Terraining Contest #9 - Cataclysm

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Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Im not 100% sure, but maybe if you can time the storm sphere to just the right moment in between lightning strikes that will work? Or you can just tint the Cloud model darker (maybe a light grey) and spam them, with a dark or black fog to make it look like the are a little bit darker then they really are.
Level 19
Oct 29, 2007
Thank you kind sir.

And btw, does anyone know any "Black Clouds" model? I mean black version of that "Skybox" Clouds model what is in UTM

That has been bothering me ever since I started terraining, but unfortunately I haven't ever found one, nor do I know how to make one.

Btw, I think what we is, is a grey sky model, and not a black. Everyone that has used the black glow model knows how hard it is to use, because it's not tintable. A grey skin would be tintable into both lighter, and darker colors, and not be just black. It would be awesome if we had a grey skin for all the cloud models from UTM. Someone should get a modeller on it. (Here I'm basically stating I'm too lazy for it.)
Level 19
Oct 29, 2007
No offence to Dusk intended, but it doesn't look like a cloud, just like a lot of smoke in an urealistic shape. It's not tintable either, as I recall. Though it's the closest we come to a dark cloud in warcraft III, I assume :p
Level 13
May 31, 2009
Ok, new wips, I started making post-cataclysm.
Critique please.


  • Wip.PNG
    2.3 MB · Views: 238
  • WipAfter.png
    2.1 MB · Views: 205
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
I'll have to agree on that term, so far Megafyr is the only one that DIDNT make a fire themed cataclysm terrain, I believe. People, what about earthquakes, tsunamis or anything else cataclysmic. My idea, if I was going to enter, was a sort of reversed cataclysm, take a desert and make it become a lush forest because of some natural disaster that made water come into the region, not entirely sure how much that idea follows the theme, but ah well :p
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You could have done a flooding or something like that. We already have the UTM models to do that sort of thing.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2008
I'll have to agree on that term, so far Megafyr is the only one that DIDNT make a fire themed cataclysm terrain, I believe.

You're forgeting my terrain, which depicts a flood. It's not that orginal, but it does, at least, not involve fire.

However, I do have to agree with you. Almost everyone has done something where, due to some strange event (perhaps a volcanic eruption of the impact of a meteor) their terrain has become burned and filled with lava.

I quote Robert Frost:
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Let's see some ice, people! It'll suffice!
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Hmm Piwlady.
Tbh I dont really like your angle. I think it looks way better if you take an angle closer to the ground.

And for the originality..
A while ago someone (forgot who) used the lava trick in a mini terrain contest. I think many people got inspired by that. Making lava is kinda "hot" now lol.
Making the idea is the easy part for most of us, but making the terrain out of it.
My idea was something with making a visual wind. The wind is visual because it carries all the water out of an ocean. It's like a geyser thats not vertical but more like a snake.. Hard to describe my idea. I gave it a shot but it was really hard to make for me.
Currently Im thinking of a new idea but I'm afraid I got to stick to the very first idea I had.. something with a tree and lava ><
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Don't be unfair. There is a tutorial around here, made by Piwlady, who explains how to make that lava-looking terrain. You should thank him for that idea-trick, not blaming him for lack of originality.

Big sigh.
Did I blame him?
Is there a problem here?
Did I say someone never done that idea before?
Did I mention that the idea was explained by the person in the mini contest and lots of people went; OOOHH and AHHH because they didnt know it yet.
No I didnt mention it.
Is it true?

My only point was that that might have inspired lots of people by making lava because it is actually easier then people may think.
I don't say Piwlady is bad or something, I never said something like that. I only wrote down the, what I think is the cause of the 'lava-hipe'.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
I'll have to agree on that term, so far Megafyr is the only one that DIDNT make a fire themed cataclysm terrain, I believe. People, what about earthquakes, tsunamis or anything else cataclysmic. My idea, if I was going to enter, was a sort of reversed cataclysm, take a desert and make it become a lush forest because of some natural disaster that made water come into the region, not entirely sure how much that idea follows the theme, but ah well :p

Oh good god, that was my idea! D:

Thanks for "stealing" it :p (make a desert into a lush mountain land through volcano explosions then waiting a few thousand years.) will this work for you?

Btw i though of this about a week and a half ago.. lol :/
I'll have to agree on that term, so far Megafyr is the only one that DIDNT make a fire themed cataclysm terrain, I believe. People, what about earthquakes, tsunamis or anything else cataclysmic. My idea, if I was going to enter, was a sort of reversed cataclysm, take a desert and make it become a lush forest because of some natural disaster that made water come into the region, not entirely sure how much that idea follows the theme, but ah well :p

Well this is a bit late but I also didn't use fire to depict my cataclysm - more of an explosion
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Oh good god, that was my idea! D:

Thanks for "stealing" it :p (make a desert into a lush mountain land through volcano explosions then waiting a few thousand years.) will this work for you?

Btw i though of this about a week and a half ago.. lol :/

Ehm.. <.< Did you read my post throughly? I am not going to MAKE such a terrain, I said that it was my initial idea when this contest first started, so technically I thought of it before you :p But that doesnt matter, I am a judge, and thus I cannot join. So your much welcome to make such a terrain, I was simply saying it to give people ideas.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Ehm.. <.< Did you read my post throughly? I am not going to MAKE such a terrain, I said that it was my initial idea when this contest first started, so technically I thought of it before you :p But that doesnt matter, I am a judge, and thus I cannot join. So your much welcome to make such a terrain, I was simply saying it to give people ideas.

I was aware that you aren't going to making it, but i was just kinda disappointed that other people may take the inspiration that you put out on the table, making my idea less original. Thats all :p.
Level 3
Jan 3, 2010
Quick question, would a 'reverse' cataclysm be allowed? Like not in the sense where it goes from peaceful and serene to complete and total devastation, but from one form to another, i.e. a massive climate change. What I had in mind was maybe a world where it's engulfed in flames but still inhabited (likely by some dragonoid creatures) then suddenly (as stated in earlier posts) the world becomes an icy grave for the current inhabitants.

Edit: Well I guess in that sense it wouldn't be so much a 'reverse' cataclysm.
Level 3
Jan 3, 2010
But wouldn't be preceived either way? It could be a frozen land suddenly set aflame or as I stated, a flame land suddenly frozen.
Level 4
Sep 27, 2009
Theme: The theme is Cataclysm, this means that you will have to make two terrains; one terrain which is before the cataclysm takes place, and then another one depicting the terrain how it looks after the destruction.
Creativity is encouraged :)

Technically I think you're supposed to make something that appears to be nature in it's wonderful balance then something comes along and just completely obliterates that balance.

But I think it's best for Keiji to call the shot on this one.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
there are no rules that state nature,

It just says " An even that causes EXTREME change."

so tecknically yes, you can do that burning/frozen thing. However consider other factors for the judges and everyone else. Make sure u put forth that your pictures are clear when u say one is Post-cataclysm and the other is Pre-cataclysm.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
The fire/ice idea is a good idea for a cataclysm terrain. It's within the rules and obviously creates great destruction for the inhabitants who are relying on the fire or ice of the environment to survive. There's no question that it's a good depiction of the theme.

Also, may I remind everyone that every image will most likely be named 'pre' or 'pro', so nobody can make any mistake about what is what. I'd say: Go for it Arlach. The idea is definitely not lacking :thumbs_up:
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
These are my silhouette cataclysm terrain wips. The concept is to have a forested area with huge trees and floating islands in the pre-cataclysm. Then the humans come in, destroy the forest, and turn it into an industrialized city in the post-cataclysm. I wanted to wait till I had more to show on the pre-cataclysm before posting, but atm I am lacking motivation to continue working on it. So hopefully your comments will get me motivated again.

WIP 1 - After Cataclysm (about 70% complete)
Post - Cataclysm WIP 1.jpg

WIP 1 - Before Cataclysm (about 5% Complete)
Pre - Cataclysm WIP 1.jpg
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
These are my silhouette cataclysm terrain wips. The concept is to have a forested area with huge trees and floating islands in the pre-cataclysm. Then the humans come in, destroy the forest, and turn it into an industrialized city in the post-cataclysm. I wanted to wait till I had more to show on the pre-cataclysm before posting, but atm I am lacking motivation to continue working on it. So hopefully your comments will get me motivated again.

WIP 1 - After Cataclysm (about 70% complete)
View attachment 79272

WIP 1 - Before Cataclysm (about 5% Complete)
View attachment 79273

I love that steampunkish city thing! Only I think I see something floating in air in pre-cataclysm.
These are my silhouette cataclysm terrain wips. The concept is to have a forested area with huge trees and floating islands in the pre-cataclysm. Then the humans come in, destroy the forest, and turn it into an industrialized city in the post-cataclysm. I wanted to wait till I had more to show on the pre-cataclysm before posting, but atm I am lacking motivation to continue working on it. So hopefully your comments will get me motivated again.

WIP 1 - After Cataclysm (about 70% complete)
View attachment 79272

WIP 1 - Before Cataclysm (about 5% Complete)
View attachment 79273

Just beautiful! nice work indeed. Keep it up! Cant wait to see more of it!!
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
Seriously Chaos, if you dont finish that terrain I will.... Get you banned or somethin! :p

In other words: Its a lovely terrain, and we would mostly everyone want to see it finished. ^^

And I am not going to comment on the earlier insidence, as it seems to have been solved rather greatly.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
wow chaos those are really nice. Defently love the slihouetted ground its an interesting effect.

as for the city def great. great lighting indeed too.

as for terrainers. im sure everyone would agree with me here that we are the hugest procrasinators when it comes to creating maps. Ive tried sooo hard to make my own maps and ive only realeeased 2 that were decent.
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