Hello all
Maybe! But better in what perspective, and what perspective is the better one?
So I actually had the patience to read the entire thread. From what I gather, this is yet another patch adding little and breaking more. Now it feels like it's getting way out of proportion. Is it possible some are using patch 1.26, others using patch 1.27 and everyone else moving to patch 1.28? Developers will die in dilemma if this doesn't stop.
It is difficult to comment on the timeline for patch delivery or implications of client architecture. Knowing the basics of patching, I understand
@DracoL1ch when he asks what is so complicated about it. Even so, I am not working on the game, and have to concede there are details I do not know.
To me, the critical issue here is marketing/communication. When we heard Warcraft III was being worked on, we were all thrilled. But when the hype meets a year of waiting for this, the disappointment is all the greater the more we got people's hopes up. People like sincerity. If it's going to take years, then tell us it's going to take years. If the patch fixes a few bugs and exploits, tell us exactly which — if it's technical, don't worry, not everything needs to make sense to everyone. We've got experienced users that can make sense of it.