food.

Whenever you kill a businessman hero you gain 500 additional gold.
Whenever you destroy a businessman building you gain 100 additional gold.
Whenever you destroy a businessman unit you gain 50 additional gold.
Cannot research the Farmer's Toolkit, but starts with the Throw Pebble ability unlocked.
Has a unique research to make his farmer a lategame combat unit which increases his maximum health by 750 and his base damage by 100.

Javelinier replaced by the early game Hunter, a similar unit with high movement speed which gets double food from hunting.
The limit on Hunters is 2, but can be increased to 6 in the Garrison.

+30% attack and move speed, but can't gather gold from gold chunk.

Has default limitations placed on shredders, or improved mining and deforestation researches.


New Building - Vault: vulnerable building which slowly generates gold over time. Can only be build by your Mechanical Buddy.
New Building - The House of Learning: has three tiers. Each tier it upgrades you have to make a choice:
-Tier 1 (costs 200 gold and 200 lumber):
--Technology Wing: Spawn 2 more Mechanical Buddies, and your limitiation on building Mechanical Buddies is increased to 3.
--Economy Wing: Spawns 10 workers, and workers have 50 more maximum health.
--Military Wing: Research all ability spells & Scroll of Mind for all combat units that do not require castle.
-Tier 2 (requires architecture and costs 400 gold and 400 lumber):
--Technology Wing: Your mechanical units have 300 more hit points.
--Economy Wing: Your Vaults generate 25% additional gold and have 25% more hit points.
--Military Wing: Spawn 12 Man-at-Arms, and Man-at-Arms have 50 more maximum health.
-Tier 3 (requires a castle and costs 800 gold and 800 lumber):
--Technology Wing: Increase the limit of building Engines by 1.
--Economy Wing: Instantly spawn all Caravans and research all levels of Barrels of Beer.
--Military Wing: The House of Learning spawns a Man-at-Arms every 30 seconds.
(When you rebuild the House of Learning it keeps its tier upgrades)
Mining (including Reap) and workshops generates 50% less gold.

Starts at a village with 100 gold, and items bought are doubly good.

Mortar Team replaced by the late game Artillery, a long ranged mechanical siege unit.

100% more mana, -20% health and attack damage.

No longer starts with Scrolls of Mind already researched.
Has default Engine limit by the start of the game.
Starts at a village with gold in addition to lumber.

If the Farmers have a combat unit selected and they press ESCAPE, they select all special combat units with abilities.
The Mechanical Buddy can build the Smith, Barn, Grainmill and Library.
Reduced the cooldown on failing or succeeding a step of lockpicking by 33%, making lockpicking out of jail 33% faster.
Renamed Command Center to Garrison.
Farmers have a very short range invisibility detection.
Cleanse and Dispel Bomb area and range increased by 30%.
Reduced cost of Proffesional Pet Training to 200 lumber and 0 gold, down from 150 gold and 350 lumber.
Removed the Warehouse requirement for Proffesional Pet Training and reduced its research time to 20 seconds from 40.
The Castle now sells the following items: Blinkdagger, Robe of the Magi, Periapt of Vitality, Puckolian Orb, Crown of Chrome, Bracelet of Nobility.
The Javelinier is upgraded from a Militia, but has its gold cost reduced by 50.
Javelinier hit points increased to 850 from 700.
Javelinier base damage increased to 70 from 60.
The Lord of the Castle now has the Woodland Horn ability to teleport across the map.
Moved the Barnhouse upgrades to the Farm.
The Castle is now build by the Farmer instead of a Dwarf.
Removed Pocketize the Barn.

Increased damage of Stormstout Keg to 100/150/200/250 from 80/120/160/200.
Increased damage of Trouble Brew to 50/90/130/170 from 50/80/110/130.
Increased the initial damage of Breath of Fire to 75/110/145/180 from 50/80/110/130.
Increased Strength per level to 3 from 2.2.

Increased agility per level to 3 from 2.2.

NEW HERO: Nak'ze The Warlock
The Warlock has no auto attack, but all of his abilities scale with attributes.
D - Base Ability - Shadowbolt: Shoots a damaging bolt which harvests souls from cursed targets.
Q - Curse of Leaching: Drains health from targets around him. Can be cast while moving.
W - Curse of Compulsion: Channel to stun all units in an area and deal area of effect damage.
E - Curse of Ascension: Convert an enemy unit into a demon. If the demon survives for the duration the enemy returns back to its normal form.
R - Curse of Desolation: Leap into the air to fire bolts of area of effect damage from high up. While high in the sky you can teleport.
T - Ultimate - Demonic Exaltation: While active the Warlock has powerful auto attacks, gains a bonus to all attributes and automatically reap all souls of cursed targets. However if he does not reap 10 souls during his ultimate he dies.

The Warlock can use the souls he reaps to start rituals in the Demonic Ritual Portal. These rituals summon powerful demons.
The final ritual of the Warlock summons a massive demonic army inside the factory which almost spells certain victory if it completes.

Reduced Artifice cooldown to 10 seconds down from 80.
Reduced the build time of upgraded buildings of the Artifact Foundation to 10 seconds down from 15.
Increased agility per level to 1.5 up from 0.6.

Increased agility per level to 1.2 up from 0.6.

Windrun speed boost increased to 40% up from 25%.
Base Grapple cooldown reduced to 20 from 25.

In Human form has very short range invis detection.

Increased base Intelligence to 18 from 12.
Increased Intelligence per level to 3 from 2.
Reduced Tiger Strike cooldown to 20 seconds from 25.
Changed the tooltip of Whirling Dragon Dance to more accurately describe the damage that it deals.

Reduced speed of Organ of Morgan cannonballs by 25%.
Reduced the Organ of Morgan cannonball stun to 1 second from 2.

Increased cost of Orb of the Warp to 1500 from 1200 and its duration before teleport to 8 seconds from 6.
Orb of the Warp no longer affects Caravans.
Removed Pocket Barns.
New item for the Farmhand: Mechanical Critters useful for scouting.

General Changes

Bug Fixes






There are some additional small spots of buildable terrain that farmers can use to build towers and wells inside the factory.
Increased the game timer back to 45 minutes.

Hurricane now properly grants 50 mana upon tossing a unit in the air.
Flamewraith properly auto-revives after dying.
The Manastone mana and cooldown values are now as in the tooltip.
Well can no longer replenish druid minions like sprites.
Thief no longer can auto attack while polymorphed.
Fixed a bug where the Guardian would drop seeds on morphing.
Woodwell from Guardian now auto replenishes after upgrading.

Each class has a unique companion with an ability locked behind a new research:
-Good Ol' Farmer's Loyal Hound - Base ability - Panic: Increase movement speed. - Unlocked Ability - Howl: Reveal area around himself.
-Fat Farmer's Fat Seal: A slow unit that has a lot of health - Base Ability - Flop: Temporarily gain a lot of armor - Unlocked Ability - Taunt.
-Brain Farmer's Mechanical Buddy: Fast unit that can buy items, but has a very weak attack - Base Ability - Blink - Unlocked Ability - Scrounch: Heal a mechanical unit, or reap a crop or gold chunk, or pick the lock on the jail.
-Skinny Farmer's War Boar: Combat unit with a small inventory - Base Ability - Ravage: reveals and reduced armor of enemies on attack. - Unlocked Ability - Charge.

Each class has unit limitations:
-Fat Farmer can make no Javaliniers, but 2 Shredders
-Skinny Farmer can make no Shredders, but 2 Javaliniers
-Brainy Farmer can make no Captains, but 2 Engines (unlimited man-at-arms)

Each class has altered research:
-Fatty Farmer can't research the Book of Quickness
-Skinny Farmer can't research Improved Mining and Deforestation, but has a special research in the barn that makes him more powerful in combat
-Brainy Farmer has Scroll of the Mind fully researched from the start of the game

Each class has their stats advantages and disadvantages more pronounced:
-Fatty Farmer moves 30% slower and has 60% more health (up from 25% slower and 50% more health)
-Skinny Farmer +30% attack and move speed, but cant right click gather Gold Chunks himself.
-Brainy Farmer has +60% mana but -30% health AND damage (up from+50% mana and -25% health)

Dwarves can upgrade into a new unit: The Mortar Team; a long ranged siege unit without abilities.

Castle Rework: Only one farmer can build the castle. When it completes all farmers gain architecture, robotics and castle tech.
When a farmer starts building a Castle it is revealed to all players.
Increased cost of Castle to 5000 gold and lumber up from 2000 gold and lumber.
Increased hit points of the Castle to 2500 from 1900.
Increased build time of Castle to 420 seconds up from 30 seconds.
As long as the castle remains alive, all farmers gain 50 gold and 50 lumber every 10 seconds.
The garrison researches have been moved to the Command Center.
The Command Center limit has been reduced back to 1 from 2.

Lord of the Castle Rework: The Lord can only be build by the player that owns the Castle, and can only be revived as long as its alive.
The Lord of the Castle's base health, armor and damage have been tripled.
The Lord of the Castle's attributes per level have been doubled.
Divine Storm damage increased to 180 plus 40 per level, up from 175 plus 25 per level.
Inspiring Banner hit points per level increased to 100 up from 50.
Holy Light healing per level increased to 100 up from 75.
Judgement now always lasts the same duration on units as on heroes, and on level 6 deals 400 damage up from 200.

Increased the experience from a Training Dummy by 25%.
Reduced the power build rate of Workers and Dwarves to 30% efficiency down from 60%.
Reduced cost of Robotics to 275 gold from 400.
Increased cooldown of Tinkering to 140 seconds from 75.
Tinkering increases damage by 50% up from 30% and heals for 60 health per second up from 50.
Increased armor of Loyal Hound to 3 from 0.
Reduced damage of Loyal Hound to 40 from 50.
Reduced Loyal Hound build time to 5 from 40.
Increased vision range of Loyal Hound to 1600 from 1200.
Working Tunics no longer affects your companion.
Increased lumber cost of Tower to 200 from 150, but reduced the lumber cost of Citadel and Ballista Tower by 50.
Increased health of Tower to 700 from 550 and damage to 30 from 25.
Reduced food cost of Cannon Tower and Ballista Tower to 0 from 1.
Reduced Musketeer attack range to 950 from 1000.
Changed Musketeer armor type to Unarmored from Medium.
Skinny Farmer's Garrison Javeliniers now increases Javelinier capacity to 5 from 4.
Farmers benefit from the attack damage upgrade, but their base damage is reduced to 60 from 75 (maximum damage after all upgrades is 108).
Reduced cost of Roflcopter to 150 lumber and 1 food down from 400 lumber and 2 food.
Increased cost of the True Sight research for the Roflcopter to 300 up from 150.
Load research for the Roflcopter no longer requires Robotics and its lumber cost is reduced to 100 lumber from 200.
Increased Wizard's Firebolt cast range to 1200 up from 1050.

Four camps of treants are now corrupted treants that the Druids can kill for experience and gold as they are hostile to everyone.
There are 3 invulnerable roots around the map that the druid can teleport on. If the druid puts 10 seeds in the inventory of the roots they can make it grow into a World Tree.
A World Tree generates 5 gold and 20 lumber every 10 seconds for the druid and all farmers.

Increased agility per level to 2.8 from 2.2
Decreased starting agility to 17 from 19.
Increased experience gained from Efflorescence crops being reaped to 20 from 10.
Gracious Leap buff duration changed to 3/5/7/9/11 from 5/6/7/8/9.
Casting Efflorescence as the Dryad no longer spawns an efflorescence seed in the inventory, instead the mist periodically plants an efflorescence around itself.
Efflorescence gives 50% less gold and lumber but additionally gives 1/1/2/2/3 food when reaped by a farmer.
Casting Effloresence as the Sprite no longer spawns an efflorescence seed in the the inventory, instead it can be used on a crop field to plant efflorescence or on grown efflorescence to reap it.
Sprite's mana regeneration rate increased to 2 per second up from 1.
Sprite's base mana increased to 300 from 200.
Sprite's Phase Shift duration increased to 10 seconds from 2, but cooldown increased to 20 from 10.
Sprite's Soulify cooldown increased to 120 seconds from 80, but mana cost reduced to 25 from 125.
Sprite's spawn with 0 mana.

Trouble Brew can no longer upgrade units to Mortar Teams, instead it promotes to a Pandaren unit which can heal, become magic immune, and cast a Crushing Wave.

Almost all ultimates have a rank 2 which can be learned at level 20.
Increased maximum experience gain range from 1200 to 1700.
Reduced the revive time slightly for low level heroes, but increased the revive time for higher level heroes.
Cultists can make a new building: Obsidian Obelisk which is a scouting tower that can be teleported on.
Items sold by the Ancients of the Forest can also be bought by the Rich Businessmen.
Increased movement speed of the Shade to 500 from 450.
Increased vision range of Shade to 2200 in day and night, from 1600 in day and 800 in night.
Reduced build time of Shade to 3 seconds from 30.
Reduced gold cost of Shade to 75 from 100.

Fire bullets, lasers, grenades and electrical coils at your enemies. Collect Scrap to build bots, drones, turrets, nukes, and more importantly: A TANK!
Base ability - Toolbox: Mines Scrap which can be used to build robots.
Q - Storm Grenade: Lob a grenade at a location, dealing damage and a stun. Turrets or Drones hit by the grenade are overclocked.
W - Plasma-Ray: Blast a unit with plasma, making them plasmatic dealing damage per second to any organic units around it. If the target is an enemy they take damage. If the target is a Drone or Turret they are Overclocked
E - Zapper: Scrounch a Laser Conductor that zaps nearby enemies for damage. The Zapper can also pull allied or enemy units to itself. Any Turrets or Drones close to the zapper are Overclocked.
R - Ratling Gatling: Fire your Gatling Gun blindly in a cone towards the target direction. Any enemy unit struck is dealt damage per second and is knocked back slightly.
Ultimate - Behemoth Heavy Panzer: Gain control of a massive heavy tank. The first time the tank can be deployed for free. Each time it is destroyed it is dragged back to the Loading Bay, requiring repairs paid for in Scrap.

The Doctor is now called the Hexer, and his fetishes are renamed to tikis.
NEW ABILITY - Voodoo Tiki: Periodically stuns enemy units around itself.
REWORKED PHANTOM FETISH - Loa Tiki: Can cast an ability to grab a unit to itself, but also provides a movement speed aura.
Replaced the base ability of the Hexer with Vex Tiki.
The Hexer now has an invulnerable Mojo Kettle inside of the Factory.
There are now four powerful Mojos which can only be made once, each requiring collecting reagents with Socrates:
-Demonic Mojo which summons a more powerful demon (reagents are a Heart of a Dragon and a Crow's Talon).
-Godskin Mojo which grants +100% attack damage and +50 armor for 10 seconds (reagents are Gold Dust and Dwarven Beard).
-Elder Mojo which grants 1500 experience (reagents are Urn of the Elders and Gouged Eye).
-Jungle Mojo which reveals the druid to the imbiber for 5 minutes (reagents are Eldersap and Mirkwater).
The Nether Mojo can also still be made, and there is no limit to how many you can make.
Tikis are automatically learned upon leveling up, no longer requiring attribute points.
The Hexer can spend attribute points on Juju's instead:
-Stinging Juju: Increased the damage of your tikis.
-Folding Juju: Increases the utility provided by your tikis.
-Wringing Juju: Increases the health and duration of your tikis.
-Stretching Juju: Increases the cast range of your tikis.
-Pulsing Juju: Adds extra effects to your tikis.
Rebalanced the statistics of tikis to fit the power added by the Jujus.

MACRO REWORK: The Thief no longer crafts a Hovel, instead he crafts a Foundation which can be upgraded into 1 of 5 buildings:
-Boneyard: Produces Rats (which cannot build but can gather lumber) and can grind lumber into bones.
-Dredger: Excavates Oil out of Crop Fields. Can drastically slow the attack speed and movement speed of a nearby attacker.
-Miner: Mines Iron and Gold from Gold Chunks. Can stun a nearby attacker.
-Thieves' Outpost: A very strong tower with a ranged attack.
-Thieves' Workshop: Contains upgrades for the Thief and the Thieves' Outpost.
Each building can only be made once.
NEW ULTIMATE: Volleyshot - Channel shooting waves of arrows into the sky. The arrows will slowly land in the targeted area, dealing damage on impact.
Removed Darkshot.
Increased experience rewarded from Tracking Maps to 1000 experience from 400.
The Pickaxe can now also find Oil.

NEW ULTIMATE - Hand of Death: The target is grasped by the claws of death, stunning them. After the stun ends they are dealt damage. If a Farmer dies while grasped, its soul is ripped from its body and becomes a Death Knight. A Farmer killed by Hand of Death is still turned into a Cursed Farmer ghost, but he gets to keep all his gold, lumber and buildings. The Cursed Farmer can still build some buildings, but it cannot gather or attack. The Cursed Farmer is invulnerable but has no more abilities like Reap or Toss Pebble.
NEW ABILITY - Scythestorm: Animate life into your scythe for 7 seconds, making it dance to your command, every second dealingl damage to enemies and healing to the undead.
Removed Corpse Grasp and Death's Door abilities.
Tomb of the Damned spawns a skelly every 2 seconds up from 3 seconds, but the duration of the Tomb has been reduced so that it still spawns the same amount of Skellies.

The name of the player while the Werebeast is in Human Form is now the name of random farmer player.
The Werebeast now has Wolves' Den where he can raise new pups for 200 gold and requiring a level up from the Werebeast.
The Wolves' Den can also cast a global ability on any allied unit that heals the unit out of combat for 1000 mana and health.
The Werebeast now starts with 2 Pups down from 3.
There are now 3 ranks of wolf: Pup, Wolf and Dire Wolf, down from the 5 ranks of Wolf.
Growing a Wolf into its next rank costs slightly more gold, but the cost of growing a max rank Wolf is less than before.
Increased the Life Regeneration by 100% per rank increase of a Wolf.
Increased the movement speed by 30 per rank increase of a Wolf.
A Pup now already has Panic and an inventory unlocked.
Increased duration of Howl at Moon to 8/12/16 from 7/10/13.
Swipe with Fangs now has a small leap component, similar to Rebuke from the Hoplite.

Added new Base Ability - Kunju: Channel to counter the next stun that impacts. When a stun is countered, you teleport behind the enemy and deal damage and a incapacitate to them.

Reduced Hurricane and Voltaic Shock mana cost to 0 from 50.
Reduced mana cost of Chain Lightning to 100/150/200 from 200.
Increased Jolt cooldown to 4/3/2 seconds from 2.
Increased Jolt mana cost to 20/50/80 from 30.

Added a Healing Spray ability to the Navigator.
Increased gold cost of Royal Naval Carpentry to 250 from 200.
Increased duration of Tickle on Heroes to 3 seconds from 1 and on units to 9 seconds from 7.
Changed damage type of Cannoneer to siege from piercing.
Increased base Riposte cast range to 800 from 700.
Increased Dragon Flintlock cast range to 1300 from 950.
The Shovel can now also be spawned by the Farmer's Animal Companions.

Increased cast range of Admorsus to global cast range from 1400.

Increased Ironbash damage to 200/300/400 from 100/200/300.
Reduced Ironbash cooldown to 12 seconds 17.
Increased damage of Hammerer to 100/140/180 from 75/125/175.
Reduced Darkhowl cooldown to 35 seconds from 50.

Increased range of Mahabharata to 1000 from 750.

Reduced cooldown of Firefly to 15 seconds from 45.
Firefly can be used on yourself.

Increased cooldown to Merge Skellington to 120 seconds from 15.
Increased damage and health of Skellington by 50%.

Reduced Lokarjarl mana cost to 200 from 350.
Increased Lokarjarl cast range to 900 from 750.
Reduced Lokarjarl cooldown to 30 seconds from 33.
Increased Ymmirjar mana cost to 250 from 200.
Increased Skyvgorod damage to 66 from 11/22/33/44 but increased its cooldown to 8/5/2/0 from 0.

The Butcherhouse has an ability with global cast range that can convert Fleshlings into Flesh Heaps stacks inside the Butcherhouse.

Starts at level 4 up from 3.
Conjuration gold cost reduced to 150 from 300.

Increased damage of Whirling Dragon Dance by 25%.
Increased Flying Crane Kick cast range to 1500 from 850.
Energizing with Chi now gives massive health regeneration and a 100% damage increase.
Increased agility per level to 3.25 from 3.

Casting Arena within 2000 units of your Duel Target now yoinks them to you.
Increased Arena's duration to 10 seconds from 9.
The angle Pursue travels in to find the Duel Target is now 100% accurate.

NEW ABILITY: Sundering of the Silithid: creating an infestation that blocks the path which spawns tentacles. The health of all your tentacles increase by 100 per level up of this ability.
Reduced the health of Lesser Tentacles and regular Tentacles by 150.

Using Ancient Dew as a Rich Businessmen heals for 250 instead of making the unit invulnerable.
Lumber cost of Ancient Dew increased to 100 from 80.
Lumber cost of Eldersap increased to 200 from 140.
Lumber cost of Manastone increased to 100 from 75.
Lumber cost of Moonstone increased to 50 from 40.
Lumber cost of Leaf Cloak reduced to 50 from 80.
Orb of the Warp gold cost reduced to 1000 from 1100.
Reduced cost of Scepter of Aiwendil to 750 from 1000.
Reduced cost of Force Staff to 1000 from 1500.
Reduced gold cost of Periapt of Vitality to 750 from 1000.
Increased gold cost of Pendant of Frost to 750 from 650.

Znort throws an ensnare at air units.

General Changes

Bug Fixes






Made small tutorials for Farmers, Businessmen and Druids for new players.
The default duration of the timer is reduced to 40 minutes down from 45.
Experience gain options are now 80%/90%/100%/110%/120% from 75%/100%/125%/150%.

Stewards no longer instantly die when being trained upon learning level 10 Aflluence.
Removed Summon Allies ability from the game, apparently timed units getting summoned over crashes the game.
Made Guardian's Peck more likely to function when cast on enemies.
Fixed that Thief would get 50% less experience.
Earthquaker properly upgrades Woodlings.
Blink properly provides food to the Keeper.
Dead vampires no longer count to Vampire Count maximum.
Fixed that Heroes wouldn't automatically start being revived.
Metamorphosis goes on cooldown when cast.
Rddhi no longer can get units stuck in terrain.
Lacuna only heals on hitting enemies that are alive.
Spider Queen can't be devoured.
Refilling the Arcane Bottle as the Brainy Farmer makes it gain 6 charges.
Black Orc's item for the Lord of the Vampire has a proper cooldown.
Shovel and Telescope no longer share cooldown.
Casting Pursue no longer removes your active duel target.
Fixed that Rebuke slam angle would not be properly calculated.
Grand Magus' Vajra can teleport.
Killing the Lord of the Vampire in bat form rewards 500 gold.
Morte's ultimate no longer targets the neutral Farmer's for picking your class.
Krivbeknih no longer lags out the game.
Fixed an issue with hay pile limitations not being calculated accuratuly upon animals dying.
Duel target is properly reset upon the Hoplite dying.

Made a lockpicking minigame Farmers can play to escape the prison.
Upon dying Farmers can't use any items or abilities for 10 seconds in prison.
Increased damage of Huge Hay Piles by 20%.
Increased health of Hay Piles by 30%.
Hay Piles benefit from the Improved Marksmanship upgrades.
Units can no longer hide inside the Farm (but can hide inside the Warehouse).
Skinny Farmer can't research Deforestation and Improved Mining instead of Improved Lumber Harvesting and Caravan Mastery.
Skinny Farmer can no longer right click gather from Gold Chunks.
Basic Masonry Increases the health of buildings by 15% up from 10%.
Reduced health of Warehouse to 1500 from 1800.
Increased damage of Fort to 100 from 90.
Reduced collision size of Engine so it can fit in 2x2 holes.
Reduced health of Ballista Tower to 1200 from 1350.
Reduced health of regular Tower to 550 from 600.
Harvesters can pick up seeds from the ground.
Dwarves deal 300 damage when attacking trees.
Increased base damage of the Captain to 75 from 60.
The Captain's Charge ability reduced the armor of the target by 25% for 6 seconds.
Reduced the duration of the Captain's Battle Roar to 6 seconds from 8.
Increased gold generation by right click mining Gold Chunks to 30 per tick up from 20.
Reduced Cleanse mana cost to 70 from 100.
Increased build time of Command Center to 40 seconds from 25.
Reduced base damage of Man-at-Arms to 40 from 45 (upgrade amount is still 4).
Increased the cost of Expand Food Storage to 2000 gold and lumber and 20 food from 500 gold and lumber and 5 food.
Expand Food Storage now has a 50% of doubling food from a crop up from 33%.

Reduced mana cost of Soul's Blink to 50 from 100.
The Druid Den only replenishes heroes.

Reduced the mana cost of Woodworker improvements.
Friend of Men can't pick up allied forest units.
You can cast Friend of Men on yourself while flying.
You can drop a unit carried by Friend of Men by your Guardian by pressing ESC.

Souls can turn trees into Totems which provide 20% increased damage to nearby buildings and true sight.
Changed Ballista armor type to Fortified.
Increased health of Ballista to 500 from 400.
Increased damage of Ballista to 60 from 45.
Reduced lumber cost of Souls to 200 from 300.
Increased health of Woodling to 600 from 500.
Leveling Earthquake in addition increases Woodling damage by 10.
Entlings can attack trees.
Increased lumber cost of Greenworks to 450 from 350.
Increased build time of Greenworks to 20 seconds from 15.
Increased build time of the Yielder to 45 seconds from 30.
Increased lumber cost of the Yielder to 800 from 400.
The Yielder requires the research Well Spring to be build instead of an Altar of the Earth.
Increased build time of the Altar of the Earth to 60 seconds from 50.
Increased build time of the Tavern to 45 seconds from 8.
Reduced build time of Woodwyrm to 20 seconds from 25.
Reduced the health of all Entlings by 50.
Reduced damage of Oakling to 135 from 150.
Reduced the health of all combat ents by 15%.
Increased the build time of all combat ents to 30 seconds from 8.
Increased Woodling's Grove lumber cost to 150 from 0.

Heavenly Gust no longer affects Spiders from the Skittering Thorax.
Abolition cooldown no longer resets when targeting Ghouls or Cultists.

Increased starting gold to 550 from 500.
Increased the damage of the Moratorium to 50 from 40 and it now benefits from tower damage upgrades.
Reduced gold cost of House of Blight to 200 from 300.
Reduced the food provided by the House of Blight to 4 from 5.
Reduced the damage of the House of Blight to 35 from 40.
Changed armor type of House of Blight from light to fortified.
Increased gold bounty rewarded for destroying a House of Blight to 100 gold from 15.
The Shade no longer requires a Pools of Divination to be build.
Riot Control has short range invisibility detection.
Magic damage only deals 160% damage against Large Armor (mostly towers) down from 220%.
Increased Ghoul health to 550 from 450.
Reduced lumber cost of Halls of Reanimation to 0 from 400, but gold cost to 400 from 200.
Reduced lumber cost of Pools of Divination to 0 from 200, but gold cost to 400 from 200.
Increased lumber cost of Spirit Tower to 900 from 800.
Reduced the gold cost of Improved Masonry to 0 from 250 plus 250 per rank, but increased the lumber cost to 500 plus 500 per rank from 300 plus 300 per rank.
Added another rank to Improved Masonry.
Changed Ghoul attack type to normal from magic.
Increased cooldown of Gargoyle Banish to 75 seconds from 60.
Increased health of the Fountain to 7000 from 5000.
Increased damage of Riot Control to 125 from 100.
Increased health of Riot Control to 4000 from 3000.
Additional Riot Control have been placed at the factory gates.
You can teleport to Riot Control.
Riot Control generates 10 health per second, up from 0.
Riot Control can't attack heroes (so that the Druid can still sneak into factory).
Spirit Towers no longer require a Halls of Reanimation to be build.
Changed cost of Shade to 100 gold from 100 lumber.

An elementalist glasscannon who has mastered the magic of thunder to zap his enemies from afar. Some of his abilities generate mana, and some of them are very mana expensive.
Base ability - Thunderbolt: Deals 25% health in damage and a 2 second stun to the unit closest to the striking location. Also reveals the area for 10 seconds. Generates mana if the bolt kills the target.
Q - Chain Lightning: A quick bolt of lightning that deals jumps damage at a high mana cost.
W - Hurricane: Engulf yourself in an invulnerable, flying, and magical tornado for 7 seconds, throwing any nearby enemy units into the air, dealing damage when they land.
E - Voltaic Shock: For 10 seconds all enemies in the target area are statically linked to the center. If any of them were to move too far away from the center they take damage and a stun.
R - Jolt: Surge towards target location, any enemy you pass over takes pure damage plus more damage for each the distance you have travelled. The further you travel the more mana it costs you. If you were to run out of mana before you reach your destination you will stop surging.
Ultimate - Thundergod's Wrath: Strikes all Farmers and the Druid with a Thunderbolt. For every enemy struck the Tempest generates mana and experience.

Increased movement speed to 330 from 295.
The Mahabharata generates 1 gold per 40 mana, up from 1 gold per 50 mana.
Increased damage of Rddhi by 20%.
Increased damage and healing of Siddhi by 50.

Arena deals 150 damage plus 30 damage per Duel Stack, up from 200 flat.
Increased damage of Rebuke and Skewer to 160/240/320 from 100/200/300.
Reduced cooldown of Pursue to 45 seconds from 70.
Increased damage of Phalanx to 80/110/140 from 75/100/125.
Rebuke also makes the Hoplite dash a short distance, allowing him to hop over ledges.
Increased Rebuke knockback distance to 500 from 350.
Increased size of Skewer by 15%.
You can reset your duel target by approaching the prison lever (just like duel targets can).

Cinderstorm deals 100% damage against buildings up from 80% (to compensate for the magic damage taken reduction of large).
Flamestrike deals 90% damage against buildings up from 80% (to compensate for the magic damage taken reduction of large).
Increased damage of Meteor by 20% and it deals 50% damage against buildings up from 25%.

Reduced duration of Cultcloak to 4 seconds from 9.

Pickpocket is automatically unlocked at level 1 Prowl.
Gapple is unlocked at level 2 Prowl.
Level 3 Prowl now unlocks Windrun: gain 25% movement speed and 100% evasion for 6 seconds. Breaking invisibility makes you lose Windrun.
Explosive deals 220% damage against buildings up from 200% damage (to compensate for magic damage taken reduction).

You can own only up 3 Navigators at a time.
If the Treasure is buried below a building, it can be dug up by digging adjacent to the building.
Cannoneers deal pierce damage instead of siege.
The maximum health increase on the Keel Crew and Deep Keel cap out upon reaching level 20, down from level 30.
The flaming sword damage of Breath of Death increased to 40/60/80 from 50 flat.
Changed armor type of the Crew to take more damage from piercing (small and unarmored).
Reduced Organ of Morgan damage against heroes by 25%.
Organ of Morgan only stuns heroes for 1 second down from 2 seconds.

Can't place fetishes inside the prison.

Increased base mana regeneration to 0.25 per second down from 0.0.

You spawn with your Conjuration, and if you were to lose it the Arc or your rich businessman can rebuild it.
Spellstealing yourself allows you to cast Siddhi.
Reduced damage of Siddhi to 200 from 275.
At level 2 Xas you learn Hurricane instead of Siddhi (a Tempest spell).
Casting ZXC invokes Touch of the Serpent.
Touch of the Serpent damage reduced to 200 from 275.
Touch of the Serpent only instant kills the target below 20% mana down from 30%.
At level 3 Zeol you learn Necronomica instead of Touch of the Serpent (a High Cultist spell).
Casting CZX invokes Rddhi.
At level 2 Colth you learn Voltaic Shock instead of Rddhi (a Tempest spell).
(Casting XCZ still invokes Shift).
Noble Alchemy gives 15 gold per tick up from 10.
Photons no longer require a Photonum to be build.

Using Ironbash on neutral passive units does not give +1 permanent armor.
Changed cost of Lesser Slaves to 150 gold and 150 lumber from 275 lumber.
Increased health of Slaves by 100.
Earthsplitter affects buildings and stuns for 3 seconds up from 2.
Orc Towers no longer require a Black Foundry to be build.

When the Bounty Hunter is picked, all heroes start with 100 additional starting gold, instead of only giving himself 150 more gold.
Learning his Ultimate makes the Bounty Hunter and Big Gustav earn 25% increased experience.
Boots o' Rockets always jumps straight forward.
Boots o' Rockets stun duration is no longer halfed on Heroes and Farmers.
Increased damage of Boots o' Rockets to 125/200/275 from 100/150/200.
Blunderin' can be cancelled by pressing ESC.

Flying Crane Kick deals 350 damage when chi empowered (+75 from level 3).
Ring of the Rhino knocks 1200 units away when chi Empowered (+200 from level 3).

Reduced the cost of training Lesser Vampires from the Vampire Crypt to 150 gold and lumber down from 250.
Changed health of Vampire evolutions to 700/900/1100/1300 from 400/600/800/1500.
Noctum increases health of Vampires by 100 down from 150.
Reduced strength per level to 2.8 from 3.2.
Evolved Vampires limit decreased to 3 plus 1 per Noctum level down from a flat 6.
Increased damage of Sanguine to 150/250/350 from 125/200/275.
Increased mana drain of Sanguine by 10 for all levels.

Added a new item to the Enigmatic Vagabond - Puckolian Orb: Increases movement speed by 100 and can be used to launch an Orb which will travel in a straight line, dealing damage per second to enemies close it. You can click the Orb to teleport to it, but destroy the Orb. Costs 6000 gold.
Added a new item to the Mad Blacksmith - the Shard of Ingenuity: can be fused with any item sold by the Mad Blacksmith or Enigmatic Vagabond to upgrade it, making it become 50% more powerful. Costs 6000 gold.
Added a new item to the Mad Blacksmith - the Skittering Thorax: on use spawns spiders based on your level. Also increases armor and magic resistance. Costs 2000 gold.
Reworked the Orb of the Warp - Conjures a rift at the target location that damages nearby enemies. When the rift closes any units inside are teleported to the fountain.
The Krivbeknih additionally increases mana regeneration by 100%.
Reduced gold cost of Krivbeknih to 1200 from 1400.
The Krivbeknih no longer has a duration.
The Krivbeknih can be triggered by clicking it.
Cloak of the Damned duration reduced to 4 seconds from 7.
Reduced the cost of the Frost Pendant to 650 from 900.
Increased Cyclonestick cooldown to 15 seconds from 10.
Reduced Cyclonestick duration to 30 seconds from 40.
Cyclonestick can't be cast on Heroes.
Reduced cooldown on filling the Arcane Bottle to 40 seconds from 60.
Buying Clockworkers requires a nearby patron.
Can now sell Seeds with a lumber cost for lumber to shops.
Shadespeed's duration is reduced to 6 seconds from 30, but gives 100% lifesteal up from 25%.
Increased Force Staff cast range to 1400 from 1100.
Force Staff detects nearby invisible units.
Sentry Wards, Scrolls of Speed and Invisibility Potions are now stackable.
Cultcloak no longer reduces attack speed by 80%.
Reduced cooldown of Urn of the Elders to 200 seconds from 240.
Killing a Sentry Ward rewards 100 gold.
Sentry Wards have a stock limit of 4 and a recharge rate of 2 minutes.
Recharge rate of Contraption reduced to 3 seconds from 60.
Urn of the Elders can be sold.

The Skittering Thorax is dropped by the Spider Queen instead of a Desolator and a Spell Shield.
The Murlocs drop a Periapt of Vitality instead of Pendant of Frost.
Increased Stormhag health regeneration to 15 per second from 7.
Increased damage of the Pineling Shockwave to 425 from 325.

General Changes

Bug Fixes






Masked areas are partly visible.
Changed the time until factory gates open to 140 seconds from 150.

Units leaping through abilities don't slide around anymore to the wrong place.
Guardian's War Stomp no longer damage allies.
Socrates can't randomly die.
Reworked the way Kindlings spawn for the Flamewraith in hope of fixing the lag.
The cooldown of Bear Stomp is now properly 40 (was 12).
Rddhi no longer glitches units over walls.
Hopper deals damage properly again.
Windwalkers illusion can't get stuck in charge anymore.
Icarus heals the caster properly.
Dwarves gather lumber as fast as Workers.
Grand Magus' Rddhi deals damage properly.
Wolves can no longer get stuck behind the Shadowfoil Oak.
The Arc actually loses mana from casting spells.
Orbs spawned by Rddhi are properly owned by the Grand Magus.
Removed a bug where morphed units (human form, noctum, underway) can attack enemies while hidden.
Ana'dorei Talah and Fangs of the Grove require opened factory gates so the Sentinel can't escape the base.
Put in a fix for Farmers sometimes still getting deleted from the game (for instance from Hook).
Phoenix don't turn into eggs anymore when you spawn a new one.

Increased build time of wells to 6 seconds from 3.
Increased build time of Command Center to 25 from 15.
Reduced build time of Lord of the Castle to 7 seconds from 15.
Brainy Farmers spawn cycling through the villages, avoiding Brainy Farmers spawning at the same village.
Farmers are limited to 1 Castle.
Farmers are limited to 6 Wells.
Researching Architecture increases the limit on Wells to 12.
Building a Castle removes the limitations on building Wells.
Workers can build wells without requiring architecture.
Increased health of Wells to 275 from 225.
Reduced damage upgrade bonus of militia to 3 from 4 (actually matching the advertised 10% damage upgrade from the research).
Reduced damage upgrade bonus of militia to 4 from 5 (actually matching the advertised 10% damage upgrade from the research).
When you are close to supply capacity Workers can cast an ability that kills themselves to make space.
Increased attack range of Citadel to 750 from 600.
Vision over hostile creeps dissappears 20 minutes after the game has started.
Reduced cooldown of Brainy's Tinkering to 75 seconds from 90.
Increased healing per second of Tinkering to 50 from 40.
Brainy Farmer can own 4 Man-at-Arms, up from 0.
Reduced the cooldown of Brainy's Telescope to 20 seconds from 25, and increased its cast range to global from 9000.
Brainy's Shoewhite increases movement speed by 150 up from 75.
Brainy's Gadgetion increases maximum health by 150 instead of mana by 100.
Increased base damage of Forts to 90 from 80.
Marksmanship research increases damage of towers by 30% up from 25%.
Increased health of Shredder to 1000 from 525.

Reduced spawn chance of wisps from Seeds to 40% from 50%.
Woodword heals for 350 down from 400.
Vision over hostile creeps dissappears 20 minutes after the game has started.

Abolition only lasts double as long on non-heroes and non-creeps instead of 4 times.
Increased lumber cost of Chimaera to 4500 lumber from 3000.
Efflorescence heals for 9/10/11/12/13 health per second down from 10/12/14/16/18.
Reduced base damage by 4.
Reduced base strength by 1.
Reduced strength per level to 1.9 from 2.0.

Speed reduction of Battle Roar reduced to 60% from 75%.
Damage taken reduction of Battle Roar reduced to 60% from 75%.
Attack speed increase of Battle Roar increased to 60% from 50%.
Cooldown of Battle Roar increased to 60 seconds from 30.
Magical damage reduction of Resistant Skin reduced to 50% from 75%.
Bonus health of Form of the Claw reduced to 400 from 600 and armor bonus reduced to 4 from 5.
Increased damage of Starsurge to 250 from 200 and stun duration to 1.5 from 1.
Starfall lasts 30 seconds up from 7 seconds (bug) but has 45 seconds cooldown up from 40.
Friend of Men no longer makes the target invulnerable.
Steward's can't cast Friend of Men on Siege Engines.

NEW ABILITY - Earthquaker: After 4 seconds of tremmoring, the earth erupts dealing damage and a stun.
Removed Nourish.
Each level in Garden of Earendil increases the damage of the building by 20 and the health by 200.
Reduced Woodwyrm lumber cost to 400 from 500.
Upon Woodlings can be teleported.
Increased attack range to 950 from 750.

Reduced build time of Shades to 30 seconds from 45.
Reduced build time of Moratorium to 25 from 60.
Reduced repair cost of Spirit Tower to 0 gold and 0 lumber from 150 and 150.
Reduced build time of Halls of Reanimation to 30 seconds from 60.

Salazar spawns with his ship: the Deep Keel. He goes down with his ship, if either were to die, they both die.
He spawns next to the Shipyard, which has handy upgrades, stocks cannonballs, and can conscript Crew units.
Base ability - Barrel of Royal Rum: A barrel that explodes after a while, dealing area of effect damage. His other abilities can destroy the barrel for special effects.
Q - Riposte: Lunge towards target enemy, stunning them and throwing them over your shoulder.
W - Breath of Death: heal yourself, deal area of effect damage and make your auto attacks ignite enemies.
E - Dragon Flintlock: stun and damage a target enemy. If the enemy is stunned its stunned longer. If the enemy is burned it takes more damage.
R - Organ of Morgan: A rapid firing cannon that blasts enemies backwards.
Ultimate - Kraken of the Deep: periodically deals damage and stuns to enemies in the area, while friendly units are healed.
The Deep Keel and its Crew also have abilities: like stuns, reveals and auras.

Damage of Flying Crane Kick increased by 25.
During Whirling Dragon Dance the Astral Monk heals for 30 health per second.
Tiger Strike also damage and stuns buildings.
Mischief cooldown reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.

Reduced impact time of Sunstrike to 2.5 seconds from 3.3.
Inferno deals 35 bonus damage per consumed Hotstreak stack, up from 25.
Increased damage of Meteor by 50%.
Reduced duration of Kindlings to 45 seconds from 90, but increased their limit to 10 from 8.
The Zenith can cast a reveal for 10 mana on a 60 seconds cooldown.

Spider King's Affliction of Arach can be used on Underways and friendly spiders.
Reduced duration of Spinnings of Shelob to 3/5/7 from 4/6/8.
Changed stun duration of Garrote of Girek to 2/3/4 from 1/3/5.
Stun duration of Quake of the Qiraji reduced to 4 seconds from 5.

Increased health of Ana'dorei Talah to 600/1000/1400 from 200/500/800.
Increased damage of Ana'dorei Talah to 50/75/100 from 20/60/80.
Changed damage type of Ana'dorei Talah to chaos from normal.
Each level in an ability increases the health of Fangs of the Grove by 50 and their damage by 10%.
Reduced the base health of Fangs of the Grove to 450 from 525.
Increased the damage of Valanor to 40 from 30.
Reduced gold cost of training Fangs to 300 gold from 400.
Reduced build time of Fangs of the Grove to 20 seconds from 30.
Increased impact damage of Fal-anu'dora to 100/190/280 from 75/150/225.
Increased the mana regeneration of the Valanor to 4 per second up from 1.
Fal-anu'dora deals 25% damage against Farmers.

Increased damage of Arena to 200 from 150.
Reduced cooldown of Arena to 130 seconds from 150.
Reduced the cooldown of Skewer to 25 from 30.
Increased the range of Skewer by 20%.
Increased damage of Phalanx to 75/100/125 from 60/90/120.
Increased the duration of the Pursue arrow by 200%.
Increased day vision to 3000 from 2600.

Leap through Sky deals 1.5 bonus damage per strength up from 1.0.
Increased the damage of the Huge Skeleton to 10 per skeleton consumed up from 7.
Increased the health of the Huge Skeleton to 100 per skeleton consumed up from 70.

Increased health of the Citadel of Azkentuten to 2200 from 2000.
Reduced lumber cost of the Citadel of Azkentuten to 1000 from 1500 and gold cost to 600 from 1000.
Increased damage of the Citadel of Azkentuten to 100 from 80.
Reduced lumber cost of Statue of Worship to 300 from 500.
Reduced lumber cost of Altar of Worship to 600 from 1000.

The Mahabharata generates 1 gold for every 50 gold the Ethereal has, up from every 100 gold.
The Mahabharata has 3000 health up from 2000.
Increased damage of Rddhi by 25% to reflect the tooltip of the ability more.
Increased the health of the Vajrayana to 1000 from 700.
Reduced cooldown of Vajrabhrit to 16/11/5 from 21/14/7.

Increased damage of Earthsplitter to 100/200/300 from 100/170/240.
Windwalker's special item additionally gives him 10% evasion.
Butcher's special item makes Slough consume 5 more stacks, up from 4.
Astral Monk's special item makes him deal 50% more damage during Chi, but no longer decreases Chi Shell spawn times.

Removed Focus Fire ability: the Thief can now attack and move at the same time by default.
NEW ABILITY Darkshot: stun and curse target enemy. For the next 10 seconds the target takes damage each time it moves.
To a Hovel can be teleported.
Reduced food cost of towers to 0 from 6, but increased lumber cost to 700 from 400.
The Hovel produces 4 additional food.
Buffed Rat repair speed by 25%.
Rats regenerate 25 health per second up from 15.
Rats have the ability to blink a short distance.
Rats can auto attack enemies for 10 damage.
Reduced the build time of rats to 8 seconds from 20.
Increased the damage of the hovel to 75 from 45.
Huts only produce 6 food, down from 10, but cost 75 lumber down from 150.
Reduced health of Huts to 600 from 750.
Basic Marksmanship research costs 15 bones down from 20.
Reduced research time of Basic Marksmanship by 50%.
Increased stun duration of Tumbleshot on heroes by 0.5 seconds.
Thief's bone pickup range is increased by 75%.
Reduced cooldown on Shackleshot to 32 from 35.
Increased base movement speed of Thief to 355 from 350.
Battlethirst now also works while attacking and moving.

Increased gold from completing contracts by 100.
Reduced the cooldown of the Cabin's Track the Target to 50 seconds from 60.
New ability for Big Gustav - Trample: charge a target enemy.
Removed Attribute Bonus ability from Big Gustav.
Increased base health of Big Gustav to 2200 from 2000.
Increased base armor of Big Gustav to 6 from 5.

Increased damage of Icarus and Lacuna by 30.
Noctum increases health of vampires by 150 up from 125.
Noctum increases damage of vampires by 10 up from 5.
After upgrading the Moratorium to a Cathedral the Vampire Lords gains a new ability: Metamorphosis.
Casting Metamorphosis on a vampire turns it into a Wretched One that has 3000 health, 110 damage but lasts only 30 seconds.
In Noctum, the Vampire Lord has 0 armor.

Increased area of effect of the Voodoo Fetish to 900 from 600.

Reduced damage of Siddhi to 275 from 350.
Siddhi can't be cast on buildings anymore.
Reduced damage of Touch of the Serpent to 275 from 300.
Expository's Arcane Rain no longer damages allies.
Increased damage of Icarus to 290 from 200.
Increased cast range of Artifice (making foundations) to 1100 from 800.
Reduced the cooldown of Artifice to 80 seconds from 120.
Reduced build time of Pylons to 15 seconds from 25.
Increased range at which Pylons link to eachother to 925 from 750.
Gave Pylons an aura that grants 4 armor with the same range as its connectivity.
Increased movement speed of Conjuration to 280 from 180.
For 200 mana the Arc can cast a global reveal with 0 cooldown.
Increased movement speed of Akantash to 325 from 315.
Increased strength per level to 2.0 from 1.2.
Increased base health of 900 from 700.
Increased base attack speed by 15%.
Increased attack range to 750 from 575.
The Arc generates 10 gold plus 10 gold per gold chunk linked to the Arc up from 5 plus 5.
Reduced build time of the Arc to 20 seconds from 45.
Increased mana cost of Omnicharge on the Expository to 200 from 100.
Gave a new ability to the Expository to banish any unit globally for 200 mana with a 5 seconds cooldown.
Increased damage of Meteor by 50%.
Increased damage of Earthsplitter to 300 from 200.
Reduced build time of Photons to 15 from 30.
Cooldown of invoking a spell reduced to 13 seconds from 16, but leveling Invocation only reduces it by 1.5 seconds down from 2.
The Conjuration can cast a banish ability similar to Gargoyles.
Reduced cooldown of Meteor to 60 seconds from 80.
Reduced cooldown of Cinderstorm to 24 seconds from 30.
Reduced cooldown of Rddhi to 50 from 75.
Reduced cooldown of Vajrabhrit (spellstealing) to 10 seconds from 35.
Reduced cooldown of Divine Shield (spellstealing) to 60 from 100.
Reduced cooldown on Fal-anu'dora (spellstealing) to 40 from 65.
Reduced cooldown on Flying Crane Kick (spellstealing) to 40 from 50.
Reduced cooldown of Pyroclasm (spellstealing) to 25 from 40.
Reduced cooldown of Sacred Lance (spellstealing) to 40 from 60.
Reduced cooldown of Spinnings of Shelob (spellstealing) to 60 from 120.
Reduced cooldown of Tinkering (spellstealing) to 60 from 140.
Reduced cooldown of Solar Wrath (spellstealing) to 40 from 60.
Reduced cooldown of Wrath of Nature (spellstealing) to 40 from 70.

Increased damage of Corpse Grasp to 20/30/40 from 17/25/32.
Increased duration of Corpse Grasp to 10/14/18 from 7/10/13.
Skellock gains the ability the raise new skellies.
Skellior gains the ability to bash, stunning enemy units.
Increased vision range of Skeller to 2000 during day and night.
Increased movement speed of Skeller to 330 from 310.
Increased damage of Skeller to 50 from 40.
Increased auto attack range of Skeller to 900 from 800.

The Butcher has a Butcherhouse which stores Flesh Heaps.
Fleshlings can dig into the Butcherhouse to give it a Flesh Heap.
Flesh Heaps inside the Butcherhouse generate lumber.
The Butcherhouse can produce more Flesh Heap for lumber.
The Butcherhouse can make the Butcher expunge 4 Flesh Heaps into Fleshlings.
For a lumber cost the Butcherhouse can increase the maximum health of the Butcher and of Fleshlings.
Increased damage of Rot to 40/60/80 from 25/50/75.
Increased the flat damage of Hopper to 100/200/300 from 100/150/200.
Slough consumes up to 12 Flesh Heap stacks up from 11.
Increased Flesh Heap maximum to 50 from 40.
Reduced mana cost of Gorge to 30 from 35.
Increased attack speed of Fleshlings by 15%.
The Butcher loses half his stacks when he dies. He spawns Fleshling equal to the lost stacks when he dies.

Increased lumber cost of Pocket Fairy to 100 from 10.
Non-hero and non-farmer units cannot pick up rings.
Ring of Putrefaction summons 5 skeletons up from 2.
Combining the rings no longer spawns the Inner Demon, instead it spawns a new more powerful ring.
The Book of Luminosity replenishes 2000 health and mana down from all health and mana.
Dagon bounces 3 times up from 2 and each jump deals 33% reduced damage down from 50%.
Firefly Lantern can be used on yourself, but heals for 250 down from 300 and has 20 seconds cooldown up from 8.
Reduced cooldown of Manashard to 30 seconds from 60.
Increased proc chance of Maelstrom to 30% from 25%.
Reduced gold cost of Kleptomancer to 200 from 300.
Increased gold given by Kleptomancer to 250 from 150.
Reduced the cost of Circlet of Nobility to 100 from 150.
Circlet of Nobility gives +5 all stats up from +4 all stats.

The Spider Queen drops a Desolator in addition to the Spellshield.
Increased health of the big murlocs to 1400 from 1250.
Reduced the gold bounty on the big Murlocs and Harpies to 100 from 150.
Reduced the gold bounty on Fozruk to 350 from 400.
Changed armor type of murlocs to medium from large (making them take less piercing damage).
Changed armor type of Nidhogg to medium from large (making him take less piercing and siege damage).

General Changes

Bug Fixes






Host options to pick the duration on the timer changed to 37/41/45/50 minutes from 40/45/50 minutes.
Host options to pick the experience gain of heroes changed to 75/100/125/150% from 80/100/120%.

Killing units with Shift grants gold.
Grand Magus Shift also works on the W slot.
Grand Magus no longer can make multiple Capacitors.
Conjuring the Grand Magus Wagon requires opened factory gates.
Skewering a unit as the Grand Magus properly stuns it.
Farmers that leave the game have their farmer deleted.
Thief Shackleshot tooltip accurately displays its 35 seconds cooldown.
Brewmaster and Keeper can no longer get supply from spawning illusions.
Corpse Grasp actually slows affected enemies.
Rich Businessmen can't be teleported out of the factory by the Periapt of Vitality or Bhagavad.
Death's Doors skeletons are properly cleaned up upon recasting.
Gnolls drop their items properly.
Hidden Admorsus affected units have their Admorsus removed.
Flamewraith Flamestrike no longer lags the game.
Fleshlings can attack air.
Shift deals damage to units even if the target area was unrevealed.
Spinnings of Shelob works again.
Made adjustment to the pathing of Caravans so they are less likely to get stuck.
Efflorescence reveals invisible units properly.

Removed the Guard Tower.
Increased gold cost of Tower to 50 from 0, and lumber cost to 150 from 100.
Increased damage of Tower to 25 from 15.
Increased health of all towers by 150.
The Fatty Farmer now loses an additional 20% of their gold and lumber when they die, up from 10%.
Increased base armor of Workers by 1.
Workers repair 30% faster and repairing costs no resources.
Increased lumber cost of Engine to 1750 from 1350.
Increased damage of Arcane Rain to 80 from 75.
Reduced area of effect of Arcane Rain to 450 from 500.
True Sight research for the Roflcopter no longer requires Robotics.
Reduced base damage of Musketeer to 90 from 100.
Increased cooldown on Replenish of the Well to 4 seconds from 2.5.

Reduced gathering rate of Souls by 15%.
Souls only spawn 50% of the time from Druid planted seeds down from 100%.
Experience gain from Woodword reduced by 20%.
Druids are invulnerable for the duration they are stunned after reviving.

The Woodling now builds all buildings, including four new ones:
-Fountain that heals allied units.
-Watcher that attacks nearby enemies.
-Tavern that can also train Caravans.
-Warden of Éarendel builds your special combat units.
Reworked the Mossling, Oakling, Mapling and Pineling; they are now stronger duplicates of the regular farmer combat units.
Souls can no longer entwine.
Limited to 1 Woodling's Grove.
Ballista's limited to 2 down from 4.
Increased range of Ballista's to 1500 from 1300.
Increased lumber cost of Ballista to 700 from 350.
Hardened Bark increases health of ents by 300 down from 400.
Entlings build by the Greenworks no longer have a 60 second duration, but you are limited to them the same amount as you are your sprouts.
Lumber cost of Souls and Entlings increased to 300 from 200.
Thornweld generates experience for the Keeper in addition to lumber.
Thornweld can be used on any friendly building.

Bringleberry food provided reduced to 6 from 7.
Reduced base armor by 1.
Reduced strength per level to 2.2 from 2.4.
Reduced base damage by 5.
Drunken Dash only affects enemy heroes.
Drunken Dash cooldown increased to 3 seconds from 2.
Duration of Bamboozle reduced to 1.7 seconds from 2.
Nifty Stockpiling awards 15 lumber and 7 experience down from 20 lumber and 10 experience.
Increased attack range of Mortar team to 1500 from 1350.

Each time Woodwork is succesfully cast the Guardian gains 5 experience.
Starsurge and Solar Wrath cast range increased to 1000 from 950.
Starsurge cooldown decreased to 40 seconds from 65.
Moonfire damage increased to 40 per second from 35 (for all abilities).
Form of the Claw increases armor by 5.
Collision size in all forms is now the size of a Farmer's worker (used to be bigger in Bear and Owlkin form).
Friend of Men can be cast on mechanical units.

Whenever an Efflorescence Crop is reaped the Dryad gains 10 experience.
Increased Heavenly Gust cast range to 650 from 375.
Chimaera's have a 1000 range auto attack that deals 300 damage but can only target buildings.

Increased health of shades to 200 from 100.
Reduced repair time of House of Blight to 15 seconds from 25.
Reduced gold cost of Gold Mine to 350 from 500.
Reduced gold cost of Spirit Tower to 350 from 400.
Reduced gold cost of House of Blight to 300 from 400.
Reduced gold cost of Ghouls to 75 from 100.
Reduced gold cost of Improved Masonry and its increments to 250 from 300.
Cultists get their repair icon back (allowing them to repair the Gold Mine).
Increased health of Cultists to 900 from 600.
Increased health of Spirit Tower to 1200 from 1100.
Gargoyles have the ability to Blink and to Banish enemy units.
Health of Moratorium increased to 1750 from 1400.

NEW ABILITY: Rddhi - Conjure an orb that flies to a target location, healing and damaging along its path and dragging enemies and vajra.
Dhyana can also be cast on enemies to deal damage to them, but its cooldown is increased to 30 from 20.
Armor type of Vajra's changed to Hero from Large, making them take reduced magic damage.
Increased Vajrabhrit's area of effect stun to 200 from 150 range.
Akarma increases allied speed, attack rate and damage by 25% up from 15%.
Akarma heals targeted ally for 25 per summoned Vajra up from 15.

Reduced Rat build time to 20 from 45.
Focus Fire level requirement reduced to 6 from 7, cooldown reduced to 50 from 70 and mana cost reduced to 50 from 80.
Damage reduction to buildings reduced to 20% from 33%.
The Hovel can be Pocketized and picked up as an item.
Reduced lumber cost of Huts to 150 from 200.
Increased health of Watch Towers to 1450 from 1250.
Rats can repair.

Flying Crane Kick now actually makes you fly, allowing you travel over obstacles.
Damage of Flying Crane Kick increased to 100/175/250 from 80/160/240.
Increased damage of Whirling Dragon Dance by about 25%.
Tiger Strike damage increased by 50 and cooldown reduced by 2 seconds.
Cooldown of Touch of the Serpent reduced to 40/25/10 from 45/35/25.
Increased cast range of Mischief to 1250 from 1100.

Default cooldown on invoking a spell reduced to 16 seconds from 18.
Default cooldown on spellstealing reduced to 8 seconds from 10.
Supply of Capacitor increments by 25 up from 15.
Replaced Rot with Touch of the Serpent as an invokable ability.
Replaced Lokjarl with Blasted! as an invokable ability.
Replaced Skewer with Rddhi as an invokable ability.
Replaced Jinada with Cinderstorm as an invokable ability.
Instead of Spellstealing Touch of the Serpent from the Astral Monk, Flying Crane Kick is stolen.
Divine Shield (spellsteal) duration increased to 5 seconds from 4.
Breath of Fire (spellsteal) damage increased to 250 from 200.
Earthsplitter (ZXC) damage increased to 200 from 160.
Icarus (ZXC) heals you for 30 for each enemy hit.
Sanguine (spellsteal) deals 25 more damage per second.
Siddhi (ZXC) deals 350 damage up from 150.
Skewer (ZXC), Vajrabhrit (spellsteal), Tosshin (spellsteal) and Fal-anu'dora (spellsteal) are now similar to the level 3 version of the regular spell, up from level 2.
Renamed the Wagon to the Conjuration.
Reduced cooldown on Conjuring the Conjuration to 120 seconds from 150.

Ymmirjar cooldown increased to 40 seconds from 35.
Skornkul cooldown increased to 20 from 18.
Reduced base health by 50.
Ragnarok duration reduced to 18 seconds from 20.

Increased base maximum mana by 40.
Increased agility per level to 2.5 from 2.
Increased intelligence per level to 2 from 1.25.
Decrease strength per level to 2 from 2.4.

Can own up to 2 Warchiefs, Slavemasters and Warlocks.
Gold cost of Slavemaster reduced to 150 from 160.
Gold cost of Warlock reduced to 200 from 250.
Gold cost of Warchief reduced to 275 from 350.
Gold cost of Black Foundry reduced to 250 from 350.
Gold cost of Beastiary reduced to 100 from 160.
Gold cost of Quarry reduced to 300 from 500.
Gold cost of Burrow reduced to 75 from 100.
Increased Grunt, Warchief, Slavemaster and Warlock health by 300.
Health regeneration of Kodo, Warchief, Slavemaster and Warlock increased to 2 per second from 1.
Duration of Slavemaster's Rush increased to 15 seconds from 10, cooldown decreased to 15 seconds from 30 but mana cost increased to 90 from 75.
Increased Grunt movement speed to 325 from 305.
Increased Slave health by 100.
Increased the speed by which Slaves repair by 100%.
Increased the speed by which the Great Forge, Black Foundry and Burrow get repaired by 60%.
Grunts can gather lumber, and they gather 25% faster than Slaves.
Increased Strength per level to 3.5 from 2.9.

Cult-touch can be cast on yourself.
Increased health of Citadel of Azkentuten to 2000 from 1750.
Increased damage of Citadel of Azkentuten to 80 from 70.
Citadel of Azkentuten no longer requires the High Cultist to level his ultimate.
Increased health of Greater Cultist to 1100 from 700.
Reduced gold cost of Altar of Worship to 0 from 1000 and gold cost of Statue of Worship to 0 from 500.

Increased health of vampires by about 30% and their damage by 10.
Increased damage of Sanguine by 25 per second.
Icarus heals you for 20/30/40 health for each enemy hit, but its cooldown is increased to 14 seconds from 10.
The cooldown of Sleep of a Greater Vampire has been reduced to 40 seconds from 50.
Increased Agility per level to 1.5 from 1.0.
Increased base health by 250.
Increased health of the Vampire Counts to 1500 from 1200.
Limit on owning evolved Vampires increased to 6 from 4.

Increased Hook projectile speed by 50%.
Increased Hook grab range by 30%.
Increased Gorge healing to 135 from 100.
Increased agility per level to 1.5 from 1.0.
Increased base agility to 11 from 9.
Increased base health by 50.
Increased strength per level to 3.2 from 3.0.
Cleaver stun on heroes increased to 0.2/0.4/0.6 up from 0.2 baseline.
Increased Hopper cast range to 900 from 700.
Hopper releases 2/4/6 stacks up from 3/4/5.
Increased base movement speed to 305 from 295.

Increased health of Broodmother to 900 from 600.

Vexing Fetish take 40% reduced magic damage down from 50%.

Increased base health by 250 and base strength by 5.
Reduced Rebuke cooldown to 25 from 27.
Reduced Skewer cooldown to 30 from 35.

Human Form's health reduced to 400 from 675.

Skeller's can turn invisible for 15 seconds.
Increased base health of Skellies to 365 from 325.

The Bounty Hunter has access to the Blunderbuss Cabin which sells Wanted Contracts.
Wanted Contracts can be purchased for Farmers, Druids and Creeps.
Upon completing contracts you gain gold, increasing for the difficulty of the contract.
Blunderin' deals 100 more damage per completed contract.
Increased base damage and agility by 5.
Blunderin' is not cancelled by the buff being dispelled.
Gustav's Attribute Bonus now increases Strength by 4 per level instead of all attributes by 2.
Gustav's Strength per level increased to 4 from 3.
Bounty lasts 5 minutes down from infinite.
Increased knockback distance on self of Blasted to 1000 from 800.
Reduced armor reduction of Bounty to 15 from 25.

Reduced cast range of Contraption to 425 from 500.
Scroll of Speed affects Farmers.
Increased lumber gain of Quelling Blade to 100 from 70.
Manastone no longer shares no cooldown with any other items.
Manastone replenishes 250 mana up fro 120.
Increased the damage of the Bloody Dirk summon to 50 from 30.

Spiders no longer sleep.
Increased Stormhag health to 1750 from 1600 and their health regen to 8 per second from 4.

General Changes

Bug Fixes






This patch contains a overhaul to the map, the creeps, the farmer midgame macro and the Grand Magus base building.
Host can now kick players by writing -kick blue or -kick lisa.

Fixed a bug where Grand Magus would not get gold per spell cast by Farmers and Druids.
Using Touch of the Serpent to kill a creep no longer rewards a Chi.
The shadow that Vault leaves behind is properly cleaned up.
Shoeblack now also works for Farmers.
Fixed that creeps sometimes would not walk back to their starting positions.
Engine's can now attack Spider King towers.
All creeps can now hit air.
Slaves can hit air.
The Windwalker's charge no longer bugs out when he gets teleported as he casts the ability.

This patch is redesigning midgame Farmer macro.
First goal of the redesign: I want there to be meaningful choices in the midgame build of Farmers.
Second goal of the redesign: I want that window of time where you have fun and competitive fights against hunters to be bigger, a.k.a the window between where you are just about no longer easy pickings for the Hunters until you have an undefeatable base.

The solution is reworking the trinity of Warehouse, Windmill and Blacksmith such that the order in which you build them consititutes a unique build and provides different options of fighting against Hunters. From a design point of view I want you to be able to competititvely defend against Farmers the moment you build one of the three trinity buildings, until you have researched architecture. After architecture your base should be strong enough such that it can't be broken by Hunters.

You can only build 1 Warehouse, 1 Windmill and 1 Blacksmith.
The health of the Warehouse, Windmill and Blacksmith are doubled.
The build time of the Warehouse, Windmill and Blacksmith are halved.
Warehouse now costs 750 lumber up from 400.
Windmill now costs 300 gold, 300 lumber and 3 food up from 275 gold.
Blacksmith now costs 500 gold and 200 lumber up from 200 gold and 200 lumber.

The idea is that you choose one of the three buildings to rush first, each giving you a different advantage.

Building the Blacksmith first allows you to build stronger towers. As such the towers have been reworked:
Guard Tower can be upgraded into Ballista Towers for 200 lumber, 100 gold and 1 food, increasing their health by 400, their damage by 20 and their range by 150.
Ballista Towers are the towers that are upgraded into Forts.
Ballista Towers require a Blacksmith.
Cannon Towers require a Blacksmith.
Forts and Citadels require Architecture.
Increased Tower health to 500 from 420.
Reduced the cost of the Guard Tower to 120 lumber from 150.
Increased the health of the Cannon Tower to 1050 from 850 and their ranged to 850 from 700.
Reduced the cost of Forts to 200 gold and 300 lumber down from 300 gold and 750 lumber.
Reduced the cost of Citadels to 400 gold and 200 lumber down from 600 gold and 150 lumber.

Building the Warehouse first allows you to build a strong early game army.
The Warehouse provides an aura that gives 6 armor to nearby units.
The Warehouse can Call to Arms nearby workers, temporarily turning them into Militia.
The Warehouse is the requirement to garrison Workers into max level Hay Piles.
Upgrading Hay Piles no longer requires a Windmill.

Building the Windmill boosts your economy.
A lot of researches have been moved to the Windmill:
-Improved Lumber Harvesting from the Barnhouse
-Deforestation from the Warehouse (gold cost reduced by 400)
-Improved Mining from the Workshop (lumber cost reduced by 400)
-Well Spring from the Library
The Windmill no longer sells seeds, but still unlocks the seeds for Grainmills.

Increased the gold the Workshop generates by about 50% for each level.
Warmth of campfire increases armor by 2 down from 3.
Reduced cost of all seeds in the Granary by about 20%.
Increased the maximum stock of all seeds by 1.
Reduced cost of Militia to 60 gold and lumber from 75.
Feed Storage only increases the limit on animals to 3 from 4, and costs 15 food up from 12.
Reduced the cost of upgrading Hay Piles on average by about 30% lumber.
Increased cooldown of Captain's Battle Roar to 38 seconds from 28.
Sheep no longer require a Grainmill.

Improving to Talon Shrine now should be used on a Barnhouse instead of Warehouse.

Increased movement speed of Shades to 450 from 370 to make up for the bigger map.

Siddhi can also be cast on buildings and mechanical units.
Increased cast range of Spellsteal to 1500 from 350.
Reduced Pylon damage to 15 from 30.
Reduced Pylon size to the size of a tower.
Reduced the gold cost of the Pylon to 25 from 50.
Reduced the build time of the Pylon to 25 seconds from 30.
Pylons cost 1 food.
Photons cost 10 food.
The Arc provides 10 food.
Reduced health regeneration of the Arc to 15 per second from 30.
The Arc generates 1 mana for every 1 gold it generates.
The Arc no longer contains researches for the Photon.
The Arc has an ability called Supercharge: make a pylon generate health and do 400% increased damage.
The Arc has another ability called Artifice: create a foundation on which to build one of 4 advanced buildings:
-The Capacitor provides 15 food and is a defensive tower. Can be upgraded 5 more times for more damage and more supply.
-The Vault generates gold, experience or maximum mana for the Grand Magus over time.
-The Photonum is a requirement to build Photon towers and contains researched for the Photon.
-The Expository can cast 4 spells: Arcane Rain (aoe), Revocation (resets cooldown of invoke/spellsteal) and Omnicharge (global heal).

When a Cursed Farmer leaves the game, another random player does not get Cursed Farmer.

Siddhi can also be cast on buildings and mechanical units.
Increased Dhyana cast range to 1500 from 1250.

Cutting the tree the Astral Monk sits on stuns him for 4 seconds up from 3, and Mischief goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
Increased Flying Crane Kick movement speed by 30%.

Changed armor type of Vexing Fetish to Hero from Fortified.
Vexing Fetish is no longer magic immune, but instead takes 50% reduced magic damage.
Increased the healing range of the Voodoo Fetish by 30%.
Reduced cooldown of Tiki Fetish to 15 seconds from 25.

Tosshin and Arashi deal 20/40/60 bonus damage if your illusion charges with you.
Increased Tosshin cast range to 1200 from 1100.
Increase Arashi cast range to 900 from 750.

Kleptomancer no longer has a passive, instead it can be actively used to kill a weak enemy unit for 150 gold (115 seconds cooldown).
Gold cost of Kleptomance increased to 300 gold from 150.
Dagon deals 500 damage up from 400 and bounces twice instead of once.
Scepter of Aiwendil now is an active item that can be used to polymorph all workers, militia and man-at-arms in an area for 4 seconds.
Scepter of Aiwendil's gold cost reduced to 1000 gold from 1200.
Reduced cost of Periapt of Vitality to 1000 from 1400.
Reduced cost of Pendant of Frost to 900 from 1400.
Homestone now functions like a staff of teleportation and can be reused (still teleports up to 15 allied units along).
Increased Quelling Blade cast range to 175 from 32.
Firefly Lantern healing increased to 300 from 250 and cooldown decreased to 8 seconds from 30, but increased mana cost to 65 from 0.
Factory Security sells Quelling Blade instead of Firefly Lantern.

There is a new creep camp: the Spider Queen in the bottom left, she drops a Spell Shield and 1000 gold.
All of the hostile creep camps have been expanded with environmental effects:
-In Fozruk's area there are periodic landfalls that deal area of effect damage.
-At the Harpy Peak there is a strong wind that tries to push you off the platform, stunning you and dealing damage.
-Nidhogg will fly from zone to zone, covering the area in Flamestrikes.
-The Axemen will sometimes steal a coin worth 50 gold that fly to random spots which Brigands will try to pick up.
-At the Murlocs there is a building that increases the movement speed and regeneration rate of nearby Murlocs.
-Gnolls periodically place traps that root nearby units or explode.
-At the Spider Queen there are tentacles that shoot spider webs, and a network of caves that the Queen hides in.

Fozruk drops a Titan Helmet instead of a Blinkdagger.
The Murlocs drop a Pendant of Frost instead of Titan Helmet.
The Murloc curse can only be cast on Heroes.
The rewards from the Gnolls only drop when all Gnolls are dead.
Increased gold bounty on Fozruk to 400 from 200.
Increased gold bounty of Brigands to 80 from 60, and Axmen to 30 from 5.
Increased gold bounty of Harpy to 80 from 50 and Stormhag to 150 from 100.
Reduced the gold bounty of Nidhogg to 500 from 1000 but increased the gold of the coins he dropped to 1000 from 500.
Each forest camp also drops a cheap item, like cheese or a sentry ward.

Mossling creeps cast a healing ward when attacked.
Oaklings cast an area of effect stun with an impact delay.
Each easy forest creep camp now has 2 entlings and 2 stronger ents, up from only 1 stronger ent.
Reduced bounty of stronger ents to 60 from 75.
Health of all forest ents reduced by 150 and damage by 5.
New stronger Ent: the Pineling - has a ranged attack and channels a shockwave that can be dodged.
Reduced the experience from stronger ents by 25%.

The big Murloc's are no longer invisible.
Reduced movement speed of Murlocs to 375 from 475.
Reduced Nidhogg's damage to 140 from 200.
Reduced Nidhogg's Phoenix Fire damage by 60%.
Reduced Slartibartfast attack speed by 15%.
Reduced damage of Gnollmen by 10 and range by 50.
Reduced the health of the Kobolts by 75.

Bug Fixes






Can no longer get multiple Skelliors by hiding them inside the Grim Reaper.
Cleaver now properly increases the health of your Fleshlings and Butcher when leveled.
Robe of the Magi and Cheese mana no longer affects animals and Broodmothers.
Unsummoning a Necropolis does not give resources.
Fixed clunky camera angle after picking Farmer Class.
Cultists can no longer build a Moratorium quickly on the hill outside the Factory Mansion.
Fixed some bugs relating to Thief's Prowl not recognising stealth properly.
Ymmirjar can be cast on mechanical units.
Leveling Unsummon properly increases the capacity on training Ghouls.
Grapple's cooldown is no longer reset upon casting Prowl.
Powershotting corpses as the Thief does not make them drop more bones.
Can no longer spawn infinite Big Gustav's by having illusions use the ultimate.
Ethereal's Mana Vault properly generates money equal to the maximum mana of the Ethereal.
Fixed that there would sometimes be two duel marks from the Hoplite.
Cooldown of Blink properly reset if no enemies nearby.
Can no longer make a Dwelling, kill the Steward, rebuild the Steward, make another Dwelling, repeat.
Thief Hovel no longer drops on death and can no longer be sold.
Fixed the healing of the High Cultist's Unsummon.

Farmers and Druids have permanent vision over neutral hostile creep camps.
Reduced attack range of Citadels to 850 from 1000.
A farmer turned into a Cursed Farmer by the Grim Reaper can cast a chain lighting type ability instead of Force of Nature.
Reduced the cost of Garrisoning Javaliniers to 3000 gold and lumber from 7000.

No longer has a 30% reduction to lumber gathering rate.

His dwarves produce 30% bonus gold instead of 20%.

Can build up to 4 Engines.

Farmers and Druids have permanent vision over neutral hostile creep camps.

Reduced base strength to 19 from 25.

Reduced the maximum units knockbacked by Heavenly Gust to 70.

Increased base health by 150 and an additional 150 in bear form.
Increased base armor by 2 and an additonal 2 in bear form.
Blackout Brawler leap deals 60/80/100/120 damage instead of 30/60/90/120 and the dash deals 60/80/100/120 damage instead of 70/100/130/160.
Increased Starfall and Solar Wrath damage to 35 per tick up from 30.
Increased Roots of the Forest damage to 35 per tick up from 25.
Starsurge deals 35 bonus damage per moonfire up from 30.
Increased cast range of all moonkin abilities to 950 from 800.

NEW ABILITY: Nourish - Globally heal any allied unit for 400/600/800/1000 health.
Removed the Keeper's Grove ability.
Woodling's can make a Woodling's Grove.
Level 1 Wrath of Nature can be cast on Heroes too.
Reduced Soul build time to 20 seconds from 60 and lumber cost to 200 from 300.
Reduced Soul gathering rate by 25%.
Increased the range of Blink to a flat 1500.
Increased damage of Sprouts to 15 from 10.
Reduced Entwine mana cost to 0 from 200.
Conjuring Ents no longer costs mana but costs lumber.
An Oakling can be upgraded into an Oakent for 400 lumber to increase health by 500 and damage by 20.
Added a new option to an entwined Soul: a Pineling who can build: Altar of the Earth, Woodwyrm, Yielder and Greenworks.
Yielder is a building that can plant basic plants and reap gold chunks and grown crops.
Greenworks produces basic infantry, like Entlings and Ballista's.
Ballista's are cheap and somewhat weak ranged units that have a long range.
Altar of the Earth and Woodwyrm are no longer upgraded from the Woodling's Grove.
Woodwyrm doesn't increase food limit by 1, but instead increases the limit on sprouts by 2.

There is no more maximum level for Heroes.

Base Ability: [V] Spellsteal - When cast on a Hero or Farmer you get a copy of a spell they have. Each spell stolen ability only has 1 charge, upon using the ability a new spell can be stolen.

Levelable abilities:
[Z] - Zeol (pain)
[X] - Xas (haste)
[C] - Colth (control)
-Z X C is used to invoke spells similarly to how dota's invoker invokes spells. If a spell is succesfully invoked, Z X C go on a shared cooldown.
-all invoked spells are copies of abilities of other heroes, but with a small twist.
[V] - Invocation: when leveled reduces the shared cooldown on invoking spells.

Grand Magus doesn't have cultists, instead he has an Arc that generates gold per spell cast by Farmers and Druid, and which he uses to build towers and research upgrades.

NEW ABILITY: Dark Nova - Put a strain on target enemy unit; it is slowed and upon expiration stuns nearby enemy units and damages them.
Turned the Necropolis ability into the base ability of the High Cultist.
The High Cultist starts with 2 Greater Cultists and 2 normal cultist instead of 4 normal cultists.
Greater Cultists can be built form the Moratorium for 600 gold up to a limit of 2.
Reduced Greater Cultist health by 200.

Warchief has a Charge ability similar to the Captain instead of his Ressurection ability.
Lounge starts at full mana instead of a third.

Concocting a Nether Mojo requires Opened Factory Gates.

Made Explosive collision size bigger.
Increased Prowl cooldown to 8 seconds.
Reduced Grapple cooldown to 25 seconds from 40.
Increased Claptrap health to 300 from 130 and attack speed by 100%.
Crafting Arcane String additionally changes the damage reduction per target hit by Powershot from 10% to 8%.
During Focus Fire the Thief can also attack buildings.

Killing a Hero or Farmer with Touch of the Serpent gives you 1 Chi.

Increased attack range to 925 from 825 (Bounty Hunter now outranges Citadels but not Forts).
Increased gold bounty from Bounty and Boomstick by 10.
Reduced the cooldown of Boomstick to 12 seconds from 20.
Blunderin's cooldown is reset if the target dies from the ability.
Blunderin' no longer always oneshots, but deals 800/1100/1400 damage instead of 400/700/1000.
Blasted! deals 150/275/400 damage up from 100/200/300.
Blasted! deals 2% bonus damage per 150 gold you have, up to 80% bonus damage
Increased Big Gustav's base health by 200.

Tosshin cooldown reduced to 12 seconds from 15 and damage increased to 100/200/300 from 75/150/225.
Casting Miraju resets the cooldown of your last cast non-ultimate ability.
Increased maximum mana by 60.

Reduced base armor to 0 from 5.
Reduced base health to 600 from 800.
Reduced base attack speed by 40%.
Reduced Skewer projectile speed by 20%.

Battlethirst and Cloak of the Damned share item cooldown.
Ancient Dew and Sap of an Elder Tree have a 180 second stock start delay.
Reduced Cyclonestick duration to 40 seconds from 60.
Ancient Dew duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7.
Decreased Stormhammer projectile speed and cast range by 30%.

Increased the health of all non-forest creeps by 15%.
Increased the damage of all non-forest creeps by 10%.
Increased armor of Stormhag to 4 from 0.
Increased attack range of Stormhag and Siren by 40%.
Increased armor of Murlocs to 2 from 0.
Increased health of Entlings to 650 from 620.
Increased armor of Entlings by 1.
Moved the Murlocs back slightly.

Bug Fixes






A unit killed by Mimics counts as being killed by the Thief.
Lord of the Vampire no longer small after reviving.
Black Orc being picked does not delete all trained units.
Fixed some invulnerability issues with heroes jumping.
Vault no longer breaks after reviving.
Lord of the Vampire properly limited to 4 Vampire Counts.
Fixed that Brewmaster's Drunken Dash always did bonus fortune damage.
Thief no longer has access to all abilities during prowl.
Arcane String tooltip properly displays the resources the upgrade costs.
Thief attempting to craft without the proper resources resets the cooldown of the ability.
Fumbling outside map should not crash the game anymore.
Fixed Guardian War Stomp causing lag.
Black Orc Kodo cant unload before factory gates have opened.

When a farmer dies they lose lumber and gold, the longer the game the more gold and lumber are lost on death, up to a maximum of 25%.
Increased Toss Pebble cooldown to 15 seconds from 12 and stun duration to 2.5 seconds from 3.
Increased Panic cooldown to 20 seconds from 18.
Reduced Farmer base health by 25.
At the start of the game farmers can pick a class:

Stats: Default.
Gameplay: Default.
Ability: Panic - Increase your movement speed by 60% for 10 seconds. [20 Seconds Cooldown]

Stats: Has 50% more health but is 25% slower.
Gameplay: Dwarves gather 20% bonus gold but when you die you lose an additional 10% gold and lumber.
Ability: Chomp - Destroy a tree for 200 lumber. [160 Seconds Cooldown]

Stats: Moves 30% faster and attacks 30% faster but gathers 30% less lumber and gold.
Gameplay: Limited to 2 Javaliniers from the start of the game but he can't research Improved Lumber Harvesting and Caravan Mastery.
Ability: Hop, Skip and a Jump - Short range hop that can be used to get over ledges. [20 Seconds Cooldown]

Stats: Has 50% more mana and mana regeneration but 25% less health. Starts at a village with gold instead of lumber.
Gameplay: Items sold by the Mayor and Ancient are doubly good, but he can't upgrade militia to man-at-arms.
Ability: Tinkering - Infuse a unit for 10 seconds, making it gain health and damage. Can be cast globally. [90 Seconds Cooldown]

Reduced the cooldown of Keeper's Grove to 75/60/45/30 from 70 flat.
If there are no enemy heroes nearby when you cast Blink, its cooldown is reset.

His abilities no longer damage wards.
Stormstout Barrel does not affect creeps.
Reduced the knockback distance of Drunken Dash by about 20%.
Reduced base health by 100.
Bamboozle only works once per player per 20 seconds up from 9 seconds.

All hunters gain 200 gold whenever a farmer is killed.
Killing a farmer gives 30% more experience.

Vault cooldown is now also reset upon dealing a killing blow to a non-duel target Farmer.
Dying as the Hoplite resets your duel target.
Increased base armor by 5.
Increased Rebuke buff duration to 13 seconds from 10.
Pursue cooldown increased to 70 seconds from 10 and requires opened factory gates.
If your duel target approaches prison he loses the target on himself.
Phalanx deals 40% less damage to creeps.

Mimic coins now always instantly kill any enemy that picks it up.
Improved Traps research in the Hovel costs 20 Oil instead of 60.
Improved Traps research makes Mimics give you 500 gold when they kill a unit.
Digging with the Pickaxe in special location rewards bonus resources.
Increased Tumbleshot damage to 200/350/500 from 175/190/400.

Increased Affliction of Arach cast range to 400 from 200.
Swarm of the Silithid Swarmlings health increased to 450 from 350 and damage increased to 30 from 25.

Increased Fetish base health from 60 to 70 and increased health per level to 20 from 15.
Reduced Phantom Fetish cooldown to 10 seconds from 25 and manacost to 45 from 90.
Reduced manacost of making a Nether Mojo to 15 and manacost of making a Demon Mojo to 30.

Arashi no longer makes the Windwalker invulnerable during the leap, but its damage is increased by 25.

Beastiary does not require a Great Forge to be build.
Increased Kodo health to 1300 from 900 and armor to 4 from 0.
Improved the power of the items the Black Orc can craft for other heroes.

Boots o' Rockets no longer makes your invulnerable during the jump.

Ultimate no longer turns the farmer into a hostile enemy, instead the farmer is turned into a cursed ghost that is still on the farmer's side.
Reduced level requirement of ultimate to 10 from 13.

Reduced Urn of the Elders cooldown to 240 seconds from 390.
Deadly Dirk now deals a 30% slow for 0.5 seconds on hit.
Deadly Dirk upgrades a rank as long as you are within 2000 range of a farmer dying.

New item in Blacksmith shop:
Crown of Chrome: Passively increases damage and armor by 20 and can be used to gain invulnerability for 3 seconds and can be used to gain invulnerability for 3 seconds. [200 Seconds Cooldown] - costs 10.000 gold.

New item in the Vagabond shop:
Book of Luminsoity: Passively increases your health and mana by 500. When used your health and mana are replenished and you gain 1500 experience. [100 Seconds Cooldown] - costs 10.000 gold.

Increased all creeps health regen to 4 per second.
Increased armor of Bandits to 4 from 0.

General Changes

Bug Fixes






Siege damage deals 90% damage against hero armor down from 100%.
Magic damage deals 220% damage against heavy armor up from 200%.

Flesh Heap and Lucky Dew is constantly re-applied if the hero was to lose the stacks.
Farmers getting killed while infested by Swarmlings or Corpse Grasp no longer deletes them from the game.
Drunken Dash on a Farmer no longer turns him permanently invulnerable.
Icarus requires Opened Factory Gates, and thus cant be used to leave the factory earlier.
The orange Farmer can properly mine gold.
Seeker is no longer stunned for 10 seconds by using Ymmirjar on an enemy that was too close.
Broodmother can weave spiderlings into cocoons again.
Command Center Summon Allies no longer works on invulnerable units.
Moving or attacking with a dwarf or farmer while they are mining stops them from mining gold.
Spam clicking brewmaster barrels no longer causes multiple explosions from the same barrel.
Admorsian Infection can no longer be targeted by Cheese.
Brewmaster Blackout does not turn enemies invulnerable.

Research Rework:
Removed the Cauldron, its researched are now spread out over other buildings.
Farmer's Brew renamed Farmer's toolkit and moved to the barnhouse.
Quickness Brew renamed Book of Quickness and moved to the Library.
Well Spring moved to Library.
Stamina Brew renamed Working Tunics and moved to the Blacksmith.
Hearty Brew renamed Leather Gauntlets and moved to the Blacksmith.
Mithril Brew renamed Arcanite Chainmail and moved to the Blacksmith.
Reduced cost of Library to 100 gold and 100 lumber.
All Workshop researches are instant.

Can no longer build towers when supply capacity has been reached.
Reduced Guard Tower and Fort build time by 10 seconds.
Increased Fort Damage by 5.
Reduced Cannon Tower damage by 5, armor by 2, range by 160 and health by 150.
Renamed Capital into Citadel.
Reduced health of the Citadel by 200.
Increased Guard Tower damage by 5.
Increased Tower food cost by 1, but decreased Capital and Fort food cost by 1.

Increased Militia damage by 3.
Increased Musketeer damage by 10% to compensate for the reduced damage siege deals to hero armor.
Cybrog Lightning Capacitor deals 400 damage up from 350 and bounces 15 times up from 12.
Increased Javaliniers Hide mana cost to 90 from 75.
Captain only requires a Smith instead of a Blacksmith.
Dwarves are made inside the Barn but still require a Smith.
Reduced Dwarf health by 125.
Dwarves no longer have inventories.
Reduced the lumber cost of a Worker to 50 from 60.
Musketeer's Ensnare ability pierces spell immunity.
Increased Man-At-Arms gold cost by 100 but increased their damage by 15 and their health by 200.
Combat units experienced given reduced by about 66%; they all give as much experience as a Worker.
Increased Captain damage by 10 and health by 100.

Blacksmith has no requirements.
Wells take 75% reduced magical damage.

Talon Guard build time reduced to 1 second from 28.

Reduced Abolition duration to 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 from 1/2/3/4/5.
Casting Efflorescence reveals visible enemy heroes in the area for 10 seconds.
Chimaera can attack air units.

Maplings no longer generate gold or build souls but contain various researches that increase the potency of ancients.
Keeper's Grove can be upgraded into a Woodwyrm that increases your maximum food by 1.
Keeper's Grove can be upgraded in an Altar of the Earth that contains various economic upgrades.
Doubled the health of all Ents.
Increased armor of all Ents by 2 and damage by 10.
Entangling Roots can be cast on mechanical units.
Reduced build time of a soul to 60 seconds from 110.
Blink leaves a permanent tree behind instead of an Entling.

New Ability: Breath of Fire - deals magic damage to enemies and bonus damage to drunken enemies.
After casting Blackout Brawler you may now cast drunken dash for 12 seconds for free.
Removed the hero ability Drunken Dash from the Brewmaster.
Reduced the lumber cost of the 3 big upgrades to 8k from 12k.
The Great Caravans research also makes farmers generate lumber equal to 50% of the gold.
The Chen's Waterpipe research also permanently opens the prison gates.
Trouble Brew no longer goes on cooldown from being fortunate, but its fortune damage is only increased by 50% instead of 100%.
Increased Trouble Brew cooldown to 6 seconds from 4.
Increased the default chance of being fortunate to 10% from 3%.
Increased the maximum chance of being fortunate from lucky dew stacks to 20% from 14%.
Trouble Brew deals 50/80/110/140 damage up from 40/60/80/100.
Fortunate Trouble Brew and Stormstout Kegs that hit enemy heroes bamboozle them; messing with their camera for 3 seconds.
Increased base damage by 5.

Maximum hero level reduced to 25 from 30.
Ghouls and Moratorium deal magic damage (super effective against towers).
Increase base Ghoul damage to 20 from10 and their damage increased from upgrades to 40 from 35..
Increased Moratorium damage to 40 from 25 and its range to 1200 from 900.'
Increased Fountain repair time to 17 seconds from 3.
Riot Control armor type changed to fortified from large.

Gets assigned a farmer as a duel target, for each duel target he kills his damage permanently increases and his abilities get more powerful.

Base ability - Pursue: sense the direction of your duel target.
Q - Skewer: Throw a spear that damaged and skewers enemy units along with it. If the skewered units get hit by a wall they are stunned.
W - Rebuke: Slam with your shield knocking enemies back slightly and dealing damage. Enemies knocked into a wall are stunned.
E - Vault: Leap to target location. Can be cast globally without requiring vision. Cooldown is reset upon killing your duel target.
R - Phalanx: Deals periodic area of effect damage.
T - Arena: An impassable arena that knocks enemies at its edge to the center. The arena's edge counts as a wall.

NEW ABILITY: Lokarjarl - Leap through the sky dealing damage on impact and a stun. If you do not hit any enemies with Lokarjarl its cooldown is reset.
NEW ABILITY: Skornkul - Strike all enemies in front of you, dealing damage and knocking both you and your enemies away from eachother.
The Seeker has a new additional passive: whenever he is picked Farmers randomly leave tracks on the floor that anyone can see. When the Seeker walks over these tracks he smells the scent of the most nearby farmer.
Casting Ragnarok now knocks nearby enemies back and deals 100 damage and a 1 second stun to them.
Reduced Ymmirjar manacost to 200 from 250.
Birb can see as far during the night (1900) as it could during the day (used to be 800).
Oddikligr REWORK -
Reduced Oddikligr damage to 30 from 100, but its attack now bounces 4 times to nearby enemies.
Reduced the lumber cost of Oddikligr upgrades by +/- 30%.
Added a new research to the Oddikligr with 6 ranks: Focus Tribute - Increases the health and damage of the Oddikligr by 10%.
Reduced the size of the Oddikligr so it can be placed inside the Factory.
You can pack up the Oddikligr and move it somewhere else.
Oddikligr deals normal damage instead of piercing.

NEW ABILITY: Lacuna - Submerge into a pool of blood, emerging at target location dealing damage and healing you for for each enemy hit. Vampires close to you travel along to the destination and also heal you.
Removed the Volatus ability.
Cultists of the Lord of the Vampire can build a Vampire Crypt, which for a hefty fee produces Lesser Vampires.
If the Admorsian Infection is full mana, the farmers can't resist commands from the vampire.
Icarus cast range increased to 1000/1150/1300 from 1000 flat.
Sanguine drains 20/40/60 mana up from 15/30/45.
In Bat Form the Lord of the Vampire has 10 more armor.
The Cathedralis Summon Allies ability has its cooldown reduced to 10 seconds down from 90.

Prowl has a 4 second cooldown and can be recast freely to break stealth.
Prowl's manacost has increased to 90 from 35.
While in Prowl you can no longer cast your other abilities.
At level 2 Prowl you can cast Pickpocket during Prowl.
At level 3 Prowl you can cast Grapple during Prowl, which hooks you to a targeted location.
Crafting Thieving Tools now additionally reduces the cooldown of Grapple.
Replaced the craft Grappling Hook with the craft Shadowpoison; which increases the initial damage on the main target of Shackleshot to 300 from 20.
Reduced Tumbleshot cooldown by 4 seconds for all levels.
Increased base movement speed to 350 from 333.

Increased health of Spawning Hive and Spire of Divination to 2000 from 1200.

Owns a building the Factory called the Shadowfoil Oak; it trains Valanor and Fangs of the Grove.
Reduced Fangs of the Grove damage by 5 and health by 100.

A chi empowered Ring of the Rhino provides 10 extra armor instead of increased duration and range.
A chi empowered Touch of the Serpent requires less than 50% mana instead of 80%.

Increased attack range to 650 from 575.
Increased Skelly base health by 50.

Human Form puts you at the same percentage health as in Beast Form.
Leap through Sky does 1 additional damage per point of strength.
Swipe with Fangs does 1/1.5/2 additional damage per point of strength instead of 0.75/1.5/2.25.
Increased starting strength by 5.
Increased strength per level to 3.7 from 3.3

Increased the distance Blasted! knocks you backwards by 50%.

Reduced Kodo cost to 100 gold from 200.

Meteor cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 80.
Cinderstorm deals 80% damage against buildings, down from 90%.

The area of effect for which Hopper instakills workers has been halved (was 190 and now is 90).

Greater Cultist has Greater Invisibility and Greater Shift abilities.

Honorguard aura increases damage by 15% down from 20%
Cloak of the Damned reduces damage taken by 80% instead of 99%, and reduces attack speed by 80% instead of 99%.
Reduced cost of items sold by forest ancients.
Clockworkers can no longer build and repair and they cost 30 gold instead of 25.
Increased Clockworker replenish interval to 80 seconds from 45.
Reduced the Farm Handout to 75 gold down from 100 gold, and increased its replenish interval to 4 minutes from 2 minutes.

Gnolls no longer drop a Forcestaff.
Gnolls deal 4 times damage against buildings.

General Changes

Bug Fixes





Put some cliffs around the factory so that units wont keep pathing against the wall of the factory.

Affliction of Arach can be cast on the proper units.
Spider King in burrowed form has the same level of skill as unburrowed.
Spider King burrowing doesnt reset cooldowns.
Spider King burrowing units no longer cost more food.
Burrowing your units as Spider King no longer deletes them.
Burrowed units can be properly targeted by spells.
Spider King's Web from units no longer one-shots.
Admorsus no longer curses allied vampires.
Swipe with Fangs damages every unit hit by the ability.
Deadly Dirk now upgrades even if your summons get the killing blow.
Guardian's Solar Wrath is no longer global cast range.
Guardian's item share cooldown between forms.
Guardians items no longer get deleted by morphing.
Guardian can't use Friend of Men on neutral heroes.
Dwarves benefit from armor upgrades.
The bonewalker hero that spawns when the cursed farmer dies can now actually build a base with their cultist.
Druids can now handle Well in a Box.
Seeker's Skornkul grants mana as it says in the tooltip.
Werebeast's Toss Pebble can be cast on enemies.
Flamewraith is actually an Intelligence hero, not an agility hero.

Reduced the Wild Growth around the map, and turned all 2 by 2 crop fields into 3 by 3.
Reduced Caravan gold generated by another 30%.
Reduced the research time of all Cauldron upgrades by about 30%.

Decreased Capital attack range by 150.
Increased Fort attack range by 100.
Increased gold cost of Cannon Tower to 200 from 170.
Cannon Tower and Capital no longer have spell immunity and changed armor type to heavy from fortified.

Garrisoning a unit now does something special in addition to being able to build 2 of the unit type:
-garrisoning a wizard enables them to cast Arcane Rain: an area of effect damage ability.
-garrisoning a musketeer unlocks the skilled aim ability: which has a 25% (up from 20%) chance to deal 300% damage on attacks.
-garrisoning a captain unlocks the charge ability: when cast charges the captain up close to the target.
-garrisoning a javalinier allows you to build up to 4 javaliniers.
The cost of garrisoning has been increased to 7000 gold and 7000 lumber.
Decreased cast range of Captains Bash to 500 from 600 but increased its duration to 2.5 seconds from 2 and its damage to 200 from 100.
Halved the build time of all robots (cyborg, engine, rofltoper and shredder).
Changed the cost of researches that unlock abilities relative to the abilities power.
Reduced Divine Storm cooldown to 22 seconds from 50.
Reduced Holy Light cooldown to22 seconds from 40.
Dwarves generate 10 gold per gametick up from 5 but cost 150 lumber up from 100.
Javaliniers Poison Strike deals 100 impact damage.
Increased Javaliniers damage to 60 from 40.
Increased Captains damage to 50 from 30.
Increased Wizards damage to 40 from 30.
Reduced Javaliniers food cost by 1.
Javalinier's Dispel Bomb deals 250 damage against summons.
Increased Javalinier range to 900 from 800.
Increased cast range of Javalinier Poison Strike to 1200 from 900 and duration to 4 seconds from 3.
Increased Musketeer base damage to 90 from 80.
Increased Musketeer range to 1000 from 900.
Increased the gold cost of Man-at-Arms to 350 from 300 but increased its damage per upgrade to 5 from 4 and its health by 75.

Recasting Drunken Dash does not cost a stack of Lucky Dew.
Reduced Mageroyal manacost to 20 from 50 and increased its cast range to 1200 from 900.
Increased Food given by Bringleberry to 7 from 5.
Increased base damage by 15.

Each level in Garden of Éarendel increases its gold generation by 10 per tick up from 5.
Garden of Éarendel has 120/90/60/30 seconds cooldown down from 60 flat.

Increased base damage by 17 and base mana by 200.
Sprites Abolish Magic deals 500 damage to summons up from 300.
Increased Sprite attack range to 800 from 500.
Reduced Sprite Blink mana cost to 75 from 100.
Increased Sprite base damage by 25%.
Abolition can be cast on mechanical units.
Increased Abolition damage per tick to 70 from 50.
Reduced Abolition mana cost to 80 mana from 100.
Reduced Abolition cooldown to 30 seconds from 50.
Reduced Sacred Lance mana cost to 100 from 150.
Reduced Sacred Lance cooldown to 30 seconds from 40.
Reduced Efflorescence cooldown to 30 seconds from 50.
Changed Chimeara's damage type to chaos from magic.

Durable units (like skellies and wards) take 50% reduced damage down from 70% reduced damage.
Put 4 extra towers inside the factory, with the purpose of contesting any towers farmers build just outside the factory walls.
Factory Fountain only heals allied units.

Periodically throughout the map Chi Shells will appear that will drop Chi on death; picking it up increases max hit points by 100.
If Sun picks up the Chi, he will gain a charge in his unique item: the Orb of Astral Masters.
Using a charge of the Orb of Astral Masters energizes him, making his abilities more powerful for 20 seconds.
Base ability - Mischief: leap from tree to tree, leaving omnivision fro 80 seconds.
Q - Tiger Strike: Strike an area in front of you with your staff; stunning and damaging enemies. If you're on top of a tree you also leap to the location.
W - Flying Crane Kick: Jump towards target location, taking any enemies in the path along; damaging and slowing them.
E - Ring of the Rhino: Erupt a tree from the earth, knocking enemies away and providing armor to nearby allies.
R - Touch of the Serpent: Deals magic damage to an enemy unit. If the unit is below a certain mana percentage they instantly die. Can be used on Chi Shells to instantly destroy them.
T - Whirling Dragon Dance: While channeling you deal damage to nearby enemies around you, increasing in strength the longer you channel.

Damage and armor upgrades increase damage by 7 up from 5 and armor by 3 up from 2.
Increase base mana by 200.
Increased intelligence per level to 2 from 1.4.

Swipe with Fangs deals 0.75/1.5/2.25 damage per strength up from 0.5/1/1.5.
Increased Swipe with Fang cone by 40 degrees.

Tumors generate 20 lumber up from 15 per tick.
Coccoons generate 4 lumber down from 15 per tick.
Affliction of Arach can't be used on Engines.
Burrowing any unit takes 1.5 seconds up from 0.75 seconds.
Reduced armor per research level that Arachnids and Scarabus receive to 2 from 3.
Reduced health of Arachnids and Scarabus by 50.
Paralysing Sting from the Scarabus stuns non-heroes for 0.07 seconds and non-heroes for 0.3 seconds down from 0.5 seconds flat.
The Broodmother now also benefits from the damage and armor upgrades.
Quake of the Quraji deals 200 damage down from 225 and stun duration down to 5 seconds from 6..
Garotte of Girek deals 80/140/200 damage down from 75/150/225 and a 1/3/5 second stun down from 2/4/6.
Limited building Broodmothers equal to 2 times the level of the Spider King.
Broodmother's spawn with 0 mana.
Spider King while burrowed has 2x2 collision size up from 1x1.
Swarm of the Silithid requires opened factory gates.'
Reduced Agility per level from 1.2 to 1.
Increased attack cooldown to 2.4 from 2.3.
Decreased base damage by 10 and health by 400.
Increased the size of the Spawning Hive so it can't be build inside the Factory.
Spawning Hive spawns blight.
Tumors have to be build on blight and spawn a small amount of blight.
All buildings of the Spider King rapidly regenerate health on blight.

Each level the Grim Reaper gains Skellies gain 20 health and 2 damage down from 25 health and 3 damage.
Reduced Necrify healing to 350/425/500 from 400/500/600.
Reduced Tomb of the Damned health to 300 from 350.
Increased Tomb of the Damned cooldown to 35 seconds from 30.

Tomb of the Damned requires opened factory gates.

Reduced Tumbleshot cooldown to 21/17/13 from 23/20/17.
Each enemy hit by Powershot reduces its damage by 10% down from 15%.

Ymmirjar stun increased to 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds from 0.3 seconds flat.
Reduced level requirement for Ragnarok to 9 from 10.
Reduced Ragnarok cooldown to 120 seconds from 200 seconds.
Skornkul now generates health in addition to mana and it benefits from Ragnarok.
Ragnarok no longer grants lifesteal.

Increased gold bounty reward to 1000 from 200 for killing the Windwalker.
Increased base damage by 5 and health by 60.
Increased all starting attributes by 2.

Increased base mana by 50.
Increased agility per level to 2 from 1.6.
Reduced critter vision range to 350 from 500.

Added the Lounge building back in; sells items to allied units and heals like a well.
Orc Fort range increased to 1200 from 1000.

Gnollman's movement speed increased to 400 from 270.
Gnollman and murloc attacks slow enemy movement speed by 20%.
Increased Slartibartfast health regeneration to 20 per second from 6.5.
Increased Slartibartfast health to 3000 from 2500.

General Changes






If no host is detected among the players, the first player to click the chicken will be the Host to pick the game options.

Valanor's Rejuvenation properly unlocks after leveling Ana'dorei Talah.
Butcher's Hook can hit non-hero and non-farmer units again.
Efflorescence cant be infinitely reaped anymore.
Moonfire now slows for the intended 20% instead of 80%.
Socrates is nog longer vulnerable when respawning.
Fixed a bug with Hay Piles not counting properly towards animal limit.
Lord of the Vampire in humanoid and bat form share cooldown.
Dryad attack range is properly increased by leveling Sacred Lance.
Dryad's Sacred Lance shouldn't go into random angles anymore.
Thief no longer gets stuck inside buildings when grappling to them.

Food can be gathered beyond the 150 supply limit.
Workers, Dwarves and Militia can't be made beyond 150 supply.
Food Storage instead causes there to be a 50% chance to harvest double the food from crops.
Increased Food Storage cost to 500 gold and lumber and 5 food up from 400 gold and lumber and 4 food.
Purple Haze costs 250 gold instead of 450 lumber.
Reduced the cost of all other seeds by about 40%.
Tavern requires Architecture instead of a Harvester.
Farmers and Workers auto attacks deals massive damage against trees.
Forts and Capitals cost 2 additional food.
Sheep requires a Grainmill.
Pig requires a Windmill.
Fire Pit Warmth aura increases armor by 3 down from 5.
Nerfed the gold Caravans generate by 40%.
Dogs deal 50 damage per attack up from 25.
Dogs have 700 health up from 300.
Dogs have 300 speed up from 270.
Dogs take 40 seconds to build up from 20.
Dogs benefit from all upgrades Militia benefit from.
Dogs Panic increases attack speed by 30%.
Reduced Roflcopter damage to 30 from 50.

Each of his abilities can fumble or fortune for chaotic results!
Making heroes drunk grants stacks of Lucky Dew; each stack decreases the chance of fumbling and increases the chance of fortune.
Has a tavern which has more favorable traderoutes and researches very powerful research.
Raccoons tend to Farmer's bases; planting seeds, replenishing chunks and refilling wells.
Q: Stormstout Keg - Throw a keg with a speed aura that generates lumber. Click on it to explode it, dealing damage to enemies.
W: Trouble Brew - Throw a brew at an allied unit to transform it into something. What kind of thing? No one knows!
E: Drunken Dash - Dash towards target location, knockbacking enemy units into random directions.
R: Blackout Brawler - Leap towards target location, turning all enemies hit drunk.
T: Pandemonium - Drink some of your Lucky Dew, making all your abilities be fortunate for some seconds.

Increased build time for Steward, Sprite and Woodling to 40 seconds from 20 seconds.
Woodword heals for 400 down from 450.

In humanoid and raven form the Guardian is an agility hero.
In wildkin form the Guardian is an intellect hero.
Starsurge damage reduced to 200 plus 30 per moonfire from 250 plus 50 per moonfire.
Solar Wrath impact damage reduced to 150 from 180.
Starfall no longer affects wards.
Battle Roar reduces damage taken by 75% up from 50%.
Tample deals 200 damage down from 300 but has a 12 seconds cooldown down from 25.
Doubled cast speed of the Guardian in Bear Form.

Abolition's cooldown is no longer reset when used on neutral hostile creep camps.
Sprite's Abolish Magic mana cost reduced to 30 from 75.
The Woodland Horn of the Dryad has 2 seconds cooldown down from 20.
Gracious Leap cooldown changed to 30/25/20/15/10 from 25 flat.

Increased Yggdrasil damage to 150 from 100.
Increased Yggdrasil health to 4000 from 3200.
Reduced Yggdrasil Rejuvenation cooldown to 2 seconds from 8.
Yggdrasils Rejuvenation heals 800 over 5 seconds up from 800 over 8 seconds.
Yggdrasil's Force of Nature summons 8 Entlings up from 4.
Reduced damage of Entling by 2.

Moratorium provides 4 food up from 0.
Blight Tower provides 5 food up from 4.
Increased building placement of Blight Tower to 3x3 from 2x2.
Durable units (doctor wards, ethereal orbs, black orc slaves) take 70% reduced damage from piercing attacks down from 90% reduced damage.

Turning back into Werebeast Form keeps your old health percentrage, and not the health percentage of the Human Form.

Increased base attack damage by 15.
Increased base armor by 3.
The Black Orc and all his combat units receive 3 armor per research, up from 1.
Enslave creates full health Slaves.
Crabs, Pigs and Boars have 800 vision range up from 350.
Burrows provide 20 food up from 10 but cost 250 lumber up from 150.
Can't build more than 10 burrows.
All Black Orc combat units start with 3 armor up from 0.
Reduced Lesser Slave lumber cost to 275 from 350.

Reduced Vexing Fetish damage by 6 for all levels.

Increased Oddikligr's attack damage to 100 from 30.

Reduced cast range of Sanguine to 600/700/800 from 600/750/900.

Reduced Shift cooldown to 25 seconds from 40.
Cult-touch can only be cast on allied units, but is also copied onto yourself.
Increased Cult-touch cast range to 2000 from 1600.

The Grappling Hook upgrade now only grapples you when you cast Shackleshot on an allied unit or a building, and when you do its cooldown is reset.
Increased the health of his traps.
Thieving Kit now steals any item worth 1500 gold or more up from 1000.

Big Gustav Bash duration reduced to 0.2 seconds from 0.5 and does not deal any bonus damage.
Reduced base attack speed of Big Gustav by 33%.

Bonewalker Gravestone provides 6 food.
Death's Door's curse is lifted when the Grim Reaper dies once.
Increased Death's Door's level requirement to 13 from 11.

Increases Pyroclasm projectile speed by 15%.
Reduced Sunstrike mana cost to 60 from 75.

Reduced Ring of Conflageration impact damage by 25%.
Increased gold cost of:
-Spell Shield by 500
-Titan Helmet by 400
-Battlethirst by 500
-Maelstrom by 900
-Blinkdagger by 300

General Changes

Bug Fixes

Farmer Changes

Druid Changes

Hunter Changes

Item Changes

Since reforged didn't turn out to be a great success, a bunch of models optimized for reforged graphics have been reverted back to look better in classic graphics.
Made a new cinematic for when Farmers win.
Added camera command (-cam/-camera/-zoom).
Hero armor now takes 70% magic damage up from 50% magic damage.
Each point of strength increases health by 38 up from 33.
Flying units will also no longer be allowed on the hill around the businessmen.
Trees now have 2000 lumber up from 1500.
If the Druid is not picked all Wild Growths are removed from the map.
If the Druid is not picked Dwarves can also open the prison gates.


Caravans no longer mistakenly always generate 1500 per traderoute.
Rallied dwarves now properly gather gold from Gold Chunks.
Guardian Druid's Friend of Men works again.
Fixed that not the Grim Reaper, but the High Cultist gets the 300 starting lumber.
Statue and Altar of Worship now properly require blight.
High Cultist can no longer upgrade cultists from other players.
Hight Cultist Necronomica now properly lasts the duration of the tooltip.
Fixed a bug with the Werebeast's Human Form.
Fixed that the Hunters can become enemies of the Werebeast by attacking him in Human Form.
Sprouts no longer have the Affliction of Arach ability.
Sprites have inventories again.
Leveling Effloresence now properly increases the health of your units.
Fixed tooltip of the Black Orc's Warchief.
Fixed a problem with Thief's animation.
Zenith does not become vulnerable from flying.
Fable music now plays properly.
Fixed a bug where the Lord of the Vampire would have abilities in batform he had not learned in vampire form.
Upgrading the Regiis Calicem 20 times no longer deletes the item.
Werewolf can cast Panic again in Human Form.
Keeper's Yggdrasil is now targeted on a Keeper's Grove, making both abilities castable.
Hopper and Rot have different base abilities, making both abilities castable.
Thori'dal now properly deals magic damage and not normal damage.
Flamestrike properly applies ignite.
Ana'dorei Talah and Fangs of the Grove have different base abilities, making both castable.
Spider King and Butcher can attack air units.
Butcher's devour now properly devours units running away from it.
Butcher's Hook hooks allies.

Tooltips now sadly enough contain useful information.

Militia can be upgraded into Man-At-Arms that are slightly stronger than Militia for 300 gold.
Increased gold cost of Shredder to 800 from 200 but reduced lumber cost to 0 from 350.
Increased Shredder lumber harvesting rate by 200%.
Farmers now chop 5 lumber per chop and can carry up to 30 lumber.
Farmers can gather from gold chunks just like dwarves can, and gather 20 gold per tick.
Farmers now chop 5 lumber per chop and can carry up to 30 lumber.
Increased Worker build time to 10 seconds up from 7.
Militia have 50 more health and get 1 extra damage per damage upgrade.
Cyborg and Captain gains 3 armor per armor upgrade up from 2.
Increased health of the engine by 250.
Farmers can now build 2 engines per player.
Firebolt, Battle Roar, Rush and Hide no longer require the library upgrade.
Workers can build a Smith with Architecture.
Reduced the rate at which animals produce food by 10%.
Dwarves gather lumber twice as fast as normal workers.
Dwarves no longer count as workers.
Reduced lumber cost of dwarves by 50.
Musketeer now has 80 base damage up from 60.
Lord of the Castle's Holy Light now heals 100 more.
Caravans now cost 300 lumber instead of 150 gold.
The default Caravan limit is now 3 instead of 2.
There is one more rank to the Barrels o' Beer upgrade, and the upgrade is slightly cheaper.
Caravans give 75 gold bounty up from 60.
Caravans only give gold to the owner of the Caravan, not also the owner of the market.

(These changers are to make the Javalinier a viable early game alternative for early farmer defense)
Javalinier's are upgraded from regular Workers instead of Militia.
Javalinier's now have a Woodland Horn ability that can be used to teleport to Farms globally.
Reduced base health of Javalinier by 100.
Javalinier now benefits from the Hearty Brew.
Reduced movement speed of Javalinier by 25.
Javalinier now benefits from the Quickness Brew.
Poison Strike and Dispel Bomb researches are now in the Smith.
Poison Strike requires a Blacksmith instead of Castle

Basic Towers cost no food.
All other towers cost 1 food instead of 2.
All towers have 100 more health.
Huge Hay Piles garrison 4 Workers instead of 1 Militia inside of their Battle Stations.
Every upgrade of a Hay Pile increases the amount of animals you can train by 1.
Warehouse lumber cost increased to 400 from 250.
Blacksmith gold cost increased to 200 from 150.
Windmill gold cost increased to 275 from 150.
Library gold and lumber cost increased to 300 from 150.
Reduced Harvester lumber cost to 200 from 350.
Harvesters require a Blacksmith and a Workshop instead of Architecture.
Command Centers can build Workers.
Cleanse replenishes 2000 lumber on trees up from 700.
Removed Cleanse cooldown.
Produce Food inside the Tavern now takes 15 seconds down from 30.
Trading food and lumber now costs 5 food and returns 200 gold or 200 lumber.

Weaponry and armor upgrades now take a shorter amount of time to upgrade.
The Marksmanship upgrade increases tower damage by 25% but costs 100 more gold per upgrade.
Architecture is now in the Library.
Farmer's Brew also increases the Farmer's lumber gathering rate by 100%.
Farmer's Brew requires a Smith and costs 200 lumber up from 50 lumber.
The first rank of Mind Brew now costs 100 gold and lumber down from 200.
Dwarves no longer benefit from Mithril Brew.
Reduced the gold cost of Hearty Brew to 150 gold and lumber from 250.
Hearty Brew only increases health by 100 instead of 125.
Improved Mining and Deforestation now takes 60 seconds to research down from 300.

Druid Den generates 20 lumber per tick.

Gains 1.7 strength per level down from 3.2.
Gains 1.5 Intelligence per level down from 2.5.
Reduced starting strength, intelligence and agility to 5 from 17.
Increased base damage of all forms by 10.
Increased maximum mana of all forms by 300.
Increased maximum health of all forms by 450 except the Owlkin.
Increased maximum health of Owlkin by 200.
Reduced Sprout lumber gathering rate by 40%.

Gains 2.2 agility per level down from 3.2.
Dryad now gets +1 maximum food whenever a hunter dies, not just when she gets the killing blow.
The Dryad can upgrade 1 Sprite to a powerful Chimera for 3000 lumber.
Effloresence heals for 10/12/14/16/18 per second up from 10 flat.

NEW ABILITY: Keeper's Grove - spawn a structure that can train souls and sprouts and heal nearby units like a well.
Leveling Keeper's Grove increases maximum food by 1 and increases the amount of sprouts that can be trained by 2.
Garden of Éarendel no longer increases the sprouts that can be trained.
Thornweld can also be cast on Groves.
Removed Overgrowth ability.
Maplings now generate lumber over time instead of gold.
Training Souls costs no gold, but cost 300 lumber instead of 60.
Sprouts cost no food.
Reduced Sprout lumber gathering rate by 40%.
Reduced Entling damage from 30 to 22 and their damage per Wrath of Nature level to 3 from 5.
Decreased strength per level from 2.4 to 2.

Hunters start at level 3 instead of level 2.
Hunters are revived with full mana.
Reduced the gold rewarded for killing a hunter to 200 from 500.
Reduced time to revive a Hero at high level by 15%.
Rich Businessmen are now invulnerable until the Riot Control towers have been destroyed.
Tower Upgrades now cost 300 gold and lumber with 300 increments up from 250.
Every player can now only build 8 Spirit Towers, down from 16.
Reduced House of Blight lumber cost to 0 from 350 but its gold cost from 250 to 375.
Spirit Towers now have 1100 health down from 1200.
Spirit Towers now have 40 base damage down from 45.
Added slightly more security around the factory.
If the gates to the factory mansion are destroyed, all units around the fountain will attack move to the businessmen.
Reduced the health of the Foreman and Bodyguard Heroes at the factory by 500.
Reduced the damage of the Foreman and Bodyguard by 150.
The range of Champion of Strength/Agility/Intelligence auras increased to 2000 from 1600.
Increased factory Guardsman health to 1700 from 1000.
Increased factory Captain of the Guard health to 3000 from 2000.

Swarm of the Silithid cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 50 seconds.

Reduced Hook cooldown to 20/15/10 from 20 flat.
Increased Hook's devour damage to 30/60/90 from 25/50/75.
Increased the range at which Hook hooks Heroes and Farmers.
The range of Hook is name the same for all levels.
Level skip requirement of Hook reduced to 2 from 3.
Reduced Gorge mana cost to 35 from 50.
Hopper cooldown reduced to 45 seconds from 60.
Reduced Fleshling health to 370 from 400.

Increased the health of the Great Wolf by 400.
Increased the health of the Dire Wolf by 200.

NEW BASE ABILITY: Fangs of the Grove - summon a wolf to fight and track for the sentinel.
Removed Venom ability.
Sentinel's collision size is small enough to pass through 1x1 holes.
When the sentinel is picked, the hunters gain vision over all critters.
New ability for Valanor that provides a movement speed burst.
Removed the Critters of the Woodland Realm from Valanor.
Ash'thero Danador requires level 12 up from 8.
Rebuilding the Valanor costs 100 gold instead of 200.
Thori'dal cooldown increased to 16/10/4 from 16/9/2.
Thori'dal hero stun duration decreased to 0.5/0.75/1 from 0.5/1/1.5.
Thori'dal damage reduced to 100/175/250 from 100/200/300.
Ana'dorei Talah movement speed increased to 400 from 320.
Ana'dorei Talah health increased to 200/500/800 from 150/400/650.
Ana'dorei Talah attack speed increased by 50%.
Ana'dorei Talah cooldown reduced to 17 seconds from 25.
Reduced vision range of critters to 500 from 800.

Increased Bushido travel distance to 1500 from 900.
Increased strength per level to 1.9 from 1.3.
Critical Strike chance decreased to 7% from 15% but critical damage increased to 300% from 200%.

The Tomb of the Damned now always spawns skeletons fast, but the duration of the tomb is increased per level.
The Death's Door effect only lasts 6 minutes instead of infinitely.
Death's Door level requirement increased to 11 from 8.
When the Farmer with Death's Door dies, its units are transferred to the strongest player, not the weakest player.
Changed strength per level to 2 from 1.5.
Passive experience gain for the Bonewalker increased to 3 exp per 2 seconds from 1 experience per 2 seconds.
Reduced Skelliors Berserk cooldown to 50 seconds from 120.
Skellock's Crypt Wave can also be cast on organic units.
Each two hero levels the Grim Reaper's skellies gain 25 hit points and 3 attack.
Reduced skellies base hp by 75.
Gold bounty of a skelly is now an average of 8 up from 3.
Increased Corpse Grasp damage to 17/25/32 from 15/20/25.

NEW ABILITY: Necropolis - summon a defensive tower that generates blight and has true sight.
Necropolis now increases the limit on pillars, unsummon increases the limit on ghouls and gargoyles.
The Greater Cultist has a Greater Worship instead of Worship that heals 400 health on a 45 second cooldown.
The cooldown of Banish of the Greater Cultist reduced to 8 seconds from 20 seconds.
Removed Echoes from the Past.
Unsummon can no longer be cast on Farmers.
Increased strength per level to 1.4 from 1.1.

Reduced the attack speed increase from Focus Fire by 25%.
Focus Fire duration increased by 5 seconds but cooldown also increased by 5 seconds.
Reduced Focus Fire level requirement to 7 from 8.
Increased mana regeneration by 0.3.
Reduced Shackleshot cooldown to 35 from 30.
Changed Prowl duration to 20/35/50 from 35 flat.
Prowl's pickpocket mana cost reduced to 0 from 10.
Prowl's pickpocket cast range increased.
Powershot cooldown reduced to 40/35/30 seconds from 40 flat.

Changed strength per level to 2 up from 1.5.
Reduced cooldown of Boots o' Rockets to 40 seconds from 60 seconds.
Blunderin' deals 400/700/1000 damage to heroes up from 300/400/500.
Passive experience gain for Gustav increased to 3 exp per 2 seconds from 1 experience per 2 seconds.
Reduced Bounty mana cost to 10 from 25.

Changed strength per level to 2.2 up from 1.75.
Reduced mana cost of Skyvgorod to 100/75/50/25 from 200/166/133/100.
Increased the cast point of the Seeker by 50%.
Increased the auto attack damage of the Seeker by 20.
The Seeker's Birb can cast a healing salve on allied units to heal them out of combat.

No longer uses Cultists.
Has a Mana Vault in the center of the factory that generates gold over time depending on the maximum mana of the Ethereal.
Dhyana no longer is a requirement to get speed, true sight and invisibility, simply getting the mana treshold is enough.

NEW ABILITY: Meteor - hurl a flaming meteor from the sky that ignites enemies in its path.
The Ashes of Al'ar ability is moved to the Zenith for 150 mana.
Kindlings are owned by the Flamewraith, he just can't select them.
There can only be a maximum of 8 kindlings at a time.
Increased health of Kindlings by 50.
Increased damage of Kindlings to 15/20/25/30/35. from 10/12/14/16/18.
Cinderstorm and Flamestrike can ignite buildings again.
Firefly can be used on buildings to ignite them.
Ignite now lasts for 20 seconds instead of 15.
Flamestrike deals 80% damage to buildings up from 60%.
Meteor also damages buildings for 50% of the damage.
Cinderstorm deals 90% damage to to buildings up from 85%.
Pyroclasm heals the Flamewraith for 60 more.
Flamestrike self heal increased by 50%.
Apocalypse costs 300 mana down from 400.
Sunstrike costs 75 mana down from 100.
The Zenith starts with 75 mana.
Reduced gold bounty reward of kindlings by 50%.
Increased maximum base health of Flamewraith by 200.
Changed strength per level to 2.4 from 1.8.
Changed intelligence per level to 2.8 from 2.5.

REWORK: all buildings of the Spider King have been overhauled.
-Spawning Hive: spawns cocoons over times and contains the upgrades instead of the Hatchery.
-Tentacle: a stronger tentacle which can be build anywhere but is limited to 10.
-Obelisk of Divination: functions like the Pools of Divination.
-Tumor: produces food and can cast a web at enemies.
Cocoons are spell immune.
Hatcheries generate 10 hp per second up from 3.
Impale, Web and Underway researches cost 750 lumber down from 1250.
Affliction of Arach costs 40 mana down from 50.
Increased Worship healing of Broodmother from 50 to 35.
Reduced lumber generated by cocoons to 15 per tick instead of 20.

REWORK: Greatly simplified the building tree for the Black Orc Buildings, half the buildings have been removed.
Every enslave gives the Black Orc 45 experience.
Fissure stun duration increased to 2 seconds from 1 second and its damage increased to 100/170/240 from 100/150/200.
Darkhowl now baseline increases armor by 1 for every unit hit but no longer decreases enemy damage.
Darkhowl lasts 2 seconds shorter.
Wearing the Helmet of Steel Gaze makes Darkhowl last 2 seconds longer and reduces damage of enemies by 30% when affected.
Stalwart's Hammer base damage reduced by 50 and bonus damage by 5.
Reduced the area of Stalwart's Hammer to 275 from 500.
Stalwart's Hammer additionally deals 2 damage per armor.
Increased Ironbash cast range to 375 from 225.
Reduced Hammerer cooldown to 40 seconds from 50.
Increased agility per level to 1.5 from 0.75.
Added another level to the Masonry upgrade and increased its incremental wood cost increase to 300 up from200.
No unit abilities require researches.
Beastiary breeds lesser slaves that can only gather lumber.
Slaves are spell immune and take 90% reduced damage from pierce attacks.
Increased movement speed of Slaves to 300 from 190.
Increased movement speed of Kodo to 300 from 250.
The regular Foundry is now the Black Foundry, it no longer needs to upgraded.
Reduced the lumber cost of lodges to 120 from 300.
Gathering from Quarries now gives 5 gold per tick.
The Great Forge now has a ranged attack that deals 100 damage.
Increased the damage of burrows to 80 from 50.
Increased the range of burrows to 1000 from 700.
Increased the armor of burrows to 9 from 2.

NEW ABILITY: Sanguine - drains life and mana while being invulnerable for the duration of the channel.
NEW ABILITY: Icarus - dash in a straight line to target location, dealing damage to every enemy dashed through.
REWORK: Admorsus - units inflicted can now be commanded by the vampire to move elsewhere and infect other units.
Admorsus no longer deals damage and no longer silences, stuns or sleeps.
Admorsus cast range increased to 1250 from 750.
Removed old Sanguine and Deceptus abilities.
The Lord of the Vampire can only evolve up to 4 vampire minions.
Vampire Minions health increased to 250/450/650/850 from 250/350/450/600.
Vampire Minions damage increased to 15/22/30/40 from 16/20/25/30.
Vampire Minions Slow manacost reduced to 20 from 25 and duration increased to 15 seconds from 10.
Vampire Minions Critical Strike damage amplifier increased to 3x up from 2x.
Vampire Minions Sleep duration increased to 9 seconds from 5 seconds.
Vampire Minions at rank 1 and 2 also have up to 100 mana.
Vampire Minions regenerate 3 health per second up from 2.
Halved the Lord's cast point to 0.5 seconds from 1.1.
Movement speed decreased by 5.
Noctum increases attack and movement speed by 28% up from 25%.
Noctum increases the hp of vampires by 125 per level instead of 100.
Reduced cooldown of Volatus to 24/18/12 seconds from 45 seconds.

Only the Hunters can use the secret shops.
Contraption no longer detects invisible units and can no longer be used by Druids.
Kleptomancer steals 50 gold up from 25 gold.
Increased Cyclonestick cast range to 1100 from 800.
Empty Bottle starts with 60 seconds cooldown.

Big Fixes

Farmer Changes

Hunter Changes

Druid Changes

Miscellaneous Changes


Took a lot of tinkering, including all kinds of altered models and terrain, but the map should be reforged compatible.
The map is now 10 vs 3, since reforged seems to have broken having more players than this in the map.
All metamorphosis-like abilities have been reworked to be clunkier since reforged broke all of them.
Fixed that Mithril Brew was accidentily permanently active even though it was not researched.
Dwellings and Mosslings now properly have the Cleanse ability again instead of a Flamestrike.
Volatus now always takes nearby vampires along for the leap and plays its animation like it should.
Hook no longer stuns the Butcher for a couple of seconds if the target that he hooked was too close.
Spinnings of Shelob is now properly applied to all units hit.
Fixed that if you build a Moratorium before picking the Spider King that it would not be removed.
High Cultist properly spawns with 10 food so they don't start supply blocked.


New ways the farmers get gold:
- There are Gold Chunks placed on the map that can be mined and that the Farmer can periodically reap for 75 gold.
- Architects are now Dwarves which can be trained from the Smith and gather the aformentioned Gold Chunks.
- Workshops no longer require Architecture. You can only build 1 Workshop per player, but can be upgraded to increase gold generated.
- New building: a Tavern can trade food for gold and build Caravans that generate gold between Taverns.

Reworked the way farmers get food:
- Reaping a Crop increases your food supply.
- Farm Animals producing increases your food supply.
- Markets can generate food over time.
- Markets can give food to other players.
- The maximum food supply at a time is still 150 food.
- Whenever a unit that costs food dies, you lose that much food supply aswell.
- Hay Piles no longer provide food supply, instead they are required to get more animals.

Farmers now start with a random seed.
Panic allows the Farmers to ignore collision.
Seeds stack in the inventory as charges.
The Musketeer is now upgraded from the Dwarf instead of the Militia.
Increased the damage of Farmers to 75 from 65.
Increased the movement speed of Farmers to 325 from 310.
Cyborg can now cast a powerful Chain Lightning instead of summoning Clockworks.
Farm Animals spawn with enough mana to produce 1 food immediately.
Farm Animals are now limited to 2 of each, with a research increasing the limit to 4.
The Cow is now a Pig.
Chickens/Sheep/Pigs cost 50/100/150 lumber down from 80/160/300.
Sheep now require a Windmill instead of a Warehouse.
Cows now require a Warehouse instead of a Harvester.
Cyborg and Shredder no longer require food.
Reduced the food cost of Militia to 2 from 3.
Reduced the food cost of Javalinier to 4 from 5.
Talon Guard can now place an anti-magic shell on an allied unit instead of Supremacy.
Increased damage of the dog to 25 from 5.
Increased health of Roflcopter to 600 from 450 and increased its health regeneration to 10 per second from 0.
Engines now deal 200 damage to buildings per attack up from 175.


New research in Workshop - Improved Mining: doubles the reap and mine gold gained from Gold Chunks.
New research in Windmill - Expand Feed Storage: increase the amount of Farm Animals you can own by 1 of each type.
New Research in Windmill - Expand Food Storage: Workers, militia and dwarves no longer consume food storage upon death.
New research in Windmill - Animal Husbandry: causes farm animal's Produce to produce 2 food instead of 1.
New reserach in Warehouse - Deforestation: causes Factories to additionally generate lumber equal to the amount of gold it generates.
Increased the damage and health of towers by 20%.
The Castle requires Robotics to be build.
Building Hay Piles now require a Granary instead of a Barn.
Upgrading Hay Piles now require a Windmill instead of the Hay Stockpiling research.
Removed the Hay Stockpiling research.
Small Hay Piles cost 90 lumber, Huge Hay Piles 60 lumber and Normal and Big Hay Piles cost 30 lumber.
Small, Normal and Big Hay Piles increase the amount of animals you can train by 1.
Huge Hay Piles increase the amount of animals you can train by 2.
Farmers start with 3 food and 100 lumber instead of 0.
The Castle no longer sells items for the Lord of the Castle.
Increased the cost of the Castle to 2000 gold and lumber from 1000.
Increased the health of a Castle to 1900 from 1500.
Decreased gold cost of Smith from 50 to from 0, but increased lumber cost from 100 to 150.
Barns cost 120 lumber instead of 60.
Reduced lumber cost of Warehouse to 300 from 350.
Wells have 100 more mana but Well Spring increases mana by 200 instead of 300.
Increased gold cost of Library to 150 instead of 100.
Workshops cost 250 lumber to build and 400 lumber to upgrade it, down from 500.
Increased gold cost of Windmill to 250 from 100 but decreased lumber cost to 0 from 200.
Added another rank to Marksmanship and Masonry upgrades.
Quickness Brew increases movement speed by 75 instead of 100.
Mithril Brew now provides 300 bonus health instead of 33% magic resistance.
Increased cost of Mithril Brew to 600 gold and lumber from 400.
Cannon Tower now requires a Workshop instead of a Blacksmith.
Increased the splash damage area of Capital's to 250 from 200.
Hay Piles take 25% increased damage from magical sources.
Reduced the build time of Forts to 25 seconds from 35.
Increased the hit points of Forts to 1400 from 1250.
Increased the hit points of Capitals to 1700 from 1500.
Command Center has spell immunity.
Fire Pits give flying vision.


Increased inventory size of Lord of the Castle to 6 from 4.
Every basic ability has 6 ranks. At rank 6 the ability gets a special effect.
Q - Divine Storm: Surround yourself in a holy storm of hammers that deals damage to nearby enemies. At level 6 casting Divine Storm also increases your speed and attack rate.
W - Inspiring Banner: Put down a Banner that provides vision and an aura that increases attack rate of nearby allied units. At level 6 the Banner additionally provides allied units with armor.
E - Holy Light: A holy light that heals an ally and deals damage to enemies for half the amount. At level 6 Holy Light also heals all other nearby allied units.
R - Judgment: A magical hammer that is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target. Lasts half as long on Heroes. At level 6 the stun duration on Heroes will be the same as that for units.
T - Divine Shield (requires level 7): An impenetrable shield surrounds the Lord of the Castle, protecting him from all damage and spells.


Every Hunter now has a base ability that is already unlocked at level 1 and can't be leveled.
Reworked the defenses of the factory to suit reforged.
Trees are chopped down after 1500 lumber has been gathered from them.
Ghouls degenerate health much slower off blight.
Houses of Blight now spread blight so ghouls can travel to new trees.
Increased starting gold of Hunters to 500, but the price of starting items has also been increased in order to compensate.
Reduced the cost of cultists to 400 gold from 500.
Hero damage now deals 55% effective damage against fortified armor type instead of 50%.
Removed repicking from the game.
Strength now increases health by 33 per point instead of 30.
Increased base health of all hunters by 50.
Increased the base movement speed of all hunters by 15.
Removed Assassination License, instead the hunters can now cast an ability that does the same.
Increased the health of the Gate that protect the Rich Businessmen to 9000 from 5000.
Businessmen now automatically start reviving your hero when he dies.
Increased the regeneration of all units that guard the factory to 3 health per second from 0.25.
Placed two additional Last Hope towers inside the Factory, one at each shop (and renamed them to Riot Control).
Increased the health of Riot Control to 3000 from 2000.
Increased the health regeneration of Riot Control to 10 hit points per second from 0.
Increased the armor of Riot Control to 10 from 3.
Increased the experience rewarded for killing Musketeer, Captain, Wizard, Cyrrog and Talon Guard.
All ability tooltips now contain whether the damage is magical or physical (farmers are immune to magical damage).
All ability tooltips now contain the different duration of crowd control effect for units and heroes/farmers.
Reduced the health of shades to 100 from 200, but made them constructs that take reduced piercing damage.
Increased the experience given for killing Farmers by 300%.
Spirit Towers now have 1200 base health instead of 950.


Takes slaves from the Farmers that he puts to work gathering and building.
Slaves can be upgraded into Grunts who can be upgraded into even stronger combat units.
Stalwart crafts items that improve his abilities and that of his allies. The items that he crafts for himself show on his model.
Example item - Yari of Musashi: When equipped by the Windwalker his Tosshin and Arashi deals an additional 100 damage if his Illusion is with him.
Base ability Enslave: Take a worker/architect/militia as a slave.
Q - Hammerer: Leap to target location, damaging units at the location, has 2 charges. Has an additional charge if the Black Orc has his pauldrons equipped.
W - Ironbash: Bash target enemy, stunning him and dealing damage based on the amount of armor. Nearby units have their damage reduced. Grants permanent bonus armor if unit is killed by Ironbash and he has his shield.
E - Darkhowl: Taunt all nearby enemies to attack you, while they are attacking you their attack damage is reduced. If the Black Orc has his helmet equipped he gains armor equal to the enemy units taunted for 15 seconds.
R - Earthsplitter: Splits the earth in a straight line, creating impasseble terrain. Enemies struck are stunned and damaged. The Earthsplit lasts 10 seconds longer and the Black Orc gains 30% attack and movement speed for 15 seconds if he has his weapon enchanted.
T - Stalwart's Hammer: Deals damage in an area around Stalwart that increases in strength by the amount of units struck. His ultimate has 3 levels, each level allows him to craft more items for himself and his allies.


The Thief excells at guile, he can see over trees and objects but deals 33% reduced damage to buildings.
Steals gold, lumber, iron, tools, oil and bones from Farmers and the Forest and uses them in crafting and building.
Iron is gathered from rock chunks, tools from pickpocketing, bones from corpses, and oil from seeds.
Does not use cultists, instead crafts his own Hovels, Miners and Towers.
Example trap from crafting - Claptrap: stays hidden until enemies walk over it and then snaps on them, reducing their movement speed by 100%.
Example trap from crafting - Mimic: Drop a coin that looks exactly like a regular coin, but when an enemy picks it up it is rooted in place for 10 seconds, revealed and dealt damage.
Example upgrade from crafting - Grappling Hook: Whenever you cast Shackleshot you also grapple towards the target you shackled. Allows Shackleshot to be cast on allies and buildings.
Example upgrade from crafting - Thieving Set: Your Pickpocket no longer costs any mana, has an increased cast range and can steal any 1 item worth less than 1000 gold from a units inventory.
Base ability Open Backpack: Browse through the crafting materials you have gathered and the stuff you can craft from it.
Q - Tumbleshot: Tumble towards the targeted direction, after you finish tumbling you shoot an arrow at the nearest enemy dealing damage and knocking the target back. If the unit is knocked into a wall, ledge or tree, it is stunned. Units killed by Tumbleshot are turned into a mushy Oil.
W - Powershot: Charge your bow for up to 3 seconds, dealing damage based on the duration you charged the string. Every time you hit a unit the powershot deals 15% reduced damage. Units killed cleanly by Powershot drop double the bones.
E - Shackleshot: Shoot a snare at the target unit, snaring it and all units in a cone behind it dealing damage damage per second. Units under the effect of Shackleshot are especially ungaurded, leaving double the tools unguarded to pickpocketing.
R - Prowl: While invisible you have the ability to pickpocket enemies which incapacitates them for and steals from them. Steals Tools from resource buildings and units, Iron from combat buildings and units, Bones from animals, and Oil from crops. Casting Pickpocket does not break invisibility.
T - Focus Fire: Rain down flurries of arrows on your opponents by drastically increasing your attack speed and being able to fire arrows while moving for 20 seconds. Additionally your movement speed is increased by 20% for the duration.


Ignite: the Flamewraith's spells ignites units which deals damage over time.
Kindlings: An ignited unit dying spawns an uncontrollable fire elemental that attacks nearby enemies.
Hotstreak: Every successive spell it casts the Flamewraith grows hotter, dealing some random damage to itself and random bonus damage to enemies ignited.
Zenith: An invulnerable, flying orb of fire that can move and provide true sight vision during the day, but slowly drifts back blind to Pyre during the night. It has the spells Ire of Pyre, Apocalpyse and Sunstrike.
Ire of Pyre: Every time a unit is ignited the Zenith gains 1 mana.
Apocalypse (500 mana): Cover target area in rain of fire for 50 seconds. Each wave deals 10 damage. Deals 50% reduced damage to buildings.
Sunstrike (100 mana): Sends a catastrophic ray of fierce energy from the sun at any targeted location, dealing 700 pure damage spread out evenly to all units in the area.
Base Ability Firefly: Push target ally or enemy away from you. The closer they are, the further you push them away.
Q - Pyroclasm (4 ranks): Fire a ball of pure lava that bounces times between enemies. Pyroclasm increases the damage of Hotstreak.
W - Flamestrike (4 ranks): Create a pillar of flame that deals damage, For each level beyond the first you can cast an additional Flamestrike for 10 seconds. Flamestrike increases the damage of Ignite.
E - Cinderstorm (4 ranks): Your essence is transfered to target location in a storm of fire, dealing damage and stunning. Cinderstorm increases the strength of Kindlings.
R - Ashes of Al'ar (3 ranks, requires level 6): Summons two majestic Phoenix, that on death become eggs that hatch into a new Phoenix. This ability can be cast each time 100 enemies have been ignited.
T - Inferno (1 rank, requires level 9): Consume all stacks of Hotstreak, dealing damages plus bonus damage per consumed stack to all nearby enemy units.


Base ability: Bounty.
New ability Boots o' Rockets: jump a random distance at a somewhat forward angle. While flying through the air you fire rockets from the bottom of your boots dealing damage and stunning.
Whenever a Farmer is killed and the Bounty Hunter has been picked, they will drop a coin worth 150 gold.
Boomstick now deals 75/150/225 damage instead of 75/125/200 and deals a 1/1.5/2 second stun instead of 0.75/1.25/1.75.
Bounty Hunter starts with an additional 150 gold.
Bounty Hunter gets 2 gold every 2 seconds instead of the 1 gold every other hero gets.
Casting bounty on a item now picks it up.
Increased maximum mana by 75.
Increased strenght per level of Big Gustav to 3.1 per level from 2.8.
Big Gustav has 55 base attack damage instead of 32, but 25% reduced attack speed.
Big Gustav's attribute bonus now gives +2 for each attribute instead of +1.

SEEKER (renamed from berserker)

Seeker no longer uses Cultists.
Base ability: Place a totem at target location that generates lumber, gold and experience. The totem can be upgraded every time 33 enemies are killed.
New Ability for Ymmirjar: Starts charging through all objects globally to target unit. All enemy units passed through and the target unit will be ministunned, knocked away and damaged. Can be cast on Farmers.
Merged old Ymmirjar into Skornkul; if Skornkul is cast on a point instead of a unit the Berserker will leap there instead.
Whenever Skornkul is cast at a point instead of a unit you catch the scent of the most nearby Farmer.
Ragnarok no longer provides 40 bonus attack damage.
During Ragnarok the abilities of the Berserker now deal additional damage.
The scent of the Farmer now lasts 4/6/8/10 seconds instead of 3.
Increased manacost of Skornkul to 200 from 0.
Increased mana generated by casting Skornkul on a unit by 100.
Lokarjarl stun now also affects Farmers.
Instead of Shades Berserkers have flying hawk's that has 6 inventory slots, provides True Sight and can Peck a unit to stun it.


Base ability: Admorsus that lasts for 5 seconds and costs 100 mana.
New ability Deceptus: Conjure a rift at target location that knocks all enemies away from it, dealing damage and a stun.
Admorsus can no longer be cast on Farmers and Heroes.
Admorsus can be cast on Laborers in the Factory.
Admorsus now also heals the Lord for 100.
Reforged broke all metamorphosis abilities, so Noctum works very clunky now.
Noctum now allows the Lord of the Vampire to use bat form from level 1, but needs level 3 to cast abilities in bat form.
Stun duration of Volatus changed to 2/2.5/3 seconds instead of 3 seconds baseline.
Volatus can now be cast on Farmers.
Volatus can now also be cast during the day.
Increased base cast range of Volatus by 250.
Sanguine now also heals the Lord for 100/200/300.
Sanguine now costs 75 mana instead of 65.
Reduced intelligence per level to 2.1 from 2.5
Reduced starting intelligence to 18 from 21.
Reduced starting agility to 10 from 16.
Reduced base health of the Lord of the Vampire to 500 from 750.
Increased base mana pool to 100 from 0.


Base ability: Gorge.
New ability Hopper: The heaps of flesh of Stitches' bodies clumsily fly through the air to target location dealing bonus damage for the amount of Flesh Heaps the Butcher has. Worker units are instantly killed on impact. Upon landing some Flesh Heap stacks come loose off Stitches' body and manifest as Fleshlings.
Hook now also affects allied heroes.
Increased maximum Flesh Heap stacks to 40 from 30.
Hook increases your Flesh Heap Stacks by 1/2/3 instead of 1 baseline.
Hook deals pure damage instead of magical damage.
Cast range of Hook has been increased to 1800 baseline from 1000/1350/1700.
Reduced health of the Butcher and Fleshlings by 100.
Renamed Chopper to Cleaver.
Each level of Cleaver increases the health of the Butcher and his Fleshlings by 100.


Base ability: a passive venom that deals a 25% slow and deals magical damage over 10 seconds.
New ability: Summon a shadowy Spectre with who assists the Sentinel by attacking its target. If this ability is cast while you're within 2700 units of a Spectre you will phase to its location.
Removed the ability Ana'dorei Talah that rooted enemies on attack from the Sentinel.
Benthai'del Elune no longer deals 50/125/200 bonus damage when breaking invisibility.
Breaking Benthai'del Elune invisibility now deals a 1/2/3 second root that deals 75 damage per second.
Ash'thero Danador leaps from target to target 25% faster.
Fal-anu'dora now also slows for 25%.
Fal-anu'dora can be used on Farmers.
Thori'dal now has 1000 baseline cast range instead of 700/850/1000.
Thori'dal no longer deals damage to allies.
Thori'dal now deals magical damage.


Base ability: Underway of Unet'Azjol which burrows the Spider King and makes him move at 150%.
New ability Swarm of the Silithid: Rise a tunnel from the depths from which swarms forth Swarmlings that infect units with a disease which spawns Spiderlings on death.
When the Spider King is picked 4 tunnels will come under his control that the Spider King and other Heroes can teleport onto.
Cocoons generate 5 lumber per tick instead of 10.
Underway of Unet'Azjol no longer increases your damage against buildings.
Increased movement speed of Broodmother to 300 from 270.
Broodmothers can now cast an Affliction of Arach similar to the level 1 ability of the Spider King, but does not turn Farms into Hatcheries.
The utility of Broodmother's Weaving ability that weaves spiderlings in or out of Cocoons has been merged with that of the Affliction of Arach.
Increased the base movement speed of all Spider units to 522 from 270 while burrowed.
Increasd the base movement speed of all Spider units to 300 from 270.\


Base ability: Lord of the Dead and all its ranks.
New ability Corpse Grasp: Create a pit at target location that grips all enemy units that walk through it dealing damage per second and slowing. Units that die under the effect are turned into skellies.
Wraith Walk now spawns skellies underneath the Grim Reaper for its duration.
Skellock's Chaosbolt deals 200 damage instead of 175.
Increased the movement speed of Skeleton units to 330 from up to as low as 270.
Skelly Chief starts at level 5 instead of level 2.
Skelly Chief has Cultists.


Base ability: instead of Socrates the Mojo Kettle is now placed by the Doctor.
Also removed the Transfer mana ability from Socrates.
Socrates has a weaker Tiki Curse ability similar to to the Tiki Fetish.
Whenever a fetish is placed the Mojo Kettle now directly gets 1 mana instead of Socrates.
Increased experience given by Elder Mojo to 200 from 150.
Decreased the level requirement of Vexing Tumble to 8 from 9.
Decreased the level requirement of Phantom, Tiki and Voodoo fetish to 4 from 5.
Increased vision range of Socrates to 1300 from 800.


Base ability: Tether yourself to target ally, increasing their speed, attack rate and damage. Whenever you summon a Vajra the tethered ally is healed for 15 health. If a tethered ally strays too far away, the tether is broken.
The Ethereal can now always fly.
Level 1 Dhyana gives truesight, level 2 gives movement speed and level 3 gives permanent invisibility.
Casting Siddhi now also teleports the tethered ally to the target unit.
Increased the health of the Vajrayana summoned by Bhagavad to 700 from 475.
Increased the damage per second of the Vajrayana summoned by Bhagavad to 120 from 102.
Vajrabhrit can now stun Farmers.


Base ability: Upgrade a cultist to a greater cultist. You can only have 1 greater cultist at a time. Only the greater cultist can cast abilities like Banish and Cultcloak.
New building Citadel of Azkentuten; a vastly stronger tower than the regular Spirit Tower but costs 1000 gold and 1500 lumber. You are limited to 1 Citadel.
New building Altar of Worship: another building that generates 10 more gold than the Statue of Worship but costs 1000 gold and 1000 lumber. You are limited to 1 Altar of Worship.
New ability Necronimica: summon a whirlwind of books that damage nearby enemies.
Necronomica increases the gold generated by your buildings by 5 and the lumber of Gargoyles by 2 per level.
New ability Echoes from the Past: a spectre follows target unit around. The spectre can pull the unit back and create a barrier around it.
Echoes from the Past increase the amount of Gargoyles which can be trained by 1 per level.
Cultists can build gold mines again.
Reduced the gold generated by the Statue of Worship to 5 per tick.
High Cultist starts with 300 lumber.
Every player besides the High Cultist can now also build 1 Pillar of the Cult when the High Cultist is picked.
High Cultist starts with a shade.
Reduced the mana cost of all High Cultist abilities slightly.
Unsummon can now be cast on Farmers and additionally increases the damage of all Pillars of the Cult by 3 per level.
Shift no longer summons a Necronomicon per level, instead it increases the mana by 50, armor by 2 and damage by 10 of himself and his cultists per level.
Reduced the cooldown of Shift by 10 seconds.
Increased cast range of Cultspeak to 1600 from 1000 (and renamed it to Cult-touch).
Increased the time between attacks of the Pillar of the Cult to 0.85 seconds from 0.7 seconds.

WEREBEAST (renamed from Werewolf)

Base ability: Farmer Form.
New ability Swipe with Fangs: Swipe all enemy units in target direction dealing bonus damage per point of strength. All units are slowed and knocked back.
Reduced the movement speed of the Werebeast by 10.
Reforged broke all metamorphosis abilities, so Human Form works very clunky now.
The Human Form of the Werebeast now appears as an exact replica of Farmers.
Strike with Claw now lasts 1.5/3/4.5 seconds on Farmers and Heroes instead of 1.5/2.5/3.5.

WINDWALKER (renamed from Juggernaut)

Base ability: a passive 15% Critical Strike that deals twice the normal damage.
Arashi now affects Farmers but deals magical damage instead of physical.
Arashi lasts for 1/2/3 seconds on Heroes and Farmers.


The Druid Den now automatically starts reviving your druid when he dies.
Trees can now be chopped down by Farmers after 1500 lumber has been gathered from them.
Woodword now revives and replenishes trees in an area around it whenever it is cast, grants experience for each tree affected.
The Woodland horn is now an ability instead of an item.


Removed Cyclone and Spirits of the Forest ultimate from the Dryad.
New ultimate ability Heavenly Gust: compell nature to blast all nearby enemies far away from you, slowing their attack speed and movement speed.
New ability Sacred Lance: Throw a Lance in the targeted direction. The first enemy hero it hits is dealt more damage, and stunned for longer, the further the lance travelled.
Each level of Sacred Lance increases the attack range of you and your Sprites by 75.
In addition to putting a seed in your inventory Efflorescence conjures a mist that restores health per second to allies standing in it, and any crops that are reaped inside the mist give bonus gold.
Each level of Efflorescence increases the hit points of you and your Sprites by 75 instead of mana.
Reaping Efflorescence now rewards 50/75/100/125/150 gold and lumber instead of 100/150/200/250/300 lumber.
Efflorescence has 70/60/50/40/30 seconds cooldown instead of 60 seconds baseline.
Cooldown of Abolition is now reset whenever it is cast on a non-hero.
Each level of Abolition increases the mana of you and your Sprites by 75 instead of attack range.
Gracious Leap increases attack speed and movement speed by 40% instead of movement speed by 50%.
Gracious Leap now has 25 seconds base cooldown, but its range is increased per level.
Increased the duration of the buff Gracious Leap provides by 1 second.
Reduced base attack speed of Dryad by 20%.
Reduced base movement speed of Dryad to 340 from 355.
Sprites can no longer use items.


Removed Tranquility from the Keeper.
New ability Overgrowth: Summon a Pineling that spawns Entlings and heals nearby allies.
Each level of Overgrowth will also increase your maximum food by 1.
Woodlings can no longer use items.
There is no longer a limit on the amount of Gardens of Éarendil the Keeper can have active.
Reduced damage of the Garden of Éarendil to 30 from 40, reduced its health to 750 from 1000 and increased its attack cooldown to 1.25 from 0.9.
Gardens of Éarendil now generate 5/10/15/20 gold instead of 15 gold baseline.
Increased cooldown of Garden of Éarendil to 60 seconds from 20 seconds.
Gardens of Éarendil now build Sprouts instead of Wood Elves that still gather lumber at the same speed but can't be upgraded to Phoenix Guard.
Blink now summons an Entling at the point you blinked from.
Reduced base damage of the Keeper to 10 from 15.
Reduced attack range to 750 from 850.
Decreased attack speed of Keeper by 15%.
Reduced the experience rewarded for killing Entlings summoned by the Keeper.
Reduced the gold rewarded for killing Entlings summoned by the Keeper to between 5-10 from base 40.


The Guardian has an addition form he can morph into: Owlkin.
Instead of Way of the Guardian, the Guardian can now level Way of the Beak.
Friend of Men is unlocked from the start.
Wood Elves are now part of the arsenal of the Guardian instead of the Keeper. They can still be upgraded to the Talon Guard.

Added several new abilities (*) to the Guardian and shuffled the requirements around.

Guardian abilities are now unlocked by simply leveling up:
(level 3) Improve Hay Pile,
(level 4) Improve to Militia,
(level 5) Improve to Wood Well*, (a stronger variant of the Well that replenishes mana faster.)
(level 6) Improve to Dwarf,
(level 7) Place Gold Quarry,
(level 8) Improve Workshop,
(level 9) Improve to Guard Tower,
(level 10) Improve to Fort*,
(level 11) Improve to Talon Shrine*. (A Talon Shrine is a stronger variant of the Warehouse that can build Wood Elves.)
(level 12) Improve to Wood Elf*,
(level 13) Improve to Winter Stockpile,

Way of the Beak Abilities are:
(1) Starfire (Applies a damage over time effect on all enemies hit in an area)
(2) Solar Wrath (Single target damage ability that applies a damage over time effect)
(3) Blessing of the Wood*, (Blessing of the Wood passively increases the mana regeneration of nearby allied units.)
(4) Entangling Forest, (area of effect entangling roots)
(5) Star Surge (consume all damage over time effects to damage an enemy)

Increase Mana and Increase Health are now merged into one ability called Affluence.
Decreased starting strength of Guardian to 18 from 22
The Winter Stockpile now has the same abilities Dwellings have.
Increased the mana regeneration of Dwellings to 0.6 per second from 0.25.
Every time a building or unit is improved there is a 33% chance of spawning a Soul.
Souls owned by the Guardian can turn Trees into Gold Chunks.


Entlings no longer have entangling Roots.
Reduced health of Entlings to 620 from 650.
Reduced the experience given by Entlings
Oaklings have entangling Roots instead of Rejuvination.
Reduced health of Oakling to 900 from 1000.
Reduced damage of Oakling to 50 from 70.
New Creep: Mapling that casts Rejuvination, has 40 damage and 750 health.
New Creep: Mossling that is ranged, has 60 damage and 700 health.
Placed new Creeps and shuffled them around a little bit to include the new units.
The Gnolls in the southwest drop a Forcestaff instead of a Dagon.
The Dragon in the east drops a Dagon, but the size of his bounty is reduced by 500.
The Harpies in the west drop a Maelstrom instead of a Spell Shield.
Increased the health of the Harpies by 25%.
Increased the damage of the Shockwaves that the Harpies cast to 150 from 100.
Increased the damage per second of the lightning shield that the Harpies cast to 75 from 50.
Increased the healing of the green murlocs to 100 from 85.
Increased the health of the small murlocs to 450 from 375.


The description of all items now include their cooldown.
The 4 factory merchant starting items are now designated as such in their description.
Scattered cheaper items like Scopes and Shoeblack across the map.


Removed the consumables Gonzo's Gizmo and Healing Wards and the basic item Scope.
New item: Arcane Bottle with three charges that instantenously heals for 120 health and 60 mana. Can be refilled at any fountain or well.
New item: Kleptomancy that causes your attacks against buildings have a 20% chance to steal a coin worth 25 gold from a building.
New item: Firefly Lantern that heals target ally for 250 health. Cannot be used on yourself.
Shoeblack can be used to increase movement speed beyond the maximum for 2.5 seconds.
Merged the items Clarity and Cheese such that it is now a single item that generates both mana and health.
Charges of Cheese stack when buying new Cheese.
The Contraption can now detect invisible units.
Added the basic item Circlet of Nobility to the Factory Security, but it provides +4 to all attributes instead of +7.
Increased the gold cost of the 4 consumables to 100 from 55.
Increased the gold cost of the 7 basic items to 150 from 55.
All basic items replenish every 5 minutes.
All consumables replenish instantly.


New starting item: Deadly Dirk which provides bonus damage that increases for every Farmer and Druid killed. After 5 kills it transforms into the Bloody Dirk that can be animated to attack your enemies.
New item: Scepter of Aiwendil which whenever you cast a spell of level 2 or higher the next auto attack turns target non-hero unit into a sheep for 4 seconds costing 1200 gold.
Removed Grand Marshal's Amulet and the Circlet of Nobility from the Factory Merchant.
Increased the gold cost of the 4 starting items to 300 from 145.
Titan Helmet now provides a magic immunity shield for 6 second on use instead of +10 armor for 10 seconds but costs 1600 gold instead of 1000.
Stormhammer can now also be used on Farmers but lasts 1.5 seconds on Farmers and Heroes instead of 2.
Increased the attribute bonus of Shadespeed, Robe of the Magi and Titan Helmet to +10 from +8.
Periapt of Vitality gives 700 bonus health instead of 500 and can be used to teleport an allied unit to you, but costs 1400 gold instead of 600 gold.
Renamed Pendant of Mana to Pendant of Frost; it slows enemies on attack, but costs 1200 gold instead of 500 gold.
Claws of Attack gives +30 attack damage instead of +25 and provides a 15% chance to bash for 1 second, but costs 1750 gold instead of 750 gold.
Reduced the mana replenished by Robe of the Magi to 300 from 400 but it additionally replenishes mana to all nearby allies and reduced the gold cost to 850 from 1000.


Added two more Villages and two more Elder Trees to the map.
The Farm Hand now gives away 100 free gold every 2 minutes.
The Farm Hand sells Pocketworkers for 50 gold that function just like workers and cost no food, but cannot be upgraded into militia or architects.
Farm Hands Gold Coins and Bundle of Lumber stack maximum increased to 5 from 3.
Farm Hand no longer sells the Story of our People, instead it sells Pocket Barns for 80 lumber.
Quelling blade now chops trees for 70 lumber instead of 50.


The Bandit Chief's are now split into two different units, the Vagabond and the Blacksmith; each sell different items.
New item: Krivbeknih, a book that when used opens where you are standing, creating a leash between you and it. After 7 seconds it snaps and you are pulled back to the book. Costs 1400 gold.
New item: Force Staff that pushes unit in the direction it is facing. Costs 1500 gold.
New item: Maelstrom that amplifies the attacks of the Hero by giving a 25% chance to cause a chain lightning that deals 90 damage and bounces 4 times. Costs 1100 gold.
New item: Orb of the Warp that swaps your location with target hero. Additionally increases your magic resistance by 35%. Costs 1100 gold.
Reworked Equalizer; it is now called Desolator and passively increases damage by 20 and reduces the armor of enemies by 12 for 6 seconds.
Increased cast range of Blinkdagger to 1300 from 800, but increased its cost to 2200 from 1650.
Dagon deals 400 damage up from 350 and bounces once for half the damage, but costs 1800 gold instead of 1500.
Spell Shield provides +10 to all attributes additionally to blocking a spell, but costs 2000 gold instead of 750.
Honorguard now provides +8 armor but costs 1250 gold instead of 900.
Reduced duration of Cyclonestick to 2.25 on heroes instead of 10 but reduced its cooldown to 10 from 60.

Version 4.11

Version 4.10

Version 4.09

Version 4.08

Version 4.07

Version 4.06

Version 4.05

Version 4.04

Version 4.03

Version 4.02

Version 4.01

Version 4.00




Bug Fixes

Fixed that the Dryad didn't get 1 food when she kills an enemy Hero.
Way of the Talon and Claw now properly have 5 levels instead of 4.
Jinada now properly also affects the illusion.
Broodmothers properly generate mana.
Sprites can no longer generate mana from the Druid Den.
Fal-anu'dora of the Sentinel no longer deals double damage to primary target.
Wolves of the Wolfpack generate hit points again from the Fountain.
Ordering the Butcher to Stop or Hold Position now puts a 1 second cooldown on Chopper being able to summon Fleshlings.

Farmer Changes

Workshops can be upgraded for 500 lumber to increased its gold generation by 5 and its health by 200.
Reduced food cost of Capitals and Forts to 2 from 3.
Roflcopter no longer requires Robotics.
Increased bounty of The Farm to 200 from 75.

Druid Changes

Woodword heals 450 over 15 seconds instead of 500 health over 10 seconds.
Reduced casting delay of Woodland Horn to 4 seconds from 4.5.
A Druid using a Contraption on a Crop no longer rewards a Soul.
Blink of Souls has global cast range but costs 100 mana instead of 40.
Increased health regeneration of Druid Den to 5% per second from 3%.

No longer costs resources to repair Oaklings, Mosslings, Mapling and Yggdrasil.
Increased the levels at which the Keeper's abilities can be learned to 1/4/7/10 instead of 1/3/5/7.
Wrath of Nature level 1 can't be used on enemy Heroes.
Reduced base hit points to 300 from 350.
Reduced base damage to 15 from 20.
Increased cooldown between attacks to 2.4 from 2.18.
Reduced movement speed to 295 from 305.
Thornweld generates 20 lumber per tick instead of 25.

Removed Impetus from the Dryad.
Abolition now increases attack range instead of mana.
New Ability - Efflorescence: Plants a special seed in target Crop Field that can be harvested for 100/150/200/250 lumber.
Every level of Efflorescence increases your mana and that of your Sprites.
Sprites can now cast Efflorescence, and the lumber rewarded from the seed is the same as that of the Dryad.
Sprite's Blink now costs 150 mana from 200.
Increased base attack range of Sprites to 500 from 425.
Souls owned by the Dryad can no longer possess enemies, instead they can turn a Tree into a Crop Field.
Cyclone can no longer be cast on Heroes.
Cyclone lasts for 16 seconds flat instead of 8/10/12/14/16.
Increased cast range of Cyclone to 800/900/1000/1100/1200 from 600 flat.
Cooldown of Cyclone changed to 10/8/6/4/2 from 8/7/6/5/4.
Cyclone can be cast on mechanical units.

Level 2 Guardian can place a Gold Quarry, level 3 improves a Tower and level 4 improves Workshops.
Level 2 Claw you can improve Hay Piles, level 4 you can improve to a Warehouse.
Level 2 Talon you can improve to Militia, level 4 you can improve to Architect.
Stewards can now make a Dwelling that can attack, generates resources, and has various abilities.
Winter Stockpile upgrades a Dwelling to a Winter Stockpile.
Winter Stockpile now has a ranged attack.
Increased the maximum mana of Stewards to 300 from 225.
Increased the damage of Stewards to 55 from 45.

Hunter Changes

Created a Gate at the entrance to the mansion in the center of the Factory that the Farmers have to destroy to get to the Businessmen.
Jumping onto the grassy hills next to the Mansion gets the unit shoved off the hillside.
Heroes now get additionally to the Assassinations License a Sentry Ward when the factory gates open.
Reduced casting time of Assassination License to 6.25 seconds from 7 seconds.
New building: House of Blight that provides 4 food and has a weak ranged attack.
You no longer start with 4 food.
Rich Businessman produces 6 food.
Cultists cost 2 food, Gargoyles cost 2 food and Ghouls cost 1 food.
Reduced the cost of Cultists to 500 gold from 600.
Cultists build by the Rich Businessmen now cost to exact same as those of the Moratorium.
You are now limited to 5 Cultists.
Reduced gathering rate of Cultists by 10%.
Increased the amount of gold in Haunted Gold Mines to 4000 from 3000.
Increased damage of Gargoyle to 80 from 50.
Increased hit points of Gargoyle to 925 from 850.
Reduced the maximum revival time of Heroes to 160 from 180.
Hammer Gauntlets now stuns for 2 seconds on Heroes instead of 1.
Increased gold cost of Cyclonestaff to 1000 from 750.

Spider King
Tentacles deal 60 damage instead of 25, has 1000 health instead of 250, deal pierce damage instead of magic but have small armor instead of fortified.
Broodmothers take 50% reduced damage from magical sources.
Hatcheries can be teleported on.
Quake stun now lasts for 6 seconds instead of 7.
Garrote stun now lasts for 2/4/6 seconds instead of 3/5/7.
Garrote now tunnels the Spider King to the target location when burrowed instead of unburrowed.
Garrote sends forth three waves of tendrils in a cone while unburrowed.

Rddhi lasts 6/8/10 seconds on enemy Heroes instead of 4 seconds flat.
Rddhi heals for 150/250/350 instead of 200/300/400.
Siddhi heals for 150/250/350 instead of 100/200/300.

Thori'dal now deals a 0.5/1/1.5 second stun on Heroes instead of 0.6 seconds flat.
Fal-anu'dora has a larger area of effect.
Increased cast range of Ash'thero Danador to 900 from 500.

Phantom Fetish now pulls you over the Fetish instead of in front of it.
The attacks of Vexing Fetishes bounce twice to nearby enemies.
Mojo Kettle no longer costs mana but has 70 seconds cooldown instead of 30.

Skornkul reduces attack speed and movement of the target struck by 30% for the duration.
Lokarjarl stun lasts 0.5/1.5/2.5/3.5 seconds on Heroes instead of 0.33/1/1.66/2.33 seconds.

Increased required level to learn Increase Wolfpack to 5 from 1.
Strike with Claws of Wolves can no longer be used on Mechanical units.

Increase cast range of Hook to 1000/1350/1700 from 900/1250/1600.
When the Butcher dies he spawns Fleshlings for the amount of Flesh Heap stacks he had when he died.

Grim Reaper
Skelly Chief has 500 base health instead of 325.

Lord of the Vampire
Volatus deals a 3 second stun to Heroes and non-Heroes.

High Cultist
Unsummon lasts 6/8/10 seconds on Heroes instead of 7 seconds flat.

Bounty Hunter
Blunderin' now deals 75/125/200 damage instead of 80/120/160.

Miraju illusion deals 40/60/80% damage instead of 33/66/100%.

Bug Fixes

When a Farmer affected by Grim Reaper's Death's Door dies, its units can no longer be gifted to an abandoned Farmer or the Druid.
High Cultist's shift now correctly hits all units in the area, even if they weren't visible upon casting Shift.
Removed the Small Game mode options, since I couldn't make it work without lagging the game out.
Towers can now target the Wolves of the Werewolf.
Fixed some potential crashes caused by the Doctor placing too many wards.


Entlings deal 50% reduced damage to buildings.
Reduced base damage of Entligns to 30 from 45.
Damage of Entlings increased per level of Wrath of Nature by 5.
Entlings are mechanical and can thus be repaired.
Reduced collision of Entlings to 31 from 32.
Increased mana cost of Wrath of Nature to 180 from 160.
Keeper gains 2 intelligence per level instead of 3.
Blink now has a 900/1100/1300/1500 maximum range instead of 1200 flat.
Increased cooldown of Blink to 10/15/20/25 from 5/10/15/20.
Tranquility lasts for 10 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Increased movement speed of Mapling, Oakling and Mossling to 300 from 200.
Decreased collision size of Mapling, Oakling and Mossling to 31 from 90.
Reduced cost of Conjure Mapling, Oakling and Mossling by 50.
Moved Mana Stifle from Wood Elf to Woodling.

Hunter Changes

Increased gold cost of Cyclonestaff to 1000 from 750.
Increased gold cost of Blinkdagger to 1650 from 1500.
Increased gold cost of Honorguard to 900 from 750.
Increased gold cost of Equalizer to 2000 from 1500.
Increased gold cost of Battlethirst to 1300 from 1000.
Increased gold cost of Grand Marshal's Amulet to 1800 from 1500.
Increased duration of Grand Marshal's Amulet to 6 seconds from 4.
Slartibartfast drops a Claws of Attack instead of an Equalizer.
Dragon now drops 1500 gold instead of 2000.
Doubled the damage dealt by Ring of Conflagration.
Masonry now costs 250 lumber and increments by 250 instead of 200.
Frost Attack research costs 600 lumber instead of 400.
Hunters below level 10 respawn faster.
Cultist take 70% reduced damage from magical sources.
Cultists can cast Invisibility on themself.
Increased hit points of Gold Mine to 3000 from 1350.
Reduced hit points of broken Gold Mine hp to 1350 from 3000.


Bhagavad leaves behind a supercharged Vajra on the spot the targeted unit was moved from.
Rddhi can be cast on enemy heroes but only lasts 4 seconds them.
Rddhi can be cast on allied units, healing them for 200/300/400 over 5 seconds and spawns a Vajra.
Increased cast range of Dhyana to 1250 from 1000.
Dhyana now heals for 100/150/200 plus 20/40/60 per Vajra instead of 50/100/150 plus 20/40/60.
Increased base damage to 20 from 0.

High Cultist

Conjunction of the Spheres increases the damage of your cultists by 10 instead of Shift.
Doubled the damage of Conjunction Spheres.
Conjunction Spheres last for 20/25/30 seconds instead of 20/40/60.
Every level of Shift summons a Necronomicon, you spawn with 0 Necronomicons.
Increased movement speed of Necronomicons to 310 from 290.
Removed Shift from the Necronomicon.
Necronomicons are leashed to the High Cultist similar as to how Socrates is leashed to the Doctor.


Reworked Doctor's ultimate: Tumble backwards to the direction you're facing, leaving 6 very powerful Vexing Fetishes at the spot you tumbled from.
Reduced mana cost of Kettle and Mojo's even further.
Tiki Curse slows by 80% instead of 60% and can be cast on Heroes but lasts 3 seconds on them.
Increased base damage to 20 from 5.
Doctor now properly moves to the point you order him to move to when you also have wards selected.
The Doctor now has no unit collision and as such can walk straight through his wards but not past 1x1 building gaps.

Grim Reaper

Increased base damage to 20 from 9.
Increased intelligence per level to 2.6 from 2.4.
If a Farmer leaves after being killed with Death's Door on him, all Hunters get control over the Skelly Chief Hero.
If a Farmer leaves before being killed with Death's Door on him, a random other Farmer will get affected by Death's Door.


Arashi also affects mechanical units.
Arashi deals 125/200/275 damage instead of 100/150/200.
Jinada lasts for 4/8/12 instead of 4/7/10.
Increased damage of Bushido by 25%.

Spider King

Spider King starts with a Broodmother instead of a Shade.
Broodmother has a ranged attack and an inventory.
Impale can now be used on mechanical units.

Bounty Hunter

Blunderin', Blasted and Boomstick can be used on mechanical units.
Increased base damage to 40 from 20.
Increased cooldown time between attacks to 3 from 2.4.


Ash'thero Danador deals 275 damage per slash instead of 225 and no longer hits structures.
Fal-anu'dora, Thori'dal, Anadorei'Talah can be used on mechanical units.
Increased damage of Thori'dal to 100/200/300 from 75/150/225.

Lord of the Vampire

Vampire Counts can be teleported on and can't be taken by Control Magic or the Story of our People.
Admorsus can now be used on mechanical units.


Butcher can now devour mechanical units.


Strike with Claw can be used on mechanical units.

Bug Fixes

Fal-anu'dora no longer sends random fan of knives from corners of the map.
Swapped the build times of the Blacksmith and Smith.

I still have crashes from time to time, but I can't seem to figure out whats causing them.
Would really appreciate it if someone could tell me things that caused their game to crash.

Farmer Changes

Architect requires a Smith instead of Architecture; building the Command Center, Harvester and Workshop still do require Architecture.
Increased the repair speed of Architects and Farmers by 33%.
Reduced lumber cost of Architect to 90 from 150, gold cost to 30 from 50 and food cost to 2 from 3.
Increased hit points of Architect to 400 from 220.
Architect is no longer magic immune.
Stamina Brew, Mithril Brew and Upgrade Armor now also apply to the Architect.
Increased the research time of Stamina Brew to 55 seconds from 30 seconds.
Guard Towers have 625 hit points instead of 550.
Forts have 1350 hit points instead of 1200.
Decreased food cost of Fort to 3 food from 4.
Decreased food cost of Guard Tower to 2 food from 3.
Farm Animal's Produce generates 70 gold instead of 35.
Reduced the limits of Chickens to 2 from 6 and of Sheep to 2 from 4.
Chickens cost 80 lumber instead of 50, Sheep cost 180 lumber instead of 100, Cows cost 300 lumber instead of 150.
Increased health of Chickens to 225 from 80, Sheep to 325 from 150 and Cows to 425 from 250.
Mithril Brew applies to Farm Animals.
Increased movement speed of Farm Animals to 225 from 160.
Warehouse no longer requires a Granary nor a Smith.
Streamlined the Sapper item and the Control Magic of the Phoenix Guard to take control of not just summons, but any enemy unit thats not some special unit.
Renamed the 'Sapper' to the 'Story of our People'.
Increased hit points of Workshop to 400 from 300.
Reduced hit points of Farm to 500 from 600.

Druid Changes

Increased Druid vision range from 1800 to 2600.


Increased base hit points to 350 from 100.
Increased strength per level to 2.3 from 1.8.
Rejuvenation of Yggdrasil heals 800 health over 8 seconds instead of over 4 seconds.
Entwine costs 200 mana from 250.


In Guardian Form the Guardian has a ranged attack.
Form of the Claw increases health by 600 instead of 500.
Increased base attack speed to 1.6 from 1.8.
War Stomp deals 250 damage instead of 150.
Trample deals 300 damage instead of 200.
Form of the Claw and Form of the Talon cost 25 mana instead of 50.

Hunter Changes

Increased Spirit Tower health to 950 from 850.
Limited the amount of Spirit Towers a player can build to 16.
Increased attack range of Cultists to 650 from 500.
Increased attack speed of Cultists to 1.6 from 2.5.
Shadespeed gives 25% lifesteal instead of 33%.
Reduced experience gained by special creep camps.
Reduced gathering speed of Cultists by 20%.

High Cultist

New ability Conjunction of the Spheres: Summon 2/4/6 Spheres that travel to the targeted location, leaving blight behind and damaging and healing nearby units.
Removed the Necronomicon ability.
Chain Lightning, Cultcloak and Banish are unlocked from the moment you pick High Cultist.
The High Cultist spawns with 2 Necronomicons instead of a Shade.
Necronomicons are invulnerable and have 6 inventory slots.
All Necronomicons die when the High Cultist dies.
When the High Cultist revives he spawns with 2 Necronomicons.
Pillar of the Cult, High Cultist and Ghoulrift Ghouls only generate health on blight.
Increased High Cultist health regeneration to 5 health per second from 0.5.
Increased Ghoulrift Ghoul health regeneration to 10 health per second from 1.
Ghouls of Ghoulrift last for 30/40/50 seconds instead of 20/25/30 seconds.


Removed the Increase Attribute learned passive ability, instead the Werewolf can Expand his Wolfpack 5 times.
Learning Expand Wolfpack summons a Pup and increases the amount of times you can upgrade Wolves by 1.
Pups can be upgraded 4 times into stronger Wolves with more abilities, damage and health.
Every time you level up, the amount of times one of your Wolves can be upgraded is increased by 1.
Werewolf starts with a Pup instead of a Shade.


Reduced mana cost of Mojo Kettle to 20 from 50.
Reduced cooldown of Mojo Kettle to 30 from 60.
Increased hit points of Mojo Kettle to 700 from 100.
Mojo Kettle generates 22 health per second up from 0.
Mojo Kettle can now transfer 22 health per second to an allied unit.
Higher level Vexing Fetishes degenerate faster.
Increased attack range of Vexing Fetish to 675 from 500.
Increased the strength of the demons inside the Demon Mojo.
Reduced mana cost of concocting Mojo's.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty lasts 30 seconds on Farmers and Heroes.
Killing a target tracked by Bounty with Blunderin' rewards 40/100/150 gold.
Increased cast time of Blunderin' to 6/5/4 seconds from 5.5/4/2.5.
Blasted knocks the Bounty Hunter back by 500 units instead of 300 units.


Fangs of the Grove requires level 2 Fal-anu'dora instead of level 1.
Rejuvenation requires level 2 Anadorei Talah instead of level 1.
Rejuvenation heals 800 health over 8 seconds instead of over 4 seconds.
Thori'dal no longer damages or stuns Valanor when used on him.


Reduced channeling time of Siddhi to 2 seconds from 3.
Increased base hit points to 620 from 500.
Strength per level increased to 2.3 from 2.0.


Increased range of Hook to 900/1250/1600 from 800/1000/1200.
Increased the levels at which Hook can be learned to 1/4/7 from 1/3/5.


Juggernaut's illusion dies when he dies.
Juggernaut's illusion now takes 300/225/150% damage instead of 300/200/100%.


Lokarjarl stun is 3 times as short on Heroes.
Skyvgorod deals 11/22/33/44 bonus damage instead of 11/33/55/77.

Lord of the Vampire

Cathedralis Noctis Aeternae requires level 10 instead of 9.
Regiis Calicem also grants +40 health per level.

Grim Reaper

Skeller and Skellock take 1 slot in a cargo hold instead of 2.

Added an option to block off a third of the map, a game mode intended for smaller player numbers; around 6v2.

Bug Fixes

Fixed that too many Vajras dying would crash the map by giving Ethereal more than 5000 bonus mana.
Can no longer raise dead Vajra.
Leveling Thranquility as the Druid grants 1 food instead of 2.
Increase Health Gain and Increase Mana Gain of Guardian now reward proper mana and health.
Druid Den no longer generates the mana of Souls.

Farmer Changes

Toss Pebble penetrates spell immunity.
Reduced health of Hay Piles to 150/300/450/600 from 150/350/550/750.
Increased base mana of Wells to 300 from 200.
Wells now cost 60 lumber instead of 70.
Cauldron now costs 60 lumber instead of 50.
Increased the upgrade time to Blacksmith, Windmill and Warehouse to 50 seconds from 8.
Increased the upgrade time to Guard tower to 25 seconds from 15.
Increased the upgrade time to Fort to 35 seconds from 15.
Increased hit points of Smith to 350 from 275.
Reduced hit points of Library to 300 from 350.
The Sapper and the Control Magic of the Phoenix Guard no longer require the target to be organic.

Farmer Researches

Split the Masonry research into two separate researches: a Masonry Research and a Marksmanship Research.
The Masonry Research costs 100 lumber and increments with 250 lumber, it increases health of all your buldings by 10% per research.
The Marksmanship research costs 100 gold and increments with 250 gold, it increases tower damage by 15% per research.
The Masonry, Marksmanship, Weaponry and Armor tier 1 research can be researched inside the Smith, higher tiers require the Blacksmith.
Each research of Increased Weaponry and Increased Armor now take 10 seconds longer for each previous upgrade instead of 5.
Tier 1 of Lumber Harvesting is now researched inside the Barn ninstead of the Smith.
Tier 2 of Lumber Harvesting and Hay Stockpiling is now researched inside the Warehouse instead of the Smith.
Reduced the research time of Hay Stockpiling and Increased Lumber Harvesting to 1 second from 45 seconds.
Well Spring is now researched inside the Cauldron instead of the Smith.
Increased research time of Well spring to 80 seconds from 45.


Lesser Druids of the Keeper have been renamed to Woodlings and have the appearance of an Ancient of War but have the same abilities as before.
Thornweld generates 25 lumber instead of 30 lumber per tick.
Reduced damage of Entlings to 45 from 50 and their health to 450 from 500.


The Guardian can build lesser druids called Stewards.
Stewards have Way of the Talon, Friend of Men, Woodworker and Resistant Skin similar to the Guardian.
Stewards cost 1 food and have Woodword, an inventory and Renew similar to the Woodlings.
When the Guardian reaches level 5 in a Way his food limit is increased by 1.
Increase Health and Increase Mana also increase the health and mana of Stewards.
Souls owned by the Guardian can give mana to allied units and structures.
Reduced cooldown of Wings of the Grove to 15 seconds from 30.


The Dryad can build lesser druids called Sprites.
Sprites are flying units that have Woodword, an inventory, Blink, Abolish Magic, Phase Shift and an ability that summons Souls.
Every time the Dryad kills an Assassin her food limit is increased by 1 up to a maximum of 5.
The passive bonuses to movement speed, mana, health and attack range of leveling the Dryads abilities are also given to Sprites.
Souls owned by the Dryad can possess enemy units.

Hunter Changes

Reduced gold cost of Spirit Towers to 400 from 500.

Grim Reaper

Killing a Farmer cursed by Death's Door now turns them into a Skelly Chief Hero instead of a just a Farmer thats allied to the Hunters.
The Skelly Chief has abilities similar to Necrify, Wraith Walk, Critical Strike, Tosshin and Thori'dal but some of them passively summon Skellies.
The Skelly Chief can be revived at a Gravestone next to the Rich Businessmen which can be destroyed.
Death's Door requires level 8 down from level 11.
Tracking of Death's Door last infinitely.
Increased attack range to 575 from 450.
Increased range of the Skelly Grub health regeneration of Skellies to 1500 from 900.
Skelly Grub now also increases movement speed of Skellies by 10%.
Reduced mana cost of Necrify to 90 from 100.
Tomb of the Damned spawns skeletons in 7/5/3 second intervals instead of 9/6/3 seconds.
Increased the health of Tomb of the Damned to 350 from 250.
Lord of the Dead increases hit points of Skellies by 100 from 80.
Increased base health of Skellies to 350 from 300.
Increased damage of skelly to 15 from 11.
Increased movement speed of Skellock to 300 from 275.
Reduced cooldown of Skellocks Cryptwave to 20 seconds from 35 seconds.
Increased damage of Skeller to 50 from 40.
Increased cast range of Skellers Poison Strike to 1000 from 750 and it now deals 40 damage per tick up from 20.
Increased health of Skellior to 700 from 550.
Skellior, Skeller and Skellock no longer degenerate hit points while away from the Grim Reaper.
Skelliors Berserk now increases damage and armor by 30 instead of 20.
The Skeller now has an ability similar to windwalk.

High Cultist

Summoning the Necronomicon now costs 75 mana down from 100 mana.
Reduced the cooldown of Necronomicon to 70 seconds from 80.
Increased the duration of Necronoomicon to 210 seconds from 180.
Reduced the casting time of Cultspeak to 0.45 seconds down from 0.75.
Reduced cooldown of Cultspeak to 110 seconds from 240.
Necronomicons can now globally grab cultists to their location.
Each level in Shift increases the damage of your Cultists by 10.
Ghoulrift increases the amount of Ghouls you can train by 1.
Statue of Worship generates 20 gold plus 5 gold per level in Ghoulrift instead of a flat 30.
The High Cultist is limited to 1 Pillar of the Cult plus 1 per level in Unsummon.
Pillar of the Cult no longer costs gold to construct but takes 20 seconds to build instead of 9.


New Ultimate ability: Leap from enemy to enemy 9 times, dealing 200 damage per slash.
Benthai'del Elune is now a non-ultimate ability whose movement speed increase and damage on attack scale with level.
Removed Ash'Valanor ability, instead the Valanor can be retrained upon death at the Rich Businessmen for 200 gold.
The health and damage of the Valanor increase, and his skills unlock from leveling the abilities of the Sentinel.
Increased cast range of Thori'dal to 700/850/1000 from 700 flat.
Anadorei Talah deals 100 damage per second instead of 150.
Reduced cooldown of Wings of the Grove to 15 seconds from 30.

Spider King

Garrote of Girek and Quake of the Qiraji pierce spell immunity.
Spinnings of Shelob slows by 99% instead of ensnaring, allowing units struck to attack and turn but also making them able to be impaled.
Spinnings of Shelob now also reveals the location the ability is cast.
Spinnings of Shelob deals 25 damage per second.
Leveling Underway of Unet'Azjol increases your damage against buildings by 20/40/60%.
Increased hit points of Hatcheries to 2200 from 850.
Affliction now also turns Gardens of Éarendel into Hatcheries.


Removed the Vision Fetish, instead the Doctor can cast a Phantom Fetish that a targeted unit is wired to, the wire can be pulled to drag the unit back to the Fetish.
Voodoo Fetish now provides aerial vision and true sight vision.
Voodoo, Phantom and Tiki Fetish all require level 5 to be learned.
Socrates can no longer Consume Corpses, instead he passively gains 1 mana per Fetish created by the Doctor.
Reduced the mana cost of concocting mojos by 50%.
Reduced range of Voodoo Fetish healing to 350 from 450.


Increased attack range to 575 from 450.


Toss Pebble penetrates spell immunity.

Bug Fixes

Fixed that Moratorium wouldn't upgrade to a Cathedral if it was building.

Farmer Changes

Hearty Brew now increases the health of Militia by 125 instead of 100 and their damage by 4 instead of 0, but costs 250 gold and lumber instead of 200.
Increased the limit of Command Centers you can build to 2 from 1.
Increased hit points of Javilinier to 750 from 575.


Removed Corrosion.
New ability Impetus: fires a magical missile that deals bonus damage.
Each level of Impetus increases the attack range of the Dryad by 75.
Reduced attack range of Dryad to 700 from 750.
Gracious Leap can now be cast at a target location.
Each level in Gracious Leap increases movement speed by 25.
Reduced base movement speed to 305 from 355.
Each level of Abolition increases the base mana of the Dryad by 100.
Reduced base mana to 100 from 200.
Each level of Cyclone increases health by 75.
Reduced base health to 125 from 175.


Increased the strength gain per level to 3.2 from 2.3.

Hunter Changes

Removed Shrine of the Assassin from the game.
Added a new unit to the Moratorium: a Gargoyle statue with a ranged attack, that generates lumber, that can't leave blight which should be used to defend the Moratorium.
Moratorium has a ranged attack that deals 25 damage.
Shade now requires Halls of Reanimation.
Reduced Lumber cost of shade to 100 lumber from 200.
Reduced the damage increase of Ghoul Frenzy to 35 from 50.
Gonzo's Gizmo can now be used on any allied unit.
Healing Wards now have a maximum of 3 in stock and take 1 minute to replenish.

High Cultist

Increased the effective range of Shift's chain lightning.
Statue of Worship generates 30 gold instead of 50.
Build time of Pillar of the Cult reduced to 9 seconds from 19.
Summoned Necronomicon last for 180 seconds instead of 100.

Spider King

Broodmothers can be build from Hatcheries for 200 gold and cost 2 food.
Hatcheries provide 3 food instead of 2 food.
Spiderlings now have 285 movement speed instead of 270.
The Impale and Web duration of all Spider King abilities now last shorter on enemy Heroes.


Reduced mana cost of mojo kettle to 50 from 100.
Voodoo Fetish now lasts 20 seconds instead of infinitely.
Increased the collision size of the Vexing Fetish to 32 from 21.


Reduced the area of effect of Skyvgorod by 33%.
Reduced the splash damage dealt to units further away from the target being attacked by Skyvgorod, including himself.

Bug Fixes

Bounty Hunter's Bounty of Thirty now properly gives 30 gold instead of 50.
Ghouls can attack Roflcopters.

Farmer Changes

Changed color of the white Farmer to the color Mint, so the minimap doesnt get confusing as to what units you own.
Reduced base damage of Engine to 175 from 275.
Dispel Device can now also be used on self.
Barns and Warehouses no longer provide food.
The Farm provides 8 food up from 4.
Hay Piles cost 100 lumber and so does it to upgrade them, up from 60 lumber.
Forts cost 750 lumber up from 600.
Capitals cost 600 gold up from 500.
Decreased the attack speed of towers by 15%.

Druid Changes

Woodword Entangling roots last 4 seconds instead of 3.


Keeper starts with 1 Lesser Druid instead of 2.
Reduced base health of Entlings to 500 from 650.
Wrath of Nature increases health of Entlings by 75 from 100.
Newly constructed Druids get the Woodland Horn.
Reduced armor of all Ancients to 0.
Reduced health of Oakling and Mapling to 700 from 750 and 1200 respectively.
Reduced health of Mossling to 500 from 600.
Reduced damage of Mossling while unrooted to 40 from 60.
Reduced damage of Mapling while unrooted to 40 from 50.
Reduced damage of Oakling while rooted to 60 from 65.

Hunter Changes

Increased speed of shades to 370 from 300.
Reduced the pathing size of Gold Mines to be similar to a blacksmith.
Gold Mines left behind by destroyed haunted Gold Mines are no longer invulnerable.
Blinkdagger has 40 seconds cooldown down from 120.

Creep Changes

Special creeps no longer sleep.
The special creep camps now take 50% reduced magic damage instead of 80%.
Added two new easy special creep camps which should be do-able by a level 5 hero, one group of bandits halfway on the road from the Factory to the Prison and some harpies on the far west side of the map.
The bandits drop a tome of 300 experience, agility, strength and agility +7.
The harpies drop a Cyclonestaff and a Spell Shield.
Nerfed the abilities of the kobolts at creep camp above the the Bandit Camp in the top of the map.
Nerfed the health of the murloc creep camp in the lake above the factory.
Reduced health of Nidhogg at the hills in the east of the map to 6500 from 7500.
Reduced the venom duration of the Gnolls in the west side of the map to 4 seconds from 10 seconds.
Reduced health of Slartibartfast at the Gnoll in the west side of the map to 2500 from 3250 and reduced his armor to 0 from 3.
Reduced the attack speed, bash duration and health of Slartibartfast at the gnoll creep camp in the west side of the map.
Affliction can no longer be used on farm animals, souls and creeps in the special creep camps.
Sleep of Vampire Counts can no longer be used on farm animals, souls and creeps in the special creep camps.
Banish of Cultists can no longer be used on farm animals, souls and creeps in the special creep camps.
The Butcher can no longer devour creeps at the special creep camps.
Bounty Hunter's Blunderin' deals as much damage to special creeps as it does to Druids.

Spider King

Spinnings of Shelob now lasts for 4/6/8 seconds instead of 5/7/9 and has 35 seconds cooldown instead of 28.
Increased base health to 950 from 700.
While burrowed the Spider King has 5/10/15 bonus armor.
Increased the casting speed of the Spider King.
Garrote now travels to the targeted location and its impale has a greater area of effect.
During Garrote the Spider King is invulnerable.
Units dying to the Cocoons of Affliction of Arach reward experience to the Spider King.
Reduced Spiderling health to 450 from 500.
Reduced Spiderling damage to 30 from 35.
Arachnid Web cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 30.
Arachnids cost 600 lumber down from 750 lumber.
Scarabus cost 400 lumber down from 500 lumber.
Hatcheries can now unload their units at the Factory Fountain besides other Hatcheries.


Increased health of Vexing Fetishes by 50%.
Increased attack range of the Doctor to 750 from 600.
Fetishes have the Fortified armor type instead of Heavy.


Increased base damage to 10 from 0.
Increased strength per level to 3.3 from 3.0.

Bounty Hunter

Big Gustav has 4 inventory slots up from 2.
Track reduces armor by 20/30/40 instead of 40/60/80 but can now also be used on buildings.


Slough heals for 125 health per Flesh Heap stack instead of 100.

Bug Fixes

Grim Reaper is now properly an intelligence hero.
Cathedral has inventory again.
The buff of level 4 Lokarjarl no longer lasts infinitely.
Lokarjarl no longer deals its damage multiple times to the same target.
Socrates can now properly transfer mana to the Mojo Kettle.
Arachnids are actually invisible while burrowed.

Farmer Changes

Roflcopter has a cargo hold with capacity 2.
Increased Roflcopter hit points to 450 from 300.
Reduced Roflcopter food cost to 2 from 3.
Increased hit points of the Farm to 600 from 300.
Increased the effective area of Lord of the Castle's War Cry to 1300 from 650.
Reduced the cooldown of the Cauldron's Cook to 18 seconds from 30 seconds.
Increased the lumber and gold cost of Hearthy Brew and Mind Brew to 200 from 100 and 125 respectively.
Doubled the research time of the researches in the Library and Workshop.
All upgrades in the Library and Workshop have doubled lumber cost.
Doubled the research time of Architecture.
Increased cost of Architecture to 250 gold and lumber from 150 gold and lumber.
Increased gold cost of Robotics to 400 from 200.
Reduced cost of Library to 120 lumber and gold from 200 lumber and gold.
Increased hit points of Library to 350 from 225.
Increased the construction time of Workshops to 30 seconds from 8.
Reduced cost of Javilinier to 100 gold and lumber from 125 gold and lumber.


Thornweld no longer stuns buildings.
Garden of Éarendel generates 15 gold per tick instead of 30.
Reduced health of Garden of Éarendel to 1000 from 1200.
Reduced damage of Garden of Éarendel to 35 from 50.
Reduced damage of Lesser Druids to 40 from 45.

Spider King

New unit the Scarabus: a melee unit that can stun, upgraded from a Cocoon just like the Arachnid.
Spin Tentacle is now an ability of the Hatchery that costs no mana but has 200 seconds cooldown.
Broodmother's Lay Cocoon now costs 125 mana instead of 150.
Arachnids have Venom unlocked by default.
Increased the health of Arachnids to 700 from 500.
Increased Arachnid attack range to 700 from 550.
Increased Arachnid attack damage to 40 from 30.
Weaving upgrade now increases damage of Arachnids and Scarabus by 5 instead of 3.
Carapace upgrade now increases the armor of Arachnids and Scarabus by 2 instead of 1.
Weaving and Carapace upgrade now increment by 300 lumber instead of 500 lumber per level.
Increased the gathering rate of Broodmothers by 33%.
Increased maximum mana of Broodmothers to 500 from 250.
Reduced the research time of all upgrades by 25%.


Human Form costs 0 mana instead of 25.
Feast on Flesh heals for 400/600/800 instead of 200/300/400.

Lord of the Vampire

Cathedral can now Summon Allies similar to the Command Center ability.
Sceletus of the Regiis Calicem deal 17 damage instead of 10 and have 325 health instead of 250.
The Sleep cast by Vampire Counts can now also evolve Vampires into greater beings, but has 50 seconds cooldown instead of 30.


Increased cast range of Mass Load of Socrates to 800 from 500.
Increased the effective range of Consume Corpses of Socrates to 900 from 400.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where a limited unit being killed by the Affliction of the Spider King prevented you from rebuilding that unit.
Woodword properly heals buildings.

Farmer Changes

Increased range of Cyborg's Mechanical Roar to 1400 from 900.
Increased area of effect of Javalinier's Spell bomb to 350 from 200.
Well requires the Farm instead of a Smith and costs 70 lumber instead of 100.
Well starts with 150 initial mana instead of 100.
Well in a Box costs 40 lumber instead of 75.
Reduced Guard Tower damage to 30 from 35 but increased health to 550 from 450.
Reduced Fort damage to 70 from 85 but increased health to 1200 from 1000.
Fort gold cost reduced to 300 from 500.
Reduced Cannon Tower damage to 55 from 75. but increased health to 900 from 750.
Cannon Tower gold cost reduced to 150 from 170, but costs 50 lumber.
Reduced Capital damage to 110 from 150, but increased health to 1500 from 1200.
Capital requires Architecture instead of a Workshop.
Capital costs 150 lumber.
Hay Piles now produce 6/12/18/24 food instead of 5/10/15/20.
Hay Piles now have 150/350/550/750 health instead of 75/250/425/600.
Reduced Militia movement speed to 290 from 330.
Quickness Brew increases movement speed by 100 instead of 150.
Reduced Mithril Brew cost to 400 gold 400 lumber from 500 gold 500 lumber.

Druid Changes

Can no longer pick up Assassination License.
Increased Woodword casting range to 750 from 500.

Keeper Rework

The Keeper can now build lesser Druids that each have a Horn of the Woodland Realm, can cast Woodword, generate lumber for Farmers and summon Entlings.
Lesser Druids cost 1 food to produce inside the Druid Den.
Souls owned by the Keeper can Entwine themself to a tree, granting the ability to turn it into an Ancient after a certain duration of being entwined.
The Ancients the Souls can entwine themself into are a defensive tower, a healing well and an ancient that produces souls and generates gold.
All Ancients can unroot, have somewhat regular movement speed, can be repaired and have a decent attack.
Removed Sprout, Stewardship and Force of Nature.
The first ability of the Keeper is still Blink.
Wrath of Nature is now the second base ability of the Keeper, each level increases the stun duration and the amount of Entlings summoned.
Tranquility is the third base ability of the Keeper, heals allied units and buildings in an area around the Keeper.
The fourth base ability of the Keeper is Garden of Éarendel, it upgrades a Farm into a building that generates gold for the Farmer, has a ranged attack and can construct Wood Elves.
Wood Elves gather lumber faster than Workers do, can build buildings and can be upgraded into a Phoenix Guard to which Farmers are limited to owning 1 of.
Phoenix Guard requires all castle-tier library upgrades to be build, and has three abilities; defend, control magic and manamancy.
The ultimate of the Keeper is Yggdrasil: a massive Ancient that the Keeper can only create once that has various abilities and auras that should be used to push the factory in the lategame.
Each level in Blink increases the mana and health of your lesser Druids.
Each level in Wrath of Nature increases the health of any summoned Entling.
Each level in Tranquility increases your food by 1.
Each level in Garden of Éarendel increases the amount of Gardens that can be active at a time and the amount of Wood Elves Farmers can build from them.


All Ways now have 5 levels instead of 4, the ultimate of the Way is unlocked on level 5.
Friend of Men now requires level 1 of Way of the Guardian, all others have been moved up a level.
Way of the Bear level 4 unlocks Rending Claws which slows enemy movement on attack.
Way of the Talon level 3 unlocks Invisibility that can be given to buildings aswell.

Hunter Changes

Cultist's Worship now heals for 35 instead of 30.
Cultist's now deal 30 damage instead of 25.
Increased the hit points of Spirit Towers to 850 from 700.
Shades cost 200 lumber instead of 300.
Factory Security instead of Blinkscrolls sells Gonzo's Gizmo: teleport a target hero to you.

Grim Reaper

New ability Wraith Walk: gives movement speed and ignores collision/becomes banished/gives invisibiility.
Lord of the Dead now increases the hit points and damage of Skellies instead of Raise Skelly.
Raise Skelly is no longer a hero ability but instead is learned in the first level of Lord of the Dead.
Skelly Grub is now a passive ability of the Grim Reaper from the start of the game.
Increased mana pool by 50.
Now has a ranged auto attack with 500 range.
Increased base damage of Skellior to 30 from 23 and upgrade damage to 10 from 4.
Increased base damage of Skellock to 20 from 15 and upgrade damage to 5 from 0.
Increased base damage of Skeller to 40 from 23 and upgrade damage to 15 from 0.
Increased attack range of Skeller to 800 from 700.
Necrify now also resets the duration on Skellys if not upgraded by it.


Starts with a Valanor instead of a Shade.
Valanor now has an inventory.
With each level of Ash' Valanor the damage of Valanor increases by 15 and its health by 150.
Critters now have 800 vision range instead of 350.
Valanor is no longer spell immune but still has resistant skin.
Wings of the Grove and Gracious Leap require level 1 of Ash' Valanor.
Fangs of the Grove requires level 2 of Ash' Valanor.
At level 3 of Ash'Valanor Valanor can cast an ability that grants magic immunity and armor for 20 seconds.
Reduced Fleetfoot evasion chance to 60% from 75%.

Spider King

Burrowed units regenerate health reapidly but don't regenerate when unburrowed.
While Burrowed the Spider King can detect invisible units directly overhead.
Affliction Cocoons now last 30/20/10 seconds instead of 40.
Spiderlings now have 35 damage instead of 20.
It is now possible to overlap the stun of Garrote and Quake.
Increased distance travelled of Garrote of Girek to 1050 units from 900 units.
Generating Cocoons have 400 hit points instead of 200.


Bloodletting now heals for 35 instead of 30.
Reduced attack speed to 2.55 from 2.3.
Rot now lasts half a second longer per Flesh Heap stack instead of 1 second longer.
Rot deals 30% less damage and it heals for the exact same amount as it damages.
Chopper deals a 1/3/5 second stun instead of 2/4/6 seconds but has a 5/10/15% chance of spawning a Fleshling.


Repair is now part of the Farmer's Toolkit.
Werewolf has significantly faster mana regeneration in Human Form similar to Farmers.
Werewolf has worse vision range in the night in Human Form similar to Farmers.
Reduced Feast on Flesh cooldown to 25 seconds from 30 seconds.
Reduced starting strength to 10 from 16.
Reduced starting damage to 0 from 15.


Increased attack range to 425 from 310.
Removed impact delay on Vajrabhrit.
Increased healing done by Vajra's by 100% and made it prioritize Heroes.
Vajra damage increases with levels of Vajrabhrit up to a maximum of 80 damage per second per Vajra.
Bhagavad heals for 500.


Increased strength per level to 1.75 from 1.35.
Increased base health to 700 from 600.
Ymmirjar can now be cast at atarget point but costs 300 mana instead of 200.
Ragnarok increases damage by 40.

High Cultist

Shift now deals 100/200/300 damage instead of 75/150/225.
Increased movement speed to 325 from 300.

Bounty Hunter

Gustav receives 150% experience just like all other Heroes.
Gustav detects invisible units.


Vision Fetish provides True Sight.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Guardians stun immunity.
Guardian's cooldowns are no longer reset when shapeshifting.
Fixed Guardian morphing in and out of Raven Form increasing base damage.
Keeper's Stewardship now properly costs 100 mana.
Cloak of the Damned now properly lasts 7 seconds instead of 10.
Berserker's Lokarjarl deals damage and stuns again.
Spider King can no longer get Cultists.
Druids can't use Pocket Barns.

General Farmer Changes

Chickens, Sheep and Cows no longer cost food.
Harvesters can remove Wild Growth.
Increased Command Center damage to 110 from 85.
Increased damage given by Command Center's War Drums to 25% from 10%.
Increased range of Command Center's War Drums to 1900 from 900.
Increased armor of Castle to 10 from 5.
Increased health of Castle to 1500 from 1250.
Decreased the pathing map of the Castle and Workshop to be similar in size to the Smith.
Increased the gathering speed of the Shredder by 15%.
Made the Roflcopter spell immune.
Increased Roflcopters line of sight to 2000 and gave him ultravision.
Changed damage type of Roflcopter to normal from pierce.

General Druid Changes

Woodword can no longer be used on enemy Heroes.
Reduced Woodword cooldown to 15 seconds from 25 seconds.
The Entangling Roots of Woodword now deal 300 damage and last for 3 seconds instead of 2.
Increased Woodword cast range to 500 from 200.


Increased Keepers attack range to 850 from 750.
Increased base mana from 0 to 250.
Increased the hit points of Springs to 500 from 225.
Each level of Sprout increases food by 2 instead of 1.
Increased base mana of Springs to 600 from 300.
Added a third building that the Entlings can build for 1 food: an Altar which summons souls, generates gold and can be teleported on.
Increased Entling harvesting speed by 100%.
Increased Entling health to 600 from 400.
Increased Entling damage to 50 from 30.
Increased Entling movement speed to 310 from 265.
Increased damage of Steward to 60 from 35.


Gracious Leap no longer turns the Dryad invulnerable.
Gracious Leap does nothing if cast while entangled or webbed.
Gracious Leap now has 25/20/15/10/5 seconds cooldown instead of 20/15/10/5/1.
Corrosion is now a passive with 7 seconds cooldown that burns for 20/35/50/65/80 mana.


Cooldown of Improve Hay Pile, Tower and Militia reduced to 5 seconds.
Mana cost of Improve Hay Pile, Tower and Militia increased to 100/125/150 respectively from 75 mana.

General Hunter Changes

Gold Mines reward 500 gold upon death instead of 1000.
Gold Mines have 1350 health instead of 950.
Reduced the amount of time it takes for Assassins to respawn.
Ghouls can no longer be sacrificed at the Pool of Divination, instead it passively generates gold, lumber or experience.
Hammer Guantlets stun Heroes and Farmers for 1 second.
Increased research time of Ghoul Capacity to 45 seconds from 1 second.
Reduced Ghoul Capacity research cost to 200/400/600 gold from 500/750/1000.
Reduced Masonry research cost to 200/400/600 gold and 200/400/600 lumber.
Reduced Ghoul Frenzy research cost to 100 gold and 100 lumber from 200 gold and 200 lumber.
Ghoul Frenzy increases damage by 50 and health by 300 instead of just damage by 35.
Frost Attack and Feedback research cost reduced to 400 lumber from 750 lumber.
The Factory Security now sells Blinkscrolls with maximum of 1 stock.
Blinkscroll has 3 charges instead of 2, costs 75 gold instead of 55 and has 120 seconds cooldown instead of 80.
Increased attack range of Lord of the Vampire, Butcher, Warden, Berserker, Werewolf, Juggernaut and Spider King by 50.

Lord of the Vampire

Increased Volatus damage to 75/150/225 and 10/20/30 damage per vampire from 50/75/100 damage and 10/15/20 damage per vampire.

High Cultist

Unsummon can be used on Heroes but lasts 7 seconds on them.
Chain Lightning of Cultists deals 90 damage instead of 70 but bounces 3 times instead of 4.


Increased cooldown of Rot to 50 seconds from 40 seconds.

Spider King

Cocoons generate 10 lumber instead of 5.
Increased cast range of Spinnings of Shelob.


Thori'dal deals a 0.5 second ministun to Heroes and Farmers.


Increased Strike with Claw cast range to 200 from 100.


The Juggernaut and his illusion share the same player color.

Grim Reaper

Necrify can be used on any ally and heals for 400/500/600 instead of 500.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug causing harvested Shimmerweeds to duplicate Crops.
Werewolf's Feast on Flesh now properly gives +3 strength on level 3.
The Werewolf attacking while Howl at Moon now triggers a 1.5 second cooldown on the movement speed increase.
Socrates can no longer gain mana from fountains.
Fixed that the Butcher sometimes remains stunned after Hook had ended.
Cultists sold by Rich Businessmen cost 1 food again.
Moved the pathing blockers in the Factory such that no Moratoriums can be build inside the Factory anymore.
Souls no longer cost food.
Woodword now properly entangles enemy heroes.
Druids planting seeds through Woodword or items now properly rewards Souls.
The Werewolf in Human Form can no longer teleport on farm animals with the Assassination License.
During Cathedralis Noctis Aeternae sanguine orbs no longer drop from buildings.

General Farmer Changes

Increased select range of Granaries from 300 to 450.
A Farmer now gains control over the Druid if the druid leaves the game.

General Druid Changes

Druids revive instantly but are stunned for a short period after reviving.


Dryad has permanent vision over the jungle spots (farmers dont get this vision).
Increased base hit points to 175 from 25.
Reduced the cast point of the Dryad, making her animations quicker.
Increased strength per level to 2 from 1.4.


Force of Nature summons 2/3/4/5/6 entlings instead of 1/2/3/4/5


Raven Form can now attack air units.
Raven Form now has Woodword instead of True Sight.

General Hunter Changes

Added more creep camps to the map.
Hunters now have fog of war removed on the locations of creep camps.
Nerfed the Equalizer to deal 250% critical damage instead of 300% damage.

Grim Reaper

Reduced Necrify mana cost to 100 mana from 150 mana.


Increased Socrates' cargo hold to 8 from 4.
Socrates has the ability to mass load all wards in an area.
Mass Vexing Ward summons 8 wards instead of 9 but the wards are level 9 instead of 7.


Anadorei talah deals 150 damage per second instead of 200.
Valanor now has a slow auto attack for 35 magic damage.

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug where Ethereal continously gains and loses the ability to fly.
Ethereal's Siddhi deals damage to Farmers again.
Guardian's Friend of Men can no longer be used on invulnerable units.
Druid's can no longer use Pocket Barns.
Seeds planted by the Druid now properly reward Souls upon Harvest.

General Changes
Moved the Druid to the last player slot in the Poor Farmers alliance so that he has allied chat.
Made the Factory quite more spacious.


Wrath of the Forest stuns for 5 seconds instead of 1 second.
Increased attack range of Keeper to 750 from 600.
Increased base damage of Keeper from 0 to 20.
Increased intelligence per level of Keeper to 3 from 1.8.
Increased damage of Steward to 50 from 35.
Increased hit points of Steward to 750 from 600.
Increased movement speed of Steward to 200 from 40.

Game has changed so much last couple of patches that this probably warrants a 4.00 release.

Bug fixes

Woodland horn can now be used on the Druid's Den.
The Bounty Hunter's Blunderin' can be used on Farmers again.
Fixed that the High Cultist's Cultists could not cast Chain Lightning.
Fixed some issues relating to the Werewolf's Charge on Four, making it quite more useful.

General Item Changes

Robe of the Magi replenishes 400 mana when used instead of 250.
Removed the Krivbeknih from the Security, instead it sells a scope.
The Equalizer has a 25% chance to crit for 300% damage instead of a 10% chance to crit for 400% damage.
Increase Blinkdagger blink distance to 800 units from 650 units.
Scope costs 55 gold instead of 70 gold.
Moved Shoeblack from the Factory Merchant to the Factory Security.
Factory Merchant sells a new item - Cloak of the Damned for 145 gold.
Cloak of the Damned shield yourself from damage and increases your movement speed but stops your from attacking.
Hammer Gauntlets, Circlet of Nobility, Urn of the Elders and Claok of the Damned don't replenish in the shop.
Hammer Gauntlets increase attack speed by 30% instead of by attack damage by 5 but cost 145 gold instead of 90.
Urn of the Elders costs 145 gold instead of 200.
Circlet of Nobility increases all stats by 7 instead of 4 but costs 145 gold instead of 72 gold.
Removed Bottle from the Ancients.
Removed Bottle from the Factory Security.
Ancients sell a Pocket Fairy that gathers lumber and can repair structures.
The Mayor at Farming Villages sells Scroll of Speed, Healing Salves, Clarity's and Potions of Invisibility.
The Farm Hand at Farming Villages also trades Gold for Lumber.
Moved Shoeblack from the Farm Hand to the Mayor.
Reduced the cost of Shoeblack from 90 gold to 55 gold.
Contraption has a 500 cast range instead of 175.

General Farmer Changes

Increased the Farmer's Wood gathering speed by 50%.
Farmer's can now break other Farmer's out of jail.
Placed more Seed Vines on the map.
Cauldron require the Farm instead of a Fire Pit.
Library requires a Smith and a Granary instead of a Blacksmith, Warehouse and Windmill.
Blacksmith requires a Windmill and a Warehouse instead of a Granary and a Barn.
Wells no longer require a Windmill.
Workers can now also build Fire Pits, Towers, Wells and Hay Piles once Architecture is researched.
Increased health of Warehouse to 900 from 600.
Reduced Cyborg's Clockwork cooldown to 25 seconds from 45 seconds.
Increased Javilinier's Poison Strike cast range to 1000 from 750.
Javilinier's Hide now deals 100 bonus damage instead of 80.
Javilinier's Hide bonus movement speed is now 30% instead of 10%.
Javilinier has a new ability instead of Medicine: a Dispel Bomb that dispels all enemies and allies struck.
Buffed Lord of the Castles Royalty aura to increase armor by 5 instead of 2.
Improved the quality of seeds that you can get from Cooking seeds in the Cauldron.

General Druid Changes

Increased all Druid's health regeneration in the night from 1 health per second to 3 health per second.
Reduced Woodword mana cost to 60 mana from 75 mana.
Woodword interupts the Bounty Hunter's Blunderin' channeling.
Reduced the Woodland Horn's casting time from 7 seconds to 4.5 seconds.
Seeds planted by Druids the regular way also rewards a Soul when harvested by a Farmer.


A new stength based shapeshifting Druid that has 3 different forms.
In his humanoid form he can put Farmers on his back, upgrade Hay Piles, Workers into militia, Towers into Guard Towers and place a Stockpile that generates lumber for Farmers.
In his bear form he is tankier and has multiple combat abilities.
In his raven form he can fly, detect invisible units, has evasion and can peck at enemies to stun them.


Entlings can collect lumber and return it to Stewards.
Entlings can build towers and wells that cost 1 food.
Each level Sprout increases the maximum food of the Keeper by 1.
Reduced Sprout mana cost from 120 mana to 90 mana.


Forest Spirits requires level 8 instead of 10.
Cyclone can now also be cast on friendly units.
Corrosion burns 10/20/30/40/50 mana instead of 5/10/15/20/25 mana.
Level skip requirement for Corrosion increased to 3 from 2.
Abolition deals 50 damage per second instead of 35.
Abolition interupts the Bounty Hunter's Blunderin' channeling.
Abolition also dispels the target enemy.
Abolition lasts 3 times longer on non-Heroes instead of 20 seconds flat.
Gracious Leap increases movement speed by 50% for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds after casting it.
Reduced Gracious Leap cast time.
Increased attack range to 750 from 600.
Increased agility per level to 3.2 from 1.8.
Increased base mana to 200 from 0.
Reduced cooldown time on attacks from to 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds.

General Hunter Changes

The Bazaar has been renamed the Halls of Reanimation and now contains upgrades for Ghouls and Towers.
The Shrine of the Assassin instead of the Bazaar sells tomes.
Removed the Obsidian and the Obsidian Vault, instead the Hunters can build a new building: The Pools of Divination.
Ghouls can Sacrifice themself inside the Pools of Divination to turn themself into experience for the Hunter.
Pools of Divination, Halls of Reanimation and Shrine of the Assassin have been limited to 1 per player.
Ghouls have their base damage reduced to 10 from 20.
Reduced Spirit Tower damage to 40 from 45.
Reduced Spirit Tower attack rate to 0.85 from 0.7.
License of Assassination can now also be used on the Moratorium.
Made the Factory defenses quite a bit stronger.


Mojo is no longer a Hero ability but an ability that Socrates can cast for 100 mana.
The Mojo Kettle can now craft Nether, Elder and Demon Mojo without requirements for 100, 200 and 300 mana respectively.
Vexing Fetish has 9 level ranks instead of 3 ranks.
All other fetishes require a certain higher level but only have 1 rank.
Level 3 - Vision Fetish: reveals terrain in an area around the ward.
Level 5 - Tiki Fetish: works the same as before.
Level 7 - Voodoo Fetish: heals wards and allied units in an area around it.
Level 9 - Mass Vexing Fetish: works the same as before.

Lord of the Vampire

Lord of the Vampire has a new ultimate: Cathedralis Noctis Aeternae - Transform a Moratorium into the Cathedral that while alive turns the map into night permanently and removes shared vision between farmers. While the Cathedral is alive enemies will drop blood on death with which the Cathedral can upgrade a powerful item that the Lord of the Vampire can equip.
Volatus can now be used on Buildings.
Summoned Vampires deal normal damage instead of magic damage allowing them to attack Farmers.
Reduced the movement speed of summoned Vampires to 300 from 310.
Vampires (2) and up now have Critical Strike.
Greater Vampires (3) and up can now cast Slow.
Vampire Counts (4) can now cast Sleep.


Bhagavad no longer heals the target unit to full health.
Vajra last for 45 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
Vajra increase the maximum mana pool of the Ethereal by 25 upon expiring.
Rddhi can no longer be used on Vajra to consume them.
The passive component of leveling Rddhi (the speed, flying and invisibility) is now a passive component of leveling Dhyana.
Vajra can cast Siddhi only once.
All basic Ethereal abilities now cost 100/180/260 mana.


The Werewolf can shift in and out of a weaker Human form which Farmers dont automatically attack and in which he can cast Farmer abilities.
Merged Howl at Moon and Charge on Four into 1 ability.
Feast on Flesh now gives 1/2/3 strength instead of 0/1/2.
Feast on Flesh level skip requirement increased to 3 from 2.
The Werewolf can spend attribute points on increasing his strength by 3.

High Cultist

Cultists can now no longer unsummon buildings, the Necronomicon still can.
Added a weaker tower, the Pillar of the Cult which costs 200 gold and can only be build by the High Cultist.
Reduced Necronomicon mana cost to 100 mana from 120 mana.

Bounty Hunter

Big Gustav now requires level 5 instead of level 7.
Blunderin' now deals 300/400/500 damage to Druid's.


The Wings of the Grove of the Valanor no longer expire but hover over an area until ordered elsewhere.

Version 3.54

Version 3.53

Version 3.52

Version 3.51b

Version 3.51

Version 3.50

Version 3.49

Version 3.48

Version 3.47

Version 3.46

Version 3.45

Version 3.44

Version 3.43

General Druid Changes

A single player can now play as a Druid who is an ally of the Farmers.
Help farmers escape prison.
Defend Farmers from attacks.
Plant seeds for Farmers.
Give Farmers lumber and gold.
Remove wild growth from crops.

General Farmer Changes

Moved the gate of the prison from the left side to the right side, making it is easier to use the Way Gate inside the Bandit Camp for escapees.
Farmers no longer can escape the Prison by purchasing bribes.
Homestone now costs 100 lumber instead of 300 lumber.
Ironwood Phantom now costs 50 lumber instead of 15 gold.
The Farm Hand no longer sells Pack Horses, instead it sells Shoeblack.
Removed Leaf Dust from the Ancient Tree Shops, instead it sells Bottles.

General Hunter Changes

Shift now properly requires opened factory gates.
There is now an extra Hunter Player making 4 Hunters total.
License of Assassination can now be dropped.

Bug fixes

Fixed some issues relating to Farmers not spawning properly.
Crops are no longer enemy units for Farmers.
Fixed a bug where the Spider King's Affliction when cast on a Farm would block Farmers from building new Farms.

General Farmer Changes

Added 3 more Farmer player slots.
Moved 6 starting positions for Farmers to the east side of the factory.
Added slightly more places for Farmers to build bases.

General Hunter Changes

The Shade now has Shift.
The Shade now has 1900 day vision instead of 1200.
Hunters are now limited to 2 Shades instead of 1 Shade.
Increased the health of Ghouls from 350 to 450.
Spirit Towers now deal 50 damage instead of 35.
Increased Spirit Tower health to 700 from 450.
Increased the pathing size of Spirit Towers from 2x2 to 3x3.
Spirit Towers now no longer require to be build on blight.
Reduced Spirit Tower attack range to 750 from 800.
Spirit Towers costs 500 gold and 800 lumber instead of 200 gold and 400 lumber.
Removed Sacrificial Skull from Bazaar.
Made it harder to build inside the Factory, Hunters can still build Spirit Towers just outside their spawn.
Nerfed cooldown of Hook to 20 seconds up from 12 seconds.
Fixed some issues with rot not giving bounty or experience and removed the slow.

Bug fixes

Fixed some issues relating to the new WC3 1.29 patch.

High Cultist

The High Cultist now generates 0.5 health per second always instead of 4.00 health per second only on blight.
Removed the Create Blight ability from the Necronomicon.
Added new ability for Necronomicon level 2 - Cultcloak: a magical shell that blocks damage but hinders the cultist from attacking.
Cultist's now have a ranged, magical attack.
Increased Cultist's Chain Lightning cooldown to 40 seconds from 20 seconds.
Cultists and the Necronomicon unit no longer have to use the necronomicon spellbook ability to cast spells.


Strike with Claw now stuns for 3/6/9 seconds and 1.5/2.5/3.5 seconds on Farmers iinstead of 4 seconds flat.
Strike with Claw now deals 200/325/450 damage instead of 125/250/375.
Reduced Feast on Flesh cooldown to 30 seconds from 40 seconds.
Increased duration of Charge on Four to 4/8/12 seconds from 3/7/11.
Increased the damage increase of Howl at Moon to 20/35/50 from 20/30/40.
Increased cooldown of Howl at Moon from 22 seconds to 35 seconds.

New Hero: Stitches the Butcher

The Butcher is a big bag of guts and bones, growing only bigger and tankier with every flesh heap he attaches to his body.
Hook [Q]: Throw your Hook attached to a chain at target location, hooking the first enemy struck back to you and dealing 100/200/300 damage. If your belly is empty you will also Devour the target enemy dealing 25/50/75 damage per second and gaining a Flesh Heap stack that increases your armor and regeneration.Can be used on Farmers but does not devour them. [12 Seconds Cooldown] (50 mana)
Rot [W]: Vomit a cloud of rot at target location. The rot deals 10/20/30 damage per second and slowing enemies for 30/40/50%. Allies standing in the rot are healed for 10/20/30 health per second. The rot lasts for 10 seconds plus one second for every stack of Flesh Heap. [40 Seconds Cooldown] (100 mana)
Gorge [E]: Gorge on the flesh of a corpse, healing you for 50/100/150 health and summons a Fleshling that can attack, heal and apply a Flesh Heap stack. [10/7/4 Seconds Cooldown] (50 mana)
Chopper [R]: Your attacks cause the enemy to receive a 2/4/6 second stun. [Passive]
Slough [T] - Ultimate: Shed your skin, consuming up to 10 Flesh Heap stacks, healing yourself for 100 per Flesh Heap and creating a Fleshling. [100 Seconds Cooldown] (125 mana)

General Farmer Changes

Reworked every single ring so that they have a useful active component.
Increased hit points regeneration rate of farmers from 0.25 health per second to 1.5 health per second.
Barns can no longer carry units in its cargo hold.

General Hunter Changes

Reduced the cooldown of Shift for Cultists from 50 seconds to 20 seconds.
Worship cast range increased from 250 to 600.
Increased bottle regeneration to 100 health and 50 mana instead of 75 health and 40 mana.
Reduced gold cost Sacrificial Skull from 150 gold to 100 gold.
Increased Factory Footman hp from 650 to 750.
Increased Factory Footman damage from 25 to 30.
Increased Factory Rifleman damage from 40 to 50.
Slightly buffed the Factory Captain and his aura's and renamed him to Factory Foreman.
Placed slightly more Footman around the Factory and moved the Towers inside the Factory somewhat.


Increased Ash'Valanor regeneration from 4 hp per second to 12 hp per second during nighttime.
Thori'dal can now be cast on Valanor in order to mount him.
Valanor mana regeneration increased to 1 mana per second from 0.5 mana per second.
Valanor now has 522 movement speed instead of 475.

High Cultist

Removed the Cultivate ability from the High Cultist.
New ability Ghoulrift: open a portal from which ghouls spawn forth that attack the target location.
High Cultist now spawns with 4 cultists.

Bug fixes

The web ability of the arachnids now has a normal 1200 cast range.
Farmer's Brew research hotkey fixed.

Bug fixes

Fixed black screen in cinematic.
Circlet now gives +4 all stats instead of +3 actual and +5 in tooltip.
Fixed some issues with Garotte of Girek travelling infinitely or out of map bounds.
Wings of the Grove now properly requires level 2 Ash'Valanor.
Reworked the pathing of the gates somewhat.

General Farmer Changes

General Hunter Changes

Owh boy, prepare yourself for a bit of reading.
The Dog is a new unit trained by the Farmers from their Farm: it is free, deals 5 damage, has 6 inventory slots and is limited to 1 per player.
Critical Strikes of the Skilled Aim ability of the Musketeer now deals 300% damage instead of 160%.
Cooldown time between auto attacks of the Musketeer increased to 2 seconds from 1.5 seconds.
Base damage of the Musketeer increased to 60 from 45.
The Captain's Battle Roar now no longer increases the damage of nearby allies by 25% but instead decreases the damage of all nearby non-hero enemies by 75%.
Lord of the Castle's War Cry now increases damage by 15/30/45 instead of 10/20/30.
Militia now gather as much lumber as Workers do and use the Improved Lumber Harvesting research.
Militia can now also Repair.
Cost of Militia increased from 50 gold to 75 gold and 75 lumber.
Lantern's now cost 250 lumber and 50 gold instead of 50 lumber and 25 gold.
Lantern's now have 175 health instead of 100 health.
Increased the damage of Farmers to 65 damage from 50 damage.
Quickness Brew now costs 150 lumber instead of 120 lumber.
Quickness Brew and Stamina brew now also affect your Dog.
Stamina Brew no longer increases the health of your Militia.
New research in the Cauldron; Hearthy Brew that increases the health of your militia with 4 ranks.
New research in the Cauldron; Mithril Brew that provides 33% magic reduction for Workers for 500 gold and 500 lumber.
Mind Brew now has 3 ranks.
Mind Brew now increases the maximum mana of your army by 50 mana instead of by 100 mana.
Mind Brew no longer increases mana regeneration.
Some items sold by the Mayor are now sold by the Farm Hand who is only available to Farmers.
Added new item to the Ancient Tree shops - Sap of an Elder Tree: heals 300 health to all nearby units on use.

There's 2 new Hunters to choose from: the Berserker and the Spider King.
Woofy's have been redesigned: they still function similarly but are called Shades, are permanently invisible and are constructed inside the Moratorium.
New unit - Ghoul: basic combat unit that gathers lumber, can only survive on blight and a maximum of 8 can be trained from the Moratorium for 100 gold each.
Most Hunter buildings now require lumber to be constructed.
Moratoriums now costs no gold but you are limited to 1 Moratorium per player.
All buildings except the Moratorium no longer generate blight.
Some items sold by the Mayor are now moved to the Farm Hand who is only available to Farmers to make sure that the Hunters can't buy those items that used to be locked behind a lumber cost.
Similarly the Ancient Tree shops can not be accessed by Hunters.
Changed the range of the Last Hope towers that defend the businessmen from 900 to 1300.

NEW HERO: Rovnozoc the Berserker
Focuses on rapidly moving around the map and dashing through battles.
Starts on level 4 instead of on level 2 with all 4 of his abilities unlocked.
All of his abilities have 4 ranks instead of 3.
Has a mana pool of a 1000 mana and rapid mana regeneration but does not gain intellect per level.
Skornkul [Q]: Dash onto target unit, dealing a ministun and 222/444/666/888 damage over 10 seconds to it. Casting Skornkul generates 200/300/400/500 mana. [12/10/8/6 Seconds Cooldown] (No Mana Cost)
Ymmirjar [W]: Leap towards the direction you are facing. On level 2 you get a 40% movement speed bonus when you land for 4 seconds. On level 3 whenever you leap you catch the scent of the most nearby Farmer. On level 4 your leap costs no mana. [6/5/4/3 Seconds Cooldown] (200 Mana)
Lokarjarl [E]: Let loose a deafening howl knocking away any nearby units including allies, dealing 75/150/225/300 damage and a 1/3/5/7 second stun to enemies. Also increases your |attack speed by 11/22/44/66% for 10 seconds. [35 Seconds Cooldown] (350 Mana)
Skyvgorod [R]: Adds 11/33/55/77 bonus damage to Rovnozoc's attacks and makes them deal the damage to everyone in an area, including himself and allies. [No Cooldown] (200/166/133/100 Mana)
Ragnarok [T] - Ultimate: Unleash your inner animal, turning yourself immune to magic, gaining 100% lifesteal for 20 seconds and fills your mana pool. [200 Seconds Cooldown] (No Mana Cost)

NEW HERO: Arach The Spider King
Focuses on burrowing undeground, crowd control the enemy and mustering an army of pesky spiders.
Has no access to Cultists, instead builds his own base made up of Hatcheries, Broodmothers, Cocoons, Spiderlings and Arachnids.
Hatcheries contain gold just like a gold mine and continuously research upgrades that benefit the arachnid army at the cost of lumber.
Broodmothers maintain a supply of Cocoons that generate lumber while they generate gold from Hatcheries.
Cocoons generate lumber over time and can be unwrapped by a Broodmother back into a Spiderling or can upgrade for a lumber cost into an Arachnid.
Spiderlings are weak combat units that can burrow and be wrapped into a Cocoon by a Broodmother.
Arachnids are stronger, ranged combat units that can burrow, cast webs and slow their enemies with a venom.
Garrote of Girek [Q]: Send forth a wave of spiked tendrils in a straight line, dealing 75/150/225 damage to all targets hit and a 3/5/7 second stun. If the Spider King is unburrowed while casting this ability he will also tunnel to the target location. [16 Seconds Cooldown] (100 Mana)
Affliction of Arach [W]: Inflict a disease upon target foe. If the target is a unit it is wrapped in a cocoon that transforms into 1/2/3 Spiderlings after 40 seconds. If the target is a building its attack speed is severely reduced and suffers 20/40/60 damage per second for 10 seconds. If the target is a Farm it will evolve into a Hatchery with which you can build a spider empire. [7 Seconds Cooldown] (100 Mana)
Spinnings of Shelob [E]: The Spider King spits a barrage of webs onto a target area 1000/1500/2000 units in size, rooting all enemies in place for 5/7/9 seconds. [28 Seconds Cooldown] (100 Mana)
Underway of Unet'Azjol [R]: With his massive claws the Spider King burrows into the earth, becoming invisible, manoeuvrable and moving at a slow/normal/fast speed. [No Cooldown] (No Mana Cost)
Quake of the Qiraji [T] - Ultimate: Quiver and quake the very earth itself, dealing 225 damage and a 7 second stun to any enemy in 900 yards of the Spider King. [70 Seconds Cooldown] (100 Mana)

Increased the base mana pool of the Ethereal from 0 to 100.
Vajra's have a new model.
Vajra's now have 200 health instead of 333 health, can no longer move and take 90% reduction from pierce attacks similar to wards.
Vajra can cast siddhi with no requirement, but they can no longer cast a heal.
Vajra passively attack 3 nearby enemies and passively heal 1 nearby ally.
Siddhi [Q]: Global teleport to a target after 3 seconds of channeling, if it's an ally it will be healed for 150/300/450 and if its an enemy it will be damaged for 50/100/150 damage. If the target is a Vajra it will be duplicated into 1/2/3 new Vajra's. Can be cast on Farmers.[45/35/25 Seconds Cooldown] (120 mana)
Vajrabhrit [W]: Conjure a Vajra at target location, stunning nearby enemy units for 1/2/3 second. [21/14/7 Seconds Cooldown] (140 mana)
Rddhi [E]: If cast on an enemy it deals 20/40/60 damage per second for 15 seconds and transforms it upon death into a Vajra that lasts for 30 seconds. If cast on a Vajra it is sacrificed to increase your maximum mana by 25 and the cooldown of this spell is reset. On level 1 you gain 100 movement speed if you have atleast 1000 mana. On level 2 you gain permanent invisiblity if you have atleast 2000 mana. On level 3 you gain the ability to fly if you have atleast 3000 mana [15 Seconds Cooldown] (160 mana)
Dhyana [R]: Heal 5 nearby units in a chain for 50/100/150 health plus 20/40/60 for each nearby Vajra. [20 Seconds Cooldown] (180 mana)
Bhagavad [T] - Ultimate: Grab target allied hero through the nether, teleporting them to you and healing them to full health. [100 Seconds Cooldown] (1000 mana)

The illusion created by Miraju will now gain Jinada buff when Yurnero casts Jinada if it is in range.
The illusion created by Miraju will now leap towards the same spot when Yurnero casts Arashi if it is in range, the illusions leap does not deal damage.
The illusion created by Miraju will now charge the same target when Yurnero casts Tosshin if it is in range, the illusions charge does not deal damage.
The illusion created by Miraju will now Bushido towards the same spot when Yurnero casts Bushido if it is in range, the illusions Bushido DOES deal damage.
Bushido now deals about 150 damage to targets struck instead of about 250 damage.
Increased Miraju cooldown from 45 seconds to 70 seconds.
Reduced Juggernaut's strength per level from 1.4 to 1.3.
Reduced Juggernaut's base health from 700 to 550.
Increased Jinada duration from 3/4/5 to 4/7/10.
Increased cooldown of Jinda from 16 seconds to 25 seconds.

Removed Necrotic Embrace ability from Grim Reaper.
New ability, Necrify: heals and upgrades skellies into new skelly types.
Death's Door now also has an active component for 350 mana that summons 9 Skellies.
Grim Reaper is now an intelligence hero.
Grim Reaper now has 18 base intelligence, up from 14.
Grim Reaper now has 14 base strength, down from 18.
Grim Reaper now gains 2.4 Intelligence per level instead of 1.5.
Grim Reaper now gains 1.5 Strength per level instead of 2.4.
Tomb of the Damned now costs 120 mana instead of 75.
Skelly now costs 35 mana instead of 25.
Grim Reaper's base hitpoints decreased to 750 from 1250.
Grim Reaper's base mana increased to 300 from 200.
Grim Reaper now has 325 base movement speed instead of 300.
Grim Reaper now has 235 attack range instead of 200.
Fixed a bug where a farmer dying while affected by Death's Door did not have the proper new alliances set.

Valanor wolves have been renamed to Fangs of the Grove.
On Fangs of the Grove can no longer be teleported.
Reworked Ash'Valanor: Now summons Valanor, King of the Woodland Realm.
On level 1 of Ash'Valanor the King of the Woodland Realm has spell immunity, can scout by hopping over ledges and charming critters.
On level 2 of Ash'Valanor the King of the Woodland realm can rejuvinate allies and summon scouting owls.
On level 3 of Ash'Valanor the King of the Woodland realm has 75% evasion and can summon Rank 3 Fangs of the Grove.
On Valanor can be teleported.
Ash'Valanor now costs 300 mana to cast instead of 150.
Base mana of Sentinel increased from 0 to 135.
Decreases Sentinels intelligence per level from 2 per level to 1.25 per level.
Anadorei Talah now lasts for 1.5/2.25/3 seconds instead of 1/2/3 seconds.
Thori'dal can now be used on Farmers but does not deal damage or stun them.

General Farmer Changes

The Forest and the Factory are no longer occupying the Light Blue and Pink player slots; their slots are now part of the Farmers.
The Castle now has 4 upgrades available which increase the amount of times either the Wizard, Captain, Musketeer or Javalinier can be trained from 1 to 2. The cost of these researches range from 2500 gold and wood to 750 gold and wood dependent on how strong the unit-type being researched is. Every player can only research one of these researches.
Removed the Cold Arrows ability from the Javalinier.
The Javalinier now has a new ability that dispells negative buffs from an allied unit.
Destroying a Gold Mine or a Statue of Worship now awards Farmers 1000 gold instead of 50 gold.
Stamina Brew now increases health of Farmers, Militia and Workers by 250 health instead of 200 health.
Quickness Brew now increases the movement speed of Farmers, Militia and Workers by 150 instead of 125.
Mind Brew now increases the mana regeneration of your units by 50% instead of 33%.
The Cauldron instead of the Fire Pit is now a requirement for the Granary.
The Well's Cleanse ability can now be used on buildings.
The Contraption now dispells negative effects from buildings.

General Hunter Changes

Removed Ghostly Presence ability from the Necronomicon.
Removed the research requirement for Necronomicon.
Lowered cost of Cultist from 700 gold to 600 gold.
Lowered cost of hiring a Cultist at the factory from 800 gold to 700 gold.
Hiring a Woofy now requires for the factory gates to be opened.
Hiring a Cultist from the factory is now done at your Rich Businessman instead of at the Factory Security.
Moved the Krivbeknih from the Bandit Lord to the Factory Security.
Krivbeknih now gives 1 mana and 1 health per health of a sacrificed unit and costs 90 gold.
Added new item, Cyclonestaff, to the Bandit Lord costing 750 gold: tosses any allied or enemy unit into the air.
Bottle now has infinite charges instead of 50 charges.
Bottle now has 20 seconds cooldown and a 10 second duration instead of a 12 second duration.
Healing Salve, Scroll of Speed and Clarity now have 5 charges instead of 3.
Potion of Invisiblity now has 1 charge instead of 2 but lasts for 45 seconds instead of 15.

High Cultist

Removed the Lightning Shield ability from level 3 Necronomicon.
Added a new level 3 Necronomicon ability that banishes an enemy unit for 8 seconds.
Removed the Statue of Worship ability.
Statue of Worship is now a building that can be constructed instead of the Gold Mine for High Cultist players.
Statue of Worship now has 950 hit points, 500 gold cost, no attack, generates 50 gold every 5 seconds, requires a Moratorium to be build and is limited to 1 per player.
New ability Shift: Teleport to target nearby location, zapping all nearby enemies with a lightning bolt.


Werewolf now starts with 0 agility instead of 11.
Werewolf now gains 0 agility per level instead of 1.
Werewolf now starts with 20 strength instead of 11.
Werewolf now gains 3 strength per level instead of 2.1.


Juggernaut now gains 3.25 agility per level instead of 2.75.
Juggernaut now starts with an attack damage range of 30 to 74 instead of 39 to 61.


The Mojo Kettle no longer requires heads in order to concoct Mojo's; heads also no longer drop.
The Mojo Kettle now concocts Mojo's using mana, more recipes of Mojo's unlock per level of Mojo.
Socrates can convert corpses into mana and transfer the mana to any other allied unit.
Reworked Tiki Fetish: Continuously applies a tiki curse to a nearby enemy unit 1 at a time, dealing damage over time and slowing them. On death a small vexing fetish will spawn from their corpse.
Reworked Voodoo Fetish: Continuously applies a voodoo curse to a nearby enemy unit 1 at a time, including towers. Units affected by the voodoo curse miss 100% of their attacks.
Vexing, Tiki and Vodoo Fetish now all have 5 seconds cooldown.

Lord of the Vampire

Dormitabis and Admorsus are now merged into 1 spell: when cast on an enemy it infects them with admorsus, if cast on a vampire it upgrades them. (can also be cast during the day)
Added new ability Volatus: The Lord of the Vampire and any nearby vampires leap towards target unit, dealing damage per leaping unit. (can only be cast during the night)
Health and attack of vampires now increase per level of Noctum, not per level of Admorsus.
Vampires and up now gain 25% attackspeed and movementspeed on level 1 of Noctum, not on level 2 Admorsus.
Greater Vampires and up now gain 25% lifesteal on level 2 of Noctum, not on level 3 Admorsus.
Vampire Counts can now turn into their aerial form on level 3 of Noctum, not on level 1 Aeternum.
Aeternum now makes it night permanently and gives you and allied player units ultravision.
Increased level requirement of Aeternum from 6 to 9.
Lord of the Vampire now gains 2.5 intelligence per level instead of 4.5.
Lord of the Vampire starting intelligence now is 21 instead of 12
Lord of the Vampire now gains 3 strength per level instead of 2.5.

Bounty Hunter

Fixed an issue where Blunderin' wouldn't deal damage even though the target was within 2100 units when the channel finished.

General Farmer Changes

Increased Tower and Guard Tower attack range from 800 to 850.
Wells now have a new ability Cleanse: removes negative buffs from target unit for a 100 mana.
Decreased build time of Workers to 7 seconds from 12 seconds.


Removed the Thori'dal ability from the Sentinel that created sprouts that could sprout into trees.
Added new Thori'dal ability to the Sentinel: soar towards target unit, dealing damage and a stun.
Anadorei Talah now deals 200 damage per second up from 100 damage per second.
Valanor now have 450/600/900 hp instead of 300/450/600 hp.
Valanor now have 20/40/60 damage instead of 10/25/40 damage.
Valanor now reward 15/30/45 gold bounty instead of 15 gold bounty flat.
Ash'Valanor ability now has 30 seconds cooldown instead of 80 seconds cooldown.
Ash'Valanor ability now summons 3 Valanor instead of 1 Valanor.
Upon recasting Ash'Valanor ability all other Valanor are unsummoned.

High Cultist

Fixed an issue where the Statue of Worship didn't give periodic gold properly.
Necrononomicon's Lightning Shield now deals 25 damage per second down from 50 damage per second.
Reduced Necronomicon hero ability cooldown to 70 seconds instead of 80 seconds.
Necronomicon unit now lasts for 100 seconds instead of 80 seconds.
Increased Godspeak cast range to 1000 from 600.

Bounty Hunter

Increased agility per level of the Bounty Hunter to 4 agility per level from 3.2 agility per level.
Increased Bounty Hunter's attack range to 825 from 775.


Increased Juggernaut's Tosshin ability cast range to 1100 from 950.

Lord of the Vampyre

Fixed an issue where Dormitabis wasn't upgrading and healing Vampyres properly.

General Hunter Changes

Reviving a Hero now no longer costs gold.
Revived Heroes now spawn with 100% mana.
Instantly resurrecting your Hero with a Shrine of Assassination now spawns the Hero with 25% health instead of 50% health.
Piercing attacks now deal 45% damage against Hero armor type instead of 50%.
Slightly increased the movement speed of all Heroes.
Increased cast range of Arashi to 750 from 550.
Reduced casting time of Assassination License to 7 seconds from 8 seconds.
Reduced cooldown of Assassination License to 60 seconds from 75 seconds.
Assassination License can now be used on Valanors, Vajra's, Vampyres and Tomb of the Damned.
Increased the health of Vajra's to 333 from 275.

General Farmer Changes

Smith now costs 120 lumber instead of 125 lumber.
Lantern now requires Architecture instead of a Library.
Lumber Harvesting upgrade now correctly increases maximum carry capacity by 10.
Decreased Workshop health to 300 from 350.
Gave the Harvester a new ability that transfers items from a target unit to the Harvester.
Fixed an issue where Militia and upgraded forms of the Militia still had the Build ability.
Masonry increases health and damage of buildings by 15% instead of 20%.
Reduced attack range of Forts to 1100 from 1200.
Increased attack range of Capital to 1100 from 900.

General Hunter Changes

Fixed an issue with Lord of the Dead Necrotic Embrace where it could grab invulnerable famers out of jail.
Fixed an issue where Statue of Worship didn't give gold.
Statue of Worship now generates 5/10/15 gold every 5 seconds instead of 5 gold every 6/4/2 seconds.
Reworked Juggernaut ability Arashi: jump towards target location dealing 100/150/200 damage and a 4/8/12 second incapacitate.
Necronomicon now no longer has a shared ability cooldown.
Voodoo Fetish cast range increased to 800 from 450.

General Farmer Changes

Made repairing towers about 33% more effective.
The game mode options for starting lumber for farmers are now 0/200/400 lumber instead of 0/125/200 lumber.
Chickens now cost 50 lumber instead of 55.
Sheep now cost 100 lumber instead of 125.
Cows now cost 150 lumber instead of 195.
Casting Produce now just gives the owner of the animal 35 gold instead of dropping a produce item.
Reworked the Cauldron's Cook ability: turns any seeds inside the cauldron into a random new seed.
Workshops now passively produce 5 gold every 5 seconds.
Workshop can no longer buy golden coins for lumber.

General Hunter Changes

New model for Juggernaut
New model for the Doctor
New model for the Lord of the Vampyre
New model for Ethereal
New model for High Cultist


Increased Vajra movement speed from 50 to 100.


Miraju now costs 90 mana down from 150 mana
Arashi now costs 90 mana down from 100 mana
Jinada now costs 90 mana up from 75 mana
Tosshin now costs 90 mana up from 75 mana

High Cultist

Removed the High Cultist Ultimate ability Demonic Ritual.
New High Cultist Ultimate "Godspeak": resets the cooldowns and mana of target unit.
Removed the Worship High Cultist hero ability.
New High Cultist ability "Statue of Worship": a building that has a ranged attack and generates blight and gold.
Statue of Worship has a 240 seconds cooldown.
You can't build Gold Mines if you play as the High Cultist
Reworked Necronomicon hero ability: now summons a necronomicon unit for 80 seconds that can cast restore, worship and necronomicon spells.
Necronomicon hero ability now has 80 seconds cooldown.
Unsummon hero ability now has 50 seconds cooldown up from 15.
Unsummon now costs a 100 mana up from 65 mana.
Increased cast range of Unsummon to 1300 up from 900.
Increased duration of Unsummon to 30 seconds up from 20 seconds.
Each level of Cultivate now summons a Cultist instead of just level 2 and 3.
Cultivate now gives 5 intelligence per level down from 10.
Cultivate now has a 1 second cooldown down from 12 seconds cooldown.
Reduced Chain Lightning damage of the Necronomicon to 70 down from 85.
Changed projectile speed of High Cultist to 400 down from 500.
Changed attack range of High Cultist to 550 down from 600.
Reduced regeneration of High Cultiston on blight to 4 health per second down from 5.25 health per second.
Base mana of High Cultist reduced to 0 down from 200.


Fixed the height of Nidhogg.
Changed the vision and placement of Gnollmen so they are harder to aggro.
Increased the scaling size of the Prison Chief so he is more visible.


Increased cast range of Hammer Gauntlets to 750 from 300.
Reduced the gold cost of Key to the Prison to 250 from 450.

Grim Reaper

Removed the Skull and Bones ability.
New ability: Necrotic Embrace, a hook that deals some damage and grabs the target to the caster.
Fixed an issue where a farmer claimed by Death's Door would not be able to build a Farm anymore.

General Farmer Changes

Increases worker movement speed from 190 to 200.
Movement speed bonus from Quickness Brew increased from +100 to +125.
Workers can now build a barn.
The repair ability of workers no longer requires a smith.
Workers now cost 60 lumber instead of 65 lumber.
Replenishment interval of seeds in the Granary and Windmill decreased from 160 seconds to 140 seconds.
Base maximum mana of Farmers increase from 160 mana to 200 mana.
Initial mana of Farmers increased to 200.
Barn can now load units inside it with a cargo capacity of 4.
Lumber Harvesting research now costs 50/100 gold and 50/100 lumber instead of 100/200 gold.
Well Spring now increases the mana pool of wells by 300 mana instead of 200 mana.
Well Spring now increases mana regeneration of wells by 100% instead of 60%.
Well Spring now costs 200 gold instead of 50 gold and 100 lumber.
Increased effective cast range of wells from 400 range to 800 range.
Farmers and Workers now also benefit from the armor upgrades in the blacksmith.


Nidhogg is now a ground unit instead of a flying unit.
Fozruk now drops a Blinkdagger instead of a Spell Shield.
Moved the healing ward near Fozruk from highground to lowground.
Slartibarfast now drops a Honorguard, a Dagon and an Equalizer on death instead of a Blinkdagger.
Increased bounty of Mrrggl to 100 from 50.
Increased bounty of Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! to 200 from 0.
Nidhogg bounty decreased to 1000 gold from 2500 gold.
Nidhogg now drops 4 coins on death that each give 500 gold when picked up.

Hunter Items

Reduced cooldown of Assassination License to 75 seconds from 90 seconds.
Removed Tome of Retraining from Factory Shops.
Added new item to Factory Shops, Ankh of Reincarnation that costs 200 gold and returns the wearer back to life with 200 health and mana.
Increased damage given by Hammer Gauntlets to 5 from 3.
Hammer Gauntlets can now also be cast on structures.
Hammer Gauntlets duration has been decreased to 5 seconds from 10 seconds.
Hammer Gauntlets cooldown has been decreased to 15 seconds from 40 seconds.
Potion of Invisibility now contains 2 charges.
Decreased cooldown of Krivbeknih to 0 seconds from 15 seconds.
Decreased stats given from Circlet to +3 from +5
Reduced gold cost of Circlet to 72 from 145.
Reduced gold cost of Battlethirst to 1000 from 1500.
Reduced gold cost of Shoeblack to 90 from 145.
Reduced gold cost of Contraption to 55 from 60.
Reduced gold cost of Flare Gun to 55 from 65.
Reduced gold cost of Bottle from 200 to 145.
Reduced gold cost of Periapt of Vitality and Pendant of Mana to 600 from 750.
Reduced gold cost of buying a cultist in the factory to 800 from 900.

General Fixes

After much whining I decided to get my act together and actually write down what I'm doing.
Fixed an issue where the dragon attacks the crops of the farmers.
Made it harder to build towers inside the factory to harass the businessmen.
Made it harder to see and fly into the center area the businessmen are in.


Now costs 1750 gold and 1750 wood, up from 1000 gold and 1000 lumber.
Now has 2500 hit points up from 2000 hit points.
Now deals 120 damage up from 90.
Clockwork repair speed has increased by 33%.
Clockwork can now no longer attack.
Clockwork now has 325 hp up from 50 hp.
Range of Mechanical Roar increased to 900 up from 600.


Basic Tower damage increased to 12 from 10.
Increased the projectile speed of the Cannon Tower and Capital to 1200 from 700.
Decreased the cooldown time of the Cannon Tower and Capital to 1.5 seconds from 3 seconds.
Building a Capital now requires a Workshop instead of a Command Center.
Building a Cannon Tower now requires a Blacksmith instead of a Workshop.
Cannon Tower now costs 200 gold instead of 170 gold and 75 lumber.
Capital now costs 500 gold instead of 450 gold and 125 lumber.
Increased the area of effect damage of the Cannon Tower and Capital from 250 to 350.

The Doctor

Mojo kettle can now be teleported upon by the license of assassination.
Range of the effect of Voodoo Fetish increased to 300/450/600 from 200/300/400.
Mass Vexing Fetish cast range increased to 900 from 600.
Fixed an issue where level 2 Vexing Fetish did not degenerate hp.


Jinada now increases attack speed and movement speed by a flat 200% with a duration of 3/4/5 seconds based on level.
Tosshin now deals 75/150/225 damage instead of 50/100/150.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty now decreases armor by 40/60/80 instead of 20/30/40.

High Cultist

Cultivate now increases intelligence by 10 per level instead of mana by a 100.

Grim Reaper

Skellington now gets 70 health and 7 damage per skelly instead of 100 health and 10 damage.
Tomb of the damned now lasts 70 seconds instead of 80.



Image Description:
Henk and his beautiful wife! Also, turns out there's a cinematic of sorts.

what are you doing with your life

Ma boii zoom slappin' in one of the newer versions of the map.
Apparently people play this tripe, who would've thought? It even has a fatal error at the end, just how I like it.
This one is hosted by some guy called Wtii? Does anyone know this guy?

Everything in this map has been carefully stolen from countless creators by a teenager many ages ago. This map is unprotected, feel free to steal any of my shitty code for yourself.

Hero Models

Other Models


RiflemanElite by TurieL
Gray Werewolf by WhiteDeath
Flaming Raven by UgoUgo
IcyGhost by PrMosquito
Gnoll Stalker by Mephestrial
Mars the Impaler by Jab1z
Sun Wukong by Jab1z
Zeus by Jab1z
Orgrim Doomhammer by Tauer
Dalaran Elite Mage by Grey Knight
Zuluhed the Whacked by BaiyuGalan and Stefan.K
Ratling Gunner by Gluma
Captain Morgan by Assssssvi
Wight & Spells by Villagerino

Ring of Protection by republicola
Cloak by Balrog
Wizard Hat by warden13
Acorn by D.O.G.
Yellow Potion by General Frank
Orb of Fire by General Frank
Orb of Light by General Frank
Orb of Lightning by General Frank
Orb of Darkness by General Frank
Demonish Bulwark / Bastion / Citadel by General Frank
Iron Empire Model Pack by General Frank
Gear Effect by General Frank
Warlord Heavy Tank by General Frank
Snipe Target by Tranquil
Trap Claw by Tranquil
Hero Geomancer by Tranquil
Meat by D.O.G.
Possessed Tome by Deolrin
Guardian Wisp by Jesus Hipster
Villager Abomination by Just_Spectating
Felucian Flora by Fingolfin
Bulwark of Azzinoth by Mulgrim
Silver Ore by Ergius
Druid Hut by Callahan
Pirate Shark by Callahan
Arrow of Pestilence by 00110000
Slippers of Agility by Matarael
Dwarf Units (War of the Ring) by HerrDave
Rohan Archer (War of the Ring) by HerrDave
Troll Den (WotR) by HerrDave
Shield by HerrDave
Mangrove by eubz
Laborer by Dionesiist
Assorted Farm Buildings by bakr
Cathedral by takakenji
Arathi Rock by takakenji
Flamestrike by Vinz
Fire Missiles by Vinz
Windwalk by Vinz
Alacrity by Vinz
Cannonball by Vinz
Chain Grenade by Vinz
Void Missiles by Vinz
Void Rifts by Vinz
Watcher in the Water by Vinz
Anime Slash by blink
Undead Spartan Warrior by skrab
Gatling Canon by Shardeth
Farseer Missile by abcdefghstuvwxy
Organ Cannon by Mike
Houses by Mike
PackedTrebuchet by Mike
Golden Locket by icewolf055
Icons to Models Pack by Kenathorn
Spellbound's Custom Lightning Effects by Spellbound
Burrow (Orc) and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Mortar Team and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo
Gate (Demon) and Derivatives by UjimasaHojo
BatTroll by GreyArchon
Thunder Tower by Shardeth
Nuclear Explosion (with missile) by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
NukeSiloV1 by Mr. Bob
DwarfTechWorker by Mr. Bob
Goblin Fuel Pump by skymarshall
Goblin Outpost by skymarshall
GoblinAirDrone by Geries and MiniMage
GoblinMineDrone by MiniMage
Mecha Wheel Shooter by bisnar13
Goblin warlock by tilinghast
Magic Circle/Pentagram by The_Spellweaver
Desecrate - SFX Contest 5 Submission by JetFangInferno
Ground Cave Entrance by ILH

Headshot Button by D.ee
Bloody Hook by The Panda
MultiMagicArrow by The Panda
Noxious Fumes by Lelling
Abomination Eating by UgoUgo
Worgen Fury Slash by Kimbo
Firedancer by Kimbo
Necromastery by BLazeKraze
Starblast by Hellx-Magnus
Bash by The Panda
Roar by PrinceYaser
Pyroblast by aki15
Stormy Castle Citadel by Illidan(Evil)X
Blink by Darkfang
Maiev Burn by morbent
Taur Berserk by CRAZYRUSSIAN
Faceless Frenzy by CRAZYRUSSIAN
Goblin Tool Box by CRAZYRUSSIAN
Phoenix Dart by 4eNNightmare
Goblin Rocket Boots by LoDown
Organ Cannon by Eagle XI
Zuluhed the Whacked by BaiyuGalan, Elf Knight-
God's Rebuke by Sun gate
BTNBerserk by Moses
BTNDemon by Grey-Tuzed

We have a discord where the boys play Weedio Greedio from time to time, feel welcome to hop in: Join the Weedio Greedy Discord Server!

Weed vs Greed 5.13 (Map)

Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
I was honestly expecting something a lot more "enjoyably broken".
This map is way too well made for what you claim it to be.

Weed vs Greed is a tag map, there are two factions; farmers (the base-building faction) and assassins (hero based, hunts farmers).
That said, I feel the farmer faction is the more fleshed out one. Though it can be argued that exists by virtue of having a tech-tree and base building as opposed to the more hero-centric assassins.

Honestly, I found the farming to be the best part of the map. Hard to put a thumb on why its good (besides that it controls well and comes across as very natural/intuitive), but I would genuinely consider it the best farming simulation in a wc3 map.
- If the map was simply farming and nothing else, Id still play it to be honest.

Mechanics wise, I feel where the map falls short are the assassins (the tagging faction).
The builder and "tech-tree lite" that assassins have seems out of place, it doesn't seem to do anything interesting (though you could easily argue the assassins would be weaker without it), most of the building functions could easily be neutral buildings in the factory homebase.
In short, the assassins faction seems to have less to do/is less interesting to play, and the light base building they have seems shoehorned in.
- I cant tell you how to dev your map, though If were to change anything, Id make the assassin faction to include managing the factories defences. (ie. all the npcs currently in the factory would have to be populated/or at least upgraded by the assassins).

Aesthetically, the map is well presented; the terrain is good enough for the purpose it serves.
-I also like how you've organised the water bodies on the map to form what looks like a proper river system.
There's an opening cinematic, which may seem odd for a multiplayer map; but really isn't that uncommon especially among many older maps. Come to think of it, the whole map does feel like something out of the pre-2010's, not that I consider that to a be a bad thing.

Minor gripes
- Would be nice if there was an effect whenever a crop ripens.
- Some of the trees are rotated at an odd angle which shows too much of the shaded side.
- As the assassin you can kill friendly NPC's, including the businessman.

TLDR Version
- Solid tag map (builders vs hero)
- Good presentation
~ Map Approved

Personal seal of wtf; go ahead stick your face in if you dare.
Last edited:
I was honestly expecting something a lot more "enjoyably broken".
This map is way too well made for what you claim it to be.
It used to be a broken mess (to an extent it still is), I only recently took up development of it again to try and make it playable (which it still isn't).
There's still a game breaking fatal error that mostly pops up in the last 5 minutes of the game. Haven't been able to figure out what causes it yet.
Hey, I enjoyed WTii playing this maps and showing it on his videos. It's quite a cool map :)

You can get some help on the fatal errors here: Triggers & Scripts
Also, please credit those few skins / models. All you have to do is credit the authors and you're good.

For those two reasons, I'm setting this map's status to 'awaiting update'

I have no idea as to what particular event is causing the fatal errors. I'm guessing it would be too much to ask of people to sift through all of the triggers, abilities, units, items, dooddads, destructibles, the placements of them on the map, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, to find that one thing that causes the fatal error.

Also, I can't find the source for three of the models that I downloaded a long time ago. A tophat and a cape, both worn by the rich businessmen units, and the model used for the workers of the Farmers.
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I was honestly expecting something a lot more "enjoyably broken".
This map is way too well made for what you claim it to be.

Weed vs Greed is a tag map, there are two factions; farmers (the base-building faction) and assassins (hero based, hunts farmers).
That said, I feel the farmer faction is the more fleshed out one. Though it can be argued that exists by virtue of having a tech-tree and base building as opposed to the more hero-centric assassins.

Honestly, I found the farming to be the best part of the map. Hard to put a thumb on why its good (besides that it controls well and comes across as very natural/intuitive), but I would genuinely consider it the best farming simulation in a wc3 map.
- If the map was simply farming and nothing else, Id still play it to be honest.

Mechanics wise, I feel where the map falls short are the assassins (the tagging faction).
The builder and "tech-tree lite" that assassins have seems out of place, it doesn't seem to do anything interesting (though you could easily argue the assassins would be weaker without it), most of the building functions could easily be neutral buildings in the factory homebase.
In short, the assassins faction seems to have less to do/is less interesting to play, and the light base building they have seems shoehorned in.
- I cant tell you how to dev your map, though If were to change anything, Id make the assassin faction to include managing the factories defences. (ie. all the npcs currently in the factory would have to be populated/or at least upgraded by the assassins).

Aesthetically, the map is well presented; the terrain is good enough for the purpose it serves.
-I also like how you've organised the water bodies on the map to form what looks like a proper river system.
There's an opening cinematic, which may seem odd for a multiplayer map; but really isn't that uncommon especially among many older maps. Come to think of it, the whole map does feel like something out of the pre-2010's, not that I consider that to a be a bad thing.

Minor gripes
- Would be nice if there was an effect whenever a crop ripens.
- Some of the trees are rotated at an odd angle which shows too much of the shaded side.
- As the assassin you can kill friendly NPC's, including the businessman.

TLDR Version
- Solid tag map in the classic style (builders vs hero)
- Good presentation

Only thing is the fatal error you've mentioned, otherwise this map more than meets the standard for approval.

~ Reviewed, Kino

Love the review.

I fixed the minor gripes straight away, however as to the lite tech-tree of the assassins I am thinking of keeping it this way.

I agree with the fact that being able to build with your cultist feels a bit out of place, and their tech tree is underdeveloped and a bit boring (it couldn't be otherwise, as they are the taggers, not the builders). But the way the cultists interacts with scouting, teleporting around the map, and creeping has made the cultist impossible to replace as a mechanic, as the unit has become so deeply rooted in the way assassins operate.
As to the Cultist being able to build buildings: the tech tree right now provides options for different kind of playstyles.
For instance, assassins can choose to build buildings or spend their money on items. When building buildings they can choose between building an economy, getting scouting units, or providing tomes for the assassin. If I were to simply give these functions to neutral buildings in the factory homebase, there would be less of a choice for the assassin as he or she would not have to spend resources and time trying to get access to these functions. The cultist as a unit would also have nothing to occupy itself with, as it can no longer build a base or gather resources. Cultists would most likely stand still for most of the game at random points on the map.
I've been messing around Cultists and the buildings they can build ever since I started work on the map. The most recent change has forced Cultist to construct their base outside of the Factory, so they are targets for Farmers to attack. Maybe that will spice things up a bit.

I like the idea of the Assassins having to manage the defenses of the factory. In previous versions the assassins could hire additional guards and upgrade their weapons and armor. However these mechanics turned the game into a bit of a mess. The mechanics were hardly used, as most of the time assassins saw the defenses of the factory as something useless. The logic behind that statement was that when massive armies reach the gates, you've already lost. And if purchased at all, the additional guards would clutter the already limited space the units inside the factory occupied.
I'll brainstorm a little more about the idea, there must be something practical inside there somewhere.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
if you could make the tech tree of the cultists as funny as the builder one, it would be much more interesting. I have to say, I never checked out that many tooltips, and you even referenced it, so this is truly well done and hilarious!!! :D Maybe you could make some funny things at the cultist side ...
Level 5
May 30, 2013
Hi about this map it's fun an enjoyable. But I'm not here to talk about what i think about the map or whatever! I have a question that where are the damn rings? I found 7 and One of them is behind a tree and there's no way to get there becuase it's blocked by trees and what are those oaks and treants doing seperated in the map?!?!?!
Hi about this map it's fun an enjoyable. But I'm not here to talk about what i think about the map or whatever! I have a question that where are the damn rings? I found 7 and One of them is behind a tree and there's no way to get there becuase it's blocked by trees and what are those oaks and treants doing seperated in the map?!?!?!

Walking into Henk's decaying farm patch reveals the location of all rings.
Those treants are there for Assassins to creep for experience and gold. They can also be used by panicking farmers to juke.
I was honestly expecting something a lot more "enjoyably broken".
This map is way too well made for what you claim it to be.

Weed vs Greed is a tag map, there are two factions; farmers (the base-building faction) and assassins (hero based, hunts farmers).
That said, I feel the farmer faction is the more fleshed out one. Though it can be argued that exists by virtue of having a tech-tree and base building as opposed to the more hero-centric assassins.

Honestly, I found the farming to be the best part of the map. Hard to put a thumb on why its good (besides that it controls well and comes across as very natural/intuitive), but I would genuinely consider it the best farming simulation in a wc3 map.
- If the map was simply farming and nothing else, Id still play it to be honest.

Mechanics wise, I feel where the map falls short are the assassins (the tagging faction).
The builder and "tech-tree lite" that assassins have seems out of place, it doesn't seem to do anything interesting (though you could easily argue the assassins would be weaker without it), most of the building functions could easily be neutral buildings in the factory homebase.
In short, the assassins faction seems to have less to do/is less interesting to play, and the light base building they have seems shoehorned in.
- I cant tell you how to dev your map, though If were to change anything, Id make the assassin faction to include managing the factories defences. (ie. all the npcs currently in the factory would have to be populated/or at least upgraded by the assassins).

Aesthetically, the map is well presented; the terrain is good enough for the purpose it serves.
-I also like how you've organised the water bodies on the map to form what looks like a proper river system.
There's an opening cinematic, which may seem odd for a multiplayer map; but really isn't that uncommon especially among many older maps. Come to think of it, the whole map does feel like something out of the pre-2010's, not that I consider that to a be a bad thing.

Minor gripes
- Would be nice if there was an effect whenever a crop ripens.
- Some of the trees are rotated at an odd angle which shows too much of the shaded side.
- As the assassin you can kill friendly NPC's, including the businessman.

TLDR Version
- Solid tag map in the classic style (builders vs hero)
- Good presentation

Only thing is the fatal error you've mentioned, otherwise this map more than meets the standard for approval.

~ Reviewed, Kino

Haven't had a fatal error in about 10 games or so, so the fatal error seems to be fixed.
Level 2
Dec 16, 2014
Ay You might want to put a stronger protection on your map as it's been targeted by a map thief called Lions_Blood. The guy goes around stealing maps and putting his name in the credits you'll find your map changed to be credited to be his in the makemehost game selection you can check yourself the version is 2.64
Ay You might want to put a stronger protection on your map as it's been targeted by a map thief called Lions_Blood. The guy goes around stealing maps and putting his name in the credits you'll find your map changed to be credited to be his in the makemehost game selection you can check yourself the version is 2.64
Thanks for the heads up, but I already knew about Lions_Blood and the map on MakeMeHost.
I'd rather have the map unprotected and have people "steal" it, then that no one will be able to open it to learn from or improve it.
Level 1
Jul 6, 2016
I played the map for a couple of hours, and the map seems really good. The two factions are fleshed out really nice. (Especially the farmers)

Not related to your map or anything but:
Do you remember those first custom maps that released on battle.net shortly after Warcraft's release?
The autistic ramblings of some 12 year old covering the loading screen.
The game starting with the characteristic ding of reaching high upkeep.
Trying to figure out what's going on, you scan the map with the horribly limited vision of the standard 1650 camera distance.
Half the people have already left within the first couple of minutes of having started the "Lord of the Rings"-esque custom map.
Arthas as Aragorn, Sylvanas as Legolas , Muradin as Gimli and Antonidas as Gandalf.
After 20 minutes you finally get out of high upkeep, only to be greeted by ridiculous imbalance caused by the creator not having tested the map a single time.
Your last remaining allies leave while you make your final stand, only to be kicked out at the final moment by a fatal error.
This is one of those maps.

This description reminds me of that map called "Battle of Rohan", which I was testing a few days back. It also has a heavily edited version called as "Great War of Rohan" that I found at epicwar. And yes, that map was imbalance.
Level 1
Aug 17, 2015
hey su7vider i did the easter egg and found out something very upsetting about the demon, he can be devoured by nidhogg the dragon and digested within a few minutes and after that the player is left with nothing if he hasnt build before but its not much without the main farmer because you cant rebuild if you get attacked by assassins, il leave it for you to decide what to do with this knowledge but i would do something about myself tho and i migth aswell thank you for making WvsG its my favorite custom mode created in the many years of WC3.
hey su7vider i did the easter egg and found out something very upsetting about the demon, he can be devoured by nidhogg the dragon and digested within a few minutes and after that the player is left with nothing if he hasnt build before but its not much without the main farmer because you cant rebuild if you get attacked by assassins, il leave it for you to decide what to do with this knowledge but i would do something about myself tho and i migth aswell thank you for making WvsG its my favorite custom mode created in the many years of WC3.
That's hilarious, I am guessing that happened in a game you played on your own offline. Otherwise that would be the craziest game of weedy greeds ever.
Level 1
Aug 17, 2015
That's hilarious, I am guessing that happened in a game you played on your own offline. Otherwise that would be the craziest game of weedy greeds ever.

Sadly it was a live game i hosted yesterday with a friend with MMH, im still butthurt and heartbroken about it, but i did find everything about the easter egg offline, that game yesterday was to test it online to see how well it could be done and im going to perform it always, slowly tweaking the gathering of the rings and building a base at the same time, because i just rushed the easter egg on that game not building anything.
Level 12
May 20, 2009
So my first impressions are:

Dude weed lol

I think I'm starting to understand why I dislike Vampirism (and Tag in general, I guess) type games. It's impossible to balance. If you make the Taggers strong enough to go through the player's defenses, it gets really annoying and frustrating because it takes them far less effort than it takes to build the bases to begin with. If you make them too weak, however, then the game just gets boring because it's too easy. I think a game like this can't really work with Human-controlled Taggers. They need to be AI (This is also why Vampirism doesn't work). It would be much easier to balance that way because the player is actually playing against the game and because of that the game doesn't have to do really stupid and annoying shit like teleport units behind your walls or have infinite free Far Sight. When it's a game of Players vs AI you're playing against the game, not the imbalance or people abusing said imbalance. This makes balancing the game much easier and players can feel much more satisfied with said balance because you're A) not having to plan for every contingency a player could do and B) you don't have to make as many minor tweaks to the AI side because if things don't seem as balanced all you have to do is adjust the player side and not the AI side. Instead this way it would be more like a Defense map with an objective to destroy the center before the timer is up while defending against large waves of units that attack the players. The AI could also build random units to add into these waves so they're not all just spawning (Ordering them to build the units on timers from buildings they actually have, but their units could be free).

As for what's actually here, The Taggers seem really underpowered. Even if all they're suppose to be doing is defending, instead of breaking into your bases, I don't think they can quite pull that off or at least not unless they are an expert at the game and that makes for a really underwhelming experience. You can't really play it more than once or twice without experiencing everything it has to offer unless all the taggers are good or all the builders are playing the game basically for the first time.

On the Builder's side, for the most part things are okay. The only problem I think there is is the lack of unit options. You have Militia and a few demi-hero units and that's it and to top that off they're very food heavy and you have such a small food limit (Only 150) so as the builders you're forced to team up your groups of Militia and that's fine and dandy and all but coordinating that would be a pain, would require basically a pre-made team that knows what they're doing, and once again, the same issue that I mentioned earlier, just takes far more effort to accomplish then it would take to actually defend it.

These reasons and a few more are why I think the Rich Business Men should just be an AI and the map turned into a defense map. It would salvage everything perfectly and would become a very satisfying defense map.

Alternatively, this can be fixed by making the Rich Business Men actually have to do something other than go around the map and A-Click things and click a few abilities from time to time. :^)

That's about all my thoughts so far. I'll try to play a bit more to see if I can make a proper review.
So my first impressions are:

Dude weed lol

I think I'm starting to understand why I dislike Vampirism (and Tag in general, I guess) type games. It's impossible to balance. If you make the Taggers strong enough to go through the player's defenses, it gets really annoying and frustrating because it takes them far less effort than it takes to build the bases to begin with. If you make them too weak, however, then the game just gets boring because it's too easy. I think a game like this can't really work with Human-controlled Taggers. They need to be AI (This is also why Vampirism doesn't work). It would be much easier to balance that way because the player is actually playing against the game and because of that the game doesn't have to do really stupid and annoying shit like teleport units behind your walls or have infinite free Far Sight. When it's a game of Players vs AI you're playing against the game, not the imbalance or people abusing said imbalance. This makes balancing the game much easier and players can feel much more satisfied with said balance because you're A) not having to plan for every contingency a player could do and B) you don't have to make as many minor tweaks to the AI side because if things don't seem as balanced all you have to do is adjust the player side and not the AI side. Instead this way it would be more like a Defense map with an objective to destroy the center before the timer is up while defending against large waves of units that attack the players. The AI could also build random units to add into these waves so they're not all just spawning (Ordering them to build the units on timers from buildings they actually have, but their units could be free).

As for what's actually here, The Taggers seem really underpowered. Even if all they're suppose to be doing is defending, instead of breaking into your bases, I don't think they can quite pull that off or at least not unless they are an expert at the game and that makes for a really underwhelming experience. You can't really play it more than once or twice without experiencing everything it has to offer unless all the taggers are good or all the builders are playing the game basically for the first time.

On the Builder's side, for the most part things are okay. The only problem I think there is is the lack of unit options. You have Militia and a few demi-hero units and that's it and to top that off they're very food heavy and you have such a small food limit (Only 150) so as the builders you're forced to team up your groups of Militia and that's fine and dandy and all but coordinating that would be a pain, would require basically a pre-made team that knows what they're doing, and once again, the same issue that I mentioned earlier, just takes far more effort to accomplish then it would take to actually defend it.

These reasons and a few more are why I think the Rich Business Men should just be an AI and the map turned into a defense map. It would salvage everything perfectly and would become a very satisfying defense map.

Alternatively, this can be fixed by making the Rich Business Men actually have to do something other than go around the map and A-Click things and click a few abilities from time to time. :^)

That's about all my thoughts so far. I'll try to play a bit more to see if I can make a proper review.

This is a pretty good post that touches exactly on what I've been struggling with making this map. I'll try to justify the decisions I've made point by point.

  • Balancing player versus player tag maps is hard because of the inherent asymmetry in the tag genre.
I wholeheartedly agree, player versus player tag maps are a fucking mess that can't be balanced. The way I tried to put patch it up a little bit is by making the skill cap really high, that way if you're good at the game you will win anyway, even if the odds are not in your favor. The reason why I haven't made the map player versus AI is that I am too incompetent to pull off making a fullfilling AI, and because playing as the tagger is actually a lot of fun. I would agree that player vs AI suits the genre better, but I'm just rowing with the oars I've got.

  • Taggers being able to teleporting behind walls is a bad mechanic.
This is by far the complaint that I get most. The mechanic is counter intuitive in the sense that no other tag map has it. People playing warcraft 3 custom games are hardwired to build a wall at the choke point of their base and leave the rest unattended. When inevitably the tagger somehow gets over the wall, and they lose their entire base because of it, it's about a 50% chance that person leaves the game. This has ruined many games I've been in. However I really think this is a required mechanic in order to have a satisfying player versus player tag map. People that play warcraft 3 melee maps really get this. Building the layout of a base is a skill that you need to master. It's not just a mindless task that's a glorified checkbox, like you just build a tower inside your base instead and you're fine. Good players can instantly detect whether another player has any clue what he's doing just by looking at where he placed his buildings. Every player that I play with that has any idea how to play builds their base differently, and every tagger deals with their bases differently. I would almost claim that building and dealing with a solid base is the bread and butter of the early- and midgame for the tagger and builder both.

  • The map seems builder/tagger favored because <insert reason>.
The problem with addressing concerns like these is that its usually supported by anecdotes and usually coming from someone who does not have the knowledge of the game that I have. The thing is that in the games that I play with a full inhouse of decent players, it's always really close those last couple of minutes of the game. There are some particular tagger heroes that aren't really good. I do recognize that this way of balancing means that the game probably isn't that friendly towards newer players, since the game isn't balanced for them. However I can't appease both groups of players, and honestly if I had to choose I would rather have my games be a lot of fun then the games played by other players. It's more fruitful for me if criticism comes in the form of: this particular mechanic in your game is a bad mechanic because it isn't fun, or it's uncompetitive, or it goes against the designed intent, etc.

  • The win condition of a game should not rely on coordination of good players, that practically makes you require a premade team.
I disagree with the premise that this game practically requires a premade team. I think the coordination required in Weed vs Greed is quite little in comparison to the moba genre, and the vast majority of dota games played on battle.net were played solo. I do however agree that having a premade team gives you a significant advantage in playing the map, but I don't see this as a big problem.

  • The taggers spend nearly all their time walking around the map looking for people, occasionally a-clicking things and casting abilities. They do this so much that this almost all they do.
I don't think this is true. In the early game as a tagger I'm almost constantly busy scouting with all my summons, my minions, my hero and my woofy. I'm busy managing my inventory and thinking about what items to get; for scouting and assassinating farmers. I'm busy communicating with my team mates; who's going to build their base first, who we're funneling resources to, who's going to be jungling and where we're going to be scouting. I'm busy chasing pesky builders around that are trying to escape. In the midgame I'm busy dealing with those bases that have gotten big, trying to harass their workers and maybe even take out some important structures. Maybe in the midgame all the taggers buy their first big items and we get together to kill a boss. And I'm still constantly busy scouting around with all my units for bases and hidden outposts that people have build to siege the factory. And in the lategame I am more busy than ever being constantly under siege by wave after wave of enemies.
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Level 3
Jul 13, 2016
This game is fun and the tooltips and your description are fucking hysterical, there are some mechanics that I don't like and I find clunky, and not everything is well explained, but this game solidly deserves 5 stars in my opinion.
This game is fun and the tooltips and your description are fucking hysterical, there are some mechanics that I don't like and I find clunky, and not everything is well explained, but this game solidly deserves 5 stars in my opinion.
Thanks, my bro.

What are the mechanics you don't like or think are clunky? Towers are too strong? Assassin heroes can get past walls? Farmer armies are too small? Assassin heroes are too weak?
Those are the usual complaints, but if you have some new insights maybe I can fix some of them.
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Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Well I always thought this is one of those "Broken" maps you would find back in the old days, but it is not and that's a good thing. Probably one of the best Tag/Vamp type map I have ever played.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2016
Thanks, my bro.

What are the mechanics you don't like or think are clunky? Towers are too strong? Assassin heroes can get past walls? Farmer armies are too small? Assassin heroes are too weak?
Those are the usual complaints, but if you have some new insights maybe I can fix some of them.
oh fuck, I forgot to answer, I don't remember exactly what I found clunky cause I dicked around in this map a long time ago, I guess on a seperate note I'd like to add that I wish the map worked better with small groups (like 2 people on LAN lol). But I just remember that ascending the tech tree was less simple and intuitive than it was in vampirism beast (even there it took a while to figure out). I'll take 4.00 out for a spin at some point, and then I'll have some Fresh, piping hot, cry babying for you.
oh fuck, I forgot to answer, I don't remember exactly what I found clunky cause I dicked around in this map a long time ago, I guess on a seperate note I'd like to add that I wish the map worked better with small groups (like 2 people on LAN lol). But I just remember that ascending the tech tree was less simple and intuitive than it was in vampirism beast (even there it took a while to figure out). I'll take 4.00 out for a spin at some point, and then I'll have some Fresh, piping hot, cry babying for you.
Fresh, piping hot, cry babies are my favorite.

I considered for while about how to make it a map playable by a small group of players; like maybe if the amount of players is less than 6 the map is smaller because its blocked off by chokepoints. However I don't think that would be that fun to play, and the map almost fills entirely up when hosted by something like MakeMeHost anyway.
Now really, be serious. How did you know my real name?
I'm telling you bro, MAGIC.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2016
Fresh, piping hot, cry babies are my favorite.
Ah, okay, I remember now, some of my critiques (whining) involve the crop system. The tool tip for the harvestor is amazing, AND accurate, but I sincerely wish it had an auto reap function. But more realistically, I just think that either the granary should have a higher "select user" range, or the harvester should at least be pocketizable, because the amount of goddamn times I misplace the harvester is unbelievable. In general it would be nice not to have to manually reap crops, and if they just turned into money when they were done. But I get that theres a whole balance thing with the mana etc. plus it makes the farming experience more authentic, cause ya know...
We all want to come home and live out our deep deep fantasies of being a poor farmer by clicking and pressing R a retarded amount of times. Then again shit like Euro Truck Simulator exists.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2016
Fresh, piping hot, cry babies are my favorite.
Oh, and the other HUGE thing, how TF are you supposed to go in and out of your base? In Vampirism, all the relevant units had Blink, but in WvG it just seems like you have to destroy your own walls, if there was one thing I'd get down on my knees and suck dick for in this game, it's there being some sort of gate system or just giving Henk Units (at least the engine and Henk himself) natural ability to walk through hay piles, or making them open/closable. If there is an obvious way to do it that I'm missing, in that case I'd just appreciate that being said somewhere in game so that people know.
Level 3
Jul 13, 2016
Oh, and the other HUGE thing, how TF are you supposed to go in and out of your base? In Vampirism, all the relevant units had Blink, but in WvG it just seems like you have to destroy your own walls, if there was one thing I'd get down on my knees and suck dick for in this game, it's there being some sort of gate system or just giving Henk Units (at least the engine and Henk himself) natural ability to walk through hay piles, or making them open/closable. If there is an obvious way to do it that I'm missing, in that case I'd just appreciate that being said somewhere in game so that people know.
Oh also, btw I'm a lazy asshole who can't be fucked to update WC3, and im also scared it'll mess up other custom games, I need to just make a separate folder, but in any case, I fucked around in 3.51 and assumed that those things haven't been changed.