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4th Boss Contest [WOE]

The following is not a real campaign, rather a map compendium, composed of all the bosses made for the 4th Boss Contest of WorldOfEditors. All credits go to HS-07, Paillan (yes, I made a map), Shikuso, Neruvian, Muse and GhxBronie (yes he made a map too, but was, of course, not eligible to win).

What is WorldOfEditors?

You probably don't know what World of editors is. It's a Warcraft 3 modding site, much like the Hive, but in spanish. Since the spanish community usually has a hard time in the Hive (by uploading mostly untranslated maps) I took the time and effort to translate every boss entry made for the contest so that everyone may enjoy it. This project was done with the support of @GhxBronie moderator and organizator of this contest in worldofeditors, as well as creator of the original compendium, together with the support of many of the bosses creators, as can be seen here. (If needed I can translate these).
Please notify me inmeadiately if any part of the maps is not translated, I made my best effort to change every map description, item name, flavour text, hero name, spell name, spell description, cinematic trigger and buffs, and thus it is possible that some part might have been accidentaly not been translated.

- Known issues -

Muse's map does not have it's cinematic translated. This is because said cinematics where made in jass and as such I lack the knowledge to translate them. If anyone could help me with this I would be glad.
The bosses have not been thinkered with. Any bug or breakown is part of the fact that these where contest entries, measured by their polish and final product quality. It is adviced to restart a map if something breaks down the line or skip it entirely if it happens multiple times.
The maps where made in 1.27, so they should work with most Warcraft 3 versions.

Final words

Finally I would like to give a shoutout to any spanish editor out there, if you wish to come and participate in the next contest or in the forum overall, you can do so here.

For the map review team
As per agreed with the map review team (I hope they remember), I was allowed to publish and make publicity of the spanish forum, so long as credit was given (and credit was given indeed).



4th Boss Contest [WOE] (Campaign)

There's still some Espanol in your map, the one with the spider boss (transmissions), in the dwarf map (transmission: rey de los juegos). In the last map, the heroes who don't have glow could benefit from it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling...
Level 2
Jan 19, 2021
What is the 4th Boss Content {WOE}?

A map compendium composed of all the bosses made for the 4th Boss Conbent of WorldofEditors- a spanish wc3 modding community.

What Went Well:
Some maps have interesting bosses + are fun to play. Most of the Spanish text is translated but there are issues which i will explore in the red 'wrong' section.

What went wrong: 'Haziel' map contains memory leaks (or something that causes errors during cinematics) and the cinematics are not translated.
Please fix these errors and translation issues using trigger editor becoz i had to restart the map multiple times, it was very annoying. The map submission rules do not allow memory leaks so please fix it, this wasted a lot of my time. The 'Arcane Anomaly' map is about hitting a small blue ball for hours. This is not a boss fight at all, its just a boring map where you just attack a ball which is not moving or attacking the player's hero. The cinematics are mostly unskippable and maps contain unstanslated parts like 'ayuda' and 'modos de juego'. The terrain is plain, no hills or water. this is against map submission rules of THW.
There are many grammar errors in transalted parts eg in a loading screen it says 'Contess' instead of 'Contest'. Whats more bad is that tooltips of abilities contain worse spellings and grammar, this makes it impossible to know what some abilities do.

tldr, i rate this map 1/5 because it needs a lot of work.
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Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Well, I can't really fix contest submission, after all I did not make them. Part of a contest is to bring a completed map to the table. If the map has leaks that has nothing to do with me. As pointed out I tried to translante Haziel's cinematic but it's made in jass so I can't really do that. BTW Haziel might only work on 1.28 for some people, since it was originally created in 1.28 Jassnewgenpack.
Arcane Anomally is about removing mana from the enemy boss. The boss losses mana if it get's knockbacked and the hero has a knockback spell, as mana goes lower the orb will cast more spells. If you wish I could add a hint that tells this.
The terrain is a battlearena, not sure why it shouldn't be plain. Everyone got the same arena to work as base, it was part of contest requirements, we where not allowed to change it.
As for translation errors, I will try to fix them but I need to have them pointed out. What didn't you understand about spell description?
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Level 1
Feb 3, 2021
dear author

i tested this map pack on patchs 1.26 and 1.28. The map by Muse crashed two times on both patchs so i did not play it. as user @segaa pointed out something is wrong with cinematic. In Neruvian;s map the victory screen did not appear after i killed the boss but the starting cinematic played again and in the cinematic the name of one character is not in englsih.

the mapers have worked hard but maybe becuase they had to submit the maps before deadlines so the maps have bugs.
Level 1
Feb 3, 2021
all i know is that its a "fatal error" which happened one time during the bossfight and second time during the starting cinematic. it may be related to some spell, ai boss command or a trigger that plays randomly through RNG. i am not good at triggers because i am a beginner so i cant fix the bug. all i can do is to tell you what i experienced. i hope this helps.
Level 2
Jan 19, 2021
A final note is that @GhxBronie tested Muse's map separately without issues. More advice than that I can't give. If memory serves well I played it in 1.31 without issues.
I tried 'Haziel' by Muse 3 times. I got errors at first two turns then third time it worked properly. The error message is in my review of this map. Its related to abuse of CPU 'memory'.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in Use by 4th Boss Contest [WOE] | HIVE

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Shar Dundred
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Huh, weird, I though all the maps had their respective credits complete.
Is it okay if I just put the credits in the map description here? or do I have to add them to each inside map "credits" "mission"? BTW, in missions there are credits, if you didn't saw.
Actually, I will add credits here anyway.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
There's still some Espanol in your map, the one with the spider boss (transmissions), in the dwarf map (transmission: rey de los juegos).
In the last map, the heroes who don't have glow could benefit from it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling

It's a nice compilation of boss battles, the down side being that you only play as the same hero with the same spells.


(previous comments: 4th Boss Contest [WOE])
Level 2
Jan 20, 2021
I played this map collection. The Haziel map worked without errors but other maps had a lot of bugs.
Look at the screenshots i attached with this post. 1st: Two timers appear and my hero become 'invulnerable'.
2nd picture: I defeat the boss but nothing else happens. There were some other issues but i dont have evidence (screenhots) so i wont talk about it. It wasted a lot of my time.This is not acceptable: 1 star.


  • screen01.png
    2.3 MB · Views: 84
  • screen02.png
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Level 8
Jun 26, 2014
Well, time to explain some things about this "Campaign" and its Bosses:

1- These Boss Maps were created in 1.27b.

2- About the bosses, well the HS-07 Boss have many Leaks bc he doesn't know how to clean it (He was the first in publish his Boss). MuSe and Fenix140 Bosses are playable in WC3 1.27b (except MuSe Boss into Campaign UI). I read some comments about your suffering with Bugs, FPS and other things when you're fighting against them. Well, these Bosses and their Triggers (100% of them) are created with vJASS and other languages. So my hypothesis is:
The WC3 Patch (1.31) is breaking/corrupting their Triggers, causing these problems.

To strengthen my recently hypothesis, in this "Chusco" Stream, played in WC3 1.27b. The Bosses Fights and Phases work perfectly (except the Paillan Boss bc BUGS!).
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Level 2
Feb 22, 2021
For some reason this works fine with spanish translation but the english version has more bugs. i played with patch 1.27 and Haziel map crashes a lot while paillan's map is not playable because if bugs. Whats worse is that the map 'never' got updated and it has been 3 months since ppl are repoting bugs and none of them got fixed.
If the problems are fixed / or developer gives a reason for radio silience then I will consider changing my rating
Level 2
Feb 22, 2021
atleast fix the game breaking bugs for your map otherwise ppl, like me, who want to enjoy the maps will be very dsappointed and this map will not become popular

This will also affect your later maps negatively because ppl will start ignoring maps which will be submitted by paillan (you)
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
dw about it, I don't plan to submit any maps any time soon. Also, believe it or not, I tried to fix the bugs a few times, but new bugs would appear. If I would made my boss again, I wouldn't base him around not moving, taking into account the maps hero had a knockback that could break all the spells...
Level 4
Apr 27, 2021
i was planning to download this map but by reading feedback, I decided to try it later when bugs will be fixed.
Are there any updates planed?
Level 2
Apr 29, 2021
Played some maps from this bundle recently. I was expecting something good as multiple users have worked on this map bundle. Sadly, it did not meet my expectations mainly because its too simplistic and boring.
  • The replay value = 0 because only 1 class/ player character is availlable in all maps. There is also no way to customise it with skill trees/talents/items
  • The bosses have no proper AI. Some of them throw stuff at you while others just run at your character.
  • This is the first arena map I ever played where there is no item shop.
  • The base concept of all maps (which i played) is a terrible ripoff of 'The Arena' and WoW as fighting scripted bosses alone without a team is boring. As there is no support/tank/dps roles. It feels like a downgrade rather than upgrade of arena genre.
  • Issues reported by ghxbroxie , deepstrasz , segas are still in the map. Especially the translation problem. There are spelling mistakes in the loading screen c'mon man
  • Finally, the biggest problem I found is that community feedback is not given value instead a weak excuse is given: 'I tried to fix the bugs a few times, but new bugs would appear.' cmon this happens in coding, sometimes you fix a problem then 3 more are created. Instead of giving up, you should fix the new 3 bugs. Keep fixing then all bugs will be gone one day.
tldr I wont rate this now as there is still one map left which i will play later. If its a unique map with complex and creative gameplay then that will improve the rating a lot but if its like all the other maps then expect low rating.
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Level 2
Apr 29, 2021
Finally I have decided to give a rating as promised before. Despite all the problems I had, I will still give positive rating to encourage the developer. These maps have a lot of potential, with small changes they can become the best maps of arena genre. So I will give 5/5 stars.
Users who gave 1 star to this are very foolish as they are discouraging the map makers, preventing them from making more maps or improving this map.
Well done to everyone who worked on this. And paillan for sharing it here.