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Wrath of the Legion

Heron Presents

Wrath of the Legion

A Demon Campaign

Continues the end of the Undead Campaign. and focuses mainly on the three generals of the Burning Legion and the growth process of the Legion in the world.
And Archimonde, like a true villain, leaves the dirty work to others while he gains strength and executes his plan...


Dalaran's army failed to stop the summoning and Archimonde came into the world.
Now, he demands the magic power of Dalaran to increase his power... The Legion has sent Jaraxxus to carry out the plot...

Change Log

- I changed the demons' attack type to chaos.

- I tried to weaken the wave of enemy attacks in all stages but I ran into some problems with it so the change will be relatively small. (Sorry)

- I fixed a bit the part with the harpies and the centaurs.

- And some other small changes.








LISBOAH - campaign's tester
Blizzard Entertainment
Ujimasa Hoso
The Panda
Eagle XI
General Frank
Shar Dundred
If I missed someone, please PM me and I'll add you.

Important to Know

- I still learn how to make cinematic scenes to be skipped.

- The campaign is in the orcs category because I don't know how to make a background for the demons.

- This is still only a beta stage for me, in the future I will update it more along with the other campaigns.

- It is important for me to note that I am working on all this alone, so the maps may seem too simple to you and regarding the army of the Burning Legion, I did not use the familiar characters such as:
Infernals, Felguards and Fel Stalkers.
I just wanted to create a unique army with relatively new abilities and magic for them.
but for me this is only the first campaign of the demons.
And as I said to @LISBOAH (who checked the campaign for me and helped me improve it).
That I intend to continue creating campaigns in the future, I really like it and if the time is right I hope you like my creations.

Feel free to report any bugs, tips or suggestions!

Wrath of the Legion (Campaign)

Generally, a nicely made campaign. Would have loved more custom triggered spells. Approved. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I...
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Its a really fun campaign.

The difficulty is definitely hard because sending a full wave of melee/casters/range/siege units with 1/1 or 2/2 very early when I maybe had 2 chaos sanctums and the 2nd town hall upgrading and units with 0/0 is rough.

besides the waves being hard I did enjoy everything
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
i wanted to point out that core hounds devour abillity is a little bugged i went full 'devour ' on mission 3 and units killed by it dont drop items tested again and they drop items when they are not devoured
I will try to fix it

I agree bro, I've reached chapter 4, it's amazing that the attacks are a little desperate, I hope the creators lower the power of Ai's attacks or extend the attack time so that their attacks don't collect on all sides of our base :(

A terrible mission makes us want to use cheat :V
Yes, I may have exaggerated... :hohum:

Chapter 4 is really hard there are too many waves of orcs and my defenses are not strong to hold them.
Regarding the difficulty of the chapters, I changed it and am now checking it.
I will update the campaign here in the coming days...



Level 3
May 30, 2018
it's not worth it before crippling Drek'thar Base. here is what i do to at least survive
at the start of map immediately rush the orange base with your hero only but not destroy them entirely focus their barrack, spirit lodge, great hall. leave those farms to not trigger the cutscene.
but you also must macro your base and build an army.

P.S : you can abuse the gray AI by hit and run their entrance with your hero, this way you force them to attack you from the side you hit. also hero trio is strong enough to defeat 2 attack waves combined, so if you micro well you can live and making progress.
Wait author for next nerf, or try his trick. That will at least make you deal one less base of enemy
Level 5
May 10, 2018
Regarding the difficulty of the chapters, I changed it and am now checking it.
I will update the campaign here in the coming days...
if you ever need some masochist tester who like to lose a lot I can be one for ya. i always like your campaign series and have replay them several times.
Level 5
May 10, 2018
BTW, How can it be adapted to Reforged?
i'm not sure about it. i guess the main problem will be adapting the custom model for the units and hero. but I can't help much because I haven't even try
edit: you can use quenching mod. i forget to tell you about that
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Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
isn't that will be launched on the next patch? they haven't updated it right?
I only read about it in the main site of HIVE here. I don't know if they released it or not. I don't have a problem with reforged, I just wanted to say that not everybody is going to play the REFORGED only campaigns in the future. I think, there is still more people who prefer classic WC3 instead of the Reforged one.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
I only read about it in the main site of HIVE here. I don't know if they released it or not. I don't have a problem with reforged, I just wanted to say that not everybody is going to play the REFORGED only campaigns in the future. I think, there is still more people who prefer classic WC3 instead of the Reforged one.
really? I was sure everyone likes the graphics and quality better in Reforged
Level 5
May 10, 2018
But why not? In what way?
reforged have many problem with them. and if they bringing back custom campaign in reforged there will be many and massive bugs and other technical issues upon release. most mapmaker and modder doesn't want to waste time to make their map compatible with reforged especially if their maps or campaign already compatible with the one before reforged already.
Level 2
Dec 28, 2022
Hi Lisboah! As much as I agree that this was an annoyingly difficult campaign lol, I was able to complete it after a while. Fight against Drek'thar's forces was the most difficult for me as I used god-mode cheat when I got frustrated during the first time I tried it lol.

For those trying to find a way to get this mission done, this was what I did: I rushed the orange base like literally at the start of the game before they could even properly prep their raiding parties. and then rushing the troll base as well before they could start mustering their forces (Troll doctors were annoying if left alone lol) THEN I made a base in the troll camp instead (because this way Drek'thar would only attack me from one side because it's the closest to him and also the centaurs from this side helped with the defense too). I left my original base and the first centaur alone to be destroyed as fighting two fronts is too difficult for me with the constant attacks.

From this base, I started sending in raid parties of my own and slowly but steadily destroying Drek'thar's base from the east. Well, until I ran out of gold lol. But luckily for me I was able to destroy the eastern fortress before that happened which allowed me to build a forward base of some sort INSIDE Drek'Thar's encampment to use his own mine (WHICH HAS SO MUCH MORE GOLD)

This probably took me like 2?? hours gametime to finish lol maybe more

Anyways, my point is this campaign's annoyingly difficult at some points but is absolutely doable.
Only criticism I might have is the fight with Cenarius was a little disappointing to me. But then again he was alone against my whole army + Satyrs so I guess it's understandable that he doesn't have much of a fight in him.

This my first post ever in Hive so pardon me if any rules were broken or something. I literally just made this account lol.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Only criticism I might have is the fight with Cenarius was a little disappointing to me. But then again he was alone against my whole army + Satyrs so I guess it's understandable that he doesn't have much of a fight in him.
Yeah, and while it makes sense in terms of gameplay, the fact that Cenarius only shows up after we had already destroyed all bases is kind of weird. Then again, in an interlude, he rejects Tyrande's proposal to ask for help, so he may be just very arrogant.

When I first tried to kill Cenarius, it was very hard due to one simple fact. There was a bug that created an invisible wall in the gate. Meaning that while Cenarius couldn't go beyond the gate, my melee units couldn't reach him as well, so I was forced to rely entirely on my ranged units. It was like those playthroughs where we see players try to kill Archimonde in the final mission of Eternity's End campaign with a lot of Ancient Guardians and ranged units. And the fact that I had to endure occasional Hippogryph Riders' attacks made it a lot more difficult.
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Level 2
Dec 28, 2022
Yeah, and while it makes sense in terms of gameplay, the fact that Cenarius only shows up after we had already destroyed all bases is kind of weird. Then again, in an interlude, he rejects Tyrande's proposal to ask for help, so he may be just very arrogant.

When I first tried to kill Cenarius, it was very hard due to one simple fact. There was a bug that created an invisible wall in the gate. Meaning that while Cenarius couldn't go beyond the gate, my melee units couldn't reach him as well, so I was forced to rely entirely on my ranged units. It was like those playthroughs where we see players try to kill Archimonde in the final mission of Eternity's End campaign with a lot of Ancient Guardians and ranged units. And the fact that I had to endure occasional Hippogryph Riders' attacks made it a lot more difficult.
True true agree about Cenarius. Though I guess he’s content providing a really nice basically global aura lol

Last mission wasn’t too hard honestly. I had more difficulty against Drek’Thar but that’s probably cause of unit availability and the continuous multi-front attacks.
Anyway What I basically did for the last mission was defend until i maxed out all the upgrades then i slowly creeped my way against the bases (i kinda had to use guerilla tactics hehe) using my heroes and some juggernauts. On the other hand I tower spammed a bit in my base and left a garrison of sorts (the 3 doom guards, hounds and some spell casters) in my base to guard against the enemy flyers. I used this same control group to help defend the satyrs too especially the bottom base lol.

Took maybe more than 3 hrs for this one cause well I was only using my heroes and juggernauts for my assaults lol so I ended up using 4 goldmines in total lol I’m happy the enemy ai did not rebuild hehe or else I probably wouldn’t have finished this campaign lol that being said, I really enjoyed this campaign! Hope to see more 😁
Level 5
Feb 8, 2021
Chapter 4:
Why did you make A.i 24h attacking.

And the Centaurs are useless
Destroying first base is worse choose you would have made
Because of the troll.

And the orc base ....bruh what on the earth was that stomp on my army in no time.
Ch 6:
Bruh i am out .

It's just like playing founding of durotar with army of useless.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Chapter 4:
Why did you make A.i 24h attacking.

And the Centaurs are useless
Destroying first base is worse choose you would have made
Because of the troll.

And the orc base ....bruh what on the earth was that stomp on my army in no time.
Ch 6:
Bruh i am out .

It's just like playing founding of durotar with army of useless.
All good mate, anyway I will update the campaign with small changes so maybe it will be better.
And by the way, you can watch @johnmax videos, he actually made it through the chapters...
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Hi friends, first of all I want to say happy new year to everyone. :cool:2

And as you can see I have updated the campaign, I hope you enjoy the game this time (although I encountered some problems with the AI).

Anyway, before I move on to the next campaign, I'm currently going to update the rest of my campaigns, especially the first one of the humans.
So if there are some more problems with this campaign, I will fix it, but not anytime soon...

By the way, it may be that in the next update of the campaigns, the level of the heroes will return to 10. And in the future, when I continue the campaigns, I will raise the level to 15.
(I feel that there is an imbalance in the chapters because of the high level...)
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Level 3
Oct 12, 2022
honestly it is very good to finally play some burning legion and the campagin is very good ,i haven't finished it yet but so far so good, but i do have one issue if we are playing with the burning legion shouldn't the attack type be choas?
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
honestly it is very good to finally play some burning legion and the campagin is very good ,i haven't finished it yet but so far so good, but i do have one issue if we are playing with the burning legion shouldn't the attack type be choas?
I updated the campaign on Friday, so maybe you should download again because I changed the attack there to chaos.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Wow, even the villagers attack :D Talk about fanatic Dalaranians.
  2. The Fiends that appear with the portal can briefly be affected by the golem's immolation.
  3. I suggest making the Circle of Powers Way Gates as there's many occasions when they don't teleport the units.
  4. Pigs are enemies in the orc bases while in your base they are neutral passive.
  5. The big Orc Transport ship is called Gold Mine and has gold in it.
  6. The units disappear before actually passing through the portal in the end scene.
  7. The harpy queen container is named Wyvern Cage.
  8. During cinematic scenes, some units might just be randomly positioned depending on where you moved them before the scenes start.
  9. Kodo Beasts that attack should be named Kodo Riders or something, different from the passive ones that you kill for the quest.
  10. Would be nice to have a secondary Gold Mine somewhere.
  11. Love the scorched earth bony place in the next chapter.
  12. When you select Jaraxxus while on Metamorphosis, the lighting on the screen becomes brighter and I think the field of vision larger.
  13. A Peon got behind some trees and the Centaurs got stuck trying to get to it.
  14. It's a bit confusing that there are doodad and building Spirit Lodges.
  15. At the end of chapter 4 you can see the units moving behind the portal.
  16. Tichondrius doesn't truly leave but oversees Morgan's whole operation or at least the entrance to Azgalor's fortress.
  17. The Felguard that calls your troops and you "fools" has no portrait during the scene where you open the gate with the Blood Key.
  18. So, Azgalor is named Destromath!?
  19. The Fire from Armageddon could have the Locust ability not to be selected.
  20. In chapter 7 it's a bit crazy to wait 2 mins while Ancient Protectors attack you along with some other coming troops. Maybe the machine could reduce their damage/attack speed? Because you have to keep lots of workers to repair the machine during that time and they are easy targets. It's OK for the first base but in the second it's ouch.
  21. Would be nice for the last chapter to have various night elf factions, some that have Mountain Giants, Faery Dragons and Chimeras for instance.
  22. You should use the fixed animation corrupted models as the original ones don't have turn animations when they're rooted: Rooted Corrupted Ancients attack animation bug
  23. The end scene is totally underwhelming, Archimonde saying a one liner, a mine in front of him and some empty space behind him.
  24. 1673804859682.png
  25. A test map is enabled after finishing the campaign.

Generally, a nicely made campaign. Would have loved more custom triggered spells.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
  1. Wow, even the villagers attack :D Talk about fanatic Dalaranians.
  2. The Fiends that appear with the portal can briefly be affected by the golem's immolation.
  3. I suggest making the Circle of Powers Way Gates as there's many occasions when they don't teleport the units.
  4. Pigs are enemies in the orc bases while in your base they are neutral passive.
  5. The big Orc Transport ship is called Gold Mine and has gold in it.
  6. The units disappear before actually passing through the portal in the end scene.
  7. The harpy queen container is named Wyvern Cage.
  8. During cinematic scenes, some units might just be randomly positioned depending on where you moved them before the scenes start.
  9. Kodo Beasts that attack should be named Kodo Riders or something, different from the passive ones that you kill for the quest.
  10. Would be nice to have a secondary Gold Mine somewhere.
  11. Love the scorched earth bony place in the next chapter.
  12. When you select Jaraxxus while on Metamorphosis, the lighting on the screen becomes brighter and I think the field of vision larger.
  13. A Peon got behind some trees and the Centaurs got stuck trying to get to it.
  14. It's a bit confusing that there are doodad and building Spirit Lodges.
  15. At the end of chapter 4 you can see the units moving behind the portal.
  16. Tichondrius doesn't truly leave but oversees Morgan's whole operation or at least the entrance to Azgalor's fortress.
  17. The Felguard that calls your troops and you "fools" has no portrait during the scene where you open the gate with the Blood Key.
  18. So, Azgalor is named Destromath!?
  19. The Fire from Armageddon could have the Locust ability not to be selected.
  20. In chapter 7 it's a bit crazy to wait 2 mins while Ancient Protectors attack you along with some other coming troops. Maybe the machine could reduce their damage/attack speed? Because you have to keep lots of workers to repair the machine during that time and they are easy targets. It's OK for the first base but in the second it's ouch.
  21. Would be nice for the last chapter to have various night elf factions, some that have Mountain Giants, Faery Dragons and Chimeras for instance.
  22. You should use the fixed animation corrupted models as the original ones don't have turn animations when they're rooted: Rooted Corrupted Ancients attack animation bug
  23. The end scene is totally underwhelming, Archimonde saying a one liner, a mine in front of him and some empty space behind him.
  24. View attachment 419804
  25. A test map is enabled after finishing the campaign.

Generally, a nicely made campaign. Would have loved more custom triggered spells.
Hi man, thank you so much I really appreciate it

Regarding most of the things you wrote, I will fix them later.
Regarding the other things:
10 - Do you mean all the maps?
12- Yes I know, but I have no idea why this is happening.
17- I don't remember a problem with this, but I will check again.
20- Most likely I will change the map. Same tasks, but a little different.
21 - There's a reason I didn't bring them those units you mentioned.
Instead, I brought them the Forest Guardians and the Sylvans.
23- In the next update, it will be better.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
hey man i just finished the campaign i know i am late but being late is better than never i must admit the campaign in it first relese was too hard but after the chaos damage update it became a bit easy well a lot easier i mean the last mission i only needed a small group and my heroes to destroy the night elves bases killing cenarius alone was also so easy well now i can t wait for your next campaign hope you make it soon good luck and keep up the good work :)



Level 9
Jul 17, 2022
I took a quick glance at the comments and noticed people mentioning overtuned difficulty. And that got me curious.
So I played version 1.1 (might also add version into campaign title), after the changes, and difficulty was actually fine. If anything, RPG-styled chapters are harder than RTS-styled ones. I'd even say out of all missions, it was RPG-styled ones that could be considered hard difficulty, and RTS-styled ones were either easy or medium difficulty.

In chapters 3 and 4 enemies are pretty vulnerable to aggressive playstyle and only get upper hand if you let them utilize their early game advantage. Honestly, that's pretty much basic tactic for any mission in any strategy game where you have less overall forces and resources than your enemies, but stronger starting army, which is in this case - your heroes.
And in chapter 6 you're already way more stonger than in chapter 4, since now you also have Morgan the Destroyer, who really lives up to his name. With Morgan's and Sironas' combined humongous AOE damage output there's absolutely no problems killing off hundreads of NE units. Well, it wouldn't be as easy without Sironas' Arcane Disruption (which is a very strong spell and can even heal/damage mechanical units), but thankfully it's there. Destroying buildings wouldn't be much of a problem even without chaos damage, since wave of fire and death lighting can damage buildings and juggernaut is a very strong unit (also there are quite a few buildings standing close enough to each other for juggernaut's AOE to damage them all), but with chaos damage even heroes can deal massive damage to builings. So yeah, even using just heroes + juggernauts ensures rather easy victories.

RPG-styled missions are hard enough to lose if you try to play through them head-first, without properly controlling your units and utilizing runes. I very much liked difficulty in these missions.

Also, I take it changing demons' attack type to chaos was made to make the campaign easier, but that's not exactly how it works. Because different damage types are better or worse against different armor types, and, depending on context, changing attack to chaos can result in decreased damage output.
In case you don't remember exact modifier values, here's this neat table.
Most Horde units have heavy armor or unarmored, and only 3 units have medium (hunter, spearthrower, raider), not including trolls since I dealt with them so fast I didn't pay attention to stats of their units.
NE units have almost entirely medium or unarmored armor, with some animals having heavy armor.
So who benefits from changing its damage type to chaos?

Heroes benefit from it entirely, since hero type attack does 100% against everything except buildings, so with chaos damage heroes now deal 100% to everything.

Casters do magic damage - weak vs heroes, buildings and medium, but good vs light and heavy. Since most of Horde units are heavy armored, against Horde changing magic to chaos results in decreased damage output for casters. Another important thing to note - demoness with chaos damage can't attack spirit walkers in ethereal form, and parasite can't kill them either, so that's another very noticeable argument in favor of magic damage.
Against NE it technicaly might be better to have chaos, but in practice it doesn't matter really because casters have unarmored armor while archers have piercing damage, so casters have no change in such case anyway.

Ranged units do piercing - weak vs heroes, buildings and medium, strong vs unarmored and light. Against Horde it's a tradeoff - with piercing you can kill casters better, with chaos you can kill medium-armored units better. Overall - both options are ~equally beneficial.
Against NE it's more nuanced. 2 demons' units that might have piercing are beholders and core fiends. If core fiends have piercing, they can do more damage vs hutresses and dryads, but less vs archers. So is it worth it do deal more vs archers? Not really, since archers do piercing and core fiends have medium armor, but huntresses have normal attacks, meaning huntress is way more dangerous for core fiend. Beholders don't care about huntresses but they care about hippogryphs, which have light armor. So for beholders it boils down to - do they fear hippogryphs + dryads more than archers? I think that's again an equal tradeoff, though personally I'd prefer them to have piercing so they could kill dryads faster.

Now, I didn't really take into account damage output vs heroes, because vs them you're much better off to use your own heroes and because heroes are very few in numbers, so damage output vs them is not that important.
I also didn't take into account buildings, because that's more of a playstyle dependent thing. Personally, I rely almost entirely on heroes and siege units to destroy buildings, so damage output of normal units vs buildings doesn't matter much for me. Especially when Juggernaut is so strong (might even increase its food cost up to 4). For other people damage output vs buildings might be an important factor.
So I think it would be best to revert casters' damage type back to magic and leave other units as is, since it would fit thematically for demons.

Can't say much about the story as I didn't play other campaigns yet, except one thing - weird for demons to have such shortage of troops that they need to overtake Azgalor's forces, when Burning Legion has quite literally an endless amount of troops, since killed demons just get reborn in Twisting Nether.

The terrain is great though. And I mean really great.

Overall, pretty good campaign, had fun playing it.

1) Weird choice to make Sironas a ranged hero when she has 2 melee weapons, her attack animations show her hitting with those weapons, and her Fel Energy spell also fits a melee hero more than a ranged one. Personaly, I'd rather have her as a melee hero with fast move speed, 1 more armor and 3 more damage.
2) Regarding Fiend's Berserk ability - it would be better if it also could replenish health. So that it would make to use it even on low hp units. In fact, depending on the amount replenished, it might even be better to use exactly on low hp. That way it would make up for the gold cost and the fact that this unit will eventually die.
3) Kodo can devour Kraator. Bruh. It shouldn't be like that. Increase Craator's unit level.
4) Jaraxxus - Rage should have longer uptime, like 20 seconds. Maybe even increase time with ability level, like 10\15\20 seconds. 65 mana cost on a strength-based hero for 10 seconds long bloodlust is just not worth it, especially since it can be dispelled, and enemies are very aggressive with dispelling here.
Avatar of Doom - tooltip should mention other bonuses it gives, not just health.
5) Sironas - Fel Energy - tooltip should mention at how much targets (or damage) it's capped.
6) Morgan the Destroyer - Wave of Fire - tooltip should mention at how much targets (or damage) it's capped.
7) Demoness - Weakness should work faster, like 6-9 seconds.
8) Fel Reaver - should be immune to magic and damage vs non-buildings should be like 2x more. I tried fighting 4 elite shamans with 2 reavers and reavers lost despite shamans having 0 armor and dealing only 35% vs fortified armor...
9) Anetheron died to 6 common orcs... Well, that was absolutely pathetic.

1) Jaraxxus - Death Lightning can be used literally on anything, on magic immune targets (will do no damage) and even on himself (will do damage to Jaraxxus, lol).
2) Morgan the Destroyer - Terrifying Roar tooltip says it lasts 12 seconds, but the tooltip in the lvl up menu says it lasts 15 seconds. So which one is it?
Wave of Fire - tooltip is missing how much damage it does over 5 seconds.

Chapter 2
3) That one invulnerable orc ship is called "Goldmine" and is basically just a goldmine.
4) At the end cutscene the demons and the portal just vanish in an instant.

Chapter 4
5) Spikes are attackable and some rocks are walk-through.
WC3ScrnShot_012923_160436_03.png WC3ScrnShot_012923_160417_01.png WC3ScrnShot_012923_160614_04.png WC3ScrnShot_012923_160856_05.png WC3ScrnShot_012923_160920_06.png

Chapter 5
6) Morgan's name is misspelled in the message that appears after releasing all wrathguards.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
So yeah, even using just heroes + juggernauts ensures rather easy victories.
Yeah, but in the first version you would have to face at least two NE attack waves, as well as two or more attacks from the Forest Creatures, all at the same time. Not to mention that NE base that sends waves only consisted of air units.
Can't say much about the story as I didn't play other campaigns yet, except one thing - weird for demons to have such shortage of troops that they need to overtake Azgalor's forces, when Burning Legion has quite literally an endless amount of troops, since killed demons just get reborn in Twisting Nether.
To be fair, this was only revealed in Warlords of Draenor, since Archimonde returns after his "death" in Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos.
But yeah, it's weird that they have to defeat Azgalor's rebellion in order to have enough troops.
The terrain is great though. And I mean really great.
Overall, pretty good campaign, had fun playing it.
9) Anetheron died to 6 common orcs... Well, that was absolutely pathetic.
Mannoroth got killed by an axe thrown by Grom.
Archimonde was killed by wisps.
Sargeras was wounded by Broxigar.

Demons get weaker if the plot wants it.
Level 5
Dec 7, 2022
Here is my review of Wrath of the Legion: (review may contain spoilers)

Global enjoyment: There is a mixed feeling between a fantastic campaign but an unfinished one. There
are details missing but there are very good things to say about this experience and I actually quite enjoyed it. +0.75

Scenario: This is a complex part, it is an alternative scenario campaign with very few things going on but a lot at the same time.
We control the burning legion with 2 created characters (I suppose, never seen them) Morgan and a Woman
(I don't remember the name of this witch), with Jaraxxus as a main character just after Archimonde's arrival in Azeroth.
We have a bunch of missions to prepare the ascension of Mount Hyjal. The dialogs are short and very straight forward,
we don't lose time with useless quotes but there is a lack of details. Dalvengyr kinda dying like crap within the campaign could've been better exploited. The Dreadlords not being very active, there could've been a mission related to Tychondrius or Balnazzar leading to research for Arthas and exploit that plot by securing loarderon or further. Mannoroth not existing I don't know why (Archimonde probably didn't call him). The Azgalor plot is a risk that was taken by killing a big part of the Legion, I don't really know what to say about this, you used different units to make a betrayal interaction so this is actually coherent but I feel like this is not how it's supposed to be and that this should've happened differently, keeping him alive or using another character to carry this role. Archimonde not being very useful there which is a bit disapointing. Let's talk about the main characters with Jaraxxus being... someone, nothing very impressive or noticeable emanating from him. The witch is actually the most interesting character, sadistic, manipulating, clever, she fits her role perfectly and we can really appreciate that. Morgan being very silent and enormous at the same time is good, we can feel something heavy and powerful coming from this guy. There was no real mistake made but this lack of more indepth lore and more/real dialogues. What shocked me the most is when we killed Cenarius AND DIDN'T GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE SIEGE OF HYJAL, JUST WHY, this was so frustrating, controlling Archimonde with completely op army would've been such a satisfaction but in the end no. +0.5

Terrain: The terrain is very very good. There is a good use of doodads, there are different atmospheres which is very good and I really liked it. We appreciate the efforts given there and this is a strong point of the campaign. Placement of the buildings are nice and clean. No choke points. We feel the personnality from each mission. You won everything there. +1

Techtree: This was nearly perfect, you didn't use the classical demon techtree that blizzard didn't bother to explore (stalkers, domm guards, infernal) and went for a full custom faction and this is a nice risk you took. Every spell is different from the original game, this is real shit right there. Every unit is good and you can make a use of it (except the "Fiend" being kinda memeic with his suicide ability for 200 gold), everything having chaos damage is probably a bit too much, at last make the casters with magic. So what is the problem, probably a big unit would've been cool the doom guards at the end are kinda op but something like this with 8 food cap would've been dope and more units. The particles of the buildings are a bit too flashy and the sound of the towers. I was looking outside and noticed there was no thunder? And this is because it makes a very annoying sound, and it hits very fast for little damage, big magic damage would be nice, or fire zone damage especially with how much life the enemy units have. A shop would've
been nice too. +0.75

Heroes: Now we get to the buisness because that's some crazy custom spells you've done. Jaraxxus' passive is nice fitting, soul burn is fitting, the finger of pain is good, the bloodfrenzy is good, the summon should get a little buff but it's good, the ult make him look sick, getting him some range with fire as autos would probably feat more with his form. Witch is kinda weird with a half melee kit and distance one I don't know why that choice of design passive very nice, the bannish spell is sometimes useful, the q spell is what makes the campaign possible, this ability is so op it gives infinity sustain on mana and life point this is such a good ability,
the w is nice looking not gonna lie and it synergize with the "melee part" kit that is nearly useless because you can't feel what it does.
Morgan is definitely badass, the strength is cool and it doesn't feel lazy, Q so cool, W good, E so good feels so satisfying,
ult kinda looks... empty but it's actually good. This is just the definition of success in term of hero's kit (except the Witch). +0.75

Difficulty: This campaign was not made to be easy, it is indeed hard for your base but the easy part comes from your heroes that literally can solo the entire map (that's literally how I played like), and your faction being op too. There was a balance that was found but this doesn't feel right, there is too much extremes, heroes op and immortal, waves very frequent, faction very strong, this is weird because it's fun but easy or too hard there is literally no way of telling that from my point of view, I feel confused. +0.5

Unique experience, good experience, this campaign can go very far and can be exploited very greatly just take more time to work on it there can be great results. 4.25/5
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
hey man i just finished the campaign i know i am late but being late is better than never i must admit the campaign in it first relese was too hard but after the chaos damage update it became a bit easy well a lot easier i mean the last mission i only needed a small group and my heroes to destroy the night elves bases killing cenarius alone was also so easy well now i can t wait for your next campaign hope you make it soon good luck and keep up the good work :)
Thanks a lot and yes, I had a feeling that once the attack type was Chaos it would be easier.
Right now I'm updating my campaigns before I work on the Night Elves campaign, but that will take some time...

Can't say much about the story as I didn't play other campaigns yet, except one thing - weird for demons to have such shortage of troops that they need to overtake Azgalor's forces, when Burning Legion has quite literally an endless amount of troops, since killed demons just get reborn in Twisting Nether.
Thank you very much for the review, over time I will fix the campaign, but regarding what you wrote:
I understand your intention, but it is important for me to point out that although I am taking inspiration from the original, the storylines in the future will be according to my lines of thought, and regarding the demon race, it is clear that they have large armies, but the same goes for every race, (the kingdom of Lordaeron was large in terms of army and resources and still sent A prince with some soldiers to take care of the orcs, just for example haha :hohum: )
And just as there is Azgalor who controls the amount of demons, so do other rulers, in the future it will probably be more clear when I make more campaigns.

Mannoroth got killed by an axe thrown by Grom.
Archimonde was killed by wisps.
Sargeras was wounded by Broxigar.

Demons get weaker if the plot wants it.
It's funny but true :xxd:

Here is my review of Wrath of the Legion: (review may contain spoilers)

Global enjoyment: There is a mixed feeling between a fantastic campaign but an unfinished one. There
are details missing but there are very good things to say about this experience and I actually quite enjoyed it. +0.75

Scenario: This is a complex part, it is an alternative scenario campaign with very few things going on but a lot at the same time.
We control the burning legion with 2 created characters (I suppose, never seen them) Morgan and a Woman
(I don't remember the name of this witch), with Jaraxxus as a main character just after Archimonde's arrival in Azeroth.
We have a bunch of missions to prepare the ascension of Mount Hyjal. The dialogs are short and very straight forward,
we don't lose time with useless quotes but there is a lack of details. Dalvengyr kinda dying like crap within the campaign could've been better exploited. The Dreadlords not being very active, there could've been a mission related to Tychondrius or Balnazzar leading to research for Arthas and exploit that plot by securing loarderon or further. Mannoroth not existing I don't know why (Archimonde probably didn't call him). The Azgalor plot is a risk that was taken by killing a big part of the Legion, I don't really know what to say about this, you used different units to make a betrayal interaction so this is actually coherent but I feel like this is not how it's supposed to be and that this should've happened differently, keeping him alive or using another character to carry this role. Archimonde not being very useful there which is a bit disapointing. Let's talk about the main characters with Jaraxxus being... someone, nothing very impressive or noticeable emanating from him. The witch is actually the most interesting character, sadistic, manipulating, clever, she fits her role perfectly and we can really appreciate that. Morgan being very silent and enormous at the same time is good, we can feel something heavy and powerful coming from this guy. There was no real mistake made but this lack of more indepth lore and more/real dialogues. What shocked me the most is when we killed Cenarius AND DIDN'T GET THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE THE SIEGE OF HYJAL, JUST WHY, this was so frustrating, controlling Archimonde with completely op army would've been such a satisfaction but in the end no. +0.5

Terrain: The terrain is very very good. There is a good use of doodads, there are different atmospheres which is very good and I really liked it. We appreciate the efforts given there and this is a strong point of the campaign. Placement of the buildings are nice and clean. No choke points. We feel the personnality from each mission. You won everything there. +1

Techtree: This was nearly perfect, you didn't use the classical demon techtree that blizzard didn't bother to explore (stalkers, domm guards, infernal) and went for a full custom faction and this is a nice risk you took. Every spell is different from the original game, this is real shit right there. Every unit is good and you can make a use of it (except the "Fiend" being kinda memeic with his suicide ability for 200 gold), everything having chaos damage is probably a bit too much, at last make the casters with magic. So what is the problem, probably a big unit would've been cool the doom guards at the end are kinda op but something like this with 8 food cap would've been dope and more units. The particles of the buildings are a bit too flashy and the sound of the towers. I was looking outside and noticed there was no thunder? And this is because it makes a very annoying sound, and it hits very fast for little damage, big magic damage would be nice, or fire zone damage especially with how much life the enemy units have. A shop would've
been nice too. +0.75

Heroes: Now we get to the buisness because that's some crazy custom spells you've done. Jaraxxus' passive is nice fitting, soul burn is fitting, the finger of pain is good, the bloodfrenzy is good, the summon should get a little buff but it's good, the ult make him look sick, getting him some range with fire as autos would probably feat more with his form. Witch is kinda weird with a half melee kit and distance one I don't know why that choice of design passive very nice, the bannish spell is sometimes useful, the q spell is what makes the campaign possible, this ability is so op it gives infinity sustain on mana and life point this is such a good ability,
the w is nice looking not gonna lie and it synergize with the "melee part" kit that is nearly useless because you can't feel what it does.
Morgan is definitely badass, the strength is cool and it doesn't feel lazy, Q so cool, W good, E so good feels so satisfying,
ult kinda looks... empty but it's actually good. This is just the definition of success in term of hero's kit (except the Witch). +0.75

Difficulty: This campaign was not made to be easy, it is indeed hard for your base but the easy part comes from your heroes that literally can solo the entire map (that's literally how I played like), and your faction being op too. There was a balance that was found but this doesn't feel right, there is too much extremes, heroes op and immortal, waves very frequent, faction very strong, this is weird because it's fun but easy or too hard there is literally no way of telling that from my point of view, I feel confused. +0.5

Unique experience, good experience, this campaign can go very far and can be exploited very greatly just take more time to work on it there can be great results. 4.25/5
I'm glad you liked it and thank you very much for the review.
Regarding what you wrote.

Scenario: "The Dreadlords not being very active" - yes, and I mentioned that they walk in the dark and watch from the side.
Mannoroth - he died (at the last stage of the orc campaign). I mentioned it didn't I?
Azgalor - he had no intention of joining Archimonde, and the right thing for that moment was to kill him, his army was not destroyed, only weakened and will later be part of Archimonde's army.
The siege of Mount Hyzal - it will happen but in the campaign of the night elves.

Area: :thumbs_up:

Techtree: It was important for me to treat each character and have them be unique and not the character we are used to as you mentioned.

Heroes: I'm going to bring their level back to 10, and it might be more challenging to play because level 15 right now seems too easy...
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
After I replayed from the beginning the campaign, here is my thoughts:

- Chaos attack instead of melee & piercing is was expected, and now it's easier to fight off the enemies.

-Mighty Taurens: I'm not like the fact, that you changed the bloodfeather's heart quest item: now it's just an item, without any stat plus, still the Harpies are help in the early game on the map, after that not too much.

- The Carnage Begins: critical chapter, where you are overwhelmed by the Orcs - Derek'thar - in the past, are much easier now. I mean, considerably easier, but there is a lot of things need to be done to complete this mission. Feeled nice.

- The Assassination: This is not a stealth mission, and I expected to be that by the name of the chapter. Fun Fact: No. The enemy knows that you are there. Very good introduction with the new hero and other new units. It was a challenge, and the new traps are... weird. They are visible, but cannot be destroyed. They do very little harm, and annoying. The Chaos Golems are tough in the beginning, and sadly you can't go back after a certain point to kill them. (Not game breaking.) The introduction of the "Dangerous Pet" was very good. The Cave leading to her/him are making the atmosfear Terrifying, but after the I met the beast, I was... Disappointed.
  • The Corruption: The instructions from the beginning of the chapter are not clear. I mean, there is no clue that I need to go to the Power of Circle with one of the three heroes, to "drop down"/Spawning a machine, that corrupts the surroundings of the machine. (The Base). But no game breaking, or any type of problem are happened here, just a little bit of inconvenience.
  • I was disappointed, that the campaign feeled a bit short for me, and I can't control of the new Satyr units.

  • Jaraxxus ultimate ability - Avatar of Doom - making the night a sunny day by selecting him while this ability active.
  • The Carnage Begins: Health fountain in the air, and Jaraxxus can stuck here somehow if the Avatar of Doom is active.
WotL The Carnage.png
- The Fall of Nature: Health fountain in the air too
WotL The Fall of Nature Fountain.png

I used WC3 1.29.2.
Thank you very much for the campaign, I liked it. Best hopes for the next.
Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
After I replayed from the beginning the campaign, here is my thoughts:

- Chaos attack instead of melee & piercing is was expected, and now it's easier to fight off the enemies.

-Mighty Taurens: I'm not like the fact, that you changed the bloodfeather's heart quest item: now it's just an item, without any stat plus, still the Harpies are help in the early game on the map, after that not too much.

- The Carnage Begins: critical chapter, where you are overwhelmed by the Orcs - Derek'thar - in the past, are much easier now. I mean, considerably easier, but there is a lot of things need to be done to complete this mission. Feeled nice.

- The Assassination: This is not a stealth mission, and I expected to be that by the name of the chapter. Fun Fact: No. The enemy knows that you are there. Very good introduction with the new hero and other new units. It was a challenge, and the new traps are... weird. They are visible, but cannot be destroyed. They do very little harm, and annoying. The Chaos Golems are tough in the beginning, and sadly you can't go back after a certain point to kill them. (Not game breaking.) The introduction of the "Dangerous Pet" was very good. The Cave leading to her/him are making the atmosfear Terrifying, but after the I met the beast, I was... Disappointed.
  • The Corruption: The instructions from the beginning of the chapter are not clear. I mean, there is no clue that I need to go to the Power of Circle with one of the three heroes, to "drop down"/Spawning a machine, that corrupts the surroundings of the machine. (The Base). But no game breaking, or any type of problem are happened here, just a little bit of inconvenience.
  • I was disappointed, that the campaign feeled a bit short for me, and I can't control of the new Satyr units.

  • Jaraxxus ultimate ability - Avatar of Doom - making the night a sunny day by selecting him while this ability active.
  • The Carnage Begins: Health fountain in the air, and Jaraxxus can stuck here somehow if the Avatar of Doom is active.

Thank you very much for the review friend :)

Regarding what you wrote:
I will make changes to the campaign regarding the heroes, maps and enemy. But it won't happen anytime soon so there is something to look forward to. :thumbs_up:

Regarding The Corruption - at the beginning of the game, Tichondrius mentions it.
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Thank you very much for the review friend :)

Regarding what you wrote:
I will make changes to the campaign regarding the heroes, maps and enemy. But it won't happen anytime soon so there is something to look forward to. :thumbs_up:

Regarding The Corruption - at the beginning of the game, Tichondrius mentions it.
I forgot to mention it, on the first chapter you should do something about the cirle of power teleport there. It's working, but I find somehow hard to teleport my units with it. Probably Tichohondrius mentioned it, but you know: I was wrong one time here, and I was probably overlooked this somehow again.

( Like the Kraator thing in the first map, when it's clearly mentioned nearby the trees, that Kraator can destroy trees, and I was there mentioning it, where the h*ck the lever to activate it...)
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
I forgot to mention it, on the first chapter you should do something about the cirle of power teleport there. It's working, but I find somehow hard to teleport my units with it.
I have to say, I thought units can't go in there. So I ended up just going solo with the hero. Later I tried to go back, to heal at the fountain. And the circle did not work to return. Then I realized units can go in 🤣
Level 27
Nov 25, 2021
Just finished your campaign, and I'm gonna drop my review here. I'm gonna ignore all of the grammar/spelling mistakes, because that would be too nitpicky, and instead focusing on the gameplay.

- Chapter 1:
  • Starting off strong with Jaraxxus, since he has a good skill set to deal with Dalaran mages. Lifesteal and Rage makes him a potent auto-attacker.
  • Hiding the lever behind runes and trees is a nice touch, too.
  • However, the side quest is...eh. Tight corridors with ranged enemies, and my reinforcements are three waves of basic infantry unit - Fiends, with 0/0 upgrade and a big ass Collision Size? Also, Chaos damage on them in this specific level is a nerf, since they'll actually deal less damage to Medium armor. If they have Normal damage, they'll do more against Medium, and still the same against Heavy/Unarmored.
  • Mages also have the wrong abilities stated on their training card (idk how to call it). It says they have Slow and Invisibility, but he has Firebolt instead. Also, Chaplains don't use Heal at all.

- Chapter 2:
  • The start of Sironas' reign.
  • She is the savior of the Legion, and the bane of this campaign. AoE damage, critical damage, HP/mana restore that can be cast on friendly units AND self for only 70 mana and AoE movement speed debuff. Everything has to be balanced around the fact that she can keep my Heroes alive, while destroying theirs, which makes the powercreep skyrockets in the later chapters, but we'll get to that later.
  • Why can't whoever in charge of opening portals (Tichondrius, Jaraxxus, Sironas) just throw a bunch of troops behind the enemy lines using portals, instead of mounting a frontal assault?
  • Jaraxxus 'sacrificed the dead to their masters'. If the sacrifice were already dead by the time they were sacrificed, how could the sacrifices be sacrificed as a sacrifice?
  • There's also an opportunity to explore the relationship/dynamic between Sironas and Jaraxxus, but unfortunately, nothing interesting happens.
  • Malevolence Aura says in the description that it "decreases friendly units' move speed and regen rate", which is, obviously, not the case. Also, it shows up as a positive buff on enemy units.
  • The Orcish transport ship is a Gold Mine?
  • As for the Juggernaut, its splash damage do more harm than good. I'm guessing that I need to use Cores as my frontline, so that the splash damage will blow it up, which in turn blow up the enemy attack wave?

- Chapter 3:
  • Thank the God for Core Hounds. Their abilities to just Devour any threats on the field is insane.
  • Speaking of Devour, Lv3 Kraator has Spell Immunity instead of Resistant Skin. In hindsight, this is an upgrade, but in this chapter, it actually makes him more vulnerable to Devour and Ensnare.
  • The Harpies will still talk to me even if I kill them prior to returning the Bloodfeather quest.

- Chapter 4:
  • The dead Dreadlord is just a stupid plot device. There's also a chance to set up a betrayal plot here (Dal'vengyr set Anathemon up, then leave him to death), but then again, nothing happens later on.
  • Fel Reavers are nice, or at least, would be nice if it weren't for the fact that many enemy structures are behind indestructible barricades for some ungodly reasons.
  • Also, I can say that, without a doubt, Chaos Berserk is the worst ability I ever use. The vanilla Fiends are at least cannon fodders, but this ability makes me pay 50 Gold for each, just to make them deal a teensy bitsy more damage before they commit unalive.

- Chapter 5:
  • The perfect character for assassination. Let's see, someone who can sneak around, seducing/convincing others, can corrupt weakened souls and bend them to their will would fit the bill. And for that reason, Tichondrius sent Si- Morgan! This 900-pound ass-whooper crawls out of hell with his LV3 Hellslap that has a 35% chance to deal 300 fucking damage to anyone who's unlucky enough to even go near him and his Magma Skin that reduces attack damage!
  • Also Wrathguards with 50% attack rate debuff is quite good on this mission to lock down key targets, but in the end, Hellslap just does 90% of the work. Talking about powercreep.

- Chapter 6:
  • Oh god Sironas and Morgan joined force.
  • This level is absolutely easy if the Northern base is dealt with early. As for the rest, spam Wrathguards and Beholders to assist the broken Heroes. It's definitely not like these two are the only viable units in this evergrowing powercreep of this campaign or anything.

- Chapter 7:
+ More boring than the previous chapters tbh. Just push, put down Shrine, use Heroes to draw aggro from Ancient Protectors, use Kratorr's taunt to draw Hippogryph Riders, use Beholders to wipe the rest, rinse and repeat.

- Chapter 8:
  • Once again, powercreep prevails. Enemies send tons of each of units each attack wave, and they're a combination of: Forest Guards, with Bash to deal with any melee aggravator; Dryads, coming in batches of tens or more and are immune to spell; Huntresses/Glaive Throwers for massive AoE damage when stacked up; and lastly, Hippogryphs. The only realistic way to deal with them is to use Arcane Disruption on your Heroes, especially Morgan, for them to outsustain and kill all these things. Units like Fiends, Juggernauts, Reavers, Corehounds, Demonesses, Inquisitors, won't stand a ghost of a chance here.
  • Here comes another issue that I want to bring up is that the Heroes are quite selfish. As in, they have no Aura that benefits allies and no AoE heal. Arcane Disruption is good, but since it has a short cooldown and restores both HP and Mana by a lot, it only shines when you use on units that need to spam a lot of spells, despite not having enough Mana to do so, or in other words, Strength heroes.
  • And now, let's ignore everything I just said, because for some ungodly reason, their final bases stop producing units the moment I snipe their Trees of Eternity with Beholders, making the last section of the mission trivial.
  • Also, if every Night Elf is benefitting from the Demigod Aura at all time, why not just set their base stat higher in the first place?
  • Cenarius is a pathetic excuse of a boss. All he does is Rooting random unit, and summoning...Corrupted Treants? Why? And as if that's not anticlimactic enough, Archimonde has to show up at the last second to say the most generic shit ever right before an abrupt end.

In conclusion:

- Pros:
  • Diverse mission type.
  • Custom techtrees and Heroes that are generally fun to use, despite me complaining about the balance issues and lack of polish.
  • Good terrain design and little bug.
- Cons:
  • The plot has potential, but in the end, everyone is just treated as another generic Legion thug.
  • Units can use more interesting upgrades. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but just visually appealing is enough. Things like Burst and Demolish just don't tickle my fancy at all.
  • Powercreep and difficulty curve is a big problem. If I'm the one who has to fix it, I won't even be sure where to start.
  • Chaos Berserk.

Overall, I'll give this a 4/5, mostly because I appreciate the effort put into making the terrain. If you make Fiend, Reavers, and Juggernauts more fun to use, I'll raise it to 5. No cap.

P.S: Am I the only one here against the fact that many Demon units deal Chaos damage, since it should be a special attack type reserved for strongest units like Wrathguards?
Last edited:
Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
Just finished your campaign, and I'm gonna drop my review here. I'm gonna ignore all of the grammar/spelling mistakes, because that would be too nitpicky, and instead focusing on the gameplay.

- Chapter 1:
  • Starting off strong with Jaraxxus, since he has a good skill set to deal with Dalaran mages. Lifesteal and Rage makes him a potent auto-attacker.
  • Hiding the lever behind runes and trees is a nice touch, too.
  • However, the side quest is...eh. Tight corridors with ranged enemies, and my reinforcements are three waves of basic infantry unit - Fiends, with 0/0 upgrade and a big ass Collision Size? Also, Chaos damage on them in this specific level is a nerf, since they'll actually deal less damage to Medium armor. If they have Normal damage, they'll do more against Medium, and still the same against Heavy/Unarmored.
  • Mages also have the wrong abilities stated on their training card (idk how to call it). It says they have Slow and Invisibility, but he has Firebolt instead. Also, Chaplains don't use Heal at all.

- Chapter 2:
  • The start of Sironas' reign.
  • She is the savior of the Legion, and the bane of this campaign. AoE damage, critical damage, HP/mana restore that can be cast on friendly units AND self for only 70 mana and AoE movement speed debuff. Everything has to be balanced around the fact that she can keep my Heroes alive, while destroying theirs, which makes the powercreep skyrockets in the later chapters, but we'll get to that later.
  • Why can't whoever in charge of opening portals (Tichondrius, Jaraxxus, Sironas) just throw a bunch of troops behind the enemy lines using portals, instead of mounting a frontal assault?
  • Jaraxxus 'sacrificed the dead to their masters'. If the sacrifice were already dead by the time they were sacrificed, how could the sacrifices be sacrificed as a sacrifice?
  • There's also an opportunity to explore the relationship/dynamic between Sironas and Jaraxxus, but unfortunately, nothing interesting happens.
  • Malevolence Aura says in the description that it "decreases friendly units' move speed and regen rate", which is, obviously, not the case. Also, it shows up as a positive buff on enemy units.
  • The Orcish transport ship is a Gold Mine?
  • As for the Juggernaut, its splash damage do more harm than good. I'm guessing that I need to use Cores as my frontline, so that the splash damage will blow it up, which in turn blow up the enemy attack wave?

- Chapter 3:
  • Thank the God for Core Hounds. Their abilities to just Devour any threats on the field is insane.
  • Speaking of Devour, Lv3 Kraator has Spell Immunity instead of Resistant Skin. In hindsight, this is an upgrade, but in this chapter, it actually makes him more vulnerable to Devour and Ensnare.
  • The Harpies will still talk to me even if I kill them prior to returning the Bloodfeather quest.

- Chapter 4:
  • The dead Dreadlord is just a stupid plot device. There's also a chance to set up a betrayal plot here (Dal'vengyr set Anathemon up, then leave him to death), but then again, nothing happens later on.
  • Fel Reavers are nice, or at least, would be nice if it weren't for the fact that many enemy structures are behind indestructible barricades for some ungodly reasons.
  • Also, I can say that, without a doubt, Chaos Berserk is the worst ability I ever use. The vanilla Fiends are at least cannon fodders, but this ability makes me pay 50 Gold for each, just to make them deal a teensy bitsy more damage before they commit unalive.

- Chapter 5:
  • The perfect character for assassination. Let's see, someone who can sneak around, seducing/convincing others, can corrupt weakened souls and bend them to their will would fit the bill. And for that reason, Tichondrius sent Si- Morgan! This 900-pound ass-whooper crawls out of hell with his LV3 Hellslap that has a 35% chance to deal 300 fucking damage to anyone who's unlucky enough to even go near him and his Magma Skin that reduces attack damage!
  • Also Wrathguards with 50% attack rate debuff is quite good on this mission to lock down key targets, but in the end, Hellslap just does 90% of the work. Talking about powercreep.

- Chapter 6:
  • Oh god Sironas and Morgan joined force.
  • This level is absolutely easy if the Northern base is dealt with early. As for the rest, spam Wrathguards and Beholders to assist the broken Heroes. It's definitely not like these two are the only viable units in this evergrowing powercreep of this campaign or anything.

- Chapter 7:
+ More boring than the previous chapters tbh. Just push, put down Shrine, use Heroes to draw aggro from Ancient Protectors, use Kratorr's taunt to draw Hippogryph Riders, use Beholders to wipe the rest, rinse and repeat.

- Chapter 8:
  • Once again, powercreep prevails. Enemies send tons of each of units each attack wave, and they're a combination of: Forest Guards, with Bash to deal with any melee aggravator; Dryads, coming in batches of tens or more and are immune to spell; Huntresses/Glaive Throwers for massive AoE damage when stacked up; and lastly, Hippogryphs. The only realistic way to deal with them is to use Arcane Disruption on your Heroes, especially Morgan, for them to outsustain and kill all these things. Units like Fiends, Juggernauts, Reavers, Corehounds, Demonesses, Inquisitors, won't stand a ghost of a chance here.
  • Here comes another issue that I want to bring up is that the Heroes are quite selfish. As in, they have no Aura that benefits allies and no AoE heal. Arcane Disruption is good, but since it has a short cooldown and restores both HP and Mana by a lot, it only shines when you use on units that need to spam a lot of spells, despite not having enough Mana to do so, or in other words, Strength heroes.
  • And now, let's ignore everything I just said, because for some ungodly reason, their final bases stop producing units the moment I snipe their Trees of Eternity with Beholders, making the last section of the mission trivial.
  • Also, if every Night Elf is benefitting from the Demigod Aura at all time, why not just set their base stat higher in the first place?
  • Cenarius is a pathetic excuse of a boss. All he does is Rooting random unit, and summoning...Corrupted Treants? Why? And as if that's not anticlimactic enough, Archimonde has to show up at the last second to say the most generic shit ever right before an abrupt end.

In conclusion:

- Pros:
  • Diverse mission type.
  • Custom techtrees and Heroes that are generally fun to use, despite me complaining about the balance issues and lack of polish.
  • Good terrain design and little bug.
- Cons:
  • The plot has potential, but in the end, everyone is just treated as another generic Legion thug.
  • Units can use more interesting upgrades. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but just visually appealing is enough. Things like Burst and Demolish just don't tickle my fancy at all.
  • Powercreep and difficulty curve is a big problem. If I'm the one who has to fix it, I won't even be sure where to start.
  • Chaos Berserk.

Overall, I'll give this a 4/5, mostly because I appreciate the effort put into making the terrain. If you make Fiend, Reavers, and Juggernauts more fun to use, I'll raise it to 5. No cap.

P.S: Am I the only one here against the fact that many Demon units deal Chaos damage, since it should be a special attack type reserved for strongest units like Wrathguards?
  • Are you seriously paid to try Fiend's only ability? God! It's like buying Winrar!
  • I don't have any problem with the change of the damage type on many units.
  • All the other things is correct, and I highly respect it, and value it.
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Level 14
Mar 27, 2015
Just finished your campaign, and I'm gonna drop my review here. I'm gonna ignore all of the grammar/spelling mistakes, because that would be too nitpicky, and instead focusing on the gameplay.

- Chapter 1:
  • Starting off strong with Jaraxxus, since he has a good skill set to deal with Dalaran mages. Lifesteal and Rage makes him a potent auto-attacker.
  • Hiding the lever behind runes and trees is a nice touch, too.
  • However, the side quest is...eh. Tight corridors with ranged enemies, and my reinforcements are three waves of basic infantry unit - Fiends, with 0/0 upgrade and a big ass Collision Size? Also, Chaos damage on them in this specific level is a nerf, since they'll actually deal less damage to Medium armor. If they have Normal damage, they'll do more against Medium, and still the same against Heavy/Unarmored.
  • Mages also have the wrong abilities stated on their training card (idk how to call it). It says they have Slow and Invisibility, but he has Firebolt instead. Also, Chaplains don't use Heal at all.

- Chapter 2:
  • The start of Sironas' reign.
  • She is the savior of the Legion, and the bane of this campaign. AoE damage, critical damage, HP/mana restore that can be cast on friendly units AND self for only 70 mana and AoE movement speed debuff. Everything has to be balanced around the fact that she can keep my Heroes alive, while destroying theirs, which makes the powercreep skyrockets in the later chapters, but we'll get to that later.
  • Why can't whoever in charge of opening portals (Tichondrius, Jaraxxus, Sironas) just throw a bunch of troops behind the enemy lines using portals, instead of mounting a frontal assault?
  • Jaraxxus 'sacrificed the dead to their masters'. If the sacrifice were already dead by the time they were sacrificed, how could the sacrifices be sacrificed as a sacrifice?
  • There's also an opportunity to explore the relationship/dynamic between Sironas and Jaraxxus, but unfortunately, nothing interesting happens.
  • Malevolence Aura says in the description that it "decreases friendly units' move speed and regen rate", which is, obviously, not the case. Also, it shows up as a positive buff on enemy units.
  • The Orcish transport ship is a Gold Mine?
  • As for the Juggernaut, its splash damage do more harm than good. I'm guessing that I need to use Cores as my frontline, so that the splash damage will blow it up, which in turn blow up the enemy attack wave?

- Chapter 3:
  • Thank the God for Core Hounds. Their abilities to just Devour any threats on the field is insane.
  • Speaking of Devour, Lv3 Kraator has Spell Immunity instead of Resistant Skin. In hindsight, this is an upgrade, but in this chapter, it actually makes him more vulnerable to Devour and Ensnare.
  • The Harpies will still talk to me even if I kill them prior to returning the Bloodfeather quest.

- Chapter 4:
  • The dead Dreadlord is just a stupid plot device. There's also a chance to set up a betrayal plot here (Dal'vengyr set Anathemon up, then leave him to death), but then again, nothing happens later on.
  • Fel Reavers are nice, or at least, would be nice if it weren't for the fact that many enemy structures are behind indestructible barricades for some ungodly reasons.
  • Also, I can say that, without a doubt, Chaos Berserk is the worst ability I ever use. The vanilla Fiends are at least cannon fodders, but this ability makes me pay 50 Gold for each, just to make them deal a teensy bitsy more damage before they commit unalive.

- Chapter 5:
  • The perfect character for assassination. Let's see, someone who can sneak around, seducing/convincing others, can corrupt weakened souls and bend them to their will would fit the bill. And for that reason, Tichondrius sent Si- Morgan! This 900-pound ass-whooper crawls out of hell with his LV3 Hellslap that has a 35% chance to deal 300 fucking damage to anyone who's unlucky enough to even go near him and his Magma Skin that reduces attack damage!
  • Also Wrathguards with 50% attack rate debuff is quite good on this mission to lock down key targets, but in the end, Hellslap just does 90% of the work. Talking about powercreep.

- Chapter 6:
  • Oh god Sironas and Morgan joined force.
  • This level is absolutely easy if the Northern base is dealt with early. As for the rest, spam Wrathguards and Beholders to assist the broken Heroes. It's definitely not like these two are the only viable units in this evergrowing powercreep of this campaign or anything.

- Chapter 7:
+ More boring than the previous chapters tbh. Just push, put down Shrine, use Heroes to draw aggro from Ancient Protectors, use Kratorr's taunt to draw Hippogryph Riders, use Beholders to wipe the rest, rinse and repeat.

- Chapter 8:
  • Once again, powercreep prevails. Enemies send tons of each of units each attack wave, and they're a combination of: Forest Guards, with Bash to deal with any melee aggravator; Dryads, coming in batches of tens or more and are immune to spell; Huntresses/Glaive Throwers for massive AoE damage when stacked up; and lastly, Hippogryphs. The only realistic way to deal with them is to use Arcane Disruption on your Heroes, especially Morgan, for them to outsustain and kill all these things. Units like Fiends, Juggernauts, Reavers, Corehounds, Demonesses, Inquisitors, won't stand a ghost of a chance here.
  • Here comes another issue that I want to bring up is that the Heroes are quite selfish. As in, they have no Aura that benefits allies and no AoE heal. Arcane Disruption is good, but since it has a short cooldown and restores both HP and Mana by a lot, it only shines when you use on units that need to spam a lot of spells, despite not having enough Mana to do so, or in other words, Strength heroes.
  • And now, let's ignore everything I just said, because for some ungodly reason, their final bases stop producing units the moment I snipe their Trees of Eternity with Beholders, making the last section of the mission trivial.
  • Also, if every Night Elf is benefitting from the Demigod Aura at all time, why not just set their base stat higher in the first place?
  • Cenarius is a pathetic excuse of a boss. All he does is Rooting random unit, and summoning...Corrupted Treants? Why? And as if that's not anticlimactic enough, Archimonde has to show up at the last second to say the most generic shit ever right before an abrupt end.

In conclusion:

- Pros:
  • Diverse mission type.
  • Custom techtrees and Heroes that are generally fun to use, despite me complaining about the balance issues and lack of polish.
  • Good terrain design and little bug.
- Cons:
  • The plot has potential, but in the end, everyone is just treated as another generic Legion thug.
  • Units can use more interesting upgrades. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, but just visually appealing is enough. Things like Burst and Demolish just don't tickle my fancy at all.
  • Powercreep and difficulty curve is a big problem. If I'm the one who has to fix it, I won't even be sure where to start.
  • Chaos Berserk.

Overall, I'll give this a 4/5, mostly because I appreciate the effort put into making the terrain. If you make Fiend, Reavers, and Juggernauts more fun to use, I'll raise it to 5. No cap.

P.S: Am I the only one here against the fact that many Demon units deal Chaos damage, since it should be a special attack type reserved for strongest units like Wrathguards?
Hi thanks for the review, much appreciated.

By the way, I imagine that people are not so connected to the plot and abilities that I created, but in general I intend to update my campaigns according to the things that people have written to me, so there is something to look forward to :)
Level 11
Dec 31, 2008
Just finished playing it. I don't have much else to add, except for some cinematics.

1) It would be nice if they can be skippable.
2) Sometimes, when some cinematics occurs during team fights, units aren't paused and ended up beeing killed; while I just stand there and watch them die. (For example: the mission you have to corrupt Night Elf bases to create satyrs).
3) If harpies kill the kodos, I think the message does not upgrade, but it counts as wins so it isn't so much trouble.
4) I agree with the ending cinematic, it does end abruptly. I would suggest maybe doing it something more... victorious? heroic? dunno the world i'm looking for...

edit: Also I realized at the end of the campaign there is a 'TEST' map. Dunno if that's intended, but there it is :p

But overall I had fun, congrats and thank you for finishing this campaign, it shows you have put a lot of effort to it.
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