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Duel 4 Denton's Dominion [D4Dd] (Card Game) v1.8

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Reactions: deepstrasz
-Duel for Denton's Dominion [D4DD]-
It's time to prove your worth in the Denton arena, my folks. Here we fight for life: strength in battle is not the only requirement to win. Only the summoners with the most sharp and strategic minds will have a chance to dominate in this tournament. Our King Pepperoni has no mercy for the defeated! Be prepared...

:ogre_rage: Time to fight! :ogre_rage:

Duel for Denton's Dominion is a multi-round Arena map (with mini-games) where the units taken to battle for each player are determined each round by the performance of that player in a strategic card game.

You have to build a deck by buying cards at shops. The stronger is your deck, the stronger are the units you'll summon to battle. Having a solid deck capable of maintaining a standard performance each turn is vital.

:goblin_jawdrop: Wtii giving the map a chance: :vw_wtf:

The map it's really difficult to understand and should be played many times to learn strategies. It's a map that rewards knowledge and it has not being (obviously) played at full potential in this video...




Authors Notes

How do I win?
The winner is the player that survives the longest. In the arena each player has an head quarter structure. If the head quarter of a player is destroyed the player loses the game. If you choose Ares as your summoner you also lose if your Ares dies.

How do I summon units for the arena fight?
The card game inside the map is the focal point for the victory.
Start by picking a summoner: the unit who can cast cards for you.
Casting a card require a certain amount of energy depending by the card you want to cast.
By default you have 2 energy points and 5 cards to work with each turn. These values can be modified by your chosen summoner or by buying specific power-ups. Each summoner has a peculiar ability that can alter your gameplay. To play a card you have to double-click the orc peon situated in the position of the desired card. Through your cards, the units that you'll have available for the following Arena phase are decided. The stronger is your turn with your deck of cards, the more powerful will be the units you will summon. Each card has a cost in gold and/or lumber to be purchased.

How do I make money to buy more cards and improve my deck?
The are plenty of ways to make resources.
1) When the Arena Phase starts 4 gold coins are spawned at the centre of the map (near the gold mine). If you summon specific fast units with inventory then you can make them run to be the first to collect the gold coins.
2) At the centre of the Arena zone there is a gold mine. If you summon specific units that can mine you can take advantage of it.
3) In the Arena zone there is a special area called 'Income Area'. You get golds over time if you dominate in number that area. (The player who has the major number of units in that area will get golds).
4) In the Arena zone neutral hostile creeps will spawn each round. You can kill them for golds. There are also 2 bosses. They give a lot of golds and also special cards on death.
5) At the end of the Arena Phase there's a lottery extraction. The winner will be awarded a juicy prize. The prize is 125 golds x current round number.
6) Every 2 arena phases there's a funny mini-game. Each mini-game gives golds to winners.

In the Arena zone there's the Lumber God. If you sacrifice a unit to him he will give you 1 lumber. This is the only way to make lumber. With lumber you can buy special exclusive cards.

Available commands:
'-deck' : to see your deck composition.
'-skip' : to skip dead phases.
'-pass' : to end your turn prematurely.
'-cam' : to reset camera height.

Other Useful Information
In the top part of the map you can see a recap of the most important rules and a preview of all of the units you can summon.
Be sure to always buy lottery tickets!
The map is for 2-6 players. My suggestion is to playing it with 2-4 players. With 5 or 6 players it becomes a little bit messy and require really skilled players. With fewer players the strategies are easier.

Version 1.2 uploaded [14/04/19]
-First playable version;
Version 1.3 uploaded [15/04/19]:[/COLOR]
-Added loading screen and map preview. Removed a memory leak.
Version 1.4 uploaded [26/04/19]:
-Added a graphic view of the deck composition in the botton-right part of the map;
-Added the possibility to sell cards by interacting with the units in the area mentioned above;
-Added more items for heroes in order to maintain the competitiveness of heroes in the late game;
-Added the DISBTN version of all the custom icons;
-Revised the Mojo Jojo mechanic
-Solved shop selecting wrong units for item purchasing (preventing the purchase if the selected unit was a unit without inventory or a full-inventory hero);
-Added description of the Roshan's Special card in the special shop;
-Added a new Strenght hero (Cthulhu);
-Updated map tags;
-Used the music channel properly (and changed the battle music);
-Added check for the reviving heroes item;
-Added a more detailed description at the Crazy Wizard's spells;
-Added a check preventing the Crazy Wizard's mini game is selected in single player test;
-Added the possibility to choose if seeing starting tutorial or not through a dialog window;
-Solved a bug preventing the death of peons inside the mine at the end of the arena phase;
-Improved the starting tutorial adding additional information;
Version 1.5 uploaded [27/04/19] :
-Solved a mining bug;
-Many balancing (heroes, twinator, baloth, infernal);
-Leaving players management;
-Solved text bugs;
-Changed Ancestral Recall icon;
-Added turn strength counter;
-Added automatic summoning of a Piccolo unit for player who did weakest turn (balancing purpose);
-Changed Mister Lottery Man's animation;
-Now income area gives 50 gold over time (instead of 25).
Version 1.6 uploaded [07/05/19] :
-Solved a bug preventing miners death;
-Solved a bug occurring after player left;
-Minor changes and balances;
Version 1.7 uploaded [28/06/19] :
-Added Exodia;
-Solved some bugs and removed some memory leaks;
-Balancing actions;
-Full compatibility with version 1.31;
Version 1.8 uploaded [14/09/19] :
-Solved a bug transforming all neutral passive into neutral hostile (now neutrals returned to give gold);
-Map no more protected;
-Doom now costs also lumber;
-Shortened timers to keep a faster pace;
-Widened income area (before it was only the center part).

Special thanks to all of the following people :)

Beta Tester:
MazeDominator (Albert)
PudgeKing (Denni)
SilentEcho (Boz)
Molo°L°Tov (Molo)
EuroC (Rocco)

Custom model creators:
olofmoleman (Yoda)
NemoVonFish (All the coins)
SuPa- (Cave Goblin)
Carth (Goblin Wizard)
Em! (Goblin Clobber)
HappyTauren (Mojo Jojo)
Zerox (Piccolo)
-Grendel (Exodia)
PrinceYaser (Exodia Icon)
FerSZ (Little Wayne)

Also thanks to neven1 for helping me though a trigger problem.

This map is really difficult to understand at the first try. I suggest you to do a test match first.
This is the first map I upload in this wonderful site so I hope to have done all the things in the right way.
I gladly ACCEPT constructive criticism... I need it! I hope to get from other testers original ideas and balancing suggestions soon because I plan to continue developing the map.
This map works perfectly both in Warcraft 1.28.5 and 1.30.4.
Have fun and comment a lot!
Luca (SunRais)
P.S If you are interested in seeing the map code ask me in private the unprotected version of the map :p

Duel 4 Denton's Dominion [D4Dd] v1.8 (Map)

Hey there, Ponlas here. Tested your map on the bnet. Not bad! A few suggestions here and there which I've mentioned but I'll go through them here again. 1) Ability to sell cards that were bought. I think instead of selling though, you'll purge them...
Please use the green Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update. Site Rules Since Ancestral Recall is not meant to be a passive spell, you could make...
Level 4
Sep 12, 2008
Hey there, Ponlas here. Tested your map on the bnet. Not bad! A few suggestions here and there which I've mentioned but I'll go through them here again.

1) Ability to sell cards that were bought. I think instead of selling though, you'll purge them, meaning the player gets no gold return. Or keep the sell rate low.
2) More items. Need more items for heroes, otherwise have the heroes be able to evolve. The heroes in the game are too weak right now, and they are limited to 6 slots. Being able to evolve makes more sense to have it bought early; albeit losing the early game due to the cost of them. However, their late game should be stronger than most bought units in the game.
3) Ability to see what cards you have overall. This goes with point #1. I shouldn't need to mention why.
4) This may be a nitpick, but I don't see a point of the summoning of Mojo Jojo mechanic, it just makes the game more complicated. But there must be a reason why you included it, so take this point with a grain of salt.
5) The selection of cards during card selection phase. The shops are selecting units that aren't supposed to be selected.
6) I had a roshan card in my inventory, which I think came from me killing roshan in the arena. Although instructions didn't say anything about it giving you a card when you kill it? (Not too sure)

All in all, quite an interesting map, never seen an arena with a gold mine in the middle. Add more cards, items (or spells) for heroes for their late game, definitely more custom events and it'll be more fun.

Also, welcome to hive! As you can see I'm kind of an old user here lol. See you around!
Level 3
Oct 15, 2018
Hi Ponlas, thank you very much for the review and for your suggestions.

1) I will think of a way to allow the sale and make it balanced;
2) I will add more items for sure;
3) There's already the '-deck' command for viewing the deck composition. Aniway I will also make a graphical view to help implementing the point #1 as you suggested;
4) I added the Mojo Jojos as an additional available strategy. I will maybe consider changes for this not well defined mechanic ;
5) I will fix that;
6) Right, I should mention it in the map instructions.

Thanks again for ideas and suggestions.
Good Evening Mister :)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It's not an Arena map, it's a Strategy/Risk map (referring to the map tag). Arena maps are those where heroes fight each other and get stronger. This is much more complicated than that.

The colourful loading screen makes reading the information on it difficult.

  1. Avoid playing music through the sound channel. Use the proper Play Music trigger so it can be heard through the music channel.
  2. After the first round I could not select the cards anymore for some reason as I was told I needed an inventory to pick up the item.
  3. Yobama doesn't have a DISBTN. The icon looks green on game pause (same with the coin icons; Empty the Warrens; ). You can add one or make one:
    Button Manager v1.8.2
    BLP Lab v0.5.0
    Complete Icon Tutorial - All About Icons
    How to Make an Icon
  4. You can buy Revive Your Hero regardless if the hero is dead or not.
  5. Crazy Wizard's spells could use some details in their description. Learn more about tooltips:
    Tooltip Tutorial
    Creating Good Descriptions
Tested it solo and couldn't get past the wizard duel because there's no time or trigger to check if there's only one wizard from the start.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Map Description - Templates
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How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 3
Oct 15, 2018
Hi deepstrasz, thanks for the kind review and for your suggestions.
I'm gonna release version 1.4 in hours, I've worked on it last few days.
I will surely update map tags.
What do you suggest for loading screen? Finding a more suitable color for the text or changing the image?

I'm gonna comment your points:
1) Done in 1.4.
2) I'm aware of the problem. I think I solved it giving higher priority to the 'Supervisors' (units on the left supposed to always be free to purchase items). The problem was the higher priority of the hero or other units outclassing supervisor's one. I decreased range of the 'Select unit' ability of the shops so that only supervisors can be selected. Is there a way to force shops to select unit via trigger? I did not found how.
3) I'm gonna insert the DISBTN :)
4) I'm gonna make a check.
5) I'm not sure I've understood what you're trying to say me. Can you be more clear? Sorry...

I'm also gonna insert a check for the Wizards mini game in order to not be selected in case of only 1 player in the game. However that is not a big problem cause the map has no sense with only 1 player :)

Thanks Again :) and sorry for my (maybe bad) english.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
What do you suggest for loading screen? Finding a more suitable color for the text or changing the image?
Either find another loading screen which has less impact on the area where you have the text or modify the current one so that the area where the text is, would be properly visible.
5) I'm not sure I've understood what you're trying to say me. Can you be more clear? Sorry...
I mean, the only difference between those two spells is that one has its projectile faster? What about the area they deal damage to or the damage value? Do all kill instantly?
Is there a way to force shops to select unit via trigger? I did not found how.
I can't find something like this in GUI. I don't know if it's even here: Orders repo
Level 3
Oct 15, 2018
I just uploaded the new version. I'm gonna find a solution for the loading screen soon. As an egineer, graphic part is not my specialty :confused: I'm also gonna improve the description of other abilities soon...
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Please use the green Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
Site Rules

  1. Since Ancestral Recall is not meant to be a passive spell, you could make it look active.
  2. I still hear music tones like Eduard Khil's Ya ochen rad, ved ya, nakonets, vozvrashchajus domoy through the sound channel (there goes my hero etc.).
  3. You could also mention the damage the elemental deals in its spell description (archmage). Also after you learn it, there are no more details in the description.
  4. Are you sure -skip works properly or that it doesn't cause issues between turns?
  5. Bought a hero during the lottery and after it ended nothing happened. I was stuck like that. Still playing solo. Maybe, that's an issue although, first time I tried it, this didn't happen. Played with John Hand, had 21 in deck. Also chose I were a noob. Also sacrificed a big fury monster. Seemed to be working on restart.
  6. I don't think the auras work. Bought a dozen of Endurance Aura and nothing happened to the units in the arena. OK, so it applies for the next round.
  7. You should remove upkeep and its notifications if it does not belong to the game.
  8. Mister Lottery Man's animations become frozen after he wins and remain so until he plays the animation after winning again and so on.
Changes made,

(previous comments: Duel 4 Denton's Dominion [D4Dd] v1.4)
Level 3
Oct 15, 2018
Thanks again deepstrasz.
1) Right!
2) Oh, I thought you meant only the music of the arena, not all the audios ... I'll fix this if you think it's better to always use that channel.
3) Yeah I know. I'm lazy in the descriptions. I'm gonna upgrade and update all the descriptions :)
4) I think the 'skip' and 'pass' commands work properly. I tested them a lot (in single player and with 3 friends) and I did not found anomalies. Do you mean typing '-skip' when you're playing cards (and you should instead type '- pass')? If you found a specific bug you need to be a little more precise because I don't see anything wrong :confused:
5) This is strange... Do you mean you've bought a hero during the 3..2..1 countdown? I cannot replicate the situation. I've tried many times but never got stuck. I don't think it's possible to get stuck there :confused: The purchase of the hero cannot in any way interrupt the regular cycle. Maybe it was just the cam? I will do other investigations ... can you also try it again? Thanks.
6) The auras are cards like units and manipulations. You have to play them during your turn in order to get their effect. They work only on the units you summoned before that turn and last until the units die.
7) Right! Good point
8) I'll fix that.

Thanks again


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
2) Oh, I thought you meant only the music of the arena, not all the audios ... I'll fix this if you think it's better to always use that channel.
Not mandatory. It just kills music if you listen to it externally. It's a preference. Also, I don't know if it also overlaps with the game music.
5) This is strange... Do you mean you've bought a hero during the 3..2..1 countdown? I cannot replicate the situation. I've tried many times but never got stuck. I don't think it's possible to get stuck there :confused: The purchase of the hero cannot in any way interrupt the regular cycle. Maybe it was just the cam? I will do other investigations ... can you also try it again? Thanks.
Yeah, that's how I remember it. The camera also remained close. Thing is that you can buy cards even before the buy/choose your cards message.
Level 3
Oct 15, 2018
Yeah, it's normal that you can purchase cards also before the 'It's time to buy' message. I opted to let players purchase cards also during the arena phase so that they have something to do if all their troops have been slaughtered. They can also study cards in this way during the dead phases and calmly choose the best strategy. The message is just a formality to sanction the beginning of the official (but not the only) shopping phase.
Are you sure that was not only the camera that did not refresh? Were you able to buy more cards during this supposed block? Have you tried typing 'skip' to force the transaction to the turn phase?
Level 1
May 17, 2024
For me, it sounds like a wild ride in which strategy reigns supreme. The mix of card battles and arena showdowns has me itching to give it a shot.
To stack your deck and survive in the arena, it's all about mastering those resource-gathering techniques. Gold, lumber, and even snagging those lottery wins can make or break your game. And don't forget those mini-games - a fun break from the intense battles.
If you're ever looking to mix things up when you're bored, might I suggest unwinding with a round of solitaire? It's my go-to when I need to chill out and recharge.
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