The line is there. Just because we're not censoring and deleting posts for the sake of free speech, doesn't mean we aren't dishing out infractions that break the
Site Rules.
Some were already given warnings and low point infractions. The more those infractions are dismissed and ignored by users, the closer they are to getting a temporary ban. So this to everyone: Just because we aren't censoring posts, that does not mean you're free to break the rules. We're not going to ignore it, and we've already dealt with some.
We are for free speech and expression of varying opinions, but we aren't anarchists.
I'm not directing this to everyone, or just a single person. But this is a response on two of the side-topics.
On the topic of "melee vs custom games (+ DotA)"
Chill out everyone. There is no point in arguing that DotA and custom games matters much more than melee and vise versa. I understand that in regions in and nearby Russia, South America, and the Philippines are much much more dominant in DotA. However, China is so high up there in melee, across the official NetEase server,, and other 3rd party servers. Warcraft in general is more popular in China, looking at WC3, WoW, and the Warcraft movie numbers. Western and Central Europe is the core of the melee community in the west. So you have to understand that demands and requests are different depending on the place, but there are melee, custom game, DotA players, and modders everywhere, just in different numbers. You shouldn't dismiss the melee community because you think it's irrelevant, when in fact, it's so much more relevant outside of your bubble (what you're used to seeing, the region your in, your interest, all effects your perception on it). Hell, I used to think the same because I grew up on Hive and only viewed custom game content.
Melee dominates China, and the competitive West. 90% of requests and feedback from the and Reddit forums for Warcraft 3 are melee / ladder match making feedback. Despite me only being a custom gamer and an occasional modder, I can still admit those things. WC3's Twitch section is usually around 60-70% melee. I'm not saying that they are bigger even if they might be, however.
I'd also like to note that the regions where DotA is more prominent is where people are using unofficial PVPgn servers the most. The regions where melee is more prominent tend to either use or Blizzard's NetEase server in China. From a logical standpoint, you would want to gear that patch towards the desire of those who have bought the actual game / play on the official servers. But guess what, modding and custom games aren't being ignored despite this.
What I'm trying to say is that there are different needs and desires from other communities that are smaller or bigger. It does not help drag another down, because in the end, we're a part of the Warcraft 3 community as a whole. I'm not going to argue which categorical community is the biggest, because I know that they are working to deliver on both sides of the coin after the technical parts are up to date from 1998 to 2017. There's no need to argue about it, no matter which side you think deserves more attention. Because both are getting stuff. So seriously, stop arguing about this.
On the topic of "stop praising Blizzard"
I don't see anyone praising Blizzard. The closest you get are some people happy or content that they're making this step. Look, everyone doesn't have to like Blizzard, hell you don't even have to appreciate them that much for all I care. But it's childish to constantly insult those who are happy or content with what they see. If you're not happy, fine, express your opinion respectfully. But don't direct your anger at others. It's toxic.
Overall, I want to remind you guys that this is not a circus. I don't care if you're feeling optimistic, pessimistic, or trolltastic. The rules apply to everyone.
I also want to remind everyone why this thread was made. Blizzard's new patch is going the change the whole patching system. There may be more to 1.28 it what's coming and not coming. The old patching system was made in Windows 98, and is going to make way for the 2017 version. The old patching system and old code made patching the game and implementing major changes, both melee / ladder and modding / custom games, difficult. Upgrading the patching system and upgrading other parts to present day allows patching to be more efficient and faster all across the board. Because of this, official game files will be overwritten should you choose to patch. The Hive Staff in contact and Blizzard (with the help of a Blizzard employee) decided to post this before hand so the modding community will know to backup those specific files should people have edited them. Once you have back up'd your files, you are free to add them back in until next patch comes to back them up again. The rest of the WC3 community has no need for this announcement, as it'll just be some file mumbo-jumbo to players with pre-mature hype, hence why it's Hive news as opposed to a widespread Blizzard announcement. That is all there is to it.