Monolith VFinal Versus

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Monolith Versus

An Advanced PVP Experience!

Created by Blizzard Entertainment and Modified by Bolty

About this Modification

I always loved the original Blizzard Monolith Map, so i decided to modify it in a fun and my way, now it is playable with up to 8 people, who can choose to make 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4's in this new PVP Version. in addition alot of new stuff is included! Thorugh many games played, the map has been balanced pretty well! Most changes and additions have been made from people who keept playing with me until today, and from randoms who just started it, However there is still alot of work to do for future balance and races.

Forest Task and Creep Races

Forest Task have 8 choose able races to choose from including: High Elf, Fel Orc, Necro Legion, Corrupted, Human, Orc, Dwarf and Naga. All of them have unique and specialism in their own way to combine into their teamwork and make it their victory.

Creeps who are always randomized from about 22 Races, have more a play of luck, if it is good races or just medium sized races they are starting with, every race has their own type of use, if its focused on Swarming/Spamming, Tanking, Supporting, Casting, Rushing, Late Gaming, Anti Airing or against Buildings/Towers. The key to win is through teamwork and combination from any of those mentiond key points for the races. Creeps can be randmized from Murloc, Spiders, Lizards, Wolves, Trolls, Furbolgs, Beasts, Satyr, Pain, Gnolls, Tuskarr, Kobold, Draenai, Bandits, Nerubians, Quillboar, Centaur, Turtles, Cult, Mur'Gul, Burning Blade and Blue Dragonspawn.


-Different variation of Mines are set around who have different amount of gold in them.
-A Race choose is added for Forest Task to choose ingame their race to play.
-A new Fragment Orb Leveling system is included, meaning you can level your Fragment up to 10 levels until it forms itself into a good item, those need a A-Shard, B-Shard, C-Shard or D-Shard to process the leveling.
-2 Murlocs with 99.9% Evasion are around and can drop either a special item, or a trash item it depends on your luck.
-Creeps Automaticly Upgrade over time and get stronger.
-Forest Task towers are now limited.
-The Playstyle is very different from a normal Melee making it a special way of custom play.

The Map is no longer being worked on.

Monolith V1.9 Versus (Map)

Generally, it's a simple edit, mostly an aesthetic change. Get more inspiration from good altered melee maps: How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race Custom Race Creation: Advanced Mechanics UB - Ultimate Battle v2.20b AI+ Deforestation of Felwood...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
A credits list is mandatory in the map thread description with the names of the authors of whose resources you've used from this site and anywhere else.
This is to help you with those here: Resources in Use by Monolith (8) V1.0 Versus | HIVE

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 7
Nov 10, 2012
i dont play monolith,, can you give more screen shot for the terrain and other things that might give interest to others?,

1 screen shot shows with 1 big stone and small units, but you can add more preview,,thanks
Level 4
Dec 11, 2019
That big stone and small units are the monolith and workers from every race that this game offers if you didn't know yet :D. Since there is no cutscene i made that. You just need to read that section "Creep races that have been added include: Draenai, Gnolls, Bandits, Tuskarr, Kobolds, Nerub, Naga, Plain Orcs, .Pain and Quillboar." and you see whats new basicly, the rest is from blizzard made races like murlocs, spiders, lizards, satyr, wolves, beasts, forest trolls, furbolgs. But you gave me an Idea i can make screenshots of the map and single races if needed.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
  1. The Warlock hero has no description. "He is a mystery" is not a description.
  2. Orcs are a reskin and their chaos attack creates melee imbalance.
  3. Rain of Chaos needs a proper description. Same Blood Chain, Pain and Dark Portal. Values for each level and details are needed.
    Tooltip Tutorial
    Creating Good Descriptions
  4. New heroes have Warcraft III spells. Nothing unique or creative.
  5. The Demon Lord's description is that of the Shadow Hunter.
  6. Warlord's Heavy Attacks doesn't say what the chance is and how much the stun lasts.
  7. Pain's hotkey is P like Patrol's.
  8. Even Endurance Aura has a different FX model and a name change. The icon and function is the same.
  9. Fel Orc Warlock and Witch Doctor have the same icon.
  10. The Fel Orc Warlock has all spells from the start unlike the Shaman.
  11. Spirit Walker doesn't have the spell upgrades anywhere. In 1.31.1 they've put the unit and upgrade in the Tauren Totem.
  12. Captain's Honor has an active icon. You can make it look passive with this if you don't want a custom icon: Button Manager v1.8.2
  13. No reason for both the Archer and Rifleman. There's little difference between them and I'm sure most will choose the Archer due to 2 food slots required and longer range.
  14. Two heroes with Brilliance Aura?
  15. The spells for the Dwarven Mage are badly placed in the learn ability menu.
  16. The description for this hero is not standard like for the others. It does not mention the abilities.
  17. The abilities for this hero are usual Warcraft III ones.
  18. Improved Healing restores mana not health as the title/name and it doesn't say how much.
  19. Another Brilliance Aura spell on the Mana Addicted Mage. Also, Siphon Mana which is found on the Blood Mage.
  20. The Blizzard Apprentice is a superfluous unit. No need for it. Archmage has Blizzard.
  21. Generally, the dwarven faction is a human reskin.
  22. Same as above with Necromagus and Summoner in what their descriptions are concerned.
  23. Summoner Aura is just a renamed Brilliance Aura.
  24. The Lich has not DISBTN. The icon looks like a green square on game pause/F10.
    Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
    How to Make an Icon
  25. Ah, yet another Brilliance Aura hero, the Necromagus. Talk about originality and usefulness of units. Do they stack or what's the logic behind this?
  26. The Necromagus is basically a summoner too. All those spells need proper descriptions: values of unit damage and health for each level, duration etc.
  27. Giving the Sky Barge to one faction creates imbalance.
  28. The Skeleton Knight's description doesn't mention the targets the unit can reach like: attacks ground units.
  29. The corrupted ancient buildings are bugged. They attack with their backs/have no turn animation. You should replace them with: Rooted Corrupted Ancients attack animation bug or Ujimasa Hojo's Resources Discussion
  30. Guardian's Magical Armour's icon is that of a night elf armour upgrade and it looks active. Plus, the buff is still Devotion Aura's.

Generally, it's a simple edit, mostly an aesthetic change.

Get more inspiration from good altered melee maps:
How to: Create a Full-working Custom Race
Custom Race Creation: Advanced Mechanics
UB - Ultimate Battle v2.20b AI+
Deforestation of Felwood v2.1.1
Nightborne v1.04
Planetary Domination v2.04
Sands of Time [v1.9]
The Grand Citadel (Racial Issue 1.6)


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

(previous comments: Monolith (8) V1.0 Versus)
Level 4
Dec 11, 2019
It's mostly just a mod, not a real huge map that i would work my whole life on, how it is right now is fine for the people who played it, they did not had any complains, they even loved everything new.

Generally, the dwarven faction is a human reskin. well their high elf and dwarves in one thing, since i won't remove dwarven units otherwise the meele ai won't work

If this was really a real meele map then i would do changes like that, but as it was said it's blizzards custom Monolith map which equals a custom map in a style of 4 meele fighter against some unique enemies. I've dont lots of rounds, and people always told me their wishes which i implented in, and that is how the races were mostly made, from people who love to play that map whenever it is hosted.

I tagged it altered meele since the last person who posted another Monolith Version did the same thing, so i thought it is the right category, but it seems it has to be custom or somthing, its like i said a mod and not a whole map that i made, i just added things into blizzards map.

"The Lich has not DISBTN. The icon looks like a green square on game pause/F10." Contact the author for this, i dont take any responsibility for that.
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
I might need someone who can review this in the view of Customgames/ Monolith only, not based on pure meele
You misunderstood. It's not about the melee as a genre, it's about the differences from the original map and since it's an altered melee, how you can improve the map drawing inspiration from altered melee maps and whatnot.
Level 4
Dec 11, 2019
Well, you missunderstood what a mod is, your rating is unfair, you give me alot of help of how to make a better custom race, but yet its only a "skin" nothing more, some custom units involved yes, does it make a custom race? no, the creep races were changed too and no rating of those?, Did you even play it yet to experience its purpose? no, its only tagged as Altered meele because as i said, someone else had it tagged this way, but as a Mod this is not directly based on Altered Meele its a Custom map/custom mode made by Blizzard which i modded/ Changed to make it way better then it is already, and people love it. So i want a new review from someone who actually know what Monolith actually means, it is not a Meele game nor Altered Meele game. Thank you.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Well, you missunderstood what a mod is, your rating is unfair
Technically, it's not a mod, it's a map edit. Mods require their own files and .exe.
Any deviation from the original melee that keeps melee as its core gameplay is altered melee. There's no such thing as custom game. Every map done with the editor is a custom game if not played directly via the game's campaign selection menu (not referring to custom campaigns; those are custom games too).
The problem is that it's an edit of an original work and the edit is insufficient comparing the original work and yours over it.
If people like it, it doesn't mean it automatically gets past the site's standards.
As mentioned before:
If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 4
Dec 11, 2019
A mod doesn't mean only files or exe a mod can be an edit too, as speaking of files, this map "IS A FILE" too so?, this map was created to be a meele, and i changed it to be a custom map, it was always a "custom" Map a mode far out of the normal Meele maps/games, you really gotta learn what that is, i've been playing custom games for about 12 years now, and it seems your experience is hardly in the meele branche, so remove the raiting, and get me someone else. "There's no such thing as custom game. Every map done with the editor is a custom game" what you just said there is no sense. Every map which is not in the Orginal Blizzard Meele list is not a Meele map its a "Custom Map" alright i am actually done talking with you because you really have no idea what you are talking about, i will keep going with how i went with the map, and you can get someone who rates my work after the real thing.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Greetings guys.
I have a simple problem.
I am also doing my version of Monolith, but when i create a custom units (a knight for example) and rename it to Bolvar for example, then in game, it doesnt show the name of the unit. No custom name at all. No color gradient applied, nothing. Something on the Monolith map is preventing it.
Same goes for a simple global text message trigger, it is not showing the text. Maybe it is blocked by the default Monolith Quest triggers. Any idea? I also tried with the English keyboard an so on. Nothing working. I have a German/English mixed editor since reforged.

Thanks in advance!
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Can someone explain how i can change the Map description? Somehow, i can't change any text form of the normal Monolith map. No custom units name, no map description, no name, no text message triggers, nothing. Some say it may be because the map is old and it doesnt synergize with new Reforged but i see some Monolith Custom Maps have custom descirptions and so on. Please any idea?