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Map Basics
Size: 128 x 128 (Small)
Tileset: Ashenvale
Player Limit: 8 Human Players, 4 Computer Players
Match-up: FFA
Type: Hero Arena / Scenario
Current Stage: Alpha xD
Special Features: Creep Movement, Goal
Background Story
After the destruction of the Four Main Mystical Monoliths, their magical energies disrupted the thoughts of the other creeps bound to lesser Monoliths. As a result, the creeps divided themselves into armies and started clashing against each other. You are one of the last heroes who can rebuild a Monolith and restore the unity between the creeps, can you do it? Or will you be crushed by the others who aim for the same glory?
The Original Monoliths
You can test the Blizzard version, its just in your Frozen Throne -> Scenario folder. I'll just explain the gameplay here:
In the Blizzard version of Monoliths, you select a melee game race. Based on how many players there are, you will face the same amount of creep enemies. Each creep owns a Monolith, which your team will has to destroy. The creeps basically have a simple Tech-Tree and is controlled by an AI, each of its units are from the basic Ashenvale creeps.
There are also Monolith Shards in the Blizzard Version. If picked up by a creep player, they gain lumber, allowing them to build a rather powerful defensive tower. If picked up by a player, it turns all the creeps players into enemies of each other, and gives some of their units to the Neutral Hostile player. This is where I got the idea of the creeps clashing.
In the Blizzard version of Monoliths, you select a melee game race. Based on how many players there are, you will face the same amount of creep enemies. Each creep owns a Monolith, which your team will has to destroy. The creeps basically have a simple Tech-Tree and is controlled by an AI, each of its units are from the basic Ashenvale creeps.
There are also Monolith Shards in the Blizzard Version. If picked up by a creep player, they gain lumber, allowing them to build a rather powerful defensive tower. If picked up by a player, it turns all the creeps players into enemies of each other, and gives some of their units to the Neutral Hostile player. This is where I got the idea of the creeps clashing.
Idea Behind the Map
Monoliths, does this name ring any bells? It should, because it was a map that Blizzard made in hopes of teaching mappers about the more advanced features of WC3 World Editor. However, it leaks and got boring after a while. After some weeks of planning, I have finally embarked on a new project three days ago. Note that the following are merely plans for the future.
The game is played similarly to any other hero arena, with some twists.
You start the game with a "Start Location" sort of thing. You then choose a hero (most of which come from the original version of Monolith, with JASS triggered spells). Your Start Location will turn into the building which fits the race of your hero.
There will also be 4 lesser Monoliths, each spawning a set of random creeps (they are determined at the beginning of the game), consisting of 1 Commander Creep with an aura, 3 melee creeps, 1 caster creep and 1 ranged creep. These creeps have no set path and will wander the forest in search of enemies. Your hero will gain EXP and Battle Points (its basically a form of score) when near a battle. Participating in a battle grants him more of the two stated points.
When you feel like ending the game/when your thrashing the enemies but feel that they will turn the tables around, you can take your hero to look for some Monolith Shards. They can be found on little critters that run around, you just need to take it form them. You can then charge the Shards by going near a lesser Monolith for 5~10 seconds (undecided). Simply bring the Monolith Shards to the middle of the map (marked by a Circle of Power) to place the Shards in a circle. You will have to gather 16 shards (4 charged by each Lesser Monolith) to end the game. The scores will then be tallied and the players will be ranked based on overall, monolith or battle points.
You gain Monolith Points whenever you do somthing Monolith related.
You start the game with a "Start Location" sort of thing. You then choose a hero (most of which come from the original version of Monolith, with JASS triggered spells). Your Start Location will turn into the building which fits the race of your hero.
There will also be 4 lesser Monoliths, each spawning a set of random creeps (they are determined at the beginning of the game), consisting of 1 Commander Creep with an aura, 3 melee creeps, 1 caster creep and 1 ranged creep. These creeps have no set path and will wander the forest in search of enemies. Your hero will gain EXP and Battle Points (its basically a form of score) when near a battle. Participating in a battle grants him more of the two stated points.
When you feel like ending the game/when your thrashing the enemies but feel that they will turn the tables around, you can take your hero to look for some Monolith Shards. They can be found on little critters that run around, you just need to take it form them. You can then charge the Shards by going near a lesser Monolith for 5~10 seconds (undecided). Simply bring the Monolith Shards to the middle of the map (marked by a Circle of Power) to place the Shards in a circle. You will have to gather 16 shards (4 charged by each Lesser Monolith) to end the game. The scores will then be tallied and the players will be ranked based on overall, monolith or battle points.
You gain Monolith Points whenever you do somthing Monolith related.
Charging Monolith Shards
Let's first take a look at this screenie, which shows a hero charging his Monolith Shards:
As you can see, there is a Blue Lightning Effect between the hero and the Monolith, this shows that the hero is charging his shard. Charging is done by using the Monolith Shard item on a Lesser Monolith. The Link breaks if the hero dies or leaves the area (500), cancelling the charging.
Here's another screenie which I will use for more in-depth explanations.
As you can see, the hero has 6 slots, all filled by icons representing Monoliths. Each of these slots are filled at the beginning, with their charges at '0'. The slots are as such:
The process takes about 5 seconds (might be changed).

As you can see, there is a Blue Lightning Effect between the hero and the Monolith, this shows that the hero is charging his shard. Charging is done by using the Monolith Shard item on a Lesser Monolith. The Link breaks if the hero dies or leaves the area (500), cancelling the charging.
Here's another screenie which I will use for more in-depth explanations.

As you can see, the hero has 6 slots, all filled by icons representing Monoliths. Each of these slots are filled at the beginning, with their charges at '0'. The slots are as such:
Whenever you acquire a Monolith Shard, you gain 1 charge for the item in your first charge. This is the one you use on the Monolith to charge. When you begin charging a Monolith Shard, you lose 1 charge for the item in the first slot. The item in the second slot also starts gaining charges, until it reaches 100. When it does, you gain a charge to the item which shares the same color as the Team Color of the Lesser Monolith you used to charge it.1st slot- Neutral Monolith Shards
2nd slot- Monolith Charging Progress
3rd slot- Charged Monolith - Gray
4th slot- Charged Monolith - Light Blue
5th slot- Charged Monolith - Dark Green
6th slot- Charged Monolith- Brown
The process takes about 5 seconds (might be changed).
The creep races are ripped from Blizzard Entertainment's Monolith(aka Monolith: When Creeps Attack), since they were pretty good. They are as such:
Dark Trolls
Thunder Lizards
Dark Trolls
Thunder Lizards
Plans and Progress
Progress is curretly fairly good, but temporarily slow.
An alpha version is downloadable at the bottom of the post.
Things Done
Plans for Beta
Plans for the Future
Progress is curretly fairly good, but temporarily slow.
An alpha version is downloadable at the bottom of the post.
Things Done
- Randomly Generated Terrain
- Monolith Spawning
- 4 Heroes (UPDATE!)
- Shard Charging System (5/09/09)
- Creep Movement System [Improved] (04/10/09)
- Battle EXP System [Grants EXP when you/someone else does damage] (25/09/09)
- Revival/Hero Choosing System (03/10/09)
- Regeneration System (03/10/09)
- Critters and Shards
Plans for Beta
- 7 Heroes
- Monlith Shards and Winning Condition
- Game Modes
Plans for the Future
- Unit Help Hiring System
- More Heroes

magIc_seeKer - Suggestions + Support
Blizzard Entertainment - Original Map Idea and Warcraft itself.
Bloodcount - Support, Ideas, Help
BlackRose - Support, Help, Testing, JASS Help, Beta Testing
Damage- Support, Suggestions, Beta Testing
FhelZone- Beta Testing
Damage- Beta Testing
Dragonson- Beta Testing, Support, Terraining
Tyrande_ma3x - Handle Counter
Blizzard Entertainment - Original Map Idea and Warcraft itself.
Bloodcount - Support, Ideas, Help
BlackRose - Support, Help, Testing, JASS Help, Beta Testing
Damage- Support, Suggestions, Beta Testing
FhelZone- Beta Testing
Damage- Beta Testing
Dragonson- Beta Testing, Support, Terraining
Tyrande_ma3x - Handle Counter
Comments are appreciated!
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