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Making a Basic Campaign

Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
The Campaign Editor


The Campaign Editor is very simple to use. I hope you will find this tutorial useful. The Campaign Editor can make a .w3n file (Warcraft 3 Campaign File).

General Information


This section in the Campaign Editor lets you change the name of the campaign, the difficulty, the author and description.


The next part of this section lets you change the minimap display.


The next part of this section lets you add, edit, extract and delete maps from the campaign file.


This is a picture of a demo campaign I have made, it shows two maps i have added, a minimap preview, description, name, author, difficultly, ect.


Adding a Map

Adding a map to your campaign is easy. Simply in the general section click on this button

The Loading Screen Section


This section of the Campaign Editor lets you edit the campaign screen, add campaign button and edit the music and sounds playing during the campaign screen. This picture is how you add a button to the campaign screen



The next picture shows how you can change the loading screen, and the shading of it.


Now to add music to your campaign screen use this part of the Campaign Editor


This is a picture of the loading screen section for the demo campaign.


Custom Data

The Campaign Editor lets you make custom data. It works just like the Object Editor except the units you make in this section will be avaliable in every map in your campaign. Custom data made in the Campaign Editor will be blue, not pink like data in the Object Editor.


Import Manager

This import manager works just like the normel import manager, except files imported here will be avaliable for use in evrery map. Also remember that the path will not be wc3mapimported\filename it will be wc3campimported\filename.



This is a pretty simple tutorial. I have also included bellow my tutorial for Game Caches. incase any one needs it. If you have any questions private message me or email me at [email protected].

Game Caches

This tutorial will tell you how to move units and other things from map to map. Remember that Game Caches can not be used on Battle Net, and are almost only ever used for campaigns.

Creating the Game Cache

The first thing you want to do is to create a variable for the Game Cache, go into the Variale editor and create a new Game Cache, like in the pictures bellow.



Then when the Game Caches variable has been created use this trigger to create the Game Cache.

  • Create Cache
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Create a game cache from TutorialCache.w3v
      • Set TutorialCache = (Last created game cache)
      • Game Cache - Save TutorialCache
Storing Heros and Other Things

Now i'll show you how to store things using a Game Cache. The following trigger can be used to store a hero.

  • Store Hero
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Store Paladin 0032 <gen> as Paladin of Heros in TutorialCache
      • Game Cache - Save TutorialCache
      • Trigger - Run Store Gold <gen> (ignoring conditions)
Remember that you will have to create all the nesecary variables in order for the triggers to work. This next trigger will show you how to store a players gold or lumber. This will require a variable, unlike storing a hero.

  • Store Gold
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Gold = (Player 1 (Red) Current gold)
      • Game Cache - Store Gold as Gold of Recources in TutorialCache
      • Game Cache - Save TutorialCache
      • Trigger - Run Store Hero Name <gen> (ignoring conditions)
This next trigger will show you how to store a heros proper name, and one of the ways it can be used in a different map.

  • Store Hero Name
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set HeroName = (Proper name of Paladin 0032 <gen>)
      • Game Cache - Store HeroName as HeroName of Heros in TutorialCache
      • Game Cache - Save (Last created game cache)
      • Trigger - Run End Game <gen> (ignoring conditions)
This will also require a variable.

Restoring things from the Game Cache

I am now going to show you how to restore all these things in a different map. The first thing we need to do is the re-create all the variables. It makes it alot easier if the new variables in the new map are the same as in the old map. After all the required variables have been made make this trigger.

  • Load Game Cache
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game Cache - Create a game cache from TutorialCache.w3v
      • Set TutorialCache = (Last created game cache)
Now that the Game Cache has been re-created we can restore our heros, gold and hero names. This next trigger is used to restore the hero.

  • Restore Gold
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set Gold = (Load Gold of Recources from TutorialCache)
      • Player - Set Player 1 (Red) Current gold to Gold
Now that our gold has been restored we can make a text message appear on the screen saying Your heros proper name is the last game was: and have the heros proper name appear. You can do this with almost anything. Heres the trigger for it.

  • Restore Hero Name
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set HeroName = (Load HeroName of Heros from TutorialCache)
      • Game - Display to (All players) for 20.00 seconds the text: (Your heros proper name is the last game was: + (Load HeroName of Heros from TutorialCache))

I hope you now find Game Caches alot easier, if you would like to ask me anything just private message me or email me at [email protected]. If you need it you maybe download the demo.


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Level 2
Jan 28, 2006
ok my main problem( im pretty good at the rest) is how to get the damn cmpaign to actoualy show up in wc3
Level 1
Sep 23, 2007
I have a problem...

I followed this tutorial and read it through but I have this problem: When I save my campaign it says that I have 2 maps "not in use, marked by blue" and whenever I play the campaign it says 0 missions and there are no "arrows" with mission names.

The campaign editor looks like this, and I have followed the step to add a map to the campaign 100%!
What should I do?
Level 2
Aug 30, 2007
All hail the Bob :thumbs_up:
Seriusly this is a good tutorial, Im not making a campaign but I need a ****load of triggers in my new map.
3/5 Buffs
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
I followed this tutorial and read it through but I have this problem: When I save my campaign it says that I have 2 maps "not in use, marked by blue" and whenever I play the campaign it says 0 missions and there are no "arrows" with mission names.

The campaign editor looks like this, and I have followed the step to add a map to the campaign 100%!
What should I do?

You probably didn't add Loading Screen buttons, go to the Loading Screen tab, and then right click on the blank white space, and click add new button. Then you can choose what you want it to say as its chapter, its name and whether or not it appears straight away when you load the campaign.

All hail the Bob :thumbs_up:
Seriusly this is a good tutorial, Im not making a campaign but I need a ****load of triggers in my new map.
3/5 Buffs

Glad that you liked it :)
Level 2
Aug 30, 2007
Im really grateful about this Thread now, im making a Halloween vs Easter vs Christmas campaign, thank you oh mighty Bob. You get to pat my cat :ah:
Level 1
Jan 20, 2008
For some reason it won't show up in the actual campaign screen. I had the same problem as Paddymew above and fixed it. Now it lets me save and the button won't appear in-game.
EDIT nevermind, I had the game running when I saved the campaign and when I turned it off and started it up again, the button showed up.
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Level 2
Apr 24, 2008
2 quick questions

Forgive my "whelpness" (started today to learn how to make triggers and that stuff) and my bad English, but I have some simple questions. When I create the variable for "Hero Name":
-Do I have to create a "Hero Name" variable per each different hero on the same campaign?
-On the variable type when I create the "Hero Name", do I need to put Game Cache or what kind of variable type I must to put on it? I'm stuck there.

Thanks in advance, and hello :wink:
Level 1
May 12, 2008
I have a question though, when I use the custom data instead of the object editor in the map, it works fine when I place the custom units in the editor but when I test the map, all the custom units and spells don't show up in game play, when I switch back to the editor the custom units and spells are still there. How do I fix this? Do I have to copy paste all the custom units and spells I made in the campaign editor to the map's object editor?
Level 1
Jul 24, 2008
I have a question though, when I use the custom data instead of the object editor in the map, it works fine when I place the custom units in the editor but when I test the map, all the custom units and spells don't show up in game play, when I switch back to the editor the custom units and spells are still there. How do I fix this? Do I have to copy paste all the custom units and spells I made in the campaign editor to the map's object editor?

I got the same issue...

Furthermore i got a problem with starting the actual campaign ingame.... i choose the first map and screens goes black and then switches back to the same screen with buttons :(
Level 5
Aug 23, 2008
I followed this tutorial and read it through but I have this problem: When I save my campaign it says that I have 2 maps "not in use, marked by blue" and whenever I play the campaign it says 0 missions and there are no "arrows" with mission names.

The campaign editor looks like this, and I have followed the step to add a map to the campaign 100%!
What should I do?

Im getting the same problem.My maps arent like in the deemo campaign but just like in Paddymews picture. How do i link (or what ever i have to do) these maps togather so they look like in the demo campaign?
Level 3
Jan 14, 2009
Yea.. im really new um i just wanna know how the hell do i make objectives. i cant move the dam spawner to something different and all my models dont work. can i get some help?
Level 3
Jun 14, 2007
Yea.. im really new um i just wanna know how the hell do i make objectives. i cant move the dam spawner to something different and all my models dont work. can i get some help?

objectives, by this do you mean what you must do to win the map?

what is the dam spawner?
Level 1
Jan 15, 2005
As far as i know, 2 things are missing from what i want from this tutorial. How do i load the hero? and not just his name? it doesn't make any sense to me. and, also, how do you close down this map, and move on to the next? i can't find a trigger for it.

agreed Im trying to figure it out once I do Ill post ya :)
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
I also have a fucked problem which havent got answered in any thread...
I have made Custom models and stuff, in the campigns "Custom Data", but then, when i try place a unit in the map, i cant find it anywhere :S

plz help, cus i want custom stuff in my map. and i dont guess i have to Copy/Paste all the way through :S

EDIT: nvm got it work, i just had to open the map via campaign editor :D
Level 2
Aug 23, 2008
When you use the custom data thing, where do custom units show up? I have checked in campaign, custom,meelee, etc. Where did my guy go? also, it is and undead if that makes a difference. But i know I didn't miss anything this time.
Level 5
Sep 29, 2008
In my RPG map that I am working on, I thought I could use Campaigns to make different Zones. (like in the W3x Rexxar campaign) However, instead of allowing me to go from zone to zone, it has to start a new map, which is irritating. Does anyone know how to make these kinds of zones within levels?
Level 5
Apr 21, 2006
Load Hero Trigger

For many people asking the load hero trigger i'll post it:

  • LoadHero
  • Events
    • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.01 seconds
  • Actions
    • Game Cache - Create a game cache from herodata.w3v
    • Comment text - The "herodata.w3v" should be the same game cache as in the first map where you saved the stuff.
    • Set HeroData = (Last created game cache)
    • Game Cache - Save HeroData
    • Set StartPoint = (Center of Start <gen>)
    • Game Cache - Restore label of Category from HeroData for Player 1(Red) at StartPoint facing 180.00
    • Comment text - Into "label" field you must write the name you saved your hero with. Into "Category" field you must write the category where you saved the hero.
    • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_StartPoint)
But i have a question from Campaign Editor as well.

It's about the Game Interface and Game Constants. Im using different than normal values on them and it would be a to always on a new map to add them again, so is there a way to "copy" them to every map in the campaign or something like that? I've used the "Scenarion > Map Preferences > External Custom Data Source" thing and only successfully loaded object data and triggers. But Game Interface and Constants are still the default (i tried putting them already into "Use Custom Values" but didn't work either).

Edit: I figured it out somehow. I had to create the map first then add it into list and put loading screen button and then some stuff and then shut WE and open the map from campaign editor and it suddenly put them up liek *PUFF* =p ("The values show as blue since they are from the "Campaign Editor" not like pink in normal editor*).

If you want to do a campaign and use the same units in every map and triggers and some imported stuff without in need of importing and extracting all the time, you need to open Campaign Editor and from there edit the maps. You must first create the map though, just the size and tileset (Lordareon Summer, Winter, Fall etc.) and then add it to campaign and there press the "Edit Map" button.
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