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Warcraft III - Patch 1.28

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Can you guys change your gamma? I can't
Its because the gamma setting will only work when in exclusive fullscreen mode. WC3 now by default uses windowed fullscreen mode. This is so that the fixed aspect ratio setting can achieve native monitor height on displays that do not support such a resolution at 4:3 aspect ratio. The graphics are now rendered at the specified resolution and resampled to native desktop resolution for display.

You can get the old behaviour of exclusive fullscreen mode back by adding "-nativefullscr" (without "") command line flag to a Warcraft III shortcut.

That said one probably should not adjust gamma anyway. In theory WC3 should be insanely bright due to bad colour management.
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Well,JNGP ain't working right,that's one huge reason not to be pleased with this patch.Thankfully I made a backup of my warcraft III folder
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013

Alright. We did say that things will break and it would be a rough ride on the PSA thread.
Now that the patch is out and people are finding things, we'll want to compile a list for both user and Blizzard reference. Posts like @TriggerHappy 's are very helpful. They'd be even more helpful with added specifics and detail.

To organize what broke, help us out here: [Feedback] Compiled List of 1.28 Issues
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Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
JNGP comes up with reign of chaos editor missing many things.
Local files not working.
I get "could not load map data" when using the test map feature of World Editor. Apparently test maps are created in the wrong directory (not in documents folder).
That's not good.
Level 9
Jun 17, 2010
New Preload protection:
(pseudocode from 1.28 patch)

       result = Storm_588(Dest, "\\..\\");
        if ( !result )
          result = Storm_588(Dest, "\\..");
          if ( !result )
            result = Storm_588(Dest, "..\\");
            if ( !result )
              result = Storm_588(Dest, "/../");
              if ( !result )
                result = Storm_588(Dest, "/..");
                if ( !result )
                  result = Storm_588(Dest, "../");
                  if ( !result )

... what ??????? WOW! Super coders encoders! :)

Blizzard have only bad noob coders?!

I would do so:
1. Get file name (just search first '/' or '\' from end to start, and cut filename if found)
for example
oldpath = "\\..\\qergqergqerg//..//blizzardcodersbad.j"
after find first slash and cut filename:
newpath = "blizzardcodersbad.j"

2. Get map file name
3. Save file to "CustomMapData\\" + "map filename\\" + "filename"

But bad stupid blizzard coders make lot of bad code.
Blizzard encoders are paid by the number of written lines of code or code quality?
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Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

Good notes! Borderless window is a big thing btw.
Yup, enjoying it a lot, it shares desktop with other windows, just like e.g. notepad would. I can *see* the game in background and use other applications and do I even need to start on alt+tab speeds! And the 4:3 thing is also amazing, looks very sharp!

I wrote this:
function fun takes nothing returns integer
Ran the new script checker and WE crashed. I get default exception handler, report (*to ms*) dialog accompanied by a ghost window. Maybe it should be changed to "report to Blizzard".
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Newgen malfunctions
The normal 1.28 editor seems to be working fine
New video options working

Not too bad if you ask me, i hope they can bring out patches frequently now

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

A new patch :) awesome for sure. But guess what. More than 60% of the Warcraft 3 players still use 1.26 ...don't know why. For example if you go to play online using the multiplayer platform, Gameranger, you'll see that most of the rooms for either Legion TD, Melee maps, Surviving or AoS are described with the 1.26 patch. I guess 1.26 was the best? Honestly, 1.27b is the best since the 8mb limit was removed. But many people don't use that patch and stick to 1.26 instead.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2012
Useless patches, terrible patch notes , new bugs.

Thanks Blizzard!

So this is the Result of months work?What the fuck?Wow Blizzard is not taking this seriously!I can't even remember when this new patch hype started.

Blizzard , this might be rude of me but you truly suck.

P.S. Don't say the size increase was any relevant update since most people that cared about such thing already used custom patch for that.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
At the cost of literally breaking every optimized map ever created.
That cost was a necessity to pay in order to make progress in upgrading Warcraft 3. If they could avoid it, they would have. As stated before, not breaking maps and the essential modding tools is top priority in our communications with Blizzard. However, we know that luxury can't always be met, so if things break, essential things broken should only be temporary, this time for a shorter period of time now that there is a new patching system. Other hot fixes for in-game issues were already initiated just hours after the release. You can expect similar results on the fix coming faster, but I have no promise on an ETA.

'Till then, the options for self diagnosing fixes one way or another are in the feedback thread.

Useless patches, terrible patch notes , new bugs.

Thanks Blizzard!

So this is the Result of months work?What the fuck?Wow Blizzard is not taking this seriously!I can't even remember when this new patch hype started.

Blizzard , this might be rude of me but you truly suck.

P.S. Don't say the size increase was any relevant update since most people that cared about such thing already used custom patch for that.
The big breakthrough with the size increase was making it widespread and official. It made it so you did not have to use 3rd party tools to
1. Create 8mb+ maps
2. Join 8mb+ maps on BNet

Most players did not even know that was possible until the patch. Yes, 20,000 people downloaded the 8mb bypass tool on Hive, but there are hundreds of thousands who don't know about it.
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Level 7
Jun 26, 2010
My update is stuck at 64% and has been for hours.

EDIT: Never mind. Soon as I posted that it started progressing.
Level 9
Jun 17, 2010
That cost was a necessity to pay in order to make progress in upgrading Warcraft 3. If they could avoid it, they would have. As stated before, not breaking maps and the essential modding tools is top priority in our communications with Blizzard. However, we know that luxury can't always be met, so if things break, those things broken will only be temporary, this time for a shorter period of time now that there is a new patching system. Other hot fixes for in-game issues were already initiated just hours after the release. You can expect similar results on the fix coming faster, but I have no promise on an ETA.

'Till then, the options for self diagnosing fixes one way or another are in the feedback thread.

The big breakthrough with the size increase was making it widespread and official. It made it so you did not have to use 3rd party tools to
1. Create 8mb+ maps
2. Join 8mb+ maps on BNet

Most players did not even know that was possible until the patch. Yes, 20,000 people downloaded the 8mb bypass tool on Hive, but there are hundreds of thousands who don't know about it.
"big breakthrough" ???
Just change "MaxMapFileSize" constant from 8mb to 128mb ? This is big breakthrough ?

If they could avoid it, they would have.
What new things did they add in exchange for the broken order ids(And other problems that created by Classic Developers)?
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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
"big breakthrough" ???
Just change "MaxMapFileSize" constant from 8mb to 128mb ? This is big breakthrough ?
I was simply quoting neven1 since he used the term big breakthrough. I'm just saying that it is much more significant than he thinks.

If they could avoid it, they would have.
What new things did they add in exchange for the broken order ids(And other problems that created by Classic Developers)?
The most significant thing added in 1.28 is the new patching system to improve everything to do with patching the game. It's importance and why it is an essential step has been explained a bunch already. Some of the places where this was explained was here, here and here. As to why it has no choice but to unintentionally affect some modding tools:
NewGen uses an old version of WorldEdit that relies on the CDKeys being within the mpq; since that is no longer the case due to the way the new patching system works, that is why JNGP is not working at the moment. [Feedback] Compiled List of 1.28 Bugs & Issues

Also, I see a not very creative insult there. Harr harr.

@StoPCampinGn00b so we should start changing the order ids, or they could hot fix it? (Am keeping back up anyway tho)

Hey. I am not sure. I (or someone else like Kam, Purge, brad, etc) will hopefully be able to provide an answer soon.
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
I think Blizzard officially fucked up the modding community. For example, many skills in Dota dont work, and who is going to fix them?

Useless patches, terrible patch notes , new bugs.

Thanks Blizzard!

So this is the Result of months work?What the fuck?Wow Blizzard is not taking this seriously!I can't even remember when this new patch hype started.

Blizzard , this might be rude of me but you truly suck.

P.S. Don't say the size increase was any relevant update since most people that cared about such thing already used custom patch for that.

well said.
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Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
Well, i really thing that we cannot expect a patch to leave anything untouched, else there would be no progress at all. With the amount of data and bugs people here are fiddling around, changing a single thing can have massive influence on custom games. This is perfectly shown by the change of the order id's, which broke the optimizer and order id based abilities (And with this, almost any optimized map which relied on custom skills and order id's, personally, i need to give my illusion system a look at).
This is a consequence of a change which had some interaction which were just not seen and thus, fucking us up litteraly. And i think for as long there are patches coming at us, this will happen more frequently.
Personally, i will wait for a patch until this has been adressed (Although luckily, i'm not that far to have a need to optimize my maps).
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
so it was GameDLL+36D3E0 for 1.26, who draws command card and decide where to put the icon. In 27b it becomes 3AA430 offset. Guess what? Neither 26, neither 27b has SECURITY CHECKS, meaning functions been intact. Whos been changed is the constructor of ability icon.

Ability button constructor for 26: 3777D0

a7 & a8 keeps X & Y
Ability button constructor for 27b ("fixed"): 3CA1A0

which basically just filter the value AT CONSTRUCTING STAGE.

I call bullshit on this as I cannot see anything breaking because of this 2 checks. Didn't put my hands on 27c patch yet (hardly worth 28 index), but guess there's yet another simple check for the value in display unit's card function or even in constructor again.

I know, congrats to the guy who managed, through all the pain, add this 'fix' at 27b, you're real hero, we need more devs like you. But, like, really?

Blizz, can you fucking hire a guy who KNOWS a shit about wc3 finally? It's painful to hear this.
Well, you've officially surpassed my knowledge. Didn't take much. xD

Anyway, I take all that to mean it's a relatively simple fix that doesn't affect much else, esp. re: security? That's as may be. But even if it is as easy/painless as you say, I think what he meant was more that (in line with his analogy) it's like securing nails to a roof with a hammer vs. a nail gun; both work, but the latter is much quicker, cleaner, and more focused.

It can perhaps be assumed that the original Patching process was involved enough to be a poor tool for 'hotfixing' "little" issues like this. Also, perhaps the original Patching process minutely affects various parts of the code (I mean, after all each Patch, no matter how 'simple', tends to freak out & not work on someone's computer. Every time, without fail AFAIK), different from the parts the Patch tries to fix. Ah dannae. I guess bottom line, I give them the benefit of the doubt that they are trying their best to help us.

I find it's a better way to live life.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Hundreds of thousands?No one is going to believe those numbers dude. Be more realistic.
I said hundreds of thousands who don't know about the bypass, not that they do. It's more realistic than saying "most people already know the 8 mb bypass" because 20,000 people is no where near the majority of people that play the game. For that to be true, you'd need to say that there are only 39,000 people who have Warcraft 3, which doesn't need much analysis to see how low this number is from the truth. The game sold 4.5 million copies to retail and has probably even been pirated for free more times than sold. So probably over 9 million people who have Warcraft 3, then reduced to hundreds of thousands active since it's 2017. But the number of active players can definitely be more than that guesstimate, because I haven't looked into server numbers enough, especially from China.

So yes, hundreds of thousands active players did not know about the 8mb bypass, and Blizzard made it so 128 mb mapping and joining those maps was available for everyone who patched 1.27b.
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Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
Everything went smooth on my side when it comes to this update. However I had to update via the ".exe" instead from in game. When I wanted to update from the game, got an error button. Other than that, everything was smooth as hell. Also I noticed some improvements and new functions in Object Editor. Seems like this game is heading in the right direction, I am amazed.
Well I'am a bit Confused.
Maps and custom data are now Stored in Documents thats fine, but the problem is there are two "Warcraft III" Folders in Documents both having the same Content. After checking the Folders more accurate I found out that one Folder is located in "Current-User Documents" the other one in "Public Documents".

The question now is which one does warcraft 3 use and is it save to delete the not used one?

Edit: After all we talk here about a multiple GB Data-Volume, which I don't want to waste.
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Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Everything went smooth on my side when it comes to this update. However I had to update via the ".exe" instead from in game. When I wanted to update from the game, got an error button. Other than that, everything was smooth as hell. Also I noticed some improvements and nlew functions in Object Editor. Seems like this game is heading in the right direction, I am amazed.
New functions, eh? Do tell!
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
Well I'am a bit Confused.
Maps and custom data are now Stored in Documents thats fine, but the problem is there are two "Warcraft III" Folders in Documents both having the same Content. After checking the Folders more accurate I found out that one Folder is located in "Current-User Documents" the other one in "Public Documents".

The question now is which one does warcraft 3 use and is it save to delete the not used one?

Edit: After all we talk here about a multiple GB Data-Volume, which I don't want to waste.

I noticed that under my Documents Folder there are two folder: Blizzard/Warcraft III and Warcraft III on root.
Don't know what happened, but everything custom is on Warcraft III on root and the Blizzard/Warcraft III folder is empty, I wonder what happened there.
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