Terraining Contest #9 - Cataclysm

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Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
You can say that Oziris. I'd swear you're recreating the Stygian Veil in the Domain of Anguish in Guild Wars. Look up some images. Everybody who farmed the Veil recognizes that fissure. It's exactly in the same position as when you first arrive at the farming site xD

@Windu: Your first WIP looked a bit too rough, but I couldn't tell what caused it. But now with the scientists added, it looks a lot more lively! You better fill up some open area's and I'd say you got yourself a nice terrain there :thumbs_up:

@M0rbid: I couldn't agree more. Good to see there are still contests that have an active thread with WIPs, and also have plenty of participants which will likely send in a complete entry.
Level 15
Nov 26, 2005
Glab to hear, you like it! :)

Now here is a more sophisticated version: Added a wall pipe system.

First WIP6.JPG

:: EDIT ::

Here it is: I think that will be the completed first part of my submission: 'BEFORE'
(The screen is taken ingame)


Starting work on the harder and prettier part: 'AFTER'
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Level 9
Jan 1, 2009
Final Submission

I know i had posted my final submission, but i got some new ideas and work it out. So this here is realy my last and final submission. I just change the sky and the light a bit, but i think its defenitly better than the old ones.
Enjoy it :p


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Level 7
Feb 18, 2007
Glab to hear, you like it! :)

Now here is a more sophisticated version: Added a wall pipe system.

View attachment 80036

:: EDIT ::

Here it is: I think that will be the completed first part of my submission: 'BEFORE'
(The screen is taken ingame)

View attachment 80045

Starting work on the harder and prettier part: 'AFTER'

Looking good! Though you could use much better pipes found in installation model pack made by someone whose nick I can't remember... I can't find the pack anymore on THW (it should be somewhere in model&animation forum) but I can send it to you if you want me to?
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
I'm thinking I'm going to opt out of this contest. Windows failed on me and I can't use the World Editor on Linux, so I'm screwed. Sorreh all.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
i think this is my final submission :
View attachment 80563
View attachment 80893
i didnt think i will finish in time.

Could you verify that those barrens rocks are public sources on either Hiveworkshop or Wc3Campaigns? Because they look awfully much like the rock models from XGM, and I am sorry to say that you cannot use recourses that isnt from either hive or wc3c.
Level 13
May 31, 2009
Ok, I guess I'm nearly done. Maybe do last small fixes. I reduced glows of lava and fixed sun. I wont ruin the castle because I tried it and it looked bad.

I'm not happy with it. Something is missing... but yeah.
I guess you get final submission at monday.


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Level 2
Aug 29, 2009
I'm in Sweden atm... I don't live there, and i won't be back until the 7th. So the pictures I posted has to be my final submission. I can't submit anything from here
Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
Could you verify that those barrens rocks are public sources on either Hiveworkshop or Wc3Campaigns? Because they look awfully much like the rock models from XGM, and I am sorry to say that you cannot use recourses that isnt from either hive or wc3c.
yeah those barren rocks are from the xgm...sorry..i didnt pay much attention to the rules i tought that we arent alowed to use models from other games...:sad:
i dont think i have enough time to modify the terrain so..i think im backing up...next time ill pay more attention to the rules
sorry again...

@oziris:nice terrain but those red rocks look kinda weird,esspecialy in contrast with the snow
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Could you verify that those barrens rocks are public sources on either Hiveworkshop or Wc3Campaigns? Because they look awfully much like the rock models from XGM, and I am sorry to say that you cannot use recourses that isnt from either hive or wc3c.

I know it is in the rules. But why not change the rules. Those rocks are AWESOME and I've seen many wonderful terrain landscapes with the rocks before. There should come a rule that those rocks are allowed because well. They are too awesome to be ignored.
I know it is in the rules. But why not change the rules. Those rocks are AWESOME and I've seen many wonderful terrain landscapes with the rocks before. There should come a rule that those rocks are allowed because well. They are too awesome to be ignored.

My first terrain here was with models from xgm - Rocks/Units/Some other stuff! If you want I can attach link to show you! So I changed models and now it can be accepted for vote!

This terrain looks good but if you accept it, it will be unfair to me then!
Level 11
Aug 28, 2009
rules are rules...and its too late for them to be changed,as kobas said, it will be unfair for many terrainers...but i dont understand why arent those rock models allowed:confused:
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
As to why. Because I wanted this to be hive resources exclusive, but I threw Wc3C on becuase its a closely related forum to this and because there are several good doodads from that site, I might consider allowing XGM imports in future contests, but I wont change the rules for this one. As said; that would be unfair towards the terrainers that did pay attention to the rules.

Level 13
May 31, 2009
@ Piwlady: TO be honest, I'm a little bit disappointed of your entry. Of course it looks good BUT: you're playable terrains are much more awesome than that one! It's good, no question, but it is nothing against your other terrains!

Yeah I know, I don't really like it by myself. But... It's my first artistic terrain ever so :D Just wanted to try stuff like making sun and that kind of stuff. I'm glad you were honest.

I guess the custom textures and that kind of stuff makes those my playable terrains good, I've been looking at them for sometime and I'm really disapointed how poorly I used height varitation and then there was some other flaws too, but lets not discuss those in this thread.
Level 19
Oct 29, 2007
My final entries. Edited the after cataclysm picture so that it matches the theme.

I don't have time to edit these anymore because I gotta prepare some English orals, but any critique is still very welcome!

Allow me to increase the vocabulary and word understanding of people who claim I did not follow the theme: Cataclysm--A violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change. Have a nice day!


  • before cataclysm.png
    before cataclysm.png
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    Post Cataclysm.png
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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
As to why. Because I wanted this to be hive resources exclusive, but I threw Wc3C on becuase its a closely related forum to this and because there are several good doodads from that site, I might consider allowing XGM imports in future contests, but I wont change the rules for this one. As said; that would be unfair towards the terrainers that did pay attention to the rules.


Yeah understandable.
I actually ment it for future contests ofc.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
It's a silhouette terrain. You're not supposed to see much detail.

Edit- Ya the pre-cat was a bit rushed. I spent the first month and a half on the post-cat. That one sure took forever.
Megafyr gots my vote for sure..

but I would like to congratulate Cobra_b for his (after apocalypse) terrain, The effects are just amazing.. sadly the pre-apocalypse didn't made it for me.

for the others, many great entrys... good job everyone.
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