Vikernes Saga: Level 2

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Hi! I've made a horror norse styled RPG. You are Kristian Vikernes who has to protect your family, kill the bosses and burn the churches. This is the second map of a longer campaign, but i'm having some difficulty making the campaign buttons work. I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless I will deeply appreciate critique Best of luck!

Music by Spidsrod (myself)
Except for the end theme by varg (Hail Odin)
and "Svartalvheims Djup" by Jotunspor
Dialog by varg

MatiS, Supertoinkz, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, Sellenisko, Darkholme, Nightwolf, Callahan, Kellym0, Blood Raven, Hortaxman, exfyre, just_spectating, -Grendel, Kuhneghetz, grunt, Fingolfin, Herrdave, UgoUgo, Cantenatus, FrIkY, JesusHipster, JetFangInferno, Tarrasque, Darkfang, Tamerleine. JollyD, BLazeKraze, Norinrad, ThePanda, Pyramidthe@d, CRAZYRUSSIAN, ToasT, -Nightmare, Eagle XI, Narandza, Dentothor. Darkdeathknight, Xlightscreen, Destructor (DoR), 8512590215848, HappyCockroach, GreyArchon, Marcos DAB, Donut3.5, AlienAtSystem, Afronight_76, Stonneash, static, CreatorD3292, Juice_F, Justicebringer, #building, Juan_Ann, Solu9, Dionisist, KelThuzad, Deanar7,, Juice_F, San, Stanakin, aki15, Nightmare_X, Happytauren, Sin`Dorei300, Vampir1991, Discipline, NFWar, Olofmoleman, Golden_drake, Praytic, oddsocks, 67chrome, -Berz-, morbent, Stefan.K, Mr. Bob, Mike, Azsure, Minimage, SuPa-, Fingolfin, FerSZ, D.O.G, Kino, Hellblazer.14, Kazzo, Direfury, Wandering Soul, Vortigon, NHazUi, Hexus, Tranquil, Thrikodius, Evilcryptlord, Radagast, Dubey, Pins, PROXY, deathscythe36, Pyritie, Mr.Goblin, Cavman, Forgotten_Warlord, nGy, Lord_T_rex, communist orc, The_Silent, Sxar, !!GORO!!, General Frank, Lord T, Mephestrial, Spellbound, The_Spellweaver, Deanar7, Skipper, Ballistic Terrain, Ket, Ungoliath, _Grendel, Dragoonzombie, StormyG7, Alethos, Feiz_09, The Weird Human, Nbah, Ganondorf, _Void_, Buster, Nebilac, Greyknight, Gluma, ILH, Gyrosphinx, IllidanEvilX, Deolrin, Arowanna, Hueter, Zavorakto, Kitabakate, Ujimasa Hojo, eubz, Zwiebelchen, Legal_ease, Carrington2K, Supertoinkz, hellblazer_14,iristie, erwtenpeller, NatDis, InfernalTater and Wormskull

Vikernes Saga: Level 2 (Map)

Vikernes Saga: Level 3 (Map)

Should lock the player on a specific slot since there's a lot of Open slots you can choose to start on. For some reason you can't see the descriptions of abilities. Saving and loading the game fixes it. I guess it has something to do with...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Author and username are different. Are you the actual author? Can you prove it? If you're not, do you have permission to edit and upload someone else's work?
A credits list in the map description with the names of the authors whose resources you've used is mandatory. That includes models, skins, icons, custom spells, systems. Also, sounds, music and everything outside this site.
This helps you with the models, skins and icons from Hiveworkshop: Resources in use by Vikernes Saga: Level 2

Also, please write a proper description as you can learn from the guides below.
About issues pertaining the campaign buttons and related stuff, you can ask in World Editor Help Zone and take a look here:

Also, if this is in any way related to Varg Vikernes' attrocities and is insulting to people, you should know better that it could get rejected.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I am the author of this, yes. "atrocities" lol gotta have some humour
Not quite sure, now there's two different authors: Spidsrod and urmum. Can you prove that you are the one making these maps?
About the humour, I'll check it out sometime. Note that there are rules to follow on the site. If your stuff contains something deliberately offensive, it will be restricted.
Thank you for the list of ressource in use.
You can now make a credits list by uploading your maps into this:
Level 3
Apr 26, 2019
Ive written the credits down by hand now. My connection being too unstable for the Asset Scanner it seemed. Hope that it will do.
Theres nothing offensive about these maps. but how to prove that I am the author? what would i need to do?
There is a "Vikernes Saga level 2" and a "Vikernes Saga level 3", but no "Vikernes Saga level 1"? I'm guessing level 1 should be about Euronymous?

EDIT: There are so many issues. The camera and movement is really fucking me over. No tooltips or descriptions. Apparently my wife is sick and needs a shaman, but I was able to kill her without being "defeated". I killed my children, but there seems to be no info about them respawning or anything else (they're heroes, so shouldn't there be some info about how to respawn them?).
Last edited:
Level 3
Apr 26, 2019
There is a "Vikernes Saga level 2" and a "Vikernes Saga level 3", but no "Vikernes Saga level 1"? I'm guessing level 1 should be about Euronymous?

EDIT: There are so many issues. The camera and movement is really fucking me over. No tooltips or descriptions. Apparently my wife is sick and needs a shaman, but I was able to kill her without being "defeated". I killed my children, but there seems to be no info about them respawning or anything else (they're heroes, so shouldn't there be some info about how to respawn them?).
Level 1 wasnt so good hehe. The tooltips and descriptions are written but are not showing. No idea xd.
Your family is supposed to die actually. If you can make it back and forth to Oslo without them dying, then congratulations but it is not mandatory.
I dont see what you mean concerning the camera movement. Is it because of all the trees? xd


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Should lock the player on a specific slot since there's a lot of Open slots you can choose to start on.
  2. For some reason you can't see the descriptions of abilities. Saving and loading the game fixes it. I guess it has something to do with disable/enable user control or cinematic mode on/off.
  3. Some icons are green instead of having a proper image. Learn about DISBTNs:
  4. Button Manager v1.8.2
  5. With the button manager you can make icons look passive since there are some passive abilities with active looking icons in the map.
  6. Should avoid letting the player walk on cliffs since the camera doesn't help and clicking is mainly on the cliff rather than out of it and it creates an annoying moving system. Also, the camera makes it hard and a drag to see what your other units are doing and what to do with them. Most of the times you have no idea who shoots you or who you are attacking because of the camera.
  7. Some abilities have bad or uninformative descriptions. Learn about that:
  8. Abilities have no hotkeys.

So while maybe not that bad in terms of gameplay (the story, or rather premise, that's basically absent, is nonsense) concept, it's very annoying to play mostly due to the camera system.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact: